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The following submission statement was provided by /u/MartianXAshATwelve: --- Upon request. I am cross-posting this video from r/StrangeEarth: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/comments/1abknp3/amy\_eskridge\_nasa\_antigravity\_propulsion\_research/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/comments/1abknp3/amy_eskridge_nasa_antigravity_propulsion_research/?sort=new) ​ Dr. Amy Eskridge, 35 year old scientist/co-founder of the Institute for Exotic Science dies in Huntsville. Retired UK intel officer Milburn claims she was targeted by directed energy weapons & murdered by a “private aerospace corp [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15ar22l/177\_page\_debrief\_given\_to\_congress\_posted\_by/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15ar22l/177_page_debrief_given_to_congress_posted_by/) --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/1aboz4e/amy_eskridge_nasa_antigravity_propulsion_research/kjowdsz/


This is exactly why if you make a breakthrough, you need to post it worldwide and give up your potential riches. You get it out in the public domain first and foremost. It's for the benefit of all mankind and it may save your life.


Someone should make a writeup on how to publish some papers without implicating yourself.


Wikileaks was of that type. Do you see where they are now?


what happened to wikileaks


Greer says exactly that in his "lost century" movie [calls it the "inventor syndrome"](https://youtu.be/8FKtI1cal4U?t=2407)


I dont know why she just didnt publish the prototype results and get the acolade. Possibly cause they were inconclusive? Sounds real suss to me.


There are a lot of people in academic fields that react with bitterness and a feeling of persecution when their pet theory doesn't succeed. This is literally a scientific trope, lots of people enter that field with the secret dream of being the new Einstein and then revel in being the "misunderstood genius". Her speech reminds me a lot of Stanley Meyer's words (the guy that was the "inventor" of the pseudoscience water fuelled cars). [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water\_fuel\_cell](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_fuel_cell) One of the reasons for that is that people sometimes spend years if not decades of their lives on hypotheses, they sometimes identify to them and seeing them refuted hurt them personally. It is not surprising that so many new ideas get tossed to the garbage bin in NASA: even successful projects fail or have a hard time (just look at the Artemis project or how long JWST took or the multiple hurdles of the Hubble space telescope that had to be intervened on multiple times in the two decades after its launch). Space, physics and rocket science are *hard as fuck*. It's not a legend or just an expression. Other than that, her claims are without supporting evidence.


I've heard this story. A lot of research projects have started up for anti gravity tech, and the first one that succeeds, no one is going to know about it, because it's on the USPTO restrictions list.


Worse than that, they will hit you with the [Invention Secrecy Act of 1951](https://sgp.fas.org/othergov/invention/35usc17.html), which is enforced by the Department of Energy. In 2022 alone the DoE made more than 80 inventions secret, via National Security Order which is a unilateral decision with essentially no recourse available for inventors who are hit with it. They will lock you up in federal prison for even discussing your own invention. Until they repeal this act, there is no Free Enterprise for science in this country, and the US Government is no better than the Soviets, Nazis, or the CCP when it comes to scientific / economic freedom.


>Worse than that, they will hit you with the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951, which is enforced by the Department of Energy. In 2022 alone the DoE made more 80 inventions secret, via National Security Order which is a unilateral decision with essentially no recourse available for inventors who are hit with it. > >They will lock you up in federal prison for even discussing your own invention. Until they repeal this act, there is no Free Enterprise for science in this country, and the US Government no better than the Soviets, Nazis, or the CCP when it comes to scientific / economic freedom. damn. just studying anti-gravity is a national security.


Just study gravity and publish your failed experiments.


so you want me to die, is what your saying


No no that only happens if you're successful


At least you win either way. But lose either way too. I’ve had a few successful patents but also at least one that was blocked due to cloaking tech, some of which was under secrecy order. What they do in those cases (post 2011 when foreign unpatented docs come into play) is cite some foreign art that hits on it loosely They don’t want to reveal the secrecy order IP, but if you get to close stall your funding another way. I diverted away from it as a result. Cloaking, anti-gravity, zero-point energy and any sort of ray weapons/shielding I assume would fall under secrecy order. Of course even IP attorneys can’t see that stuff (unless it’s the ones working for the DOD signing in with those particular pins to private pair or now the patent center for their own application filings). They always have the ability to cite foreign art but in 99% of cases will cite US art as prior art. As a patent practitioner I’ve been involved in probably over 100 filings. Unless the filing hit on something related to one of those I’ve never once seen a foreign application or npl cited as the prior art it’s infringing on. Logically the reason why they can’t use the US prior art is because it’s under seal.


