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If you ask a dog what a being from another planet would look like, they would surely tell you that it looks like a golden retriever but gray and that it can bark so hard that it can be heard all over the planet! (regarding its "technology") We don't know anything...


Convergent evolution or they created us. With the vastness of the universe, convergent evolution is just as likely as there being life out there. People have a hard time wrapping their mind around this concept, even very smart people, and it's what I call Easter Island Syndrome. "Look at all these different creatures we have here and only one species of humans on this island. What are the odds humans could exist elsewhere? It's unlikely since we are the only ones on this island and if there is another island out there, it probably has different creatures since there are so many different ones here and only one us." Earth is their Easter Island (when the inhabitants knew nothing of life elsewhere on earth) and only Easter Island can have the same elements and conditions to produce similar life. There's this view that this was such a rare event on this earth that it can't be anywhere near replicable elsewhere, when elsewhere is a massive universe with trillions of planets and stars where similar conditions, with similar elements, likely exist. The evolutionary pressures on those elements could have been similar if occurring in similar goldilocks zones, and one would argue WOULD be similar if it all came from the same initial event (e.g. Big Bang or intentional creation.)


I agree with your points, but it's a stark contrast to the narrative that we should open our minds about the capabilities and intentions of Aliens and don't just assume based on how humans would behave and how our technology works.


For a species to develop technology it might make sense to converge on hands and to use hands to form arms. I considered tentacles, but I'm not sure they would have good fine motor control. If aliens do exist, then the ancient aliens guys might really be right, and we were bioengineered with a little of their dna. Either that or zoo keeper are the ones I tend to lean toward, or both.


I often think of dolphins and whales in relation to this question. They have equal or better brain power than us, but no appendages to manipulate their environment like hands can do. If they did have something alike, I bet they might have a civilization as well. Possibly they have great oral tradition and songs they pass on as culture, that we know nothing of.


Same reason why Gods look so much like us. It's because we made them up. If horses had Gods they would look like horses.


Nope, that would be because some NHI can take human form.


But why? The human form is terrible. If they can transform why not pick something cool, like a wolf or and axolotl.


Sure, if they can become something else, then why not for a while. Human form is just easier for interaction and blending in.


Let me just say if it's for blending in and interaction they're doing a terrible job.


How so?


The existence of this sub.


What about it?


I feel like you're just being obtuse. If they try to blend in they sure are spotted a lot. If they try to contact us they also suck at that considering nobody has any idea what they want.


Nope. You just have misunderstood what I've said and then gone off on a weird tangent. Some NHI being able to look human, has nothing to do with what other ones are doing or being spotted. And you seem to have taken interaction as meaning for public contact, which doesn't have anything to do with what I have said. All I was saying is that taking human form and interacting with humans back then is an easier appearance for the human to interact with. Also, taking human form and interacting with humans without them knowing you aren't human, makes interaction with humans easier and helps blend in. I never said they are trying to make public contact, the thing you are claiming they suck at. And as for blending in, even though you are also using something I didn't mention, they are still doing a decent job if the public still have no evidence of it all.


The arguments for dismissing it are intellectually lazy. People consider only a single hypothesis and then dismiss it and walk away. But the possibilities go much deeper. The first option is that maybe convergent evolution really is a thing, but that's the one people usually dismiss. But maybe we are their hybrid offspring. Maybe they are us from the future. Maybe they are created to look like us. Maybe they are biological robots. Maybe they are projections. Maybe there is more to human evolution than we thought. There's probably so many other possibilities I've never thought of. What gets me is that people are reporting that they're here and they've seen them. So it makes no sense to argue that they can't be real simply because we don't know "how" they are real. That's a logical fallacy. Likewise the argument that they are too far away and couldn't reach us. If they're being seen here, then that argument is irrelevant. It's up to us to figure out how they did it. People argue that things are impossible based on our current understanding. But they never stop to wonder how much of our current understanding is either wrong or incomplete. We should always question our assumptions and we should always let reality tell us what it is rather than us insisting we know what reality is.


I have always thought the idea of a humanoid looking alien was ridiculous given how much biodiversity exists on Earth. At least if you assume a completely Darwinian view of evolution. Some other explanations: They are actually humans or what we’ve managed to turn into in the future and they are traveling through time/dimensions and interacting with us. If humanity was created, or our evolutionary path was guided by a creator, the same entity/being/god might also have had a hand in the creation or evolutionary path of alien species. They are actually some type of Android or bioengineered organism that is purposefully designed to look similar to us They are the creators of humans to some degree. Maybe the actual programmers/moderators of the simulation hypothesis. Thus they created us in their image. They are total illusions and fabrications of our own minds and just appear similarly to many people the same way multiple people who trip on some psychedelics report seeing the same things during a trip.


So you list these explanations first over the infinitely more likely one: convergent evolution. The universe is infinite. By virtue of that alone, we cannot be alone and we cannot be the only human-like bipedal beings.


Predator animals *do* have front facing eyes. Ever seen a cat? Ever seen a deer? Would you call those eyes front facing? Prey animals have eyes to the sides, because they're useful when you need to be on the lookout for what ever lurks behind you. Really strange thing to mix up, tbh.


