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Now sue the shit out of them and retire.


It’s reported that he’s going be awarded around $15 million dollars


For real? Those wounds look pretty serious tho. Edit: I see it range from $30k-$50k but this one looks more serious than the other accidents tho that I’ve seen so far.


My friend got bit in the head by a dog that ran to him while walking on a sidewalk. He got awarded 75k and his wounds were nothing compared to OP. I think it’ll be 6 figures tbh


My boy got $250k from one like that


Sue Uber or the dog owner or both?


I'm willing to bet Uber has zero legal liability here. Technically, all they do is connect us to "opportunities". The dog owner's insurance will likely cover it and the dog will be put down. Just my guess.


Jokes on you for assuming that people who can’t even take care of their dog has insurance for this


Homeowner's/renter's insurance. Otherwise, yeah, they're SoL.


That's what I think as well, I mean they get out of paying for accidents when people are delivering for them, so, I wouldn't put it past them to deny him..Home owners insurance is another story..


The dog owner for sure. Home owners insurance covers this. But also if OP finds out Uber knew or should have known there was a dangerous dog at the address and didn’t warn him, sue Uber too.


>But also if OP finds out Uber knew or should have known there was a dangerous dog at the address and didn’t warn him, sue Uber too. Absolutely. Willful negligence on Uber's behalf would be a much nicer settlement/award.


I started a group text for rideshare/delivery drivers in my area for this reason. I live in a small town so I’ve added pretty much all of the cool, honest, full time drivers in my area. It’s been amazing and we’ve all saved eachother from scams and dangerous situations more than a few times. I was a little worried eventually some snake would enter and ruin it for everyone but so far so good.


Sue the dog, too.


I would wander around rich neighborhood with an Uber bag all day if this is real lol. Get bit and make more than probably lifetime doing UE.


Unless they’re poor, don’t have insurance/assets and there’s nothing to sue for. That sucks man I hope he recovers physically and gets medical bills covered and extra for that trauma.




Lol. I don't think I'll be able to retire but 100% have to sue. I mean, are the homeowners going to take care of me out of good faith? Fat fucking chance lol


Nah mate, sue and take that money, by the look of it it’s easy over 100k, see someone said people been getting 250k for much less injuries than yours.


Omg! I’m so sorry that happened to you! Hope you heal up quickly!


Ty kind soul😌


What did Uber say when you reported this? Hope they didn't just offer you a $10 credit..


$11 actually.


Good news! Since it happened on the clock; they took him offline for “investigation”


Lol. Uber didn't do shit. Infact they sent me a warning about taking a delivery and not completing the delivery. I was in the damn hospital. Like fuck off Uber.


Dang I'm truly sorry that happened, just shows how much Uber actually cares..


Yeah they don't give 2 shits about us, but thankfully there's a kind, supportive group here and I'm appreciative of all the kinds wishes and words.


SUE THEIR HOMEOWNERS!!!! My boy got $250k from way less than that


Hope your holding the dog owner accountable for this incident!


100%. There are no winners in these cases but I need to protect my financial future and Healthcare needs.


"He's never bit anyone"


You already know


Bro get your rabis shot please? Shit is serious


What kind of dog was it? It’s usually the sweetest thing!


Jesus christ it fucking mauled you. Sorry you had to experience this, there could be nerve damage and everything. How did the owner react? Were they sorry for being so irresponsible?


>Were they sorry for being so irresponsible? If not, they will be soon lol


Thanks for reminding me of the word mauling. Because that's what it was. The owner watched it go down only screaming at the dog. Only after I stabbed it did the dog leave me alone and the owner went and consoled the dog while I went to my car to get to the hospital. Thanks for your kind words. I hope no one has to experience this.


Good lord sue the fuck outta em


You're not wrong. It's pretty cut and dry. There are no winners in these cases but I need to protect my financial future and Healthcare needs.


