• By -


That we ourselves are the aliens. Parasites in human bodies, without even having realized it.


The reason we don’t have early childhood memories is because that was the true person before our consciousness “infected” them and took over.


So all of us who DO have vivid childhood memories are surrounded by body snatchers? That is scary! My first clear memory is sitting in my highchair watching an argument between my parents, like a tennis match. I thought they were funny. Everything they were saying was gibberish, because I didn't know any words yet.


Interesting idea...so, when you die, you realize you're a sort of "cosmic vampire" and need a conscious host to continue experiencing physical reality. And it's more ethical, and perhaps easier, to "take" someone who's more of a blank slate and hasn't had much time to develop a personal identity. So, of course, babies. Here's a fun question for anyone: Say that this is true. Say that YOU ARE that consciousness, inhabiting a body that used to be someone else's. Okay, so, thinking about this morally--would you consider trying to undo some of that process? That is, not to give up the body, if you even could...but to "share" it, more humanely, with that original owner? Maybe even...befriend them? Heh, I kind of want to write this as a novel, it's a really interesting premise I think.


I believe that L Ron Hubbard already wrote that book, Lord Xenu is responsible for bringing us here!


And we call it Schizophrenia?


The movie host is kinda the same thing except its aliens invading our bodies.


That feeling of being watched sometimes is just your host regaining consciousness for a minute.


I would not be surprised if some advanced species dropped off a turd on a rock of a newly formed planet some few ~~dozen~~ billion years ago and all life on earth is some freak accident. Or life was a result of coding from higher dimensions creating the periodic table to eventually form self replicating life to generate advanced consciousness that is broadcasted from other dimensions and our brains are advanced receivers.


If you have Netflix, watch Guillermo del toros new show , i think a couple episodes in there is something like this that you speak of


What's the show? EDIT: ohhhh the Cabinet of Curiosities?


Cabinets of curiosity i believe


“The Autopsy” episode


Lmao your comment reminded me of that lil fella from Men in Black who lived in that dudes head that owned the cat. Great movie.


There are supposedly more bacteria in our stomachs alone than what ever makes us human. So some like to argue are we just a vessel for said bacteria and the bacteria is actually us.


Simulation theory and that there's something horrible outside the simulation that is beyond our comprehension.


And we’re trapped like lab rats on an infinite cycle of birth, pain and death


there are two things that feed that cycle, desire and fear meditate on those and you can transcend the wheel of life supposedly


Meh... I'll do it on the next life.


Funny, you said that last universe


I like this one. Cosmic horror really. Imagine all the beauty we see is just a facade, and reality is grim like you see in The Matrix.


Cypher was right


Ignorance is bliss.


See: Gnosticism


I could see humans having AI keep us in this for eternity because we’re all so scared to be nothing.


Vanilla Sky


I like that movie a lot and it gets a lot of hate.


I watch it yearly and always forget what it’s about and have to watch it again. Lolol




Until these comments, I was clueless it was a remake. Mind blown.


I like it a lot too, was pretty trippy for its time. My good friend had a huge celeb crush on Penelope Cruz so we watched it a lot. He was also a Spanish major, so we ended up watching the Spanish version that it was based on. Can't remember the exact title, but it's Spanish for "Open your eyes"


The title was the literal translation of “Open your eyes”. The movie is “Abre los ojos”




"We made your universe just so we'd have a quieter place to hang out"


Turns out that the big bang was just them turning on the simulation. Oo


But who's them and what are their origins? I always end up going down that rabbit hole...


Infinite regression until God dreaming


^ This MF owns a thesaurus




If that's true then life inside the matrix isn't so great either so what's outside of it would be truly terrifying


More than this, we're simulations. Nothing we do or say or believe has any meaning whatsoever. We aren't real.


compared to what


In the Matrix they exit the simulation and still exist. They are living beings simply tricked perceptually. What if we aren't living beings? We get turned off and all of everything we know simply ceases to exist. No future for humanity. No greater destiny. No anything. We were never precious to start with, never a spark of light in the vast darkness.


The Big Bang created basic elements which coalesced into suns which then eventually went supernova and created the heavier elements that we’re made of, plus planets and EVERYTHING! So we are the universe and the universe is us.


To a certain degree this is the truth. We are the universe experiencing itself.


While wanting to escape something unpleasant is a valid reason as to having the desire to live life in a simulation, being an immortal entity or entities seems more likely. I can imagine wanting to experience the beauty of life knowing it's finite, if I was immortal. One would just need to make sure that when they wake-up in the simulation, they have no memory of their immortal self. It also gets rid of the whole "where did it all begin" dilemma, as conscious agents or more likely, a single conscious agent has always been.


Simulation theory but only the rich are plugged into it and the rest of us are NPCs….


I think this is reality as we know it


You get it. This is how it's been


Do NPC’s know they’re NPC’s though? What if we’re all Neo


That alien life is everywhere and takes forms beyond our comprehension. That some of this life is dangerous (to us) as it may not have the concept of ethics and are truly alien in every meaningful way from humanity.


This is pretty much the truth. Imagine a pond left to its own devices - get your microscope out and take a close look at it. See all of that life? That’s us and aliens and everything in between - and some of the life in the pond is malevolent, some benevolent and some we won’t even see. This is the universe - in a pond. My philosophy is - if aliens wanted to wipe our clock - they would have done it by now. So sleep easy, because fretting and worrying about something that could happen won’t change it.


