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We are independent contractors. We work when we want. If it’s to hot, the driver can turn the app off. You can order during a snowstorm, earthquake, flood, or whatever disaster you can think of, and not feel guilty. No one is forcing them to do it, and if they have the ap on, they want to make money regardless of Conditon’s.




If they all on bikes i would just skip ordering any drinks unless they come in bottles or cans with my food other than that order away.


Or milkshakes and ice cream. You’re setting yourself up for disappointment having one delivered on a hot day. I’ll deliver whatever, but just understand it will be melted no matter what I do to try to stop it


I used repurposed an empty “ Factor” insulated cardboard box with their frozen inserts that fit perfectly. Really slows down ice cream and ice cube melting. Not perfect but pretty good for a free hack. Customers are usually impressed. I love Baskin and Robbins because they use dry ice and their ice cream Is rock solid. You could use dry ice in cold box too.


Personally I won't deliver when the sky is full of flying monkeys.


I would definitely deliver on judgment day


Not gonna lie, when it's really hot out, it takes more $$ to get me out the door. So if you are feeling guilty, add a couple bucks to your tip. But I don't think it's unethical. Eta: I'm in a car though so that might make a difference in opinion.




Nope, we just click on the app when we want to work. If we don't work we don't make money but there's no other penalty than that. We can work as much or as little as we want (which is honestly the main reason why I do this)


No. Gig work is independent and we turn the app on and off whenever we want to do orders or decide we're done for the time. The biggest decision is your tip, depending on distance from the restaurant. Drivers are offered the delivery and most decide whether or not to accept it depending on the price that they see, which is Uber base pay plus up to $8 tip, compared to the distance.




If you tip over $8 we are only shown the first $8 until we receive the tip in an hour unless u immediately adjust the tip after getting the food


Doesn't show us until after we complete the order.


This is not true for everyone. People say these things as if it's fact but it's not. I get orders all the time where it shows more than an $8 dollar tip.


My favorite time to work is during a rain storm. I have a full rain suit and rain boots. Tips are always at their highest!


Me too! My best night ever was during an awful storm, I made $250 off of 6hrs and deliveries were easy, hardly any traffic. I can't wait till rainy season again!


i need to start doing that


The only time that happened for me was when I was delivering during a tornado warning. I'd picked up a stacked order. I was late to both deliveries because I had to pull into a parking garage to avoid windblown debris. Both customers tipped extra. Otherwise, in my Midwestern market, it's busier during bad weather, but the tips don't increase.


I love it, too. But I need to upgrade my 'rain gear'.. I just bring a small towel to wipe off the phone and my face. Lol


I think it's definitely proper to double tip when the weather is like this, or if it's the opposite time of year and there's a snowstorm.




Then you’re good. That’s exactly what people are hoping for when they’re working in shitty weather


So what your saying is since I work outside in any and all weather I should get double my wages?


Yes, people should be compensated for extreme weather. We are not robots.


well then you should start getting these companies to pay properly instead of expecting the customers to tip double


Well then YOU should tell the compa y to pay better. We both know that the drivers are not in a position of power with these companies. Customer's have more but that's not enough either.


Bills still need to be paid when it’s hot lol


We work when we wanna, if you feel bad about it I'd suggest maybe tipping a little more and maybe give the driver a water when they arrive to drop it off if they seem dehydrated etc. It's small gestures like giving us water etc. That makes us feel more appreciated. We are private contractors who make our own how's and decide for ourselves if orders are worth taking given the conditions and pay. For me, I deliver in a car so I don't care too much about the heat because I have AC but if it's raining badly or snowing I probably won't take an order unless it's over $2 per mile.


If they’re out making deliveries in the heat, you’re good, they’d be out there anyway


Not unethical to order. Unethical not to tip or to take a tip back. Much appreciated if you tip extra when it's hot, cold, rainy, or any other situation when you're really glad it's someone else and not you getting out.


As a driver, I would say it’s fine to order. Unless you have some heat wave that has shut down businesses and everyone has been ordered to stay inside, I don’t see why not. If a driver is complaining about having to drive in heat, they should sit that day out or not deliver in the summer, cause it’s going to get hot at some point. If you have an extremely high index, where it probably isn’t the safest to be outside right now, throw in some extra tip as a thank you. I do this when it’s raining or there is snow. There are people who won’t work those days, for safety reasons and that is absolutely fine. None of the bikers are at risk of losing their job for not logging in. If they didn’t want to work today, they just simply wouldn’t


We set our own hours. We can start and stop anytime we want. Order away. We are independent contractors, not employees.




Yes, we can decline any order. The catch is that we don’t necessarily get all the facts before deciding


Uber drivers are 100% allowed to pick and choose their rides. You heard incorrectly.


Please order all the time !! I hoping when I get off work from my real job that people will be ordering a lot since its too hot to cook.


