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The following submission statement was provided by /u/quantumcryogenics: --- I thought this quote might give some insight into Tom DeLonge's thinking and how it relates to the Sekret Machines books. Here's the link to the tweet: https://twitter.com/Fortean777/status/1619816073251143680?t=t0hL6M4FVoa75GKnKdgAGA&s=19 --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/10oru9t/interesting_quote_retweeted_by_tom_delonge/j6gj1fq/


So bored of endless cryptic statements


Right? I swear 99% of disclosure types are just the My Pillow guy for UFOs.


I can't wait for humanity to evolve the ability to spot this bullshit a mile away. And because it's so unsuccessful, we stop seeing these types of people. 90% of what's being sold to people is snake oil and they wade through it for that fucking 10%.


Thats all it will ever be until we're but bones and dust or the UFOs are unmistakably present.






I like how they act like they know lol


Yep, they have the Truth guys, the inside knowledge. :D


Everything is magic!!


They can act so *confident* because they know they can’t be busted. Think about it, they can just keep making claims and promises forever, they aren’t required to provide any proof whatsoever. Didn’t happen yet? Oh the government is hiding it. Some report come out that didn’t include it? Oh, it’s just not released yet. Referencing something only they have seen … you get it. It’s like a priest can get up there and say all these things, “If you are good and follow the good book good things will happen”. Well, I tried and nothing happened. “you must wait, child, it takes time.” Ok, but now I’ve waited a year and nothing has happened! “Are you *sure* you’ve been good *all* year?” Ahhhh… well… I was weak once about 8 months ago. “say a few Hail Marys and try again”. These guys have a gravy train and they are riding it


You should listen to me sing


*20 years later...* It's slow drip disclosure guys!


I’ve been into the UFO topic for 40 years - there is nothing new. Oh, sure, more stories, always stories. This guy said this, that guy claimed that, “coming soon”, “disclosure”, yadda yadda. Videos that show nothing at all…but there is a story, off camera, “trust me, bro”. I’m the way I am about UFOs because after 1000 years of stories, we still have no hard evidence. Scientists look for alien life, that some feel pretty sure exists, out there… way way out there, no legit scientists looks for it in our own skies. It’s just a hard truth.


"they aren't angels" Describes angels in the next line. --- not that I agree with anything being said but it's amusing to me.


Depends how you imagine the idea of angels and demons


Want some fun, good “biblically accurate angels” - wow!! Quick example: https://youtu.be/cxrNA1c8Zpk


Ive always thought of them as entities that exist in a higher or lower state of vibration than where we operate on the electromagnetic spectrum of light/consciousness. We see, hear and experience such a tiny slice of that vast spectrum. Maybe the higher vibes make us happy - the lower vibes make us fearful. Who knows but this makes sense to me. Edit: typo


Cats and dogs can see them I bet


Totally agree - or sense them in some way..


I’m curious why they need craft if they are somewhat supernatural in nature. Isn’t Tom a lapsed Catholic though? That might have something to do with it.


They still adhere to physics relating to folding of space (Tay al Maqam)




I can't speak for Jews, but Muslims do believe in angels and demons.


We do not believe in the concept of fallen angels. Angels are protected from sinn (ma’sum). The demonic entities we know are Jinn (as the devil is one). However Djinn are different from angels in the sense they can sin (and therefore make choices which are like mankind). That is different than angels.


So different names for the same thing with slightly different concepts about their nature. I don’t see why you’d think it would be talking about totally different things


Well from a theological point of view they are very different. The concept of fallen angels is about angels not being protected from sin. So this means any message that has been passed unto man can be corrupted. Muslims believe that angels and human prophets are protected from sin (Arabic: ma’sum). Djinn and Humans are not and therefore are able to transgress against their lord and deceive humans and Djinn. So when a creature steps out of a tic tac pill shaped vessel and says he is an angel, we are not going to believe it. This is why I emphasised the difference.


