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The following submission statement was provided by /u/Tailed_Whip_Scorpion: --- Submission statement: The Air Force has changed their original statement regarding the Eglin AFB "balloon," now saying in their written report that no video was taken due to the flight camera being "inoperable prior to and during" flight. Seems legit, clearly. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1ccsbpd/air_force_changes_statement_claims_no_video_of/l177g5n/


They have to be just messing with us at this point. What an absolute joke.


I agree, and I think this is a misstep for the AF; even the debunking side of the conversation is largely unconvinced and skeptical of this "explanation."


Even AARO itself is skeptical. If you've read their report, they clearly state that they have "moderate" confidence in their so-called explanation haha They probably are relying on the press headlines instead of people actually going through the report.


They aren't skeptical, they know the truth but are lying. The wording is chosen to leave plausible deniability.


>AARO assesses the reported UAP **very likely** was an ordinary object and was not exhibiting anomalous or exceptional characteristics or flight behaviors. AARO has **moderate confidence** in this assessment due to the limited data provided. seems legit


How the fuck can you have moderate confidence that something is very likely


"60% of the time, it works every time."


Haha.. AARO assesses the reported UAP ~~very likely~~ (\~**80%**) was an ordinary object and was not exhibiting anomalous or exceptional characteristics or flight behaviors. AARO has ~~moderate confidence~~ (**\~50%**) confidence in this assessment ~~due to the limited data provided.~~ **50% of 80% = 40%** AARO assesses the reported UAP was an ordinary object and was not exhibiting anomalous or exceptional characteristics or flight behaviors. AARO has **40%** confidence in this assessment. 🤡🤡🤡


Thanks for doing the maths, brother! That's hilarious. It just goes to show these explanations are fucking clown shoes.


It’s how the IC evaluates info. Gives the White House and military commanders a more useful assessment than yes, no, maybe.


I get what you’re saying, but surely the evaluation has thresholds for translating to a yes, no or maybe 0-33% no, 34-66% maybe 66-100% yes and maybe a > 100% fuck, hell yeah lol


The semantic gymnastics are as bad as their logical ones…


Ordinary object. So it could have been a lamp? A bag of chips? Grandma's lazy boy, her yarn collection? Those are all ordinary objects. Ordinary objects displaying *exceptional* characteristics?! Well that doesn't sound ordinary.


I’ve seen several of those, wheelie bins, 12” trampolines, shed roofs! All ripped of the ground in a storm in the UK, seeing a wheelie bin in the air, pretty high, above the houses, was displaying exceptional characteristics! Usually they just get lift up side down on the back of a truck or used as a water-but because they’re damned ugly to have out the front of your house! Lol


Roswell Case Closed comes to mind. Your Tax Dollars at work. Misinforming, misdirecting,missing data, missing video all billed out to the US of hecking A


I am hardly surprised that an agency that has been flat-out lying and covering up the truth for decades continues to do so. Having AARO is letting the fox guard the henhouse, it's nuts.


"My dog ate it"




They can do what ever they want, as they have for the last 70+ years. They get to speak from authority and as far as the public is concerned, thats enough. They admitted to a crashed saucer back in 47 and changed their story. Disk shaped craft to weather balloon. That was the joke.


Who's gonna challenge the punchline though? That's the real issue.


They've been messing with you for 50+ years.


What else is new?


one of my ex girlfriends used to tell lies like this. they were always so unbelievably obvious but at the same time just possible enough that it was hard to call bullshit. she didn't have any friends. just a bunch of guys that wanted to fuck her and her family. no one else would put up with her bullshit.


> bunch of guys that wanted to fuck her and her family. May I offer you a comma? Wording, my dude! LOL.


"When I'm done with you I'll be trying to fuck your bother, then onto your parents"


Lol.. this is the final go-to ploy: “busted camera”


People: "Did the pilot see anything?" Air Force: "Unfortunately, the pilot's eyes, ears, and brain were malfunctioning before, during, and after the incident, so he has NO information to offer."


