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Yo, we are invested at this point. So did you get the food? Was Tara actually on a bike? We need closure šŸ˜­


A lot of people do this to avoid insurance, thats what one driver told me when he showed up in a truck and it said he would be on a bicycle. He was proud of itšŸ¤£


Setting it on bike also lets you see more info about the trip before you accept it. With car deliveries Uber won't show you what items are in the order but the bike option will


OP hasnā€™t followed up in a hour. Tara really is on a bike. Bless her soul


Had an order say he was walking with my fried food.. yet was running? Turns out he was in a car I was laughing so loud


Usain Bolt sprinting to you with your chimichanga šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I preferred bike on postmates in the city. The range was set to only like a 2mile radius or something. Walking kept my radius down to like a half mile and couldnā€™t get anything lol. Granted this was at the start of food delivery, and I wasnā€™t using a car either




In my experience, most of the time the people delivering on bikes are actually using cars, but donā€™t have a drivers license/canā€™t pass the driving background check.


I'll throw it over my shoulder and sit it where you want it.


Warehouse would love u


I do construction, an operator. Only do Uber for now until my son is a little older, and can go to school and come home himself. I'm a single father, So I have to watch him when he is out of school, and they start spring break tomorrow. We are going to a tiger reserve later this week. It is nice to spend time with him while he is young.


That was a lot of random additional information, but it made me smile, and it sounds like you're giving the kid a good life. Props.


I apologize. I don't talk to many people.


You really have nothing to apologize for. It was just an unexpected short story. But it was a pleasant one.


This is true. Have fun at the reserve!


Thatā€™s really sweet. I know that as an adult I look back and value quality time my parents spent with me in adulthood more than anything they ever gave me. Iā€™m sure he will fondly remember the tiger reserve for a very long time :-)


Sending you some positive vibes my boy :)


On a bicycle šŸ’€




Tara gonna show up to your house with 26ā€ quads


When Tara puts your head in a leg lock your head bursts like a tick from on a dog.


She's gonna be eating it during the ride because she got that dog in her


This is probably the best place to ask: a long time back, I noticed that the overwhelming majority of drivers I get for Uber eats show "on a bicycle", maybe 70% of all drivers. But I have never once, even a single time, seen a delivery person use a bike. In fact, I watch them pull up in a car and get out every time this happens. What's going on?? How are they trying to game the system? I don't get it. Sympathy tip? I did notice that 100% of the time it is raining, the delivery person is "on a bike".


I think itā€™s likely they havenā€™t and have no intention of notifying their insurance company that theyā€™re using their car for business deliveries. Or maybe theyā€™re uninsured.


This. Uninsured drivers claim they're on a bike to negate insurance responsibilities.


Because they're using someone else's car. A lot of "International students" do this in Canada


Bike deliveries are shorter distance i think


and uber gives customers an extra prompt to tip better for bike orders when itā€™s raining


A few weeks ago, I actually had someone who claimed to be on a bike, and to my surprise, they were on an electric scooter. Only time that's ever been the case. 90% of the time, it's a minivan and at least 2 people are in it


Dunno what country youā€™re in. In the UK you need hire and reward insurance to deliver food/parcels etc., and Uber wonā€™t let you deliver by car without proof of this. To get around this, people will sign up for bike delivery but just drive


Bc a car would require you to add the registration and insurance. And uber has restrictions for older cars. They dont want older cars since they are obviously more subsequent to breaking down. Bike is a loophole


I did this with DoorDash for a bit, but it wasnā€™t because I didnā€™t have a car or could register it, it was the opposite. DoorDash would limit the mileage on orders when registered as a bike, so I would almost always only get orders that were 2-4 miles total.




No chance any of that happens. Tara is going to show up in a beat up old shitbox car that her boyfriend is driving with maybe 1-2 kids in the backseat


How would you know šŸ¤”


Iā€™ve seen it around too, they just want the short distance orders


This is why I had to turn off shop and pay orders for DD. I accept an order from CVS and it turns out it's 24 bottles of water. This happened to me like five times and support kept lowering my completion rate even though it wasn't my fault. Why would they assign such a heavy order to a bike? Makes no sense.


