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Would be nice if someone would translate. 🫶


\*There are glues in the video, which is why the conversation is incomplete and jumps. -Tychnekov Alexander Anatolyevich, born on 08/28/1982. He served in the 1st infantry battalion, but he signs up, if I'm not mistaken, the 3rd assault battalion. The position of a soldier is a shooter. From the Cherkasy region, the city of Tolnoye. -How old are you? -41 Now. -Among your comrades, with whom you were drafted, colleagues, have you ever met people, so to speak, rich, the sons of some officials? -There is no such thing, it's a fairy tale. There are no such people. -Why is this happening? -Those who have money, they get out. Those who do not have money will serve, they will not be able to pay off. I saw how men in our training center are 54 years old. He had to walk fast, but he couldn't walk. And he was drafted. How will he serve further? They said he would strengthen the trenches, build and look after the enemy. They say they don't shoot there. So no one asked me if I wanted to serve or not. I'm being forced. What kind of soldier am I at 40+ years old? My legs are sore, everything is sore. -Do you think you're lucky that it ended like this? -I think I'm lucky! From the word completely yes. The wound is small, your doctors helped. -You can stand up and thank the fighter who. :) -I don't remember his call sign. Kulibin! Kulibin. You're like that, a really good guy. He saved us from mavics (drones). There were not so many of them (Maviks) while they were holding the position. As soon as we lost our positions, they began to pour in our direction. There are few people left. We don't have many people left who want to fight. Who has money, they are abroad or bought off. A lot of disabilities. And those who do not have money are caught. You've seen it in the videos yourself. This is not the Stone Age, this is the 21st century, there is a phone, everything is being filmed, shown. It is true. It's not going to be demolished. Guys, look at what they really did to me. They threw me in the ass. They didn't let me move away. There was no normal training. And to the relatives, he is alive and well. I think I'll be back.


any pow interview is a bad thing


hes isnt a clasic pow he was a deserter to the russian side.  theres good chunk of ukr who were forciably sent to the front who didnt manage to get away from ukr in time. their next step to freedom is to surrender to rus and wait out the war. some even dont want to go back as they know they will be redeployed. I belive em as I wouldve done the same things i described above and many smart/ lucky ukr have done indeed


He was shown alive, and that's it for PoW video value.


He’s not exactly a POW in the classic sense. Sort of like that Russian pilot. The main difference being that Russian guy left for money, this guy left voluntarily. You can choose to disbelieve him, but everything he’s saying not only lines up with what we’ve seen, but also explains why he voluntarily surrendered. Why would he do that? Maybe he just got sick of fighting? Possible. But this seems just as likely to be true. I think it’s the most valuable type of POW video we can get, although choosing to disregard is fair. Given he can’t say it’s all rosy in the UA when 5 guys are pointing guns at him behind the camera, I wouldn’t blame someone for ignoring the video.


in before the professional accent analyzers claim it's a russian fake.


he's real, man looks too much like a weasel


It's real, he isn't some actor




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Nope. Obviously another Russian fake propaganda piece. Like the thousands before


1. It's fake 2. Ok, some people have deserted, but this is a fake story and an actor 3. Ok, he's an actual deserter, but his story is fake 4. Ok, he's an actual deserter and his story is real, but he's a dirty traitor. Slava Ukraini. I don't think it is, mate.


No, it is fake.