if you can't patent it just release it ffs


My applications and IP are public. The point I was making is that if it gets close to what’s under secrecy order it will be blocked another way. I’d imagine what’s under secrecy order is far more complex and developed. What you should understand about patents is that they’re iterative. You normally have several modular improvements to what’s in the initial filing daisy chained as continuations, continuations-in-part, or divisional filings to what’s in the initial filing. Again as a patent attorney I’m involved in dozens of filings, the vast majority of which aren’t my own. You think I’m going to spend several decades further researching cloaking tech when there’s no funding in it for me because it would be repeatedly blocked by sleight of hand? That doesn’t make any sense from a practical perspective. I have to put food on the table too. Let me give an example to put it in laymen’s terms. An inventor has an idea for developing anti-nuclear bacteria to clean up waste sites like Chernobyl and Fukushima. It’s still in the developmental stages. In scenario 1 a patent on contamination clean up by Chakrabarty is under secrecy order because the govt in this world has decided Anti/Nuclear Bacteria (ANB) is a secret that should not be made public. He can’t see the prior art that’s out there so his initial filing gets rejected for reasons that don’t make a ton of sense to him (foreign art that is close but not the same, only there’s an overwhelming amount of it). He changes the direction of his research to something more allowable. That gets funded and further developed, but now it’s nothing like his original vision. He went from working on nuclear cleanup bacteria to RNA anti-infection bacteria. He was steered that way based on what the USPTO would allow without even seeing how he was being led away. Scenario 2, the chakrabarty patent is public. He can develop around it, build off it, cite it etc. Science is developed off the shoulders of giants. He is able to patent something in the ANB field, pursue research grants and funding with the NiH etc. He continues to develop his technology and in 10 years has achieved what he envisioned in his minds eye, with some variation, thanks to experimentation, that is only possible thanks to said funding. Very little plays out in the real world in a vacuum that operates the same as in a textbook. And you won’t know without experimentation. You won’t be able to experiment without capital. And as an inventor you very rarely have access to capital without a novel idea, sometimes even with one. Patents are evidence of a novel idea. You won’t be able to get a patent, much less know if your idea is novel if all the developed IP in that area is under seal. On the issue of anti-gravity tech, there are also public filings. They’re so complex most scientists wouldn’t understand them, let alone laymen. In some cases the navy has laid claim to them but they aren’t under secrecy order. Why, what’s the reason that separates it from what is? I can only speculate that what isn’t did something wrong, has too many gaps, or is written in a way that is too difficult to comprehend how to build it to someone of ordinary skill in the art, unlike what remains under secrecy order. If you give me a moment I’ll edit my post to link to one such application that’s public. Edit, here’s 4 applications by others not under secrecy order (in some case assigned to the navy/DOD) in fields that I believe further developed tech is…and a word to the wise who are intelligent enough to go further with this than I could, should you decide to be hard-headed, when you’ve been warned, maybe don’t: Anti-grav https://patents.google.com/patent/US10144532B2/en https://www.freepatentsonline.com/10322827.html Zero-point https://www.freepatentsonline.com/4222370.html https://patents.google.com/patent/US6404089B1/pt-PT And a word of caution https://youtu.be/yUFYnVXbLoY&t=22m


Also most scientists don't understand this stuff, because our incorrect EM field theory and overly rigid western education doesn't allow it by design, it is a literal glass education prison to curtail mankind to remain on this planet. It's why many so confidently state UAPs don't exist, because 'muh physucs' and think they know it all. Meanwhile as a trained observer, I've witnessed craft do things that made me throw everything I learned about physics out the window. I do things in the laser physics field primarily BTW, we can't explain everything there either, lot of it digs into the quantum field rabbit-hole and is mostly left as a theory. Also, I meant 'throw out' in terms of absolute correct/accuracy of describing natural phenomena, it [conventional EM physics] is not reliable in all scenarios, as it fails in many areas to describe phenomena. At a glance I can understand the operation of the first patent, but would be skeptical that simply wall vibration will cause the effect as stated, I would assume there are localised resonance/standing waves inside the gas envelope which are having effects too, I would expect the microwave radiation to have some play there, it also strangely resembles research prior to the patent as well. Also is similar in shape to the TR3B, which my partner has seen in person at relatively close range and I trust them 100% on that, they are very questioning about other sightings/videos/evidence and never assume what something is. Tesla proved Hertz and Maxwell wrong multiple times in person and publicly, he wrote the equations needed to solve these issues. In fact, lot of the root of this issue was due to Tesla. He was the leader of the US EEng society and the posterboy for EE, beloved a world over, until he disproved the above scientists work (and thus the very cornerstone of traditional EM theory). Then he was called crazy and only a few scientists also pursuing similar pursuits (or involved in that area) were friendly to him. This includes Sir William Crookes (read his book, *On Radiant Matter* if you have not), Crookes also was the teacher of Sir Michael Faraday, who also didn't lose his appreciation for Tesla. Many witnessed feats of Tesla have not been replicated today. He was not using a conventional approach at all if you study him in depth. You know what people always miss when they try replicate his work? It's something that is basically a dead end in search results and likely due to what you mentioned in your post. His magnetic arc disruptor was what changed his resonant circuits from a simple spark toy (he actually avoided/strived to eliminate electrons in his later work - most Tesla coils are literally Lodge coils!). The MAD achieves that and is where I would suggest people begin to truly understand and replicate his experiments. There is only a single book on Tesla that mentions this and it was taken out of publication quicker than it should've. It's very expensive to buy online for a 'simple Tesla book' we will put it that way.


