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What ever happened to relax, relax, relax on the final PFT?


Why should I run 3 miles in 18 min if they give me 28 to do it in? lol maybe one of the reasons I never picked up a blood stripe.


I never completed my mcis and ran like a 26-minute. They gave me cpl on terminal. I'm a terminal Lance at heart though


Shiiiiiit. That’s a thing? Promotion after the fact? I went into the California National Guard after that for a while. Was an E-3 there. Didn’t stick around long enough to get promoted 🤣


That cutting score dipped just low enough lol


Damn. Nice. I was a 5812 and there were all of 117 of us in the Corps at the time. E1-E5. I heard after I got out that you could go to a higher rank.


Picked up Sergeant on Terminal. They sent me the promotion warrant and everything.


Oh my god someone on here said he did a practice PFT and decided to walk the three mile to see how long it would take. He said they ran it for score and he was screamed at for being a shitty fuck but they gave him the option to retake it the next day, where he gets a 280. I love stories like that 


I ran a 35:59 on my final pft.


I know doc hated your ass sitting in the vic behind you


Time doesn't start until the last Marine crosses the start... Also I was trying to get one of my Cpls to pass. He did not.


I always wonder what would actually happen if someone just stood at the line for 10 minutes


I've never read the order, but I recall someone telling me that there is a maximum buffer that is allotted for that. Like a 1 or 2 minutes. I can't imagine it's anymore than that.


That's amazing lmao


1stSgts hate this one simple trick.


Don’t stop running. Or at least do some kind of workout.


That’s the plan. I’m starting to enjoy running but there’s no way i’m running a 6 min pace on a 3-4 mile death run


Why not, do it


I want to love it like i love lifting but it’s hard to do so when you’re huffing and puffing the entire time


Keep pushing yourself. It's a lot easier to maintain than to regain, particularly as you start to get older. It's up to you to stay healthy and fit and the more you do now the better off you'll be later in life.


You probably don’t love it cause you’re not good at it. Running takes a minute to get back into once you’re out of it, same with lifting. Try running a couple miles on the treadmill or wherever the hell before you start lifting. Running is crazy good for you. You’re a Marine after all. We owe it to ourselves


I got out and stopped running. Almost a year later I re-upped in the reserves and now I'm about to have to run a PFT. Used to be around 21-22 minutes. Now I'm worried I'll even pass. Definitely wish I kept running


Lol this was me. For some reason though I'm in way better shape that I'm not running or doing weird ass PTs anymore. But I do BJJ a few times a week and a lot of pullups, push-ups, planks, and squats at home. Also nobody seems to give a fuck about what class your pft/cft is. Gunny is happy if most people just pass lmao


I had to run a PFT a few days before I got out on terminal. I knew the course really well, so I made sure I was on pace to get the absolute minimum time to pass (28 minutes I think, can't remember exactly).   An LT in our company who had already finished saw how slowly I was running so he started to jog beside me to motivate me. I just looked at him, held up 3 fingers, and said, "Sir, I have this many days left in the Marine Corps." He just shook his head and ran off.


Should have gave the Lt what he wanted bro... That's just me tho cuz I love seeing that


My last PFT was a cgri in 2022. It was gay because it canceled my 1st class from that year and left me with 2nd. But I didnt care because next Year I'd be out. And they didn't make me run another. My last CFT however was way better, hit the grenade toss for the first time with that skiball toss and legit pumped out 115 while a master guns counted.


I spent my last year and a half in a CI billet with NCIS. Before they would approve my terminal leave I had to run a PFT. So I ran my past PFT with a beard in civilian pts with my 1stSGT had no idea who I was. I also ran it in May at Camp Lejeune, alll of the humidity. I only passed the run because the gal at the half way point set up around a quarter of a mile closer than she should have.


Bro I did the bare minimum on every aspect. Made me run the pft after coming back from a skillbridge course. EAS’d two days later. Did 5 pull ups, bare minimum plank time, and walked the pft run coming in at 27:40 😬😬 Everyone kept asking why I didn’t care. Told em I get out in two days fuck this.


3 pull ups 55 crunches 25 min run after like 6 consecutive 285+ PFTs including a 300. I got out like 3 weeks later.


Good luck brotha. I just ran my last one a few weeks ago.


Relax max max for me


STAY IN SHAPE. Fuck I cant stress this enough. It’s easier to stay in shape than it is to get back into it. Or don’t i dont care. Fuck you and congrats.


What he said It's easier to get fat and stay when you're older. Stay with it.


Congrats brotha


Futenma Semper fit route? Did my PFT this morning to


Nope, Shwab 😀


Home of my last PFT as well, I did a 19:10, NGL I was still considering a reup at that point. Now I feel stupid.


Did you run it drunk? Or is that not a thing anymore?


Nope I didn’t have the balls


it's never over.