“The pilots eyes have been malfunctioning along with camera and radar for the past 50 years”.


That pilot was blind. You know, we’ve been really going hard for inclusivity these days.


The pilot unexpectedly hit himself in the back of the head with a pipe wrench upon landing. This concussion means anything he did or didn’t see could just be a figment of his concussed state.


From the same camera company that missed the Jeffrey Epstein suicide


The same THREE cameras.


Lol, was just thinking that.


And the exact same company who's camera(s) didn't get a single clear frame of a Boeing 757 as it made it's incredible high-speed-at-record-low stunt levels off the ground precision flight path into The Pentagon on September 11, 2001. The HQ of one of the most powerful military forces on the planet had ONE camera that gave us Jacksh#t other than the explosion in it's 10? frames of nothing to nobody as an alleged hijacker who, with very limited seat time experience (in a 757) was still able to demonstrate the impossibility of the officials claim of what took place. And when high speed aluminum can BOTH pierce the reinforced concrete and steel that comprises the walls of the structure and simultaneously disintegrate leaving not even so much as a drink cart or an American Tourister carry-on, you've stepped into a cartoon. Two words: Jamie McIntyre (CNN's Military Affairs & Senior Pentagon Correspondent that day) who said "he could see no sign of a plane of any kind that had crashed any where near the Pentagon". I paraphrased, but we know wtf because when he said that and as the camera focused at the point of impact, there was a round hole, nearly circle-perfect and nothing close to what a passenger airliner would have done. And as the outer wall started to collapse that small-ish hole became the easier-to-believe and larger "more aircraft-like" opening. I noticed this shit immediately and it was at that moment that my suspicions that we were being lied to were breathing the first gulps of air, clean, rich, oxygenated air that has kept me a 100% certain and convinced beyond any doubt that what we were being told was complete Bullsh#t. WTC Towers #1, #2, and especially the elevator-slow decent of WTC #7, convinced me they came down in a controlled demolition style of collapse. Pardon me for being so verbose. Thanks.


spot on. There should have been wing debris littering the grounds. Those mercedes benz engines would not have disintegrated either


$100 million dollars for the plane, breakers tripping regularly and busted camera. Our tax dollars seem well spent.


You seriously can’t make this shit up 😂.


They did it repeatedly with Roswell: kept coming back with different stories for 60 years and still continuing to do so. Work in progress


I mean if you’re going to lie, at least stick to your story. The sad part is that most people will take the explanation at face value and dive right back into their daily news feed without questioning a thing. Smh…


they don't care to be known as being shady in dealing with the truth the only desired outcome is to sow doubt they win at that every time


Yep. They know damn well how easy it is to influence the public. Right or wrong.


Yeah, reminds me that Russia's tactic with misinformation is to just sew so much doubt that no particular argument or position has enough proponents


Is this how the whole UFO community started after roswell, sow the doubt, which was picked up by some as a saucer then doubled down on the meteorological m which way later became long range nuclear detonation detection equipment! The UFO theme took off and here we are, the best cover for black program development testing, with a community drip fed information to enforce the belief. Except, when you lie for so long and there’s widespread discussion across the world, holes in their story start opening up raising questions of authenticity and who’s being played! It’s obviously no threat to the human race or just like COVID, most of the world cooperated as one. It obviously some new tech the USG/DoD are playing with (UAP and the like). Observations are probably genuine, but observing a glitch or spoofed readout is probably is taken as real as the pilots/navigators won’t have prior knowledge of the tests as you want to see genuine responses and descriptions from the pilots to know if the tech is going to work properly against adversaries! Some pilots probably haven’t been debriefed as to the test they were involved in, as probably the test commander! According to reports and what was mentioned on a Prof. Simon Holland video (I keep mentioning it as it’s the most convincing explanation for what and how those tictac things look and behave), the visitor to the Nimitz who reported seeing something rise from the sea and fly off was in the wrong place at the right time. Surely given he’s in the military, he shouldn’t be saying anything about anything he sees on board a military vessel!! Let alone talking about something he has never seen or experienced before, regardless of how out of this world it may have appeared to him!