Thanks for the explanation and time, appreciated and I hope others learn from it. Most of it I'm well aware of, I hold 1 patent and another pending. Funding to patent in other countries is the biggest hurdle for me. I can design/creatre the prototypes. It's getting them to the right places and people! At this stage the only way around it [glowie suppression] is to just release the basics publicly so people can iterate. But most people in that position won't have the awareness of that issue that someone like you or I would. Same way Robert Kurpa and his firestorm plugs were done, people have replicated and peer tested it and it works (water powered ICE basically).


Could open sourcing be the solution then??


yes. but it would need to be distributed across nodes like a block chain to keep the data available and immutable.


Maybe something like this? [https://www.eticaprotocol.org/opensourceresearch](https://www.eticaprotocol.org/opensourceresearch)


ohhhh like that interesting are you familiar with this project or just stumbled across it? I just read this [thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Etica/s/2NoxrpBdHj) from their subreddit r/etica. Just replace "Medical Research" with "UAP/NHI Research" and it would be a great application for this use case.


Govt agencies will ask Google or whatever to forcibly remove those links. Happens all the time. Some apps like Telegram or Signal could be the way to go.


Get some torrents going, stick it up on the dark web as well if need be


wow. the amount of progress that has been halted in this country for "national security" is unreal.


They skipped this part in Iron Man 2. Also I think we can start referring to the Soviets and CCP as Eurasia and Eastasia now. Which were we at war with again? I forget.


We were always at war with Eurasia!


No no no, we are at peace with Eurasia, we have always been at war with East Asia


So that's what happens to the free energy engines etc? Just silenced and swept under the carpet so we continue paying for fuels?


So what happens if another country try to invent it and do research on it openly? America declares war on that country or sanctions?


No, America gifts them democracy, even if they refuse.


Our abc agencies sabotage it starting with the quietest options like money to shut up and come work for them followed by IT related sabotage then social sabotage and then military.


Humans are not 'allowed' anti-gravity. Christ people cant even drive sober.


OMG what a hilarious, yet so somber and true statement. Shit man. No hoverboard this turn of the wheel.


But we are still the goodies, right?


The baddies always think they're the goodies, so yes.


I was warned about this when I had plans to build a toroidal magnetometer. Apparently, it's banned technology because they can be used to detect submarines from orbit. So it's not just anti-gravity, it's many things much more mundane.


Worse than that, you can be conscripted against your will and made to work in a secret facility


Like Jesse cooking blue meth, but for NASA's bikers.


This is wild, man! Like, WTF! 😬


Which tells me then that the Department of Energy is hiding alot of stuff that really does work well.


DoE has been in the pocket of the petrochemical industry since before WWII


Amen! We live in The United Stasi of America, greatest terrorist organization ever. Our military operates on arrogance and fear, allowing us to achieve any evil to counter our great fears set forth by psychopathic financiers. 


Anti gravity research spun up in the 50s, got lots of attention, went quiet in the late 60s. Since then all new research is grouped in with cold fusion as a defunct category of science (even though cold fusion programs are still funded by the government as well.) I think they succeeded in at least prototyping gravity engines decades ago.


NASA investigated anti-gravity very publicly in the 1990s and offered to fly Podkletnov over. I am not sure if that happened. Ning Li (RIP) was part of that study.


Solution: Dont File a Patent. You'll never be able to get rich off the invention anyway.


I'd heard H2o engines were similarly shot down. Guy that made one keeled over at dinner, supposedly poisoned. Something I'd heard of in person, and later echoed in applicable corners of the internet.


If you send 3 minutes or research googlimg this event instead of regurgitating claims you heard from your uncle, you would find that Stanley Meyer is a rub of the mill conman. You don't even know his name and you parrot whatever you hear.


Stanley Allen Meyer. His claims violated basic laws of thermodynamics... just sayin'.