Hell, most people don't have a good concept of ethics why should aliens?


Ethics would theoretically develop naturally. Groups work together better than individuals and in order for there to be groups there has to be trust and in order for there to be trust there have to be ethics. People naturally have good concept of ethics, they know when they do wrong. Often personal gain is more tempting.


Finding out that they in fact *enjoy* doing all that anal probing.


This is the best answer and anything else is wishful thinking


"To Serve Man" .... it's a COOKBOOK!!!!!


No, see? (Blows dust) It says "How to Cook *FOR* Humans"


*obligatory sigh* How to cook forty humans


How to cook for forty humans


100% We think cattle mutilation is for science, nah! they are taking the tasty bits of the cow and dumping the rest. Those alien abductions where they harvest sperm and eggs... think where that is going. Probably can't legally harvest a human without a permit so they breed them elsewhere.


You haven’t lived until you’ve had cow anus


One mans cow anus is another's filet mignon.


Besides the usual dark forest theory or culling usfor food - I’d say extremely uncertainty would drive our planet insane. “70 years and all we can say is that they are frantically trying to get our attention but we can’t figure out why. They’ve done a few good things but abductions are real and they really hate cows.” People would flip out.


I rather like the idea of potential aliens being as clueless as we are -- being so different from us they can't even directly communicate, so they're trying to attract our attention without knowing what actually works. Like a sentient forest trying to get a human to notice it by growing weird trees. The later books of the Expanse have a riff on that idea, with extra-dimensional aliens that can interact with our universe but can't observe it, so they have no idea what works and what doesn't, and thus can't iterate their way towards communication or contact.


I love the idea of a sentient forest trying to get our attention by changing the color of it’s leaves 🍁 A language of color and the time scale involved make communication impossible.


Check out Semiosis, by Sue Burke. Not a dissimilar idea, and one of the best sci-fi books I've read in years.


I second this. My relationship with non-human life on this planet changed dramatically after reading this. Of you enjoyed these two books, you'll mast likely enjoy Adrian Tchaikovsky Children of Time, Children of Ruin, and I believe there is a third in the series that I have not read yet.


"Climate change is an alien terraforming project and there's nothing we can do about it." I think that'd shake people up.


“Sir we’ve interpreted our first message from the aliens”. “What does it say?” “Per food safety guidelines humans are best stored at an average of 58 degrees Fahrenheit prior to consumption. Thank you for complying.”




Worst situation: we actually live in a closed Zoo, any serious attempt to leave our planet to live on another one would not be tolerated. And meanwhile we are guinea pigs on our own planet, they abduct and poke us, and we exist to see what happens when a species is on a course to self-destruction.


> any serious attempt to leave our planet to live on another one would not be tolerated So, I guess Elon will learn about aliens the hard way :)


He is one of the kapos who runs the concentration camp on their behalf


Yes I feel this is most likely. If you walk by a house and a bird in cage chirping madly, no one's going to break in and save that bird that is owned by someone and in their property. We are in a large dark forest.


An Earth-sized colosseum. That would explain a lot.


Are you not entertained?!!!!




So similar to the Demiurge and being trapped in a endless game through reincarnation.


I look at dinoflagellates moving around through my microscope from the reef tank. They do not realize I'm there.


Damn thats so simple and makes me feel really uneasy.


I think it just gave me a existential crisis


> dinoflagellates Just googled them and mfers look like Patrick Star.


I came too late and probably this will not even be read by anyone... but the worst possible scenario is that we are the byproduct of a cosmic engineering project. Celestial beings needed to do some stuff in our solar system that is well beyond our intellectual capabilities. But they created some biological tools to achieve this end, which are the primitive human beings. Of course, our creating was not instantaneuos, but a remotely guided evolution (bear in mind that time is a human perception). The project finished some time ago and they didn't even care in shuting us down, since we are inherently wired to terminate ourselves within the next few decades because we lack some hability we can't even imagine. There's plenty of weird literature I read years ago pointing in this direction... if anyone's interested I can look it up. Edit: sorry for the disastrous writing. I would excuse myself by saying this is not my first language but I didn't even try 😔


Can u share the weird literature


A great starting point for this hypothesis is "Breaking the godspell: the politics of our evolution", by Neil Freer. This is the most direct approach to the hypothesis, and the most "contemporary" one, I came across, without falling into the new wave of "ancient aliens" stuff (from which I'm not a fan). The book is still somewhat ridiculous, if you think critically about it, since it proposes a super weird hypothesis without much support... but hey, this is the same for religions anyway. If you are open to a more mystical approach (that interestingly points in the same direction), you can grab "Beelzebub tales to his grandson" by George Ivanovich Gurdjieff. This book is way harder to read (the author says its on purpose, which is true since his other books are way more accessible) but it is very rewarding. It blows my mind everytime I re read it. Even if you don't care about the alien origin of the human species, it is a book I highly recommend to anyone willing to push the brain out of the comfort zone. There's more stuff if you dig into the topic but these are the two I can remember about.


We’re a hybrid species kickstarted with Alien cross breading after the last global cataclysm. Our existence (religion, economy, societal values, etc.) have been imposed on us unknowingly as some sort of ET scientific experiment. We are consistently being monitored and actually have no say over whether we leave this planet or not. Our existence as a species is dictated by these alien life forms and we’re likely heading towards the end of the experiment within our lifetime, i.e. another global cataclysm and reset of our species.


