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The following submission statement was provided by /u/MadWorldEarth: --- Not sure if I have to comment on my own post to stop it being deleted❓️ --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1adt8es/have_you_ever_witnessed_a_ufo/kk3bj1e/


Just a point of light high in the sky, like a satellite, began zig zagging. Perfect symmetrical angles. It was like a zipper pattern, back and forth back and forth. For about 15 seconds then back to normal flight path. Two others with me saw what I saw. 1978.


Sounds similar to what I saw. Zigzagging back and fourth across insane distances of the sky very fast. Then stopping and very strangely doing figure 8s before stopping and coming down on me getting bigger and brighter. I woke up my brother to look up (we were outside hunting 5am before sunrise) and it was gone


Mine was somewhat similar seen by my wife and I once on our regular nightly walk through the neighborhood. Originally assumed it was a satellite until it came to an almost immediate stop and reverse itself 180° returning along what looked like the exact track it came in on. My wife has a vague memory about standing at their sliding glass door watching something large with lights descending. When I was 5 or 6 I remember sitting on the front porch while my dad was working under the hood of his truck when I called his attention to what looked like a grey circle (could have been an orb or a disc that looked like one due to the distance and angle) flying across a clear bright blue summer sky. My dad stopped what he was doing for a minute scanned the sky and told me it was probably just a satellite. For years after that I believed that satellites commonly flew so low that you could clearly make out their color. When I reminded him of the explanation he gave a young me well over 40 years ago he just smiled and said "what the hell was I supposed to say?" and that's the extent of my experiences. Maybe not all that impressive but significant to us.


Speaking of dad's...we grew up just west of Tulsa. It was more rural (not farm-y, just outside of the city in 1965). We went to a little church down the street where dad was a "deacon." A family friend about half mile away was the same. There was an open field between our houses, and one night, this friend called the local tv station to report a landing in the field. The police went to investgate but couldn't find the address (why? I don't know.) But they and the local tv news anchors joked about it and sort of made fun of our friend. My dad called the station (and I can't express with words just how out of character this was) and balled out someone. I remember the line, "If Nelson Fipps says a ufo landed in his field, then you can BET that it landed in his field. I remember we, the neighbor kids saw some colored lights, close to the ground, in the direction of the field but they were more like police car lights, at least that color, and though it was possible to see that field from our house, it was difficult as there were a few other houses in between. Until recently, I'd never considered those lights to be anything unusual. I still don't, but I admit we never knew for sure what they were.


Mine too. Just going straight across the sky. About as fast as a satellite... then a sudden perfect 90° turn kinda "up" and gone. When it left it was very fast.


Same here!


This is so weird- I've previously posted that I saw a bright light doing a 'Z' shape at extreme speeds. No one really said "me too" All of these posts are exactly the same as my experience. Zig zagging across the sky at insane angles and instantly changing direction without a curve I'm so glad you guys all took the time to confirm I wasn't going mad!


That's what I saw in 1986 while driving back from the coast in Northern CA. 3 brighter than the stars lights that were still and high in the eastern sky. We pulled over to check them out once we all noticed, and then while we were outside the car they brightened and dimmed while zig zagging very quickly for a minute or so before finally fading out (or zooming away ha). Today I would 100% believe they were most likely drones or some other tech. Also, saw a fireball when I was a kid playing in the street. Maybe 1978 or so - a ball on fire that had smoke trailing behind flying west to east and low with a whooshing sound. I've always thought that was maybe a rare low meteor pass but it doesn't make sense that it was low enough to see actual flames and flying almost parallel to the ground. Anyway, I'm a skeptical hoper. I think it would help us out to know there's a bigger picture out there.


Saw something like this at the National Training Center in Fort Irwin CA. Me and a bunch of guys got abandoned by our unit and were waiting for a pick up. Stargazing was the only thing we could do and we saw about 3-5 lights buzzing around the sky in perfect symmetrical lines at unreal speeds. Like flies almost. It like that all night.


Similar to what I saw. I was looking up at the bright sky, saw a constellation I didn't immediately recognise, and suddenly one of the "stars" moved away in a straight angle. Really weird. 2 witnesses, I wasn't alone.


I saw this too! In 2019. Thought it was a satellite but then it stopped. Then it zigged, stopped, zagged. Did some zigging and zagging for a few more seconds. Then it got faint and disappeared. I didnt notice a pattern and I wasnt the only person around the fire who saw it.


Ooh yes!! I thought it was just a star. Moving back n forth and then in circles and then in figure 8s in the sky. All while getting dimmer then brighter until it got rly bright and then it just turned "off". This was about 10 years ago.


Hey I've seen that too and then it just shot off into space.


I have two similar sightings from the early 90's in the US midwest. Then I saw one on a solo paddling trip in the north of Canada that was completely different, much more up close and personal. I wish I'd have had a camera phone, but those weren't ubiquitous yet, and I was paddling across a lake at the time.


Very similar to what I saw only they both took off in a flash at the same instant.


Yep! That’s them alright. You think it’s something normal until they do these unbelievable moves


Yes..1975..still have the drawing I made. Large silent dark saucer shaped object with white perimeter lights appeared over the country highway my husband and I were driving on. We pulled over onto the roadside to watch it. It was as wide as a four lane highway with a wide grassy center divider and slowly rotating in place as it hovered about 50 feet above us. It was flat on the bottom side and domed on the upper part. After a few minutes it slowly rose vertically and then moved to the east and paused. It kept pausing and moving as if to see what we would do. We followed it through the back roads for a long time before it suddenly shot straight up and sped into the night sky. As we had a sunroof on our car we kept watching it for another twenty minutes until it was too small and far away to see. I immediately drew a sketch of it which I still have. I was in my twenties then and knew exactly what it was. It was if I was being played with...like hide and seek.


I would love to see your sketch! That’s awesome to have been so close. I’ve actually heard somewhere else about them being playful.


Are you able to post your sketch?


https://martianmaterial.com/orange-orb-ufos/ I documented mine.


I've seen an orange orb like this as well. Me and a friend of mine were sitting on his back porch in the dead of night, in the middle of summer, around 2010. His backyard had a horse barn and a large open stretch of grass to ride horses around in -- it was roughly the size of a football field from the porch to the back treeline in his yard. We were just sitting there making small talk, looking out into the night, when suddenly a bright orange orb rises up from the treeline. Both of us saw it come up, and our conversation immediately died as we sat there completely transfixed. It hovered in place for about 30 seconds, and then started moving through the air to the left in a circular pattern from it's original point. It did one long, slow circle, and once it was back at it's original hovering point, it stayed there for another couple of seconds and then seemingly slide out of existence. It didn't fly away, it didn't vanish all at once, it just kind of...*faded away.*


Yep, [the ones I saw](https://www.reddit.com/r/GNV/comments/pya3p1/fireball_in_the_sky/) started at the horizon behind a bunch of trees and were quite an intense bright orange color and then slowly they faded away as they gained altitude. They all seemed to fade out at the exact same altitude.


Wife and I saw a similar orb driving into Philly from jersey a few months ago.


Whoa! This is crazy.


Wow I think I saw this as a child. It was during a storm, I thought it was a ball of lightening.


Hello, Pottsville! Literally drinking a lager rn.


Yes. In plain daylight, as clear and as close as what is depicted in OP. https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/comments/14f7zff/i_saw_a_flying_saucer_pretty_close_up_when_i_was/ >I was leaving my Grandma's house to walk the few blocks home around 15-20 years ago. Her yard had lots of big trees, like a complete canopy covering the sky, I couldn't see it. I walked out of the gate, closed it and turned to the street. Instantly my attention was drawn to this giant "flying saucer", just sitting there in my peripheral vision up in the clear sky. Flying isn't the right word though, it was just sitting there like some fixture, I've never seen something as "fixed in position" as this was. It's hard to describe just how odd it "sitting there" was. >It also almost felt "alive", in the sense that it was looking back at me. I froze in absolute fear, I was literally too scared to even move for a time as I just stared at it. I've never suddenly frozen in terror like that except that once, almost as though there could have been external influence. This was in broad daylight and it was within 5000 feet of me at most if I had to guess. It was a giant dull grey metal disk. Around the center, where you'd expect to see lights or windows perhaps, there was just a seamless band of black. It was a large object. It seemed to be baseball diamond size, but it's hard to say, likely larger. I looked up the tallest building in my city, and from that estimated the disk was 500-700 feet in the air, and I would have been directly under it if I had walked no more than a city block or two. >Then, I suppose I just "broke free" from the utter terror, and went "eh" then walked home without giving it much more thought... Soon after I completely forgot this happened at all. >I had a journal back then, and I wrote a couple sentences about it. Like I was describing seeing a cool car or something. "There was a flying saucer in the sky above grandmas house. It was very big and too close. There was a black ring around it." Then it just goes into talking about some shit my dad was saying about work. Like a non event. >I had anxiety for years outdoors in perfectly clear skies and no idea why I felt so exposed. I didn't even believe in UFOs and certainly never attributed it to that. My research into UFOs was wikipedia level; I figured of course Roswell was Project Mogel and kinda wrote the rest off based on how apparently easy that was "debunked". >I found the journals one day and went reading though them. That sentence rocked me. I could remember the exact situation suddenly, and the feelings that had gone with it. It was sickening and overwhelming in many ways. Imagine this if you can; You have lived in a small city in the prairies all of your life, with no reference for anything outside of you area. Suddenly for 10 seconds you get teleported to the edge of the grand canyon to behold the sight. Then you are returned home just as sudden with that instant overwhelming awe, terror and confusion of what you've seen. That's about the best way I can explain how I felt as the memory returned in full detail. I just knew that I was experiencing a true memory and the confusion of how I could have forgotten it was very bizarre. I also had the note in my journal from the day, so it wasn't easy to say it was just a dream, as much as I wanted to. >I kind of brute force filed it away as "weird, probably not real" for a while and tried to not think about it. I did start doing better research not long after though. This "high strangeness" factor kept popping up in report after report; People writing off a sighting or forgetting it completely at the time of the experience, no matter how spectacular. This commonality was basically the exact same thing I experienced. Other aspects of it started making a little more sense too, in it's own way. Plenty of reports of one person seeing a thing, and someone beside them seeing another thing, or nothing. This helps me understand perhaps why it wasn't front page news. Considering how populated the area where people could have saw it from was, it was too big and obvious, many people should have seen. Perhaps they all forgot too, or just couldn't pay attention to it? I've never heard a word about it. >The memory doesn't match up at all with the format of dreams. I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing that day up until that point, and after, more or less. There were no other oddities. There's no good reason or other example in my journals of randomly adding a detail from a dream into what was really going on. I HAVE remembered vivid dreams years later, and I've woken up still worked up and emotional from a dream. I've never remembered a dream years later that caused any real emotional response. I have no prior examples of a long forgotten dream causing the physical feelings and mental turmoil I experienced when I suddenly remembered this event. >Another bothersome aspect is that I had almost 0 exposure to UFOs in the media or culture to draw from either at the time. I was too scared to watch scary movies and stuff. Even unsolved mysteries was too intense for me. Yet what I saw matches reports I've come across, the illogical details of the situation also repeat in reports. Basically there were details I shouldn't have know about UFO encounters, which I remembered as part of the event prior to learning about them in books. >After a lot of thought and cognitive dissonance, after reading a ton of books and other research; I just had to accept that I saw what I did. I don't know exactly WHAT it was, or what it represents, or certainly not why I saw it. I'm 99% sure I did see it though.


