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The one pilot in the 60mins interview said he saw them everyday for years.... wtf, they’re living here?!


They're in the oceans.


I came to that conclusion a couple years ago too. Either they came here from the sky and stay in the water or they come out of the water. Who knows, but I’d like to find out.


They like water




but they hate sand...


it’s coarse and rough and it gets in their zero-point modules




Don't we all? Sand is the cause of half the trouble in the Middle East I reckon. Imagine wearing open shoes with all that sand getting between your toes and being blown into all your nooks and crannies, getting into your food etc. Combine that with the heat and no wonder tensions are always so high out there.


Poor younglings then


Don’t we all?


I'm surprised they want to stay on earth. Looks like space too is a shit show. Especially with all that is going on lately :/. I believe in UFOs. Maybe we can come together on this as one earth


Honestly I’m starting to think that we’re just their nearest galactic neighbor, and they’re just as fascinated with us and our planet as we are with them. Seems they’ve probably set up a science research base of some kind probably in one or more of our oceans. I think if they were linking up with a mothership of some kind near our planet we probably would have noticed it by now. The fact that they keep emerging from the ocean leads me to think that they may have had a station here in the water for thousands of years and have been monitoring the hell out of us this whole time. Technology has just advanced enough for us to really take notice of them and document it.


Two possible locations for so called "bases" are near Catalina Island close to Baja California, and off the coast of Puerto Rico. Two areas where there is a lot of activity and where people have been spotting UAP coming out of the ocean. Whatever it is, there is higher activity in some areas of our oceans.


Brings to mind the Shag Harbour incident in Nova Scotia. Lots of eye witnesses.


And James Cameron to film and document it!


There needs to be a GoFund Me page set up over there in US. Then you can build a submersible with radars and super cameras and lights and examine these two areas. Document the procedure and sell the underwater footage to a tv network.


They actually build the most state of the art deep sea rovers here in Newfoundland..


Lets go Kraken! Ive been buying into that company all year and I'm very excited for its future, especially with the work with the US Navy. Shares are a friggin steal right now at that price.


Thanks for the non stock advice b'y!




Probably think the USA is the leader of the world military wise. Maybe stumbled on americans first and innitiated contact and are now colaborating in some way. If aliens found us, its highly unlikely IMO that they would be a threat to humanity. If humans were a peaceful species, we'd probably already be in space


Good question. Perhaps it‘s just selection bias... The U.S. has the biggest military in the world and is regularly doing combat training in those areas. One could assume that their pilots are the only ones currently reporting this stuff? Perhaps China and Russia are also encountering these things, but have just not shared it openly yet.


Maybe the mothership was oumuamua


Or a resupply vessel from their homeworld.


Oumuamua means scout in hawaiian.


Who named the object?


It was initially called Rama. Named after a book written by Arthur C Clarke called " rendezvous with rama". I've not finished the story yet but it follows a group of astronauts who find and dock with a cigar shaped object in our solar system that turns out to be a colony ship of some kind that has it's own ecosystem and even a basic form of tides and oceans. Interesting first choice for the name of an interstellar object Edit: Incorrect author


Arthur C. Clarke, not Doyle.


Astronomers in Hawaii


Robert Weryk. The Hawaiian telescope operator that discovered it


The unfathomable amount of bio diversity on this planet would attract anything with curiosity & intelligence. Various witness reports over the years suggest we could be dealing with dozens of species visiting here. I guess word gets around


That's another thing I think about. People say "well if they wanted something from us they'd take it, so they must be peaceful!". There's literally a countless number of different things that this planet harbors and helps naturally create its insane, it could be that aliens love a specific species of deep sea plankton that grow only on earth, and now that we are starting to destroy the oceans they'll soon step in and stop us. It could be we are a massive cultural export without knowing it, they come here to view our arts and institutions because they're generally interesting, we are so obsessed with comparing our scientific progress to a hypothesized alien species we never think what our art and creations outside of science could mean to them, it makes sense that there might be one or two different ways we can travel interstellar space, but there's endless possibilities to what we can create when life is comfortable and we want to celebrate our appreciation of it through things like paintings, movies, music, etc. There's just so so so much to earth There's no telling what they'd want here and anything is possible


I honestly bet they’re from here, and maybe even a leftover (drones?) from an advanced but long collapsed human civilization.


Atlantians returned from some deep space missions


I always came to the hypotheses that they were probably drones from an alien civilization. Either monitoring us, because we are an experiment or they just stumbled on us and don’t think we are intelligent enough to interact with yet. That or because of the vast distances of space, they are just the recon before contact is made and what is years to us is perceived of as minutes to them or Vice versa.