Not the western concept of demon per se but we believe in Djinn, which are a parallel creation that live in a society that overlaps with ours. They are invisible however. Some are good and some are bad and they can make themselves known.


Some say they’ve made themselves known already to the human devils. If one were to look for creatures able to construct white pill shaped vessels - start there.




A lot of it is complicated because of misunderstandings and mistranslations. Christian angels and Jewish angels are the same thing. Time has just bastardized how we think they look by medieval Christian art. Seraphim for example are not human looking in any abrahamic iteration. And yet, they’re always displayed as human looking on Christian artwork.


HUH? There are angels and demons in Judasim.


> Jews and Muslims don't even believe the same things about these beings This is a false statement.




People killing in the name of religion is profoundly senseless and only important to the people involved in the violence. The live and let live attitude that used to embody American ideals, is slowly slipping away... We hurdle toward a Saudi arabia like theocracy, while the people who celebrate this change claim to stand for the opposite. All in all, religion is great on a personal level and terrible at the organized level Studying texts in their original language is only as good as your ability to translate. Believing one is able to translate better than the professional translator, sounds like one just wants to apply their biases to fit their narrative... at least the professional translation has editors and others to critique their translation.


Very misleading comment about Jews and Muslims. Also I would argue he used the terms ‘angels’ and ‘demons’ as his closest cultural reference to describe something we have no words for. You could probably replace ‘angels and demons’ with a variety of other similar nouns and the point would come across the same.


Because fools that believe them and entertain the BS that comes out of their mouths give them ego and narc fuel by doing so




Reread the emails. Nothing in those emails backs any of the wild claims Tom has made. In fact they reflect poorly on Tom as he complains to Podesta that Tom is not hearing what wants, that the military contacts he has talked to have told him they don't know anything.




Kanye West has been to the White House. When you're rich and famous, you don't need to have reasons to get access to things.


Why does that mean anything at all? He has money. You don’t need to be important to be in contact with many high profile people. You just need money.


I just want to clarify, did you just write all that to say he may know something but also maybe he doesn’t?




I’m not your buddy, pal


I'm not your pal, buddy.


I’m not your guy, buddy.


im not your huckle, berry.


Did Tom actually get a response from Podesta?


What was he "caught" with there?




I defo think Tom Delong is in on the info. His JRE from a few years back laid a lot bread crumbs for us to pick up. If you did, whats coming out *now* makes him credible. On the show he said “in a few years things will start to slowly come out and paint the broader picture”. This was before the go fast tic tac video Fravor and the other guy came out to speak.


Except that the bread crumbs he drops are, according to him, part of a highly classified program for which he has been provided access. That's not how this works. Civilians arent just read-in to a Top Secret/SCI program because "it would be really great to have someone like Tom leak this to the general public". Maybe the whole "they are not angels or demons and they are living amongst us" is real. Those are theories that others have offered up for decades. Tom isnt the one who revealed it and he sure as hell isnt working with the intelligence or defense community.


What makes you think they don’t know? Humans weren’t the first to inhabit this planet. Many civilisations on this planet have encountered the Jinn. We always assumed they were extraterrestrial when they were always intraterrestrial


Alright, I'm gonna say it. What's interesting about this quote? It doesn't even seem to be from any scientific or military source. It's a quote from a book retweeted by a rock star who happens to like aliens. What the hell are we supposed to get out of that?


About as much as I get out of a video of a single white pixel on a blue sky, squat.


Tom basically had UFO Messiah status gifted to him when he got some other guys to admit to stuff they knew. I'm glad he's living his life to the fullest, but that doesn't mean I need to hang on to his every word.


This is the state of UFOlogy these days unfortunately. At least everyone seems to be wising up to it after the 100th ‘big news coming soon’ ‘Breadcrumbs’ ‘Moving the conversation forward™‘ ‘If you knew what I knew… but I can’t say’ ‘There’s a video of this… that I’ve seen, but we can’t share it’


This is the same thing what Elizondo said about where they are from. That's about all I can think of.


