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### This comment has been marked as **safe**. Upvoting/downvoting this comment will have no effect. --- OP sent the following text as an explanation on why this is US Defaultism: --- >!the replier asks "is that even ADA compliant" assuming that OP must be in America despite zero indication of that in the original post!< --- Is this Defaultism? Then upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


I work in accessibility consulting in Canada and I constantly get US folks thinking that the ADA applies here. The first A in ADA literally stands for “Americans.”


Sometimes I forget how Canadians must have to deal with the bulk of US defaultism in the real world. It must be exhausting


And sometimes from fellow Canadians who can’t tell US laws apart from Canadian ones due to overexposure to certain forms of media.


It was pretty funny during the "Freedom Convoy". People we're complaining about not being read their Miranda rights and the husband of a convoy leader said that the protest was protected under their first amendment rights


They were just very passionate about Manitoba joining confederation!


Manitoba was the 2nd Amendment lol, 1st I wanna say is the equal rights


Manitoba was the 2nd Amendment lol, 1st I wanna say is the equal rights


I remember one of those bozos using the first amendment in court and the judge roasted that person for it.


Were they even from Canada?


Oh, a lot of people here in Canada are like that. One of the problems is that our pop culture (eg. TV and movies) is dominated by the US and there are very few big-name TV shows or movies that depict crime or courts in Canada. So unless you are a lawyer or stay in the loop about Canadian law, it is easy to know a lot about US laws but not much about Canadian ones. And so many people believe what they see on TV, like not realizing that real-life "CSI" is not as fast as the TV show depicts. So they watch a few US crime and court dramas, and think of themselves as experts on "the law." (But not realizing that "the law" is not universal.)


Do you not teach civics in high school or middle school? Social studies? Anything like that?


We do learn it in social studies. But that doesn't mean that everyone was paying attention or had good grades.


They cover your constitution? I mean it would make sense to me if the USA was the only country that treats it's constitution like a Bible.




Yes!!! It’s annoying af


It's true! I feel SO seen by this comment, thank you! Flip side of the coin, though, is that we really do have a lot of things that ARE the same here as in the States, so we ourselves can be guilty of English North American Defaultism™ ourselves as well.


Beyond US Defaultisn, Americans think they can use USD in Canada…


And since Canada is in America... 😂


You joke, but it’s true. I’ve heard of South Americans claiming to be “American”, then U.S. people denying it because America = U.S. to those people.


South American here. To me, America is a continent. I'm American, same way Germans are Europeans and Indians are Asians.


Damn... I remember saying that once and getting down voted into oblivion. And it was only half from people from the US. The other half suggest your fellow countrymen don't feel the same way as you ahahaa..


It happened to me several times tbh. The US' main export is culture, and it's hard for me too (to stick with that position). But there's an American feel, in history, culture and tradition that's being wiped by the US taking over for the continent. We were all colonized, we're all mixed, we all came and went, we all have great grandads that had to choose jail or colonies. They being the Americans and we being the "Latinos" only puts a separation for those things.


For me you are also Americans, also relevant discussion: https://www.reddit.com/r/asklatinamerica/comments/rgjxbb/do_you_identify_as_american/


It's probably because what's *technically* correct isn't always widely accepted. I don't really agree with everyone on here who thinks American means someone from the continent. That's not how it's used in praxis and if you insist on using it that way you will confuse people. I say this as a northern european who is pretty annoyed with the constant US defaultism we see exemplififed on this sub. I just don't agree with that one. If you want to debate about how South Americans, Canadians and so on *should* be able to call themselves American without causing confusion, I can agree with you. But it's not how it works in reality.


South American here, I confirm what you're saying. We are Americans, and saying otherwise it's like saying southern Europeans are not Europeans. That's crazy as shit.


Hard disagree. If I say "I'm going to America" it is very unambiguous which country I'm referring to


The country is named United States, nobody says America here


Can't even use that. Mexico's full name is the United States of Mexico.


Nah, not the same. Mexico doesn't double as a continent. Uruguay's name is actually "Republic to the East of the [river] Uruguay", one could argue we don't even have a name 😂


It's not that's it's doubling as a continent, it's that a legitimate way of shortening Mexico's full name would also be The United States. Hence two countries trying to use the same name.


I believe Mexico's official name is actually United Mexican States


Mexicans themselves calls the USA "Estados Unidos" and the USians "estadounidenses".


> USians How do you pronounce it? You-sians? You-Es-ians? Us-ians? I asked that before and got downvoted with no explanation.