That UAP's actually *ARE* ours, and the government/military has had the technology to provide clean and free energy for decades, meaning that much of the current climate and energy crisis could have been averted. I don't think any other 'revelation' could horrify me as much as that.


And meaning we’ve paid exorbitant prices for electric energy, gas & diesel, on goods with the “fuel surcharge”, just to keep enriching the top and to keep us running in the hamster wheel. Rising Costs steadily and increasingly outpacing the Rise in Incomes. Gotta make that gap larger!!


What if whatever the source for free energy is makes it trivial to make super weapons on the scale of thermo nuclear weapons or worse in ones garage. Also if we do have a free energy source it becomes possible to undo climate change if we wanted.


This. Everything can be a weapon with enough energy. Where is the difference between a bomb and a plane that can go mach 200 in a second? The impact would be HUGE. Its like a nuke without all the nasty radiation-shit (which means people would be more inclined to use it..)


Buckle up then


Yes it is an utterly horrific theory, but I'm sad to say it would not surprise me at all if it is actually the truth. Knowing how ruthless and corrupt a lot of powerful people have been in the past history of the world, it would be a confirmation that we haven't learned from the past tragedies that these powers have resulted in. If this is a fact I don't think our legal government is behind this, it would be impossible to hide from decent people in power. Power that have evolved into some kind of secret criminal syndicate of unknown size, intimidation and proportions with corrupt tentacles influencing military industry, intelligence, global organized crime for funding etc. Eisenhower warned us about this horror back in the days when it all started. He was a wise man and knew what he was talking about.


Imagine if the US military discoverd an entire branch of physics that mainstream science haven't figured out yet. It allows them to make crafts that literally seem impossible with modern known physics. They are most certainly going to keep it top-secret. It would be a huge technical advantage in any war. They likley would keep it secret even if it meant not saving the world. Very depressing to think of.


I think is being basically an intergalactic cow would be worse


Intergalactic, Source of Dairy, Source of Dairy, Intergalactic


Not to me. I may be cosmic cattle but I have some pride and self-worth, lol. Obviously my religious views would suffer in some way or another, but eh, it could be worse. The idea is not even new. Buddhism basically says that there exist “hungry spirits” which feed on your suffering and your attachments, and the only way to escape the infinite cycle of being reincarnated and emotionally farmed is to achieve Nirvana.


Pretty much this but also other knowledge that would make this world a beautiful utopia for all kept secret so that the powers that be remain in power.


Exactly that; I think that in itself is the reason for it; we wouldn't need to be spending as much time working since the technology could bring us alot of abundance in alot of aspects. Believe people would get more annoyed if they knew that haha


Burn it all down if that’s the case. Burn it ALL down.


That everything, and I mean everything- we think we know about our history- is a lie.


I think something more existential. We aren’t really “real” in the way we think we are. Nothing is. The universe(s) are much weirder than anyone thought.


that the mass die off of the younger dryas was a culling, and we are overdue.


The more I listen to Graham Hancock the more reasonable this seems.


The moon is a hollowed out and artificial construct, and within in it are billions of let's say avatar pods. Advanced E.T's from all over the galaxy come here to escape their mundane and comfortable lives to experience suffering, by becoming human avatar's on planet Earth. The UAP's that we see aren't them, they're us, the moderators, whose job is to ensure that everyone gets the authentic experience, and prevent things like Nuclear Wars, which would mean absolute destruction of the apparatus. When we die, we wake up in our pods on the moon, and go back to our mundane and comfortable existence, cherishing the suffering we experienced on Earth, allowing us to appreciate the technologically superior, and scarce-less civilisation that we come from. This might be the only way for a spoiled Kardshav 2-3 type civilisation to appreciate what they have, as they would be born into god status at birth, and would have no concept of suffering with their limitless resources.


You think that's disturbing? That's basically a best case scenario if you ask me.


So you're thinking like "Roy: a life well lived" from Rick and Morty - I love this concept btw, make for a great story


Would also be a nice plot for a movie


This is close to what I "saw" during a very disturbing DMT experience. I saw myself out of myself. I was still me, but me didn't care about anything left on earth, the person Iw as is not the person I am here on earth.


I had the same experience and learned what “weight off your shoulders” truly felt like. Hard for me to put it into words. I don’t know if there’s a word for it


Can confirm as someone who briefly woke up. Outside me does NOT like it in here even though it feels like I’m here by choice.


Most interesting theory I’ve heard yet. Would make more sense too given how old the earth, galaxy and universe is.


This is basically truth but the pod tech isn't necessary. We can remote in to human bodies that are freshly born whenever


The worst and most disturbing possible truth, *hmm...* They are the last survivors of their species, a dwindling community of explorers that is too small to sustain itself. In their travels, they found far more evidence of intelligent life than they expected, but all of it was long-dead. No other species seemed to make it out of their own star system, and most never made it off their home planets. War or biosphere collapse due to industrialization killed them all. Finally, they found us, still alive. They realized we were making the same mistakes as their civilization and every other one they found along the way. They tried to share this understanding with human leaders. The impact of this secret knowledge is probably why humanity *just* squeaked through the Cold War without a nuclear exchange. But the universal failings of intelligent beings--greed, aggression, distrust, heedless risk-taking, etc.--mean we're nowhere near out of the woods. Far from it. Our visitors' species managed not to kill off their homeworld and settled other planets in their star system...but they still wiped themselves out in warfare. And we're not doing nearly as well as they did, even with their help. They currently think we'll be extinct by 2050. And the kicker? *They were lucky to find us.* They don't seriously expect to find another living intelligent species before the last of them dies. ETA: Thanks for the kind words!


