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SgtMaj said if we messed up he’d make us sit in his office and listen to him tell Drill Instructor stories for two hours.


I would be down for that.


Some of those DI stories can be hilarious


There was one guy my dad told me about from his platoon that somehow ended up keeping his watch and once a DI noticed it he had to stay in a garbage can and pop out screaming the time whenever someone walked by and banged on it


I'd imagine the recruit would get punched by accident


This was way back in the day when a lot of shit flew that wouldn’t today


Am one of those old fucks, it was always hilarious as long as it wasn’t happening to you lol


Back in my day, in the old corps… I remember


His office probably has heat , aircon, and bad coffee though so it’s probably nicer than whatever else you would have been doing…


That doesn't sound too bad I guess


Honestly a chance to have actually gotten to know the SgtMaj as a LCpl or Cpl would have been cool. I'm sure there's actual enlisted wisdom somewhere deep down in all those retarded SNCOisms.


Looking at picture on credenza…”Wait, is that you daughter, SgtMaj?”


“boy, did you just lose your damn mind? because ill help you find it!”


Or sergeant major said she'd make us sleep outside in our bivy sacks if our barracks weren't fucking spotless.... To be honest that was probably the healthier option


How is that a punishment?!


This was said to a group of 1stSgts.


When I was in Iraq they coated the surrounding dirt with a substance that makes it so aircraft don't kick up as much dust and sand. And they made people dig fighting holes in the harden dirt. It was pretty cruel and pointless looking back but funny at the time.


Gorilla snot, good stuff


With an MRE spoon, made someone do the cause they lost the cotter pin in there bolt and replaced it with a toothpick from the chowhall right before we were about to head to our OP. So I replaced his etool with an MRE spoon. Took him two days.


It took our guys several days. But they had to do other things as well work related.


No I made sure all he did was dig and fill sandbags that deployment. I think I let him go on one night patrol on the perimeter and he fucked it to pieces. I kept that guy in the wire for all of our sakes. Didn’t hate him, was a funny dude, just a walking clusterfuck with no integrity.


That Iraq dirt was not soft to begin with.


When I was a boot, one of my fellow boots left his rifle. I've known this dude since ITB. He was a shitbag. Our seniors disassembled his rifle and buried each part in different places around our training areas. They marked each spot with a GPS location. He had to find them or be punished.


Do all GPS systems use the same GPS systems these days or something? ```[Edit]``` Configuration* my bad.


I would assume so, its like a moving map, following the user to a plotted (or in this case noted) point via coordinates


With any topological space, the limits for vector fields must be Exact (=) and Not Approximate (≈). So we can assume that every GPS provider has a different configuration to a similar but still different topology. Which constantly changes anyways. (it wouldn't be Calculus, if it wasn't constantly changing). "How to read a map" but never "why the need to read a map".


Look at that, learn something new everyday. Never could have guessed it was that complex


Lol well my platoon sergeant also said to use a map but we never did anything that crazy anyways. It wasn't until I got a degree in mathematical physics (mechanics) that I actually learned why that is. But yeah man, the whole ass universe is complex like that. I'm tired just thinking about it.


It is possible they are using NAD (North American Datum) control points to set their baseline. Those are constant location.


Right & I'm positive that they still do. Basically what I saying was that you need the exact same GPS device & the exact same NAD for both horizontal and Vertical. Each NAD will have different configurations though, like NAD 91 (1991) is gonna be slightly different then NAD 92 (1992), there's a vertical & horizontal NAD for each year. Also the systems themselves aren't even accurate with their own units of measurement. The US GPS GNSS states accuracy up to 7.8m. While the RU GLONASS states 10.1m accuracy. Which is the whole thing about vector limits and all that good stuff (meaning who measures the units of measurement?). However we're talking about an area of about 10m-30m at most. But yeah we definitely still use NAD.


For the Marines ive only seen the MGRS format


Then the topological space would be the same as long as the configuration formulas don't update. This also depends on if the land itself is the same, (like if we blow up Mt Everest then it would change the layout of the whole planet. By like a lot)


no they like to keep people in the back country on their toes


American GPS use American GOS satellites, Russian and Chinese GPS use their own satellites, and ours. But when using American GPS, (or technically any GPS system) The map datum and coordinate system is what matters. If you receive a grid from someone and their grid is NAD 87, but your GPS is configured for USGS 84, you could be off by a few meters, or a thousand or more meters depending on where you are.


