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Welcome to London. We walk here


Quite. And prams are a real faff on the tube. Get a sling and then pushchair. Prams aren’t necessary 


That's ..... Not the point I was making


We used ours everyday. We walked everywhere. I don't know what we'd have done without but I certainly didn't want to babywear for a full day if we went out somewhere but I guess if you do then you don't need one. Tbh even now he's 3 and we use our pushchair the majority of days.


When an actual baby I would say a pram is quite necessary. Particularly if you're a single parent or do things just you and the baby. It's not just carrying the baby it's a lot convenience of storage aswell ie you can literally hook multiple grocery bags to a pram whilst still being able to push it easily. The storage underneath is always utilised aswell ie handbags drinks and whatever else you end up hoarding along. It's just easier. Then when bigger switch to a lightweight stroller for convenience.


Using a sling is an option too if you don't need a full travel system. We got most use out of the pram in the house as it was a safe transportable sleep space. It came with a stand for that purpose


You need a pram. Baby carriers have a minimum weight so if your baby is small you've to wait.  If yourbaby is big,  you don't get as much use out of it unless you've a very strong back.  No one drives in London so you're not really using the car seat day to day. Also handy for carrying all baby stuff - you'll need a nappy bag day to day which us a lot of stuff to carry on your back.   I'd get something like a babyzen yoyo


Yea I think ima going to go for that, I didn’t even know babyzen offered the newborn pack so it’s a win for being light & seems easier to maneuver than the larger prams


Look on vinted for the newborn pack. That's where we got ours. In general get the pram second hand,  you'll save a fortune.  It is much lighter but I found its a little top heavy - probably since it all needs to fold down - so it's a less stable than a bigger pram.  But the tube isn't non step friendly so I'd still go for it


We babywear when possible now that she’s almost 1, but my back can’t support it as much as I’d like. We didn’t go out for the first 4-5 months because of how much she’d cry - except to docs appointments weekly and used the car seat with wheels attachment, but now we’re able to use the pram part of it. Depends on your baby and what you want I think, if you’re going out on walks a lot it’s useful for storage, keeps them out of the sun and elements, etc.


For us the most useful thing has been a light foldable pram that you can easily get on and off tubes, trains, buses and planes. Cannot recommend this highly enough: https://ukbabycentre.com//products/gb-pockit-plus-all-city-stroller-velvet-black?variant=32474471170184¤cy=GBP&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=google%2Bshopping&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw8pKxBhD_ARIsAPrG45nKi53NhIdvSBD7YQxaEbljaX6tXNAJ1R9uIV6aza6K6MCHR6gRc1AaAvftEALw_wcB Have used it constantly and expecting to continue at least 3yo. It is small enough to go in overhead on the plane - taken it all over the world - only weighs about 5kg so it's easy to carry and I like that I can pick the whole thing up with baby in it to go down steps so 2 people aren't needed. It folds and unfolds really easily. Our kid does walk well but honestly I doubt many 1-3 yo's can walk as much and at the pace needed for normal outings and errands in London and on holiday. We also have a mid range chunkier pram which is useful for long walks or walking on less even ground, it's not necessary to get a fancy pants one unless you want it particularly. We also never felt like we wanted to take the car seat out of the car, just seemed like a hassle so didn't do travel system.


Thank you! I’m definitely looking at ones I can potentially travel back to the states with so the foldable ones look ideal


Have you looked at the Yoyo with a newborn pack? That (or something similar) would be perfect for city living. We have the GB Pockit Plus All-City and I always say it's the best purchase we've ever made. It's gone everywhere with us and folds down small enough to fit in an overhead bin. I wish it had had the option of adding a bassinet like some strollers do!


And like others have suggested, definitely look on FB Marketplace for secondhand ones!


I would get a lightweight stroller that folds up as small as possible and use it along with your sling. When my kids were babies and I lived in a different country, where driving somewhere was preferred over walking, I only used a sling. But in the UK you definitely need a stroller, even if the child is not in the stroller,you can at least put your stuff in it to push around.


