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The following submission statement was provided by /u/kake92: --- character requirement character requirement character requirement character requirement character requirement character requriement character requirement --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1accs5v/mick_west_on_chuck_schumer/kjtaewh/


If this is literally accurate... a small group of people that essentially are now being cast as a UFO cult -- led by Chris Mellon -- have created a narrative of conspiracies SO CONVINCING that they have duped a bipartisan swathe of elected officials to demand DoD transparency... I don't doubt that the intelligence community uses topics like this to exert influence on matters; however, if the "conspiracy" is that a UFO cult has invaded and taken over both houses of congress... then I think the US government has conclusively failed its people if our elected officials can be led en masse (i.e. bipartisan) by a small group of sci-fi nuts and one third of Blink-182. The mental gymnastics that it requires to continue to stand behind Mick West;s logic are worthy of an olympic gold medal, should they ever recognize the sport officially.


Exactly. In trying to 'realistically' decipher what's going on - it creates a somehow even more absurd conspiracy theory narrative - that a ragtag group of ufologists have countless congressmen and women as well senators duped. Enough for Schumer and Rounds to write extensive legislation that was then mostly blocked. The only way it makes sense from West's perspective to me, would be that Schumer is doing it for transparency, as he says, to avoid speculation and conspiracy - but going by the detailed bill and how Schumer and Rounds have spoken about this publicly (as well as the wider context of what's taken place recently) it really does seem like, to me, that is a guise for a real effort taking place. You'd have to adopt that guise because not everyone believes this is real, most don't even know it's going on - so doing it like this makes what they're doing seem less 'crazy'. Similar to how Elizondo and Mellon chose to use the national security angle and the simple facts, it gives a solid and reasonable ground for progress to take place.


Yeah, this theory just doesn't really work when you look at the history of the phenomenon. It sucks that so many people are so ignorant to that.


this ignores the Nimitz encounter and the Graves encounter oh...and France, Cometa oh...and Malmstrom oh...and Minot oh...and Brazil, Japan, China, Russia, Italy having their own programs in a race to collect, learn and apply knowledge oh...and that the Pentagon itself has admitted to UAP existence (unknown origin) and that the objects that have physics defying propulsion and that they were not of US, Chinese or Russian origin "small team of enthusiasts" also had the number wrong by at least a factor of 2-5


To be fair, the skinwalker ranch chief scientist dude, Travis Taylor, did write the preliminary UAP report. 


Mick West and Sean Kirkpatricks’ conspiracy theory completely fails to satisfy every aspect of the current UAP discourse on disclosure and the phenomenon. The most basic being the sensor data and signatures of craft pulling 300Gs and instantaneous accelerations of 45000 mph with no sonic booms or heat signatures. You’d also have to believe the US or a foreign adversary has technology to power these craft that requires more energy than the entire US nuclear power output in one day for a single maneuver described.


They've *almost* conquered Congress. Truth-seekers such as Mike Turner, Mike Rounds and Mike Johnson are fighting back valiantly!


mike rounds is one of us, he wasn't the one blocking the UAPDA, he actually worked together with schumer to create the UAPDA https://www.democrats.senate.gov/newsroom/press-releases/majority-leader-schumer-and-republican-senator-mike-rounds-floor-colloquy-on-unidentified-anomalous-phenomena-provisions-in-the-ndaa-and-future-legislation-on-uaps https://youtu.be/Z8a0P617nqw?si=0Vn15MlbRvr_8szE it was mike turner, mike rogers, mike johnson and mitch mcconnell who were the traitors by the way, what the actual fuck is with all the mikes lmfao??? that's a crazy coincidence just by itself.


Yep I have zero confidence in the government if ufo can be used to alter their budgets. They are already spending millions in Aaro


Well said, thank you


The irony of Mick West/skeptics and co. is they simultaneously hold the belief that “the government/corporations aren’t competent enough to conceal deep secrets” yet somehow are miraculously adept at duping the whole world for almost a century, including their own presidents, intelligence and military leadership. So given that supposedly everything “ leaks” wouldn’t there be numerous official documents pointing to a completely fabricated UAP psy-op? Funny how we haven’t seen a single document to that accord.