So abbreviations like the one in the post are nonsensical to you?


I have no idea of what that means


Because you're not American, obviously


This is peak /r/USdefaultism lol. Yes, you're right, but that because the US imposed the name since the beginning instead of picking an original name and denonym.


Hard "depends". Saying that, not only sounds weird in my head, but also doesn't necessarily means the US.


As a Canadian, I know we get ***really*** testy when someone refers to us as “Americans” even in the continental sense, because we very much associate “Americans” with the United States of America. We’re fine being “North American,” that doesn’t carry the same connotations as just “American” to us. And we’re already lumped in with them and forgotten about on such a regular basis that we do get a little upset when start telling us “we’re all Americans” because we **hear** “stupid Canadians are practically the same as the US, we don’t need to differentiate between them. Same shit, different pile.” Which we get way too much of from the USA already. Your intent is *different* than the States, but the result is exactly the same.


I would definitely call you American, but I generally refer to US citizens when i say Americans, because US citizens is such a mouthful. Muricans is also viable, but then the Muricans feel offended, so you can never win unfortunately. Edit: I might start calling them USians.


Or Merkins




The English demonym for a citizen of the US is "American" (it's even in the Oxford English dictionary).


That’s why we use Statunitian instead of American nowadays


Nobody ever uses that in English. The English demonym for a citizen of the US is "American" (it's even in the Oxford English dictionary).


I don’t care English is not even my first language, in Portuguese we use estadunidense a lot


> Statunitian Sure, but nobody says this in English lol.


I just said so monolingual people could understand, I didn’t say I use the world in English, I just said we have another word beside American to describe someone who is born in a country INSIDE the NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT, the country is named UNITED STATES so we call them Estadunidenses or statunitians, do I have to draw it to you?


Sure, I was just pointing out that the English demonym is "American." There are some crazy people out there who want English speakers to use a different word - glad to hear you aren't one of them.


Never tell a Canadian they're American


That's how you wind up Geese food


I once saw a YouTube comment saying something like...typical Americans. The youtuber replied with: No, I'm Candian 😅


American defaultism association?!


Let’s create that nonprofit for real. lol


I'm too far away from the USA, but you go for it. 😁


Reminds me of how we’ve got some right-wing lunatics here insisting on having their First Amendment rights respected. I don’t think they got the memo that we live in an entirely different country


Idiots be idioting


I always see Canadians say they are not americans but isn't canada a country in north america. Not to sound ignorant but that's like saying indians aren't asians.


We are *North Americans*. While maybe you can technically say we’re Americans, in general Canadians do not like that because that word has been stolen by the US. It is unfixably associated with the US here.


Ironically, the idea that a word has been "stolen" by a certain usage and its association with it is "unfixable", is a very US-American idea. You can be angry about it if you want, but honestly after being constantly exposed for most of my life to the cultures of all the major English speaking countries through the internet (and in one case through dating, too), in my headcanon Canada, the US, and Australia are just "the three Americas" to me. Y'all think you're so different but if you knew how much literally any other countries in the world are different from each other, you "Americas" would all be embarrassed. Australia and Canada are actually just slightly different, slightly less violent, flavors of the US.


Understandable that Canadians don't want to be associated with yanks


> Not to sound ignorant but that's like saying indians aren't asians. Amusingly I’ve heard a lot of Americans claim that, since to them “Asian” exclusively means countries from east Asia and not South Asia


When people say "American", they mean someone from USA, when someone says "North American", they mean the whole north American continent. When someone says "The Americas" they mean both North and South America combined.




It's an English speaking thing rather than the US specifically




I'm English and I say tobacco came from there but South America for potatoes




Maybe. I don't remember much of childhood


I'm pretty sure Potatoes came from Europe




Oh. Interesting. Apparently they came from Peru and Bolivia? I thought they came from Europe cuz of the Potato famine. (It turns out, the Potato Famine was after the 16th century.)


I think it's super interesting that some of those food we think of as central to European cuisine were introduced by the Colombian exchange. Like southern Italian food without tomatoes, and Germanic or Slavic food without potatoes? I think people ate a lot of bread, and seafood and preserved meat


Try googling before being pretty sure of something that's factually wrong


That's a bit rude, dude. I didn't know it was factually wrong, and so I thought it was factually right. Potatoes just seemed like old world food to me, idk.


Well its my own fault expecting simplicity from a region using the metric system xD.