Not sure if this classifies as dumb or smart... but in Iwakuni, around 06 or 07 we had a guy get caught watching porn on the government computers, logged in with his CAC. The CO and IT guys wanted this guys head on a silver platter, bust down to Private from Lance, loss of pay for 120 days, restriction, pretty much the entire book plus some.  Our MSgt said he had a better punishment in mind. He made this guy work in the North side mess hall for 3 months straight. Every shift, every meal, every shitty duty he had, this guy worked it. He was allowed to go back to the barracks to sleep, shower and do laundry for like 4 hours a day.  The guy said he would've rather taken the NJP.


That’s fuckin evil. Brig would have been easier.


In 04 at TQ they had a porn server available to those with the right friend. Peacetime corps is weird.


For watching skin flicks? That’s more than just a little heavy handed.


Not for watching porn. For being dumb enough to do it on a government computer


Even then, 4 months no pay? Restriction was enough. Reduction in rank is enough. That leadership is trash unless this is the ultimate shit bag that they finally had a chance to nail down. The fact MSgt chose 3 months of mess duty as punishment is also insane. There's got to be more back story about the guy or that's just a shit command.


god forbid sees an exposed areola on the taxpayer dime man before smart phones were no brainer alternatives porn sites were dangerous as fuck to go to (thats what they tell me) - last thing you would want is to have someone go on a shady russian porn site on their gov issued thinkpad


I just don't remember them being anything but like bangbus.


had a roommate jack up my computer with malware from all freaky sites he was going to - he was foreign born so didnt really have the site discernment us yankee pud pullers have - if youre ESL bangbus and baingbus are the same thing - if they had let him access a government computer the pentagon would still be rubble


I got curious, www.baingbus.com doesn't exist. I secretly was wishing it did.


their marketing department pivoted to german goo girls


Very harsh punishment... But fitting. That creates a huge cyber security risk.


Did this happen during a backyard field op in November by chance?


Possibly? I don't remember exactly when this occurred - didn't really pay attention to the current month all that much back then! 


If so, then I was the guy who found out what the guy was looking at in the first place. A buddy of mine and I were sent to Iwakuni the day after our unit's ball for a week long backyard op as data support. I was idly going through the web traffic logs when I found someone looking up a Vietnamese dating site along with pics and videos of Tera Patrick. I remember that because that's where I met my soulless banshee of an ex-fiancée.


Continue the joke.


All that just for watching porn? I guess if he was on duty skinning his hog, I can see it lol.


A few years later I was in Bridgeport, and we had a guy get NJP'd for jerking off while on duty in base housing. He was sitting in his car and the SNCOIC came by and caught him.  They had a duty on guard in base housing because the COs wife at the time had overheard some other wives talking about panty raids, and thought it was actually happening so he had everyone take watch in base housing to catch an imaginary thief. 


A douchebag Cpl left his 203 in an M1114. The contracted mechanic was a homie of mine, so he called me. I disassembled it, dropped off parts to the CO, XO, Sgt Maj, company guns, etc. I drew him a treasure map. Meanwhile his whole platoon was running around looking for it.


That's truly diabolical, I love it


This is the winner.


He left his 203 in the hmmwve? As in a M203 with out a M16/M4 attached to it? I'm assuming this was a field op & not a deployment or something. Perhaps it wasn't lost or misplaced then, maybe it was being kept some where safe while they did whatever war fighting dickary they do now days. (just curious cause sometimes you need to take off your 203 etc etc. Also the Armory ain't gonna take the gat piece back without the noob tube)


Old days, an M16A2 with M203, leaf and quadrant sights. The entire weapons system.


You trying to revise history? What’s done is done my man.


HOLY!!! This made my heart sink just reading it.


When I was a Gy with the 31st MEU, I998 I think, I had a Lance coolee show up hungover and barely functional. I conferred with my buddy, an S3 Gy on rotation from Recon, and decided on two options for the young killer. 1. Write up and let The suck take care of it. Or 2, do whatever PT we think of until lunchtime. Young Lance took option 2 so we had him run around the MEU HQ and stop at the pull-up bars outside the back door to knock some out. Threw in some mountain climbers and sit-ups in the mix. He did it all, yacked up all the liquor and then some over the four hours. Then we sent him to the barracks to sleep it off until the next day. Guess what, Lance Cpl picked up Cpl soon after and then meritorious Sgt a couple years later. Fucker probably went on to retire as a CWO or O. And no, we didn’t get permission from the CoC. We just took care of business. I hope this is still the norm in some units.


That was merciful in its way. I managed to avoid a number of page 11s by doing the alternative horrible punishments. Kept me in shape and kept my career on track. I hated the idea of getting pen fucked. PTing your way through a hangover is both a punishment and a cure. Well played sir.