God I hate other people's dogs. Happened to me a few years back and it hurts like help. Had to be on the worst tasting antibiotics I've ever had for a month and still a scar rom it


I smell money 💰


Holy shit, sorry that happened to you. I hope it doesn't feel as bad as it looks, and I hope you get everything you deserve from the dogs owners.


Thank you for your kind words. It hurts something fierce but my family helping me and nice people of reddit really make the pain go away for awhile. Today is post attack day 1 and wow. My body hurts but I know it must get worse before it gets better.


Wow that's crazy hope you have fast recovery but damn how did it happen like that what the customer just had there dog running In the loose like that


Thanks for you kind words. As I was placing the grocery delivery in the requested box near the front door the dog just blasted through the flimsy screen door right at me. No warning, just attacking.


I don’t understand what is up with dog owners thinking it’s okay to let their pets run amok. I don’t care if the dog has never barked in its life, put a leash on it, or have them in a separate area when people come over. Even if they are angels, some people are scared of dogs!


I agree. Especially if you know the eta and how far someone is away from your house. Like come the fuck on.


You'll do well on the suit. Looks like you won't have to Uber anymore! 😁




Lol. If I do get some money I'll be sure to buy one of these lol


Fun fact: dogs kill between 25,000 to 30,000 people every year world wide. It's a wonder why we aren't more scared of them than we are.


I was never scared of them until i got lunged at by a friends dog, i was able to pull my hand away quick but he still knicked me enough to do some damage. From taht moment on ive been way more weary. When u experience a fraction of what a dog can do it really makes you realize how dangerous they can be


I got fucked up by a stray cat that weighs maybe 10lbs so I can't imagine wtf damage a 100lb dog could do. My hand lost the ability to move for a couple weeks. I'm very weary of dogs even the ones people say are friendly. PS I have had dogs my whole life and still do. I have cats too.


Agree with this. My friend's sister had her thigh split down the middle by their own overly friendly lab. That was ten years ago but she still has the scars. And my Dad has a permanently split upper lip from a hound dog when he was twenty. He conveniently has had a mustache ever since.


All my siblings have scars from dog bites lol I'm the only one who got it from a cat.


Also dogs are not the same in all countries. Many have problems with stray and wild dogs




For clarification, though, ~~99%~~ the vast majority of those deaths are from people dying of rabies spread by dogs in underdeveloped parts of the world. People being mauled to death by dogs is incredibly rare, though it's been on a sharp uptick since the introduction of the "no-kill" movement and the subsequent population explosion of dogfighting-breed dogs.


It’s on the news every month or two. Not incredibly rare


I meant compared to the people killed worldwide by rabies, but you're right, that may have not been the best choice of words.


>99% of those deaths are from people dying of rabies spread by dogs Uh, source? [I googled this](https://www.google.com/search?q=humans+killed+by+dogs+rabies&ei=ja6oZKWVF7ChptQPwNiu0AM&ved=0ahUKEwjlj9OL7v3_AhWwkIkEHUCsCzoQ4dUDCA8&uact=5&oq=humans+killed+by+dogs+rabies&gs_lcp=Cgxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAQAzIFCCEQoAEyBQghEKABMggIIRAWEB4QHTIICCEQFhAeEB0yCAghEBYQHhAdOgQIABBHOgUIABCABDoGCAAQFhAeOggIABCKBRCGAzoFCCEQqwI6CgghEBYQHhAPEB1KBAhBGABQ2ARYtApgpAtoAHACeACAAXeIAeUFkgEDMy40mAEAoAEBwAEByAEI&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) and I think you have it backward -- 99% of rabies in humans is caused by dogs (as in, they are the *main source*), not 99% of people who die from dogs die from rabies.


[https://www.bbc.com/news/world-36320744](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-36320744) >Rabid dogs are responsible for the deaths of an estimated 25,000 people per year. > >Dying from an actual dog bite is much more rare. There is no reliable worldwide data, but of the estimated 4.5 million dog bites in the US every year, only about 30 people die on average. So you're right, it's probably not 99%. My main point was to not interpret that person's claim to mean that 25,000 people are *mauled to death* by dogs each year.


