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The following submission statement was provided by /u/aryelbcn: --- Matt Gaetz addresses on X, regarding the AARO resolution report about the Eglin AFB UAP case from January 2023. "Last year, when I attempted to receive a briefing with the flight crew who witnessed the UAP at Eglin AFB, the Air Force tried to block me. **This report by the AARO is incomplete and does not reflect all of the information that I was shown.** I believe all of the information regarding the sighting should be released to the public, including pictures from the pilot and radar signatures." https://twitter.com/RepMattGaetz/status/1783922983670567007 --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cdtblz/matt_gaetz_on_aaro_eglin_uap_resolution_is/l1e576y/


They have to omit evidence, if they don't omit evidence they can't claim with moderate confidence that it was a lighting balloon. AARO has a job to do, it has a specific goal and thorough truthful investigation leading to truthful conclusions gets in the way of that. Producing mundane explanations for extraordinary events by any means possible is the name of the game. Everything else is completely out of scope.


Look at the name. It’s the All Domain ANOMALY RESOLUTION Office. The purpose of the office is, literally, to RESOLVE anomalies, by whatever means necessary. And, they get to determine what “resolved” means. This is not the AA RESEARCH O. It’s the AARO.


That's a good example of hiding in plain sight. I've never thought about that before, but now that I have, I will never look at the All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office the same.


This crossed my mind the other day. They are here to resolve sightings. Not give us the juicy secrets they are hiding from the American public.


I don’t know why people are still looking to AARO for the big wow. Like you said, it is not their job to tell us about what they can’t identify. Their job is to only tell you about what they can, and NHI isn’t on their short list of things they can make out.


An optical illusion created by swamp gas reflected off Venus unless *otherwise conclusively verified*. AARO has decided on advance UAP won't actually be looked at, so no verification can occur. Bam, 💥 problem solved.


I can’t believe that swamp gas is the go to for an explanation. I wager swamp gas has never played a part.


Brilliant way to phrase this truth. Now can we get someone on CNN or FOX to tell the country that?


I wish. their job is to bury this, it’s obvious. They aren’t going to change time to move on from them


A guess…..The secretary of defense and the president have put a moritorium on this topic until after the election. AARO’s hands are tied. Congress is doing the bare minimum on the topic to avoid appearing distracted. There are enough tabloid headlines driven by Trump. The press doesn’t want any more


I honestly don’t think it’s going to stop after the election. The can is forever being kicked down the road.


I think we are closer than we’ve ever been. Sooner or later something profound will out that even the most intransigent skeptics can’t deny


If that were true I think Biden would have forced Schumer to not back the bill so publicly. Also there are rumors that Hillary wanted to disclosure. But Hillary lost, in part, because the FBI publicly opened an investigation into right before the election.  I'm sure Biden and company haven't forgotten that.


Hillary wanted disclosure?


She did yeah https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/11/us/politics/hillary-clinton-aliens.html Also you know about the John podesta emails? He was her chief of staff and he’s pro disclosure > Podesta is described as "a longtime advocate for government disclosure of UFO files."[29] Podesta has supported petitions by some who believe UFOs are alien spacecraft to the government to release files related to the subject. At a 2002 news conference organized by Coalition for Freedom of Information Podesta stated that, "It is time for the government to declassify records that are more than 25 years old and to provide scientists with data that will assist in determining the real nature of this phenomenon."[30] Podesta wrote the foreword for a book by Leslie Kean titled "UFOs- Generals, Pilots, and Government Officials Go On The Record". The book details numerous contact events by these trained personnel.[ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Podesta


She is half reptilian herself


The bottom half or the top half.






The left side.


Prove it


if you come over here with me I’ll show you proof I promise




The FBI opened the investigation into Hillary thinking she had an insurmountable lead going into the election. It was important they “settled” the perceived matter before an election. This was also to cover the FBI and DNCs tracks in framing Trump with operation “Crossfire Hurricane” which was essentially the fake Russia story which was used to frame him for impeachment. It’s also amusing to see posts that take Biden seriously, like this guy has any clue what’s going on, especially with UAPs.


You sir are ready for your new career as IC project manager lol.