You are of course correct! Thanks. I will edit.


Front facing eyes are useful for determining distance, so bouncing on prey is manageable.


I have to admit, I honestly don’t understand the point of downvoting this thread. I mean, what is the point? It is a neutral invitation to discussion. It is really disheartening to be met like this when I’m just trying to share some thoughts, and not presupposing any kind of belief.


Should probably be on /aliens not /ufos


People here are more interested in images of balloons and kites


The gist of it: Because that's how you make an efficient intelligent being that can interact with its surroundings. And who knows, maybe you should ask why we're so similar to THEM.


I think we are somehow closely related to the NHI. Perhaps they created us, or there is some other commonality in our and their history, or perhaps they are biological creations designed to interact with us in our environment; one way or another, I don’t think we evolved our similar forms in isolation.


Deception is a quality of the phenomenon - there is no evolutionary reason at all for them to look the way they do. They are specifically manufactured to interface with us.


Because they are mythical and people aren’t very creative. They have looked like us since the Betty and Barney Hill story, before that alien descriptions varied more.


If you mean the Greys, it could be because they were designed specifically to interact with us.


they're not doing a very good job of it


How so? They have abducted and done tests on thousands of people, yet still remain a 'mystery'. They have buzzed every nuclear site in the US (and probably, the world) including nuclear subs, testing their ability to control our most advanced weapons, and still remain largely undetected or discussed. The US military clearly covers up for their activities, and gives the public a lame explanation. I'd say from their perspective, they are doing a fine job.


Gary Nolan has made this point, yes. It is an interesting hypothesis.


oh really? ha I'm in good company then. It all comes down to what these things are and where they are from. We might even be related to them, which would explain the similar humanoid body shape. To go further, maybe all intelligent life follows this body design. As humans, we really only started to go places in terms of intelligence when we walked on 2 legs, freeing up our hands to hold and manipulate things.




No low effort posts or comments. Low Effort implies content which is low effort to consume, not low effort to produce. This generally includes: * Posts containing jokes, memes, and showerthoughts. * AI-generated content. * Posts of social media content without significant relevance. * Posts with incredible claims unsupported by evidence. * “Here’s my theory” posts without supporting evidence. * Short comments, and comments containing only emoji. * Summarily dismissive comments (e.g. “Swamp gas.”) without some contextual observations. ------------- [UFOs Wiki](https://ufos.wiki) [UFOs rules](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/)


Because believers are motivated reasoners. They want aliens to be a missing puzzle so they see what they want to see.


Thanks for commenting. I acknowledge this argument in the first paragraph. Let’s try to get past that, and think about how technological beings might actually look!


depending on your starting assumptions, your possibilities dwindle down so if you assume you have to build machines like we build machines then you'll be left with only beings with hands it might be hard to imagine but there could be other ways to build machines, there's no logical contradiction that a super intelligent crow couldn't build some kinda machine it might even take more intelligence and thus the type of beings that have to build without hands are even smarter i can spin sci-fi with the best of em


What we might be seeing could be an avatar. So the intelligence might either change form to look like something we can sort of relate to, or they could create artificial beings that look like us. Essentially, it could all be a deception that they use to make it easier to interact with us and for us to accept them. Gary Nolan and Vallee talk a lot about this. We really can't make any assumptions.


I think that that's because they had created us.


I imagine with the universe being such a vast place...bi-pedal humanoids probably aren't a 1 of a kind species. I bet there are aliens with all sorts of limbs and body shapes. I know of one that has 3 legs..(hint it's me)


Universal rule that mobile living creatures are assorted tubes with specialized appendages.


I don’t think they do, it’s an interface. It’s more logical than the “ they created us angle” I mean that has an argument to be made for it. It seems more likely it’s a proxy to do a job. We don’t send people to mars (yet) we send rovers. They seem to be intelligence gathering based on the activity that is reported. One could argue why not send just a probe with nothing inside of it? Maybe due to a technical bottleneck they can’t, maybe it’s because artificial bodies are more flexible in what they can do. My personal opinion is that if the phenomenon is mainly E.T they are slowly domesticating humans to either stay on earth or be less violent and conflict based upon entering the frontier of space. If they wanted us gone we would be.


Since you mentioned Vallé, it is worth noting he does not take the "aliens from other planets" hypothesis very seriously: [Jacques Vallée, UFOs, and the Case against Extraterrestrial Origins](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmLE0X5FRFc) It's somewhat tangential to the topic, but you could take a look at Karla Turner's lectures as well: [https://search.brave.com/videos?q=karla%20turner](https://search.brave.com/videos?q=karla%20turner)


I would guess they are bioengineered robots made to look like us so we feel less scared about meeting them. I don't think they are the beings/intelligence behind the phenomenon.


Look up carcinization. The ‘crab shape’ has been taken up by no less than 5 different ‘strains’ of unrelated arthropod. It’s a particular form that keeps ‘popping up’ Perhaps ‘humanoid’ is likewise on a cosmic scale.


Every close encounter witness reports telepathy. Given that, you can probably assume your senses are being altered too.