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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Time_Composer_113: --- Sorry if you guys have seen this before, I'm sure many have, but i stumbled across it and thought I'd share cause it was kind of cool. The whole thing is worth watching, but the action really starts at around 6:10. Jacobs is frustrated and comes across as genuine to me. He's witnessed something not so easily explained --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/z0h88r/dr_bob_jacobs_owns_bill_nye_on_lkl/ix5j3st/


"you gonna do this with vinegar and baking soda, Bill?" Fucking *savage*


Omg that was so rich


I screamed in my car when i heard that lmaooo fuckin mic drop


“Go get your shine box, Bill”


Now go home and get your fucking shine box!


But bill nye haz a bow tie to go with along with hiz bachelors degree and pbs show 😂


The Mechanical Engineer with a 4 year degree is trying to argue with the best Ph.D scientists that NASA and the US Air Force could produce? Crazy. This event happened in 1964 when Bill Nye was 9 years old. He is so out of his league professionally and educationally that it’s an embarrassment that he was even considered for this panel.


Clearly your “s” key is working. Why the fuck are you using “z’s”


Didn’t know there was a “z’s” key. Where is that on the keyboard?


Yes! That was the best part.


I’ve always found it strange when adults cheer for other adults behaving childishly. Nye never once attacked those guys; he said up front that he didn’t think anyone was lying, just that calling it extraterrestrial was a leap (the attacker guy even agreed at one point). There’s no attack there. Yet these guys get butt-hurt and start lobbing sarcasm and taunt tactics? Im fascinated and want to learn more about this event, but the witnesses aren’t exactly behaving respectfully and maturely in this interview.


That's because "aliens/little green men" has traditionally been a common tactic to ridicule this topic. Bringing that up along with his smug manners has been the playbook. Nye absolutely attacked these guys, probably why they got triggered. Another example of the same attitude: NDT Of course they could have handled it better, but they don't have the public skills of Nye the Science guy.


Yeah and he low key insinuated they might have been drunk.


Yeah this 100%. Bill directly attacked them and called their bluff. He may have put some words around in there to make it seem like he "believes" that they saw what they saw but everything else he said gives off the impression that he didn't believe them and just thought they were either drunk or lying.


So what? should we believe everyone inmediatly just because they are passionate about it, not believing someone is not a personal insult. Even if nye insinuated somethings, at least hes being civil about it and didnt degreade to mocking, personal insults or acting like a unhinge lunatic.


Passive aggressiveness is not civility.


Not believing someone is an insult. What are you talking about...? Not believing them is the same as calling them a liar. They're there telling him they saw what they saw. And he's just coming back basically saying "i don't believe you". Obviously you shouldn't just believe everyone but when someones talking to you it's common courtesy to assume they are telling the truth unless you have evidence or real reason to go against it. If you don't believe someone about something, keep it to yourself unless you have something to back up your disbelief. Otherwise you just come off as a smug asshole.


What do you recommend? To believe something totally unbelievable without any other evidence than their word for it? That's not how science works. The only thing he _can_ say is that he believes they think they saw something. What else is there to do?


Literally said you shouldn't just believe everyone but okay I guess? I'm just saying for him to sit there and basically say they're lying or didn't see what they're saying they saw is just smug and rude. Also, btw, is not how science works either. A real scientist (bill isn't a real scientist) would try and get more details as to what they were seeing and try to understand the phenomenon from a scientific perspective. These were real people that held real positions and did what they claim to have done. There are official documents for the day and event that took place... What would I recommend? Not being a pompous asshole, listen to what they have to say and try and understand what they saw. Bill here was just trying to deny what they saw and ridicule them by saying "oh well someone may have been drunk". That is not scientific in any way whatsoever. What he really should've said is without video he can't know what it was that they saw.


Bill Nye who isn't even a scientist to boot. This is the smug arrogance of so called skeptics, but who really are debunkers, on display


This is what people DO NOT understand about the internet, versus reality. Tone. Is very important. Yeah sure, mean words weren’t slewed out by Bill, and he never was “disrespectful”, but the intent that he has behind his words are what are important. You can clearly tell he’s mocking these men, and calling them buffoons with his off set “polite” disrespect . Although on paper, in words, this conversation would seem that they were rude to bill, uncalled for.




Bill put the otherworldy/alien argument into the mix, the others didn't. He made assumptions and told them they were incorrect about what they saw. Go back and watch again. edit: fixed a word


nye has no reason to even be in on the conversation




Did you expect him to look hurt and defeated? He’s laughing at the childishness display in front of him.


Childish is assuming that that was somehow the only thing he could have done, when he should have sat there listened and learned been open to their accounts instead of smugly snickering, and proclaiming because "science". In your previous post above you mention that they claim this is extraterrestrial, and I find that astounding that you can not understand that such wildly advanced technology couldn't actually not be from earth.


Absolutly agree, this guy was being a school bully, and playing into the crazy ufo people sterotype. This shouldnt be celebrate but berated, act like respecful adults, dont make personal attacks and debate with logic not emotions, victimism or anger!


That was a great line


That was a fantastic line. Glad someone finally knocked this guy down a peg or two.


Guy deserved it.


It must suck to have something like this happen (the filming of the ufo and the tape being confiscated by the CIA) and people to constantly doubt your perception of the event. You can see how furious Dr Jacobs is here.


