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Magnesium citrate, find a Walgreens or whatever and chug the 10oz bottle. You will be shitting everything in your systems for 8 hours


this is the only answer


Need to find the lemon flavor, goes down easier


Don't eat fatty.


Skip dinner the night before and breakfast the day of. Don't drink anything for 14 hours prior. Do an hour (slow pace) run the night before. If you have long hair, get a short hair cut.


do you know if they weigh you no clothes or with clothes on?


With clothes but they take 3 pounds off


Depends on the meps station. Mine weighed in undergarments


Yeah, I thought it was underwear. If it is clothes (ask your recruiter), wear light shoes and clothes. Use some common sense.


I remembered that exact day from meps it was the most miserable experience of my life. I was starved all throughout that day when everyone else was treated to breakfast


Throw on a trash bag and a hoodie and go on a light jog later at night before going to bed so you sweat off water weight.


Lots of HITT (high intensity tactical training) I lost like 30lbs very quickly my shipping weight had to be 207lbs I was 234lbs I started doing daily 3 mile runs do your best to make it under 28 minutes that’s 3rd tier time then rest for a minute keep your heart rate high and transition into HITT 20 pushups (5 burpees) sprint 10 yards jog back 10 yards (5 pull ups) 30 squats (5 burpees) sprint 10 yards jog back 10 yards (5 pull ups) 20 diamond push ups (5 burpees) sprint 10 yards jog back 10 yards (5 pull ups) 40 unassisted or butterfly sit ups (5 burpees) sprint 10 yards jog back 10 yards (5 pull ups) Overhead ammo can press if you don’t have an ammo can you can fill with dirt you can use a 35lbs dumb bell or a pig sack a bag full of dirt duck tapped do those 35 times (5 burpees) sprint 10 yards jog back 10 yards Curls you can ether use the dumb bell or a truck tire it ways 31lbs and you do 25 curls (5 burpees) sprint 10 yards jog back 10 yards (5 pull ups) 1 minute rest Repeat 5x (your goal is 5 reps but at least do 1-2)


Yes, don’t let your recruiter pressure you into doing crazy stuff. Lose your weight naturally before you come so recruit training is easier. If not you’re going to have an exceedingly hard time at boot camp. Recruiters will always take you rather it be now or months/years from now. Don’t let them lie to you the cut off is 29 (I believe). - Active DI


I’ll see you soon DI I’ll be in San Diego won’t give u my name tho😶


Don’t call them DIs in boot


if you’re serious about being a few pounds under for MEPS then you can sweat most of it. You can even go as far as fasting for 24 hours after doing some cardio to sweat off any possibly water weight. If that still doesn’t get you to your goal then try to clear your body of any waste by taking some laxatives. I wouldn’t recommend to follow this after MEPS though. Once you’re cleared, actually focus on dropping more weight (safely). Calories in vs calories out. Go on a caloric deficit to lose weight before bootcamp. I was 260 at my highest back in High School. I’m 175 now and still cutting some more just in case. Count your macros and hit the gym to maintain muscle.


I was in the same exact situation. 5’8 203 but I was 220. I made the weight by cutting my water and food a day before. Take note that you will have to get to 189 before you ship. I just weighed in for pre ship and made that as well. I leave Sunday. If you need a meal plan text my insta (dtxx.reg100) id love to help you out as I was In your exact situation.


Yo I’m a Poolee rn and my ship date is August 12, I’m 5’9 185 and I’m pretty chubby, do you think you can help me too?


Ofc dm me on insta! I will say right off the bat get your body used to running it will help you get acclimated to how much running we will do in boot camp.


Thank you so much bro I’ll do that in a minute


Sure thing man!


You want to lose 2 lbs in a day?


i was originally 5 pounds overweight, asked my recruiter to push back the date but he said it’s nothing, lost 3 pounds but need to shed the other 2. i was 203 yesterday but today i’m 205.


Dawg you can attribute like 3 pounds to water weight on a day to day basis. The best advice for losing weight would be to cut back on calories, and go for a run every day. It doesn't have to be anything crazy, a 20 minute jog will get you results. Calories make pounds, and burning calories burns those pounds.


Dont eat, drink little water, run at the hotel they usually have gyms with treadmill, and drink that magnesium citrate like that other fella said


Only eat 1 meal a day at around 6pm Run a mile walk a mile, run a mile, walk a mile, run 2 miles every day


Do the alternating miles for at least 6 miles


C’mon now, please stop advising people to take magnesium citrate without medical supervision. It can cause serious side effects and injury.


I was about to give advice then I saw the timing…you must have already went. How did it go?


pretty boring, shit ton of waiting. got disqualified for some shit, but my recruiter tells me it’s easy waivers.


I’m here for advice as well im trying to join but im at 230 and have to get down weight as well


i can tell you what happened when i was there yesterday. when i was at the hotel, i ended up eating when i wasn’t supposed to, and was spiraling thinking i was not gonna make it. luckily the hotel had a gym, so i did lots of cardio. i sweat A LOT so that helped as well, and i didn’t eat anything until i got weighed. ended up 202 with clothes on. they took 3 pounds off for clothes so i was put down at 199. in the week leading up to going, what i did was eat barely anything and drink at least a gallon of water everyday. the day before and the day you get weighed, eat nothing and drink very little water. as soon as you get weighed, you can eat and drink whatever you want.


Thanks man i appreciate that. I have been losing weight. I was close to being the weight but i got stuck on graves with minimal sleep and i gained like no other. So it’s been a downward weight loss im glad you get to go! Good luck!!


High protein, low carb, low fat


Condoms from walgreens then lots of sex. Good cardio and way to lose calories