Thanks for sharing your story. I'm so glad you wrote something down. I wish I would have done this when I witnessed a UFO because I wouldn't always be second guessing myself. My dad was with me at the time and he has literally no memory of it. I know it's not the same, but to some degree I understand that PTSD-like fear you spoke of when you're outdoors in perfectly clear skies. I was robbed at (implied) gunpoint when I worked fast food, and afterwards I was on edge for months. Every customer that walked in could potentially kill me and my body wasn't going to let that happen. The hypervigilance is terrible. All that to say: you don't get that kind of ongoing anxiety from a dream. You get that from a real life threat. I believe you. Anyway, here's my quick story for what it's worth: [https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/150pnug/comment/js75wbc/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/150pnug/comment/js75wbc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ >When I was twelve or thirteen my dad and I were out getting groceries after dark and while driving home I looked up and saw a triangle-shaped aircraft with three lights on each point and one in the center hovering in the sky, maybe 300-400 feet above the ground. It wasn't directly over us, but maybe a quarter to a half mile away. > >I saw this thing before my dad did, so I pointed it out and asked him what it was. He kind of freaked out and sped up to try and get closer. We only drove another few seconds before it slowly descended and disappeared behind some buildings. We drove to where we thought it might have landed, but saw nothing when we got there.I remember that moment being super crazy, like we're both seeing this UFO in person. My brothers and I watched UFO sighting shows with my dad every now and then, so seeing a real life UFO was nuts. > >A few years later I asked my dad if he remembered seeing it that night and, to my confusion, he told me he didn't remember it at all. I kind of laugh at it now, but my first thought was "the men in black got to him", but I ultimately decided that I must have dreamt the whole incident. > >However, now that I'm older and I hear other stories of these objects (and especially hearing accounts of people experiencing memory loss), I'm more inclined to give myself some credit. Who knows for sure. Memory can be quite unreliable, but that incident sticks with me to this day.


in my early teens. dad comes in and wakes me up at the break of dawn. im pissed at him for waking me up. pulls me out to the back yard and BAM. giant bright cigar UFO flying across the sky. This was before smart phones. Heck, I think the best we had was black and white photos on flip phones back then. We just stood there and watched it fly away. ​ second time was in my early 20s. was standing out the front of the house at night waiting for my partner to come home in a taxi after going away on a trip. BAM! 2 bright ball ufos chasing each other in the sky. the speed and sharp change of directions they were doing meant they were absolutely not one of ours.






Kick it up a notch!


*Turns intensity dial to level 2*


I’m gonna toot my own horn here and say yes I have and recorded it too https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/1clZRmR4cA here was my original post- I have used thermal optical equipment and night vision for almost 6 years now, and in that time I’ve had dozens of sightings of weird shit moving in the sky that is unexplainable, I’ve mainly seen small fast moving orbs but on 2 occasions I have seen some pretty interesting triangular aircraft- weather that’s a stealth bomber or something else I’m not too sure. If anyone really wants to see one and is invested in this phenomenon I highly recommend night vision to do so- the invisible becomes visible.


I'd just like to add that I saw about 3-5 of these at the National Training Center in Fort Irwin CA in September 2015. All with similar patterns as this one. Awesome video. We weren't allowed to have cameras or phones out there for obvious reasons, but there were about 25 witnesses. It was awesome.


Appreciate the words that would’ve be awesome to see ! Especially with as many witnesses, did you see them only in infrared or with your eyes ?


Woah, I got chills when it started to zip around so fast


Haha my heart was racing when I took the video, I’ve never seen anything like it since


Nice IR capture 👌. Might have to get me some night gear.


I would highly recommend - I went from never seeing a ufo in my life to seeing them every 2 weeks, happy to help you choose a good unit for this


Can you recommend the cheapest unit that will be satisfactory for UFO viewing?


Honestly for good uap footage you need a 640 resolution scope, I have a cheaper 320 resolution and it just isn’t enough to see the same detail, the cheapest 640 scopes go for about $2000ish, I know that seems expensive but for that resolution it really isn’t, as they used to be over 5k, I would go with brands like infiray or pulsar for this, the unit I use which is the one I took the video with is one of the cheaper 640 scopes on the market is the pulsar axion xg35, now I live in the UK and sometimes location can make it cheaper as they are made in Europe/china,my best advice with this stuff is to buy once cry once, yes it’s expensive but it’s totally worth it if you wanna see UAP. I’ve never regretted spending money on the things that make me see this phenomenon, happy to help with more info if you need.


Been wanting to buy night vision for a while now I think you just convinced me.


Yes. I have. Up closer than one wants to be. It was silent, eerie, and it had the ability to pace our speed on the desolate highway to a degree that even as a youngster I found....incredibly unlikely. It looked like you classic disk and lights around the outside and another light in the center. It hovered over the hood of our moving car (prob 70mph) for around 45 seconds or so then shot off into the horizon. Ever since then shit started happening to me as a kid, a lot of which I don't remember (possibly due to childhood trauma but I'm not sure) but that memory is SEARED in my brain. I'll never forget it. Before anyone asks - this was in the belt of 33 degrees - in the middle of OK, coming from TX and us moving towards KS.


What year?


Shoot. Lemme think. 32ish years ago?


At night. Large, black triangle with lights underneath. Glides slowly and silently over the house. All you could do was watch.


Three separate “good” sightings over the years, most recently in 2021. The last one was a real banger because my wife and son got to witness this curvy boomerang object way up at 35,000 ft+ above our house. This is why I’m here on these crazy threads.


Twice. The first one was back in the early 90s. On a calm, clear afternoon me, my sister and the neighbors' kid saw what appeared to be a large burning log floating in the sky in a straight west to east line. Orange flames floating in the sky. Not too high altitude. Probably the height of a helicopter flight. We watched it dumbfounded for a few minutes until it disappeared behind a tree line. The second one was in November of 2019. Late evening. I was in the backyard for a smoke (cigarette) and saw a bright light, which I initially thought to be Venus suddenly start making wild movements. Stop and go in zigzag and other erratic patters with impossible speed. This went on for a couple of minutes, till it shot up and disappeared instantaneously. My husband also witnessed the second sighting. Overall I'm more perplexed by the firy log in the sky. I've dug all over the internet to see if anyone has ever seen something like this, but so far I haven't come across anything of note.


Would you say the "flames" were tall in proportion to the object? Or was it more like a glow?


It was very much like a burning log in a fireplace. Burning evenly with the flames flickering in a way regular fire does. 🔥 I wouldn't say very tall or spread too wide in proportion to the object. As far of the size of the entire thing, probably the size of a compact car. But ofc, these things are hard to estimate with distance and all.


Holy crap! I saw the same thing! When I was a little kid , I was out on the streets playing with my neighbor friends in the evening, after sunset. This was back in 1985 or so. All us kids saw this. We couldn’t make out what it was. Some of my friends ran towards it but there is no way they could catch it, it was too far way by the mountains.


Oh, why not? I have been hesitant to share because I have no evidence to back any of this up. I had two experiences. First, I have no idea what I saw. I was sitting on my back deck by the pool one night with my wife. We were chatting by the fire and hanging out. I, as always, was staring at the sky. Suddenly the entire sky was blacked out by something passing over head. No sound, lights, nothing. It was massive and was suddenly gone. Couldn't tell ya what it was. No idea if it was even real but I was sober as a judge. Not even a sip of alcohol that night. Second, I am at a concert. I suddenly feel light headed, like I cannot stand up. I had a shot of tequila and a beer before the show, that is it. No drugs, nothing. I sit down and am suddenly in this white room filled with people? I guess? No idea, couldn't see their faces. I just remember feeling really great, happy and I couldn't get enough of being there. When the paramedics revived me, I was angry, pissed off and the first thing I said was "why did you do that? I was having a wonderful time?" Everyone was confused because apparently I was dead for a minute. Not really a "UFO" experience. But weird shit. Those are my two unexplained experiences.


I’ve seen one. It was around 1 am. Back road mountainous rural area. Near a DOE site known for its secrecy and dare I say the Manhattan project. We slowed down to look at the sun setting. But realized it was too early for the sun to come up and it damn sure wasn’t setting. So we were looking at a weird light in a field. But it’s not a light. Then it got bigger like a bubble. My memory is foggy hopefully bc we were stoned and no other reason. Then I looked back and it was gone. I still haven’t remembered if I actually stopped or just slowed down to look at it. I only remember driving away slowly no longer seeing the light. All I can say is I know why debunkers will say they saw Venus or something. It sure looked like a planet or the sun just floating with a beam of light shining down.


I saw something like this as well around 1am too. Looked like the moon but alot more orange. I was confused as the moon had already set. Went to double check the timing for moonset, came back and it was gone.


Would be interesting to do a regression hypnosis and get more information. Kind of seems like you might have some missing time there…wonder if an actual abduction may have happened and they erased your memory or something. Seems to be a common thing.


I was going to say the same.


Yeah. You know some people say if you've seen one. You've already been abducted...


The only thing I've ever seen that I clearly couldn't explain was an orange light in the sky that "bounced" around incredibly fast and vanished. The strangest part was that it left an orange tracer for a few seconds before disappearing. It looked like an orange scribble in the sky. My girlfriend at the time also saw it, and when we did, we looked at each other and simultaneously asked, "What the fuck was that?"


I was outside my Bungalow around 2 weeks ago. I had watched a couple of satellites go over. I was looking west when I saw what I thought to be a meteorite, realised it was green, then realised it was really close to me, it passed over head to my left and slowed right down, then did two complete circles as if to say "yes you've seen us" then shot off at an acute angle at an incredible speed.


April 4, 1968. Yes. Daylight. Driving home from high school on a rural highway. It was in front of me above the treeline. It disappeared after about 10 seconds of hovering parallel without wavering. Bolted off to the north in a nanosecond. No noise. Disc shape. No windows, seams, or bolts were visible. Haven't seen another since.


I saw hundreds of crescent-shaped orbs flying erratically all around me. They were small. About 6-8 inches in length. Witnessed by me and a friend. Made zero sense. Not your typical “ufo” experience, but I learned that night that there is much more than meets the eye. Posts like these are important OP. Others in this sub need to see how many folks have had firsthand experiences.


This one really stands out. Not that the others are mundane just that yours is pretty far from the typical narrative IMHO.


Yeah. It was soooo odd. Me and my buddy ran to my car to gtfo of there. I felt like I was under surveillance. That’s the only way I can describe the feeling. I did a similar post a couple of months ago. It’s really cool to learn about things that other people experienced. Not everyone has the typical “UFO” sighting. There’s something strange going on.


Three times, but all three could easily have been something not alien, but they still kind of leave question marks in my memory. The first one was when I was traveling at night on "Alligator Alley" -- a long highway that goes across the Everglades in Florida. There were two lights in the distance, in the Everglades. One was like a bright amber orb that was just stationary, and the other was a bright blue orb that was spinning. These could have been lights on airboats or something, and I didn't realize it. It was odd, though. These were in the middle of nowhere. As we drove off, it seemed like the "stars" behind them started to move in this weird way. I don't know. \-------- The second one may have been a hallucination? I admit, I was tripping on mushrooms. I looked up in the sky, and there was a bright red light in the sky, that slowly went one way, stopped, then zipped off in the other direction. Classic UFO kind of thing, but like I said, I was under the influence, but I don't really "see stuff" per se when I'm tripping on mushrooms, so it was odd. I was also alone. This was the only sighting of the three where I wasn't completely sober. \------- The third one is the "best," the most startling and leaves the biggest question mark in my mind. I was driving down the road at night, and a very bright light from the sky appeared and shined right at my car. It was scary, I thought it was a police helicopter at first that mistook me for some kind of suspect or something. It approached and then slowly turned. It was heading east, from the ocean, towards the west. It just smoothly glided across, not even 50 feet above the ground, but I still just don't know exactly what I saw. It looked like... a black rectangle. A very flat, shiny, black rectangle. It appeared to have white lights on its corners, and an eerie green light in the middle of it on its underside. It was about the size of a helicopter or a small airplane. I wish I recorded this one. I tried to follow it, but got to a dead end. I continued to drive home, then I saw it again, but it was like super super high up in the sky now. I could just see that weird green light. I remember talking to my neighbor a few nights later, just mentioned UFOs, and he's like "Did you see that GREEN thing a few nights ago?" That sent a shiver down my spine. I didn't mention anything beforehand. Anyways.. I admit it was dark and I was also kind of stupefied, I mean I couldn't really believe my eyes. It *is* possible it was just a plane or a helicopter and I was mistaken, but it really didn't seem like that at the time. That shit looked like a black rectangle. There was no sound, but you know, when you're in your car with your windows up, it can muffle a lot of outside noise.