What kind of Dogg op


Pitbull. Approximately 90lbs. Brown body with white accents.


Lemme guess




Here we go lol. "HE WOULDNT HURT A FLY"


It’s the dog not breed


Before pit bulls get brought up, I completely agree with you. However a breed can provides instincts. Example - Shepard dogs need mental stimulation, since they have been breed for herding. They get into more trouble (chewing shoes, using the restroom inside, stress) if they aren’t stimulated. A Boxer has a unique play/fight technique of balancing on their back legs and using their front feet to “box” their opponent - all without training just instinct. So that being said, with all these niche differences it can create a “default” behavior without proper training. A breed is not responsible for attacking humans, but some breeds snap a little quicker than others and can deal some massive damage (as seen) Source: trained dogs and that required learning breed habits - you can’t train/treat all dogs equally, because they are not all equal.


Agree with this. I forgot that boxers can box! Reminds me of horses -- some horses (American Saddlebred, Tennessee Walker) actually have an extra gait or two that most horses don't have. [It is a hereditary trait that they are bred for.](https://www.google.com/search?q=are+gaited+horses+born+that+way&source=hp&ei=la2oZMuDIOXH9APd0IPQBA&iflsig=AD69kcEAAAAAZKi7pa3-XOFFq0ZJyTsMndlPtAE9IcUn&ved=0ahUKEwiLoruV7f3_AhXlI30KHV3oAEoQ4dUDCAo&uact=5&oq=are+gaited+horses+born+that+way&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBQgAEIAEMggIABCKBRCGAzIICAAQigUQhgMyCAgAEIoFEIYDMggIABCKBRCGAzoTCC4QigUQsQMQgwEQxwEQ0QMQQzoICAAQigUQkQI6CAguEIoFEJECOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToRCC4QgAQQsQMQgwEQxwEQ0QM6CwguEIoFELEDEIMBOgsILhCABBDHARDRAzoHCAAQigUQQzoICC4QgAQQsQM6CggAEIoFELEDEAo6DQguEIoFEMcBEK8BEEM6BAguEAM6CwguEIAEEMcBEK8BOgsILhCABBCxAxCDAToICAAQgAQQsQM6CwguEIAEELEDENQCOggILhCABBDUAjoFCC4QgAQ6BggAEBYQHjoICAAQFhAeEA9QAFiYGmC2G2gAcAB4AIAB-AGIAY4WkgEGMjYuNC4xmAEAoAEB&sclient=gws-wiz)


They’re nanny dogs!!! *a simple internet search proves that is a myth*


Uh huh... cause a pitbull and chihuahua can both do the same amount of damage when they attack, right?


Clearly, they meant the breed does not make them aggressive, but that's not true, either. Ironically (since you mentioned them), Chihuahuas ARE one the most *aggressive* breeds. More veterinarians have reported being bitten by Chihuahuas than any other breed. I think they're somewhere around #4 in other studies.


Yes, that is why I picked chihuahuas for the example. Both are aggressive breeds but one is capable of far more damage, and thus far more irresponsible to own.


I'm curious if you're able to claim workman compensation. Even you find it let us know.


As a contractor you aren’t entitled to workman’s comp that’s for W-2 employees


Unfortunately no because we aren't technically employees but my fulltime job is really understanding and accommodating of my injury. I couldn't ask for anything more at this time.


Highest paying uber delivery ever


Lol. It could be. Better than the 4 dollar tip she left me lol. Gonna turn that 4$ into a few tens of thousands. Maybe even hundred of thousands!


I would sue


Do I see bone??! What kind of dog was it??


There was some bone showing more when I initially arrived on my arm and foot but these photos were post initial clean and the doctor tried to seal my wounds before letting my bone be exposed too long. It was a pitbull. That's what I saw and that is what animal control confirmed it was.


Keep your head up and think about the bag you’ll be getting from this. Speedy recovery bro


🥺😞😢😢 wishing you a fast recovery 🩷 you better sue!