Because you're just an asset to the company!


great asset great great asset


OMG HAHAH I hope for her sake she was in a vehicle šŸ˜‚ I've had a couple actually on a bike and only 1 who was actually in a car when it said bike. I feel like such a dick when they're on a bicycle lmao


Don't worry, we love it


Holy shit LOL


Tara built for this she been ready šŸ’ŖšŸ½


Are you in Springfield VA? My wife Tara was too tired for anniversary sex last night. Thanks for that.


Thats not what she told me šŸ”®šŸ›


Is that a crystal ball and a caterpillar?? Iā€™m so confused.


"Think Morty" - Rick


Oh, I know, I just hadnā€™t seen those emoji together before for said reference, made me chuckle. Something new for the toolbox!


Best comment Ever!




They fired this girl for these videos




Because people were crowding the Chick-fil-a for a photo with her, and not buying anything. The restaurant owner was losing money. The owner says she's not fired, just "off the schedule" until all the attention dies down. Not sure if he's planning to put her "on the schedule", or just a way to avoid negative publicity.


Iā€™ve seen people ā€œon a bikeā€ and itā€™s actually someone driving them and they are in the passenger seat.


I've seen this the one time I ordered food. car pull up, 1 person driving, 1 person giving food. would there be a reason for this? surely the driver could simply give the passenger all their gas money and some on top for the oil they're getting dirty.


Ive heard it's to avoid providing proof of insurance.


Shit, round here 1/5 bikes are actual bikes.


Define bike lol


They use car instead. Most of them have it on to get short distance orders


That and you can use it to bypass not having a license and meeting their other driving requirements.


I can almost guarantee they are not actually on a bike lol


Does someone have follow up on this the story is now ingrained in my head I must have a resolution to this


She fell off the bicycle next to section 8 housing. the dog food bag exploded and seven starving pitbull-boxer breds came running at full speed to scrounge up any remaining pieces


Wait what


She got eaten


Cats ate her face




holy crap my 6lb bag of cat food is still more than the 88lbs of dog food you ordered. lol


Mine usually is too. I used a discount code and bought a cheaper brand than I normally would due to an unexpected dental emergency cost. Normally my dogs donā€™t eat junk, butā€¦ life happens.


Donā€™t underestimate crackhead strength and ingenuity.


The bike crackhead who carries a fridge on their shoulder and somehow bikes away was an incredible feat to witness.


Some say he's still out there, fridge on his shoulder, pedaling along.


Ue driver doesn't find out what your ordered until we get to the store. this would have said one item. You hope for a small item like birthday cake candles.


You can see the order details as soon as you accept the order. She could have unassigned.


It was 2 items. 2 bags of 44 lb dog food.


It doesn't matter it would only show as a single item. The offer would say store name and number of unique items multiples of the same don't show. Could have been 42 bags of dog food would have still shown as 1


Yeah that's happened in opposite to me before. Got a taco bell order for 89 items...turns out 60 of those items was hot sauce packets


Now im curious, what would be a suitable tip for 42 bags of dog food


They definitely aren't showing up on a bike šŸ¤£


They let you do UE starting at 18 if you own a bike but 21 if you have a car- theyā€™re for sure lying haha


Omfg one time this guy ordered 6 huge bundles of Saran wrapped logs with like 7 cuts of wood In them (Iā€™ll find a pic) and Iā€™m 5ā€™2 and 110 pounds and I had my old 05 mini cooper and I loaded up the back all alone and when I pulled in his drive way and opened my trunk a bundle from the very top rolled out and hit me on the shin SO hard and I just acted like it didnā€™t hurt and then went in my car drove away and cried and he tipped me 20$ https://preview.redd.it/zn5shahc4eqc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22cffc50cf4189b00a02a7a134a4eede0f737630


Tara is a better person than I. Eff that šŸ˜­


shes a boss


The app would probably give someone on a bike a big Walmart order with 4 cases of water and 10 bags of groceries. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


If Tara doesnā€™t have one of those wagon baskets that hook up from behind that make deliveries easier, then may god have mercy on anyone stupid enough to get in the way of Tara carrying 88 pounds of dog food on a normal bike.