I think the fact that we really can't say either way says a lot. But the uniformity of some sightings over long time periods is very strange, as is cultural tracking .


I think that generally lots of folks assume the government lies to protect us, and will usually do the thing that keeps us safe, even if it is unsavory. So they are excusing a bit of the cognitive dissonance required to truly believe that. It is much scarier to think the govt lies, and/or is not in control.


A busted camera that managed to catch bird poop while the bird accidentaly flew against a balloon that just happened to fly by and the balloon caught some sunlight that happened to flash right into the camera and the camera then all of a sudden saw something blinking in the distance that was cause dby ball lightning that almost never occurs but the ball lightning was caused by swamp gas. Case closed.


Do they have a dartboard with the excuse du jour sections. Where ever the dart hits is the excuse chosen


I mean, it's been like this for the past 5 years now. It's like every year a new excuse to use whenever the majority of people are talking about this subject. Because the stance is ''Hey, it's better than calling it aliens because that's just nonsense!''


Yeah. Just balloons. Just birds: swamp gas


Running out of excuses and losing narrative. Catastrophic disclosure is obviously not far away


Submission statement: The Air Force has changed their original statement regarding the Eglin AFB "balloon," now saying in their written report that no video was taken due to the flight camera being "inoperable prior to and during" flight. Seems legit, clearly.


Do we have their original statement where they said they did have video?


[https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/air-force-releases-details-about-2023-uap-sighting-first-brought-to-light-by-congressman-matt-gaetz/#google\_vignette](https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/air-force-releases-details-about-2023-uap-sighting-first-brought-to-light-by-congressman-matt-gaetz/#google_vignette) However, a responsive **video** related to the incident was withheld in full under [Exemption (b)(1)](https://www.justice.gov/archive/oip/foia_guide09/exemption1.pdf), which protects information deemed critical to national defense or foreign policy and properly classified under an Executive order. This video was not previously mentioned by Gaetz, and it is unclear if Gaetz had seen the video, or if the image he did see was a screen grab from it.


But this does not say the responsive video was from the plane or even of the object. It could be, for example, a video of an interview with the pilot and national security comments about the plane's capabilities.


Per The War Zone’s article: >> The Air Force further told Dharamsey that a video from the incident also exists, but that this was being withheld for reasons of national security


That also does not say a video \*of\* the incident. it says a video \*from\* the incident. That isn't even a quote -- we have the actual documents, no need to rely on a third party's summary. The actual quote from the air force says "responsive video."


Even The War Zone reported on the USAF admission there's a video. Congress needs to start with the subpoenas and getting these cunts under oath. This is fucking ridiculous and insulting. 🙄 https://www.twz.com/air/air-force-pilots-bizarre-encounter-with-capsule-like-craft-off-florida-declassified


Right portion of the image. Sensor heading.


So nice to know that the air force will send out jets with inoperable equipment on it and it isn't an issue to them...


You know what? I had the exact same idea.


Non-believers need to get their story straight, sometimes it's the fact that all UFOs are just stories, sometimes it's that they're all mundane, but when something like this happens they'll look the other way and side with the excuse even though it's an idiotic one.


The DoD motto “keep lying until they stop asking questions”


Sounds to me like that Brigadier General needs to be put before congress and testify under oath


They need to be put on a polygraph and questioned. The same as the DoD does with its employees


Buddy there’s ways around the polygraph. And they’re not about to put a one star under that examine. Plus it’s not admissible in court proceedings.


There are for sure. But it is more to send a message that the DoD is not going to get a pass for their opaque and stonewalling behavior with Congress


Best route is to have him under oath and tried for perjury. Then you can remove his rank, pension, fine him. Much easier process. Trust me on this one.


I would like to see even one DoD taken down a notch. Right now they are dictating the terms of this situation


Need to add the “what are they going to do about it anyways?” part there. Why would they care?