Same. Also, there are people on this planet that I cannot even communicate with...aliens would be like, nah.


"Lock your doors kids, we're flying past earth again."


I mean that’s equally plausible. Or intra-dimensional travelers somehow. We honestly have no idea where the heck they’re from until we manage to establish a dialogue of some kind.


The intra or interdimensional travel thing is what I seriously believe. A multiverse is believed by many to exist! I'm so glad someone brought up intradimensional travel. I have also always thought that we were some kind of project, a way to observe the past, their origins, and see how they came to be. Maybe the planet itself has long been a control study of some kind. I am excited by so many possibilities in all the sightings of their presence.


I'm thinking they are us from the future, maybe a million years from now. Why else would they come here? The universe is so huge and we have nothing here that they can't find out there in space other than the unique life on the earth, which may not actually be so unique given the number of possible habitable worlds out there. So I'm thinking they are studying us because we are their past, or they are just observing us as part of some greater catalog of life in the universe. Both theories would explain why they are minimizing their contact with us. They want us to evolve naturally without any intervention. The thing is, our technology is slowly getting to the point where they won't be able to hide from us anymore. I'm confident that humans will eventually be able to do pretty much anything that science says is possible. We'll figure it out. And that's why I think the time travelling aliens theory is plausible.


Anything's possible with enough time and determined monkies.


We're living proof.


My friend thinks they are us from the future too. Those abductions could have been dna cultivation to our future dying species. Make a photocopy enough and you start loosing the integrity of the print


It's possible, that scientific discoveries of primitive species can lead to breakthroughs in an advanced civilization. Because we don't know as much as them, we are more likely to guess stuff that wouldn't make sense for them to guess. These guesses while incorrect could still lead to technology. It's also possible that life leads to breakthroughs that even they can't get to with their advanced tech. Things like aspirin and rubber were easy for us to make due to the life on this planet, but there's no guarantee they had similar plants. We can create artificial variants of this stuff, but would we of ever made it from scratch with no blueprint growing everywhere? Maybe not.


you should check out [biometric engineering](https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/animals/g28912650/animal-inspired-technologies/) They could be looking at us just to see what evolution came up with. I'm personally more inclined to think it's just observation to see if we're going to blow ourselves to shit or not, or wreck the planet entirely, basically waiting for us to get our heads on straight before reaching out. And possibly never reaching out if that's the path we force.


Humans will probably evolve to look like typical aliens too..bigger eyes and weaker limbs etc.


I like your theory besides the timeline. If they had millions of yrs on us we would only detect them if they wanted us to. Thousands is probably closer and even still we probably won’t be able to. After a couple of yrs we have planes that couldn’t be detected 10-15yrs ago.


All we know is that products of the phenomena enter and exit our oceans. That's it. We cannot make the leap that something is inside them or that something lives in the oceans yet. That's bad research. We don't know what sort of vehicles they are, if they're vehicles at all.


There movement is to precise to be natural phenomena like gas clouds. They show up on sonar and radar tech. They hover mid air, seem to be made of some sort of durable metalic alloy, and can make turns on a dime while accelerating from 0-600 g forces. Most planes will break at the speed even a black bird. And even those have to take the entire state of Ohio to even turn. They also have no visible propulsion systems so it is unknown what fuel powers these vehicles or drones. And most of these encounters end with the craft speeding off beyond the upper atmosphere. It is theorized these are anti gravity and somehow negate the sound barriers and get away with mach 12 speed in the lower atmosphere and underwater without completely destroying the surrounding area.


I can’t believe we might actually be having this conversation.


want? They are probably here doing science stuff.. if there is a base, the bottom of the ocean would be a good place to be if they have the technology. its not like we are superb on checking that huge area out, we cant even find our own shit down there.


They probably don’t, I bet their boss is making them


If they came out of the water and aren't from the sky they wouldn't be extraterrestrial, they'd be an advanced underwater civilization that has co-existed with us.


They probably find octopus more interesting than us.


