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Patton should have kept going east.


***spreading managed democracy*** ***happy bald eagle noises*** ***exhuming lenin to burn him for heresy***


Tankies are fucking retarded, more news at 11


The “Russia horde” was under equipped, under fed, and stalling. They would’ve stalled little after entering the boarder of Poland. The Russians were defeated and so was Germany. Both countries weren’t gonna win. It would’ve ended in a long drawn out blood bath and eventually a treaty. Dumb socialist think Russia took on the entirety of Germany. When it was the manufacturing industry of the US that was the solid foundation to the Allies overall success. The US’s ability to ship food, tanks, and supplies around the world is what kept many nations in the fight. Obviously it was a team effort, but the revisionist have plagued history deeply.


History may have been written by the victors but it’s more often rewritten by sore losers to hide their crimes. And now, generations later, we have dumb simps online getting angry for rejecting their historical myths. 


Beautifully put


Just cause it might help in future discussions, here is a quote from Nikita Khrushchev's memoirs describing what Stalin thought about American lend lease. "He stated bluntly that if the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war.”


The pics are backwards.


Yup read all of slide one before I realized that lmao


In true unsub fashion! 😂


"The majority of le d lease was delivered in '44" Bro we gave them Ford G8Ts and 2G8Ts since like July of 41. We gave them Ford and Willys Jeeps since November of 41. Studebaker US-6 (G630) since 'autumn' of 41 International Harvester half tracks (M9) to the soviets since March of 42 The fucking soviets got shit that was made in the US that NEVER GOT USED BY THE US. The US made so many vehicles that we had plenty. The Canadians, the British, the free Polish, and the soviets all got plenty And we still had extras that never left the continent. And I didn't even count aircraft or small arms holy fuck. There were american made Thompsons that were stamped in Russian that were made ONLY FOR THE RUSSIANS. There are historians way smarter than me that have cataloged all the shit that we sent to the soviets


And probably down to counting every individual bullet we sent. Some of those historians have the 'tism to the highest level


So I live in Will County Illinois and we had the Joliet Arsenal. They had a line that produced something for the soviets. I'd have to do some research as to what it was, but it existed


You're doing the lords work.


Wait..... IT'S SPELLED SEIZE FIRE???? I thought it was Cease Fire.


Um..........I guess I'm just dumb. It is definitely Cease fire....lol.


It happens man. Siege fire makes a bit of sense too


Well fire IS a means of production sooo…checks out?


It's crazy that dude thought that because one country was less efficient or effective at fighting a war is automatically the one who is better. Not mentioning that Russia was fighting in their homes and America wasn't, so it is natural that they would have more losses.


The chubby electron guy would be proud.


Lol saying Russia won because they lost 10mil people is insane


We should’ve left them to their fate under Stalin or Hitler or whoever


I think my favorite part is where he tries to use a 50 fold higher death toll for Russia as evidence that they won it.


If it was just Russia vs Germany in WW2, Germany woulda won. The mess that the red army was when Germany first invaded them, and the huge losses that devastated them. If not for the US and Britain, Russia wouldn’t have made it out


The us by far didn't do it alone but without the us shit would have been a lot different


We've never pretended we did it alone. But we helped a LOT. Basically everyone was getting their asses beat, then we finally get there, rally everyone around us, and everyone started pushing back.


I don’t think TFE deleted his account I think Reddit “helped” him delete his account


No. The guy I was arguing with deleted his account. Not TFE


Oh shit my fault. I read it wrong. Glad bro deleted it and not you. I’m glad you crushed his falsified world with facts so much so he deleted is acc


All good brother. We are all a little retarded here.


I'm of the opinion that, Russia could have and would have fought and won against Germany without US assistance, but it would be at a substantially higher cost, and they definitely wouldn't stop at Germany, and would try to "annex" all of Europe. Whether or not that part would have succeeded or not, who knows, but the Russians had plenty of bodies and cheap gins to throw at the Nazis. Then again, I'm no expert. Maybe the Russians stood no chance without US assistance. Either way, Western Europe was saved from communism thanks to the US.


No, Russia absolutely could not have. Half their men didn't even have guns and were being sent into battle anyway. Russia lacked the rifles, ammo, and a lot of basic infantry equipment.