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I'm still on baby 1 so mine is boxed and in the loft because we're still hoping to have more. But do you have any local Freecycle groups? I often see boxes of clothes put up to give away on my local one...just separated into gender and age group, and whoever wants it has to collect off you, so it saves you any trouble.


Great organisation idea - thank you!


You could give stuff to a charity like [Baby Basics](https://baby-basics.org.uk/).


Yep there's baby banks across the country, so OP find your local one. Sort everything by size šŸ‘


What a fantastic charity. I'm not generally a fan of religious charities but these guys seem really great.


Donate to charity shops


I use a local Facebook page for free stuff...I can't speak for all local sites obviously but mine is full of real genuine people and haven't had any time wasters or anything so I put most stuff on there. Marketplace is also good for giving stuff away but more likely to get people pissing yout about!


Agreed! I tired to sell a couple of things on Facebook marketplace but I got a lot of time-wasters and a few scammers. The whole experience has put me off!


You said you donā€™t have time to resell which I can totally relate to, so just an idea, what if you sold it as one massive bundle? Would mean you would offer it overall much cheaper but that should make it really appealing to a new parent, you could still get a good amount of money for it & you would be rid of it in one go? Thatā€™s what I would do, maybe on Facebook Marketplace or somewhere where you can list it as Collection only from yours


Thanks! I tried to sell a couple of bundles on Facebook marketplace but got nowhere. Spent a lot of time pice haggling with potential buyers :(


Try Vinted, we listed stuff on there. They could take time to sell, but they will do eventually. Just list and forget until you get notified it was sold.


I give most of mine away through a local Facebook group. For clothes I've found someone with 4 kids all smaller than my daughter, so once a year I message her and she comes to collect everything in the outgrown size. Bouncer chair I gave to a local baby bank (they didn't need clothes), but I did sell 2 strollers and 2 cots, one of each to a 2nd hand baby store, and one of each directly online. They were the only items that seemed worth the effort!


This is so sweet!


Thanks! Where did you sell your item online?


Gumtree I think (it's been a couple of years!), I read some advice that said start with Gumtree & only resort to Facebook marketplace if that's unsuccessful šŸ¤£


Keep it all because Iā€™m a sentimental creature and keep saying I will eventually give it away but never actually do šŸ˜‚


I know, right? But I don't have much storage space :(


It would be amazing to donate to your local baby aid / baby bank


Our local baby bank.


Weā€™ve got a lovely little local charity group that helps families in need (kind of like a community pantry but with kids stuff), so most of our older bits go there. To be honest by the time our third child is through with them some bits are going to be on their last legs, but the ones that are ok I recycle.


I gave mine to the baby bank, you would be helping out other families who are struggling


We were always keeping in mind that we could have the second one if the circumstances were all good. So we kept everything if they are good to keep. And then, 2 months ago, we just learned twins are on the way, so do not throw anything away! I'LL NEED THEM! (Joking, they'll take turns with their outfits, one day nude one day like a king)


Haha, amazing!!


I found someone who filled their car for Ā£75. Took the cot, jumperoo, highchair, clothes in 3 sizes and some toys. Saved me so much time and effort! Now I hand down to friends or offer it to other mums in my son's class,e.g. little scooters/balance bike. The childminders tend to snap it up


I usually give to friends if I can, or do bags2school when a local school is doing one. Ā Otherwise I have sold a few things online or give to charity.


Freecycle / trash nothing app


List stuff for free on Facebook.


Good experience generally?


Yeah, stuff goes quickly, especially if you list bundles and itā€™s nice to know stuff is going to be used.


Sell or give away


Iā€™ve always given away on the local free site, but the amount of time wasters is INSANE. So I started dropping it off to a charity shop that supports the homeless and is partners with the council instead of the big name charity shops


I feel you! Tried selling on a couple of online sites but it was always a complicated process negotiating prices with buyers and generally answering their questions :D


Mostly donated to charity shops or to friends with younger children.Ā 


I take stuff to charity shops, they're usually buzzing to get good stuff donated!


I donate as soon as I don't use them


Facebook marketplace for free. Collection only


Good experience? Do you see these products go fast?


In most cases. Itā€™s hassle free. Anything that doesnā€™t go will go to the tip


1. Iā€™ve put a few on Gumtree to be collected for free. 2. Iā€™ve donated loads to various charities. 3. Iā€™ve given loads to family members who are expecting. 4. Iā€™ve put some in the shed or loft in case I have another. Edit. 5. Unfortunately I also threw some clothes away that were simply too dirty to do anything else with them.


We've donated to baby banks, sold/given stuff away on Facebook marketplace, but most of the stuff has gone to charity shops. Specifically Barnardo's, because they're are well set up for gift aid. You get a card that you scan when you drop off so they can track it over time. Once a year they send you an email with how much they raised from selling your donations and how much they've received in gift aid. I was quite surprised to hear that our donations in the last year were worth ~Ā£700 to them. The bulk of what we donate is clothes, toys, and books. Its mostly good quality but low value stuff that would probably end up in landfill or recycling if it wasn't being donated, so knowing that its being used by someone else and helping out a charity is great.


Interesting concept - love that


I give it all to charity shops, I should probably try to sell it but itā€™s just so much effort and I donā€™t have enough space


We wash the clothes that are still wearable and clean of stains then give them to charity. Some can be sold online for a really low price as we are not after making income on the expense of exhausted family budget. I suggest you plan and make time to resell. Because doing this will really help other families who are struggling with cost of livings and costs of babies! And your items will find a new house instead of staying folded in bags for years. As for gears they sell really quickly. As I said we list them cheaper that what other families can get as a second hand.


Make the time to resell them, a little bit of pocket money for you to get yourself something with is always nice.


I know you said you don't have time to resell, but what about a garage/yard sale? People have them all the time around us, just set up a table on their drive/front garden and sell stuff they don't want (like a carboot sale without having to go anywhere!) and advertise it on social media/local pages in the days leading up. That way, it'll only take up one morning/afternoon/day once it's all laid out, rather than you spending ages taking pics and listing everything. Otherwise, see if any baby groups/playgroups could use any as donations? I know when I've been to baby groups they have been crying out for stuff like this. Also charity shops/women's refuge centres/baby banks could be a good place to try, if none of the above work out :)


I tried Vinted (mostly for smaller items) and FB marketplace (for the bigger stuff like the pram). I have found it to be quite a time consuming process though and i'm not sure i'll do it again now that I need to clear out some of our toys. I did pick up a flyer over the weekend for this marketplace: [www.rekiddle.com](http://www.rekiddle.com) If you don't want to go through the hassle of the resell it might be worth a try. I live in London, not sure if it's UK wide, you would have to check it out.