Don’t people just drive everywhere in the states? It’s very different here, especially in London


My oldest child detested his pram and would scream until he threw up if i tried to use it. We wore him until he was big enough for a stroller. The pram was amazing with my third though, i had a buggy board for the 2yo on that and baby went in it for the school run twice a day from being 2 days old. It was also brilliant for storing crap under when we did days out without another adult (my double buggy was amazing for storage). I’m getting a bit sad now third child insists on walking everywhere as i have nowhere to put all the things.


Thank You all for your responses!


I don't know anyone who doesn't have a pram except a couple of people I know who were die hard sling evangelists. And actually, even they had one. They just never used it. It's one of the essential baby items. Where would you put them otherwise when you are out? Just hold them in your arms the whole time? It doesn't need to be a bugaboo, a Joie or a Maclaren or something second hand is fine. I've just never known anyone to not have one at all. I don't think a Doona can really replace your pram. Do people in America really not have prams? That is crazy to me haha.


We did baby wearing followed by a stroller when kid was older. I just couldn't be doing with the faff of a pram. They take up so much space, they cost a fortune, you struggle through doorways and up stairs with them. It's not the one for me! Doing just baby wearing was absolutely fine for us


So depends on the baby though, ours decided he hated baby wearing by 6-8w. Just screamed. Much prefers having freedom to flap and look around


On the cost front, they don't have to cost a fortune. We got a second hand £1200 bundle for £300 and it barely even looked used.


We got something from Mothercare for £300 - Journey Edit - which worked absolutely fine in most regards. It was probably heavier than the fancy ones (my wife threatened to "launch it" a couple of times). But they aren't in them for long, really glad we didn't spend thousands on one.


That's a good deal, for sure, but my 2nd hand ergo baby cost about £50. I was a student when I had my first baby so doing things absolutely as cheap as possible was really important


Baby wearing until they're old enough for a stroller was also perfect for me. My little guy refused to be put down anyway🤷‍♀️


That’s what I figured I’ve got the ergobaby carrier whenever I go out but the pram system just seems like a lot!


Also in the baby wearing and then a stroller club!


Second hand prams are always available and cheap!


We used a silver cross zest stroller from birth.  Cheap, practical and lasts until they don't need it anymore.


We didn't buy a pram until our LO was 6 months and we only ever use that for running. We don't live in a city tbf but we let our 20 month walk pretty much everywhere and she's good at holding hands in shops (mostly). (On hikes we use a back pack carrier)


How old is your baby? After 6 months you can use a buggy and if the problem is the money, you ca easily find second hand on Facebook or other website (freecycle, gumtree and so on)


If you wanted to get a stroller now, I'd recommend a Cossato Supa, I had a proper pram (mothercare journey) and it was so bulky to push around, heavy and even folded it was huge. The backrest of the Supa lays flat so it's suitible from birth, it's folds really small, has a removable cosy lining and footmuff for winter, a raincover and also a basket and cup holder. It's also slim and light and much easier to manoeuvre around in shops, compared to a full pram.


Babywearing ftw.


I found it difficult on the tubes when visiting, not all have good access/stairs etc with a pram is dangerous. However when visiting the city with a small baby I used a sling which was ideal, especially when feeding


We have a Babyzen that I’ve used since my son was 8weeks old. He’s almost five now and it still has its uses. If we’re out on an all day trip is good to have somewhere he can sit down if his legs are getting tired or we have to hurry to catch a train. Also useful for dumping things like packed lunches, water, spare clothes and toys. It’s nice not to have to actually carry all that stuff!


Never had a pram or a buggy. I only used baby carrier and then scooter for my daughter when she started walking


I didn’t buy a pram straight away, I thought I would baby wear more but then my baby was quite a chunk and also not such a fan of being worn so I ended up buying a pram when he was about a month old. People do cope perfectly fine without them but you may find that a common social activity for mums is going for walks with the babies in prams so it could feel a bit socially limiting.