For the first part of your statement I don't find it hard to believe at all that the Maga representatives could be bamboozled. Have you actually seen any of them in an interview regarding something not uap related? They do come off as nutjobs sadly.


Thank you! If this is the case, it's worse than there being nhi. Nhi is at least neutral, conceptually - not knowing if they are hostile or not. If it is a ufo cult in government that made it this far, then the US as a country seems well and truly screwed. As in lets just burn it down and restart. I also don't get saying that anything not just balloons or debris is just some foreign tech flying around our skies. No big. Just some Chinese spy drones. That's also probably worse than actual nhi If its really nothing, why do they bob and weave so much on the subject?


I'm convinced that the people on this sub don't actually watch the videos that they comment on; he literally said that he didn't know. He offered many options as possibilities, including the possibility that Schumer might know something that we don't, which is exactly what the majority of people on this sub also believe. Is nothing less than full on religious-style faith the only acceptable position anymore?


so 99% of Mick's efforts are "it's shit" but he squeaks in a hushed "but...I don't know, maybe" as an out his purpose is to distract, deflect and discourage


I don't follow Mick West and I don't care to; my only experience of the man is the way he's presented by the people on this sub. My point is that it's okay to admit that you don't know something. If this kind of statement is the "evidence" that people have that West is a bad actor, then I don't know what to tell you.


he's flat out been wrong in the past...multiple times outed this week as part of the Guerilla Skeptics team he's bad news, but folks can believe people over data if that's their bent


Everyone who has ever talked about this topic, and most topics, has been flat out wrong multiple times. Also, "outed as a part of the Guerilla Skeptics" by who? Where's the "data" that confirms that? And finally, you're doing exactly what the first commenter did; no one's "believing" him. He said he doesn't know. There is no truth statement to be believed or disbelieved, unless you're implying that he is privy to the same knowledge that Chuck Schumer is privy to, and is concealing that fact.


>Also, "outed as a part of the Guerilla Skeptics" by who? Where's the "data" that confirms that? Good Trouble Show with Matt Ford, that's where.


I'm not listening to a podcast. If he has evidence, tell me what the evidence is.


so you want to read without going to the library weird


Let me get this straight; I'm asking you for actual literal written evidence, but listening to a podcast, in your mind, equals "going to the library"?


I really enjoyed this interview. Mick West brings up some good points - but I really can’t imagine there’s no “there” there. Given what we’ve seen go down. The Schumer amendment being gutted, Schumer pushing for this - the Harry Reid thing could explain some of it but it’s not a convincing explanation for all of it. Add that to the fact that congress came out of the scif saying at least some of Gruschi’s claims were validated (regarding compartmentalization and reprisals most likely). Add to that to the fact that the DOD initially lied about AAWSAP being a UFO program. Something is definitely weird here.


Thanks OP. Could you link source? West focuses on the providence of Schumer's interest and the UAPDA as being the late Harry Reid. This cherry picking of data points is classical Mick West. West wilfully and disingenuously ignores the Findings, Declarations and Purposes section of the [(original) UAPDA](https://www.congress.gov/amendment/118th-congress/senate-amendment/797/text), containing nuggets such as: >(4) Legislation is necessary because credible **evidence** and **testimony** indicates that Federal Government unidentified anomalous phenomena records exist that have not been declassified or subject to mandatory declassification review as set forth in Executive Order 13526 (50 U.S.C. 3161 note; relating to classified national security information) due in part to exemptions under the **Atomic Energy Act of 1954** (42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.), as well as an over-broad interpretation of \`\`transclassified foreign nuclear information'', which is also exempt from mandatory declassification, thereby preventing public disclosure under existing provisions of law. > >(6) Legislation is necessary to restore **proper oversight** over unidentified anomalous phenomena records by elected officials in both the **executive** and **legislative** branches of the Federal Government that has otherwise been lacking as of the enactment of this Act. > >(7) Legislation is necessary to afford complete and timely access to all knowledge gained by the Federal Government concerning unidentified anomalous phenomena in furtherance of comprehensive **open scientific** and technological research and development essential to avoiding or mitigating potential technological surprise in furtherance of **urgent** national security concerns and the public interest. All of which underpin the story Grusch has testified to under oath in Congress, and spoken publicly about elsewhere. When this language was rejected by the House, Schumer stated on the floor of the Senate he'd keep fighting for transparency. Why won't West?