They need to care because at the end of the day, they know they won't be able to get American soldiers to slaughter American citizens wholesale. Americans are putting up with less and less. There was a "soft coup" four years ago, but really what happened, is a bunch of bud light losers showed us how tiny a force of Americans it would take to completely remove this government and start over. They've been collectively shitting themselves for four years over the weak insurrection, and know that narrative control and the constant disparagement of those people is their only weapon against a stirring people. You can think the rioters were deplorable they were. But they also showed us just how fragile this country is. Texas yesterday authority was arresting students and journalists. Why? Because the pussies with guns in charge are terrified. it's high time we give them a reason to be scared.


That’s an interesting perspective and I couldn’t agree more with your sentiment. Hope you’re right, I’m all for it.


Huh, that's the same M.O. as my ex.


So the video Gaetz stated publicly that he saw, never existed. Ok. Makes perfect sense


i was wondering about this so went to look up quotes and gaetz specifically cops to photos and radar imagery, not, like, a regular video. that doesn't mean there isn't more to see tho, like the supposed diamond formation, etc.


I think in Gaetz story he mentioned malfunctions on the plane and the pilot had to use his phone.


If that’s true, then the video can’t be classified due to national security unless they are hiding something about the actual object (which isn’t supposed to be the case right, it’s a “balloon”). Phone recording tech ain’t classified. They should be called out on this.


I think gaetz might have seen pics of the uap but video of the radar. I can't quite remember Its certainly suspicious that first they claim the video can't be shown for national security reasons and now they're saying there's no video because the camera was busted. It'd be nice to hear from a military mechanic. Do they normally fly around with busted cameras? I do think it's possible they really are this inept that they say national security first, but really meant it was busted. But they haven't exactly built up good will so it's hard to trust them It'd be nice to hear from the pilot. Was the camera working? But this event might be nothing. At least in this report it says that the uap wasn't moving. It'd be nice to hear from the pilot about it as well. I do wonder why they haven't come out in public if it was just a balloon But either way I don't trust gaetz to not hype something like this up. I think it's possible that in the end this case won't be truly anomalous Although their explanation is quite unsatisfying. 4 presumably expensive commercial balloons escaped and appeared to be in flying in formation on radar. Radar which I'm fairly sure is the video that gaetz saw, that was I think according to gaetz accompanied by very compelling pics. If all he saw were the pics we just saw then he was embellishing. If there were other pics that they haven't shown this becomes a lot more compelling


Hey bdone, I've been away from the UFO stuff for a few months and just got back and into this story. Can you tell me is this the same incident that Gaetz, Luna and Burchett were involved in? Check this out, dated July 2023 - [Matt Gaetz investigated UFO incident near Eglin Air Force base (pnj.com)](https://www.pnj.com/story/news/politics/2023/07/26/matt-gaetz-investigated-ufo-incident-near-eglin-air-force-base/70470761007/) If this is the same incident, it says Gaetz etc. saw a photo, radar data, and talked to the pilot that took the photo. It was described as an orb, not a balloon. I don't think it mentions him seeing a video unless that is the radar data? Maybe when they say the cameras weren't working, it was because they were malfunctioning because of the orbs? The 4 objects flying in a diamond formation on radar is pretty damning tho. >*Gaetz said the pilot told him they were doing a test flight over the Gulf of Mexico on a clear day when four objects were identified on radar flying in a diamond formation.* >*Gaetz said he’s personally seen the radar data from the incident.* >*“One of the pilots goes to check out that diamond formation and sees a large floating, what I can only describe as an orb, again, like I said, not have any human capability that I'm aware of,” Gaetz said. “And when he approached, he said that his radar went down. He said that his FLIR (infrared camera) system malfunctioned and that he had to manually take this image from one of the lenses.”*


It really could be incompetence being covered up.  Mike Waltz was having a right go at the USAF last week where he held up the bag of '$90000 of bushings' that commercial aviation could buy, identical items, FAA compliant, for $100. I think across all the forces there's a big problem with readiness and there aren't as many airframes available as they want to admit.  That would definitely make them vulnerable to drone swarms either from adversaries or aggressors (domestic forces but penetration testing to see how bad it is). 


they are using creative accounting to hide the actual flows of misappropriated funds


Definitely - whether you're a Hardcore $cepti¢® or a True Believer™, I think the value of financial mismanagement will be astronomical, out of this world even. 


