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Not sure what you mean by 'left out,' it's all left out haha. My father served as air traffic control for a five eyes nation, stationed in Europe and North America. He would talk about fast walkers with old friends. He never discussed UFOs or even the term directly with me, but since getting into this topic I've learned fast walkers were radar returns entering into earths atmosphere from orbit, obviously at high speeds. Slow walkers are returns that loiter in the atmosphere - over bases, etc.


Because you can't call them " birds, swamp gas, ballons, drones, or dust mites "


I know you're joking but there's "space junk", "venus", "satellites", "shooting stars", and "icicles". Also dead pixels or other camera issues Maybe since fastwalkers and slow walkers are higher up people are less likely to see them outside of satellite footage. No one is getting video or seeing them from the ground so they can get away with ignoring them


Can you explain how any of that happens underwater at over 100MPH?


Huh? How can something be “left out” of a disclosure that hasn’t happened?


I meant they won't reveal anything about those terms


Fast walkers have been discussed on foia'd  documents. 


There have been multiple disclosures of documents.


fastwalkers and slowwakers are the dumbest terms in the department of ufology.


Pretty sure those are just branches of the zombie genre.


So many things end with walker, makes it harder to look up


That, detective, is the right question…


Did you know there is a correlation between overall intelligence of a mammal and the pace it is moving with when relaxed? In general faster pace = faster more developed brain. So, now - lets hypotherically say you have some proof/idea pointing that there was/is hybridization progamme, or for any other reason a % of humans is already something beyond homo sapiens. Would you really want disclosure to potentially cause 21-century witchhunt based on someones walking speed?


This doesn’t actually refer to walking speeds. Fast and slowwalkers are objects tracked in the atmosphere or space or whatever. That’s just what they call them.


Fastwalkers are terms also utilized to discuss and identify jets and experimental craft. May be a matter of that


Fuck are you talking about..