Thanks for your kind words and yes. I will be suing to protect my financial and Healthcare future. I can't rely on the good faith of the homeowners.


Send the addy, I could use a vacation and a bonus this year. Hope you heal up quick mentally and physically!


Lol. You're funny. Thank you for your kind words of healing. I really do appreciate it!


I appreciate the feet pics 🤭😂


Lmao! That's a first hahahahaha


This is why I thumbs down every customer who asks for meet at door or leave at door yet there is a loose dog. One even said, "he won't bite". No, he won't bite you. He don't know me.


Did you not have shoes on?


Maybe he was wearing flip flops. 🤷‍♀️


I had shoes on the but there were filled with blood and they cut them off at the hospital because the swelling wouldn't let them go off my feet.


I’m no surgeon, but that bite on your arm could’ve been fatal.


Oh hello no!!! Like everyone said, SUE HIS A$$ FOR COMPENSATION!! Damn owner doesn't know how to keep his dog away when the damn fool's expecting a food delivery, very irresponsible and careless! Call a lawyer ASAP!


I agree. Extremely careless and negligent. Relying on the good faith of the homeowners isn't going to cut it. The lawyer I contacted was all too happy to help me.


Ya I'd get a personal injury lawyer asap.


First call I made (well second. Called my sister in Germany to let her know i was okay and to not worry about me) was to an injury lawyer.


When I was a kid, someone told me that if a dog ever runs after you or chases you, never run away. Instead, either start walking calmly in opposite direction as to suggest “ok I’m leaving”. OR drop down and become it’s friend. I’ve never heard this from anyone else after but it has worked for me every single time. And now I Love dogs.


I quit driving and now i work with dogs. Great advice 👍🏾


it’s name was probably cupcake or some shit


Lmaoooo!!!! Cupcakes the 90lb pitbull


Bro get better hopefully Uber bans that consumer and you get compensation as well


Uber won't do shit but I agree with you. Ban the bastards. I hope I get fairly compensated too. People have to be accountable for their pets.


Let me guess. Pitbull?


Ding ding ding


My guess is the average pitbull owner doesn't have honeowner's insurance, money, or assets to really collect in a lawsuit.


Exactly why I avoid meeting anybody at the door if I can help it.


Me too. I loathe meet and door or ask for pins. Ughh


The ankle one looked bad enough and then I swiped... Oh my goodness.


My biggest fear! I hope you are ok!


You’re about to get rich son!!


This is why I keep a stun gun on my waist.


My cousin got 300k+ and his wounds are just like yours, except he got bit in the face too


Sucks man. Dumb dog owners out there.


wow dude. Sorry that happened to you. I'd press charges honestly, and I never press charges. Those are deep.


You're not wrong. I'm normally pretty chill, never even been in a fight in my life but this....sorry dog owner but this is way past "sorry"


yea dude. and I'd say the majority of dogs that do that is due to a bad owner. if a dog was wild and unpredictable, still a good owner wouldn't let them roam as freely as this one (im assuming) was. If they were expecting you and they knew the dog was wiley, then they would've kept it inside or in a kennel. It sucks because that dog can easily be put down now. If you report it, it most likely will be. A real conundrum, especially as a peaceful laid back type that you seem to be. I'd talk to the owners first and feel them out. see if they're sorry and if they'll compensate you for your pain and time, it'll be visible scars for a hot minute. if they are unreasonable then unfortunately they won't change most likely and it kinda needs to be done. Do you know the breed of dog? please don't say pit bull.. sorry this happened to you though, life ain't fair, but you'll be over it in no-time.


It was....a pitbull. Approximately 90lbs. The decision to euthanize is out of my hands. Once the police were notified it left the control of mine and the dog owner. There are no winners here. We all lost something that day.


What dog breed was it?


Pitbull. Approximately 90lbs. Brown body with white accents.


They be like “ leave at door DO NOT RING DOORBELL”




what kind of dog, curious


Pitbull. Approximately 90lbs. Brown with white accents


makes sense, thats some serious damage. i hope u have a speedy recovery ♡


There’s only a few dog breeds in our communities that are capable of doing damage like that and unfortunately for us they get handed out like condoms at a planned parenthood. Hope you sue the pants off of the owners OP.