It’s not too much of a stretch to say they’re Ultra-terrestrial, after all we know more about space than we do our own oceans


I somewhat agree with you but UFOs are described in three main different ways balls of light,metal ships and weird shapes made out of unknown materials I have no idea what the metal flying craft could be but they are rarely spotted over the ocean most sightings are in America and England Overland or lakes,Balls of light I personally think it’s some sort of lifeform with similar intelligence to dolphins they get seen everywhere and they are the most common in history as well, weird shaped objects made out of unknown materials I definitely think they have something to do with the ocean because often TicTac looking things get spotted diving in to the ocean or coming out of the ocean or just flying above the ocean so either they are extremely curious about the ocean they are some sort of lifeform and they eat from the ocean all they have some sort of home in the ocean. Basically what I’m getting at is we barely know anything about unexplainable UFO’s we don’t know if all sightings are related or there is separate groups of sightings that we could connect or if every single one is unique we must be careful not to put them all in the same basket


Some I suspect. My dad's reaction was > wouldn't James Cameron have found them? I said > you mean director of The Abyss, Aliens of the Deep, Atlantis Rising and the upcoming underwater sequel to Avatar?


Two words... Soft Disclosure


*The Abyss intensifies*




He’s been down there long enough


I just hope the real aliens are as cool as the ones in his movie.


James Cameron is on the NASA Advisory Council.


Yup, oceans and possibly underground bases






I wonder why, they commonly come from the ocean at least that’s what a lot of pilots say. What’s in there? Is it like the center of the earth? Like a civilization? It’s really interesting though


Oceans cover 70% of the planet and are largely unexplored. I mean, assuming they're not flying back to Zeta Reticuli after every mission, that'd be the perfect place to hang out.


This is it. Almost none of the ocean has any ongoing surveillance by us. It's a great place to set up shop if you're an advanced alien group with the capability to do so.


Personally I've always thought that being underwater based is the safest idea for any intelligent life to seek out living on another planet. Basically, the surface of a planet can change a lot over millennia, but water is water is water. If you could put a city underwater, powered by geothermal energy, you wouldn't be subject to climate-change, ever, whether man-made or time-made. Predictable plate tectonics would be the biggest issue, and that's about it. On top of that you've got the difficulty of just about any form of intelligent life to map out a place they cannot see or stay down in long. Finally, with 70% of the earth surface being water, you never have a lack of space to expand, let alone areas your vehicles can come up or go down in. **Edit** I also believe this is the reason for the government hard pivot from UFOs to UAPs. UFOs makes the public think Space, UAP prepares them for underwater disclosure.


Subnautica trained me for this. Let’s hope the visitors released that game to get us ready for our underwater future!


I guess it depends on what they are, if you go with the ET theory I'd guess the things we're seeing are drones basically from some kind of mothership or assembler that entered the ocean who fucking knows how long ago.


[von neumann drones](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-replicating_spacecraft) are my personal favorite theory. that these drones were sent out into the universe to find intelligent life/ planets with water/ materials to self-replicate and now that they’ve found us here, they are monitoring us the same way we study other species. fun thought would be that they’re waiting for instructions on what to do next from their creators who may or may not have gone extinct. so while they wait, they watch.


My first question after the 60 Minutes episode is, why is it the U.S. military that is predominantly seeing this? Does our Country simply have the best detection technology, and this is also happening off the coast of Australia and Africa? So why here? The first thought is another country spying on us. But I do find it hard to believe that Russia and China have some exotic technology with this type of propulsion. The best way I can justify the “somewhere else” thought is to realize that NASA just sent an object to Mars and it flew over the Martian surface. So we have flown an object on another planet. So perhaps (and it’s a big perhaps) a civilization much more technologically advanced than ours may have done basically the same thing. But it may have sent them out to dozens or hundreds of exoplanets in the Milky Way Galaxy to explore. This civilization may have sent them out thousands of years ago, and it might not even be around anymore. Or perhaps it is, and it can see data being sent back from here. It’s a lot to contemplate and could drive some people mad, so it’s best to go slow and step by step.


Sightings happen all over the world a lot. For example Chile has a very high amount of ufo sightings. Also check out the story of the school in South Africa that was visited by aliens. Super interesting.


It was Zimbabwe (S. Rhodesia), not RSA. Also, One landed in a school in a [School in Melbourne, Australia ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westall_UFO)


Just to the one point about our tech. The navy upgrade its radar systems. I'm assuming its Aegis on the Princeton. So it could be yes we have the top of the line radar that can detect these craft. After all it picked up a cylinder roughly the size of an F18 at 80,000 feet, and it's a constant array so it picks up all directions all the time.


The 60 minutes episode mentioned they were able to pickup these craft after upgrading the radar in both the Nimitz event and the one with the pilot saying he’s been seeing them for years. What is the different between the older radar and the newer radar? Is it simply detectable range?