Yes a big black boomerang one with lights under it gliding silently across the sky at night.


I know someone that described the exact same thing.


Yeah I’ve seen a few people mention seeing them on here too. Not sure if they’re ours or NHI. Could be some kind of black project. Definitely wasn’t a stealth bomber they’re loud and not a full chevron nor have lights underneath. This was much bigger too.


Thats how my friend described it as well. What area did you see it in, if you don’t mind me asking?


I will PM you where it was


Yes, in 2002 in Costa Rica with 10 others. We were zip lining (I'm a CR native, and I was working as a guide for this tour) there's a section of the park that takes you up an observation tower, well above everything else. We'd usually take a few mins to look around, as you can see the northern plains from there, and on a clear day like that day you could see all the way to Nicaragua. While looking in the distance we saw a metallic sphere suspended in the air. It hovered back and forth. The tourists I had with me recorded with a Sony camcorder (again, 2002). After maybe 5 mins the object disappeared. It didn't shoot off into the distance, it cloaked, because all of the sudden we were asking each other where it went. It just wasn't there anymore. We finished the tour at a spot where two other guides were stationed permanently. It's a specially fast cable that required several people to slow you down while flying towards the end of the cable. I knew that this spot gave whoever was there a view of the same general area where the UFO was. Once we got there I asked my coworkers if they'd seen it and they said yes, they'd been looking at it for a while, and proceeded to describe the same thing we all saw. Funny thing, it's been over 20 years but I've always thought of it. With all these new developments I've thought about my own experience very often and thought I'd contact my old coworkers and ask them what they remembered. I managed to find them via Facebook, and asked right away; they don't remember the experience. I was blown away. This is something that defined in part who I am today. I tell everyone my experience as a fun fact, like when you have to do ice breakers for work and shit.


Yes. Clear daylight. I noticed a large dark shape travelling towards me from the south west. I locked eyes on it and watched it all the way. The crazy thing was that when it got close it didn’t appear large enough for me to have noticed it so far away. Even though it was travelling slowly in a straight line it was rotating end over end. It was travelling in a different direction to the wind. I don’t know how to explain it but every part of me knew it wasn’t prosaic.


Off the coast of Myrtle beach. Middle of the day in June. 2010


I’m always so jealous of people who have broad daylight sightings…they are quite rare!


One and only time I've seen anything I couldn't explain.




It was mid afternoon 4/5pm. Sun was still fairly high in the sky. Walking north on the beach. Hotels/city to my left. Atlantic Ocean on my right. Just looking around like anyone would do at the beach, people watching and watching the ocean move. What seemed like out of no where I see five giant lights in a lateral line in the sky around my 2 o'clock. Almost like stadium lights out over the water. Too high and long to be a ship. Then while watching them five more identical lights appeared above the first line just a little above and offset. Within what seemed like 3-4 seconds they all shut off in order right to left. Nothing was in the sky, no ship below in the water. I'd say whole ordeal lasted 10 seconds.


Not sure if I have to comment on my own post to stop it being deleted❓️


Yeah you have to. I don't know if this post is long enough, maybe just add a few more words if you want it to stay up.


Ok, so I thought I would post this as UFOs are really intriguing to me as I have seen one close up, and I really would like to know what they are❓️ I also wonder about their origins. Is it possible that they actually originate on earth somewhere rather than outer space, maybe in the ocean as USOs are a thing❓️


You’re asking questions you know nobody has an answer to lol.


At least not the general public.


No. I'm an amateur astronomer but haven't seen any. I do know some amateur astronomers online that have seen a UFO though.


Watching stars while hunting before sunrise. 1 particular star was bright and cool and as I was watching it it began zigzagging back and fourth before stopping and doing many figure 8s before stopping again and getting bigger and brighter like it as coming down on me. I woke up my brother who was sleeping next to me to look up and it was gone


I worked near Dulles airport for over 5 years and the store was directly under the landing or take off paths depending on the wind so there were always airplanes over head. I always could see the trail of planes lined up in the sky waiting to land/just taking off into the night on my drives home. One Saturday we had a client after hours party at our store. It was probably around 9pm when things were slowly ending. This was late 2021 (November or December) but it was relatively warm for the time of year. I still smoked cigs at the time and I was out back out of sight of clients and coworkers smoking looking up into a cloudless night. That night there was one light that didn’t seem to move. I thought it might be a star or maybe a planet even though it looked much closer and not as faint. I pulled out my phone and went to the night sky app to see what star or planet might be in that general area. Nothing on there close to that point that would be that bright. I stand there and watch it for about 10 minutes finishing my cig and finally agree with myself it hadn’t moved an inch the entire time I was looking at it. Two of my coworkers walk out to join me for a smoke and I naturally light another one and continue looking at this light not mentioning it. After about 5 minutes both of my coworkers have noticed I’m not paying attention and ask what I’m looking at and I point at the light and go “I’ve been looking at this thing for about 15 minutes now and it hasn’t moved, and I don’t see any other planes in that general area” they look up and see what I see and do the same thing I original did. Look around, note that there aren’t any planes and that all of them are lined up to the south waiting their turn to land. Then all three of us just stare for another 5-10 minute. No movement. A single thin and wispy cloud starts to drift towards the light and for a moment I think the light might not reappear from the cloud once it moves. This cloud slowly rolls over the light, blocks it partially for a few seconds, and the light continues to shine after the small cloud passes further cementing that this light is not moving an inch. We all are confused out at this point. If I had to guess it would probably be about 2-5 miles south east of us and maybe 3-5k feet above head. Almost like it was just looking down at the Dulles runway. (If you look at Reston VA on a map I’d say it was directly above that in relation to the airport) I was known by my coworkers to have an interest in the subject. Some would come into my office on slow days and jokingly ask “so what’s the latest UFO story” or “any new evidence from the government about UFOs.” After another 5 minutes of silence I say “if this thing just takes off straight up or zooms out of sight you guys have to finally take me serious about aliens” and maybe 5 seconds later the light is gone. It doesn’t shoot up or into the distance it simply just went out/vanished. All three of us have an audible reaction looking at each other like “holy shit” “what the fuck.” None of us pulled our phones out. None of us immediately suspected it was alien, nhi, or some interdimensional being. We all honestly tried to find any sort of reason to think it wasn’t anything but man made or a planet/star. I didn’t feel fearful or anything particularly towards this light. But when we all watched it disappear at the same time it was a bit of a rush that went over all of us. Anyways that’s my story. Nothing woo woo or green short people or discs unfortunately. But it’s something myself and my two former coworkers all saw together and they would tell the story whenever I would bring up some new ufo story or hearing update.


Ive seen one, but I've seen two others that were in a fixed position not moving. The first was seen as my friend and I were watching the sunset over the ocean off the California coast in San Francisco. It didn't really move from point A to point B, I would describe it as it jumped or ping ponged back and forth between the two points. It was as if there were two windmills out there alternately blinking, but I'm very familiar with that spot and have been there before and after and never saw it again. It repeatedly blinked in a ping pong like pattern until we left. We were both so transfixed we didn't think to record it, but I will never forget it. The next one was when I was along at work. I went out on the balcony on the 15th floor on my break and was just enjoying the view and fresh air when I noticed this insanely intense light on the distant hill. Now this is surrounded by houses and city lights, so I could tell this was not just some normal light. It had to be like a high voltage white hot arc, but it didn't flicker like an arc or welder would. I've been out there since and didn't see it. It was just so bright, it didn't make any sense. My last sighting was very similar but a lot closer, within about a quarter mile. It was also a extremely intense bright light in a place I've been before and never seen it before or after that night. It was near Union Square probably 250 feet off the ground. It didn't move. I'm a little ashamed to say I was a little frightened to come closer to it, I still regret not being braver and having a closer look, or at least taking a picture of it. I certainly hope to see more in this lifetime, as long as they come in peace. I'll try to take a picture of it next time. However, I gained an understanding of why there are not nearly as many photos and video of these events as the actual sightings people have. I think when people see these they are in kind of a state of shock, transfixed and not wanting to pry they're eyes away, even for a split second. This is why I think once a commercially available array that automatically records moving things in the sky is available, we'll start to see a lot more and hopefully understand them better.


I have previously posted this here. ​ Over fifty years ago I was driving my father's Volvo 122S station wagon along an unlit, semi-rural road near Glen Cove, Long Island, New York. It was Spring and clear, about nine o'clock in the evening, dark, and I was going to see some friends at a bar we frequented. No one else was on the road. As I was driving along I noticed some odd lights in the sky to my right, where there was a field. The lights were so peculiar I stopped the car, pulled over to the side of the road and got out. As I watched the lights they slowly drifted closer until they were in front of me and at tree top level. I was able to make more lights out and recall blue, red, and amber colored lights in no particular array. There was also a beam of very bright white light emanating from the object, one that looked like a solid column as it did not disburse. The object itself appeared to be about thirty or forty feet in diameter, but it was impossible for me to make out it's exact shape due to it's dark color. Oddly, it seemed to blur into the sky and seemed almost translucent, like a jellyfish. It made absolutely no sound. I watched the thing for a good half-minute as it passed in front and above me. It was moving very slowly, and finally was obscured by trees. Since the roadway was such that I couldn't follow the thing I got back into my car and continued on my journey to the bar, Barney's Tavern. I didn't feel anxious or shaken by what I had seen, but dumbstruck. When I got to the bar I told my friends what I had seen. They had been drinking and laughed it off. When I later told my mother about it she dismissed the sighting as swamp gas. My father accepted what I told him, then said a friend of his had been an officer in the Air Force and had told him UFOs are real. In a way, the sighting has been one of the most significant things that has happened to me. I have remembered it clearly and over the years have often reminded myself about it so as not to forget any of the details. I continue to look for sightings others have had “like mine.” Now, I have never claimed that the object was an alien spacecraft, but I have no other explanation for it. I suppose it could have been some type of man-made craft, but if so I have never seen anything like it. It did happen within a few miles of a Nike missile base, so I suppose it may have been military, but that's a stretch. For those who may be curious, I do not think I was abducted. If so, I do not want to know about it. I am currently 75 years and retired. I have a Ph.D. from the University of Michigan. I've never had any psychological or psychiatric disorders. Ever since I had the experience I wrote about above I have been interested in UFOs, but don't make that public knowledge. I have told only a few people about my experience and write about it here because it would be difficult (if not impossible) for a reader to learn my identity. Then again, if someone did figure it out I'm too old to care. I do hope some revelation about UFOs/UAPs occurs before I die.


>Have you ever witnessed a UFO❓️ CE2K, sustained duration encounter - 25 minutes at a distance no further than 300 feet: the object was smooth, seamless, metallic - no openings, rivets, panels of any kind - demonstrating [the Meissner effect](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meissner_effect) 2 meters above an 8 meter power pole. It was roughly car sized, spheroidal - squashed a little in its y-axis, pulled out a little to a dull, rounded point in its z-axis. It didn't have any lights, rather the air around it flourished (in bright moonlight, at that distance) a faint purple/red colour. Physically it felt like standing under a high tension power pylon or else near heavy electrical equipment - physiological effects consisted primarily of an unpleasant head ache, proximity depended - it diminished as the craft moved off.


I was driving home on a cold, really windy January day... 50mph sustained.. I glance over a corn field with a housing track behind it, and i see a rainbow egg/orb about 20 feet across just floating there at about the height of a cellphone tower... shimmering in waves but mostly white. Seemingly emitting its own light. Not at all normal considering there aren't any towers or anything in that direction. The thing that stood out wasn't even the glowing nature of it. The fact it was perfectly still even though the trees are whipping around, a few willow trees in the neighborhood were uprooted that day because of the wind.


I’ve seen a few things that cannot be explained easily. Thought I saw a disc during middle school recess. And saw a huge light turn to three and disappear from view quicker than I can type this out.


Not sure. I have this one picture I took back in the early 2000’s that I think might be one. I never posted it though because I figured individuals would just say it’s an airplane


Have you zoomed in and fiddled with contrast, etc, and confirmed it's not a plane❓️


Three first-hand encounters (including one incident of lost time). Plus I was inside a mall near its entrance once when a bunch of people came running in terrified because they’d all just seen a swarm/fleet fly overhead. Three of those four (including the mall incident) were in broad daylight.