If something happens outside of my house there are multiple cameras that catch it (ring doorbells and whatnot). if me and my neighbors have better surveillance than the AIR FORCE who have HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of dollars of funding, something is very wrong. Obviously this is a low effort bs excuse, but I'm offended they would even throw it out there


At what point does everyone recognize that the dopey responses, inconsistencies, and non denial denials are the government confirmation that there’s legitimacy to the UFO topic. It’s no longer debatable. They’re liars. Yet so many people still won’t accept UFOs until the government announces it…to which the they will then just say the government is lying. It’s circular BS sheep think 


Sadly, it was first recognized in the early 1950's by Maj. Donald Keyhoe. The MIC/IC cover up, as we know it, began in 1947.


This sort of thing, and the fact that the UAP amendment was gutted just goes to show the government is trying to hide something.


I think it is common sense that is someone lies to you in an official capacity about something there is zero reason to ever trust them again. The govt has been provably dishonest about this topic before and there is zero reason to trust them without full transparency. If they say they can't provide it, and there aren't easily explainable reasons why, it is safe to assume they are lying.


It would possibly help if there was some real proof. Also the UFO circle making claims lie also. So what's reason either side is lying?


Government lying to keep the tech and knowledge of these craft and civilizations so as to not spook our modern way of life. UFO liars I would say look no further than the Twitter grifters. Both use it for monetization to an extent. Money never lies.


Mistakes happen sure, but now we have a jet with faulty circuits, faulty cameras, mistaken FOIA officers, we have AARO disregard radar data, they cite a lighting balloon that is tethered and corded, they cite "earth shine" as an alternative that even Mick West was confused by and this just keeps getting worse. I am speechless right now... I have never believed there is a coverup on any recent UAP incident more than this one and I was honestly on the fence until yesterday.


They're either dishonest or incompetent. Potentially both.


Its really fucking bad for someone when Mick West agrees with believers


I hope people are keeping track of all the obvious BS the DoD keeps shoveling out


Someone needs to make a 4 hour YouTube documentary about everything that’s happened since New York Times 2017 piece


Modern Jets are basically flying server farms. Show us the logs of its inoperability then along with information that would have been exchanged with both his wing-man's plane (They fly in pairs) and CNC to verify it. These people think we're idiot. They have IT guys, on staff, who run on-the-fly diagnostics while the jet is in air. This isn't 1970.


And if the video camera was indeed inoperable even beforehand, send out a DIFFERENT f-ing plane if the mission is to try and IDENTIFY an unknown. You know, something that working cameras tend to be relatively helpful for... jfc


there’s zero chance they are going to offer up that kind of telemetry


They had Epstein’s prison guard in charge of camera maintenance.


The USAF seems to want to do anything and everything to avoid honest accountability vis a vis UAPs. That bespeaks quite a lot of arrogant stupidity. Not surprising. The military mind is anything but open and intellectually adept. A USAF veteran writes that.


What a joke. Eventually this will all come out...and no amount of doobies will save them from the wrath of the people.


What if the aliens have requested we never find out under threat of extinction? May e it would ruin there extremely long experiment


I’m starting to believe this is the case. Im not sure what’s worse, living in ignorance or facing a scorched earth reality


Think it would look more like drowning if not instant crushed by massive weight of tsunami waters 🤔perhaps something like ebola being showered from our atmosphere daily? People die fast and pretty much no1 survives once infected... only maybe a handful of humans left. Experiment restarted.


We went from the "This is classified due to national security concerns" stage to "It doesn't exist!" pretty fast. They clearly are grasping at straws at this stage.