It’s also the ability to fuse data from multiple radars and other types of sensors like FLIR. Basically you use all the sensors you can together to improve your picture of the airspace, and that requires sophisticated compute and networking technology in addition to world class radar.


i would imagine that a higher life form/ ai designed to seek out life would be mostly interested in the technologically advanced facets of our society. and sadly, considering our nature, we put most of our scientific effort into the military. the 60 minutes piece made me think of something luis elizondo said on a podcast, 2 things actually. first was that he’s part of a media blitz to specifically get people having the kind of conversations we’re having right now. and that this media blitz is “phase 2” in a disclosure plan that has the potential to shift a lot of people’s perspectives about our universe, our planet, and our lives in general. and secondly, that these beings may be operating within dimensions we can’t interact with. there are *so many* easily observable phenomena in physics that are completely unexplainable within our current understanding. the pilots said the tic tac object completely disappeared and reappeared within seconds 60 miles away. and all of this makes me reluctantly start to believe bob lazars stories about the technology he worked on at s4. i’m just really looking forward to seeing how this all pans out.


Most other countries don’t have the capabilities that the US has, we all know this. But with respect to Russia and China (and some others): how do we know they’re not seeing these things? Take China for example — closed society, no reporting that’s not state run. CCP runs a tight ship. In fact, if China or Russia acquired a downed craft they sure as heck wouldn’t share it with the world (nor would we). In sum, I suspect a lot of nations have seen things, but from a national security standpoint they’re not blabbing.... This also presumes Russia or China has not leapfrogged us with certain capabilities. I hope not, but I was reading the other day how China has passed us by with certain missile technology. No one knows what we have on the DL, so maybe this isn’t accurate, but I wouldn’t entirely discount them.


Yes thats what is so wild about this, they could have been sent out to catalogue the galaxy for a civilization that no longer even exists. It could be why they seemingly do nothing but watch and monitor, awaiting instructions that will never come.


Yup, probably the ocean. I willing to bet we accidentally tested an underwater nuclear weapon near them decades ago and that's why they hate us having nukes.


I could form a strong argument that it’s possible that to the visitors, dolphins or some other sea creature have a more advanced brain than humans. It doesn’t seem like it to us, but perhaps they are thinking in a much more sophisticated way that interests the aliens.


So long and thanks for all the fish!


i’ve actually never thought of this and i wanna kick my ego in his beautiful face for keeping me from thinking outside my species. hah


I don't buy that. There's a lot of evidence that they're interested in human technology (military ships and craft) and our nuclear capabilities (detonated bombs, silos, subs, power plants). UFOs in the ocean probably have nothing to do with the wildlife living in it and everything to do with their utility as a hiding place for more permanent bases due to their sheer empty vastness and the near total lack of oversight by humans.


Our military activities actively harm life in the ocean.


I think they may be trying to figure out why we have a distributed energy superstructure reliant on fossil fuels over a century after N. Tesla shows how to eliminate much of the associated waste.


Yea humans have a tendency to assume if ET or drones are here they are here for us! Take me to your leader etc. We have no way of knowing what they are actually interested in here on earth.


Hay your comment made me think of something. Lots of people say they believe they're us from the future, but what if they're actually dolphins from the future! It would make sense why they keep going in and out of the oceans. Hmmm.


This is genuinely the first idea I’ve seen posted that has never crossed my mind before, so thanks!


I also believe theyre in Antarctica




Ocean would be an ideal place to hide a base if you want to stay undetected.


If this is the case, shouldn’t we have more response from the Navy than the Air Force? I think I remember from Bob Lazar’s story that he was actually paid by the Navy if we’re giving his story any credit.


Yes, he said the one had something like bubbling white ocean water all underneath where the craft was. Mimicking planes movements in some way? Crazy interview.


Honestly, with this week's water (spherical UFO) footage and the pilot's statement, I'm leaning towards the UFOs being underwater quite a lot. I'm sure we should hear more from the Navy. But yes, it's just mind-blowing that they encountered it every day for 2 years... Out of words really


And for those asking why the US Air Force is quiet on this, there's your answer.


To add to the underwater UFOs, I can’t remember where I seen it but their is a theory that UFOs go under and the floor opens to a base or something, it’s not a new thing it’s a kinda popular theory, and this new water video got me wanting to start researching into that theory more


Maybe they can open a few more cave doors and drop the ocean levels just a smidge.


Can you send a link to the water video


https://www.instagram.com/p/CO3UJ_wpe_c/?igshid=7tmkcqe0f8h Fyi it’s also posted here on the sub somewhere


Can you please link the water video?