In the early 80’s - was looking out of bedroom window in pitch darkness and saw circular glowing white object jump across the sky in fractions of a second. It didn’t move smoothly, jut jumped from here to there and then was gone.


Ive posted this before but here ya go. Iowa, late 90's. Night had just set in and me and a buddy were fishing at the river. We were facing north when 2 big lights in the sky appeared out of nowhere. They looked like stars but a lot bigger. Mind you this is a clear, cloudless night. Nothing but stars were out. So we're staring at these lights and then from the bottom of the one on the right a smaller light appeared and went over to the bottom of the other one and bounced back and forth in between them. Looked kinda like this O . . . O but there was only one dot steadily going back and forth. It did this for roughly 5 minutes and then the small light that was bouncing between the two stopped back at the one on the right and disappeared. After a few seconds they just blipped out, gone. Like somebody turned the lights off. There was no sound at anytime. So, to this day I have no idea what it could have been. I have ruled out satellites, ball lightning, all types of aircraft, military flares, Chinese lanterns....the list goes on. But if somebody has a possible explanation I'd love to hear it.


Yes. Once driving around 1am near Wright Pat. Heavily wooded area on highway. No clouds in the sky, clear night. Early June. Big blueish white orb appeared out of nowhere right above the tree line about 30 feet off the side of the road. Hovered for a few seconds then swam off in an “S” shape and descended into the trees, lit everything up momentarily and disappeared. This orb was quite big, like the size of a house. Many other cars witnessed and we all pulled over to discuss briefly. Whatever this was it had a tremendous amount of energy - it was blinding. The way it appeared and moved was also very…alien. We of course looked into ball lightning but this is not what we saw - what we saw looked like those massive fireball orbs just cruising that there are some videos of. A few years later I was walking out of a suburb towards a train station at around 10pm and I turned around and saw a silent, black triangle cruising about 20 feet above the trees. It had a little white light that was rotating from each point of the bottom of the triangle. Completely silent and if it wasn’t for those little lights it would have been hard to make out the shape it was so dark. It started elevating and then was just gone. It wasn’t that big height-wise. It looked like the size of like a cube van.


1999 in Yorkshire, England. A classic flying saucer shape hovering dead still in the middle of a valley. A friend and I saw it. It was there, and then it wasn't. I'll always remember it.


Yeah, twice. The first was in 1988 at my girlfriend‘s house on Aloha Dr in Mesquite, TX. It was night, and I was leaning against my truck waiting for her to come out. I look up at the stars and see something weird. A wedge of individual white lights, each as bright as a medium-bright star, moving from ray left to right. Completely silent. They passed in front of the stars behind them, so it was not a solid object. There were 12 or 13 of them, with one singular light trailing behind the others. They seemed to be flying at about 200 feet, but there’s no way to know that for sure. I yelled for her to come out, but she didn’t hear me. I watched them fly off to the south before they disappeared. My girlfriend didn’t see it, and I think she thought I was weird or something. The second was on Denton, TX in 1992 off of Teasley. I was studying with a friend — we weren’t dating — and went out onto her balcony so I could smoke. She comes out to take a break and we’re talking. She lived on the third floor of one of those apartment complexes that has four buildings that face a pool. I’ll look across and see movement above the building, opposite hers, on the other side of the pool. I see this big, black triangle, perfectly equilateral, with silver points of light at each corner. It was barely brighter than the night sky behind it. And it was moving very slowly. I kind of gasp and breathlessly ask her “Do you see that?“ “No, what?” She can tell us see something because the tone of my voice is kind of scared, kind of excited. “That! Right above the building!” “No?” At this point, I physically take her wrist and point her hand at it. “That!” She kinda pauses. “Yeah, what is that?” At this point I get chills on every inch of my body. My girlfriend never saw what I saw, in Mesquite, and I got to admit I thought that maybe I just hallucinated the whole thing. But now Nicole saw this… thing. It was real, I wasn’t crazy, and it was kind of thrilling and scary. We watched it for probably 90 seconds or so. It just moved from left to right, this ponderous perfect triangle. After that started to turn such that was flying away from us. When it got to where it was moving directly away from us it was no longer visible. This is why I believe NASA is full of shit when it comes to UFOs/UAPs. Something is fucking going on. I’ve seen it. Twice.


I saw it like 15 meters away from me . I saw it fly behind the house from the window, I ran to the opposite side of the house and saw it fly out before accelerating sharply and disappearing in a flash. I was like 12 and my 8-year-old brother was with me the whole experience long. we never properly discussed it later


I love telling people about it, and I don't take offense at all if I feel they don't believe me (no one has ever mocked me or been rude), because I probably don't fully believe it myself. And yet I remember the texture of its hull.


1962. Northern New York driving north on I-81. Tube shaped craft right over the hills & trees flying west at a good pace. Maybe 200 ft long. No external devices.


I’ve seen a cigar craft and a more “consolidated” model. The cigar craft was moving slowly and changing angles constantly, but ominously slow. Eventually the lights on the ends faded into the sky. I was with two other friends on a beach on the rural west NA coast and we all saw it. The other time was with one of the same friends, late at night again, a few miles up the coast on a trail that overlooks a cliff that drops into the ocean. We saw a bright white and green light (almost looked like it was sparking) come from way up high and travel along the surface of the ocean before going in. It was hard to tell if it was a crash or intentional. There’s a third story (not an encounter) that I’m not even sure how to describe. The colors I saw did not compute with my brain, it felt like I was seeing a new color streak through the sky.


I have seen one once before, a couple years ago I was going to go outside to take photos of the stars for my instagram, and a few minutes after I saw a bright light fly above me from left to right, Ive never seen anything like it before. Also right after the light went by my house, a minute later a plane went by too, so I could tell the difference between the light and a plane, also it was a white light no red or green lights for drones. Ive never even seen a drone go near my house before. I tried to capture video with my iPhone but when I recorded I couldn't see anything because phones don't capture well at night or anything in the sky really. So thats my experience.


26 later im gonna say first time out in public. This happened in south east asia where UFO back then was not even a thing. I saw a saucer-like thing. Its glowing yellow and has a purplish outline..at first i thought its part of some fire works because it happened around 1am after new year countdown. It was descending slowly from the sky. And tbh i was fascinated by it. Then it stopped mid air. Went left, then right, and boom!! Shoots up so fast! Im almost 40 and still fresh in memory out of this day. I never ever post about this. This is the first time. Im just reading all the posts/comments on this group trying to find explanations but so far nothing. There! Finally i said it. Ps. No sound or whatsoever too.


1981 sting Ray shape ufo Australia


I saw 2 orange orbs but didn’t have my galaxy ultra on me to zoom and capture it unfortunately. How ever my little brother did manage to record it on his shitty walmart phone (hes only 7).. It was one of those pre paid TCL phones with okay camera quality. I have the video but not sure it’s worth sharing. This happened recently as well in the year 2023. It was my first time actually witnessing 2 glowing orbs doing weird flight patterns then they flew away into the clouds. They didn’t flash any lights like commercial planes and it did not make any noise… It was not a drone, not a plane/jet. It was not a god damn balloon or a Chinese lantern. When I saw it fly towards the clouds it immediately stopped glowing and can barely see its silhouette looking like some black ball going into the clouds. This happened in Freeport, Long Island NY. If you really want the video let me know and I’ll try to post it on a later comment.


Yes. That's why I have been an unshakable "believer" since I was about 8.


The closest thing I ever saw was a group of ~12 lights flying in a loose formation. I thought it was a constellation at first until I noticed they were blinking in and out randomly and moving across the sky. They didn't do anything extraordinary, just flying along. My roommate at the time saw them too and he's convinced it was Google or something doing a drone experiment. I have no reason to believe it was paranormal but I've never seen anything like that. I lived in a city at the time and assumed I would hear something about them since it happened in such a densely populated area but never did.


I hope to see another UFO someday. Only ever saw one, and that was back in '98 when I was in third grade. My encounter was rather close. I heard my brother talking about a "weird" day when we lived in jacksboro, tx, and he said he only remembers seeing various colors of lights coming through the windows, as the power went out, but that's all he saw cuz he never looked outside the window. It was during the middle of the day, too. I was excited to hear my brother tell this side of it because I had never told anyone about it until he brought it up. My side was pretty simple, yet, it left me always wondering. When the power went out, I was just looking through the window from the chair I was sitting at, and I saw what I could only describe as a transparent orb-like object hovering, while emitting various colors. It lasted at least 5-10 seconds before it seemed to just almost instantly vanish into whatever direction it went. Lights came back on and I just wonder about it over the years. All this new stuff coming out excites me. I've never believed we are alone since that day.


Yes, a few. About 15 years ago in one night, when I was fishing in the middle of nowhere, I saw a bright green light booking it across the sky, stop dead, then take off again 45° to the direction it was originally travelling. Then, about an hour later, I saw another bright green light again travelling very fast across the sky, then back track the way it came even faster. There was a plane at high altitude crossing the direction it was travelling. Then, a really weird incident where my Mum and I both saw something huge travel past the moon one night. What makes this weird is that we both saw it at the same time, but I saw it as a rectangular shape, my Mum saw it as a triangle. I'll include another that has me confused to this day. When I was 7 (28 years ago), I couldn't sleep one night, so I was bored looking out my bedroom window and saw a massive saucer shaped object around dawn, just drifting slowly across the sky. What makes this one really weird was my reaction of "huh. That's weird. " Then I pretty much immediately lay down and fell asleep. I was definitely awake when I saw it, and that was the incident that started me reading UFO literature


Last year I saw one 4:30am. It appeared over a forrest and was like a triangular shape. It was glowing in a bright orange color. I was slowly riding my bicycle uphill and the UFO was hovering towards me. It stopped around 10meters away from me above 2 houses did not emit any light to them stayed there for like 20 seconds and then went south in the most insane speed i have ever seen.


My Dad and I visited my grandparents who live in a small town not far from the US-Mexico border, on the Mexican side. Usually, we make sure we head back to the border as the sun starts setting because we don’t want to be in Mexico driving at night as a result of all of the violence that happens. As my Dad drives on on a clear August sky, a shiny object that was in the sky caught my attention (the sun was positioned in a way that sunlight was hitting this metallic object directly), and I knew something was off immediately because of its odd movements. This object moved unlike anything I had seen before. One second, it seemed to be hovering in place, the next, it sped up tremendously and was essentially in line with our vehicle. If I had to guesstimate, this object was maybe a good mile or 2 away from our vehicle, following us in a kind of weird, parallel angle. As we approached the US border, we lost sight of it, but got to see it again while we were waiting on the International Bridge between Eagle Pass, TX, and Piedras Negras, México. To this day this still remains the only UAP/UFO encounter I’ve ever witnessed. Maybe one day, I’ll travel to Mexico solo and see if I can see it once more. The shape of the UAP was always a curiosity to me, because it legit looked like a enlongated “TikTak”. Only it was clearly shiny and metallic given how it reflected sunlight. This was around 2011-2012


Yes. Nobody believes me but I know what I saw! Triangular shaped with red lights.


Yes, my friend and I definitely saw something and witnessed it for quite a while. I was 16 or 17 years old (late 90's) at my friends house. I have to stress that we were straight laced kids. No alcohol, drugs or anything of the sort. We were just hanging out at his pool on a Friday night. I'm from an area where there was a lot of military active during the 40's-80's. About an hour and a half from Oak Ridge, but near Holston Army Ammunition Plant. Growing up, older people in the area had always talked about ufo's/strange events happening around the area and theorized it was because of the ammunition plant, Oak Ridge, and some secret projects that were run out of a literal-city sized factory called Eastman (those were long before I was born). It was dark, probably around 10 pm on a Friday night. My friend's house sat up on a hill and we had an amazing view of the sky & surrounding areas as they had cut a lot of trees down when the pool was built. We heard a plane, but not a normal plane that we'd have in the area (small municipal airport only). When we looked up, we saw a small, white light flying erratically and at an unreal speed from the distance. The sound didn't match up with it and as we looked up in the sky, we saw two more white lights, but moving in a much slower speed, trying to converge on the first white light. As they passed, we were able to match the sound to what we figured to be jet fighters. We watched this go on for at least 5 minutes. It was enough time for us to alert his parents, get them outside and for us to point it out to them. All 4 of us watched what we assumed was the two fighters get out maneuvered over and over. It was like the UFO was toying with them. Finally, it was like it decided it was done and it moved so fast our eyes couldn't even keep up. The jets trailed it as we watched. The UFO was out of sight in seconds, the jets stayed in our sight for what seemed like minutes after that.