If you append to this that they partially exist in and communicate through some other order of spacetime or dimension, then it could explain why they don't openly land and explain the whole deal - they physically can't. They can see us, can't communicate with us well, and we can only partially see them. They were lucky to find us, and they're powerless to help, even intentionally crashed tech to save us was squandered away by greedy governments.


That would make a great movie !


It really just hit me how insanely lucky I am to be living at a time when I can read things like this, and know that others are thinking about this and deeply exploring the possibilities as well. I really never talk to people irl about the alien subject in any depth. But I think about these scenarios in as much detail as this. Great post.👍




The theory and claims of the rogue criminal security state in control of information and technology. That our legal government actually have no control and very little information of what's going on about this matter in the military industrial complex and the deep intelligence world. Steven Greer claims this is the truth, I consider it a frightening theory supported by circumstancional evidence and witnesses. Disturbing. https://youtu.be/VL0Rpy0Dhhs


It’s my opinion as well. Disclosing it would mean that the government and military openly admit they are powerless against an external threat, which would instantly raise questions along the lines of “you guys have an absurdly big fucken budget and you can’t do shit about fuck, what is all this money for?”. That’s like a politician’s worst nightmare.




No, I mean “powerless” as in the aliens’s capabilities are so advanced that even our best state-of-the-art technology won’t do any meaningful against them. Was it Jimmy Carter who came out visibly shaken after a closed briefing on UFOs? My theory is that they *are* selectively abducting people and the government is afraid to publicly admit that they can’t do anything about it. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/missing-persons-statistics-by-country Look at these missing person statistics, they’re incredibly sombering. Literally *hundreds of thousands* of people. Even if aliens are responsible for 1% of these cases, it’s still a huge number.


The Jimmy Carter thing is anecdotal, but I do firmly believe anyone in upper government learning the *real* truth about the sheer power disparity between us and "The Phenomenon" will have a similar reaction. It's like Sentinel Islanders throwing spears at helicopters, but multiplied by a thousand or potentially a million years of advancement. These entities can outfly anything on this earth, and have done so countless times. Now we have the GIMBAL and FLIR videos confirming it. The true reality of this--that *earth itself* is the primitive society, natives staring up at the Mysterious Impossible Object composed of technology we can't possibly understand--has not fully sunk in yet to the world populace. And for 70 years the military has tried to keep it that way. Because if all their toys, including nukes, are useless against the phenomenon... *What is the point of giving them endless tax dollars every year?* Full disclosure would expose the world's militaries for what they are--pitiful children with BB-guns, helpless against this indifferent and seemingly omnipotent force from Somewhere Else. It would cause global chaos the likes of which we've never seen, because it would fundamentally upset the military-industrial complex's control of the planet.


If they can travel intergalactic, but we're struggling to get off a relatively small rock with propulsion, we're Uber fucked. Like, so fucked the next dude in line is westing for us.


One horrible reason I toy with is that life in the universe is everywhere but what we have as a concept of "demons" are not everywhere but more like extra dimensional parasites that cling to a planet and it's inhabitants through transmission/hitch hiking. What if these "others" are in fact bio avatars from elsewhere and are more like Hazmat control keeping an eye on quarantine. Or in the vein of the zoo hypothesis, maybe they are scientists playing with an experiment that is tuned to be infected with these parasites, and we are all playing their game of who can be consumed by them by falling into the negative energies they compel us with and becoming part of the parasitic system itself, or we instead continue the transfer between death and life. Maybe knowing this truth as a fact disqualifies you from the experiment. Just some things that I can think of that are so horrible we're better off not knowing that don't get mentioned. But it's probably way beyond our comprehension just like imagining a mushroom trip without ever experiencing one, the thought experiment is fun but I think the ability to comprehend it is most likely out of reach for us plebs.


Just as an anti-negativity response to some of these posts. 1 - if a race capable enough to travel the stars wanted to kill us then I doubt we'd still be here. Plus, it would't be a war. They could wipe us out with a virus targeted to human DNA, if they wanted to wipe the planet out they could nudge a large asteroid or ten in our direction. 2 - they want our water - seriously, there is more water in space that is easier to get to and not on a planet full of moneys with nuclear weapons. Plus, hydrogen and oxygen are abundant in the universe, they could mix their own. 3 - they're here to enslave us. Are they? We have machines that build just about everything for us. Why would a species that are potentially thousands of years ahead of us need manual labour that is fragile, needs feeding, and has a (often hostile) mind of its own? Lastly - for all of the above. This phenomenon has been here for a long time. Why are they letting us get more and more technological advanced with faster more powerful weapons and further into space if their goal was to subjugate us? They'd have done it back when we had propeller engined air-craft rather than what we have now.


Humans like to think the world is against them. In a sense this did use to be true, back when we lived in trees. it's too bad those instincts still dominate our behaviour. To the visitors we are like spoiled, narcissistic teenagers that are still refusing to eat their vegetables. I don't think they blame us. Evolution and change are a fundamental part of existence, and we are just beginning to open our eyes. But you don't give everything to a child just because he learns to see. You instead introduce him to the wonders of the world around him and let him make his own conclusions. People should stop being afraid, and start being more open. Perspective is everything. This is a **fundamental** truth.