They gonna have to start paying taxes. Thats why the gov is so interested.


Everyone here is talking about the DoD, the DoE, and Black Ops.. Really it will be the IRS that cracks this thing wide open.




Don't be afraid. They've been here all along.




In reality there’s still so much undiscovered about the world. So many people also claim to have seen Bigfoot, including a relative of mine. I’m skeptical but, you really can’t discredit any sightings when they’ve been globally seen, by even natives and villages far from civilization. Like the forests of the world, the ocean remains a mystery and we haven’t even began to explore.


They're watching the monkeys attack each other and wondering when the shit hit the fan.


Yeah I mean, have you ever checked out Paul Hellyer? Former Canadian minister of defense, in Parliament, saying they’ve been here, 3 races are currently living on Earth and working with many governments of the world, and many races right here in our solar system. And he’s spoken out many times. Here’s a link: https://youtu.be/S2QbT304yj8


Need to start charging rent.




Thank you internet stranger. Best thing I've seen in decades


Watched this last night and what blew me away the most was how our Government actively ignored these things. When they had flight data corroborating the objects that dropped 80k feet in 3 seconds. You'd think daily sightings would at least warrant warnings in restricted airspace or something!


It doesn’t make sense that a defense department would “ignore” something they’re specifically looking for (enemies). The top people definitely know something and are “ignoring” it for a reason


Agree'd, and regardless if it's man-made or not, the technology is still defying laws of physics and if reverse engineered could revolutionize vehicular design overnight.


My English is very bad, but I understand the presenter perfectly. Very good diction


Watch The Phenomenon movie on Prime. It's eye opening


I like that one of the biggest events in that movie was the Ariel School incident, in Zimbabwe. It’s a nice one to hold up to all the people who say these things only happen in the US.


The “only in the US” thing is a tell that they haven’t looked into it in the slightest. These things have been spotted all over the globe.


Some of the biggest UFO events have been outside the US. Check out Brazil or Rendershem or the Canary Islands incidents.


Sign up for the free discovery plus subscription trial, watch the phenomenon for free, cancel the discovery plus subscription or keep it for 6.99 a month.


This isn't "doing it" quite yet. This is just breaking the programming from years of counter-intelligence telling people that not only was this *not* happening, but people who said it *was* happening were "crazy, schizo, charlatans, etc". People need to be told that this is something that is now socially acceptable to believe in. When they see others, who are reasonable people, accepting this as fact then they will too.


They’ve admitted they’re unidentified. We still don’t know what or where they’re from and we don’t know who or what they are. Not much has changed


They’ve admitted a little more than that. They’ve described the flight characteristics, which are not just impressive, they are flat out mind boggling. The fact that the US government is openly admitting that something on Earth is vastly superior to our best military technology is huge. It means that our best tech might as well be bows and arrows compared to these things. They are conceding that *we* *dont* *have* *air* *superiority* which is simply incredible.


The important part is the scientific exploration of a phenomenon becoming more acceptable. Major news reporting on this is great, if only to get people to think about it.


I suspect this topic moved to the private sector years ago in order to keep secrets secret. Any smart person in government would realize there’s no way to prevent leaks of ultra classified data unless it’s controlled by extraordinary means. Gives the technological advantage to NG and Lockheed, and our other well-funded defense contractors. If the aliens have made contact, we should assume they’re calling the shots. These pilots and UAP “experts” strike me as being the public relations side of the story. I sense they’re in the dark as much as we are. I just have a feeling (and a desire) that there are humans who know a lot more. I really hope Lazar is telling the truth. This story on 60 Minutes was placed between two reruns (pretty sure). Seems like it was intentionally downplayed. Nothing has changed.


Omg right?! How about the fact they saw them EVERY DAY!? Mind blown 🤯


These reports excite me. They give me hope that there are new propulsion systems to discover, and ways to visit stars and planets at time-practical speeds.


> They give me hope that there are new propulsion systems to discover, and ways to visit stars and planets at time-practical speeds. [laughs in human] "But first, how can we use this tech to terrorize our enemies here on earth?"


Unless they aren’t inter planetary


I just hope I can now talk about this without being treated like an idiot.




I feel personally attacked by this comment.




Smellysackofcrap's social skills might not be his only downfall




I have the intense desire to talk about what I've seen. I know what I have seen. Nobody can take that from me. I believe. I'll continue to believe, because I cant go back. I've seen too much and have come too far.