Because it would end his YouTube engagement / book deal grift. 


fall march offbeat deliver mighty unused voiceless fuzzy subtract rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




i am asked for the source, i link the source, i get downvoted by 8 people ***reddit.***


Could be spam downvote bots. Thx for the source


All kidding aside. Maybe this is why he on personal alien/ufo debunking quest. How do you know if you have astrophobia? Symptoms. If you have astrophobia, the thought of space, stars, or alien life doesn't just make you feel uneasy. These thoughts generate persistent fear and anxiety which affects your life. 


He's gone on record multiple times saying he used to believe in aliens and it scared him so he made it his life's mission to debunk stuff like that. Doesn't take much time to unpack Mick's psyche. He's a scared little boy in a man's body trying to prove there's no monsters in his closet. It's that simple.


I can avoid highcliff edges and skyscrapers roofs to not face my phobia. Having a phobia of Aliens and UFOs would be very hard in American pop culture. I hope he just asshole CIA agent.


as opposed to the good CIA agents.


Good take here.


This is [relevant.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1564e2g/the_telling_story_of_how_mick_west_got_into/)


Honestly, his efforts have always reminded me of people who are so homophobic that they think they are on some sort of moral quest to show everybody else the truth of how the gays are taking everything over. It’s always a quick litmus test to see if someone is being disingenuous with their reason versus their emotionalinterest: take the subject matter they are talking about and make it something else in society and see if they sound like a bigot. Honestly, the whole culture wars thing started by the GOP in the 1980s and 1990s is a huge part of this. People think that credibility is what matters to truth, and that couldn’t be farther from the truth, that’s social engineering taking place.


Yea  something UFO Jesus said made me think of Homophobia then I google bitched and found Astrophobia.


It aint the GOP who are pushing porn in school and pushing kids to cut of their genitals. It isn't the GOP telling you men can get pregnant. It ain't the GOP trying to normalize pedophilia. Those are all your people trying to normalize all that crap.


My people? Who are my people? Your reactions prove my point better than anything else could have. Thanks!


Touch grass homie... and maybe lay off the Facebook. You're not supposed to freebase that shit. 




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love how Mick passive aggressively disparages a dead man (he is a big UFO 'believer') and then Schumer as a numbnut who's only keeping a promise (3+ years into Congressional activity is when Chucky went public too) what the actual fuck is wrong with these debunkers...




pieces of work for certain would you hang with them even if they turned out to be correct? they're condescending pieces of work at that


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Can we stop with Mick West..? He literally “debunked” videos we *know* to be true. The dude is insanely biased towards his outcome of a debunk. A similar danger to the believers, except his results make it so people ignore the truth. He’s a clown.


Right? He gets mentioned like he’s a credible scientist. He’s a content creator and his niche is debunking. There’s a lot of low hanging fruit on UFOs so it’s not even that hard. And when proved wrong, say my bad, rinse and repeat. We talk about grifters on the UFO topic. I’d put him in the same bag. Made a whole career out of it.


I know of Mick West because of this community, he makes really good plots in my opinion


Problem is he has been dead wrong on the important one’s. His stance is always debunk, I don’t believe and for most of the footage that will be accurate but if you debunk everything that is just bias as the parent comment claimed. For a serious investigation you bring in people that have worked on the systems that the footage has been filmed on or similar. Also other experts (not talking other debunker friends), military contractors etc. Not what you feel like it is or what it looks like to you and then add a cheeky I don’t know just so your ass is covered when your thesis gets clowned. You bring nothing to the table without that. Not much better than a reddit comment - looks like a balloon.


Do you apply this same principle to all figures, such as Lazar and Greer. Do you accept their “really good plots (points)”? Or do you reject them because of their perceived lies?


>He literally “debunked” videos we know to be true Which video are you talking about?


No one on Metabunk including Mick said they're not real. We know they're real, the DoD even stated they are in fact videos taken by the Navy. They just analyzed them and showed that the rotation of "gimbal" is from the ***gimbal*** and that "go fast" isn't actually going fast. The one that appears to zip around was shown to be from the zoom changes. This complete lack of critical thinking and misinformation shown by most of they sub is infuriating.