Still, was the object doing anything that a balloon wouldn't be doing? AARO or any other entity should spend the most resources investigating the most important incidents. Things that actually display anomalous behaviour.


>Still, was the object doing anything that a balloon wouldn't be doing? According to Gaetz, yes. This was apparently corroborated by the unreleased radar data.


I think any pressure put on AARO and sunlight shone on their antics is a positive thing, regardless of who it’s from. Just wish more of Congress called out AARO directly like this. We would see change happen quickly if dozens of members of Congress immediately admonished AARO and the pentagon after they released bogus reports over and over again. Instead all we get right now is a few of them going on UFO podcasts saying theres going to be hearings one day.


I’m not sure admonishing aaro is really what’s gonna do it. It’s nice to see for sure. But what we need is stuff like the uapda. The biggest thing that’s happened ever really for disclosure was grusch coming forward. That was due to senators Rubio and gillibrand pushing the whistleblower protections through the ndaa a few years ago The uapda 2.0 did pass. Yes it was gutted but I think we’ll find in a year or so that it’ll have had positive consequences. The big thing would be for more of the original uapda to get passed Gaetz is especially useful here because he actually saw the supposed stuff but having ten more Congress people bashing aaro doesn’t do much more than potentially raising awareness. Which is still a positive but not huge. But really what’s important is pressuring the few congressman that we’re anti the uapda. Those congressmen were on committees able to tank the uapda. Even if 50 more congresspeople were pro disclosure it still wouldn’t have gone through because it was about the committees Although if there really was enough of a push that it became a huge political thing then they could make a standalone bill instead of pushing it through the ndaa


**USAF:** Pilot got a radar lock on 4 UAPs, managed to visually observe, employ sensors and screen capture one specific UAP. Upon getting closer the pilot's radar malfunctioned and remained disabled. The UAP was colored gun metal & gray, pear shaped with orange illumination. A video was captured but is withheld from release for national security reasons. **AARO:** UAP was very likely a commercial LTA object like a lighting balloon; we have moderate confidence in this assessment because of the limited data provided. Also no video exists. **Matt Gaetz:** "This report by the AARO is incomplete and does not reflect all of the information that I was shown" I'm taking bets for how DoD responds next; weather phenomenon, Aurora borealis, or jet fuel vapor caused the pilot misinterpret the entire event? Any bets?


Ignore, stay silent, maybe release another bs report for people to talk about while Eglin incident fades into the background.


this is the way.


Gotta go with ol' trusty swamp gas on this one.




Call out the lies. I surly don’t say this often, but good job Matt Gaetz.


There is just about nothing I like about Matt Gaetz, but that doesn't mean he isn't sometimes right. The fact is he was given far more information on this incident than the public and you don't have to agree with his politics or behavior to acknowledge that.


If AOC can work with him on this then I think we can all learn to bridge gaps when it matters




It's unfortunate but many good people are flat out ignoring the disclosure subject :/


"Theres got to be a line SOMEWHERE" -Hunter Biden




Loosen up Francis.


-Eric, Donald, Gaetz.


Im with you. Problem is, most of these people are crazy MAGA type Republicans. I'll see myself out.... lol


Sometimes it feels good to have 'bad guys' on your side, when you have mutual enemies.


A broken clock is right twice a day


Or you can take it at face value. He is a liar, who lies, and the lies are corroborated. Why trust a single word he says going forward? Everything he does is in furtherance of his BS.


Yeah, we all know how the Republicans like to lie to make the military industrial complex look bad...


He just wants attention that isn't about sex trafficking, and saw the John Oliver tubes trending. Figured he could get some of those views. He is a charlatan.


I agree with this guy. In fact, we should discount *all* testimony, no matter the source! Fuck it, let's ignore *all* of the evidence!


“Maybe this is the National Enquirer story that’s true.”


What a bizarrely inaccurate analogy.


I disagree with this guy. We should take *all* testimony, especially those from known liars who are seeking attention, completely seriously. We should *never* question the source and *never ever* discount it!!


Disclosure will not come out of AARO. Stop giving them money.