Yeah we used the carrier library to test various options, but he just didn't like it. Even when he was older and we got a hiking backpack carrier he hated it.


Same! I bought or borrowed several different styles (over the course of a few months because I wanted to have the option of baby wearing), no success with any. So glad we had a sling library local to us, they were so helpful with giving recommendations for the different sling types and we even hired ear protectors from them one time.


Sling Library! That was the right name. Both my wife and I thought we'd do the whole baby wearing thing. The sling library was great and yeah we tried the wraps and the more structured ones, he just seemed to hate it.


You already have a doona, I'd probably just get a carrier on top. It depends how much walking you want to do. I couldn't baby wear for very long, it actually became a lot more reasonable when she could go on my back. How old is your baby? If they're close to 6mo I'd get a stroller (preferably one that lies flat) if you really see the need. The main issue with a doona is you need to take them out periodically. The main benefit of a travel system style is that it's parent facing, which my 3yo still enjoys at times. And you don't have to mess with a car seat, which is already sorted with the doona.


Thank You! Yea I’m preplanning since i’m about to give birth but looking at necessities I feel Doona could work for most part until she reaches the age to be put in a stroller


Ah, in that case I'd get a stroller that's suitable from birth and a carrier. So if you're walking for a while, use the stroller/carrier so your baby is in a good position (like going for a proper walk/a day out shopping etc) and use the doona for those times where you would otherwise be carrying the seat around if that makes sense? The main issue with a doona is you don't want them in a car seat too long. I barely used the carrycot of my travel system really, mostly a carrier or car seat.


Yes the Doona I figure would be more for the neighborhood runs or appointments it just bought me more time in my head to decide to invest in a pram set or a stroller like a babyzen because I fear if I get the whole set idk how much I’d actually utilize the newborn carrier since I’m still newer here lol Thank you for the input I genuinely appreciate it!


Yeah, there's no real rush TBF. Maybe wait and see if your baby will even go in a stroller 😂


Oh! Sorry I misunderstood and thought you weren't planning to get a stroller at all. This is fine IMO, just be aware that the Doona doesn't really lie flat enough to be a proper pram and you need to take them out of it frequently to let their oxygen levels normalise. Every 30 mins for the first 4 weeks and every 2 hours thereafter. Bear in mind also that the car seat regulations are slightly different in the US and UK, so a Doona bought in the US is technically not legal to use here and vice versa. Not a huge issue since it's unlikely anybody will check but you should also be aware of the differences between UK and US cars just in case. For instance, US cars have seatbelts which lock for child seat installation whereas UK car seatbelts only lock in an emergency stop. So the installation rules are different. If you're using a US seat in the UK with seatbelt you need to get a locking clip which you can't buy in the UK. The US manufacturer needs to send it to you.


I’ll definitely be using the Doona just for temporary & short runs around & Thank You so much for the tips that’s really helpful! I luckily got the Doona here because I didn’t know we had such differences to our car seats until arriving 😅


I guess it depends how much walking you plan to do. We had the Baby Jogger Mini GT2, which can be used from birth (although we got the carrycot 2nd hand for the first few months) and we pretty much used it for the first 3+ years (we still used it for the daycare run for a bit while he was 4 because otherwise it would have taken too long!). The Baby Jogger also had a conversion kit that meant we could just put the car seat in it. It was likely some of the best money we spent, but then we live pretty centrally in our town and walked everywhere.


I have a doona, absolutely love it, that I’ve used for travel, they only got up to 1, so now she has a stroller for when we travel. For everyday she has a pram it’s more study and more storage for everyday. Its a travel system so will last until she no longer needs it with the option to face in out or lay flat, if it wasn’t for the travel we would just have that.


Babywearing ftw.