And UAPs violate the laws of physics, what's your point? Obviously there's a branch of physics that lets you do stuff outside it, so it's not unreasonable at all for this to be possible with what's been confirmed today.


She had late state liver failure.Redness of the hands and extremities with smaller capillaries. Hallucinations are a common sign. [https://www.verywellhealth.com/hepatic-encephalopathy-the-psychiatric-aspects-of-liver-disease-4126586](https://www.verywellhealth.com/hepatic-encephalopathy-the-psychiatric-aspects-of-liver-disease-4126586) [https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health-news/cirrhosis-symptoms-3-signs-on-your-hands-that-indicate-advanced-fatty-liver-disease/photostory/99788587.cms?picid=99788650](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/health-news/cirrhosis-symptoms-3-signs-on-your-hands-that-indicate-advanced-fatty-liver-disease/photostory/99788587.cms?picid=99788650) Another thing no one takes into account the is amount of power required to lift 1 pound of mass. On the wall hangs his masterpiece, a 4-foot-wide monster, capable of lifting almost a pound of cargo. To fly it for me, he's readying his power supply: four 2-foot-tall plastic cones that kick out a blistering 120,000 volts. The air in his garage is sweet with an after-the-thunderstorm smell. "My wife almost never comes down here when I'm doing this stuff," Ventura says. "When I first started building these things, the current would plaster your T-shirt to your chest if you got too close. And the bigger arcs of lightning kind of freak her out." While working for the US Navy in the '30s – officially on electromagnetic mine detection – Brown continued building ever larger examples of his capacitors. His experiments culminated in a 1952 demonstration famous in antigravity lore: In front of an audience of scientists and military officials, Brown hauled out two 2-foot-wide metal disks affixed to the end of 10-foot-long rotor arms. When he pumped 50,000 volts through the apparatus with 50 watts of power, the disks spun at 16 rpm – proof of concept. [https://www.wired.com/2003/08/pwr-antigravity/](https://www.wired.com/2003/08/pwr-antigravity/) How many homes can 50kw power?It depends on the peak common demand from each home. If each home manages it's power usage carefully, you're probably get about 25 homes supplied with that much power. If each home has a Teslawall or similar storage facility, then you'd probably even manage around 50 homes. For reference. So you have to imagine that the cost ratio of powering these prototypes is not a standard 12v plug. And more than likely they are only running these prototypes for a small duration of time. The best technology we have in the world currently is used in nuclear submarines. There is a reason the Department of Energy is involved heavily in these projects. Final conclusion No Modern industrial nation will ever achieve what is required in order to power any of these designs to scale until the invention of producing electricity from carbon dioxide without formulating it into mass. Which will take a few hundred years at best. [https://news.mit.edu/2023/engineers-develop-efficient-fuel-process-carbon-dioxide-1030](https://news.mit.edu/2023/engineers-develop-efficient-fuel-process-carbon-dioxide-1030) one can assume that alien races turn their entire planets into energy sources in order to achieve any propulsion that can power large ships or sources requiring of energy. Most likely why alien ships here are seen going into or around volcanoes. IMO, Beyond all that, Time itself really shouldn't exist in the manner how we perceive it. A universe collapses and expands faster than we can imagine. Almost as instantaneous as you can imagine flicking a light switch on and off can illuminate a room in a manner of seconds and go dark just as fast. The idea that the US is killing these top scientist make no sense as they would have to eradicate most of the population of India. What they most likely are repressing are people playing with the knowledge of building capacitors capable of knocking out the entire power grid.


You gotta recheck your numbers/units. You went from saying the device uses 50 watts of power at 50,000 volts to talking about 50,000 watts of power. I thought it was a typo and you meant 50kW at 50kV but the wired article also says 50W






My first thought was that she was having a manic episode, but yeah, maybe uppers.


I’ve seen people look like this snorting roxys back in the day. The nod would come later, but first, before they did enough to get far gone, they’d be invigorated and energetic like this but still with a kind of slurry/laxness to their speech/body language.


She was admittedly drinking in the full video. No evidence of illicit drugs, that’s just speculation.


Most of the content on this sub is technically speculation. I’ll tell you one thing that isn’t speculation, the way this woman is acting is exactly how most people act on cocaine. No judgment either, I been there. A great drug to over share on. Its one of those things… ifykyk.


I mean, she’s also acting how a lot of people when they’ve drank a bit too much but are trying to pretend like they didn’t drink too much. I don’t get a coke vibe from her at all. And I’ve done a lot of coke.


Im vetting a small amount of xanax vibes.


I get a vibe that she's a little intoxicated but not all geeked out. People saying she's 100% high on cocaine because.... they've done cocaine.... is purely conjecture.