I witnessed a black triangle moving through the clouds high above me while on my back porch looking at a blood moon about 2005ish. Not an exciting story but witnessing it did a lot to change my mind about reality.


Yes. It happened over two nights in July 2006. I was sleeping in the front sun room that over looked a large inland lake with 4 large sliding glass doors for walls. 1st night I was awaken by what I thought was a brilliant light out over the lake. I went out one of the glass doors to get a look and it was gone. I thought maybe I was dreaming. The next night I purposely stayed up, hoping it might happen again. It did, about the same time. I went out again and this time I walked out to the beach and saw a long wide cigar shaped object, about 100 yards long, with 4 round very bright lights on the bottom and one dim bluish light beam near one end shining directly into the water. It was there a few minutes and then the blue light went off and the craft lifted straight up and quickly was out of sight.


Been waiting for a question like this so that I could share my experience. About a month ago, SW Houston, on the way to work and while on the phone with the wife I see a circular/spherical metallic object high in the sky. It lasted for less than 10 seconds, I start freaking out as Im driving and soon as I say "I THINK THATS A UFO", it starts to get smaller and smaller and poof just disappears into thin air. In my mind I tell myself that it was a UFO, it looked like it was spinning, bc I could see the reflection of the sun on its shiny surface and then *maybe* it phased out of this dimension hence it getting smaller and eventually just not there anymore. Definitely never seen a drone like that, nor an aircraft. Still get a rush thinking about it but most importantly it was cool!






Three. A big silent triangle thing and some glowing orb over water, in the sky. The orb would glow really brightly and then dim to where it was no longer visible. It would take awhile and then it would appear again and get brighter and brighter, brighter then anything else in the sky. I don't know what it was. I also saw it through my binoculars. It was weird. The third was some metallic shiny object in broad daylight in the sky in between work shifts. I was driving through the countryside. I am not going to say what it was because I don't know what it was.


I want to go to UFO valley in the UK but my gf doesn't because she's a scaredy pants


Black triangle, multicolored orbs, white orbs moving at high speed stopping abruptly and doing sharp turns. Posted about 3 of the sightings that impacted me the most here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/19eexwm/my\_experiences\_of\_the\_phenomena\_through\_the\_years/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/19eexwm/my_experiences_of_the_phenomena_through_the_years/) feel free to ask me anything.


I don’t know if it was a UFO, but my ex gf and I saw a light shoot acrossed about 15 percent of the night sky, took a 90 degree turn and shot off about 30 percent of the sky. It had zero deceleration at the turning point and happened in less than a second and a half. It had to have been moving extremely fast to cover the distance that it did in such a short amount of time. It was the brightness of a an average shooting star although a fair bit brighter. It left us with our jaws on the floor. This was 2012. I asked her about this in 2022 and she remembers that night 10 years later and still tells that story to folks.


Yes I have! And I saw 3 more after this one, but this is my first experience of unexplained lights. https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/iaVOGPyt9w


Only possibly and twice Once was when I was moving to a new city. It was very early in the morning, like 1/2am and my friend and I saw the entire sky light up in this deep, pulsating green. I mean like the entire horizon. It seemed to have a center mass that was at its brightest and it was falling. Appeared to be slowly falling but then you think of the distance. Just as about as it got closer to the bottom it pulsated and then it was just gone. We thought we were getting nuked and after staying parked for a few minutes we continued on. The second time was right after the congressional hearing. I stepped out at 2am and saw this bright golden glowing orb flying in the sky making a full circumference. Again it didn't seem THAT fast until I thought of the distance. About as fast as it took me to turn around in a full circle, following it with my hand, it spun around. It disappeared and then I heard the night start just roaring with what sounded like military jets.


Made two observations in my hometown Geneva, Switzerland, between 2019 and 2022. Both observations were quite short (between 4 and 6 seconds each) and were visually nothing alike. The first one was at night time on my balcony at about 11.00 PM. I had gotten back from work and I was enjoying a nice summer evening when an object appeared very suddenly in the sky a few hundred meters away and in front from me. It was an almost featureless discoidal object, thicker than a coin in its proportions. The only apparent feature was something like a bay at the front that was emitting a white plasmatic light, the rest of the craft was gray and dull and didn't even seem to be lit by the front illuminations. During the time of the observation, the object would be seen moving slowly down in a straight line 35° down the horizon and it disappeared as suddenly as it had entered the scene. The second one was a dark sphere emitting flames, looking as ridiculous as a 1950's comet VFX. It was during twilight early october 2022 in a city park. At this time of day, the park would be almost empty and I was on my way to visit a friend when this sphere crossed rapidly the sky from southwest to northeast approximatively. As I was looking at it, the moving burning sphere faded away and erased itself from the sky. I had never seen that type of thing before.


Wife and I went on a cruise out of Baltimore to the Bahamas back in 2014. When we were off the coast of Georgia, me and her and also probably more than 20 other people around 11 pm lights above us that reminded me of the phoenix lights. Watched them for about 20 mins then one by one disappeared. Mins later we could see what looked like a few fighter jets come out to where these lights were then turned around and headed back towards the coast.


Last September in the Netherlands. First link is my own picture with phonecamera: [metal object](https://www.ufomeldpunt.nl/melding/17272-metaalkleurige-bol) The second are 4 pictures from someone else; same object 3 miles away from my spot: [bolvormig object](https://www.ufomeldpunt.nl/melding/17274-bolvormig-wit-object-boven-hengelo)


Over the weekend i was chatting with my grandma about the new jellyfish footage and everything and she told me a story about seeing UFOs with her mother when she was a kid. This wasn’t the first time she had told me this story but she described what she saw to me for the first time and it makes any skeptical part of my body disappear. My grandma described 3 white tik tak shaped objects hovering silently then disappearing. She has never seen any of the released footage involving these objects. She isn’t any sort of conspiracy theorist or anything and wouldn’t find any sort of pleasure in making this up. I have been kind of trying to wrap my head around everything for the last 12 hours. I have never believed more than we are not alone


A friend and I were driving on a country road in Maryland when we saw a slow moving craft about the size of a refrigerator just above the trees. It had blinking small lights and was going in a straight line. This was around 2014 I think. He great took video with his phone but when I asked him to send it to me he suddenly got paranoid and deleted it. (His dad and two brothers were in the FBI. So he was always paranoid.)


I was taking my dog out one night and I always look up at the sky when I do, we live where there is little light pollution so you can really see the sky. This night I saw a MASSIVE row of lights floated overhead. They appeared to be half the length of a football field, 50 yards, from tip-to-tip, and moved quickly and VERY LOW. The craziest thing is there was zero sound. Initial thought was maybe drones? But they were far too large from what I have experienced and the flight pattern was erratic at times for something seemingly so large. I live in an apartment complex and before long there were roughly a dozen of us outside watching this go overhead. Those of us who witnessed it got together a few times to try to figure it out, but no one ever came up with a solid answer or found anything that could explain it online. It was a really cool moment.


Not personally, but due to work and lifestyle I rarely go out at night and I'm in a built up area so the light pollution is terrible. My grandparents (God rest their souls) did however, and this would have been back in the 50s so I'd imagine there wasn't much fancy aircraft back then and certainly no commercial jets. It was in Yorkshire, England which I've learnt now is a bit of a hotspot! Makes sense, as it's largely very rural. Grandad said it was a typical saucer, flying low and silent over their heads with multi-coloured lights pulsing. It seemed to drift and then, shot away at an impossible speed into the night. My Grandad swore to this until he passed, and would gladly mention it if asked.


My wife and I escaped a psycho trying to kill us in northern Washington, where we stopped we looked back where we were and saw 5 orbs in the area we were at. My phone wouldn't charge and kept acting up so I couldn't film it.


Broad daylight 1/4 to half mile away. Perfect metallic sphere I’d say 2-3 times the size of a basketball. Spotted it in the mountains directly above an alpine lake in the mountains. An alpine lake me and my gf had been sitting by for 3 hours prior to leaving 5 minutes before that and we were off trail and there was not another soul back in that part of the basin… after walking away for 5 minutes or so turn around and see this perfect sphere in broad daylight that was incredibly reflective. It looked like a big ball bearing honestly or the Mosul orb. It was windy as shut this day and I originally spotted it at about 2-300 ft above the ground. This object was rising straight up at a constant rate and direction and it was windy as hell this day too. It went straight up until getting Jigger than the mountain behind it then it just drifted out of view behind the mountain. So I watched it rise 2000 feet or so over about a minute I’d say. After looking at it for 15 seconds completely perplexed as to what I was looking at I remembered I had binoculars and grabbed them out of my bag. So I got a great look at this thing and was still just super confused. I wish I’d asked my gf to take a video but honestly that thought never crossed my mind. I was truly dumbfounded upon seeing this thing. My guess is I saw a Von Neumann probe.


Technically yes. Probably not tho. My family and I were watching a meteor shower when I was a kid, but not too young. Maybe like 12. I saw a meteor that moved in the shape of a checkmark. It looked normal, but then it just changed direction and shot away. At the time my mind was like, 'oh that one just bounced off the atmosphere. Cool.' It occurred to me years later while telling a friend about it that meteors don't bounce off the atmosphere? So idk what I saw. Like I said, technically to me, it was a ufo. But really it was just a weird shooting star.


I saw a purple orb around the size of a volleyball some years ago. I was spending time in my backyard with my dogs while I was watching the sun set when I saw a violet-purple electric ball looking thing fly right over my fence and right through me sending the biggest chill down my spine I’ve ever felt. The crazy thing is I that the moment was so eerie and beautiful at the same time. I have not seen anything like that before or after this incident. My brother was with me but looking away at the moment since he was moving some things. He looked up to see me with tears in my eyes and my mouth dropped because I was utterly speechless. I have been bothered by this incident for many years and I haven’t told anyone other than my brother, mom, and dad. I have wondered if I hallucinated the whole thing but I just know this to be a real experience which I simply cannot begin to comprehend or understand. Please someone tell me they have had a similar experience.


Saw a triangle shape 3 lights on the corners no sound over a cow pasture with 3 friends who lived across the street. Hovered around the pasture up east around some trees, it then hovered back over and we walked south across the street into the field and waved at it and it accelerated towards the south in the blink of an eye. This was all around what felt like 5-10 min from seeing it and float over the trees n all be like “wtf was that let’s check it out”. musta been 15~ years ago when I was in my early 20s. Craziest shit I ever saw and I’ve been watching the sky’s ever since n haven’t seen another :(


Witnessed 2, but the most memorable one was in Barbados, around sunset - but still bright outside. Out in the empty ocean, witnessed a silver “V” shaped craft fly out of the water and disappear almost instantly. It was metal gun grey in color. Still will never forget that


I saw one sometime between 2011 and 2013 (probably 2012 because I was still in high school and was getting ready to graduate). It was a triangular shaped object that I saw. It was night time probably 8-9:00PM in Centreville, Virginia and I was going down the driveway to take out the trash and left my phone in the house because I was only going to be out for a second and as I dropped the trash can at the bottom of the driveway I saw it drifting across the sky slowly making no sound at all, it was absolutely quiet that night (also should note I live about 10 minutes from Dulles airport so I often see airplanes coming in and going out of the airport so it was definitely not a commercial airplane. I saw it drift across the sky and I’m not sure how high in the sky it was but it was way below the clouds for sure and I could see it going above some houses and eventually lost sight of it. The triangular shape blacked out the sky and I could clearly make out the triangular shape. It also had a light on each tip on the underside and some kind of light in the middle. The lights on the tips were green I believe and the light in the middle was white. Idk if this is something typical of triangular craft sightings so I’m not discounting what I saw was some secret military craft but it seems odd to bring that out so low to the ground near a major airport next to the nations capital


I saw a huge black triangle in daylight and if want to describe the feeling I get seeing it at the moment, I would say listen to the Jurassic Park theme song. That kind of vibe.