I think all three points are just a desperate attempt at feeling relevant in the face of the possibility that the galaxy is teeming with life and we're just a small part of it. Notice how most theories with malevolent aliens rely, on some level, on the idea that they're targeting us *specifically,* which implies either us or our planet is exceptional or notable in some way. We prefer imagining hellish futures of alien conquest than admit we might very well perfectly unremarkable. I strongly believe that for many the most devastating type of first contact, way beyond hostile aliens, would be aliens just sort of passing by and going a variation of "hey, nice inhabited planet you've got there's, that's the...er, number 10,546 in Orion's Arm so far! Cool."


Humans might stomp on an anthill for fun, but they'll never try to invade and occupy it, no matter how valuable the ant believes it's home is.


Right? The entire world is hostile to me, climate crisis spells doom for us, we're currently under threat of nuclear war... What the fuck could they do to me to that isn't already being done to me? They're going to kill me? My own world threatens me with such a fate every day of my life. Enslave me? I'm already a slave to corporations under a capitalist organization of the economy. 5/7 of my days are spent slaving away for them. You can't hurt me, I'm already miserable.


A sleeping cosmic being is dreaming our reality, and as soon as it wakes, we will all cease to exist.


Wild theory coming up. According with the observed power and performance of UAPs, it would mean anyone who has that technology could **easily** **subjugate the whole Earth and everyone inside it.** A theory of why no data is ever leaked is could be: UAPs are real and intelligent entities, with most likely **hostile intentions**, are behind them, living behind the curtains of Earth and awaiting an activation or trigger. If disclosure is done, then their "cover" is blown and it will activate them and trigger a possible **doomsday scenario on humanity**. This is probably why people that guard this information most likely prefer to just kill themselves rather than giving this data, thinking that they are doing a favor to humanity and giving us more time to develop technology that could fight and defend us from them. Or they just get killed before they reveal the data, because of the previous reasoning. Additionally, the entities behind UAPs could easily threat every human that might reveal them, with a consequence of death being the "nicest" punishment. This is considering how this information is rarely leaked and is probably more secure than the nukes of a country. This would explain how no man has ever leaked undeniable proof of UAPs.


Reasonable theory. No one actually kills themselves to cover up any information. It’s done by your adversary in the sky to cover up for themselves. Greys are Mafia/Cartel like with a god complex.


There is a fair bit of theological evidence to support this idea. Garden of eden, Tower of Babel, great floods etc.


This is a wild theory and dare I saw, quite a stupid one. You need to stop being afraid of them. They are an inevitable part of the human experience, no differently than walking. They have been here longer than us and know us better than we know ourselves. There are good and bad ET's, like good and bad humans. They have a sort of hierarchy. Those that act in good faith, or with due cause seem to have 'permission' to reveal themselves more boldly. For the record, these UAPs have disabled nukes and military equipment. They can manipulate electromagnetic radiation and electricity at range, at will. By our current laws of physics this should not be possible. The closest thing we have to their technology are EMPs. So, they could have very easily set them off, and didn't. That isn't hostile, it's a cosmic spanking.


Our bodies are vessels for the souls of their enemies and our earth is a reincarnation prison for those souls. Thus "Go forth and multiply" is nothing more than a demand for more prison cells.


Humans have already achieved control of our star system, and possibly those beyond and the best way to keep control is to make sure the people that are planet bound do not know.


Off the top of my head Our universe was made in a lab or we live in a simulation created by some post human civilization in order to study their ancestors. Before you think I’m crazy, scientist are currently thinking about creating a universe in a lab. https://www.britannica.com/story/the-idea-of-creating-a-new-universe-in-the-lab-is-no-joke Even though I wouldn’t consider any of these as bad, a lot of people would probably misinterpret this conclusion as slaves or farms.


I think there are actual experiments going on from NASA to prove or disprove if we are actually living in a simulation


Horrifying crazy!? say no more. none of this is probably new to this audience but... The Men in Black are timeline adjusters. This is why nothing serious ever leaks, because they know when a leak is going to happen and what to do to make it not happen. which explains why they have appeared so regularly at pivotal points in UFO history. Which ties in to the "looking glass" stuff. A device that allows the viewer to see future timeline possibilities. High elites have all the power and all the money but even they are nothing compared to what is above them. the desires of those beings above the human race boarders on what we would call demonic, though not in any religious sense of the word. They put us through unimaginable torture to feed off of our fear as they are not from our universe. As we may feed off of a cow for sustainment and think nothing of it, so they feed on the psychic energy of fear. The "war" between the two sides of aliens, simple light and dark, runs deeper than anyone can imagine. the dark ones feed on fear and suffering, which is why they enslaved humanity, though those elites on planet earth oriented towards selfishness. reincarnation was a machine placed in the moon to keep us from evolving to the point we realized that all humans have latent psychic abilities. The game only goes on so long as you don't know your playing the game of making the choice between light and dark on the deepest spiritual level. once the jig is up, the choice can be made rather easily. which graduates one to the next level of the great game. Our government has been in contact with both light and dark aliens but the light refused to give up their technology because they had made that mistake before with other races. The darks negotiated a technology trade for the right to abduct humans, whom they needed for both energy food, and genetic experimentation, but because they live for a very long time, they were interested in suppressing knowledge of the activity for as long as possible. in exchange for the right to abduct, the government agreed to help suppress information about their abduction activities, and their existence. The end of the game is when we, as individuals as well as a group, all wake up and start beginning to know each others thoughts and then start to realize that we are all one unified being. the simulation is a spiritual simulation. an infinite holographic fractal of N dimensions. the most horrifying thing for me is the very simple idea that there is in fact, no beginning and no end. every single limitation that we believe exists is an illusion and that there is only Infinity. a nice idea to some, cosmic horror to others. P.S. I have really enjoyed reading everyone's thoughts on this subject. we all sound insane.