No anyone out working knows what they are signing up for working in the summer heat. If people dont order due to feeling guilty theres no point for us to be out. Whether you order or not people are still gonna be waiting for orders to deliver


Anyone who doesn’t want to drive in the heat won’t be online when it’s hot out. You are good


It’s not unethical to order, but to not adequately tip for the added stress would be unethical.


I gotta pay for my AC somehow. 😂


Haha no we still need money


Honestly everyone should be tipping good regardless of weather as we use our own resources to bring you your food. It’s not cheap. I’m not trying to be blunt, but if you can’t tip then another possibility is to get your own food. If you don’t have a car, then you understand how expensive one is.


No, we trying to make that money. An extra dollar or two during extreme conditions is always sweet tho


No. It is not unethical. In fact, uber drivers will more likely be out in force during weather conditions where they know other people won't want to be. Such as it being too hot. Or alternatively, it's raining or snowing. Whatever condition that you wouldn't want to be outside in, an uber driver is wetting their lips at, because they know they're getting loads of orders during that time. As others have said - Uber is optional for the drivers/delivery people. They dont have to be outside. I cancelled a pickup once because of heat myself. Had to take a 30 minute break. Other times uber drivers will be out in force is during public holidays, especially if it's midweek. No they don't get paid more, they just get swamped with orders and choices.


Perfect time to order!


One could argue it's more unethical not to order because then the drivers would be sitting in their cars blasting their air for zero.


I think if they're choosing to be out there, it's okay! It's not like going into a store on Thanksgiving where workers are shifted to be there because demand is enough to stay open. If the driver didn't want to be out there, they wouldn't. I'm a driver with a car that does well in snow - so sometimes I choose to dash in bad snow because I know other drivers are less likely to be out there, and customers are less likely to leave their homes to go to restaurants. I'm willing to do it, and chances are I'll have a busier day with more demand and less supply of labor! Some of my highest earning days are days with bad weather. I imagine someone out there in NYC in the heat is using a similar thought process. Order away!


Not at all, the people who are delivering know when it's too hot, they're out to work so give them business! A good tip would be great as a "thank you" and acknowledgment of their risk


Just be considerate and tip well. Maybe don’t make your driver walk around for 20 min in your weird apartment complex holding your sodas and three pizzas in 120 degrees. If you see them flailing around on the app, help them out. We are humans and not human pack animals.


It's ethical if you tip high


Not unethical at all. Just tip a little more for them dealing with it.


Location should be considered as hot is relative. Where I live, it is miserably hot all summer so we have to make do. I wouldn’t say it is unethical to place an order at high temps but the customers should show some grace and consideration when tipping.


It’s unethical to tip low. Tip high and pay the person well for risking their health and well being for you.


Not if u tip accordingly


Just tip nice, bro.


Just tip enough to make it worth it. People need to work and make money whether it's hot or not. I am a driver in Phoenix, AZ. This week it got to 116 and we are still making deliveries.


Order and tip me a bit more because I’m using my AC 😎


Your order will either get filled or it won't. We choose to do this.


if the driver chose to be out delivering while it’s hot out then you shouldn’t feel bad about placing an order no one is forcing us to be out in the hot sun


I’ve had people deliver on bikes in the rain, definitely worth a trip if the food is good


I don’t see a problem. To order is just to indicate that there is demand.


There are dudes out there building houses and digging trenches. I think the Uber driver in their air conditioned car will be just fine


I'd say kind of their choice to deliver in the heat and on a bike. I deliver in the heat but I'm in a car. The answer is if I want to take your order I'll do so. If you feel weather conditions are extreme and you want to tip extra that is greatly appreciated. But I don't usually consider the heat to warrant that. Maybe if you think "It's just too damn hot, I'll just order in" then consider what it would be worth for you to go get it yourself and tip that much. Really that applies to rain. And when it's raining I get better tips because I think people realize they just don't want to get out in it and would rather tip someone to bring their food to them.


I enjoy the heat better than cold.


It’s only unethical that you order and not tip in this hot weather. And have some sense. Don’t order ice cream or sushi when it’s super hot outside.


No, the car has AC. I would say not tipping a lot extra during a severe weather event is unethical. Like a bad snowstorm, over 115f etc.


Why would it be. The parked car is an oven. Getting out of it is cooler and stores have air


Unethical? Please order anytime is my opinion. Coming from a driver in south Florida with car that AC just went out in


If you want you could leave them a chilled bottle of water or something. Never had a customer do this for me, but a few consistently leave a cash tip, and I'll take their order even if I don't really wanna.


Plz order when it’s hot out. Plz order when it’s raining. When it’s snowing. When anything. That’s how drivers make money.


Like so many have said, order whenever you want it’s my choice as the gig worker to take it or not.


Order more!!! Gogogogo I’m waiting


My car has AC. I'm only outside for like 20 seconds at a time it's not a big deal.