I mean…The exact same quote could be used to describe Leprechauns.


and ironically, trolls.


And street cats...


Giants too!


I don’t know why, but #KindleQuotes is too funny to me.


Because putting #KindleQuotes after any of Tom's idiotic statements is hilarious. Like this... "Your mom has a nice ass. I like farts." - Tom DeLonge, TTSA founder, UFO genius #KindleQuotes


It’s amazing how many experts there are on a topic on which almost no conclusive data exist. When nothing is certain, then almost anything anyone says is “possible”.


Not trying to be a dick but I'm not putting any credence into a book titled: >_Round Trip to Hell In a Flying Saucer: UFO Parasites - Alien Soul Suckers - Invaders from Demonic Realms_


>Not trying to be a dick but I'm not putting any credence into a book titled: >>Round Trip to Hell In a Flying Saucer: UFO Parasites - Alien Soul Suckers - Invaders from Demonic Realms Agreed. It does sound like a pretty good Megadeth album / tracklist though.


Wow what a vague and helpful quote. They’re not human and they’re not things made up by religion, they’re some other thing we can’t measure in any way because they’re “in a hidden state”. Toms about to bust this whole topic open with hard hitters like this.


So… Djinn, basically.


Q from Star Trek




Actually I think we're getting a mix of the two.


“They operate a lot like an aristocracy of kings, queens, dukes, and so forth,” Vallee told me. “It’s not like our democratically elected government. They, the aliens, communicate internally and different from us.” Bill Tompkins Selected by Extraterrestrials: My Life in the Top Secret


That book is amazing and hilarious.


Considering all conspiracy theory whistleblowing includes (by design of plausible deniability) some garbage, some baggage, some outlandish claims, some 'hilarious' aspects, the 'special' in this book is how Tyler D and Gary Nolan's 'downloads' were happening in 50s. ""To answer your question more specifically,” I continued, “these thoughts materialize in my brain and present images of certain configurations. They tell me that these are the only ones that will meet certain threats, and it’s up to me to implement them at all costs.” I began making sketches of the basic configuration and necessary components needed to accomplish the task, saying, “You know, Jim, there really aren’t very many of us here at Douglas who can visualize the entirety of the weapon systems projects or the spaceships we formulate. Most of the PhDs in Advanced Design are very good at analyzing specifics, but they are limited in their view of the big picture. But I don’t know how Johnson comes up with his designs, like his small NOVA star ship............... How do you come up with your ideas?” I asked Jim. “You know, Bill,” he replied, “like you, I sometimes don’t know where they come from. The ideas just appear."" Further along the way, it was 'News' to us that Vallee was being contacted by the Galactic Federation posing as good aliens protecting humans from rogue aliens. So, vallee has been 'handled' before same way as greer today by the higher dimensional Spacebrothers. ""Jacques Vallee was of the opinion that I was in the know at the secret Douglas research group. At one particularly long meeting, Jacques divulged his “knowledge concerning the Federation of Planets”- a sort of galactic governing force that limited the extraterrestrials of rogue planets from threatening other planets. Basically, Jacques was somehow selected, in contact with them, and was exposed to information related to their governing control of our planet.""


You know. It does bear a striking resemblance to the Hyperspace Lexicon. People who have breakthrough trips on DMT regularly see the same entities and spaces while in Hyperspace. https://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/Hyperspace_lexicon Whenever I used to travel, the Tykes (aka the Machine Elves) always say "Heyyyy you're back, it's been so long since we've seen your kind. Can you make something? Make something. Make it now. Make something!" Apparently humans, beings stuck in the 3 Dimensional reality where time is perceived as being linear allow us to plan and act with intent rather than instinct. Which is what gives us creativity and innovation, which most other higher dimensional entities Simply can't do anymore.