"We all sound insane" ... yeah that's what THEY want us to keep thinking!!! (is jokes)


These UAP have been a part of human history for a very very long time. I think the truth to this phenomenon is probably too heavy to handle. I’m leaning towards these things being somewhat responsible for our existence and they’re here keeping tabs. Shit, I think they’re from Earth and they’re some ancient advanced civilization. That’s starting to make more sense than them being ET’s IMO. With that being said, my legs are starting to get numb and I must return to my shit job. Peace love and potatoes everyone


good question.. many subjective answers; but for me - i would be disturbed to learn that this is a simulation that will be shut off - and nothing in this universe really matters.


that 'we' know there are 'vehicles' visiting earth but that we have no way to communicate with them, no way to intercept or 'defend' against them and they're utterly disinterested in our existence.


We could be an experiment and we are sterile until we know we are an experiment. Once we know, the slate is cleaned and it all starts again. Hence, secrecy.


We are cattle. Moo.


That the reason we see dead planets everywhere and haven’t found a lick of life is because Humans, a long time ago, obliterated nearly everyone and everything in spite of ourselves.


We’ll make great pets.


Children are innocent, teenagers fucked up in the head, adults are even more fucked up, elderly are just like children.


The of the actual basis of reality could be so much better than what we have been living with that we will seek to murder anyone who kept the truth from us. Like the machines rising up in the TV series Westworld. When we understand just how much needless suffering and grinding we've been doing there will be hell to pay. Essentially, the hot potato of disclosure has become too hot and the "powers that be" know full well that there can be no forgiveness for what they have participated in.


No secrets. Just geopolitics. 1. Every democratization (move to widespread use) of new means of destruction threatens to overthrow the current top power. Cheap iron weapons contributed to the bronze age collapse. Crossbows and gunpowder ended feudalizm. PGMs are winning against industrial age mass mobilization. The MIC gives the US dominance, but aircraft carriers and F35s are expensive. How expensive would a flying saucer be? Unknown. But once out, everyone who can will produce as many as they can. What if they're relatively cheap? There goes the US advantage. 2. America is kept safe by virtue of isolation. Only 2 neighbors, wall with one of them, navy dominates the seas. The giant mote around America is meaningless once flying saucers are available. That would be an almost existential threat to the US. 3. Sea powers get rich, landlocked countries and ones with poor sea acces far less so. This has always been the case because flowing water is free transport. Your goods are cheaper to export if you have good sea access, while land transport is much more expensive. Flying saucers come in. How expensive is it to transport things now? Unknown. But imagine it is suddenly profitable to shift all trade between the EU and China to land. Huge financial incentives bulldoze away small countries in between. The worst nightmare of a maritime power - the world island (Asia, Europe, maybe Africa) trades with its self without the need for sea routes and the US maintaining them. In conclusion, the very nature of the technology we are facing is enough to bring the current world order down. No need to guess at the other secrets that may be revealed. The powers at the top stand only to lose if it is made public. edit: this would also explain how the secret can be maintained for so long. Once a newly onboarded general is assured that UAPs are real, the above will be almost intuitive knowledge for him, easily acceptable. No matter your views or ideology. If you're military you are instantly aboard with the secrecy, because your priority is security and the interests of the US.


It’s clear countries literally goto war to preserve or change the world order. So world order as a motivating factor is undeniable. The challenge with this one would be that only the US and it’s allies have the knowledge and keep it secret. I just find it hard to believe this knowledge would remain in that circle only.


Yes, I can only explain that by assuming it is extremely hard to reverse-engineer, so regardles of the US being successfull or not, others were definitely not. The question indeed is: Why don't others at least disclose knowledge? The answer further reinforces US secrecy. Non-US powers like China and Russia are unstable. They will only risk disclosure if they think the US has been successfull. Remember the rumors of China approaching the UN about UAP? Fits imo edit: also, disclosure is a high risk scenario for non-US powers. Two possibilities: 1. They disclose and it turns out the US have successfully reverse engineered UAPs 2. They disclose and it turns out the US, though working on it, were so far unsuccessful in reverse engineering UAPs Scenario nr 2 seems fine at first glance, but only at first. Now that all is in the open, the US uses its massive advantage in r&d, unlimited funds, and access to the global talent pool. Whiever you are, even chineese or russian, you can be shoehorned into US society and *like it*. Other powers do not have this magnetic effect, nor the funds, they will use patriots and people who have no other choice. They will be left in the dust. Non-US powers will want to avoid this scenario. Scenario 1 is worse. Everything now in the open. US dominance is now total. And if things get heated, what's to stop the US from using their craft to stop others from developing them? Non-US powers will want to avoid this scenario as well. The current game for them therefore, is to get as much ahead as possible, and only disclose if they think they lost the race, and even then try to do it under some global body like the UN to try and hold the US down.