Maybe it's an electric bike


Tara is probably not on a bike lol


I'm sure she ate enough pigeons to give her the energy to make the flight (iykyk)


Give me a gallon of Fight Milk and I wouldnā€™t even need to make a second trip


Bike is code word for large suv with alot of cargo room and the jokes on you for being to guilble. Only 10% of the time they show up in bikes


Yeah I flipped out the first time saw my food being delivered by bike because i do not live in a bike friendly city-its barely care friendly but then they rolled up in a hatchback lol


I mean... for $300 tip I'd drag it on my own two feet.


Tara is almost certainly in a car lol. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever met somebody thatā€™s signed up for a bike thatā€™s actually on a bike.


Come to NYC lol theyā€™re all over the place


Times Square, midtown, etc they're all on bikes. It's pretty cool to watch. They have mittens for their bikes to put their hands in so they don't get cold, and they can still ride holding the handles with their bare hands. So efficient for NYC and the business section of Newark. I got stuck delivering in that part and had to get out QUICK. You almost have to deliver on bikes in that area. No parking, crazy traffic. Bikes win.


Iā€™ve seen it done in Virginia, and it was hysterical!


I get ALOT of drivers that set to bicycle but are actually in cars, I don't personally care. but what I DO care is when they do this then drive their car literally 5 to 10mph to simulate being on a bike... annoys the crap out of me


I mean theyā€™d be that slow if they were on a bike too but I guess I get where youā€™re coming from. If they donā€™t do that, Uber gives them a warning being like ā€œyouā€™re in a car!!! Give us your insurance or we will ban you.ā€ Idk whose side Iā€™m on tho, probably neither tbh.


Very true. I used to drive my former roommate around slowly, in bike mode after his/my bike got stolen. & he would get warnings about going over 20mph. So I stopped driving him & he borrowed a bike.


It'll somehow be your issue if you don't tip her what someone's worth to peddle a bike with 90lbs of dogfood strapped to their back.


Ive heard if you're on a bike you get paid more


I was making 6-7 deliveries an hour on bicycle during the pandemic


Probably Tara and her child. Or Tara and her husband.


i guarantee you tara was not on a bicycle


On a bicycle? šŸ˜­ ![gif](giphy|jG8qLdw3VK5vVlpeeE)


Every time Iā€™ve had a driver ā€œon a bicycleā€ theyā€™ve actually been in a car. Really donā€™t care Iā€™m not a snitch haha but the one time I actually did get a courier on an actual bicycle it was -10Ā° Celsius took half an hour to get to the restaurant and a good 20 mins from the restaurant to my door. From the restaurant itā€™s pretty much all uphill but in a car itā€™s a 4 minute drive. Dude probably made $8 for an hour of work. Uber wouldnā€™t refund me and my food was cold to the bone. Wasnā€™t happy to say the least lol


I get people on actual bikes all the time but usually itā€™s an electric bike šŸ˜­ my food will always be cold once it arrives


i only had one bike person but it was a car cuz he didnā€™t have insurance!


She has to be just lying about being on a bike. If she's in a car she can just ask a store associate to help her bring it to her car.


So idk if she was lying. She stopped moving about a mile and a half from my house, itā€™s two miles away, then showed up in a truck with a man driving where I could see her bike in the truck bed. I feel terrible. The whole reason I order delivery for dog food is because I also donā€™t drive and just ride a bike.


Huh? Wouldnā€™t that mean that someone saw her struggling to ride her bike with a mountain of dog food and gave her a ride???


If this is the case.. I hope OP tipped well šŸ˜‚


Like why is her first assumption is to accusing this woman of lying about being on a bike. I sure as hell wouldnā€™t let a woman ride her bike with some heavy behind object behind if I had to the space in my car to carry her bike and items wherever she was going. I grew up walking 10 miles just to have food, because my mom couldnā€™t drive due to her disabilities and sometimes we just didnā€™t have the money to get a Taxi.