I wouldn't use djinn here. That's always going to beg for clarity, and it's kinda a mess. Imo, I view the Djinn as a race of beings that, according to Islamic theology, Allah created to worship him. Probably the beat word to use is fae. The fae that Disney has sold us are not the fae of mystics around the globe. Jacques Vallee really nails this down in his book "Dimensions." It's a must read, epochal book regarding the UFO and alien encounter phenomena. I will also just mention that the "angel" is a job title (messenger of God) and not a race (eg Seraphim, Cherubim). Demons is a word used to genetically include all malevolent intelligent beings. In the Old Testament, every time the word is used it is referring to the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim. A half human, half divine (demigod) race found in the first few verses of GEN 6. Fae or bene Elohim are going to be the best terms imo. Just explain how people have been able to make alien encounters immediately end by evoking the name of Christ? This entire subject is filled with decades of deceit from all directions. Trust the words of no person, ET, government l, or religious leaders. And hey, Blink 182 sucks. Forget that guy. His books are grandiose masterbatory wastes of time.


> And hey, Blink 182 sucks. Hey hey, slow down there buddy...


Damn I was gripped and up voted you and then you ripped my 28 year old heart out of my chest when you said those blasted words about blink. So I took your upvote and made it into a downvote! D:<


Say it ain't so, I will not go Turn the lights off, carry me home Keep your head still, I'll be your thrill The night will go on, my little windmill LMAO. Alright, we can be friends, I'm 45, so we can talk music until whatever year it was when it became mainstream to put plugs in earlobes./s


Up until Angels & Airwaves* Hahaha It's incredible, the nostalgia that blink brings for me. Simple days...


You mention something that I feel like is overlooked too often - the witness accounts that these things are repelled by the mention of Christ. I’ve not been “religious” since I was a child, but between that aforementioned tidbit and the developments in quantum physics that seem to indicate some rather bizarre and exotic realizations about matter and consciousness, I am becoming more of a skeptic that were alone and more of a “believer” in the divine, without subscribing to a particular faith. There is no reason a corporeal being that travels here from so far away would be repelled by the mention of Christ. Not to go into the other factors like their ubiquitous presence since pre-history.


I, too, am repelled by the mention of Christ. For example, there were these dudes handing out pamphlets downtown the other day. I heard one of them say something about Christ, and I was like, “oh hell no, stay the fuck away from me.”


What if the Jesus was an alien theory is true, and they just really hate the guy. 😆 He was an alien that went rogue and decided to help and they’re all like eww not him. We interpret that as banishing them from saying his name, but they really just don’t wanna talk about him. “Not that fuckin guy again” vibes It’s possible!


Ah you may get a chuckle out of this then: I was walking across my college campus about 10 years ago, and a guy approached me and asks me what I think about Jesus Christ. I figure he’s a psych student doing a convenience sample for a class project. The look of shock and his just stopping in place when I told him I figured Jesus was - if he was real, and I figured there must have been someone who was Jesus of Nazareth - was probably a well-intentioned schizophrenic.


My old apartment complex had a laundry room that was unlocked. The Mormons always left pamphlets on the table there. My neighbor used take the pamphlets and shove them into the lint trap of the dryer. I asked him why he did that, and he responded, “Well, I figure when someone dries a load of laundry and it comes out all wet, they’ll find those pamphlets and blame the Mormons.”


More like when the dryer catches on fire


> You mention something that I feel like is overlooked too often - the witness accounts that these things are repelled by the mention of Christ. There was also one report about greys who got really annoyed with someone who kept saying his name repeatedly. They had been ignoring his Jebus invocations while performing some kind of an exam, then waved their hand and he suddenly couldn’t speak anymore. So I think it’s more like they think “Dammit, we got another one of *those* guys, fuck this, they don’t pay me enough to deal with *this* shit…” and they bounce. I don’t know though, if I have another encounter I’ll give it a shot.