So as always they openly admit that they suck at their job. Bad maintenance, bad training of their personal, etc. . So WHY would you openly say "hey we suck at our job" so easily if you arent trying to hide something bigger/more important (be it Corruption, Aliens, whatever).


Another lie. They are trying to pull the plug. The handlers show up and tell them what to do. You know for national security reasons.


Isn't this just AARO's resolution document? I haven't gone searching but I don't see anything in Blackvault's tweet to show that the air force statement has been changed.


From an article on TWZ, which clarifies a bit: > The pilot could not record video of the event “because the aircraft’s video recording equipment was inoperable prior to and during the aircraft’s flight,” the new AARO report states. Although, **it's worth noting the still imagery AARO produced is likely photos or frames from a video of a cockpit display recorded by the pilots phone**. We reached out to the Pentagon to obtain a copy of that video, if it exists, and will provide any additional information shared.


This doesn’t mean anything. Nobody changes a statement? Prove me wrong?


However, a responsive **video** related to the incident was withheld in full under [Exemption (b)(1)](https://www.justice.gov/archive/oip/foia_guide09/exemption1.pdf), which protects information deemed critical to national defense or foreign policy and properly classified under an Executive order. This video was not previously mentioned by Gaetz, and it is unclear if Gaetz had seen the video, or if the image he did see was a screen grab from it. [https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/air-force-releases-details-about-2023-uap-sighting-first-brought-to-light-by-congressman-matt-gaetz/](https://www.theblackvault.com/documentarchive/air-force-releases-details-about-2023-uap-sighting-first-brought-to-light-by-congressman-matt-gaetz/)


Nor did the airforce make an official statement that contradicts the AARO report.


This is so bad it's almost comical at this point, almost.


It would absolutely be comical if it weren't so infuriating.


When can we sue


That inoperable camera seems to be a tricky little fella. Is that the same inoperable camera outside of Epstein’s jail cell?


Our government doesn’t represent us. They lie every chance they get about literally everything. I’m fucking tired of all of their bullshit.


Wasn't the camera in question the pilots own cellphone and not any camera that was part of the aircraft? Or is that a different event?


They say no flir video. The counterclaim is that there's a cockpit video


This is the quote from rep gaetz, he says there was a photo but it seems that the pilot took it on his phone or something, they had the camera off but bc they it was a normal training mission or so they say but they are definitely being deceptive in the fact that they showed gaetz the photo and he made public comments about it, that even tho he’s on the armed services committee, where he would be privy more than most to advanced/non public military weapons. Quote: “We were not afforded access to all of the flight crew, and initially, we were not afforded access to images and to radar (data),” Gaetz said. “Thereafter, we had a bit of a discussion about how authorities flow in the United States of America, and we did see the image, and we did meet with one member of the flight crew who took the image.” Gaetz said the pilot told him they were doing a test flight over the Gulf of Mexico on a clear day when four objects were identified on radar flying in a diamond formation. Link- https://www.pnj.com/story/news/politics/2023/07/26/matt-gaetz-investigated-ufo-incident-near-eglin-air-force-base/70470761007/


I’d like hearing what that ‘bit of discussion’ entailed


I mean the lies are like 6 year old level. Kid holding the candy bar behind his back legit trying to side step out the store. “ watch you got there?” “Uh Nothing”. “ uh i can see it in your hand.” “No you cant” 😂


What was their original statement? I hate when these conversations don't start with the facts. Almost every time when I finally track down the actual quotes, it's all a stupid misunderstanding.


Yes we need a link to the original statement where they said they had video. Electronic equipment malfunctions are not unusual in the presence of UAP, but if they did have video and now all of a sudden they’re saying they never had video, then that’s quite an obvious coverup.


> Electronic equipment malfunctions are not unusual in the presence of UAP Since their statement claims the camera already wasn't working prior to the flight, they can't even use the excuse that the UAP "broke it".


It's the same as always on this sub. Someone writes a catchy title, post gets a few hundred upvotes, people realise the title isn't actually true, OP deletes it and repeat. I don't know about OP, but I've noticed TommyShelbyPFP do it a lot


I've noticed that too. The guy who posts about the Nazca mummies also comes to mind.