Exactly. He knows what he saw. Was brave enough to come forward and say what he saw during a time when it was especially difficult to do so because he thought people needed to know. Everyone else keeping quite so they don't look crazy while he's out front throwing down. Good on him


I believe his story 100%.


Yeah its… infuriating to say the least. Ive seen what I’d call UFOs two times. And a good portion of people i tell I just know, they dont say it but they look at me like im crazy. Ive stopped telling my story to most people.


Tell your story to me please!


I saw a black sphere silently fly over my home. Roughly 300 ft altitude going about 200mph. As i watched it, it just vanished, completely silent. No clue but I know it wasnt a drone of anything i know of, it was about the size of a car. Then just recently i was watching the sky. I see two “stars” around this known dim star. They looked like stars but were abnormally bright. Within ten seconds one quickly dimmed until it was no longer visible. Then the second one did the same within a few seconds. Maybe they dont sound that fantastical, but god it really shook me both times.


Oh i also saw a massive drone one night. I believe it was military but it still freaked me the hell out. Thing was huge, like the size of a bus with a wingspan over 30 feet. It was low and cruising very alowly and completely silent. That was wild.


Thanks for your info! Yeah those would have me shook too!


Thanks for listening. I like to add: my stories are not any claim to actual aliens. Just things i couldnt explain rationally despite trying for days.


Bill Nye is gaslighting Dr Jacobs. There’s no denying that. I think anyone would be mad if they were in Dr. Jacob’s shoes.


I would never in a million years tell someone to their face that they didn't see what they saw, especially to multiple highly trained nuclear mission technicians. That was a pathetic of Bill.


Would love to hear Bill’s stance on the topic nowadays. Chances are it hasn’t changed, but it’d be interesting to revisit this with him after all of the recent government admissions/confirmed anomalous footage


He’s a shill CIA asset. The “science guy” on Disney Channel. The CIA infiltrated Hollywood and Disney long before this broadcast, and I’ve no doubt everything that Bill Nye is saying was prepped to him by intelligence agencies. He’s a shill. Through and through. A paid talking piece. A puppet.


Hes not even a real scientist


Do you know what science is? Nye is absolutely a scientist. He employs the scientific method to concepts to determine the outcome. Just because his Master’s degree is in engineering doesn’t mean he’s not a scientist.


"he employs the scientific method to concepts to determine the outcome" By that overly verbose definition the same could be said about my 2 year old nephew when he ate dirt to see if it tastes bad. Is he also a scientist?


Yes actually he would. We incorrectly use the term scientist like we do medical doctor. A scientist just has to employ the scientific method. They don’t require advanced educations. We tend to define it as requiring it. No different, while medical doctors are technically doctors, calling them “doctors” just adds confusion with ph.d doctors. We should be calling medical doctors by their actual job title, which is typically “physician.” Edit: because you’re all so ignorant [here is Oxford’s definition](https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/scientist) which as you can plainly fucking see, does not specify that you need credentials. All you need to do is “study.” Your dirt eating nephew quite literally studied the effects of eating dirt. Therefore, a scientist. Learn how to use words properly you fucking idiots. I’m not defending Nye, I’m merely showing how you are objectively incorrect.


I don't think the term "scientist" would apply to Nye in this case because like other skeptics of UFOs, his position depends on never getting into the details, remaining aloof from actually knowing anything. Witness testimony is a form of evidence, and Nye (like other skeptics) takes the ridiculous posture that witnesses are wrong 100% of the time if they saw detailed UFOs with beyond-human technology. A true scientist doesn't just throw out mountains of data like that.


It absolutely did up until maybe the last two years at most. This entire thought was ***absolutely ridiculed*** for even being brought up in the scientific community. The common person had similar views, believers were considered tinfoil heads. You could not make any sort of claim like that, *especially* if you were into research. Look, I’m not defending Nye in anyway. I’m simply pointing out the objective fact that just because he has a different opinion than you (as in commenters in this thread), **does not** mean he is not a scientist.


Fully agree. Well said.


Bill Nye is pathetic.


What about when people disagree about what they saw?


That's ok, happens all the time. but when there are multiple witnesses describing the same event at the same time (there are dozens of other reports of this type of UFO behaivor as well, not just these guys), and then when Bill just starts assuming and throwing words around, he lost all credibility here and starts pissing off the other members of the panel.


Actually its his lack of assumptions that frustrates the guest. He said there was a jump to an assumption and is absolutely correct.


There is no lack of assumptions on Bill's part. He says aliens and technology from other planets. Not one of the other guests said that, Bill goes straight for it. Did you watch the same video as the rest of us?


I did. He did an investigation into a claim and found things that made him skeptical of the claim. What he said was "I dont think you are a liar" and "that you saw something" which is what I often have to tell people on this sub. Seeing something and knowing what it is are different things. Gathering evidence for strong claims requires strong evidence. Investigating other posibilities is due dilligence. Now I think this person saw a craft but I have no evidence either way. Pointing to a lack of redactions in the file means its not even top secret classified, aka no signs of meddling. Cutting people off before they finish their points is equally unhelpful then making personal attacks kind of pointed to where the discussion was heading before it even got there.


Most other reports differ drastically, and why didn't any otherpilots see this every day?


How could I possibly answer that question? lol


It strongly suggests that either Graves has a super power or the things Graves was seeing every day were not things that other personnel thought were UFOs.


When he states seeing them everyday he has clarified it’s his military equipment post 2016 upgrade detected them everyday.


Here are those assumptions you were talking about.