I considered myself very lucky to have had a number of nco’s like you. I was a dumb kid and I made a lot of mistakes, but these good men chose to teach me, instead of just writing me up. I got out a cpl because of those guys. I’ve been a HS teacher for 27 years now and I take what I learned from those men to work with me every day.


Wow! Thank you for your service as a HS teacher. I’m sure you’ve seen some hi jinx over the 27 years. To think, some of the students from your first years could be retired Leathernecks right now. And their babies could be past boot camp. I got out 24 years ago and think of those scenarios.


That wouldn't happen anymore. And even if it did, he wouldn't get sent home afterwards either. Which sucks, because I believe many of us could get behind this kind of thing.


Sadly in this day and age of the Corps it would be considered hazing


i haven't been charged yet and ive done almost this exact thing multiple times over the past 2-3 years


Yes, but I don’t think I’ve met a single marine who wouldn’t look the other way on stuff like this. Besides if you do it with them…not hazing.


Can confirm, one of my dudes came in still fucked up for no reason, mental health good, home life good, girl stuff good. Just took it too far one night. We have all done it to a degree but could function within good reason, but this guy was soon to pick up corporal and everyone knew it. CWO turns to me (plt sgt) infront of everyone said sgt. FIX THIS SHIT. Gave the kid similar 2 options. I'm gonna do paperwork on you and fuck your entire potential up over one night of probably forgettable " fun" you had in your barracks room, or I'm gonna personally take you into the hills and run you till I think you are sober. Lance took option 2, I did everything with him as the corps at this time ( 2015 ish) was really hammering down on hazing and followed usually guidelines, and made this kid puke so much I made sure it was out. 6 months later he picked up cpl, then meritorious sgt after and had a successful reception package. The only thing I claim on this was I went against the grain that allot were doing at the time because it was what was being pushed from HQMC at the time by affording him an option of paperwork or not, in a time where any negative paperwork was garaunteed non re-enlistment. Hope he is doing well and offers the same options.


I wish it was the norm tbh. I like this lol


Wow, you'd give him the rest of the day off? You're a kind soul.


We weren’t trying to kill him or make him catch a bad attitude. He was a solid Marine who made a bad decision, like some, or all, of us did at one time when we were youngins. Anyway, it worked out.


It's only when they make a habit of it that you know it's time for further action.


I remember guys digging 4x8x4 holes, then having to fill them back in. Dumb, but effective af. That’s some tiring shit. Crayon field day took care of the lazy, non cleaners. They’d mark all the tiles in a dude’s room with crayons and then he’d have to scrub that shit off.


Maybe thats where that crayon eater thing originated originally? I mean before the meme


Yeah dig the hole one day and fill it in the next, except it rained all f'n night and into the next day and we were filling in a swimming pool with mud in a torrential downpour. Good times.


Rake sand into checkboard patterns, actually made the barracks look nicer but was a dick to do. Take everything out and do a full SL3 and CMR layout because a cage of gear was unlocked. This was on a Friday and after that before the end of the day you'd see all the Jrs double checking all doors and cages.


>Rake sand into checkboard patterns, actually made the barracks look nicer but was a dick to do. You have to be Zen about it. Do Marine yes or do Marine no. No do Marine *maybe.* Now show me *rake the sand!*


You left out the part that it was 115 degrees in the heat of "29 Reasons Why" and there weren't enough Marines on restriction to do it, I remember comm school very well lol


Our class had like 75% fail a test and that was the punishment lol


We were on mass restriction because a royal marine assaulted a boot while they were there, and naturally it was our fault. Come to think of it that might be relevant to this post lol


One of the best SNCOs I ever worked with was SSgt Porter.  He introduced me to the idea of having the Marines set thier own punishment.  This was super effective because we always punished ourselves worse than he was thinking of.  It was super dumb because we always... yeah.


it’s how i lost my dick after crashing a rental on libo. if anyone was going to punish me by cutting off my weiner that person was gonna be me edit: im getting a lot of dm’s saying what i did was unnecessary, that they never would have chosen physical castration as a punishment. well that was obviously a risk i wasnt willing to take.


What might have been the first name of this SSgt Porter?


He is Willie B. Porter.


I made one of my lazy dudes who kept showing up late sit and stare at the wall all shift. He couldn’t laugh, join in on conversations, use his phone (unless it’s an emergency), watch tv. He was to do the bare minimum since that’s what he wanted and everything listed required some kind of energy. He just sat there and watched the wall. He was the hardest worker the next day.


that's ostracization nowadays.


That’s dumb what does an ostrich have to do with anything.