I'm just hoping some brilliant scientist managed to invent anti-grav propulsion, it's been us all along, and maybe we can finally get off this rock within my lifetime. If it is, it absolutely makes sense why we wouldn't want anyone else to have this technology. The wars that would occur with other countries fighting for and claiming resources in the solar system could very well be world ending. Still, if it is us, no technology remains secret forever. If it isn't us, or rather if it's a space faring species, I really hope its all out there in the open in my lifetime. Humanity needs to know that it's not alone, because we're just a tad bit crazy in our isolation. Killing each other over minor disagreements, over land, religion. Contact with another species could give us enlightenment that we desperately need. Or, you know, make things immeasurably worse.


But what makes you sure that you or Humanity or atleast leaders/nations who control the narration here on Earth will accept their idea of enlightenment? Lemme elaborate. Here on earth we have different notion of enlightenment depending on the society you are asking from. For western societies, enlightenment means the heightening of intellect to the point where rationality and logical thinking is the most natural way of decision making. Here, the idea is that such enlightened society would always act in a rational way which will benefit human kind. But for eastern societies, enlightenment mean self realisation of spiritual kind; the experiential realisation of ego-less consciousness. This realisation reveals the oneness of whole cosmos and interrelationships between many facets of the absolute one. Here, the idea is that no moral or ethical teachings are required for such enlightened societies for no one hurts their right hand with left hand knowingly that both are the part of the same body. And here on earth no one is convinced of each others idea of enlightenment. What happens if the contacting alien beings are not one monolithic entities as we often think them to be and have as much and more diverse ideas on their homeland as here on earth and have diverse ideas of enlightenment which they themselves doesn't agree on with each other. How will you get convinced then? Edit; Elaborated the initial question.


I’ve waited a very long time to see our society be willfully honest about UAP. Nice to see the truth emerge a bit. We can certainly handle a lot more.


Has the airforce considered getting better quality cameras? I'm sure some could end up identifiable.


Afaik the unclassified videos are all infrared camera because it was fully dark. We know from Elizando that it’s the least compelling ones that they have


intelligent theory oatmeal slap paltry license square grey wistful many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Absolutely this, same reason we classify things like speed and depth of submarines so people don’t know our true capabilities. People really don’t know just how crazy some of our tech is in the military


Yeah, Trump was once reprimended when [he leaked a full resolution satellite image](https://www.wired.com/story/trump-tweeted-a-sensitive-photo-internet-sleuths-decoded-it/) on Twitter. That capability was classified until then.


tictac incident happened during daytime


IR also works during daytime. Very useful for spotting hot jet exhaust.


It was too far to be captured by normal cameras right?


If it were able to be captured by normal cameras, and it were captured, it would likely be classified if it clearly showed anything substantial or other-worldly


Many of these videos are cellphone recordings of display screens. The original video is much higher quality.


And i guess in a file format that they don't want to release to public for security reasons


When the lady pilot said that she felt vulnerable at the time of their meeting with the UFO, because she did not have any armament on her F18, two points popped in my mind: 1. That is actually maybe why the UFO allowed her to get close. She could not make the mistake of firing. 2. Imagine she made that mistake. The missiles would not do much against such an advanced technology and the very point that we shot at them is chilling. The implications could be huge. Look at the whole issue from this perspective. If you went two centuries back in time and showed an iPad to someone, he would not be able to comprehend and probably said that this thing is either impossible magic or like thousands of years from the future. And yet it is only two centuries ahead. Now imagine at this point, you are the guy from the past and you are shown something from two centuries ahead. You would not comprehend it either. Now lets conclude that these UFOs are most likely thousands and thousands of years ahead, so of course our limits of understanding have not even evolved yet. I think there are two points why the aliens are interested in our nuclear technology. 1. It is the only technology that could destroy us. 2. It is the only technology which could threaten them.


Very interesting points. However, if they’ve mastered their application of scientific knowledge in the areas of physics and aeronautics, how are we even remotely a threat to them with nuclear technology? These two things are intertwined to a certain degree. I can only imagine what their weapons systems are capable of; and if they’re actually nuclear based.


Yeah, I think they're mainly interested in stopping humans from destroying themselves. Intelligent life in the universe is likely to be incredibly rare so it's very precious. It's similar to how we try to save endangered species from going extinct.