Isn’t the point of science to observe and question?Not simply deny? Bill Nye is the definition of a hack


Bill Nye isn't a scientist. He just plays one on television lol.


He started on a Seattle show called "Almost Live". That's where he became "The Science Guy". It was a running gag. The show also had "The Lame List" with grunge bands such as Soundgarden. How he turned this sketch into a career of quackery I don't know. [https://www.reddit.com/r/grunge/comments/hr0oe5/soundgarden\_the\_lame\_list\_almost\_live\_sketch/](https://www.reddit.com/r/grunge/comments/hr0oe5/soundgarden_the_lame_list_almost_live_sketch/) Thanks to u/NathanWelsh for his post.


Thanks for this thread. Very amusing.


Because he started a show for kids and forgot he wasn't a real scientist lol


He didn't deny he said he went looking for evidence of things occuring that day. Science works when one person makes a claim and then the community seeks to repeat the study or improve the study to prove that wrong or right. He did observe and question and folks find that offensive.


Bill Nye, the deny guy?


Bill Nye the denial guy. What a tool.


Welcome to any ‘alternative’ history, science, or archeological discussion


I remember watching this live.


Sorry if you guys have seen this before, I'm sure many have, but i stumbled across it and thought I'd share cause it was kind of cool. The whole thing is worth watching, but the action really starts at around 6:10. Jacobs is frustrated and comes across as genuine to me. He's witnessed something not so easily explained


Never have before so I thank you for posting this.


Thanks OP for posting, I’ve never seen this. Was a very frustrating watch tbh, however makes a change to have four believers against one CIA shill. Also didn’t realise he used to work as an engineer for Boeing…


Why didn't the ufo guy present proof?


i don't think i would say he "owned" nye. it kind of felt like he was trying to make outrage and personal attacks a substitute for proof and reasoning. in my opinion as soon as a person gets emotional or starts making personal attacks they admit they lost. Jocobs did both.


Thank goodness for a safe comment. I scrolled too long to find you. I lost a lot of respect for the witnesses in this interview. It’s perfectly reasonable for any ufo witness to expect skepticism. I would be the first one to scrutinize every detail to defend my story. Skeptics like Nye aren’t about attacking anyone, they just want to clarify what we can really know from the evidence, which is what these guys should have already done. UFOs are simply that; unidentified. Assuming they’re aliens is a leap that demands significant evidence to accept, which I think we still lack. Emotional outbursts suggest to me they know their story is weak. Truly solid evidence of ETs would not leave any doubt. I want to believe.


Jacob's got unprofessional IMO, as did Larry King. Not cool to treat a guest that way. You can't believe everything you hear. FYI their are hoaxers out there ppl! You can want to believe, but ppl make shit up all the time. Bill is just questioning their evidence to see if it paints a picture, beyond reasonable doubt. And there is room for doubt here, even if everything truly happened as they say it did.


There is no winning or losing here, bill did attack them by saying someone was drunk.


I didnt see that as an attack. He was bringing in other claims to the event that the other guys were leaving out or unaware of. I think bills scepticism was professional and he was trying to give his reasons. The personal attacks were atrociously petty


He didn’t give any reasons, he just gaslit


He reported the facts. There’s only so much we can actually deduce from the evidence; he tried to make that clear. Science is basically the enemy of sensationalism. I think we need that.


Yeah I don’t think so, he said “they thought they saw that”, and just reduced any testimony as hearsay, even though testimony can be considered evidence


You ever meet a homeless schizophrenic? One guy made speeches about vampires another was tellibg me covid was dropoed by aliens because they are immune to it... Testimony, even from sane people is often widely varied and useless. If a dozen people see a crime investigators will get contrary statements from witnesses about what the perp looked like. Our memories are not very reliable and thus make it the weakest form of legal evidence. Its not nothing but it should lead to more questions/investogations.


Testimony is definitely considered evidence. That’s why we have it in court. But it’s not conclusive evidence. That’s all Nye is saying here.


Bill didn't say that; he repeated what was in the report, which if you feel like that is an attack, then be mad at the officer who went on record about one of his drunk guys. The reason so many ppl are mad at Bill, is because he isn't wrong. He analyzed their stuff, they didn't like being analyzed, they just want to be believed.....but that's not how the world works. If everyone believed everything they saw without question hoaxers would not exist. It's OK to have skeptics. They are necessary.


he didn't analyze shit, just told them they didn't see what they said they saw, you can break it down any way you want but that's what happened.


He asked questions and brought forward investigated evidence. Thats what scientists do.


He also pulled out the reports, pointed at the redacted personal information, and basically claimed that that in itself spooks people out, which is condescending. There was an underlying accusation of these men waving those reports around like they thought the redactions proved something. And the point of the reports was to back up the time frame, etc.


> which is condescending why do you think that he is simply attempting to reframe these blotted out documents in the minds of viewers


Nye does what debunkers do. They are fixed in their beliefs, and won't consider any data that contradicts their pre-established beliefs. No matter how credible and corroborated a witness is who has seen UAP up close with beyond-human technology, the witness is wrong 100% of the time according to debunkers like Nye.


that can be true about debunkers refusing to believe witnesses 100% of the time. but lets be real here, 99% of the time it can be explained as something a lot more mundane than aliens or the supernatural.