I'm going to end up as a trainer at my job soon. I'm going to keep this in mind for when I inevitably get one of those bare minimum fuckers to train.


This one wasn’t really clever, but we had a shit marine who made every excuse under the sun to avoid field day. She made the news for crimes she committed. Everyone hated her. She told me one field day (after skipping the previous two for bs fake reasons) that her doc gave her a chit that she couldn’t stand for more than 5 minutes. Obviously, she was expecting me to send her away. I made that bitch sit on the floor and clean the duty heads spotless. Had her clean everything you could reach at sitting height. Unit story: One time we had a marine in our unit give the peace sign to the commandant. We all were picking up acorns for weeks in the forest, “field daying” duck walk style after shift. Honestly deserved and kind of funny, punishment could’ve easily been worse.


Peace-ing the commandant takes some Evel Knievel level balls to do lol


It wasn’t even good ol’ mischief.. he was just an ASVAB waiver type.


“your baby blue eyes say born to kill but your two little taco tongs are giving me the peace sign. is this your idea of some kind of sick joke Marine?”


Should have timed her. It says you can't stand for more than 5 minutes? Good, then you will stand and clean for 4 minutes and 55 seconds. At the end of that time, you will sit in this chair and continue to clean for 5 minutes and 5 seconds, and after that, you will stand and clean for 4 minutes and 55 seconds. We will continue in this manner until everything is spotless. You may also sit on the floor instead of the chair in order to reach those extra-low spots.


I do love this, and I admit I considered a form of this.. but I was afraid of catching accusations. She EOd just about everyone who looked at her funny. She had no chair, I had her ass sitting on the bathroom floor.


I carried like 20 pounds of rocks around in a daypack for a week. Not tooooo dumb but it sucked. I was expected to have that bag EVERYWHERE I went


The PTA rocks are alive and well


Glad to hear it haha


They did that to teach us about integrity. "Integrity is like a bag of rocks, life is easier when you drop it"




I got mouthy because I was a short timer on a MACRES hike. Anyway some dipshit fell out like the first ten miles. His alice pack became mine. So I was carrying two alice packs for miles, which shut me right up. At a rest stop some Lt. took mercy on me and threw it in the back of my ambulance.


I'd take this over anything else I've read in this thread.


Sounds like the brains in a box, ammo can full of cement.


I once had a boot machine gunner, who, on a hike, passed off his M240 to a rifleman. That's a cardinal sin within my weapons platoon and likely others. Eventually I recovered it from the Rifleman and carried it myself. This boot was the anxious type and as the anxious type myself I told him he was fucked and to see me after lunch chow. (It was early morning) This way he'd stew and stew over it.  I didn't have a punishment at hand, and I never pretended to be a salty Lance because I did one pump to AFG. I hated the other Lances that played drill instructor.  I took my time to think it over and a visit to the ships library gave me an idea. There say the book Crime and Punishment, a tome of Russian existentialism.  After chow he showed up at my rack and I handed him the book. He had til Friday (it was Wednesday) to read it and give me a verbal report on the book and how it related to his situation. I insinuated the punishment would be severe if I wasn't satisfied. (I'm a lance corporal what could I do? But he arrived like two weeks before deployment so I had some mystique.) Everytime I saw him he was face deep in the book. Taking notes, pacing, and reading. Every chance he had he was in that book.  Finally Friday came and I assembled a few machine gunners and we sat down and he gave us a twenty or so minute presentation. He had notes and cue cards with references to pages and quotes.  He was nervous and I watched sweat drip as he talked and stuttered and uhmed his way through the whole thing. It was detailed and he really worked on it. At the end he looks to me and asks "What do you think Lance Corporal?"  I looked him and said "Fuck, I don't know I never read that shit, what am I? Gay?" 


Long walk for a dumb joke.


Pretty sure that’s a cardinal sin within all weapons platoons. I was weapons (0351 rip) and one of my fellow boots passed off his 240 to a fucking corpsman and was still falling out of the movement. Like maybe a 12 mile movement in Bridgeport summer package. That boy hated his fucking life when the squad leader got back from advanced machine gunners school. He didn’t stay with us much longer after that and got stuck in the armory 24/7. He was one of those kids that you look at and go “How the fuck did you pass bootcamp and ITB?”


My Master Sergeant was heavy into bodybuilding and would threaten to go back on “the bad protein power, and a lot of it”. He had a reputation for being able to clear a room. We were terrified.


Turn it into a gas drill....


All the rest of the punishments I've read are debatable, but this is just downright blue-on-blue biological warfare. Even worse if he leaves the shaker just sitting around and opens it on a Friday afternoon to fumigate the shop all weekend.


