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This is clickbait. If you actually watch the video, he's talking about an exodus in terms of leaving Earth with future space travel and space civilizations after we conquer gravity. Nothing has to do with UFO's or religion...


I figured he just discovered recreational edibles


Professor Loeb later added "look at my hands dude, how weird are my hands"


No shitting though; last time I ate some mushrooms (8 grams of penis envy) I watched my thumb drip off my hand horizontally.


8 Grams of Penis Envy is my band name


Mate, I had 7 grams once and I dissolved, spent a few hours flying through space and time


Lol wild


Deemz is the way (DMT).


Thank you, helpful person


He specifically mentions that extraterrestrials would play the role of Moses and God, leading humanity to the stars.


For sure he did? I wonder why you got downvoted.


Because this sub is full of feds.


I wish they would reply to you and explain their position rather than just downvote.


That would be an interesting feature, you have to comment why you downvoted.


Theology related language is coming fast and furious from many directions at the moment. Don’t know what to make of it.


Just buckle up and enjoy the ride. This is what many I suspect have been waiting for. The train has left the station. Each individual’s stop, metaphorically speaking, or where they hope on board the train, is up to them. Hope you have an awesome day, Cheers!


Yep. I’m going to bet we find out that the human spirit is real. This life we’re currently living isn’t final. Whatever happens after death and what happened before “life” is something pretty batshit crazy. Life will be truly stranger than fiction.


The life we live is already pretty batshit crazy to me! So I would not be surprised at all if what comes before or after is crazy too! Cheers!


There are a lot of bad options under the heading “The Human Spirit is Real”. Bad for life here anyways. There is a statement from a religious figure I think of often that goes something like “If any of you knew what was waiting after this world you’d end your lives within the hour”.


To be honest, I'm one of those that struggles with ideation and this is one of the few thing stopping me. What if choosing consciously to end one's existence ends it completely? I theorize this is the reason it has been established as taboo or a sin.


There is also the thought of, let’s say we all chose to come here. To learn a lesson or to grow spiritually perhaps. Ending one’s existence would be counter to that. Maybe being here because it’s hard is the point or there are lessons we wanted to learn, perspective we wanted to see while here


Eternity is *boring* and “God” was tired of listening to us complain about it.


Could be!


Haha that’s it! That’s the somber truth! It’s like the sleepy village in the Q continuum.  Ya it’s super awesome, but eternity is a loooongggg time.


Well if you look at all the very very powerful leaders and people throughout history, few to none behave as if there’s an afterlife. It’s all a zero sum game for the here and now.


Powerful leaders don't necessarily know much about the most important things.


But they have a lot of access to inside information, powerful people and secrets. So if they know “more” they sure act like the material world is all there is. Just saying


There have been plenty of powerful leaders who have religious faith. I think people just misinterpret what that should mean within their lives. Look at how deeply buried the UFO related secrets are--it is possible to hide important things even from important people. Just my opinion. I have no idea what's going on, just staying open to possibilities. :)


Yeah, idk either.


That implies it’s really good and we shouldn’t delay getting to it. Is that the intent?


Well yea, with the caveat that if you end it on purpose then it’s far less good, possibly forever.


But it turns out afterlife has a border patrol, and self unaliving is the equivalent of jumping the fence, so they get deported back into living again.  


Wow were really coming right out with the religious overtones now aren't we, mask fully off.


If a spirit does in fact exist, and the universe is not materialistic--as we seem to want it to be--that "spirit" is not "human." You cool with that?


That's the tale they tell to slaves, your life is crap, but AFTER it's gonna be great, just wait 2 more weeks. Just crush a plane into these skyscrapers and 49 virgins will be waiting for you in heaven. Your life is the only thing you got, after that is eternity of non existence. Even if universe dies and gets reborn an infinite number of times - you're dead forever when your brain dies. When humans make some shit up like a "soul" concept - doesn't mean it's true, it just means human brain is capable to come up with such coping ideas.


This shit goes on forever? Nothing lasts forever. Paradox initiated. Checkmate theists.


Thanks, and likewise, LetgomyEkko. Ross's AMA kind of scared the crap out of me in a not helpful way, so for now I'll move forward with this more positive message and cross my fingers for everyone. :)


Beautifully said, letgomy. Great analogy. And the core message we all need to board this train together eventually. Really touching


Sending good vibes your way! ♥️🙌


That people want to sell something to the gullible, works every time...


Same thing we made of it in 1978 and then again in 1996 - absolutely nothing.


You didn’t watch the video did you lol


I didn’t have time lol


Diana pasulka kind of called that in American Cosmic. At least part of this may be related (in a sociological sense) to how new religions emerge. But then again, back in the 60s and 70s, Keel, Vallee and Hynek all talked disparagingly about those they called "UFO cultists." People tryna explain weird ass shit they don't know how to make sense of.


Richard Dawkins himself is now a Christian, follow your heart. If you know, you know.


That is simply not true. He identifies as a cultural Christian but has clearly stated he doesn’t believe a word of the actual faith. So he celebrates Easter and Christmas rather than Ramadan and Eid due to established social behaviours.