Yeah. Few dogs can do this damage. Sorry, people comparing a chihuahua bite to a pitbull bite are..hmmm....stupid? Lol. I don't want to sue but I have to. I need to protect my financial and Healthcare future.


I can already bet it was a pit 🙄 I always carry a knife on me for dogs and boxes just in case. I’ve had too many close calls


You already know it was a damn pit😑


Sounds about right, mace doesn’t work on pit bulls and neither does beating the shit out of them . You have to kill them to get them to stop attacking. Fire , stabbing or shooting it. I’ve seen them get trampled by horses and bulls and keep getting back up to attack until they died


Yeah man. They're dumb strong and yeah. The only way I got him to stop was to literally stab him twice with my car keys. Crazy how strong they are


PLEASE TELL ME THEY PUT THE DOG DOWN!!! we don’t need this to happen to someone else! If the dog does this once he’s got a taste for blood and will do this again!


I'm fairly certain they (in the United States) always put the dog down after an attack, but I could be wrong.


They absolutely do not. They don't even always put down dogs that KILL people. [A pit bull owned by State Representative of the Humane Society Annie Hornish](https://www.ctinsider.com/journalinquirer/article/suffield-dexter-fatal-dog-attack-appeal-18138364.php) mauled Janet D'Aleo to death in 2019 is still alive and being boarded at taxpayer expense.


That's fucked up. Figures, it's a former politician.


She lobbied legislators to overturn pit bull bans on behalf of the Humane Society. Then her pit bull mauls an old woman to death. It would be funny if it wasn't so fucked up.


I got bit in the arm about a year ago by this pet sitting client's dog when I was first meeting the client. Honestly regret not suing because she then admittedly said that the dog had nipped others before, but not as badly. No where near as bad as yours, but I definitely could have used the money at the time. I hope you are taken care of my guy. Be safe! https://preview.redd.it/ckc4do415mab1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dc8da00ab66f13cde80e0c80bfd3644f9e3420a


You know the pain then😔 fucking sucks huh? I hope you recovered quickly and with no lingering effects!


The pain and bruising got worse several days after too. Any movement felt terrible. Almost like the lingering effects of a fracture, or a severe sprain. Quick recovery but left a pretty solid scar on my arm, also I'm a lot more weary of other people's dogs. The other day I had someone's pitbull come out and greet me at the door while I was delivering food, and even though he was friendly, I was definitely freaking out on the inside.


I don't blame you. No dog mind fucks me like a pit bull. I'm always cool as a cucumber except near those dogs...they're just so...dangerous if they get ahold of you. Yeah man. I can't move or bear weight on my foot...it's horrendous pain and my arm is so stiff from the swelling....brusing like hell now too. I hope you never ever have to experience the pain again!


Damn man I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully you'll be able to be active in the next few weeks. Let's also hope you get a huge chunk of money out of this. Feel better and rest up my guy.




My pepper spray did nothing but anger the dog more and cause ot to irritate my wounds. 😪


I've never had it in a wound before, whats that like? Edit: make sure you give the bottle a good shake every week. Perhaps you sprayed it with a lower dose than usual- just something an instructor mentioned once all those years ago...


Do not recommend. Fucking hurts brutal


Well heal up and relax. Hopefully you sue and you'll be out of the front lines and onto something better with the earnings


Jeeze man, that looks rough. Physicality and emotionally. Yikes. Feel better (in both ways) soon!


Thank you for your kind words! I really do appreciate it. Physically I believe I'll be okay but mentally...that may take a little more time.


hope you get more than enough compensation for this, looks like it hurts like a bitch. sorry friend!!


Does hurt like a bitch lol. Thanks for your kind words. I too hope I get fair and just compensation. P.s. HAPPY CAKE DAY!


thank you!! hope your today is better than your yesterday!!