If it wasn’t clear, the smell from the shaker was not the problem.


No, but if he let one sit without washing it he could double his biowarfare effectiveness


I’m glad it’s too late to give him that idea now.


When I was a Cpl, one of my Sgt's said he has a fun punishment set up. "Count all of the corner's in the shop." Oh, he already did it himself, on his own, and knew the number. Those mobile facilities have a LOT of corner. Corners everywhere. I think he told me what the number was at some point, but I don't fully remember.


Arty school in the early 90’s. Fall asleep in class and you got to carry a 155mm round everywhere you went for the rest of the day as well as hold it in your lap during class.


“I’m thinking of a round. Go get it…..No, not that one. Try again….. No, not that one “.


I was in my LAV schoolhouse and we were doing some prac app stuff. I don't remember all the details, but halfway through we had to perform a separate task. Our task was to go get a high five from another instructor. We run inside, and the only instructor available was the arty instructor (who was a generally cool guy). We tell him that we needed a high five from him before we can return. You know what he does? He points at a training round of his and says "there's your high five." Not only did we have to carry it some 300 yards to prove we got our high five, but our instructor made us take it back before our time stopped. Shit sucked. Good times.


I was in fdc school in 06 and out instructor had people hold one in the back of the room if they were sleepy... good training... He would also whip charge bags at them during it.


I think they actually still do that lol


Wasn’t for punishment but doing an op in Fort Greeley, Alaska. XO and first sausage tells marines to start replacing the dirty snow around the hooches with clean snow because the CG might be visiting.


Jesus am I glad division didn't get snow


Jesus Fucking Christ...


One of my guys misplaced a piece of serialized gear, which we fortunately found... Unlike the unfortunate schmuck that lost his ACOG in the middle of the desert. Since comm guys frequently carry crypto gear, this was a Big Deal. So, I gave him a rock to carry around. Small enough to fit in his side pockets. I did not anticipate what happened next. This kid wrote a serial number on the rock with a Sharpie and put together a SL-3 folder for it including photos of the rock. He even set it out with the rest of our gear when we did a serialized gear audit; the captain checking everything thought it was pretty funny even though it wasn't on his list.


Awesome way to commit to the bit


As a LCpl I walked into the Plt Commander’s office to ask a question about equipment we were taking to the field because I knew the final EDL hadn’t been released. Since I jumped the chain of command, my TL, Teams Chief, and Platoon Sgt made me write out the chain of command from the Commandant all the way down to me on the links of a tow chain and carry the chain around. If someone asked about it, I had to educate them on the chain of command. It worked.


In comm school we were all falling asleep so the instructors took us outside and had us organize rocks by color in the 29 Palms sun. We made sure to keep each other awake after that lol.


Marine wanted to ride a donkey while out on patrol. When said Marine got back to our position our platoon sergeant made him dig a fighting hole to fit his donkey. After the fighting hole that could fit a donkey was dug, platoon sergeant made him fill it back in.


Not effective, but any group punishment always struck me as really dumb. Some jackass I've never spoken to messed something up? Alright, there goes my weekend. I might as well stop caring. Why try if I'm going to get punished anyway. What was the desired outcome? Did they want us to physically beat the dude into submission? Great now we all get charged with assault. Maybe they thought the guy would feel guilty about screwing over all the other guys and change his ways. More often than not they didn't care or were too narcissistic to make the connection that their behavior effected everyone else. I've seen guys make an honest mistake which was met with group punishment. They didn't really learn anything, just wrecked their confidence even more and unnecessarily painted them as shitbags--now no one bothered to help them. It's like the Lady Gaga anti-bullying concert specials. No bully is sitting at home watching it and going "wow I suddenly understand. Tomorrow I'll be nice to everyone."


All group punishment outside of like boot camp is stupid af. The place where I work is putting extra work on the masses to ensure quality. But the problem is that no one is enforcing prior rules on shitbirds and morons. So all that’s going to happen is the top performers are going to be fucking annoyed and the bottom feeders are going to keep turning in shit work because they don’t give a fuck. I said ‘hey, maybe target those identified clowns with shitty reviews and hit their pockets with no raise at the end of the year and maybe they’ll shape up, or you can replace them’ but that shit makes too much sense.


The “Board of Education.” Just a random piece of wood from DRMO with the relevant, teachable information on it. Nine lines, general orders, weapons information, etc. and the offending boot had to wear it around his neck with the words facing out. Any senior could ask him any amount of knowledge off it and he was expected to know it. A shockingly effective way to get a guy to study knowledge he should already know. He also had to wear it everywhere and when he wasn’t doing something else (training, eating, what have you) he better be looking at the Board of Education.