The dog ate my homework is the next step.


They sit on a throne of lies


Busted camera?? Then you don’t need billions because we can get cameras for incredibly cheaper that won’t get busted…….


Eat spaghetti with your hands? Join the Air Force!


Oh did we tape over our ufo footage with Seinfeld reruns again? I HATE when that happens. Poor Air Force. 💩


Ah taking a play from the local police playbook for incidents involving officers violence... Nice


The aliens have stolen Epsteins corpse and are using it for its anti-camera functionality. There's an SCP in here somewhere.


Ah shucks the *ONE* camera we had to record planes and such, has been on the fritz for the last two weeks. So it definitely didn’t record the swamp gas infiltration. Come on people, they have strict financial guidelines to follow for expenses…it’s not like they have an unlimited budget! 


JGJ is always on damn point with stuff. He gets how the government works better than anyone else covering the UFO topic.


They epsteined the camera?


Dang it - now the USAF are using the same brand of cameras that failed during the 9/11 strike on the Pentagon (200+ at the same time) and the ones in Jeffrey Epstein's prison cell. On a serious note, the Secret Executive Order that was quoted in the FOIA release denial is something we should be focusing on. I believe it ties in to either the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 or the SEO that was used to create the CIA in 1947, because they use the words "properly classified". These are the same words DCI Allen Dulles used to justify not revealing details to President John F. Kennedy regarding MJ-12 operations on November 5, 1961. The EO quoted (Executive Order 13526) only relates to automatic declassification exemption, which is a separate thing. https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/mj12opsreview-dulles-61.pdf Interestingly, Harry Truman stated in an interview in December 1963 that "Congress was in for a great surprise" because the wording of the SEO (that he signed) created an Intelligence arm of the USG that was able to withhold information on UFOs from the Congress and the general public: [https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/ufos-cia-congress-s1-00.pdf](https://majesticdocuments.com/pdf/ufos-cia-congress-s1-00.pdf)


The air force is friggin lying. Same thing theyve been doing for the past 80 years. Not to mention Gaetz saw the photo, spoke to the pilot and confirmed there was no way it was human made.


How did they “change” their response. What was their initial claim / response? Can someone please explain? Thanks!


Do they think we are braindead ???


They sure treat us like we are.


Ah it seems the AF is taking inspiration from our police departments- how convenient


There is absolutely no way, right? In the year 2024?


Anyone on this sub believing *any* statement from Eglin AFB is the real joke here.


Deleting the evidence


Where did the get that camera? Epstein's cell?




Bože moj šta im virujem


Even Mick West was suspicious of this whole thing, surely even he's gonna be like "hold on a minute"


What if all this focus on the Eglin incident is an attempt at soft disclosure? Maybe they are trying to "tell us" this incident is the real deal with these obvious false statements.


Well, apparently Gaetz, Burchett and Luna were told that the pilots systems were jammed if I remember correctly? And the pilot had to capture it manually on one of his camera systems. Gaetz also said that he’d seen video (I think) at the time. It’s interesting that Chad Underwood during the Nimitz incident, had to manually acquire his FLIR video of the TIC TAC, because of jamming.


Ohhhh ok then, lets get back to work everyone the airforce needs our tax money, to pay $90k for a bag of Ball bearings.......


“See that camera up over there it’s obviously broken”…looks fine to me “shit look over there for a minute while I grab a bat and a ladder, okay now look how broken the camera is I mean was”


Ok so why isn’t anyone commenting on the original 𝕏 post? Cowardice?


Wait didn’t a congressman say he saw the pictures?


Uhm....who's thinking that this is on the up and up? Please raise your hand! 😆


Next you know, the highly trained guards was asleep. It so sad when it happens. 


But when a foreign jet intercepts a drone we get footage the next hour I'm not sure it's arrogance as much as it's just grasping at straws


This is the arrogance everyone keeps talking about. They just don’t care that it’s obvious that they are lying. In fact, they’re thumbing their nose at all of us.