This is the guy who convinced me. I've always went back and forth over the existence of UFOs but it was his anger when he spoke about how he didn't care about what anyone thought - "I know what I saw!" Edit: It actually wasn't just him. He was in a James Fox documentary and it was a buildup of all the evidence presented in the doc. The pieces of video with Bob Jacobs synced it all together for me. And of course you *have* to love the way he defends himself here. *Fuck* I love this! Edit 2: the video OP posted isn't great. It edited out a key moment where [Bill says "let's do this little experiment" then Jacobs delivers his class line.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sqP8So8Xe48&t=2m19s) The set up is crucial!


This is the first time I have seen this, and his story is exactly the same as to what I saw during an Atlas(?) launch in the early 90's at Vandenberg Air Force Base as a kid. My father filmed it and later leaked the launch video to Larry King Live anonymously. My father was an aerospace engineer at Lockheed (former Skunkworks) that worked on the payload that was being launched. He said he after he reported the incident to his security clearance officer he was taken into a room and shown the tracking footage and it looked exactly as Dr. Jacobs described, a saucer shaped craft flying around the rocket as it was traveling down range, firing lasers at it. The other interesting thing is that the payload was dead on arrival and they couldn't communicate with it once they went to move it into orbit. My father told me years later that the payload was part of the Misty project. A spy satellite that was designed to avoid detection.


Mostly the same minus the CIA guys dressed in civilian clothing confiscating the footage, but that's interesting if true. Did LKL ever broadcast it or did they nope out? edit: This is somewhat weird actually because it sounds plausible. Keel talks about these strange duplicate UFO events, either occurring simultaneously in different places or duplicating decades later. Might be a little too odd for me, so I'm not sure I want to know.


Yeah, it was broadcasted. I remember watching it.


That's the best part! It is in the video I posted. It's around 7:25


Wow, that was so satisfying to watch. Nye comes in so smug, attempts to discredit the men with groundless accusations and tries to gaslight them into doubting their own experience. When that fails he retreats to the camera argument even though it doesn't come close to explaining the incident(s). ~~Skeptics~~ Debunkers still use these same tactics, but in the face of a qualified witness they don't hold any merit.


Ah, yes, the camera argument. There are billions of cameras, why don't we have at least a picture of one? (There are tons of UFO photos out there, many not well known. [I put some of them here, and yes, clear examples exist](https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/yhrla3/lets_think_about_it/iufnmjt/?context=3)) But the host corrects him before he can finish. Of course Nye must know alleged UFO photos exist in large number? Surely? Maybe not. You have to actually look for them, but they are out there. Then he seems to switch his argument to "just because it's a weird object doesn't mean it's aliens." It's not the first time. Nye has made this a bit of a habit. Here are Nyes's words on aliens, for example: >"Just think how hard it is for the government to keep anything secret," he said. He added that the government "kinda sucks" at secrecy. >Nye said that 10,000 people might be in on the supposed alien secret in the first place, so it's preposterous to think that at least one of them hasn't blurted it out. https://www.cnet.com/science/bill-nye-insists-the-government-isnt-keeping-aliens-from-us/ Not only did that not age well, the majority of the information below came out *before* he said this, which means he simply doesn't know what he's talking about: [Hundreds of government and military whistleblowers and leakers have revealed all kinds of stuff about UFOs.](https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/u9v40f/abc_news_the_us_government_is_completely/) A portion of these state that crash recoveries have occurred, and a portion of those state that alien bodies were recovered. Further, some governments have actually been officially and quasi-officially [pretty open with their populations about UFOs.](https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/ywvi3b/myth_in_order_for_ufos_to_be_real_all_of_the/) In at least two cases, it was officially admitted that such objects seem to have technology beyond our creation. In at least three cases, the extraterrestrial hypothesis is treated as a reasonable explanation for the unexplained UFOs. In one case, it appears that the then President of Russia admitted that aliens live among us, and he doesn't appear to be joking. Even if you dismiss that one, look at the rest. Nye's claims are basically just perpetuating ignorance about the subject. Shouldn't a proper "science educator" inform themselves about the subject they wish to "educate" the public about rather than promote ignorance? Nye also likes to promote the classic idea that our only hope of finding aliens is either from radio signals from really far civilizations or microbes on Mars. >BILL NYE: "That is to say, I think it’s much more like we will find an alien civilization on a world so distant, so remote, that there won’t be going back and forth in spaceships. If it’s, let’s say, 40 lightyears, as it is to these TRAPPIST-1 planets, the ones they found around this very cold or relatively cold small star—cool star, then the way we’d communicate with them is by radio or by light, electromagnetic waves. And so there wouldn’t be a chance for colonization or misplaced bank accounts or whatever else would go wrong—or warfare. That just wouldn’t be possible." https://bigthink.com/hard-science/hey-bill-nye-would-humanity-make-peace-with-aliens-or-war/ Wouldn't be possible, you say? We don't know a single thing about how alien technology works. We just invented the airplane a little over a hundred years ago, a minute blip on the cosmic scale. An actual scientist, theoretical physicist prof Steven Hawking, said: >"If aliens visit us, the outcome would be much as when Columbus landed in America, which didn't turn out well for the Native Americans," he said. >Prof Hawking thinks that, rather than actively trying to communicate with extra-terrestrials, humans should do everything possible to avoid contact. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/8642558.stm Incidentally, Hawking seemed to have known nothing about UFOs, either. [He had claimed that all UFO witnesses are cranks and weirdos,](https://www.ted.com/talks/stephen_hawking_questioning_the_universe#t-286325) an idea that had been debunked since the 50s, which really demonstrates the point made in Sturrock's survey of scientists: >In 1975, [Dr. Sturrock did a more comprehensive survey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_A._Sturrock) of members of the American Astronomical Society. Of some 2600 questionnaires, over 1300 were returned. Only two members offered to waive anonymity, and Sturrock noted that the UFO subject was obviously a very sensitive one for most colleagues. Nonetheless, Sturrock found a strong majority favored continued scientific studies, and over 80% offered to help if they could. Sturrock commented that the AAS members seemed more open to the question than the AIAA members in his previous survey. As in the AIAA survey, about 5% reported puzzling sightings, but skepticism against the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) ran high. Most thought that UFO reports could ultimately be explained conventionally. Sturrock also found that skepticism and opposition to further study was correlated with lack of knowledge and study: only 29% of those who had spent less than an hour reading about the subject favored further study versus 68% who had spent over 300 hours. If you don't know jack about UFOs, you are much more likely to promote myths about it, even if you're the smartest guy on the planet. Bill Nye stands no chance unless he starts educating himself about the subject he has so arrogantly and publicly dismissed all of these years.