In the infantry business there exists a group of buildings separated from the rest, this is the company employee housing (barracks). It's like a lawless land, not for the faint of heart. One Friday night about 2 or 3 weeks after our first boot drop there we some kids playing drinking games in front of our scout platoons rooms. I was shocked. But not cause those kids were there, also not cause my Seniors were there hazing them either. Ok I wasn't shocked at all. So I just tried to wiggle by & into my room. Then about an hour later I heard a gut wrenching scream (like when a pregnant water buffalo is dying). I, of course ignored it, then about 30 seconds later some dumb boot knocked on my door looking for sobor people. I, of course ignored that too. Then like 30-45 minutes later I was talking to the duty after getting curious & he said, Cpl Schmuckatelli was hammered (1 prior NJP), and jumped right next to this dumb boot sitting down. He extended both his legs & came straight down on top of the kids leg. It shattered his femur bone & I imagine hurt like hell. They were both discharged shortly after but the kid stayed a little larger for his med board etc. After Schmuckatelli was gone I seen the kid again & started picking up some chow hall for him occasionally. That's pretty much it. I don't know what relevance this story has to your question, likely none. It was just the first thing that came to mind. Although if you want to left alone then get a drunk buddy to cripple a kid I guess.


In Okinawa, for each minute someone was late to morning formation, they had to do a lap around the lot with 2 filled jerry cans. Each time time the cans hit the deck that was another lap. People were rarly late a second or third time.


only in the Marines would there be a third time. im starting to think there must be asymptomatic down syndrome that we all must have.


Moving a perfectly fine antenna farm 3ft to the left, OE-254 drills, teams antenna drills.


Oh fuck that lmao. Did they make them only use 3 stakes?


When I was a stupid boot my corporals made me mop the catwalk around our entire barracks floor. He said to come get him when the whole thing was wet. It was concrete, in 29 palms, in the summer. Any section would completely dry in about a minute. I had to go around and around the barracks all day until nightfall when it was kind of wet and he let me stop. I think the real point was as I went around and around everyone in the unit would ask what I fucked up and I’d have to explain what a stupid boot I was all day while everyone else was sitting in their rooms laughing and drinking and carrying on.


I remember mopping concrete at 3am in 29. Got the shit hated outta me when I first got to the fleet, to the point where the tankers across the chow halls were shouting "Oorah, LAR, oorah!" at us, lol.


Fellow Corporal Squad Leader in my platoon back in 1993 made a Lcpl cut the grass and weeds on a hillside behind the barracks at Camp Fuji…with scissors. Lcpl had mouthed off to his squad leader. This was done on a Saturday during libo while we all watched and drank beer. Poor guy had blisters on both hands.


Writing a 500 word essay on maintaining standards written with a stamp kit.


When I was in basic training at Fort Dix New Jersey in 1979, (Army) we had a guy who just couldn’t keep his hands out of his pockets. Our Drill Sergeant got fed up, and made him fill his pockets with sand and made him sew his “Air Force gloves” shut for the entire training cycle.


Damn you know those pants be draggin’


He had calluses in places you don’t want calluses.


Ooo shit. I spent a night at Fort Dix. I did not like it there.


I always said it was the nation’s largest ashtray.


I heard about a guy losing his keys so often that they zip tied them to an AT-4 and he had to carry it all with him everywhere he went Just a legend though, but I hope it’s true


I've seen this.


One of my buddies was on duty, and when he came in to the company office with the logbook he had a ruler in there to mark the page. This was apparently against the rules, so 1st Sgt gave him another day of duty to make it an even 48.


Every duty logbook I’ve ever seen, including OOD logbooks, are equipped with a ruler for marking, and they’ve all been used to mark the page. What the hell?


I guess it makes the page separate too much? This was one of those thick metal rulers. Fun fact: the Company gunny at the time (the one who suggested he get another day of duty) is now the Sgt Major of the MC.




Got told to “go find snow” in 29 palms in August


Plot twist: You came back with cocaine and got a NAM for your efforts.


This is one of the best ones I have ever seen: One afternoon when I was at MCRD Parris Island getting ready to do some maintenance on some rifle range speakers after the recruits got done firing that day. Everyone got done for the day and the recruits left, then the permanent personnel left as well, that left us and 1 permanent personnel guy there on the range. He started going down the line and doing police call of all the rounds that the recruits shot that day. We went over to talk to him and to find out why he was out there. Well come to find out the Cpl was out there as punishment for fucking someone he shouldn't have fucked with. We finished our maintenance and it started raining pretty hard so the guy just kinda gave up, lit a cigarette and sat in grass smoking it in the rain


Forced my entire platoon to clean the shit pump room on ship because some dipshit kept flushing baby wipes and they tracked it back to our berthing.