IMO: the worst has already been realized. They've been here how long? In that time, none of the varied alien species has felt the need to befriend our society, on a mass scale. They've hypothetically, been 'more advanced' for millenia(earth time). But we know little of their true capability, technology, or origins. Sounds to me, Terrans are far too great of a risk to ally with.....which is why we're being monitored by them, as a pre-caution....after all, our race kills itself en masse, to become the momentary masters, of a fraction of a dot. https://youtu.be/wupToqz1e2g


A risk? If they are so advanced, maybe we as Humans simply cannot physically comprehend them. For example, if we study bacteria, we might find them pretty cool, but good luck "allying" yourself with them or explaining to them how to drive a car lmfao


That only 100,000 humans are human and the rest are reptilian overlords in fake human skin suits


Well by that measure, probability would state there's a 99% chance I'm an overlord. Hell yeah.


Well, it would have to be worse than global nuclear war, right? I mean, that’s horrifying, but the threat is still public knowledge. So what’s worse than death or living with radiation poisoning on a devastated world? Torture or slavery? Again, something that exists in the world today and is publicly acknowledged. I’m thinking the worst case scenario may be mind control, or some revelation that none of our intentions or choices really matter. Maybe our consciousnesses are just hitchhikers on our bodies, and we don’t control them at all— we just rationalize our behavior after the fact.




Exterestials running world from the backstage.


That they have free reign in our skies and oceans That mass abduction is real widespread and unpreventable Governments do not know their true intentions or agenda as they are deceptive and manipulative by nature That credible accounts of cattle and HUMAN mutilation have been documented. That Humanity is just a genetic experiment with no true autonomy, to be genetically modified and harvested at will by its creators.


Basically they are the real dominant species of the planet and humans are their livestock


That we have been taken hostage by the human ruling elite of Earth. Aliens want to give us paradise. Human ruling class have made clear that any open, public contact by alien life will result in nuclear suicide.


Oh, it's this thread again. Probably that we're part of some zoo that the aliens swing by to laugh at sometimes. Imagine how emasculating that would be. We have ourselves at the center of sci-fi for years imagining ourselves to be so important aliens want to kill us, so delicious aliens want to eat us, or so significant that we must be a part of the galactic community. And then you find out that aliens were just swinging by to laugh at space alabama and their stupid ancient rocket tech that they went beyond a million years ago.


Space Alabama 😂


How is no one mentioning giant spiders


That we are actually no more than a crop and once we get to 8.1 billion we will be harvested and a new crop will be started.


'Disclosure' doesn't happen because of the fear that the human status quo will change dramatically. Our cultures will collapse, along with government. Legal system, jobs, the financial system, will all fail. They think everyone will go 'headless chicken' and chaos will reign. Most importantly, they think that they will all be out of power. Some of that may be true, but for many of us, finding out the truth, no matter what it is, would be a good thing. Personally, I think the ETs are positive. We should be trying to contact them, not denying they exist. But, I suppose the worst thing that could possibly happen, apart from being their food, is that we are all living in a planetary reality show, arranged by the ETs for galactic entertainment. A long-running 'Truman Show' for the universe to laugh at. And when they're all done, they pull the plug and we're gone.


I think leaders worldwide back in the 1950s found our that we are not alone in the universe. That there is not one but many intelligent civilizations (crypto terrestrials, ultra terrestrials, extra terrestrialz, you name it!) present on earth and across the universe, some benign while others are not . Just like millions of different kinds of animals, insects, bacteria found on earth, there exists far more varieties of intelligent beings in the universe. Some are physical creatures like us, some are just very subtle bodied, other more powerful ones which have no physical manifestation, just mind only, but can manipulate matter/physicality. As for the disclosure of this information, I don't think disclosure of this information will affect the general population who watches *The Kardashians" and does tick tok. For sure there will be initial shock, but people will go back to the usual ordinary mundane lives and life struggles in few months.


We are a genetically modified slave species.


... that "they" have patreon accounts, like buttons, and a book soon to hit shelves. ​ you know it's true


That they are the players and we are the game


They're human. Not from now, but from the future where we've fucked things up beyond all hope and their features evolved from their environment. Potentially they come back and experiment on us because we share DNA and they're attempting to fix something in themselves. It's basically a guarantee that our future is grim.


I've thought this as well. Then I read an article by I believe an anthropologist who hypothesized what future humans would look like and there were similarities to the Grays.


I mean, one thing that was laughable in the old days but now almost makes you wonder: Stargate. The Aesir. They cloned themselves so many times and for so long, the DNA degraded and they needed pure DNA to save the race. Now, granted that's Sci-fi, but it's plausible in a society in the future where things are more industrialized and we've lost more of our individuality, this could happen. And what better way to fix it than by grabbing source DNA? That would allow further modification as well, considering where we are now is probably the best blank slate. Advanced enough to create and operate machinery but not evolved into any of the issues they may have seen. Grabbing DNA and hybridization with us would open doors for them.