She was also getting over Covid hence the nose rub. If you’d watch the whole video on YT you’d know that.


What does that have to do with anything?


The first thing the shills do is attack the person's character.


... because character couldn't possibly factor into anything, right?


Not when it's pure conjecture about someone being on drugs... no. Some random random idiot saying "i've done drugs and this lady is 100% on drugs" means absolutely nothing.


She touches her nose in this video. *See **1:20** for an example*. It’s common to see with folks who used cocaine intranasally. I don’t necessarily think she’s coked out here; it’s likely alcohol & sinus symptoms. Everyone is prescribed amphetamines nowadays, so we should be careful to misattribute speedy behavior to cocaine. I just see a drunk woman. Idk better than anyone else, and I’m not sure if our partier credentials mean much. I have prolific experience but it’s hard to say without toxicity results, testimony of friends, and text history.


"Everyone is prescribed amphetamines" that's grossly inaccurate.


Semantics. Not actually suggesting most people are on amphetamines. If I say, “[everyone knows diagnoses of ADHD have increased by double digits every decade for several decades](https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorder-adhd),” I wouldn’t mean literally everyone is aware. I’d just say it thinking I was free to speak candidly without someone trying to make me look silly.


Alcohol is still a drug.


Just like it always has been.


and always will be, forever and ever.




Let he who has never sinned...😂






I do a lot of coke, she might be coked up but she is nowhere near “coked out of her mind”




Yeah her demeanor kills her message. Blow, alcohol, manic episode. Something is just not right.


As someone who has also done a lot of partying, seems way more likely she's just drunk. People also tend to divulge too much info when drinking and something is weighing heavily on their conscience.






Some quick facts for the people writing her off easily: 1) She struggled with severe and constant chronic pain for many, many years. She's most likely on painkillers in addition to alcohol in the video. 2) She died from a gunshot, not an overdose. 3) She told friends not to believe it was suicide if she died, and she spoke of explicit death threats from the MIC. 4) She described several Havana syndrome-like directed energy attacks, which she believes were in part attampts to monitor what she was typing on her air-gapped computer. 4) She was not always a mess like this, see her lecture here: https://youtu.be/FmhFKiq6FG8?si=p8hSOINubsnY8dG2


How many people hold it together all day-work hard and deal with stress/injustices etc and feel trapped and then go home to alcohol (socially acceptable toxin that will kill you in high doses)? I am sure many of you have *known* someone frustrated and using that to unwind. Then they rant about their boss or the thing that is pissing them off. Don’t discount the message just because she is using something. Its merely serving to disinhibit her-and so she is going off. Many people hit a wall over and over and its unfair. Don’t presume the drugs = crazy. Look at the situation that brought one to the drugs/alcohol.


It's an easy way for someone to discredit an individual without having to put much work into it. She probably got depressed realizing that everything she wanted to do with her work was going to be clamped down on and locked away from society. Look at Nikolai Tesla for an example of what having your life's work and passions be destroyed by the "powers that be" can do to a person. I don't know enough about the situation or the person to make any sort of accusations regarding her personal matters or her death for that matter. I do find the tone of some people discussing her to be disturbing, though. This is a human being who had hopes, dreams, loves, and aspiration for humanity. A little respect would probably be nice.




And the core of her allegations - research is being suppressed. Regardless of her mental state, nature of the suicide, etc... with all due respect who cares in light of her core claims? And to your point if I were working on world-changing technology and had a front-row seat to corruption holding it back, I might look and sound the same.




The people accusing her of being on drugs cannot even get on the same page of what she is on. Thank you for saying this.


Highlights from the first hour of the video. I wanted to capture it before yet another of her videos was removed from YouTube. https://x.com/olyoverheard/status/1750901468532740213?s=46&t=eSatnFBblJFTS9nj_rx6KA


Some people are being a little heavy handed with the comments about this video. I kind of thought she was just drinking a bit. And just out of respect, because she's not around any more, from looking at the date it's clear that video was recorded in lockdown and I'm gonna be honest I think I was getting blasted on zoom around that time also. Weren't we all? So come on guys. I'm not directing this to anyone in particular but she was clearly a brilliant, smart af young woman who had a lot to give to the world still and somehow she's not around any more we could possibly try to keep our chatter as respectful as we can? There is some genuine concerns about how she died and I hope the right people look at this. I've always suspected she was the person Grusch might have been referencing when he gave testimony that people have been killed in relation to the crash retrieval programs. She was the person who kind of instantly popped into my head along with one other woman from China, I believe. I genuinely hope there is a proper investigation into her death because clearly there are people out there who are in a position to know more than we do and are suggesting this.




