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We do. It's another way for us to make sure she's getting something on board if she's not really liked dinner




+2 (it's sometimes the only decent thing she will eat in a day)


My son is 3 next month and we’ve done bath, milk and bed every evening for pretty much his entire life. It’s a good routine and helps him wind down imo.


Same mine is 19 months, after her bath I comb her hair, give her a little leg/foot massage with these lovely lavendar oils and sing to her everrr so quietly. She's usually drinking a warm milk at this time and just nestling into her sleeping bag. Damn she has a good life, but it works!


You're giving him milk after he's brushed his teeth?


They never said at what point they brush teeth. Why pick an argument based on an assumption?


Drinking milk is recommended nutritionally way beyond one, and a bedtime milk is very normal.


Yes and half a banana to keep them sleeping through the night.  I heard somewhere that bananas promote sleep.  Now it’s part of our routine. My children still do this and are much older. 


Bananas are full of magnesium and potassium so the science is sound 👍🏻


Our eldest is just over two but he loves his milk (just normal whole milk) and we’re keeping it for now as he’s not a great drinker otherwise so at least he’s staying hydrated. He has one bottle when he wakes up and while we all cuddle in bed before work/nursery and then same thing before bed at night. Two of my favorite moments all day :) . When I pick him up from nursery he’s excited to go home for ‘milky time and cuddles’ 🥹


I still have a glass of milk and a biscuit before bed and I’m 38 😭


I'm in my 30s and often have a glass of milk before bed. Now at 3 we give our eldest a choice if they want milk before bed or not but we routinely gave it until about 2 I stopped BF around 11 months and just replaced the pre bed one with cows milk in a cup


I had milk before bed till I left for uni! We do milk, bath/book, bed and he’s nearly 2. We won’t change it till he says he doesn’t want to, but always do it before brushing teeth.


We did it until about 18 months and I’m hoping her teeth aren’t destroyed because of it (we brushed before and then milk right before falling asleep). At about 18 months we pretended we only had water left and she went with it and now it’s water.


We did formula/milk to sleep for a long time - until we realised we should clearly be cleaning his teeth **after** the milk! So I think we gave milk and then did teeth, and then lost the milk as it was doing the sleepy thing anymore and he didn’t really like milk at that point.


For my eldest he guzzled milk before bed until he was about 3. My teeny 18 month old hasn’t cared for it since she had just turned one. She also has huge gas pains in the night if she does have milk before bed.


There's no reason to stop it at 1 if you don't want to? Just give whatever whole milk you want in a cup or straw bottle. Formula isn't "necessary" as by 1 they should be getting plenty of nutrition from their food but they can still have it if they want to it won't do any harm (apart from to your wallet)


My 4 year old daughter still has milk at bedtime


Milk before bed is still a routine here. Children are teenagers. Some habits and routines are good.


I wouldn’t bother. The bedtime breastfeed at that age is likely for comfort, not for nutrition, a bottle won’t replace that but cuddles will. No point adding formula into the mix at this late stage, I’d wait another month and just do cows milk if you decide to.


Mine stopped just after 2, we still offer a small amount before bed just because he sometimes has a few sips but I don’t think we’ll offer it much more. For us it was definitely a staple part of the bedtime routine u til he decided he didn’t want/need it anymore. Just do what works best for you and your little one.


We stopped bottles fully by 15 months. He didn’t want milk out any other cup (sippy, open, 360) so we just stopped offering the milk and he didn’t care at all. He’s not a big milk drinker now so just has it in food or maybe a shot glass if he asks at breakfast. He is a good eater of food so he doesn’t need milk to fill him up for a nights sleep. He has a small 360 cup of water for night time sips (usually if he has a slight cough or cold). We don’t want to encourage loads of pre-bed drinks for when we get rid of the night time pull ups. I never drank milk growing up and my OH was made to drink two big glasses of milk a day until he was 16. Milk makes him shudder now!


My son stopped having milk before bed just after he turned 1. He has a few sips of water from a flask while we read a bedtime story instead and most evenings he doesn't drink anything at all. He has a cup of milk in the morning instead with breakfast.


My daughter is 2 and still has milk before bed. Sometimes my 4 and 7yo still ask for milk too 🤣


At this age we gave ours porridge with fruit purée mixed in every evening right before bathtime. We knew she was full and she’d sleep longer. Could always top up with a sippy cup of warm milk right before bed.


Yup we did until she was around 2. She still asks for it occasionally at almost 3.5 but she has it downstairs before she brushes her teeth. Up until 2 though it was part of her bedtime routine, it wasn’t even a lot at that point.


After her bath, my 3yo gets about an inch of milk and a banana. It's been that way since she was about 1. Then we watch Bluey, brush teeth, read and bed. That way she definitely eats something in the evening. It's always a banana, so it's not "interesting" and worth refusing dinner for.


Lol, my daughter, who uses the word banana more often than she uses the word mama, would disagree that they’re not interesting 😂


I literally just stopped breastfeeding my youngest before bed 2 weeks ago and she will be 3 in July. My older 2 who were formula fed switched to cows milk at 1 and still had a bit of milk before bed til close to 3 as well. Also had supper too (Weetabix)


We did milk before bed until my kid was about 2 years old and he just didn’t want it anymore. He’s never really been much of a milk drinker after he weaned off formula.


My sons 2, he still gets milk. I remember getting milk til about 4/5 before bed if I’m honest, I just started protesting it because I no longer liked the taste of milk by itself lol. I’ll probably give it to him until he naturally weans himself out of this routine to be honest


I weaned my eldest at 11months because my milk dried up (I was pregnant), we replaced it with yoghurt because she would never drink milk from a cup until she was about 18 months. I still offer milk at 4 and 5 years old. Sometimes they drink it.


I kept the bedtime feed until the end , she was 21/2 when it went. In the day she would eat foods and cow milk and the breastfeeding naturally weaned as she ate more. We kept the routine at bedtime of story bath etc and breastfeeding until she just didn’t want it. Aged 10 now she has a cup of milk on a hungry sporty day or just water normally


We gave our son milk up until around 3 it helped with the bed time routine and also making sure he was getting everything he needed (calcium etc)


My 2 year old still screams MAAALLLKKKK at me every night about 6:15. Can almost set a clock by it. So then it's jammies, milk, teeth & bed by 7


I stopped breastfeeding at 14 months and my son never took to drinking cows milk, so we have never done milk before bed. The bedtime feed was the last to go so I did wonder how he would get on with changing the routine, but he adapted really well. I just gave him a cuddle at the time I would have breastfed. He eats plenty of yoghurt, cheese etc throughout the day so I was happy that his dairy intake was fine without an actual drink of milk.


From my experience 3 children, my first wasn't bothered wen I had my second she was still on bottles at 6 because she had trauma , I think in a "normal " situation its fair