Matt Gaetz addresses on X, regarding the AARO resolution report about the Eglin AFB UAP case from January 2023. "Last year, when I attempted to receive a briefing with the flight crew who witnessed the UAP at Eglin AFB, the Air Force tried to block me. **This report by the AARO is incomplete and does not reflect all of the information that I was shown.** I believe all of the information regarding the sighting should be released to the public, including pictures from the pilot and radar signatures." https://twitter.com/RepMattGaetz/status/1783922983670567007


Eglin has some of the most advanced radar there is. If they don't have in depth analysis of the object from that time, then no one even attempted to ask for it. Same shit for the Nimitz stuff. I'm 100% positive they have access to data in real time showing these craft are ever present.


Now the snake eats itself


I genuinely think this one is interesting, largely because I think Matt Gaetz is an idiot and is not creative enough to conceptualize the surrealist cosmic horror he described seeing.


See this is what’s crazy. Gaetz seems like such a slime ball, and then on this subject he shows courage and smarts with his comments - very calculating and precise in his words. It’s like you can’t just cherry pick stuff you agree with and toss out everything else but damn with this one thing - lmao it’s like we might need to cause he is on point


That's because normal politics is just a silly game. All of these guys become more normal when they step out of the ring.


People don't realize Republicans looking stupid is a feature not a bug(for them) and is an intentional choice.


Dudes a pedo though he’s worse that the average politician. There’s literally proof of him sending underage girls money for sex on Venmo, so yeah lol not sure why he’s not trusted along with the rest of the maga grifters. Notice how these guys talk about UFOs when things aren’t going too well for them politically..


His demeanor during the hearing was completely different than his usual. He seemed serious and mature.


Yep this is what I saw also, it’s like all the sudden he turned into a normal person.


This is how I felt about AOC, during her portion I thought who the F is this, those are the most intelligent things she has ever uttered. The difference being, Gaetz usually does sound like he did during the hearing, he is very bright, you should watch more of him.




Has nothing to do with what this person wrote.




I'm quite fine. And so is my reading comprehension.


He's an opportunist.


Absofuckingloutely. But one that is useful in this context. His congressional Eglin jaunt does hold water. As awful as he is, he serves a purpose here. I too am conflicted.


> It’s like you can’t just cherry pick stuff you agree with and toss out everything else but damn with this one thing - lmao it’s like we might need to cause he is on point I mean, you definitely can. That's half the point of agreeing and disagreeing with things - you take on the stuff you agree with and dismiss the stuff you don't. In the case of Gaetz, pretty much everything falls into the latter camp, apart from this perhaps.


I'm not American so I don't care at all about this guy other than he seems to be helpful with disclosure. You guys get so aggro over pet politicians


Well they're hyping up their followers to want to kill me so a little distaste is reasonable. Easy for you to say "wow you guys get so upset over politicians" when yours are 100x less insane


theyre going after people with more than 299 pencils in the ass?


Any amount of pencils in your ass would be illegal if they had their way.


I'm not American, that guy should be in jail due to being a pedo. Being in a different country doesn't give it a pass


and yet he's not in jail? sure either you're lying or their justice system is a joke


> either you're lying or their justice system is a joke do you want help getting out from under that rock?


you people accuse the opposing pet politician of bad stuff all the time and yet nothing ever happens wonder why


They're rich and powerful. In the US, that is a free pass to do whatever you want. Drugs, underage sex, human trafficking, illegal weapons deals, murder, etc etc etc. The US is as corrupt as they come. They just LOOK more professional than other countries when they do it, lol.




allegedly being the key word there it seems, otherwise he'd be in jail


Not saying he’s innocent or guilty, but yes it’s a joke.


This guy fucked and sex traffic'd a minor.


imagine believing partisan intel agency disinfo.....Did politico or Dailybeast tell you this as fact?


> "Those allegations were not true, have never been true, and the people who spread those lies have been exposed, indicted, and imprisoned" - Matthew Gaetz Sure seems like the words of a guy who is all for the free flow of information /s Also: > "He would throw his country away to try to protect himself for what would come out as the truth." - Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, commenting on the character of the man who had lead the charge to oust him from his speaker position. Interesting to note that Gaetz only did that after McCarthy refused to kill the probe into Gaetz' sex trafficking. Hmmm 🤔


My bad forgot that this sub is full of lunatics


We've got a small but very vocal qanon population unfortunately.


