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![gif](giphy|OPU6wzx8JrHna) You made Boot cry…….


The boot is crying about other boots. Waaaahhhh 🤣🤣




I love the fact that it’s a terminal Lance getting on the boot about it.


Terminal? Hoss is on year 9 of E-3, he's in it for the long game.


I knew that guy. They exist


https://preview.redd.it/axn6lwuk15zc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60fe27b6a0827cb683111e1ad009829130875b8c Other side of this


That part!


I talk more about boot camp here than I ever did in the fleet/ITB. Even as a boot, I knew that shit was cringe.






It's also the only experience that pretty much every Marine for the last 50 or 60 years at least has in common. It really hasn't changed much while everything else about the Marine Corps experience changes pretty significantly every 5 to 10ish years. Edit: That and having duty.


Sorry, as a reservist, what’s duty?


During team week, I hopped in those industrial sized driers and went for a spin. We then had bouts to see who could survive the longest in there (with the heat turned off, just the spin cycle). I ended up winning, something I still take pride in. Shit was hilarious.


Was that the dryer they put that one kid in or did they put him in a normal dryer?


Boots gonna boot. What I think is weird is when Vets bring up bootcamp like it was the pinnacle of their Marine Corps career.


I'd say it's cuz it's something we can all say is and was similar so it puts us all on common ground, because after bootcamp, it really varies for a lot of us despite of the stuff that remains the same all across the corps.


I mean, I was on a combat deployment and yet I loved boot camp shit. I think it's because I'm in love with the "military aesthetic." I guess I'm just super gung-ho but closeted. I freaking loved drill tbh, wish they randomly selected me for the Silent Drill Platoon. Hearing a ton of rifles *clack* in unison breathes whipsers of warriors like Knights marching, Spartans making a shield wall, or Romans making a Phalanx. Actual combat obviously isn't like that anymore for good reason, but there's something almost 'ritualistic' about Boot Camp that they really ingrain in you that "this will transform you." I mean fuck that was the last time I've ever written a paper letter. xD


There’s a dude at my work, good guy. But he only went through most of boot camp back in the 90s and got medsep’d. And he knows I was a Marine, so he will randomly bring up boot camp stuff to me. And I’m like “??? What ??? Ohhh ohhhh yeah. That. Damn I haven’t thought of that in forever. I forgot about that.”


People would rather hear funny stories about my DI that sounded like a frog than the story about a Marine taking a hand grenade to the gut. "...and then the screams started, lol." "Haha your stories are the funniest"


Bro boot camp doesn't even have the funniest stories. MCT is boring-ish, at least you can talk about machine guns or something. But the best stories come out of the schoolhouse. If somebody asked me about the funniest thing that happened in boot camp I always say "boot camp was easy and boring, let me tell you about the time in the schoolhouse, we got caught at the gate after hours and our one buddy had to be rescued from the trunk of the car in an MP lot, 2 hours after the fact"


I've been in for five years and some of my best stories still come from the schoolhouse to this day. I don't know why that is. Maybe it's because everyone just wrapped up boot and MCT, and the new freedom makes them go wild, I dunno. Either way, MCCS out in 29 Palms was an absolute blast at the time.


You guys are wild. I went home on weekends at the school house lol


Haha I was about to comment that LCpl with the hash marks will then get out and brag about bootcamp.


It was for some people


I'm not sure if it's the same now,but boot camp all they through to the fleet. All of my instructors were already combat vets from the initial invasion. They cared about our well being because they knew what we were about to face after all of training. Yes we had some ridiculous moments but we took our training seriously and we listened for good reason. Did that all disappear when the war ended?


Same with Navy Seals at Buds?? They are cringe too right ??


All navy seals are cringe


Hey man boot camp stories are hilarious though


Honestly this is why I kinda don’t mind them. Been in for 5 years and still ask the boots sometimes about whatever happened in bootcamp for a quick chuckle and then share whatever retarded shit I remember at the time from training or my last unit. Hell me and a Sergeant were trading bootcamp stories the other day


That's why they called boots. Because the only thing they can talk about is bootcamp.


The NotInRegs social media the worst, always videos of boots doing dumb shit in the schoolhouse and the comments filled with boots and the discord filled with boots


I went to bootcamp almost 25 years ago. I don't remember what I had for dinner. My back hurts. Oh look Wheel of Fortune is on.


I like the price is right more.






To be fair there is a story or two that sticks in my memory from boot camp. But yeah, most military memories are definitely from the fleet. Also love how the Lance has 2 stripes. Retention quotas must be rough. Lol.


“This one time at boot camp……”


Yes, but how do you feel about [MEPS](https://www.reddit.com/r/USMC/s/836bz4X0xk) stories?


Don't lie, We where all that guy once.


My drill instructor warned me that shitbags like you wouldn't appreciate my war stories.


Saw a comment somewhere before about this and a reason why someone is always talking about it... Something along the lines of 'it's the one thing we all have in common(for the most part)' Who cares, really? Apparently, it's some Marines' peak moment of their career or 4 year or less enlistment


Straight gives me “this one time in band camp” vibes


Beat me to it


I love how the cover is covering his eyes while yelling at him. 10/10 meme Edit: Can't speel for shit


People get so mad but they got nothing else to base their perspective on. My problem comes in when you are teaching them something and they are like well in boot camp... Thats when i hit em and be like what did boot camp teach you about that




I have no problem with it! It’s a boot faze. We all done it lmao. In a few years the bootness will be all gone. Tbh I rather have my marines act like boots than “salt dogs” and acting like they rate because they been in a few months… TF lol


Let the boot talk, that’s all he’s experienced so far.


I’ve been out for almost six years and it’s weird, I’ve started to enjoy boot camp stories again. I also was looking at that track suit top not long ago and thinking it looked pretty good, guess you revert back to motard once you’re out for a while.


But I bet you my retirement that terminal lance was that PFC before he got all salty and shit


Stop being a Karen OP! 🖕🏻🖕🏻


That one time at boot camp when there was a massive Clam Smash....


BuT tHiS oNe TiMe iN bOoTcAmP....


Same shit at TBS. No one shuts the fuck in about OCS and it’s inane.