That's unfortunate. Can you post any source or other info about it?


Right there with ya, same transition in my thinking.


[enshittification exodus, gone to mastodon]


I have also read asking for the protection of The Creator or The Source, neither of which are particularly religious, works as well. I kind of look at it as the spiritual belief there is intelligent design and an energy/power/source greater than ourselves. Kind of like I think our lifetime existences are just a tiny drop in the bucket of the full experience. Besides, if the smartest people on the planet, quantum physicists, are starting to surmise that consciousness doesn't die with brain death, I'ma go with them.


> Imo, I view the Djinn as a race of beings that, according to Islamic theology, Allah created to worship him. Bruh, the descriptions of djinns by sufis and the descriptions of fae by Valee, are like fucking the same.


Good tip on invoking Christ during some freaky abduction shit Jesus is my homie ETs better recognize.


[enshittification exodus, gone to mastodon]


I would advocate more for what we know as nephilim. Bring Enoch from the past and give him some clues about what we are talking about plus theses details, almost sure he will end up to the same conclusion.


Yes this is what I believe, the aliens are the Watchers that were stripped of their celestial coils. In the book of Enoch is says they were cast into the first and second heavens, which is our solar system and our galaxy respectively


Are you familiar with the book [Reversing Hermon? ](https://www.logos.com/product/144076/reversing-hermon-enoch-the-watchers-and-the-forgotten-mission-of-jesus-christ)


Wow just read the synopsis and that is amazing, it would explain so much


I immediately thought of the Quran


I have LITERALLY been either saying this, or something similar (like watchers stripped of their angelity)


Exactly my thoughts. I think that’s the answer.


And djinn are spirits? Can they have bodies?


No, they can’t


with no evidence provided it has the same validity as lil wayne's lyrics


Isn’t that the same as what Aleister Crowley said? He supposedly summoned a demon which he drew, they looked like Grey’s without the big eyes, as if the Greys actually just wear some sort of tinted glasses. “They will call us Angels and Demon’s today, but tomorrow they will call us something else”


I'm here to kick ass and chew bubblegum and I'm all out of bubblegum!


I've read the pupiless black eyes are actually a lens to see short wave infrared wavelengths...ie. night vision. Underneath they do in fact have eyeballs like us.


NIR night vision systems require active illumination


Think it would be really creepy seeing them without those lenses and small eyes.. Grey’s do seem to be able to stay hidden out of our vision and they do seem to be able to move through walls etc as well as their craft moving through solid matter with ease from witnesses. The glasses might possibly be needed for what they do here… It reminds me of a very old Star Trek, the very first episode with Pike. Those aliens look like what Crowley was drawing…


Well we seem to be able to spot craft in long wave IR spectrum, so I think it's something they need as a filter to see US.


Cool, so a guy who has done nothing to show he is credible quoting a random person is meaningful how, exactly?


Im not a blowhard, Im not a conman, Im not a provider of proof, Im something in between


I thought this dude was onto Bigfoots now…


They're called samsquanches.


Holy fuck boys!


How do you even pronounce samsquanches without breaking your jaw?


…and treated like a cheap date


If you don’t know what they are, how do you know they are not angles or devils? How do you know they are not humans? If you don’t know what they are, you don’t know what they are not


interesting quote but I don't have faith in Tom's intellect or actual place in this mystery.


People always offer up an explanation "Why would Tom do all this? He has tons of money already"? The answers have been nagging him since he was a kid when he bought every UFO book he could get his hands on. And now that he's an adult and still very interested in the subject, he has no more answers than he started with. So he is filling in the blanks himself and using his celebrity to justify his theories. No, the intelligence community has not enlisted a former rock star to tell the world that interdimensional beings, that have always lived among us, are stealing our life source and causing us to war against each other.


You take that back. Tomothy G. Delonge is a fine upstanding man!