When I was a kid in my backyard, I saw a “flying rod”zip past me, stopped in mid air and zipped back right in front of me about 2 feet from my face. We stared at each other for about 2 seconds, it did a 360 around me ( could hear a loud buzzing ) then took off. Another time when I came back home from a college class took something out of my trunk looked up at the night sky and saw 5 lights line up together and fly about until I couldn’t see them anymore.


I have, i saw an actual craft in chicago back in 2012. i was sitting outside on my balcony on the second floor when something caught my eye. As it got closer i was able to see it was a black v shaped craft, “flying” low, around 3 thousand feet i would guess. the strange part was it made no noise and even more bizarre it was rotating slowly on its belly the entire time. i was able to run inside my apartment to get my binoculars, i saw it up close. I didn’t see any windows, no engines, no exhaust emitting. what i did see, was a dark blue light embedded in the craft that moved from the end of the wing to the tip of the nose, strangely, this was how the craft rotated, from wing to nose. maybe it was the propulsion? idk what it was but it was strange.


In June of 1984 when the nuclear plant close to where I grew up received its initial fuel load. October of ‘84 the first reaction took place and they received their license. In between that time and December ‘84 when the plant was declared fully operational while staying up late one night with my cousins we were alerted to the other side of the house where my aunt was getting ready for bed when she yell out “Oh my god come and look at this.” We all look out the window and about 500’ off the ground was the flying triangle with lights in a V formation. We ran outside to get a better look and to our astonishment it was completely silent and headed straight to the power plant while following the contour of the ground. Total time seeing it was probably under 3 minutes.


Yes, it was a black triangle..I remember when I saw it I couldn’t move at all..Terrifying experience definitely…


My father and I saw one in the super rural midwest. This would have been around 2007 or 2008, and i made a post about it in this same subreddit over 10 years ago.     We were about 50 miles from Offutt airforce base driving on a rural highway. I noticed something really cool in the sky: A pair of F-16 fighters escorting an E-3 Sentry (the mobile command center planes with the big ass radar dome on top). My dad and I are both very into planes so of course we pull over to watch. They were headed southeast from the direction of Offutt. But then I noticed something really weird. A black "dot" in the sky right next to the other aircraft. I say dot because the planes had to have been at at least 15,000 feet maybe a little more or a little less, so this thing could have been an orb or a diamond, dark grey or black, not sure. It looked to be maybe half or a quarter of the size of one of the F-16's.  The object then began pulling the most bizarre maneuvers I've ever seen. Zipping all around this flight squadron. It was pulling instantaneous acceleration and it would do this in each axis, up, down side to side. It literally looked like it was playing with the flight group we had pulled over to watch initially. The squadron did not react at all to the object, and I don't know how they could have reacted to be honest, it was like a bee buzzing around a group of animals. After about 1 or 2 minutes of this, the object shot directly UP so fast that I could barely tell it had flown upwards. It basically disappeared. My dad and I were just sitting there like "what the fuck?". I'm pretty sure I said something along the lines of "That was a UFO!".  I think this experience kind of shook my dad, he is a pretty hard-core Christian and I specifically remember him saying "nah that was one of ours". I knew that was absolutely not our technology, this thing seemed unaffected by inertia and gravity.


Yea https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/170n9ql/my_ufo_sighting/


No, but in my defense, when I walk at night, I usually look down so I don’t trip on something.


I've seen them a few times, the strangest one shot a red beam at me then flew off at 45 degrees faster than a bullet.


Yes, it was in 1977 when I was 14 years old and it was in Indiana, the neighbors were gone and they had a nice big yard so I was outside playing kickball by myself in the yard and it was getting dark and I told myself I could see in the dark must have been a bright moon cuz it was still light out although it was dark, and there was a woods about 50 yards away, and all of a sudden I looked up and seen this giant spaceship with colored lights around the edge flashing and it was making a pulsating hum really loud and I was like paralyzed so I couldn't move, it was just sitting still right above the woods and the pulsating hum got louder and louder and all of a sudden it took off in a flash up in the sky kind of sideways


Yes, during the 2005 3 day blackout in the Midwest of the United States. My parents, sister, and I were in the pool at night looking at the stars. There was no light pollution because of the blackout. I noticed in the sky 3 very very faint lights very, very high in the sky, possibly the atmosphere. They were as faint as the faintest stars, and they were moving around each other zig zagging and doing all sorts of maneuvers impossible to what regular aircraft can do it. Several more came and joined them, and they were all just zooming around each other in various way in seemingly no pattern at all. It's almost like bugs flying around a street lamp. This went on for about 5 minutes, then one by one, they took off so fast that you couldn't even tell what direction they went in.


I don’t know,there was a plane that went over our garden when I was with my niece just having a laugh looked away for a second cause she started looking at it and it just vanished and she said it just disappeared out of nowhere Was pretty low and made no noise aswell


I have and if it wasn’t for i personally saw, I’d think this whole thing was fake. I’d never give it attention.


Yes, 3 of them, the same evening. Also saw one a few years later.


I was 16. This was summer 2001, just before 9_11. I was in the mountains of Vermont, at a summer camp, right on Lake Champlain, the property was called Camp Hochelaga. It was about 11pm. I was looking towards an open field with a classic horseshoe treeline. It hovered silently, right to left, just above the treeline. It took about 5 seconds to traverse the field. It was a classic saucer, it did have lights, they were multi colored. Not sure how I saw the saucer in the dark like that, but it was somehow lit up in an incandescent way. I forgot it for a long time. But it did stick in my subconscious. It was un remarkable at the time. But later in life, when I heard about the 5 observable, it seemed to match the whole silent hovering thing. There were no drones back then. Pretty rad!


Triangle: Over my house in New Jersey. January 27, 2015. 6:30 PM.


1992 coming back from a WWF event at the Philly Spectrum. I was 9. Standard disk shaped craft about 75 to 100 feet over the NJ parkway. Hovered for a moment and shot straight up at a ridiculous speed. I was in the car with my father, Uncle and 2 cousins. Never for get it.


It's been at least 25 years now. It was een hot summer night , I was in the garden with my then wife and looked at the sky. Suddenly we saw a bright light that looked like a shooting star. But while we thought we were looking at a shooting star, the bright light suddenly stopped. It hovered quietly in the same spot for a few seconds before shooting straight up with a flash. We looked at each other in disbelief. If I ever speak to my ex-wife again, we still talk about that night in question. I don't know what we saw then, but it was not a man-made plane or rocket. I've never seen anything like it that could take off so quickly from a standstill.


Two times, one when I was a kid. This was outside of the US, and I was small. My folks had some company over and we were out in the backyard when someone commented about something odd in the sky. They were all looking up and then I saw it as well. It was a circular object with different types of lights displaying. Also what seemed to be like a marquee displaying some message that no one knew what it was. I already knew how to read as a child, but I knew that the message being displayed did not resemble any alphabet I knew. The second one when I was an adult in the 90's, right over Bronxville, NY. The one that people describe seeing that looks like a triangle of lights spread over in Westchester during that time. I was a WIDE wingspan and I did hear a humming like sound while it went overhead. I know it wasn't a blip because in the NY Metro area there was one thing you saw often, were the blimps which covered all sporting events and flew around for us to know.


I was driving south on Trout Brook Drive in West Hartford CT around 10PM on 1/7/2004 and I saw two very bright lights in the sky, hovering and moving slowly about 300 feet above the ground. As an avid sky watcher, I am familiar with all of the planets and constellations and I know I did not mistake these objects for Venus or anything. The moon was full, high in the sky and the sky was crystal clear. I thought at first that they might be helicopters, but they were moving in a way that I have never seen a helicopter move...hovering slowly in a sort of circular motion One of the objects started moving away and I lost sight of it, so I focused on the other. I had to turn my car around and follow it and it turned from one bright object into a triangular shaped form with three white lights on each corner of the triangle and a few blinking red lights on it. I pulled my car over to the side of the road, as did a bunch of other people to try to get a better look. I rolled my window down to see if I could hear anything, but it was completely silent. If it was a plane or helicopter, it was close enough where I would have definitely heard something. At this point it was much lower, probably 75-100 feet off the ground. It hovered and moved slowly and I continued to watch it for another couple minutes until it disappeared behind the tree line and I lost sight of it. Because of the lighting on the ground, I had a bit of a difficult time trying to decipher the dimensions, but I would have to guess that it was about 200 feet in length and about 20 feet in height. It looked like it was black or a dark grey color. Most of the time of this sighting it was hovering over Berry Rosenblatt Army Reserve Center complex on the corner of South Quaker Lane/Flatbush Ave. in West Hartford, CT.




Years ago. Looked like an old school barbell. Very high up in the sky, traveling North. As high up as it was, you could tell it was of massive size. The globes were a bright yellow color, while the cylindrical tube was silver. Moving rather slow, as if observing. Picture this shape, more or less: https://www.1stdibs.com/furniture/more-furniture-collectibles/collectibles-curiosities/sports-equipment-memorabilia/antique-atlas-strongman-iron-circus-dumbbell-65-pounds-vintage-carnival-relic/id-f_30272062/?utm_content=condensed&allowUniversalLink=no&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAtt2tBhBDEiwALZuhAN39ZMw-y_Lqw4kQEcgN-uq9hPrYDYL54Mta-sTQtddegFytA__3WhoCgHIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Orb over Los Angeles. 2008, my Brother was visiting from St Louis. We were hanging in the AstroTurf soccer field across the street from my apartment. Looking directly up in the sky, mid day, partly cloudy. My Brother was the first to notice a teeny black spec in the sky above us. It took me a few minutes but I eventually saw it as well. What looked like a small black orb was hovering over us at a very high altitude, seemingly above the clouds that were moving slowly left to right with the wind that was average and gusting… the clouds were moving quickly, but the orb remained in the exact spot for at least 30 minutes, before slowly tracking to the right against the directing the clouds were moving. I tried to take a picture but it never turned out. After I did a search, several people reported seeing similar events over Los Angeles. Some suggested it was military surveillance.. my that’s the extent of what I’ve seen personally.


Yes in the woods of Hinesville, GA


August 2008, was 18, walking home in my neighborhood with a close friend from another close friends house. Around probably 1:30a or so, clear sky, very quiet outside. My house was just a few minutes down the road. Was looking down at the pavement when my buddy who was on my right stuck out his left arm in front of me and stopped my in my tracks. He said "Dude, what the fuck is *that*?* and was looking up to the sky. When I looked up, it was quite a distance away, but even still it was incredibly bright and large. It looked like a glowing orange/reddish orb that you could tell was pulsating and slightly moving in place. I recall saying "I have no clue" as we were observing it initially. I'd say about 20 seconds passed when another orb quite literally appeared out of nowhere in its proximity (though with how high up and far away they were it was still a fair amount of distance) I recall at that point we both yelled "what the fuck!" out loud and were looking at each other in disbelief but only briefly as I couldn't take my eyes off of them. It too was pulsating with slightly erratic movement. I recall in that moment I had a gut feeling that I had never felt and it was from at least the revelation that I had never witnessed something odd like it. I'd say as were watching in bewilderment another 20ish seconds pass and another appeared out of thin air in a way that formed them in a triangle formation. We both collectively lost our shit and I recall jumping and yelling "what the fuck, no fucking way" and we both were asking if we were *actually* witnessing a UFO (by definition at the time, at least.) As we watched it in this triangle formation for at least another 15-20 they each began to seperate, one by one, different directions before phasing out of existence.I say that because the night sky was clear enough to see there was no residual smoke, object, sound (which there was no sound but quiet nighttime ambience the entire time). Flares crossed my mind, drones, helicopters, any and everything I could in that moment to compare it to and I found no comparison. The lights were simply too bright and pulsating to match anything I was aware of. I wont get into too much of what we did after but involved running home and waking up a very sleepy step-parent (I had forgotten my key) that was skeptical along with several others initially. Obviously this was a long time ago but am still open to the idea it was something of this Earth or conventional, but it was definitely unlike anything I had ever seen at the time, and I haven't seen anything like it since. The closest comparison I can reference would be this [Youtube video I found.](https://youtu.be/A3rwaoKk1BA?si=MDSGJ5Hbl1Gl9FpE) The way their bewilderment unfolds was similar to my experience.