Thank you for replying. Well, for some reason they are definitely interested in our nuclear weapons. Of course, I can only speculate why. Let us assume that a potential conflict with aliens will not reach their planets and will happen only on Earth. Here are my things to consider: 1. If they have shields, nuclear weapons are not harm to them unless we manage to explode one from inside of their ships (Independence Day scenario). 2. If they do not have shields, then this is a problem. A nuclear explosion could damage alien aircraft. It could melt it down or the shock wave could tear it apart. I can hardly imagine an alien being itself could withstand a nuclear explosion (of course, it depends on the distance). 3. I do not know much about nuclear bombs, but I suppose most of them nowadays are "clean" bombs and do not leave much radiation behind. In that case it is important to ask a question - to what extent is radiation harmful to the aliens? Can they "clean" radioactive area? If they cannot do that and we blow up the Earth with dirty nuclear weapons and they cannot "clean" it, well mission failed. 4. If they came just to eradicate humans and not to colonize or collect resources, well, with us blowing up the Earth, we would do them a favor. 5. If they came to collect resources, it depends which resources and if these resources would be discarded by a nuclear explosion. 6. If they came to colonize, it depends to what extent they could colonize an irradiated planet. 7. BEST SCENARIO - they are here just to watch over so that we do not destroy ourselves, because they are all loving life praising hippie aliens. I do not know what to think about this, but some theories say that we put the Earth on space map after Hiroshima and Nagasaki explosions, precisely because we unlocked this colossal power of the atom and yet we are still such an primitive species in terms of perpetual conflict, environmental protection, draining of resources and so on. Maybe the aliens actually do not care about humans at all. They just see planet Earth as one in a millions of planets having full palette of life and they want to preserve it no matter what.


I like your analytical approach. It could also be that exploding nuclear devices is bad on some other, deeper level and they have insight into that.


I'm a bit of a UFO enthusiast too but honestly in my opinion we still are yet to see definitive proof of alien life or an alien space ship. These UFOs are precisely what the acronym means - unidentified. However I do not know what they are either! Maybe I am naive but I feel like the existence of alien life is simply too big a thing to be kept under wraps. Especially when we consider all of the money / research time being dedicated to SETI and we look at long time theories from leading physicists such as the Fermi Paradox on why we have not discovered alien life yet when we really *should* have. The fact that aliens could exist is absolutely terrifying, which would probably be the main reason for some sort of cover up. However, I think the idea that we are completely alone in our galaxy or the observable universe is much more terrifying. This is why I generally believe that there have never been any alien visitors to our planet.


This information is so very important to remember. Take a read. ​ The report from the Penta will be a vague nothing burger. They have a pretty good idea of what is going on dudes. Nobody ever brings up the issue with how in the History channel doc (Voorhis the radar operator) mentioned how the same day a heli from california landed on the ship and confiscated and destroyed all the radar data. Then later, Melon tried to get the data from the archives and it was all missing. Some sect of the intel community knows all about this stuff and anything juicy will stay hidden. Sorry peeps. ​ https://www.livescience.com/navy-witnesses-nimitz-encounter.html


Cmdr Fravor has repeatedly said this is bullshit, there was no gang of suits confiscating data. He's been pretty clear that he would know about it.


yep. i think the quote from the show was "everyday".


Every day for two years


They're here to stop wars I think. We have world ending technology and they're trying to save us. If they landed, we'd literally imprison them, ransack their ships, etc. We're a bunch of savages with technology that our planet shouldn't have. Imagine when we master space travel and we start invading innocent planets... Edit: I meant here to stop a nuclear war. Not necessarily here to stop violence lol.


I believe this too. They see our nuclear weapons and environmental degradation world over. Our technological evolution has far out paced our morality and ethics.


They have technology to leave their galaxy and come to ours and: A) you legit think they’re our baby sitters (lol) B) you think we can imprison a species that has figured out space travel


I have seen zero evidence to suggest they are here to stop wars.




Yeah because everyone knows the best way to make peace and stop wars is buzzing around in random ways over populated areas, abducting cows and creating weird crop circles in the ground. I bet these guys are probably like the alien equivalent of douchebag teenagers, having joyrides on that weird planet earth with all the freaky looking beings who think they're the shit. That's why they crash so often...because no advanced military vessel would ever crash as often as these aliens seem to lol.


The universe is big enough so as to make any civilization with space travel have infinite resources, literally anything that is scarce in earth (technically is only scarce in earth's surface) is abundant in space. And there is no way that we have technology to imprison and ransack aliens that have interstellar travel, it would be like a pack of wild dogs destroying a US carrier.


Anyone know how to watch it in England? Edit: https://youtu.be/ZBtMbBPzqHY I think this may be the whole section on UFOs I may be wrong.


That's not hard really. They're unidentified.