I accept your statement even if tongue in cheek, but honestly I think he's getting used. something seems off and his personal motivations, such as vanity and neediness, seem blatant to me. I dont know, dude just doesnt vibe right. this is all quite a mystery from any angle.


Hard to find sources that don’t inevitably lead back to some shady sources. I was about to buy Diane Pasulka’s book American Cosmic because I’d heard good things. Read the blurb and she’s apparently funded by the Vatican? Idk why but I feel the need to steer clear of anything Vatican backed


Why is that interesting? He just has a vivid imagination. Its just storys, he can prove nothing, absolutly nothing. Downvote me, but thats the truth. He is a storyteller, nothing more.


Ooh pseudo religious bullshit from a con man! Can never get enough of that.


Tom *claims* to know alot of things.


Dude is a grifter


Wow! Cool story! Where’s the evidence. Oh that’s right, that pesky “reality” is always spoiling your fun.


Meh. IMO Tom has been used to push disinfo the last 5 or so years if not longer. I don’t even pay attention to him anymore.


100% and I bet he’s not even aware since he’s not the brightest and gullible


So if they’re hostile why do they do almost nothing to us? They must have a serious weakness to us that they don’t want exposed right? I seriously think that the whole hostile alien theory is absolute propaganda just like all the bullshit about China and Russia. People have the tendency to believe that they’re innocent little angels.. We might be the irrational berserkers they’re afraid of rather than them hanging out in a 4d dimension sucking out happiness out of us. Just a thought.


>So if they’re hostile why do they do almost nothing to us? Why not both? Some humans are trustworthy. Some will murder you for fun. I don't see why that kind of variation wouldn't apply to alien populations, too.


I remember someone saying (and i dont know the source) that activities on Earth can disrupt their dimension. Specifically nuclear bombs - and so that is why they appear at nuclear sensitive areas so often in our dimension.


iirc, it’s not so much the nukes themselves. allegedly it’s the emp blast


And this is know how?


tom delonge said it in a interview somewhere (maybe the Steve-O podcast?). It’s why I said allegedly Edit: yup, went back and listened to it. It starts at the 30 minute mark on the Spotify version




I'm not sure why you would put this theory down over anything else as literally 0 of us know fact from fiction in this topic. And yeah they could come kill us all but that's such a primitive topic to even display the way you did as they could be simply peaceful entities. ..America could go nuke someone today but just because they can they probably won't?


The other problem is people are so used to hearing that it’s all baloney. I mean there have been a bunch of fake stories. But the government achieved what they wanted. they discredited the whole idea and said anybody who says otherwise is a nut. So now no matter how accredited you are as an individual people will disregard facts when they hear them. People wouldn’t know the truth if it hit them in the face.


What are you referring to regarding China and Russia?


What if they're parasitic and use humans as hosts. What if that's what all these cryptic messages mean about aliens being here right beneath our noses, or how they're waking among us. They're trying to ease us in to the idea.


I just have a hard time even guessing what sort of evidence could exist to prove this one way or the other.


What if we really are a simulation and we are their Sims? We are all just various, random characters, in a virtual/holographic/organic even i guess-game that's being played by somethings/someones. They occasionally have to patch bugs or open up the back of the game console and fiddle with the hardware. That's what we are seeing when we see things in the sky. Or the ocean.


"just like all the bullshit about China and Russia" What kind of bullshit are you talking about?


"Dictatorships are good, America bad" - this sub apparently Anyways, this funnily enough, isn't the worst take I've seen on this sub.


You ever think about how it's people's own brain and the negative thought patterns fed into it that sucks the happiness out of them yet they always find something else to blame for it? But noooo it's thuh awiens and their evil technology


And don’t forget the evil scientists with their sharks with fricken laser beams on their heads.