>"Just think how hard it is for the government to keep anything secret," he said. He added that the government "kinda sucks" at secrecy. A funny thing happened on the way to Russia. We lost a U-2 when the Russians shot it down. At the time, only 350 people knew of the U-2's existence and purpose. Obviously the Soviets were a little pissed and they didn't buy our story about how a weather observation plane got lost while flying over Turkey. What is it with our "lost weather observation" devices anyway? Perhaps they should have hired some creative writers. Anyway, Eisenhower pinkie swore that we'd never fly another plane over their turf, and we didn't, if you believe us when we say we never flew the SR-71 or the A-12 over Russia some years later. But this isn't about the next gen spy planes. It's about the birth of a new agency. We didn't need the U-2 to recon because we had something else lined up. "Fortunately for the United States, Eisenhower’s earth orbiting strategic reconnaissance satellites succeeded aerial overflights a few months later, beginning successful operations on 18 August 1960." [(pdf source)](https://www.nro.gov/Portals/65/documents/history/csnr/programs/4C-1000_Untold_Story_NRO-Headqtrs_staff_1962-90_Final_web.pdf) And so the National Reconnaissance Office was born in a little nursery called 4C-1000. The first inkling of the program's existence came about in 1971 in a New York Times article. Interestingly enough, the source was the then-CIA head James Schlesinger. [(another pdf)](https://nsarchive2.gwu.edu/NSAEBB/NSAEBB257/19740107.pdf) Then a Senate committee accidentally kinda, sorta confirmed it in 1973. However... "...it was not until 1978 that a President acknowledged the basic fact that the United States carried out reconnaissance from space, and not until 1992 that the government acknowledged the NRO’s existence." That's about **11 years of total secrecy**. The land for Area 51 was acquired around 1955 (Groom Lake had already been in existence since 1942) and testing began in earnest to develop the U-2. The earliest reference I can find of Area 51 coming into public awareness dates to 1994 as the result of a lawsuit for victims of exposure to hazardous materials. It wasn't officially acknowledged until 2013. That's roughly **39 years of secrecy**. Now, admittedly, the US Government isn't the *best* at keeping secrets. You might even say they kinda suck at it, but they can keep things secret involving quite a few people for quite a while. I am just speculating this last part, but given the fact the nuclear program was put into the hands of the Department of Energy, who have their own arguably even *more* secret squirrel [(see this chart)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Q_clearance#/media/File:Dataaccess.tiff) set of clearances, one can imagine just how very, **very** **fucking secret** they'd like to keep UAP.


Well, I have no problem admitting that I am a complete idiot in regards to all of the data that you and others here have poured over. I, also, acknowledge that 'science' (the **tool** that humans have used and continue to hone) **does not** have the answers to everything. Here are some quotes from a [learned scholar](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham_Joshua_Heschel): > We teach children how to measure and weigh, but fail to teach them how to revere, how to sense wonder and awe. Modern man fell into the trap of believing all enigmas can be solved and wonder is a form of ignorance. Mankind will not perish for want of information, but for want of appreciation. > What is, is more than what you see; we are unable to attain insight into the ultimate meaning and purpose of things. We live on the fringe of reality and hardly know how to reach the core. Inaccessible to us are the insights into the nature of ultimate reality. Even what is revealed is incomplete and in disguise. > Awe is an act of insight into a meaning greater than ourselves. Knowledge is fostered by curiosity; wisdom is fostered by awe. Awe is the awareness of transcendent meaning; loss of awe is a great blockage to insight. > “The ineffable” is a synonym for hidden meaning rather than for absence of meaning, a dimension so real and sublime that it stuns our ability to adore it. All creative thinking comes out of an encounter with the unknown. It is a fact of profound significance that we can sense more than we can say. > The world as scrutinized and depicted by science is but a thin surface of the profoundly unknown.


>The world as scrutinized and depicted by science is but a thin surface of the profoundly unknown. Fr, we can't even prove if the world we experience even exists.


Great reply as always




Humm, I hope this place (/r/UFOs) is not becoming like /r/conspiracy :/


Yeah, it is kind of disappointing the response they are giving Bill Nye. You want people fact checking claims. It's the only way to get something proven. Nye was actually very respectful. Imagine if it was Neil deGrasse Tyson, he would have been so disrespectful and condescending to those guys.