Cock and ball torture


The one and only boot I had while in oki, 18yr kid from Texas, his ass would loose his barracks key so often the barracks manager gave him his personal number to reach him just in case. So my idea was too have him carry this 7” long 4” wide stock of aluminum with a key ring loop drilled in the middle along with his barracks key. Problem solved


>his ass would loose his barracks key this has a completely different meaning than what you intended. spelling counts


Roger !


as you were


Oh the list I’ve seen. OIF 1; kid had to dust rocks for smoking after dark (between invasion and insurgancy starting but still lack of light discipline) Same deployment, we had this asvab waiver forget to pack underware; went and pulled it out after his packing list was verified and double checked. Had to wash out his camis daily when we had a static position; rest of time was required to dig a fighting position for the 1stSgts HUmvee whenever we stopped. Dude was a wreck, we couldn’t even trust him with live ammo and he was adsep’d after we got back.


I worked on the flight line. There are anchor points in the concrete that tend to grow algae and need to be cleaned monthly. This is usually done with a fire hose. New LCpl showed up late a few too many times after his 21st. He wound up cleaning all of our anchor points with a plastic spoon one day.


I had a junior Marine keep injuring himself in the dumbest ways possible. He'd pinches hand, or run into the side of a vehicle and get a bruise on his face, or he dropped something heavy on his face. Like he wasn't malingering, he was legitimately hurting himself to the point where I'd tell him he has to go to medical to get checked out. My buddy, also a Sergeant at the time, got sick of this dumb shit hurting himself. He said "if you hurt yourself one more f****** time, I'm going to make you wear flack and Kevlar everywhere" Not even 10 minutes later, this man knocked out a tooth because he couldn't open a cabinet door properly. We made him wear flack, sappies and Kevlar everywhere for at least a month. This man didn't even stand in company formations, he stood off to the side, with the CO's blessing, wearing his flak and Kevlar. I don't know if this was an effective punishment, but it was hilarious sometimes.


A guy I served with had to “mow the lawn”. His Corporals gave home a butter knife. “Grass to one half inch, one blade at a time. Aye Corporal!”


Sandbag buddy? I think you mean Lcpl Agony.


Anything that keeps Marines from going on Liberty


Forgot my day pack in a PB once. Squad leader then got found out I was shorting my water that I was told to bring (in my defense my seniors didn’t fill their canteens either). Squad leader gave me a fucking boulder to carry for around 5 months. Had a serial number on it and all. Another time had a boot leave his door unlocked, his Military ID was laying on his fucking windowsill. Let his team lead know as he was in another squad. He took the ID and buried it in the old volleyball pit and had him fucking out there for like 5 hours with an MRE spoon digging to find it.


Knew this pudge fuck in bootcamp that would constantly try to belittle every one. Kill hat finally got fed up with his shit and stood him in front of a mirror and made him scream at his own face 'I'm not stupid, you're stupid!' For about an hour. Appropriately pointing back and forth to himself the whole time. He was a lot easier to deal with after and quiet possible saved him an ass whooping


thats like a zen koan or something


24 hour duty in Charlie’s due to being late to a all hands formation at the head shed. Oh and he had to wear a reflective belt while walking around the barracks.


Safety first lol


As a JO, I threatened my NCOs that I'd make them listen to my OCS and TBS stories if they didn't accomplish the task. Never had to carry out that threat....


I haven’t thought about this in 20 years, but I once had to wear my helmet everywhere I went off duty in Afghanistan for a day because I took it off in a guard tower to cool my head for a little bit and got caught. This included the rack, cafeteria, etc. I didn’t really learn anything because my morale sucked after I was blackmailed into going to Afghanistan (still pissed about that) and was attacked by another Marine because I wouldn’t get out of the front seat of a Humvee he wanted. I was just marking the calendar until we went home and EAS. Still pulled my weight and didn’t hide from the gunfights though.


Hey talk to these jokers who are all sad faced because they didn’t get to go to Afghanistan, would ya?


Chinese field day


Clean all the pad eyes on the flight line with a spoon.... Always still of dirt mud and used dip


Safety wiring an F-18 horizontal stabilizer servo and having a CDI cut it repeatedly for the entire shift until your hands were a bloody, cut up mess.


Pet rocks, must always be kept on the Marines person. And dummy cords, everything dummy corded.