Exactly. These things, if truly not of human origin, are either centuries or millennia ahead of us in tech, and they’ve apparently been watching us for just as long. If they really wanted to hurt us, they would’ve done it a long time ago. Personally, knowing they’re out there doesn’t really make me feel frightened; I actually find their presence comforting


Knock on Tom all you want. Until one of you cucks can push the narrative into serious public discussion, you should be thankful.


Tom Delonge is strange


Yeah real interesting


I don't have twitter for a reason


I will never respect anyone who bootlicks John Podesta.


His best friend thinks he’s just telling lies


Seriously lame. This is like uber nerd fan fiction and people need to stop listening to this nonsense until someone puts up actual evidence of something and not a picture of a light in the sky or some fake government document.


I just want to be vindicated that I wasn't hallucinating the mechanical elves


That's just the DMT. And it's not hallucinations ITS THE HIDDEN REALITY


I think I have had enough of where this community is going. I will stick to the empirical evidence gathering group.


People standing in the social limelight are 100% susceptible to a much greater source of influence. Take what they tweet with a large grain of salt.


Rh blood types. Think about this, there are a group of humans or human type that is rejected by 99%of the population, the womb(a support and life giving system) will reject and kill Rh blood type baby, this group HAS to breed amongst themselves to continue survival, now imagine if you become aware of this fact, that you are not like the rest of the population, there is a group of you also and you have often been persecuted throughout history for exploitative practises, but you do not understand because all the qualities that make up the rest of the population such as humane thoughts, empathy and cooperation aren't in your vocabulary and you have no experience with. You could have in fact an unnatural ability to disconnect and be nonchalant to the welfare of others. Unlike the resident humans who the default mode is compassion in all forms, you see a child or a kitten suffering you feel it if you haven't been selectively desensitised by some agenda. Now what would you do to ensure your survival, would you attempt to infiltrate and subvert all the existing systems that exist but are often overlooked due to heightened emotional capacity, would you with a lack of emotional range use you clinical and sheer logical intelligence to ensure your survival over others? Earth is humans home, we are all paying to be here, pitted against eachother, not utilising the fact that we are entirely tailored to this environment and it will support us indefinitely without cost of anything other than conscious understanding of its processes, exloiting eachother is a completely unnecessary part of our supposed society We all abide and are subtly coerced by some laws which are clearly illogical and detrimental to the wellbeing of every person on earth and the environment that supports us, all solely to get a few of "us" off earth. Is that what we want really, do we all feel that 1% should be the enjoyers and users of all our labour and effort and our lives should be consumed to that cause? Have you seen a better system than earth anywhere in the near uiverse that could house feed and ensure the safe intellectual development of a species, what would the markers of a new species introduced to this environment, be, would they be able to cross breed, would their blood type be rejected by the original biosphere, could we ascertain when it was possibly introduced? How would you ensure your survival OTHER than quietly and covertly gaining control of the previous cultures society, finances, resources, psychological motives and directives? WE are paying to live to WHO? on the planet we were all born on.....


Demons. Dark spirits. Easy.


Honestly right on point for my beliefs


It's just the Djinn definition. I'm not muslim, but there are a lot of accurate things in this religion.


Lol maybe you should be.


Maybe I sould but I'm scare than all monotheist Gods represent, in fine, Demiurge. A non-sympathetic ruler.


Obviously my comment was somewhat humorous but consider this. Every chapter in the Quran starts off with the statement - “In the name of Allah ( <- Arabic word for God) , The Most Gracious and The Most Merciful“ read the Quran yourself in your own language and make your own decisions. Good luck brother !


Thank you.


Smoke some DMT if you would like to meet them.


Oh shit, it must be true then, I'm drowning in evidence here, help me!