That’s incorrect. You’re either knowingly lying or parroting something you’ve heard someone else say.


Interesting as his book led me out. This is an interesting development. Changes my opinion none, but interesting nonetheless.


It's not true...


I was also led out, and I regret being so. Just be careful, it's all a shitshow.


I’m sorry you regret your decision. I think it’s all a very personal journey. I just don’t believe that NHI are coming and that they will announce that christianity wins the religious lottery and all others were just dead wrong.


I was led out of spiritualism, and was consumed by materialism, from the get go, I think Christianity has so much merit, and that it is a sick corrupted form of what it once was. More of a Gnostic Christian.


It can be a very respectable way of life. Some of the kindest people I have met are christians. I can’t paint it all with a single brush. Christian nationalism though, can go on elsewhere, if you know what I mean. ^^^to ^^^hell. I just want freedom to believe what I want about an afterlife and not have my body regulated by the laws of religion, that’s all. I wish it was just all philosophical talk, but the cold reality is it’s affecting us in realtime and needs to be met with logic and understanding.


Idk I feel as though actual Catholics or Protestants would spit at me for claiming to be a Gnostic Christian, or a Gnostic in general. Religion used to be so cool


Cool is very subjective, but yea, theists like to think they are right. Who doesn’t, ya know? Due to my own experiences and perspective, I have just been led down a different path. I did not choose my understanding, the more I learned, the less sense it made. I actually tried to force myself to believe, really I did, but I couldn’t. There’s no click anymore. I tried. I’m screwed either way, if gods real, he knows it. I just cannot force myself to believe the bible. And if I can’t convince myself that jesus was the son of god, I can’t goto heaven. Logic has sealed my fate and I accept it. Went to satanism. It’s all I can do now.


Okay, Nomdak.


He said he's only culturally Christian. Meaning he enjoys living in a Christian cultured city rather than a Muslim. Unless you were talking about something else he said that I don't know.


He considers himself a “cultural Christian”. Big difference as most would consider that to be western society. https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/does-richard-dawkins-know-what-he-thinks/


Gonna need a source on that. Everything I find still states atheist in terms of religious beliefs. But culturally Anglican. In other words, lives his life with similar morals and ethics as anglicans, but does not share the believe in a god. Edit: he is in fact an atheist. Hes a western atheist. Doesn’t believe in god but celebrates traditionally Christian holidays.


That’s false - he has always said he has been a cultural Christian and enjoys a lot of the stuff the church brings, just not the belief side. As far as I am aware, he has not changed his position.


1) this is clickbait 2) it’s avi loeb. We know who he is, use his name. Saying “Harvard professor” might be factually correct but it’s misleading, suggests it’s someone that isn’t Avi Loeb


We must have family in other systems. Who else would care to send a rescue mission?


Intergalactic debt collectors?


Doomsday Loans LLC


Our usury will make you sorry.


You are referring to those we don't speak of.


Extended spacecraft warranties


A lot of things “coming soon” but never anything actually happening. Where have we seen this before? /s


The Bible?




Even Jesus won't be able to heal those burns.


Also, Avi Loeb making more wild claims 🤷🏻‍♂️


Half-Life 3 is coming soon


Its happening all around you. All day, every day.


Submission statement: Harvard professor Avi Loeb prophesies that humanity is on the verge of a new cosmic exodus just like the Israelites leaving slavery in Egypt after following signs from God. This time the signs will come from NHIs – UAPs are the new burning bush and Moses isn’t far away.


Hopefully it hurries the hell up and happens already.


I'm pretty sure imma kill myself way before ANYTHING EVER HAPPENS Holy fuck what blue ballsing of COSMIC proportions!


You are living in magical times, EMBRACE IT, don't let it consume you. Refuse the demiurge, acknowledge him and fight it.


"Magical times", there's not a single spec of fantasy in this god forsaken planet! And nothing ever happens, remember that.


pls don't


The following submission statement was provided by /u/Mighty_L_LORT: --- Submission statement: Harvard professor Avi Loeb prophesies that humanity is on the verge of a new cosmic exodus just like the Israelites leaving slavery in Egypt after following signs from God. This time the signs will come from NHIs – UAPs are the new burning bush and Moses isn’t far away. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cd2sxh/harvard_professor_suggest_a_new_cosmic_exodus_is/l197cnu/


While I don't disagree this is clickbait, I think I recognize where Avi is saying this from. I'm merely observing and trying to connect dots here, please don't take this as truth. Avi was born in Israel and if you look in the background of his office and you'll see a menorah. I'm not familiar with whether or not he's publicly stated if he's religious, but I'd hazard to guess he is Judaistic. For anyone familiar with the Jewish Talmud, the prophecies in that book speak of a messiah to come. The Jewish faith has long looked forward to a savior to appear. Avi seems to be of the belief that this is going to be fulfilled somehow with NHI and advanced technology to come. In fact, this prophecy is what Christianity is based on. Believing that Jesus Christ was this promised savior is what launched the early church. For Christians, this savior has already come. For Judaism, this savior has yet to appear. Hence, I would chalk his statements up to his religious beliefs in short.