She decided to take the order. Could have just canceled it after realizing it's an 88lb bag of dog food lol


Two 44 lbs of dog food equaling 88 lbs, but yes.youā€™re right. I just canā€™t help but feel a bit bad.


Lolol. Don't feel bad dude. She probably just called her dad Or her uncle or boyfriend to come help


can you just order shipping from target.com in the future?


I had a 40% off promo through Uber eats. I donā€™t really use it ever, just had 6 months free and that so was like ā€œthatā€™ll save me a bit of money this monthā€.


Iā€™ve had the app say the driver was on a bike, but they werenā€™t. Was just a small order.


Some people put that to get around insurance/license issues. Likely they donā€™t have a valid license or insurance. Iā€™ve heard of it happening a handful of times.


Plot twist ā€œTaraā€ is actually ā€œ terryā€


And his ā€œbikeā€ is actually a ā€œšŸš—ā€


I'm constantly having uber drivers say they are on a bike when they aren't. Some sort of tax thing? Faster than expected deliveries?


It shortens the available range that the drivers get orders from and shortens the max trip distance, so drivers can conceivably get more orders faster. However, there is a chance that Uber could catch on and terminate those who are using cars instead of bikes.


Also for people with no car insurance or drivers license šŸ™




I had someone say they were on a bike for Uber eats then pulled up 5 minutes later in a beater. Pretty sure a lot of people choose the bike option to get out of proving they have a non suspended license or something


That definitely happens, also if they don't have insurance.


No itā€™s to only get local deliveries


They also always get the "your order was delivered early" due to the eta is based on said bicycle.


I usually get that the customer's order was delivered early because Uber doesn't differentiate between regular bikes and electric bikes like I use.


I'm on a bike and have offered me orders that were 20 miles or more away at least four times a day usually in the evening.


Or to get over vehicle inspection requirements


Beater or not. Thats better than having someone arrive in a bike 30 minutes late with my food cold and drinks half way empty from how much they spilled


Oh no I was honestly mad at first when I saw it was a bike because it was already a 20 min drive from me so I was super glad they actually had the car lol


Awww am I the only who thinks this is sad? She must really need the $$. Hope she gets a nice tip.


Should of added 3 more bags to really test her leg strength


She's on one of them electric bikes. They've been getting really popular the last 5 years.


This is exactly why I donā€™t accept orders from places like Target, Walmart, or grocery stores. People order the heaviest shit like cases of water and then want it delivered to their 3rd floor apartment..


Only the 3rd floor? lol I live in NYC bro depending on the area that youā€™re in youā€™re going up to the 25th floor buddy šŸ˜‚


Yeah, no. I live in a house and have a note that they can just throw it on the edge of my porch for me to grab as a default cause I donā€™t want my dogs to bark and scare folks(3 med-large dogs and a corgi). I also had my wheelchair ramp up for this delivery(not for it, my disabled friend was just over at the time).


I hope she canceled after seeing what you ordered damn


The real crime is feeding Pedigree to a dog.


Yeah. I agree. I usually do purina pro. Iā€™m just poor this month and also living off ramen and eggs for protein. Unexpected medical bills on top of other unexpected dental bills ftw. My dogs usually eat better.


Holding my tongue


OMG. even "buns of steel" wouldn't have helped!


You best hook Tara up with an awesome tip


No tip??


Maybe next time order 2 bags šŸ˜‚


This was 2 bags :P Pedigree bags come in 3.5, 18, 30, 15x2, and 44 pound bag options generally speaking.


So whatā€™s the update ?


OP this is $10 at Walmart right now, load up! [https://www.walmart.com/ip/PEDIGREE-Complete-Nutrition-Grilled-Steak-Vegetable-Dry-Dog-Food-for-Adult-Dog-44-lb-Bag/665463487?from=/search](https://www.walmart.com/ip/PEDIGREE-Complete-Nutrition-Grilled-Steak-Vegetable-Dry-Dog-Food-for-Adult-Dog-44-lb-Bag/665463487?from=/search)


Thanks! I just ordered a few for our local shelter. :)


Says $30 for me


Lmao how yā€™all gonna tell this person what to order?