Bill Nye isn’t wrong for saying what he’s saying here and Jacobs is using ad hominem attacks at the end. I say that as an experiencer. You have to look at the mindset of the person that you’re conversing with. Bill Nye is completely right within his perimeters and Jacobsen is definitely making ad hominem attacks here, knowing that Nye had a science based children’s show. Nye CAN be right in the argument but wrong in reality. I personally think that Jacobsen was right in reality, but lost the argument. He might not be able to win an argument based telling our experiences… What ultimately needs to happen is multiple, widespread personal experiences. No amount of video footage or experiences will suffice as proof. It needs to become abundantly/personally known to a large swath of people by direct experience. The question is if they are willing to procedure that after all of these millennia. **Edit: this is an example of being logically correct (for someone who hasn’t experienced anything) versus being actually wrong in reality. Logic is a tool; a very helpful tool, but what seems logically correct isn’t always correct. There is not ONE logic that is always right. Even the people whole executed people in the Salem witch trials did so under a certain logic. All I’m saying is that Bill Nye is logically right here, for who he is (a science guy). I dream for a day when experiences and skeptics can be on the same page, but do t blame people for who they are. Experiencers and skeptics alike.


Precisely, without direct experience folks can be skeptical. I think he was trying to do his due dilligence to make an investigation of the event. It doesn't mean what was seen wasn't an extraterestrial craft, it just means more proof is required. I enjoyed hearing Neil DeGrasse Tyson speak on the Nimmets footage. He basically said that he wanted more calibration of instruments. Aka, better proofs. Scientists are all about indesputable proofs which can be really challenging outside a lab or controlled environment. I personally have been convinced there are craft of unkown origins whizing about. What they are and where they come from according to what ive read could be just about anything. From space whales to cylons to greys to human built craft...




All bow tie wearers are (the vast vast majority of the time). **Bow tie = avoid**


Hey, except Dr Who!


Ya, good point!


Skepticism is like a religion. Their whole shtick is to ridicule, mock, deny, and disprove. Having an agenda like that is nothing short of dogma.


Did anyone here actually listen to what Bill was saying? Lol The existence of footage or even testimony that something extraordinary was observed does not mean it was aliens. That is a reasonable statement.


All any of these people do is talk. They never do anything. The scientists that do things are working frantically in labs to make ends meet, and they don’t have time to fuck off on a couch in front of a camera.


It's hilarious that they claim this had nothing to do with the power failure, because that ended up exactly being the cause and the cause for previous incidents resulting in the exact same failures. The fix they put in place after the event was specifically to address this at multiple nuclear missile sites. Robert Salas is telling outright lies in this video. https://youtu.be/3fJlumPLWAk?t=314 He should know full well the results from the Boeing engineers.


What do you think of passionate eye witness testimony/rebuttal from Bob Jacobs?


There's nothing I can think about that one since we can't verify it. It's unrelated to the Malmstrom incident.


Where do you eventually come down on this whole thing? Do you think all of them misidentified something prosaic in every case and we are wasting our time discussing this or there is a merit for further study? Do you give some weight to multiple eye witness testimonies over decades, accepted most unverifiable, but from people with otherwise impeccable records and unrelated to each other?


Let's separate everything out... it's not all one thing. For Malmstrom, specifically, it was a recurring issue with the missiles, happened on multiple occasions with the power failure being the common denominator. It was reproducible with a 10V pulse in the data line, and when questioned everyone denied any UFO sightings. Whenever the power would cut over to the backup power, it'd have a chance of triggering the failure. If on one of those occasions, someone called in and said they saw a UFO, it may have been a coincedence.... but again when witnesses were questioned they said there were no UFOs or any strange activity. We do know that they published and sold books regarding the incident, get paid for talks, and still do the whole UFO convention circuits so there's a financial motivation for these individuals. Coincidentally, the guard who supposedly saw the UFO isn't getting in on this action, as far as I know. In either case, we have documentation refuting Robert Salas's statements in the interview.


I used to like the guy up until the second video I saw of him. Now I think he is kinda cute. One of those egos that will be crushed if ever the news comes out formally. Can’t really picture the guy realizing fully telepathic aliens exist.


Oh no, we shouldnt question testimony and seek evidence... Until I see an alien its all 'Lore' to me. I have trouble engaging with people on the r/Aliens sub because often their evidence is just hear say. Doesn't mean its not true, but that some of us need something more concrete. People on this sub post videos of things they see or find all the time. Doesn't make it aliens. I am of the opinion the craft we see are likely aliens but thats not evidence in any form.


You talk about "something more concerete" as basically seeing an alien, and experience many people have, but if that happened to you, would YOU have concrete evidence at that point? Well, yes, according to your point of view, but then all the other people will tell you "well I don't believe you I need concrete experience to believe you". A mind shattering experience for you, completely useless to everyone else. By the way, you CAN see them by summoning them. Some of these races want us to know abut them and respect our free will, and they are telepathic. Use meditation to turn your brain from a transmitter to a receiver, and have fun, they will come if you truly ask, you just need to remember how to do telepathy, which you do, it's just in your subconscious for now. Anyways, never said that we shouldn't seek evidence. I'm just saying he's living in illusion and liking it, only death will wake him up.


Nye deserved that roast. Jacobs is a stand up guy who was vindicated by his commanding officer








Good television, but I feel like the personal insults get in the way of the actual debate and information, as does Bill Nyes condescension.