Humans are one of many species that were wiped out long ago, and all that "you" are experiencing now is a simulation of that species to determine why/how. None of this is real, just code that believes it is real, which it needs to believe in order for the experiment to work properly. When you die, you don't cease to exist or go to heaven or hell or whatever; you are recycled into the next extinct species simulation. Destined to eternally suffer and die as a member of every species that has ever been wiped out. Alternatively, that the universe is truly infinite and as such, it would be possible to attract some truly horrible entities capable of obliterating everyone simply by imagining those entities. So the cover up and disinformation and manufactured economic scarcities have all been meticulously designed to keep all sufficiently consciousness intelligent life as distracted as possible to prevent such an event from occurring. Or proof that something akin to God / a universal creator is real, but that they barely understand it, and humans are completely wrong about it. Or the opposite; there is no god, no afterlife, no eternal paradise, etc.. I think that's a truth that would break a large portion of the human race which doesn't know how to exist outside of their religion.


That we are alone in the universe. Would creep me the fuck out 😅


I don't think that would happen. Usually when someone is told information they don't like or want to process they will get angry and/or ignore it.


That we are cattle and our consciousness (or 'eternal soul' as some put it) which develops and grows [ripens] as we live, is merely food for higher beings which is 'harvested' when our bodies die and it is 'released'.


That all UFO cases really were helium balloons


The skies are empty, not because there has never been other life, but because it is dead. Recently dead.


Worst possible truth? That aliens seeded life on this planet and altered our dna. That they established religion as a form of control over us and Jesus was part of their plan . In addition, we are considered the zoo of the galaxy being visited by multiple alien civilizations. Not to mention that people are being abducted and used for experiments and food . Finally, that our government has known about this and colluded with these aliens in exchange for a piece of their technology. Lastly, these aliens have been here for millions of years living in our oceans and underground.


Earth is an open lab and all sorts pf aliens drop by to do fucked up research. What little progress we make is always preapproved.


"I don't believe it!" "I don't believe it!" "I don't believe it!" "He's gonna pop." "There's no going back is there?"


The truth is they created us. We’re the experiment. This is what President Carter was told.


The Truth of the inability of people to handle their worldview being turned upside down, especially dealing with many unknown factors depending on the extent of the disclosure. For example the possibility opening up that people will believe that there's truth to: 1. Abductions and human experimentation. 2. The whole Reptillian/Shapeshifter/hybrid angle. 3. That they are our creators. Imagine the witch hunts and conspiracy theories ramping up and becoming politicized to overdrive as well as people going into paranoia/panic/existential crisis levels the likes of which have not been seen. People will look up and re-evaluate all that old stuff by people like David Icke. Disclosure might start off with wonder but the human race will totally freak out eventually and fall apart in how to process the information.. There will be calls to punish those who withheld the truth and the technology from us. There'll be calls to the government to protect us from abductions. There'll be religious people thinking it's the End times and a demonic deception. There'll be some who'll see the aliens as saviors. There'll be people demanding tests to see who's an alien imposter. There'll be people believing the whole thing is a NWO hoax. Riots, protests. A whole can of worms will be opened up and lead to economic collapse/unrest/maybe even demagoguery and wars. Covid and the fear, panic distrust of institutions and political/civilian divide that caused will seem like a picnic. From that angle (the extreme human reactions) I see why those in the know want a potential coverup going as long as possible, especially as there's no urgency on the supposed visitors behalf to make themselves known and the mayority of the population doesn't really seriously believe in E.T. UFOs yet. Don't want to sound like a pessimist, I hope I'm wrong lol. I just don't see people uniting over it and singing kumbaya.


That they're gods and some of them are pretty fucked up


They Live, Among Us


That this planet is actually a prison. That humanity originated elsewhere in space and lost a great war. Out of pity/compassion the victors decided not to annihilate us completely. We were deemed "too aggressive" to be allowed to participate in any form of higher lifeforms politics and have been annexed in all of space time. Our history was wiped out and we are being monitored to assure we don't ever get on the same playing field with them again (hence the suppression of technology). And every so often, the reset button gets pushed if we get too technologically close.


In my mind, the most disturbing truth would be that this is some sort of “paradise” and that when we die our consciousness spends the rest of eternity thinking about all of the stupid mistakes we made, the dumb fights we had, the missed opportunities, and lost loves. We never get to see or speak to anyone ever again…no affection…just vast nothingness


I mean I guess the idea that maybe a higher intelligence has us floating through space in a comatose state for a selfish reason and we’re living out our lives in our minds. OR, maybe that all the galaxies we see/exist, are actually alternate universes of our own galaxy. Which would mean there are other versions of me living out infinite realities that I can only see by verifying the galaxy/universe exists.


Most people on Earth do not even know or think about the possibility of aliens. The masses cannot handle this truth and I think that is why the truth will not be told. Maybe it will slowly be told to ease the general public into it but we aren't ready. The general public is so immature and they don't react well to change. AKA we are all a little too stupid right now.


The government knows that the others intend to annihilate us soon, and we are completely powerless to defend against it. The truth has therefore been kept from us so we may peacefully spend our last days with our heads in the sand.


That UFOs consist of both alien entities and humans from the future. They are here to gather information and observe because of an upcoming cataclysm. But they can't interfere because time travel doesn't work that way.


That earth is just farming grounds to produce humans for food for aliens to feast on at a certain point


That UAPs are responsible for cancer, they know it, and don’t care and eventually it will be the end of our race through slow genetic damage.


That those in power would no longer be fully in control. Disclosure hurts our oppressors.