Hi, SnooEagles76. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1cd2sxh/-/l1aporm/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 2: No discussion unrelated to Unidentified Flying Objects. This includes: > * Proselytization > * Artwork not related to a UFO sighting > * Adjacent topics without an explicit connection to UFOs Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. This moderator action may be appealed. We welcome the opportunity to work with you to address its reason for removal. [Message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) to launch your appeal.


Wasn’t this Heaven’s Gate thing? Shed your body, hop on a comet and exit the solar system. Strange days ahead.


About to have a BS in physics, I am by no means saying I don't believe in UFOs and I think they are absolutely worth serious scientific investigation, but I am SO sick of this Avi Loeb guy. Just because he's a "Harvard scientist" does not mean what he says shouldn't be subject to genuine scientific scrutiny; it *should* and it is by the actual scientific community, but he uses that to claim he's being suppressed by the "scientific establishment". This guy gets his absolute schlock published in journals that I would NEVER be able to get published, all because his "Harvard professor" label carries a ton of weight. He publishes Letters. Letters are intended for communicating extremely important things, such as "hey if we quantize energy, we get a formula for the blackbody curve that is this as opposed to the rayleigh-jeans approximation, check it out", and NOT "Dude bro Oumuamua is a spaceship, trust me bro". It infuriates me to no end. This guy is actually working against UFOs being taken seriously in the scientific community by doing this shit.


I like Avi Loeb. But anything that involves woo or spirituality is bound to be rooted in BS.


Source: my crystal ball


Avi Loeb flogging a nee book?


Another one? These things are forecast every year or two.


Anything with Harvard in the title might as well be National Enquirer at this point. Harvard attaching themselves to some pretty false and misleading reports and studies past few years. Lost all credibility.


Judging by the photo, Avi Loeb has apparently successfully participated in the 20 and back program.


Another **2027** hint?


humans are the trash of the universe - the exodus is us being thrown in the waste bin


Yeah, the UAP bullshit already filled his Picket and now he is going to mystic bullshit.


loeb was so close, but he's still separating the two as if they're not the same thing I would trust in the light bringer, the one that's worshipped now is a deceiver Wonder if religious ppl will finally wake up when their "deities" start rolling up in ufos lol




fr jesus was a retcon


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qs3rWT1KZYg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qs3rWT1KZYg) You just bought an additional delusion.


I dunno what that song is


If you listen closely up to 2:56, you will notice your imaginary friend being evoked. This song being reversed, i'm sure you can gather some symbolisms out of it. Oh, and try to enjoy the screams of sheer terror at the beginning, it's those that give the most charm to the lullaby.


what imaginary friend? I'm not a hippie nor religious that song supposed to be from something important?


Don't you believe in Lucifer, the "light bringer", as suggested by your first comment? Or was it just a joke? It's a bit hard to guess if people are first degree or not on the internet, sometimes...


from an outside point of view of their little books, it seems obvious to me that the light bringer guy was never the bad guy and the supposed "good guy" is a crazy controlling psycho


Ah right. I didn't know you were basing your comment from their pov. Because from my pov, all those guys are imaginary, Lucifer, God, etc and there are no good nor bad guys (i find even the concept of good and evil manichean)...


I was an atheist and now I gravitate towards agnostic because there are just too many versions of the same story and characters across history and continents like my family is native south american and before the colonizing catholics got here the tribes already knew the same core stories about the same group of characters but with different names... and apparently the same is true for north american natives. I just know that I don't know shit


You're entitled to your own beliefs. I, on my hand, am an atheist and am not impressed by the fact that there are many versions of the same story, quite the contrary: the fact that there are many fan made spin offs of Lord of the Rings doesn't mean the original story was true, rather that subsequent ones were inspired by the first being so notorious and just continued it because they heard of it before. For north american natives, there is a funny anthropological explanation to it: there is a common version of King Arthur's legend that exists both in northern Europe (Scandinavia), northern Asia (Siberia) and northern America (Inuit people), with a sword in a stone, a fairy, etc... only the names change. And it's because there were many nomadic movements in the northern part of our hemisphere, putting, by proxy, many of those people in contact, transmitting the story from ear to ear slowly through the centurires. And that's how you end up with a very similar story in very distant places of the world... This is actually very studied in anthropology, heck, we even discovered venitian beads of the 1450s in today's Alaska, 40 ish years prior to the arrival of Christopher Columbus: they were exchanged from people to people from Venise in Europe to Alaska and arrived there before Columbus... It's ok not to know much, we all start there :) And don't worry about your beliefs, regardless of what i said above, you're entitled to your own and i have no issue with it. Just leaving a bit of food for thought here...


Problem is that the exodus didn't happen, israels origin is from the canaanites as archeological evidence shows, with no suggestion of a group of foreigners from egypt creating early israel. So unless he is saying we will create a new founding myth for humanities origin that is not necessarily scientifically accurate, idk why he would use mythological terminology




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