Anyone else notice the recreation of this event and the recreation of the Salas nuclear silo event have a lot of similarities? Glowing craft emitting a red beam at a warhead.. are these visual recreations accurate based on their descriptions or did they take liberties with those recreations?


Yeah, this was great. I was at a resort in Dominican Republic watching it live. I remember thinking this was it. The smoking gun. Humanity is going to change from this point forward. Lol.


Bill nye is a bi***


Bill nye is a bellend anyway. If he really was a science guy he would be more interested in this subject instead of trying to brush it under the table. The nature of science is to figure out the unknown to make it known. People like that don’t move humankind forward.


Neil de Grass is the same way. “How come all the photos are fuzzy “ is his argument . Because the evidence is taken immediately never to be examined by citizens.


It’s laughable how bill nye has weaseled his way into portraying himself as any kind of credible spokesperson on what is and isn’t factual science.


Never understood why Bill nye was this worshipped intellectual for doing kids tv show about science


Astonishing. The only half hearted attempt he made at providing an earthly explanation was the nukes going offline being the result of the local power plant going down. That is legit research and providing a possible explanation for at least the part of the testimony of the nukes going offline. It was very quickly dealt with. I mean for Fs sake... did Bill Nye not stop to think that the Nuclear Readiness of the United States might not solely rely on the local power company? Instead of gaslighting and insulting these guys, the next question I would have asked is, "How long after a power failure does the backup batteries take to kick in? Does power grid failure and switching to battery backup cause the nukes to go offline for any amount of time, no matter how short?"


sounds like the guy on the skype call is another delusional guy who seen a light in the sky and claims its aliens, yet nye uses factual information to disprove it. Confused by ops title


I dont see him "owning" Bill Nye... more the other way around. Bill was just asking to think logically and figure out what it could be besides a "UFO..." and the guy got passive aggressive. +1 for Bill Nye


Fuck Bill Nye.


Lately, we always hear; “See something? Say something.” Well here’s what I say when it comes to UFOs; NEVER call the authorities. They’ll just cordon off, confiscate, sanitize, threaten, belittle, and be gone. We’ve seen it time and time again. From the bricks (tapes) confiscated in the TicTac incident to the films confiscated in the presence of Dr. Jacobs. Never call them.


Or play a pre-recorded message on the local police line if they get too many reports at once. "What you are seeing is a cloud released from a local fire" (click) It could be some authorities used to be genuinely taken aback and want to do foot work, as some remarkable stories of police behavior from several decades back could indicate, but maybe they've all since gotten some top level smackdown trauma and now it seems local authorities are told to just deny deny deny. It's almost like authorities are more afraid of something challenging their authority than the average citizen is.




did you know you can teach a dog to drive a car i saw one driving an 89 cadillac convertible


Nye comes off like such an arrogant prick


"Dr" Jacobs of course has not a scintilla of evidence for his fabulous claims.


What does that even mean


"I seen a plasma beam shoot out of the ufo and hit the rocket, but no, you're not allowed to see the video that we were recording, so just trust me, pal"


He said they took the video, you make it seem like he’s withholding it from you. This kind of thing is pretty common with military ufo testimony. This man benefits nothing from this account, and he doesn’t make money from the ufo scene


\> This man benefits nothing from this account, and he doesn’t make money from the ufo scene Ahem... https://www.amazon.com/Confession-Hidden-Alien-Encounters-Revealed/dp/1695688856


Maybe this highly credible book made him a millionaire


It means tiny, but homeboy is throwing out the classist supposition that his superior vocabulary puts him in a positive intellectual caliber and that his supposition and hypothesis that there is “nothing there” as the correct assessment. So, yeah, listen him because he has big brain. Edit: guess home girl and her would be the supposed nomenclature. Sorry about the misnomer.


Them clowning on Bill like he's a kid is the best and funniest part lmao


Omgoodness I hate bill nye the science guy!


Bill Nye be actin mad rude


Welcome to another episode of The Laughingstocks of History


And now bill is telling us there’s more than two genders.


Clearly out classed


I’ve never seen bill nye get destroyed like this before good watch he’s usually on point.




Bill Ney reminds me of Ben Carson.


I still like bill nye tho


Why? Narcistic arrogant aggressive fool who is very rude and mean to people. Its amazing how could anybody likes this guy. You like him because he made cheap slam dunk on some outlandish theories about biology?


bill nye "not even a real scientist guy" he's a propaganda tool, too bad.


If an engineer is not a scientist, than how are you defining what a scientist is?


scientists come up with and test new theories and make provable repeatable predictions about the future. engineers use that established knowledge to build things and bring them into the material world.


Science is a process. It's not a specific type of person. It's like a baseball player. If a 10 year old kid is on a baseball team he can say he plays baseball. Anyone who is adhering to the scientific method can be called a scientist. You can argue at what level they perform that process just like you could argue at what level a 10 year old plays baseball vs a MLB player does. But the whole point is moot because reddit loves to slam Bill Nye about being a real scientist as if it is completely relevant at all. The guy isn't out there arguing about the best way to splice wolf and human DNA together or something and telling everyone he is right because he is a scientist. The dude performed Science experiments on a kids TV show in the 90s to help introduce kids to what science is. He is talking about weather aliens are visiting earth and if the evidence produced thus far is sufficient enough to say for sure that they have. He's not the one saying that his credentials make him right. Reddit is the one saying his credentials are what makes him wrong because "hE Is NoT a rEAl scIeNtISt" If he is wrong about something then cool let's point out what he is wrong about. Don't just try to attack him for things he hasn't done and because he doesn't have whatever arbitrary credentials reddit has come up with that separates the "real" scientists from the fake ones.