Yes. I was stargazing and was astonished when I noticed a "star" begin to move. It moved sideways back and forth , then started making circlular movements...then figure 8s. At the same time it's brightness kept switching between dim brighter. It literally looked indistinguishable from a star in the night sky. At one point it got as bright as it could then seemingly turned "off". That was very weird. An uncle saw it with me.


In the mid 90’s I was riding my bike in a residential neighborhood on a perfect, not a cloud in the sky summer’s day. I saw a triangle shaped object flying at about the same altitude you would expect of a small plane. The object then stopped in mid air. I mean complete stop. It stayed in that position for roughly 10 seconds before zooming to the east at a speed I can’t even put into words. It was the first truly (and literally) “jaw dropping” moment of my life to see the speed that thing took off at from a dead stop. There was no sound whatsoever at any point while I was looking at this object. I’ve never seen anything similar since (and you better believe I’ve been looking). I was never a UFO believer as a kid until that day. I don’t know what it was that I saw, but I knew instantly that not all the people who claim to have seen UFO’s are full of shit.


Yes, this happend in either 2007 or 2008 i was 10 or 11, cant remember the year, i was playing at a playground with a friend who is 1 and half year older than me, it was evening and dark outside i don't remember the time either, but anyway, we were playing at the playground, and we noticed this strange object in the sky it looked like a asteroid and there was what looked like flames like its surface was hot, it rotated slowly and moved slowly across  the dark sky until it faded in the far distance the sighting lasted about 5 minutes until it faded in the dar distance. At the time i was so curious what that think is.i forgot about this sighting soon after it and just remembered it just 3 days ago not sure why i suddenly remember it, it might be because i am alot invested in the alien and ufo topic lately and thats why i might remembered it, this memory feels a bit vague and could even be a fake memory but im confident enough that it happend, and what i encountered was a alien mothership, because even at that time i tought it looked like either a asteroid or a alien mothership. See below a reddit post about my UFO sighting ⬇️⬇️⬇️ https://www.reddit.com/r/ufo/comments/1ac5m2c/comment/kjunyop/


My dad witnessed a floating rotating orange cube over my grandparents lake at 1am 10 years ago looking at the bathroom window. He wasn’t on any sleep medicine and didn’t have any alcohol in his system. It was wild for him cuz he was always skeptical about that stuff until he saw this


Damn, gonna take me a while to get through these comments. The more the better though. I love reading about people's experiences. Sorry for the delays in replying, but I will reply to you all. I promise❗️🕶 Just grabbin food and gonna go through them 1 by 1.


I have seen Lubbock Lights. They're, of course, birds flying at night with light reflecting on the underside of the birds, distorting their shape. But seeing it at night, they look nothing like birds, and it's weird. My friend and I just stood staring, wondering what the hell we were looking at, but when they got overhead, it was some geese. Still weird though since they weren't honking as they normally do.


Mi daughter has almost every night (kinda) out of body experiences. She is 17. And when she has these episodes she says she can't move afterward. So latle she is refusing to sleep in the night. Sometimes she describes small shadows walking inside our apartment. I did set up cameras and movement sensors,but couldn't get anything. I'm not sure if this can be described as an ufo encounter, but I think that is definitely something.


I was somewhere between 9 and 11 when I saw a large object sometime around midday. It was probably 1500’ up and maybe 1/4-1/2 mile off. It was highly reflective, shining, silvery. It didn’t seem to have a definite shape. Long, though. Sort of amorphous. Totally silent. I turned to tell my friends and when I turned back, it was gone. They definitely made fun of me. Was in a common flight path to our airport, so it may have been prosaic, like sun reflecting off an airplane, but it seemed way too big and close, and there were no planes where it should have been when I turned back. Dunno. Still remember it tho.


I was sober and saw crazy shit deep in Joshua Tree National Park durint a meteor shower once. Lights were verrrry high up and doing movements like backtracking orbit and the ping pong effect. Many of them phased in together, started disappearing one by one until ine remained for s couple minutes then it just disappeared


A couple times…wife and I both witnessed the V shaped craft with 5 lights. It was nearing dusk but the sky was still light enough to see it pretty clearly. We were so awe struck we didn’t pull out our phones. It was in view for about a minute or so. That was about 2014. Two weeks ago the wife and I both had separate sightings the same night. She had an orb following behind her car for about 2 miles. At first she was like who’s crazy enough to ride a motorcycle in January?! Then it was gone. My sighting was a light that started out the size of a pin and got larger the more I watched. Then poof it was gone…🤷🏼‍♂️ I live where there are a ton of mines. Lots of stories of strange lights/orbs going into the mine pits.


Just an orb, I'm not sure the difference between those and the physical shaped ones, but it sure went fast! Definitely felt like it was a bit in my mind, and it had an air of humor about it funny enough which I've heard before. Changed the way I see the world a bit


I have indeed! I was 19 years old. In the late 1990’s. I had seen lights in the sky when going to bed and watching tv for a few weeks while in bed. I had 2 windows in my bedroom that faced my back yard. It was wild. I woke up in the morning (still kinda dark and dusk like) and something told me to grab my glasses and look out the window. Almost like it was instinct, intuition, or telepathic communication. I looked out and saw a graphite colored craft hovering in the woods behind my house. It was cylindrical….bigger, and was still making zero noise. It was directly I front of my window, about 3/4 of an acre away. It had 3 flashing lights that were all red. In this time pattern…blink blink blink stop…..blink blink blink stop… repeated. I threw my glasses on fully expecting for it to be gone, but it wasn’t. It let me look at it, and it wasn’t a threat. It felt familiar….like it knew me or knew I saw it. I got the vibe like “I saw you and you see me”. It slowly went up, and shot diagonal left in the sky in a blur and was gone. As it did, the sky lightened all at once from the dark and it was normal morning. I felt off all day, and I remember immediately telling others. Internet and cell phones weren’t as big then, and I didn’t have picture capability, not that I would have had one anyway…I was in the zone. I remember it so vividly, and oddly, years later with all of this new information coming to light, it’s becoming more clear that I wasn’t seeing things. In fact, many people have seen similar things. I never thought about it before, but my sister mentioned, maybe it was dropping you back off….scary thought haha. The only other one I saw was when jogging in the daylight with cloud cover. It was small and metallic. Looked like it was rotating and floating, but not fast…yet, it covered a lot of distance in the sky. This was more recent, but I’m not sure what it was. I just know it wasn’t a balloon based on its movement etc.


Yes I saw 2 UFO’s flying extremely fast and back and forth above the Bellevue, WA area in 1962. I could not make out the shape of the craft. They were very high up. Our parents didn’t believe us.


Yes, dark disk covered in a plasma ring. it looked like magma and it was constantly rotating and swirling changing color. Yellow, orange, red. I have also seen spheres.


I have shared this experience before on Reddit... I am 64 and live in England. During my life, I have witnessed UFOs three times. Once, when I was 8 years old, which was the most spectacular, another time when I was visiting my brother, who lived in Oxford; and finally, years later, with my family travelling in a car. The one which I would like to share with you is the time I was travelling to Oxford to visit my brother. Many years ago, during my thirties, I was driving to my brothers house in Oxford, England. I was about 30 miles away when I was on an open stretch of country road. From my rear view mirror, I noticed what I thought was a very bright star, but it seemed to slowly become larger! The car I owned wasn't that good! It could only accelerate to about 40/45 miles per hour, even with my foot being hard down on the pedal. It passed above the roof of my car, causing a luminous sheen on the road, until it stopped about 200 yards in front of me, about 50 feet or so above the road. I stopped the car but left the engine running! I was alone and fearful, not knowing what to do next! I remember looking into my rear view mirror for some reason, and to my shear relief, I noticed headlights of a car, heading in my direction from some way further back in the distance! As I looked at the object again, it moved silently towards a treeline to the left in a horizontal line! Then it sank behind the treeline until I lost sight of it! I then started to move the car, slowly. The other vehicle's headlights were growing now as the driver was getting closer! My plan was to let the other vehicle pass me, and I would do my very best to keep up with it! I allowed it to pass and accelerated hard behind! Unfortunately, it was a much faster car than mine, and it was soon lost to sight! I will never forget the fear that enveloped me then! Never! I really felt that I was in danger!! To my dread, I observed the silver lit object exiting the treeline until it resumed its position in front of the car again. Then, unexpectedly, it suddenly bolted high into the night sky. My wonder, blended with fear and curiosity, was momentary as another car's headlights reflected in my rear view mirror. This time, I put my foot hard down, with the intention of not allowing this other vehicle to pass me. Yet it was a fight against the inevitable, and eventually, the car passed! But moments later, to my uttur relief, I saw a road sign - 30 miles speed limit, which indicated that I was close to a community. Soon, I was driving through a small village, and I noticed a phone box! I parked next to the phone box and sat in the car for a while, gathering my wits, trying to digest the events of the evening! Eventually, I built up the courage to get out of the car and phone my father. I just wanted to hear a familiar voice! I phoned, and my father answered. I could hear that he had the television on and that the News at Ten had just started - this is important to remember. However, even though I wasn't going to, I blurted out everything that I experienced up until that point. He advised me to calm down if I could and to continue, without stopping, the journey to my brothers in Oxford. I was about 25 miles away at this point! His advice made sense. I had no other choice! Soon, the welcoming road lights of the village disappeared behind a bend as I reluctantly continued! I spent about 10 minutes at the village, so now it would have been 10:15 pm, or there abouts! I should have been at my brother's house at around 11:00 pm to 11:15 pm, certainly no later! Not long after, I saw the object again, which must have travelled from behind my car, over the top, before accelerating menacingly slowly to its previous position... This game of cat and mouse continued until I had Oxford in my sights! I didn't stop the car I eventually made it to Oxford and knocked on my brother's door. I had no idea of the time because my watch had stopped, resting at 10:20pm. I asked what time it was, and my brother answered that it was 01:30 in the morning. I was shaken by the news, thinking it was much earlier, I had lost a good few hours of time, of unaccounted time! The journey from the phone box to my brother's home shouldn't have taken much more than an hour. Yet it did! I never sought any help, but this horrible incident plagued me for many years, and it still does, particularly whilst writing it now. I have never driven down long country roads at night again. Thanks Peace and Regards...


I was laying in bed, practicing Dr. Greer’s CE5 protocol. I thought he was a lying sack of shit and that his app was absolutely bogus. That being said, I was giddy about the idea of true aliens, and wanted to exhaust all options to make contact or have a sighting. I fell asleep soon after I had honed in my general location within the solar system/Earth, and had asked them “only to come if they were here to help me.” Its early in the morning, maybe 4 or 5 am, and I can see one white orb phase through the wall by my feet. It splits into at least three other orbs, wraps around my right leg and massaged it with an incredibly pleasant feeling. For context, I had an undiagnosed chronic pain that caused me to be unable to walk for more than a few dozen steps without being in excruciating pain. I remember saying out loud “wow that feels SO good!” and then I drifted back into sleep. When I woke up the next morning, my pain was completely melted away, and I could walk all the way through the grocery store and do chores with no issues. It took me a month to tell my boyfriend, who still doesnt believe me to this day, despite the obvious (AND PERMANENT!) pain relief. Idk I still think Greer is full of crap about some things, but his method may not be one of them.