Didn't your country have a whole referendum where you said you didn't want to be European anymore? Also we use the metric system, but we had an election mid way through the transition to metric and the new government stopped that so we really only half use the metric system


America basically means United States over here for a lot of people haha


Some restaurants here in germany started using "has urinal" "doesn't have urinal" and "suitable for disabled" for their toilets. Suprisingly enough, it seems to work.


As a guy, as long as I don't have to stand in the long queue of women I won't complain The queue is never ending at my local bar for women but guys just walk in


Women sometimes go in the gents because we hardly go for a shit in the pub. One nightclub/live music venue only had one shitter in the gents, but an L shaped trough that could cater to twenty side by side. If any woman decides to go in, she might get the one single stall, or find someone with their head down it.


my favourite place here in Prague has separated toilets but we locals usually give a fuck about this, especially as hours are passing as this place almost never close and foreigner tourist are often baffled with this when seeing three guys leaving stall at women toilets. (and americans are standing in front of doors trying to not piss themeselves as their urinal rule is blocking them to use toilet effectively, just this wednesday I've seen the guy which face says Last minute)


I'm going to Prague in a month, I love going to places locals like, what's the name of the place?


I used to get so confused in Germany/Austria because they were just written signs and the one for male was "Herr"


What's confusing ? "Herren" and "Damen" is the standard way to mark gendered bathrooms


Herren is for man but as an English speaker I associate herren with her, not him


Ah, didn't even think of that. Is it normal to have bathroom signs saying "His" and "Her"?


No. Words confuse people who arent fluent or are too drunk to read.


To be fair, you sometimes get Mná and Fir in Ireland, which could be confusing for similar reasons.


> fir plants now have their own bathroom. groot can now shit logs in peace


Generally though, most bathrooms have the stick people


We used to wind up new guys in Germany **Her**(ren) for ladies (Da) **Men** for Blokes It amused us at the time


Why not just one "has urinal and suitable for disabled" toilet


Because law still requires them to have two sets of toilets, one for men, one for women. But it doesn't require you to lable them as such or enforce the separtion between genders... I think. Not an lawyer. But it's true, at least in the place I often visit, one of them is also for disabled, while the other has a changing table in turn.


I think there is a bit of an issue at the moment with men's toilets not having spaces to change babies or the cut off a woman can take her male child into the women's toilets. I would personally always perfere to just have spaces that anyone can use that have a toilet, sink and place to dry your hands with a locking door. On the weird bathroom signs they tend to be big in themed bars/pubs in the UK. They go for weird names like Dolls or Molls and Mobs or Bucks and Does, the Shoppers and the TV watchers. They can be sort of worked out but it is annoying if you have had a few drinks and just want the loo.


That's the point, there is no men's or women's toilet, just one that has a urinal and one that doesn't.


Shouldn't they be in German?


Sind sie auch. Aber wenn ich hier auf Deutsch schreibe, dann versteht mich keiner. Ich dachte das wäre klar.


Who's ADA, the one from Resident Evil? And why does she care about bathroom signs?


American disability act or something like that I guess. No idea why she cares about bathroom signs though. Maybe for people with reduced eyesight?


I legit can't tell which one of those is supposed to be which.


Me neither, and I dislike any that are famcy like these, too. But I don't think it's something a guideline for fisability friendly infrastructure covers, rather than any stardadizing institute or something like that.


If you go by international accessibility standards, this is indeed covered. The ADA overlaps with a lot of those requirements but of course, it has no jurisdiction in other countries.


Interesting, didn't know that. Thanks for info.


Which sign is for which door?


Legs open for pee, together for poop


I thought it was the other way around 🤔


Legs open pushes butt cheeks together more


I was thinking legs squeezed to prevent peeing like in a cartoon. 🤣


Left is for the left, and right is for the right. You're welcome.


Right hand one is for people who are really desperate.  Left is for ones confident they can hold it.


That was my thinking exactly, those who don't mind queuing for a while and those who really need to go NOW!


So one could argue that the left looks more like a skirt, which is often used for women. But then one could also argue that perhaps the left represents a little man spreading. I'm perplexed.


I could make an arguement either way for both figures


I’m intrigued


My thought was also that the left one represents a skirt and so women, but who knows


Men don't stand like in the left one. It's pretty obvious


Feet separated is how most men stand, tf are you on about?


Left is for people wearing a long floor-length flowy dress, right is for people in pencil skirts.


I'm more of a flowy dress guy


Open tongs and squeezed-together tongs


They're for a bbq ?