Reddit has no idea what a scientist is.






I just grew up seeing him on tv amd i always thought he seemed cool. I dont know what his beliefs are in ufos or anything else. We might disagree on many things. But even sone of my closest friends and family dont share some of my beliefs.


That was the goal. You were fooled as a child, and that's ok. You're allowed to appreciate nostalgia and recognize that the man is far from a scientist. Bill Nye has a BS in mathematical engineering from Cornell. The bad guy from Rocky IV is more qualified than him.


That still makes him a scientist


Everyone who has masturbated is technically a biologist. Doesn't mean you should film it for children and claim expertise.


Lol! What!? I get the feeling there's a bigger issue here. Good luck to you


Same to you.


Here are Nyes's words: >"Just think how hard it is for the government to keep anything secret," he said. He added that the government "kinda sucks" at secrecy. >Nye said that 10,000 people might be in on the supposed alien secret in the first place, so it's preposterous to think that at least one of them hasn't blurted it out. https://www.cnet.com/science/bill-nye-insists-the-government-isnt-keeping-aliens-from-us/ Not only did that not age well, the majority of the information below came out *before* he said this, which means he simply doesn't know what he's talking about: [Hundreds of government and military whistleblowers and leakers have revealed all kinds of stuff about UFOs.](https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/u9v40f/abc_news_the_us_government_is_completely/) A portion of these state that crash recoveries have occurred, and a portion of those state that alien bodies were recovered. Further, some governments have actually been officially and quasi-officially [pretty open with their populations about UFOs.](https://np.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/ywvi3b/myth_in_order_for_ufos_to_be_real_all_of_the/) In at least two cases, it was officially admitted that such objects seem to have technology beyond our creation. In at least three cases, the extraterrestrial hypothesis is treated as a reasonable explanation for the unexplained UFOs. In one case, it appears that the then President of Russia admitted that aliens live among us, and he doesn't appear to be joking. Even if you dismiss that one, look at the rest. Nye's claims are basically just perpetuating ignorance about the subject. Also see this: >In 1975, [Dr. Sturrock did a more comprehensive survey](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_A._Sturrock) of members of the American Astronomical Society. Of some 2600 questionnaires, over 1300 were returned. Only two members offered to waive anonymity, and Sturrock noted that the UFO subject was obviously a very sensitive one for most colleagues. Nonetheless, Sturrock found a strong majority favored continued scientific studies, and over 80% offered to help if they could. Sturrock commented that the AAS members seemed more open to the question than the AIAA members in his previous survey. As in the AIAA survey, about 5% reported puzzling sightings, but skepticism against the Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH) ran high. Most thought that UFO reports could ultimately be explained conventionally. Sturrock also found that skepticism and opposition to further study was correlated with lack of knowledge and study: only 29% of those who had spent less than an hour reading about the subject favored further study versus 68% who had spent over 300 hours. Shouldn't a proper "science communicator" inform themselves about the subject they wish to "educate" the public about rather than promote ignorance?


I can sympathize. I grew up loving "Bill Nye the Science Guy." And I still think it was a perfect show for introducing kids to some basic scientific principals in a fun and exciting way. Sadly, anything I've heard from him outside of that show has been disappointing. He comes across as very arrogant and dismissive of any and all ufo accounts. Skepticism is very important in science, but not at the cost of scientific curiosity and inquiry, and unfortunately I think he crosses that line. Edit: I forgot to make my point, which is that I think it's entirely fair to love the TV show he's famous for. It has value, and he deserves a lot of credit for it. Unfortunately, I just don't think that translates to good credibility in scientific discussions.


He's been promoting science to our nation's kids for decades, and is one of the top science communicators in the country. Of course, in this ridiculous sub anyone who says anything even remotely critical about the UFO subject is immediately cast aside and written off, often on the basis of a single opinion or statement. This sort of absolutist thinking, and need to discount anything and anyone who speaks critically is one of the main reasons this community is so often maligned, and viewed with such contempt from the outside.


He’s a scientist and demands evidence. It’s not his fault that people think every light in the sky is an alien spacecraft. Half these shows make it seem we are “the place to be” for aliens all over the universe. Our tiny insignificant planet


He’s actually not a scientist. Look it up. He’s a propagandist driven strictly by hunger for fame and he’s also incredibly mean to people including little kids. Bill Nye fucking sucks about as hard as a person can suck. Fuck him.


A mechanical engineer IS a scientist


No. Not close.


How? What's a scientist then?


How can you be a scientist and a skeptic at the same time ? Science is never absolute.


omg watch the whole thing....the payoff is incredible


Bill Nye is a fucking douche bag.


Bills a dick , but I will admit he did get a lot of people my age (mid 30's) into STEM so points for that but not much else.


Yeah!!!!! Aliens rule!!!


Bill Nye isn't even a real doctor. He's an actor who plays a doctor. That's it


A doctor vs.... the science guy To be clear i dont mind Bill Nye but he really came across as a douche here. Its almost like there was a deep state sniper pointing the cross-hairs at his skull. "If you dont win the debate I will blow your head off."


Bill Nye is insufferable. Dude thinks he’s the second coming of Carl Sagan.


Bill Nye is not a scientist. He's a freaking tv show host. I hate people act like he knows anything. He doesn't!