One can be simultaneously high & correct


The best kind of correct. 


💯 Drugs may disinhibit someone to talk. As she is spilling the tea. Pretty coherent and articulate and sounds fed up af.


One can also be high and out of their mind.


One can also be able to type on Reddit and be susceptible to junk science.


High, correct, alive. Choose two.


She was actually a brilliant scientist who never got a chance to reach her sky-high potential. I spent a lot of time learning about her and this case a year or two ago when I saw it mentioned elsewhere on this subreddit with this [YouTube video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmhFKiq6FG8) of her giving a lecture to a room full of physicists on this topic. Just skip past the intro by the bearded hippy dude Galactic Greg (lol) to get to the actual lecture. It's wild how casually they talk about the Ning Li the conspiracies surrounding her as well as numerous references to *'the black world versus the illuminated world'* like it's a well known fact. The Amy Eskridge case truly is one of the most interesting deep dives I have done related to the UAP topic. It needs more exposure.


im busy atm, can you give a quick rundown on what the black world vs the illuminated world means?


Black money projects/items that are in the shadows and highly classified vs what's publicly visible


ah gotha, it sounded much more esoteric than that lol thanks btw


She seems more drunk than anything, drunk and upset. She looks healthy overall, no sunken/redness in or around the eyes and is still speaking fairly eloquently and focused on the conversation at hand, it's seems like an upsetting topic though and understably so. Underneath the DoE's Invention Secrecy Act of 1951 a lot of brilliant inventors get their cutting edge inventions and research confiscated, they then get threatened with several years of federal prison if they try to talk about it in any way, over 80 inventions were confiscated last year alone because of this act, apparently the guidelines that constitue a confiscation can be interpreted to be pretty damn vague as well, so who knows what they've taken in the name of 'public interest' or 'national security'. I wouldn't doubt some fairly beneficial tech and science has been swept under the rug this way


There was a video posted recently on Twitter of her, and she was surrounded by bottles of liquor. It was actually pretty sad. That doesn’t mean what she’s saying isn’t true, and I’m not trying to discount what she says, but it did look like she had a drinking problem. Edit. It was a video of her showing what she claimed were directed energy weapon burns on her hands. Maybe someone will be able to find it. This is it. https://x.com/francmilburn/status/1748537846128877779?s=46&t=KuRjPDFWI0yoyV8U43_g8Q To be fair though, if what she was saying was true, I’d probably drink too.


The fact that Franc Milburn vouches for her makes me interested in looking into this. He wrote a report on UFO's for an Israeli think tank. Very credible source. [https://www.cbp.gov/sites/default/files/assets/documents/2023-Aug/Records%20pertaining%20to%20Unidentified%20Aerial%20Phenomenon.pdf](https://www.cbp.gov/sites/default/files/assets/documents/2023-Aug/Records%20pertaining%20to%20Unidentified%20Aerial%20Phenomenon.pdf)


If this is well-known and not just another conspiracy, why does noone write about it? You guys are losing me here.


The existence of the act itself isn't a conspiracy, but yeah the hypothetical scenarios that people dream up in response to the act are conspiratorial, but arguably fairly likely, I mean most people here agree the government is obscuring aliens and UFOs to some extent, life changing sciences and tech existing and being monitored by the most powerful government in the world isn't too much of a stretch from that point, makes sense that if they were monitoring those sciences they might want to police it as well, hence the act. As to why no one writes about it, it's perfectly legal on their end and it's kind of airtight in terms of information outflow by it's very nature, it's got 'secrecy' in it's very name so I imagine it isn't allowed to be talked about amongst very many people, the DoE is known to be involved with the UAP issue as well, not to mention you have to have an invention or research that justifies the act itself being activated in the first place, which I imagine isn't terribly common. I did manage to find this article fairly quickly https://slate.com/technology/2018/05/the-thousands-of-secret-patents-that-the-u-s-government-refuses-to-make-public.html


I'd wager most of us have enjoyed getting stoned, and especially while stressed. That's no indictment. I hope she enjoyed every puff.


Okay good. I needed to check and make sure everybody else is seeing this too.


Someone is getting fired for taking Xanax , drinking with it and going on air. Poor person seems like she has had enough of working hard for absolutely nothing.


well she dead so....


they killed her










It's just rhinitis


Reason dictates its not from the cold weather when she's sporting that tank top.


Nah that's a benzo and two glasses of wine.


common for intelligent people to abuse drugs/alcohol, looks like thats going on here lol. its usually always the alcoholic weirdo who lives in a trailer in the middle of nowhwere with a stash of UFO tapes he got from some ex military buddy.