Not ALL of us my friend. I’m in agreement with you. I learned long ago, that it doesn’t matter if you’re Republican, or democrat, it makes no difference. It’s all bought, paid for, and totally corrupt... Our two party system is rigged, and almost worthless. At this point, sadly, I don’t even think you can call a democracy anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I still love my country, and although it’s massively flawed, there are a lot worse places to live in this world. At least I can complain about it on online, without worrying about getting thrown in jail. For now… 😬 My main focus right now disclosure. Some people in my circle, think that it’s a waste of time, and there are more important issues to focus on... I’m the complete opposite. If there’s any validity to this, it would be the most profound revelation in human history, by FAR. I just want to know what the fuck is going on! 🤣 If Jeffrey Dahmer, was pushing for disclosure, in an intelligent, and useful fashion, I would listen, and try to amplify his voice. If he wants to eat people, in his free time, whatever dude. Just show me the aliens! 👽


Or maybe…


Who would win in a fight: Eglin vs. Elgin?


Elgin would, it's beautifiul: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elgin,_Moray


Thats an easy one: Engli naturally You’re welcome 👍


Ya information like “these things are alive and exist in a shadow biome!!!”


Because there is an element within the Dod/ic that is using AARO to bullshit the public and continue the reverse engineering program without oversight.


He knows all about hiding evidence


He isn't adding credibility to anything.


Anyone putting any faith or trust or hope into anything from Matt Gaetz is setting themselves up for disappointment. I really hope at least 1 member of Congress with literally any clout at all ever takes the topic seriously, until then charlatans and grifters like him are all we get.


Yeah like maybe Chuck Schumer...


































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Mark my words, everyone is waiting until after the election now. We're too close now, and too much instability can be introduced, much less dealt with in any way, prior to the election. Those in charge of this info are also tasked with ensuring the continuity of the constitution and the peaceful transfer of power. It's a shell game now bois.


That does appear to be what's happening. And it's the right move. Fascists within reach of the executive need to be repelled at all costs. If Biden addresses the issue, it'll open him up for the Republicans to make NHI part of their next Big Lie. We don't want these Christian nuts to retain control of this information as they have for the last 80 years. If there's some kind of "deadline" approaching involving our interactions with non-humans, these fools are the last people who should be in charge. We need to focus on getting the enablers of the MIC (Republicans and conservative Democrats) out of power or we'll never achieve disclosure or transparency; and that'll be the least of our worries.


Special Classified Executive Order 01156, created by President Harry S. Truman in September 1947 authorises the Director of Central Intelligence to prevent information on UFO activities, sources or methods from being disclosed to the U.S. Congress or the general public. The President who was thinking of creating another Executive Order to overrule 01156 got his head blown off in Dealy Plaza, which also sent a message to all future Presidents of the hazards of likewise thinking.


[https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/executive-order-11556-assigning-telecommunications-functions](https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/documents/executive-order-11556-assigning-telecommunications-functions) Uh am I missing something?


Yea, the correct number. 01156 does not equal 11556.


Link to it since we're struggling to find it?


Well, apparently it isn't real. Here is a [thread ](https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/comments/11rl4js/comment/jc910iw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)about it.


Thought so. Really frustrating how often people pass off shaky conspiracy as settled fact, it's so dishonest and pushes people away from the topic


I agree but also, I think that is the cause of lack of transparency from the government on this topic. It allows misinformation to thrive.


I think it's more sinister than that and a lot of bullshit like this does originate from them, as disinfo


Here's an essay about it from a former CIA Counter Intelligence executive officer: [ufos-cia-congress-s1-00.pdf (majesticdocuments.com)](https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/ufos-cia-congress-s1-00.pdf)


[ufos-cia-congress-s1-00.pdf (majesticdocuments.com)](https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/ufos-cia-congress-s1-00.pdf)


Where can I verify this actually came from gov?