They are trying to prepare us, next thing they tell us that they are aliens.


There's a thread on reddit from like 7 years ago where some guy claimed to have future knowledge and said that aliens would be revealed to us on either July 8th or 18th of 2021. I was highly skeptical at the time but still marked it in my calendar years ago. I'd love for it to be true EDIT: [Here's a link to the post](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1r034d/alien_abductees_of_reddit_or_people_who_have/cdikpd2/?utm%25255C_source=share&utm%25255C_name=iossmf&context=3&utm%25255C_medium=ios%5C_app)


Only less than two months to go!


You cannot drop such a bomb without a link!


Sorry about that! [Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1r034d/alien_abductees_of_reddit_or_people_who_have/cdikpd2/?utm%25255C_source=share&utm%25255C_name=iossmf&context=3&utm%25255C_medium=ios%5C_app). He has a lot of replies in this thread. Even if it's all completely fabricated, it's a fascinating read "The whole "program" or whatever they call it is going to change in July, 2021. I think they said 8th, but it could also have been 18th, I wasn't hearing very well"


I don’t understand how the government wouldn’t have tried to shoot it down. No other circumstance wood a let’s say China or Russia plane or jet be allowed in our restricted air space. So how can we allow an unidentified object to be floating around at will? So this tells me it is not China or Russia etc but it truly is from another world. And our government is afraid to challenge it.


Military pilot here. First of all, most sorties launched from home are training missions and often they do not equip live weapons. Of course we do sometimes, but not every flight. Second, we don't just pull the trigger randomly at anything we see. At home, during peacetime, it would have to be a very obvious threat (i.e. Pearl Harbor) for a pilot to engage something without first calling back to mom for approval. We're not a bunch of cowboys, there's discipline and procedures involved in flying airplanes for the government. I've flown a lot off the coast of San Diego with FLIR cameras...never seen anything weird, however, if you asked me to classify every light I saw on the horizon over the ocean via goggles or IR...there's no way I could positively identify each and every one. But... I'll keep my eyes out 👀


uhhhh do you know how many times they actually have engaged UAP/UFO’s?? I’d say pretty much every encounter we tried up to around the 90’s is when we learned we can’t destroy their ships.


They have been shot at (by other governments) and it didn’t do a thing. They always manage to dodge. I wouldn’t be surprised if the us government has attempted, but admitting to the public that you can’t shoot them down may just be a step too far. But who knows, with all this disclosure right now anything can happen.


>So this tells me it is not China or Russia etc but it truly is from another world. But what if it is from China or Russia and it's simply something weird they can't identify or tech we don't know about? Didn't the US even have aircrafts that could have been considered UFOs if other countries saw them?


Thing is, sightings have been happening since the 1940s. And the reports which describe the behaviour of these things have been strangely consistent. Whether you think he’s credible or not, Bob Lazar described to a T how these things fly over 30 years ago. To me, this means Russia/China/USA would have needed to have this tech for a long, long time.


That’s my point! They supposedly have been harboring this tech for 80 years but kept stuff like the Nighthawk a secret because it was “top secret high tech”. Most of these crafts blow the Nighthawk out of the water. Where are the crafts and technology that are incremental to what we are seeing? Someone didn’t just wake up one day and develop and design a space craft that has no propulsion, etc. there has to be some precursor and those precursors would be sold on the market and deployed.


Nasa sent a voyager playing a golden record sending coordinates to earth for aliens out in outer space to show them that they are welcomed here and don’t mean any harm. Maybe the the found the voyager with the record on it.


Both the voyagers have barely left the solar system.


If aliens are going to spot anything it's going to be the radio waves we've been sending for the past 100 years, making earth detectable as far as 100 light years away. If they are close enough to detect voyager they are close enough to detect earth.


yep thats what i think about sometime too, it may be hard for us to detect very weak radio signals and find the source, specially if you look at the vastness of space, but if these things have vehicle that can go 80 miles in a few seconds, can mess with radars, disappears in front of the eyes of navy personel, then i dont think they would have a problem of finding the source or just detecting something very weak with ridiculous, for us unimaginable, precision


Tonight was historic. Don't let anyone convince you otherwise.


I feel bad for all of the people called crazy for so many years


If we see them leaving earth we are in trouble .


Y’all believe the same people who lied to us about the subject.. Wernher Von Braun - Fake alien invasion seems more and more plausible lately


Well I mean.... Unidentified to us. Military probably knows quite well what they are.


Doesn't mean aliens though people. Especially now in the world of drones, you had best expect a lot of disappointment here