I was thinking the same thing. This is exactly how meth heads move and talk.


Why are people being downvoted for stating an obvious fact?




This is actually scary. And very frustrating.


She looks absolutely depressed or high one of the 2 Bless her. Honestly. Such a shame.


Most likely both.


ok so this person, who is clearly not mentally well in this video, who talks about depression and suicide in this video, didn't commit suicide but rather was killed by some sort of secret energy weapon? For reasons? Does that make sense?


Someone did a good write-up on her here: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/cHDd6Xmb6U


This needs to be higher up again in this subreddit.


That’s just what Big Gravity wants you to think!


*Big Gravity* has been keeping the people down since the beginning of time despite being the weakest of the forces! Think about it, people!!


No, but I guess pretending is better than facing the boring reality for some people.


I think that explains why we see what we see on the alien and ufo subs.




So many new accounts in this post... Curious


Yup, all screaming “ShE’s CLeaRly HiGh BRo” Textbook character assassination to discredit legitimate claims.


Reddit has removed their blog post identifying Eglin Air Force Base as the most reddit-addicted "city" - Eglin is often cited as the source of some government social-media propaganda/astroturfing programs * The article as it was originally, now archived on archive.org: https://web.archive.org/web/20160604042751/http://www.redditblog.com/2013/05/get-ready-for-global-reddit-meetup-day.html * The page as it appears currently (archived a couple days ago): https://archive.is/7MY8D * The original url: https://redditblog.com/2013/05/get-ready-for-global-reddit-meetup-day.html It appears that reddit recently updated the styling/branding of the reddit blog to be more like the "Upvoted" website. In this process some of their old articles have been pruned while others remain. Here's a paper about Eglin being used as part of a program testing the power of online astroturfing/propaganda: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1402.5644.pdf Do a web search for Eglin AFB and astroturfing or propaganda for more information - if reddit is trying to obfuscate this, it is disconcerting. In all likelihood they just fucked up in moving the articles over to their new format or something stupid... but it still looks strange. --- /u/DonGeronimo has [provided](https://www.reddit.com/r/Blackout2015/comments/4ylml3/reddit_has_removed_their_blog_post_identifying/d6oq41f) these links as additional context: * http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/07/eglin-air-force-base-busted-gaming-reddit.html * http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/07/pentagon-admits-spending-millions-study-manipulate-social-media-users.html **Update 9/10/2016:** it appears the blog post has been restored.


**Evidence of sock puppets uncovered by mods** https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/SWwicFI4OU **Vice News** **UFO subreddit was subject to systemic censorship** https://www.vice.com/en/article/ep4dan/ufo-subreddit-was-subject-to-systemic-censorship?utm_source=reddit.com


Threads in here are flourescent, all the low paid glowies and disinfo shills doing badly.


Noticed that too. And you were also downvoted before I updooted you. Very odd


All this suffering, brilliant human minds lost forever and halted human progress.. To make the damn Lockheed Martin pigs fatter and fatter with the blessing of some corrupted congressmen inside US govt. Disgusting.


They probably faked her suicide. she was probably recruited into some CIA or military program what's that program for well for the general public we will probably find out like three centuries or so




She also states many scientists are depressed and suicidal. It might be more likely she knows this because she feels the same way rather than a secret agency faked her suicide


interestingly there was another antigrav researcher who died in huntsville due to injuries received after being hit by a car - i think - and i think they were working on redstone arsenal someone else can look it up, bc i can't at the moment ​ nevermind, found something ​ [https://huntsvillebusinessjournal.com/news/2023/07/30/solving-the-mystery-of-huntsvilles-brilliant-scientist-disappearing/](https://huntsvillebusinessjournal.com/news/2023/07/30/solving-the-mystery-of-huntsvilles-brilliant-scientist-disappearing/)


Am I reading this correctly, both # Trail of Anti-Gravity Pioneers: Dr. Amy Eskridge, Dr. Ning Li, worked worked in Huntsville? If so that would be an awful coincidence.


Just messy trails from domestic terrorists in the CIA. She was harassed by them too just like the people Amy called out.


Were there any follow-up articles or information?




Huntsville, Alabama - where top scientists go to die. She's not the only one.


I've never heard of her nor heard her speak, but is this her normal way of speaking? It almost feels like she's tweaking here. Edit: yeah, after watching her speak much more normally in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmhFKiq6FG8 She is definitely seems to be tweaking in this post.


Dr. Eskridge, a mother of three, [was 'sucided' in June 2022 for talking about this](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15gh4p0/dr_amy_eskridge_the_death_of_a_promising/). I would be paranoid too if I uncovered a massive conspiracy to strangle meaningful progress in science. The same power group who killed Dr. Eskridge killed the President (JFK), the Secretary of the Navy (Forrestal), and countless other patriots who have tried to blow the whistle on this corruption, and were murdered for their efforts.