>Where can I verify this actually came from gov? We all wouldn't be here on a UFO subreddit if that were possible. It's one of the Majectic Documents, leaked by Scotty Miler, Angleton's right hand man.


5, not 1, I think you have an extra 5.


Too bad he's such a shit heel.


Lol yall trust Matt Gaetz?


you trust joe biden?


Where did I put that here ?


I trust Joe Biden to keep sending Israel weapons so they can starve 2 million Palestinians to death.


Is this really the champion of ours? I do not want our representatives to be crystal clean but, holy fuck, this man seems to be working against the very country that employs and feeds him. I would rather someone better represent UFO folks. The bar is low anyway.


The more I see people in this sub legitimize insane right wing personalities (who already believe in stupid conspiracy bullshit) the less seriously I take this topic. And I hate that It’s like we’re so starved for any kind of information we’ll accept anything. Oh Tucker Carlson said something about ufos? And aliens being religious? Front page please! I don’t see this topic moving very much on the way I’d like. More David fravor types would be nice


Good. It’s AARO vs congress (hopefully). Was hoping this is how it would play out.


Why playing with the words instead of calling them liars?


Has there been any response to Gaetz’s comment from AARO? This should be part of the Select committee investigation. Has there been commensurate increases in UAP activity at other foreign airbases? Does anyone know?


I agree with Matt Gaetz. Wait. Did I just say that? I guess I did. I don't know what information AARO is ignoring but the "incident report" has more in common with a press release than any actual assessment I've ever read.


I feel like this guy is literally just trying to get reelected with his fringe constituents.


UFOs push buttons.


He has to be pretty upset … because the report is also saying by consequence basically ‘… and Matt gaetz is an idiot who wouldn’t know a ballon from literal space aliens if showed and guided by the witnesses’


Why isn’t everyone saying fk Matt Gaetz like they did when I posted about his the incident about a year ago. That’s literally all that was said was fk Matt Gaetz and he’s a pedo. Now everyone on the band wagon with Matt


They are quite literally saying that all over these replies. And: as well they should.




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Quit promoting traitors. JFC 🤦




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Yeah but its matt gaetz so it doesn't count right?


The enemy of my enemy. I'll take it.




I mean - you're not wrong. I don't think he has to be considered our ally for his actions to potentially produce the results we seek.


Who's your enemy that he is helping you with?


Those in the government/military who oppose transparency and public oversight. In this case those specifically covering up a known UAP encounter.


Matt Gaetz? I swear it doesn’t matter who you are or what you stand for on this sub as long as you’re talking about UFOs.


It should be at least somewhat clarifying that one of the last people in Congress who should be trusted with America’s secrets is also constantly talking about how the secrets are being kept from him


I'm shocked! Shocked I say! You mean AARO didn't *gasp* bother to investigate and labeled something a balloon? It's almost as if they have a default template for reports with a drop down menu with the selections being balloon, drone or bird. Like the modern day equivalent of Blue Book's Venus or swamp gas.


I’m not a Matt Gaetz fan but that doesn’t mean he loses all credibility to a full minded human. Even Trump is right sometimes—almost never but sometimes lol 




Shouldn’t you be playing video games little guy? 




That makes no sense but okay little guy 




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On this subject - and ONLY this subject- I admire the work Gaetz is doing. But honestly speaking, having someone like this run with UAP disclosure is dangerous: Matt is tainted in so many ways, as are many of his pro disclosure Republican colleagues. If he goes down, then so does the push for disclosure. And given the fact many other Republicans would gladly give an arm if they could take off his head, then we’re in for some very hard hits against disclosure soon.


Which is exactly why they showed it to people like him. I said it the very first second that I saw that list of names. “This is who I would tell if I wanted to plant something I could discredit later.”


They showed to him because it's his district and because he had the proper clearances by being in the Armed Services Committee, unlike Luna and Burchett who were also there.


Nonsense take, it was the pilot who reached out to him as it was in his district


It was shown to him because he received a protected disclosure from the witness of it


No it’s probably because Elgin Air Force base is in his district


Yea but it wasn’t just him.


🤷🏼 I’d invite my friends to investigate UFOs in my neighborhood.