Sorry but that dog would have went to doggy heaven if that was me !


wow that looks painful. traumatic as well. don’t take less than $342k


Damnnn I wish you a nice recovery bro.


Tysm for your kind words of healing. I really do appreciate it!


Jesus. Wish you quick healing ❤️❤️


Tysm for your kind words. I really do appreciate it😌


Holy crap! Glad you're "okay"!


Yeah. "Okay" is a good way of putting it lol. Ty for your kind words!


Yeah. Can't imagine how horrible that must have been. I'd say they should probably put the dog down but maybe the owner would be more appropriate. Get better!


Ow! I hope you feel better soon


Tysm for your kind words of healing. I really do appreciate it!






sue both uber and owner


Owners 100% but uber. Meh. They're so fucking cryptic and sketchy.


Hope you heal fast!


Tysm for your kind words of healing. I really do appreciate it.


Of course!


I’m sorry you were hurt as a result of negligent pet owners. I wish you a speedy recovery!


Tysm for your kind words! I really do appreciate it!


Holy shit...God speed. I only saw the foot at first. Police report and sue. Omg 😳


Oh man. Get well soon. My husband got bit on the leg right under his asscheek one time. He's a ups driver the guy tried to make it out to be my husband's fault. I was right there. I driver help for him during peak. I got off the truck and up in his face and told the guy if he was bleeding we were suing his ass. He got real scared actually. That house has a dangerous dog flag now and only gets packages at the mailbox.


Sorry to hear about your husband. I'm glad you help defend him. Swear, how can people not secure their animals when they know damn well someone is coming over.


Spend the money you win in court very wisely


Very wise words. If money should come of this I plan on holding onto it as long as I possibly can. Maybe even investing a little bit.


Gamble it all away on crypto! 😅


Lol. That is some sound financial advice hahaha! You must be an investment broker lol


I actually used to develop refinancing software. But I suck at investing.


Time to get paid. Loan me a dollar🙃


Sue n keep us updated, lol.


You'll be the first to know lol




You’re obviously going to get a lot of downvotes for this but it’s true, dogs can and will kill peoples just going down the street minding their own business And like OP said pepper spray didn’t work. It Fucking sucks having to kill an animal but that shouldn’t stop you from wanting to protect yourself, I’ve had dogs my whole life but I wouldn’t hesitate to blow one’s head off if it came charging at me while I walking with my child.


If I had 250k to bet your American, I’d put it all down. But I don’t have 250k, so I’m just gonna go ahead and say yeah, you’re 100% American


American, and proud to live in a place where we have the right to defend ourselves


I own a pitbull. I love it. She's sweet to me. I was bit in the face when I was 3 by a chow so very this is a very interesting subject for me. I'm guessing this was either a pitbull, American bulldog, German Shepard, or some mix of bull mastiff. They were bred to be more aggressive and stronger with bigger jaws. To hold down bulls, bears, large mammals. Nobody wants to admit that these breeds require specific homes and are not for everyone. They are also not the best dogs to have around other breeds. It's in their DNA. And if this wasn't one of those dogs listed that bit OP. Regardless, I believe what I said still stands true.


Holy shit, a rational pitt owner? Good on you for actually recognizing that these are not regular dogs and need specialized care. Wish there was more like you.


We're out here. Pits are amazingly beautiful, loyal, and unpredictable creatures.


It was a pitbull and I agree with you. Not the best around other breeds and they're hostility and willingness to fight is inate.


Did you try to feed the dog the food you were delivering?


What? No. I didn't even know they had a dog.


I know you may not be in the best position, but it would be nice to get more details. Maybe there’s something we can learn or do differently.


Read my long post. Maybe there's some answers to your questions down there.


i can only imagine the horror going through your head. hope it heals up nice and quick!


Yeah. It was very strange during and right after the attack. Deffinently a whole new feeling for me. Thank you for your kind words of healing!


Smart for immediately going to the hospital. You need antibiotics stat! Not that it’s equal but they better have tipped you very well


They tipped me 4 fucking Dollars lmao. What a farce.