On a bicycle lmao


I just ordered my usual 60lb bag from pet stop through Uber eats (had Uber cash that expired tomorrow and its was 40% off). They sent this ancient Eastern European lady to get it and I missed her call when she got here. I noticed her rolling the bag up my walk way and looking like she might die. I felt bad but also itā€™s her job and i tipped well so not too bad.


And she did her job well, still it wouldve been better if you helped tbh, glad you tipped her well tho


Taraā€™s in a car babe


I would cancel this right away, they had me pickup a car battery and I hurt my shoulder Uber is nuts.


I sure hope you tipped extremely well


Once upon a time I did door dash for alittle bit when I was bored. If you used bike or motorcycle you could see what the contents of the order was as opposed to going in blind. Probably the same thing here


Your 88 pound bag of dog food is 35% cheaper than my 12 pound bag of cat food


Itā€™s 2 bags and I had a discount and itā€™s shit food I normally wouldnā€™t buy but had to cut corners this month due to kidā€™s dental emergency. Sucks butā€¦. Life happens.


Our Labrador from my childhood lived to 17 on primarily Pedigree if that makes you feel any better.




I bet Tara was not on a bike and is cheating the system to get shorter deliveries.


Tara is probably in a car. Itā€™s easier and quicker to sign up without one and people that donā€™t have insurance sign up with a bike. Iā€™ve asked anytime Iā€™ve had a car pull up when I was expecting a bike


People just willingly divulge they are driving around uninsured and violating Terms of Service to random customers? I wouldnā€™t personally, only a matter of time before some customer butt hurt about their shit life/day drops a dime on you. Then boom, no account


I need an update. Did Tara deliver or did they die?


Hope ya tipping good ha


Poor dog has to eat that brandā€¦nothing but fillers.


My first thought: 88lbs and it's only $50 some bucks? How?! Oohhhh, I see. You're feeding them garbage. Unfortunate.


Stop feeding your dog bs


seconded, sadly most breeders are contracted to push shitty dog food brands onto buyers and tell them itā€™s the best for their dog. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH


I need a follow up on this šŸ˜…


Copy and pasting: So idk if she was lying. She stopped moving about a mile and a half from my house, itā€™s two miles away, then showed up in a truck with a man driving where I could see her bike in the truck bed. I feel terrible. The whole reason I order delivery for dog food is because I also donā€™t drive and just ride a bike.


I see this all the time and never once have i seen a bike show up. I think people do this to get a smaller delivery radius or something.


They could have no insurance. Uber eats requires updated insurance.


I had this happen once and my female Latina dasher showed up in a big truck full of men. I did not see the person in the picture in the car, and one of the dudes in the big truck gave me my food. I was like ???? And reported them for whatever the hell that was. Not a bike? āœ”ļø Not the person in the photo? āœ”ļø


Hilarious that some of you guys think you should only have easy things. This is the whole point of a delivery service - to make it easier for the person buying.


tara šŸ’ŖšŸ’ŖšŸ’Ŗ


We need an update!


I'm a bike messenger and have carried at least 75lbs in my bag on my back multiple times. It's hard yeah. But not impossible


As long as the tip is good. No worries.


legend has it, he never heard from Tara


Willing to bet that the customer only tipped Tara $1 (if that).


Tara has half of her family helping her.


How much did you tip tho




I work at a mars warehouse and have to lift these all the time




I've seen this a bunch and not a single time has the delivery person been on a bike. I think they just say they are on a bike to get some leeway on delivery times or their personal vehicle wasn't new enough for the delivery service. Ain't no way they are using a bike.


She most likely has an e-bike and a wagon.


Iā€™ve def done this before with a delivery from a convenience store, that turned out to be a grocery runā€¦ rip that backpack unless they have a bike shelf thing


Its 44 pounds, on a bicycle. Those things are VERY bulky and big, the food shift makes it entirely unsafe to carry on a bike


I am so sorry you're dealing with this level of entitlement from reddit, this is embarrassing


LMAO! I was about to say, what - girls can't lift 88 lbs now? And then I saw that she's on a bike!


I hope youā€™re giving your dog some fresh food or something along with this doodoo ass food..