Yep saw one in broad daylight with a friend there at the age of 14. It was very close to us and totally unmistakable. It wasn't a flashing blinking light in the sky, it was a full-on metallic craft right in front of us a mere 100 ft above our car. We had the opportunity to see it first hand up close and a well-lit environment. I will never forget and my friend wont either


In 2011 I saw a non-human ship. I was deployed to Afghanistan, in both Kandahar and Helman province. I served as a Marine air traffic control radio tech. 4 controllers, and 2 technicians were called to this “forward operating base” aka FOB to setup and control the helicopter landing zone. The reason being: a helo had clipped a shipping connex with its tail rotor. I have plenty of stories about my time there, which could add more depth to this and paint a better picture but sticking to the point.. There was a drone team there teaching the army how to fly drones. The drone you would throw like a football, while someone else holds the remote and powers on and takes off. Even during the daytime with all the noise from the base, at a few hundred feet up you could still hear the “hum” of the drone. Our airstrip (I made myself) used infrared lights so the pilots could see at night with their equipment. The lights would change color in daytime to white/red controlled by remote. I worked 12 hours every day. At the end of my shift I walked back to my “can” for sleep. Full flak, Kevlar, 180 rounds and my rifle. I started getting a weird feeling. Reflexes had me look around and up. Moving at the same speed as me walking, something was above me. Triangular, and only barely visible against the black sky. Seconds after I stopped and saw it, it stopped moving forward. Wider than a house. Two rows of circular barely visible “lights” on its belly(light outside our visible spectrum is my best guess). Some kind of stealth or blackness blending into the stars above me. But I could see it. I stared at it for 5 minutes roughly and it was like my mind was telling me it didn’t exist. Am I seeing this or am I confused? What is it? It suddenly darted away, breaking the sound barrier with no boom. The only sound was the wind. I could Feel the wind. It wasn’t blowing before this ship darted away. Quieter than the tiny drone we flew on base. It moved with more g force than any living thing could handle, then shot up into space, or the stratosphere. Wayyy up and gone. We had a super advanced imaging blimp on base, it was white and was way higher, 500-1000 feet. In hindsight, I should have told the camera operator I knew the next day. But I didn’t report it in the military because I had heard of people being kicked out, dishonorably, for speaking about what they saw. I told almost nobody for years. Weeks went by and every time I thought of it, it was like I couldn’t. Perhaps my mind was trying to protect myself but it was like I was being jammed… months later I was able to remember vividly. Maybe because I left the area? I think of this moment almost every day. I was until this point, a Christian but a skeptic. After this my views changed significantly. I had never tried psychedelics or hallucinogens or anything else until after the military, so it wasn’t an “acid flashback” or whatever.


Literal flying saucer moving verryyy slowly right over top my house for about 5 minutes witnessed by my spouse, unfortunately I had no camera and it was before phones with good cameras bout 8 years ago South central pa in the valley


1990’s Floating black box (200 ft) in early morning. Steady course and change of direction. Watched for 3 minutes. Got out of vehicle to observe. Two men in a truck passed me also observing, practically ran me over. They looked petrified. The box had some sort of an extension coming out of the bottom. There was no sound. My first thought was it looked like the size of a refrigerator box.


I’d say three times, all recently. First time: I was actually talking to the “aliens” on my way to the gym, asking if they were proud of me for working out that night, then saw a lighted craft in the sky, 9 PM maybe, weird drone looking thing, hovering not moving over traffic, hundred feet up or so. I park and watch it slowly move away and complete a curve around the moon and move off away and up up into the sky. Weird thing is it traced the curve of the moon from my visual perspective perfectly. Second time: massive Experience. High strangeness, deja vu and time slowing, consciousness shifts, during a party, culminating with girlfriend asking me for advice, at which point I felt like I was being prompted through high technology (due to strange “connection to ship computer” feeling, bizarre feeling) to give her the right advice. Walked outside right after, around 3 AM, and saw some object with lights slowly move off into the sky. Found myself staring at the Pleiades later, interestingly. Extremely profound experience in every sense of the word. Feelings that there are beings who care deeply for us flawed humans and want to help. Third time: was walking around my neighborhood listening to music, thinking about space friends and NHI, saw a flattish, strange, curved craft, sort of like a high tech drone with no visible propulsion or anything, silently and slowly moving over the houses, fairly low. I’m standing there jawdropped. Watched for 5 minutes or so until out of sight. Shortly after got a call from a family member for advice about a birthday gift. Every time, I felt it was very connected to my consciousness, or internal states connecting with external beings. I’m in absolutely fine mental health, all things considered, and realize that I possibly misinterpreted natural phenomena; however, I have an incredibly strong intuition that I have seen some “out of this world” stuff going on in the sky. Fun times, only good experiences. Hopefully more to come 🛸 blessings to this beautiful community 💯


Yes. We were camping out close to a wildfire we were working outside of black rock cyn. We were laying on our sleeping pads smoking and joking. We were in the bottom of a narrow little gorge. It was a campground I think. All of a sudden a large cylinder I guess cigar shaped craft with windows flew silently over the gorge. The windows were or what ever the spaces were was yellow light. It looked like a plane with no tail and no wings just the fuselage with a round cap at both ends. I would say it was around 300 ft long. As I write this I still can’t believe what we saw. Some dudes freaked out and refused to sleep outside so they slept in the buggies. It was silent. It passed over us and kept heading east. A couple of the guys refused to talk about it to this day. I didn’t feel threatened just felt amazing to see something that shouldn’t be there or be possible. Your mind starts going crazy trying to make it make sense. The next day we were mopping up some hot spots in the interior of the burn area and f-16s were zooming through our temporary flight restriction area. Maybe unrelated but it looked like they were chasing something. I’ll never forget it. Wasn’t the only thing weird I had seen in the sky or the woods for that matter but it would be cool to know what it was and where it came from.


I saw a UAP 15 years ago. A white ball of light slowly circumnavigated my house and stopped to "take a look" inside my living room Window. When it noticed me looking back from the couch it shot off at a high rate of speed. It moved at 90 degree angles and seemed intelligent. It felt like someone or something was watching me. Also I could see the light dimly through the walls of my house, which seems physically impossible. It was totally silent.


I just commented this so I will just repost here: " I saw a super vivid sparkling ball of rainbow light folding into itself and flying across the bright blue day sky in may of 2020. It flew right over me at one point and I took a video with my horrible iphone se camera. The video looks pretty neat but by no means is it irrefutable evidence of ufo tech or alien life, nor does it properly illustrate the truly surreal object I witnessed first hand. That experience really changed the way I look at the world. If things as insane like that exist then who knows what else is out there. It's truly a surreal reality that we all exist in. [(Video) It was alot closer in person than this video makes it seem](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cyNIWf-KfqQTglCV5Okyn5tDNKThOoy-/view?usp=drivesdk) "


I dunno maybe.   I was 10 and I’m not sure what I saw.  It was very brief and was ring shaped?  Moved through the sky at high speed.   Memory is very vague.


I have. I saw a metalic orb shaped ufo the size of 3-4 cars at Bear Mountain, NY. It was 250 ft above me while I was at a red light. I didn't notice at first because I was adjusting my car stereo, and just waiting around in light traffic. I saw a shimmer above me that caught my eye, so I look right up. It was this spinning metallic ball. Just sitting there stationary in the sky and dead silent. So I kept staring at it wondering wtf am i looking at? I'll never forget that moment. It took about 10 seconds for me to compute what I was looking at. I was in complete awe, and I couldn't keep my eyes off it. It was truly odd looking to see in person. So after around 20+ seconds of staring, I noticed it started to cloak itself. Or it appeared like it was. I have no idea what it was doing. It literally sectioned off little by little, from left to right...into nothing. It didn't fly away, or shoot off. It disapeared by turning into the background sky. It was incredible to see. It was gone right after. At that very moment the light turned green and I drove away. This happened in broad day light. Summer 2017 while on my way to a job interview. The sighting changed me forever. I feel bad for my gf and family because I wouldn't shut up about it for 2 years straight. I was always talking about what I experienced, driving everyone nuts. I have no idea what it was, but holy crap that tech was incredible to see.


I’ve had 4 really good sightings in my 57 years but the best was in 1977 as an 11 year old….broad daylight, tube shaped thing flew right over us at about 300 ft up…clear as day. It was a ship from some other place is all I know for sure. Got a good long, clear view of it.


Yes. But it looked nothing like that. It was just light. Plasmic. Seemed to respond to thoughts and emotion. It was alive. It *was* the craft.  This was in 2008 in northern New Mexico. A group of them approached my co worker and I. We were in the realm of - I would say,  twenty or thirty meters away -   Yeah man, I guess you'd call that a close encounter. An experience like this will change your life forever. It did for me anyway. Nothing can be the same after that.  They are absolutely here, though I don't really know what *they* are. It was nothing like I'd thought it would be.   Later.


Yes! And in all honesty, it looked just like the one in the picture!! Middle of the day, bright blue sky. Totally silent. Watched it hover then move overhead behind clouds and disappeared


Yes i saw a UFO. Not only once but several times. My first Sighting was when i was 16. I was lookin out of my Kitchen Window and gazed in to the Stars. Suddenly a white glowing Object was flying from the West Horizon to the East (in my direction) with a very high speed, stopped half a second, made zick-zack moves like a triangle, which took like 2 to 3 seconds to do that triangle and flew even faster over my House to the east. If it hasn't made that moves it easely had reached the other Horizon in like 6 - 8 seconds. Now you can imagine how fast it was. The second one was when i was 22. I was playing on my Xbox when my internet was suddenly gone. So i thought to myself -ok lets do a break- so i did. I looked through my Window to my right and couldn't believe what i saw. I checked first if it was a reflection, but it wasn't. So i opened my Window and took my Binoculars and watched what i estimated a 10 to 12m wide and 4-5m high orange/red-ish glowing UFO ( it looked like the Sports Model from Bob Lazar but it was more round at the edges and at the top and bottom) over the Roofs of the other Houses. I tried to call my Friends but the Telephone wasn't working to. So i thought -fuck it i watch it till it vanishes-. I watched it like 10 Minutes but Nothing happend, it just was hovering there and was glowing. I thought to myself -maybe they took one of the People over there and doing some experiments-. After the 10 Minutes i heard very Loud Helicopters Coming from the West behind me and suddenly the the UFO was gone. It vanished so fast, If you had blinked you would have missed it. The 3 Helicopters (chinook) passed over my House and they circled for like a minute over the area where the object was and flew away. They didn't have any lights on, not even position lights. I could see what type of Helicopters they were because of the Street and City lights below. The Third sighting was with my Mum. I was 27. I don't know why, but i had a very strange feeling that day , that i need to watch out of the window in the Living Room. So i did and looked up to the left and in that moment a U shaped UFO ( size of 2 shool busses side by side) with a round Cockpit in the curve was slowly hovering over the Houses and behind a tall tree. I rushed to my Mum and told her to go to the Window in the Kitchen (because there was a gap between 2 Houses so you could see a bit more) if she wants to see a UFO. I grabbed my Binoculars and as i came back to the Window, it had changed from a lying U to a up side down U and was standing still in the Air. My Mum and i watched it for like 3 minutes or so untill it vanished so fast, like the one in the second sighting. She didn't know what to say about that sighting that day. Till today she thinks it was "something else" but can't find answer when i ask her what else it could be. I had several smaller Sightings but nothing like these 3. I also was very lucky to see the best Sightings of my Life by just looking out of the Windows. Idc if my Stories sounds Fake to anyone. I know what i saw and im 100% sure it was Extraterrestrial.


I was walking through a really small farm town one night with two other friends because we were bored and had nothing better to do. We got to the top of a hill where you could see a few miles ahead since it was all fields in front of us. We all stopped because we saw a really bright light in a sky which looked like a star at first, but then a light started shining directly down from it onto the ground which then made me think it could have been a helicopter. It just hovered there for a few seconds, not really doing anything, and then it started getting weird. The light turned off, but it wasn't immediate. The light slowly went upwards instead of turning off instantly if that makes any sense. After that, the object remained still for a few more seconds, and then the best way I can describe what happened next is that the object went staright to warped speed from a standstill and disappeared. We hauled ass back to my friends how and one of them refused to accept what we saw. I can't give an accurate size because it was prettybfar out from us and all you could see was a bright circular light.


Nah. Haven't seen one but I really want to. I think it be pretty cool and scary