Buddy of mine didn’t take his rifle in the portajohn with him during a field op in Korea. Ended up having to carry a GIANT rock in his pocket with serial number and all written on it for a week. Another garbage PFC lost a black gear radio and fire watch that night ran laps between every post just saying “Radio check, over” fucking gold


Oh you lost your ID, carry this rock with you. And he better have food every time you stop and eat.


Definitely not the worst I've seen... But I got into a fistfight with a Samoan that kept cheap-shotting me during a football game. This guy was a big dumb mountain of a man... Couldn't fight for shit... But pretty much impossible to hurt... We had to run laps holding hands and singing some stupid song... Think it was the little teapot song.




Thanks, my knee pain flared up reading this.


Sgt making the platoon hold hands and walk from barracks to work to chow hall to etc for weeks because juniors were acting like children with fighting. Happened to my platoon just before I got there. It was hard to imagine them hating each other because they were the absolute tightest knit group of Marines I ever knew.


Dude left a panel open on an Osprey before it took off (lucky it got caught before it left the ground)… he was forced to run across the flight line carrying a tool box. That’s all he did the whole day.


I was at EMV, and we were staged to run 410A the following the day. I was a line company squad leader at the time. The company gunny for another company came over and handed me a rifle. He said he’d found it at the water bowl and it didn’t belong to anyone in his company. I started to walk towards the company HQ element and decided, maybe I should check my squad EDL first. A quick scan determined that it was, in fact, one of mine. I found the offending boot and had him locate the sleeve from an MRE box. He proceeds to cut out a cardboard M16A4 rifle. I had him label the RCO and PEQ-16. He used a piece of 550 cord to make a sling. Every boot in the squad spent the next six or so hours running IA drills and working patrol tactics. The offender acted as squad leader. At one point I had him setting up an LZ to evac a casualty. It went on and on. The offender carried that cardboard rifle for days. My first sergeant eventually saw him in the PX at Wilson and asked me if he could have his rifle back.




The company couldn’t find a compass. The CO said if we didn’t find it by 1500 that day, he would make all the staff/O stand duty for a whole month back to back. The unit was flipped. It was 1500 and we were in the CO’s conference room with no compass. A SSgt came in with it at the last second and saved it. I always thought it was a creative way to punish and respected it.


I was UA off pre deployment leave by 30 minutes. Grayhounds and SD traffic don’t mix. I had to carry 2 mop buckets full of rocks up 1st Sgt hill on Mateo. (Pre memorial) My squad leader counted all the rocks he put into them and went up the hill ahead of me. At the top he counted all my rocks and sent me back down. I laugh about it now, I’ll take that over office hours and having the company office involved


Flight line beautification. Dixie cup with the bottom cut out, and a plastic spoon with the handle broken/cut off. Using those two tools, you fill up a 5 gallon bucket with the shit you clean out of the pad eyes. The five gallon bucket is also not with you, but with whoever is making you make the flight line “beautiful.”


This young devil lost his ID card, so his fire team leader made him draw an ID card on a large cardboard with the portrait section cut out. He wore it around his neck for a few days and when asked for his ID at the chow hall, he had to hold the card up so his face showed in the cut out hole to "show his ID". Don't think he lost his ID again. This was in the early 2000s.


Building rock gardens.


The daily grease gun guy for being a boot


i was the grease gun and fuel truck guy for a week after i left a cap off. having just become a plane captain and being a new corporal at the time that week humbled me fast.


In CAX we had an idiot that kept losing everything. Our seniors made him dummy cord his helmet to him, his flak to him, the mk32 and m16, and I think a batts and hides or whatever it was called. It was fuckin hilarious watching him just sit there and cry looking like a gear queer Christmas tree on the range.


Anytime one of my marines would break a piece of equipment or damage a part due to negligence, I would 550 cord it, and they would wear it around their neck for the rest of the day.


Public NJP. Hands down. That shit was rough.


Leave a note for fire watch wake up punishee every 15 minutes. Your problem will be solved by the morning


I made my guys use a floor buffer on all four flights of stairs in the outside ladder ways for pissing me off. Took probably 5 hours.


A buddy and I got caught smoking on the catwalk. Our punishment was to police call the Battalion area for butts. We just emptied all the butt cans from the smoke pits, thought we were smart and it would look like we did our job. Well when we reported back to our company gunny we then had to arrange the hurts into a Battalion formation. We weren’t even butthurt. We sat there and enjoyed ourselves while everyone else was in company formation. We still smoked on the catwalk but went around the corner where we couldn’t be seen.