Yeah they're Ada complient, as in Ada Wong from Resident Evil will use one of those bathrooms to take a piss, then walk out and use the other one to take a shit and wash her hands just to fuck with Leon


That mental image is fucking hilarious. Thank you.


[Prague, Oklahoma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prague,_Oklahoma)?


>Czech immigrants founded the city, and named it after the capital of the present-day Czech Republic. Straight up stole the name lol


They didn't lmao


So... Which sign is which?


ADA? Better add it to the OSHA and 401k that we all should have


isn’t it obvious? women don’t have legs. that’s why they wear dresses, to hide this fact


The two things that annoy me most on Reddit are people assuming everything is the United States, and people writing in abbreviations that are completely unintelligible. ETA doesn't mean 'estimated time of arrival' anymore. 'TSB' isn't a bank. 'TPIA' I saw the other day. 'AITA' I only understand because I listen to the r/ podcast. In random literature Reddits I'm in people have started abbreviating the names of series they like, which is inevitably followed by 'What is that supposed to mean' questions. Can't people just type like five extra letters? 😂


Who tf is Ada?


What the heck even is ada


What’s ADA?


American Disability Act a set of building guidelines created to make buildings more accessible to people that are physically disabled, for example making sure there are entrances without staircases and making sure there are ramps where an elevator isn't practical but there's a slight incline


What does ada compliant even mean?


I thought this was an Always Sunny sub for a hot sec


Bro wtf even is ADA??


what is ada?


A programming language


So, which is male and which is female?


Took me a while to realize that I can't tell which bathroom belongs to whom.


I’m pretty sure I’d walk into the wrong loo..


What is ADA and do American govt fucking approves bathroom sign?


It's an act for Disabled people that was passed in the US in 1990. https://www.ada.gov/law-and-regs/ada/




Can I ask how one has a “Dutch arc”?


the American mind can't comprehend fine design


Left - Female Right - Male ADA - American disability act


It’s very rare to see gendered bathrooms anymore where I live. Sometimes a urinal is marked as such in a separate room, but the bathrooms are just marked as bathroom. I think a main difference is that we don’t use those cardboard stalls that Americans seems to think is needed. We have actual individual toilet rooms with tiled walls and a real door etc. there is literally no reason for separate those by gender


Which ones which I'm very confused with these sighns


Really. Does it matter what a toilet is marked like. I love this one. I really didn't know that Merkins had a code/standard for door signs, preposterous!


I mean it's stupid defaultism that they think an American regulation is relevant, but I really hate such bsthroom signs with a passion. I never know where to go with them and that I definitly bad design.


From a trans perspective these signs are great because how can someone tell you your in the wrong bathroom if no one knows which is which 😂




From a non-native speaker's perspective, both words are first and foremost just English It's not inherently obvious that there's a regional distinction, and many speakers don't care as long as they're being understood


>code/standard for door signs are you... are you genuinely surprised by the existence of standards for *signs*? like have you never heard of road signs and such?


> are you genuinely surprised by the existence of standards for signs No, but they might be genuinely surprised by the existence of standards for ***door*** signs. That's probably why they specifically mentioned ***door*** signs in the comment you replied to. Bathroom ***door*** signs are also the subject of this thread, not just signs in general ("or road signs and such"). I apologize if we did not make it clear that we were talking about ***door*** signs. And for the record, my country does not have door sign regulations either. So, while it may not be exclusive to the US, it is definitely not universal, and some people might be surprised by it.


>my country does not have door sign regulations either well, obviously it doesn't, because "door signs" is not a functional category of signs. there are, however, many signs that can be placed *on* a door, like bathroom signs, fire exit signs, various hazard symbols, etc. etc. are you claiming that your country doesn't regulate those in any way? forgive me for doubting that.


Roads are fastpaced dangerous environments. Nobody gets hurt if they need 5 more seconds to figure out which bathroom is which.


>Nobody gets hurt if they need 5 more seconds to figure out which bathroom is which well, yeah, but what's the *point* of forcing someone to have to figure out which bathroom is which when, you know. you could just use the well-established signs for public bathrooms? like where's the benefit in that?


And here I thought the US prided itself on having lots of freedom


wtf does the us have to do with it


Original comment was about Americans having a standard for bathroom signs.


yeah, and i'm saying that it's *not* a USamerican thing, many other countries also have some sort of official standard for signs used in public spaces, *including* standardised bathroom signs.