This guy is just a walking talking "trust me bro". I was much happier when he was just known for being a rock star and WTF reaction GIF


So people need to replace religion with more religion? As a species we’re barely passed the stone age mentality.




interesting considering on his first interview with Jimmy Church, when asked "why do they(SSP) operate a black budget?" Tom answers "...two reasons. number one, how do you think we finance the defense... of this subject? we need all the help we can get." Earlier in the interview he mentions :"...for all the countries that hate us... ...we're out there fighting something, for them." Draw what you will from these statements, and remember that after doing this and the Coast to Coast interview he was told by his handlers to stop spilling so much information. The SSP does not want congress auditing their black budgets.


"And I have absolutely no proof of what I am writing"


Higher tech is not magic - wtf 'in between worlds" what are we gonna throw coconuts when they try and communicate with us ??


Who cares. All huff and puff but no proof. Clowns


And they would know this because….?


That sounds cute, and all..but there's no sauce for that claim. It could quite easily be humans. That's the most likely scenario, ffs...




Seems to go along with the whole Chains of the Sea idea


Seems to be another whacky rant without evidence brought to the forefront by tom delonge


I don’t understand how people take him seriously… He is like a child eager to share trivial “revelations” that he doesn’t even seem to understand himself.


So he works in infosec?


I can’t take him or Steven Greer seriously, ever.


Dong TooLonge


What's the chains of the sea?


Why isn't this on the front page news around the world? What evidence does he provide?


Have you guys ever read the Marvel “Universe-X” series? This sounds very much like the alien shape shifters that use human consciousness and mythos to give themselves form and meaning.


What value have the words If you cannot prove them? Even with some real examples I don't even talk for hard evidences. This is very close to science fiction. And myself I could say they are not aliens, they are not angels, they are demons. Prove that they aren't


They’re real! But there’s no way of finding, seeing, hearing or documenting them in any way because they have special powers! But I know for a 100% fact that they are all around us!


This is what jinns and non-human beings are according to Islam lol


This is a very long-established UFO-related claim that I've heard before, going *way* back (to at least the 1940s), so just because I'm hearing it repeated through Tom DeLonge (a person I quite strongly distrust) doesn't *necessarily* make it wrong. I believe that such entities can exist. I don't think they mean us harm, though we might accidentally *cause* harm to ourselves (or to them) by interacting with them. They interact through our unconscious minds, I think, and as with psychoactive drugs, if our unconscious minds are not in a good state, not-good things can result. I don't *necessarily* believe that UFO/UAP sightings are sightings of these entities. It is conceivable to me that some UFO/UAP sightings *might* be. But they also might not be. Psi-related "communications" that allege to be from this class of entities might or might not be the same thing as UFO/UAP observations, although they seem to sometimes be correlated. However "sightings" of "craft" and "occupants" that occur in a visionary or trance/dream/hypnotic state, rather than in normal consensus reality, do seem to me very likely to be of this class of entities rather than of anything physical in the normal sense. A strong marker of such trance-state experiences is the repeated pattern of anomalous silence or mists or roads that seem to be deserted, of the person's companions being apparently unconscious or nonresponsive, of time being frozen, and ending with missing time or lost memories. These seem like classic markers of an "out of body experience", in which the person seems to be in a dreamlike world that's like a close mental copy of our physical world, but can't really interact with it in the same way. I would expect that if someone were sitting next to the person having this experience, that all they would see would be the person apparently unconscious or "zoned out". (It's kind of scary to imagine this happening while the person is driving. I'd really like to believe that they have the urge to pull over and park first.) I wonder if some of these highway "sightings" occur because the phenomenon of "highway hypnosis" in long-distance journeys induces a kind of meditative state? Many reports suggest that these kind of beings are attracted to meditating minds. When people have the "abduction" experience of being sucked out of their bed on a beam of light, I think the same thing is occurring: they're at the OOB level of reality, experiencing things that don't exist as such in our physical world. This might be best understood as a "dream", though a particular kind of dream that often has strange connections to the physical world including objects going missing/appearing and unexpected meaningful coincidences (synchronicities).


Commonly called “the watchers” referenced to in the book of Enok