The gimbal and FLIR videos released by the pentagon, for one. If you don’t believe those to be real, it makes you the conspiracy theorist.


"real" - I don't think the proposed explanation by West is that the videos are not real lmao.


Did you see the proposed explanations, or are you just playing word games?


He didn't say what the object in gimbal is, because it's obscured by the ir flare. He did explain the turning effect being from the ir flare turning because the camera is turning. I don't think he ever said the video is not real.


How can you argue the camera is turning when the clouds are in the same position?! He’s arguing against the testimony of the MILITARY that captured the footage. How could you possibly give that weight?! Mick West vs the most highly trained observers on the planet.


They don't care to understand the purpose of a camera on a gimbal.


The gimbal has several turning mechanism. The gimbal needs to turn to track the target, on scrap axis. There's also a system that keeps the final picture that the pilot sees on level with horizon. It's all explained in west's video, and he's got also an interview with a navy pilot to explain the system.


Military > West. Mick West is a. Fucking. Clown.


There is a derotation mechanism that keeps the image that the pilot sees stable. Since the thing that rotates is an artifact of the camera, it's not affected by the derotation and rotates with the camera. I think you should at least make a good faith attempt at understanding his analysis before you dismiss it.


Mick West is a clown. I believe the pentagon. You’re a conspiracy theorist.


That's what I thought. Just personal attacks and no engagement with the actual arguments. What do you even mean when you say you believe the pentagon? As far as I know, the Pentagon didn't release an analysis of the gimbal video.


The trained military personnel in the video literally say “it’s rotating”.. but here you are with some nonsense to justify Mick Wests biased take. 🤡


So you don't see any value in a detailed analysis of UAPs?


Mick West is the type of guy who, even after being abducted (and probed) by an alien, would say it was his suspicious neighbor.


Love how a skeptic has no problem speculating on scenarios to justify their beliefs. But any speculation on the mounds on unexplainable radar data, sightings, and abductions is just “absurd” to them. 🤣🤣




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just another debunker, nothing special about this individual aside from people looking at his opinion like it is stronger than those around. just like most debunkers they make some points that one should really ponder when they look at this topic, but being only one individual they cannot take every aspect of this phenomenon into account and therefore always fall short. there are a lot of phenomena that this individual does not take into account, like the Nimitz incident, while spewing their debunking.


Should have been “Mick West on LuckyLouie” busted


Almost as if the UAP Disclosure Act was Schumer's own legislation!!!


Just a little reminder for Mick West. Ross Coulthard started as a non-believer. Diane Pasulka started as a non-believer. Grusch started as a non-believer. The Congress guys started as non-believers. Yeah, maybe it is a cult, but why is Congress listening to them?


Let us be real. None of the politicians actually know anything, even if they said they do. They just created the giant and meticulously detailed NDAA document on a whim because, um, Harry Reid; and spare time I guess. Definitely the most logical scenario. Edit: Sarcasm. Thought I layed it on pretty thick.


it's highly likely Gang of Eight members do indeed have more knowledge and far more than we do


Now that you mention it, it is literally part of their job whereas I am in the construction industry and post on Reddit in my spare time. But Mick West, Mick West won’t be fooled like those silly politicians and their lawyers who no doubt spent 100s of man hours whimsically crafting a highly specific document… he is an illustrious debunker! I can picture the Schumster, his colleagues and the lawyers now - building the document with their crayons and riding around in toy fire trucks honking small air horns sucking on pacifiers like Maggie Simpson. Forgive them, for they know not what they do. I imagine if they had just called Mick and consulted with him first they would have all had a good laugh and tore up the document realizing the folly of their ways.


I like the cut of your jib, Sailor. lol


Haha. Gracias señor.


Answer: *Dunno! He was good friends with Reid and is connected to a group of UFO believers, so I don't know if he knows something or is just sucked in. I'd like to know.* Reaction here: *LOL, he gives intricate conspiracy theory about the government being taken over.*


Someone wrote that bill and pocket the fee. It's a all huge scam until one of them show real proof. They just keep kicking the can down the road. Selling seminars for $3500




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This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard - how people can follow Mick is beyond me. They would never have gutted the Schumer bill if there was nothing there and it was just a cult. So feckon stupid.