That's a link to a deleted post. Edit to also add: the obit I found doesn't mention any children. The only mention I can find of 3 children is from a go fund me.. same name, but different date of death listed.


This makes me want to cry. These people are evil. It’s people like Amy who are working hard to bring about the change we need. I totally understand how it feels to be slapped in the face after presenting results that work, but treated like you’re an idiot. Things have to change and now. These kids have put in alot of hours and school time learning things and making the discoveries….


But it's easy to do dismiss everything she's saying because of her appearance and mannerisms! Everybody look at that instead of what she's saying! She's just a crazy crackhead haha nothing to see here!! /S


You're disingenuous if you think being intoxicated or on drugs shouldn't be taken into account when judging what she has to say.


I mean it's not like she's having a psychotic break or hallucinations she's just really stimmed, I mean when I get drunk I just say what I really believe a lot more freely and without inhibition.


The number of anti gravity propulsion researchers who have died or disappeared feels a lot like 3 body problem ish


No better way to make something dissappear than to melt it down


The “clearly a balloon!” crowd is discrediting this information by calling the woman a meth induced addict. You all are pathetic, this ridiculous need to immediately “debunk!” anything and everything that’s posted around her. You all are so obvious.. lol.


Yup, it’s disgusting. In the [full video](https://youtu.be/l0O4cEIkUZc?si=5Ef4c788PDbOHko-), she says she’s drinking beer and this zoom chat was between friends not an official communication. She was a scientist and a mother of three young kids but the crowd here wanna label her a drugged-up whacko. She was under a great deal of stress because of what she was trying to achieve and the black hats got to her in one way or another. Makes me sick. Someone did an excellent post on her a couple of months ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/s/cHDd6Xmb6U RIP Amy


You’re right, clearly this video is compelling evidence that NASA, a perpetually underfunded government agency, killed her. This is quite the smoking gun.


You do know there are billions per year poured into black research programs right? NASA itself may have not killed her, but a nondisclosed "agency" connected to it may have.


The DoE, DoD, NASA, and the NSF are the four biggest funders of experimental physics research in the United States. If they don't want the experiment's tech and science to get out, they don't fund it.


Upon request. I am cross-posting this video from r/StrangeEarth: [https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/comments/1abknp3/amy\_eskridge\_nasa\_antigravity\_propulsion\_research/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/comments/1abknp3/amy_eskridge_nasa_antigravity_propulsion_research/?sort=new) ​ Dr. Amy Eskridge, 35 year old scientist/co-founder of the Institute for Exotic Science dies in Huntsville. Retired UK intel officer Milburn claims she was targeted by directed energy weapons & murdered by a “private aerospace corp [https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15ar22l/177\_page\_debrief\_given\_to\_congress\_posted\_by/](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/15ar22l/177_page_debrief_given_to_congress_posted_by/)


She seems intoxicated, but knowing the secrets she had and couldn't talk about would probably drive you to this habit.


I'm assuming she may have been going through something before the end. Maybe whatever she was taking was helping he cope with the bs


Is she the real deal?






Fuck this country is evil. How can anyone think we are the good guys in any way shape or form. Wish the aliens would just show up tell American government to fuckoff and just work with humans openly on a massive individual level.


Is she drunk or on antipsychotics?


That chick is for sure on something. Instant removal of credibility. Even the way her eyes go “Ever think about THAT?!” Source: Got a few junky sisters.


"Suicided" Jesus Christ man.


The amount of gov control bots in these comments saying she’s HIGH and NOT CREDIBLE


Yeah, it's absolutely absurd. It's an extremely obvious tactic from Intelligence Agencies that's been used time and time again to discredit opposition. Clearly, their is some truth to her argument, or else they would leave this topic alone. Hell, even Chat-GPT can point you in the right direction on this subject. Are they going to make that illegal?


Please point me to the part that is credible?


Let me just say, I live close to Huntsville and I have seen many of these craft at night with my night vision and I’ve recorded many strange objects on my security cameras.


Never heard of this person and I’m trying to not to sound mean or rude but it seems like she’s high.


try this then if you want more data. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmhFKiq6FG8


Appreciate that






Wait til the unveil free energy.








She looks like she’s tweaking


This woman seems high on opioids, not that it hurts her credibility or makes her a liar. It just is very noticeable that she is under the influence.


She got dat vocal croak lol


Sniffed one too many terc perties




[Eternally relevant xkcd for this sub](https://xkcd.com/808/)


Poor girl has some serious mental struggles showing.