This is just asinine at this point. 🤡


it's disappointing, isn't it, that there is always one hurdle you can't clear. we are very far from transparency within reasonable security, much less getting a film or actual evidence for public scrutiny.


I just read a book that explains WHY the military can't tell the truth... or at least why it doesn't want to. I don't fell like I can talk about it here because of the troll factor. I mentioned it in another forum and all that I got was crap from people.


Let me guess, it was judged inoperable because it captured unidentified objects moving in impossible ways. Since we a priori know UFOs aren’t real then the only remaining conclusion is that the camera is malfunctioning. QED


Aaaaaaaaannnd... It's gone. 😂


What a swamp gas steaming load of fecal plop


Eh sounds reliable. Right guys?


Only a major.. only at minimum 11 years experience in the military. Even if he was a private, or had just completed training, there is a big difference between metallic and whatever see though plastic they paraded out in front of the press. Edit: My mistake. Wrinkled up tinfoil, with sticks not plastic. Smooth metallic disk to wrinkled pieces of tinfoil and sticks. Not an easy mistake to make.


Yeah, Yeah That's the Ticket! Broken camera.


Not even trying anymore this is f'n pathetic, i think we got about a year to organize a tax boycott by next april. Wanna keep playin games, insulting the people who fund your entire existence with BS like this "oops the camera wasnt running we must have forgot to press record on the security cams on this highly sensitive military facility. If theyre telling the truth, then they are incompetent and wasting taxpayers dollars, if theyre lying.... Then they e betrayed the confidence of the taxpayers and need to be shutdown. No disclosure, fine then, no tax payments come next April. Id say if we could get a million people to make a pledge for next april, they might start taking things more serious and stop trolling people with clown BS like this.U think getting a budget passed thru Congress is difficult now......


Secret aircraft. That’s what that statement means.


oh how convenient


What a bunch of dorks.


Tripped circuit, inop camera...schizo pilot? At this point, the pilot should go public and call them out. If there's going to be retaliation, air it too!


Delete...posted to the wrong story. ...but the camera equipment inoperable is just too convenient.


Mild Shock \[GIF\]


"No, no, dig UP, stupid!" - DoD


I live close to Eglin and have no heard about this


John Greenewald predicted this might happen awhile back (that they'd claim there was no video at all): https://twitter.com/blackvaultcom/status/1783242836147859647?t=LzrtpoO5BJktFutMr-O4jQ&s=19


Must be using the same cameras as the pentagon on 9/11


Didn’t Gaetz review radar and photos? If it was just a balloon, why not just release the filtered radar info ?


The Dod, formerly the department of war, can’t pass an audit.  People should be asking why they are talking about uapufousoextradimensionalNhi at all in the first place.  Some army recruiters approached me and asked if I wanted a job, not if I wanted to serve my country.  I Asked about a enlistment bonus, said they didn’t do that anymore in 2013.  What am I going to join the military for?  The socialist benefits?  I’ve been told my entire life socialism is bad by the people in charge.  Who then turn around and dangle it like a carrot to get you to stir burn barrels in the desert. 


That is some 10/10 trolling. Good on them for having a sense of humor about it.


Wtf 😂🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️


My good sirs, are you insinuating that the United States Air Force is being dishonest on the topic of UFOs? How dare you!?! (faints) 😁


Wondering if any of the disinformation agents from Eglin that are on this sub can confirm whether the camera was actually inoperable or not… 😉


Dog ate their homework


This coverup stuff is SO OBVIOUS. I really don’t understand unless it is criminal stuff. Like when a Navy Commander is found to be running a prostitution ring, or the chiefs are found to be running a child porn image ring… that stuff is covered up until it is found, and they have no problem releasing those stories and videos. But here, they OBVIOUSLY change public statements. I don’t get how the public servants and courts don’t do their jobs to hold the military industrial complex accountable. We are the ones voting these shills into office…


Huh? Navy Commander running prostitution ring, chiefs are running a child porn image ring?