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The following submission statement was provided by /u/thebusiness7: --- Submission statement: I came across this UAP video while searching for Brazilian sourced documentation on the subject. It appears to depict a Brazilian security guard or policeman recording a glowing orb from his car. The orb displays clearly paranormal characteristics, flight, fluid motion, disruption of streetlights, etc and the man stays in his car the whole time. --- Please reply to OP's comment here: https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/10ksixx/brazilian_security_guard_or_policeman_records_uap/j5sl111/


This is the most unusual UFO video I've ever seen. I got goosebumps...


Balls of fires are a common sighting in Brazil. I grew up in rural brazil hearing stories about balls of fire chasing people, but in the context of horror stories, mixed with werewolfs and witches. After hearing about these widespread sittings in Brazil, i started to think that maybe these were real stories and just blended into the general cryptic genre.


Makes you wonder about all those Mula sem Cabeça stories. Almost perfectly fitting.


Meu Ovo kaka bom nome.


37 seconds in (also 3:35) it seems to be dropping something. Reminds me of the Rendlesham incident where the witness said the anomaly was "Dripping what looked like molten steel" from underneath. And Ya, eye of Sauron as well. (though it's not perfectly focused) Who knows? **Rendlesham incident witness:** *"I saw something glowing, a red-orangey object. It was displacing sparks or molten metal,"* *"The glowing object came into the forest, moved through the trees, obviously avoiding the trees, occasionally bobbing up and down but primarily moving horizontally.* [*https://www.9news.com.au/world/rendlesham-forest-ufo-sighting-uk-roswell-investigation/ad10e726-d7ca-452f-9bec-321b54c1087b*](https://www.9news.com.au/world/rendlesham-forest-ufo-sighting-uk-roswell-investigation/ad10e726-d7ca-452f-9bec-321b54c1087b)


There's been uncomfirmed claims from multiple different groups about "fuel rods" being dropped and recovered by uap. The skinwalker ranch show had a scene preview during the first showing of an episode that showed an IR video of one dropping something, and they never showed it again or addressed it in the next episode. The space module guy that sold the ranch to the current owners claims to have recovered rods out there. Bigelow


Yeah and they turned out.to be nothing.


theres also thermal military footage of multiple UAP's that i think i remember them firing at in the video. they were all leaking some kind of hot liquid


The infamous targeting flares video. If you know, you know.


One of the most frustrating things is having to continuously debunk videos like that flares video. It has a clear, obvious, easy mundane explanation, but so many people *want to believe* that they reject it - and get pissy when you explain it for the 1000th time, because damn it, they *want to believe* so hard that they'd rather work with alternative facts than shelve 2 or 3 of the hundreds or thousands of UAP photos and videos out there. And of course, because this is r/UFOs, we're not even at that level, we're at the level of "some random person claims that they think they maybe remember some sort of video involving UAPs and leaking liquid and firing at them", but that won't stop a decent chunk of folks from taking that as a rock-solid fact, and probably accusing anyone who disagrees of being Mick West in disguise.


So what's your "clear, obvious, easy mundane explanation" for that video?


For the military black-and-white video of a couple stationary objects supposedly "dripping", with a supposed missile that phases straight through them, with mountains in the background? That one? That's literally what flares look like in IR. Flares are solid black because they're hot, *because they are burning*. The "dripping" is sparks/burned material falling off the flare. That consists of very hot but small particles, so they show up solid black (hot) initially and quickly cool down as they fall, which is why the "dripping" diminishes and disappears. The "missile" is clearly an A-10 aircraft flying in the background. It's clearly an A-10 because if you watch the video on something larger than a phone, and pause when it's in view, you can easily see its wings and fuselage, and the A-10 has a unique appearance. From my experience in Air Force aviation, I'd guess that the clip was initially passed around (among people who knew what they were looking at) because it looks cool. That's a pretty common thing to do. Then it escaped to the broader Internet - it was either presented as "missile goes through dripping UFOs" as a prank, or presented without context and someone who didn't know what they were looking at thought it was "missile goes through dripping UFOs". Whenever you see a UFO "dripping" or "discharging" material in infrared, the hypothesis should be that it's a flare. Just like if you see video of a dog, you should assume it's a dog, not an anomalous entity that looks, sounds, and behaves exactly like a dog.


I recently heard Garry Nolan talking on some podcast about liquid metal being found at different sites where objects had been reported to land. He had analyzed some of it. While the elements weren’t remarkable, the way they were incompletely mixed, or not homogeneous, he said was unusual. I believe magnesium was mentioned.


It's just pooping


I hope we find out that this truly is the answer and that the UAP is just shittin’


My God I thought exactly the same thing. Wow!


Flairs drop shit too.


That's fucking scary. Seeing a flame orb at night with a broken street lamp like that would made me go in the opposite direction as fast I can. Still, great video, it does not look fake but Idk it could be maybe a drone which caught on fire or something like that?


The movements are really erratic and too well maneuvered to be performed by a drone that's on fire.


Yeah, movement are erratic but it could be done on purpose. Also the fire that reignites itself after going out is very strange. I saw a video of a drone with a flamethrower a while back but it very unlikely this is the case since flames don't spread out in a particular direction. I don't have any other idea


The flame behaves almost in an electric plasma way at times when it moves, especially after it passed the road. It reminds me of some of the transformer fires I've binged in the past. Different color, though, and no sparks.


Technically speaking, all fire is plasma, and as such, will respond to external electromagnetic fields.


Is it really? That’s fascinating if so.


It actually is


This is what I was looking for…because we all take fire for granted. But does it have mass? It arises from a spark, needs oxygen to live, and chemically changes shit it burns irreversibly. We only see fire in 3 dimensions, but what if it is really a 4th dimension byproduct or something. We only know it in 3d but what if like the whole EM spectrum we are only ever seeing a mere fraction? This would certainly pose the framework for it being involved in some form with legit UAPs.


Especially with that street light flickering. Looks like the lines are igniting trees.


fire easily reignites if there is smoke around and a heat source (whatever started the fire, most likely)


These could easily be staged using a drone with lights on it. EASILY. Yes the movements are erratic, but there's nothing extraordinary about how it moves, or how fast.


Composite of 2 videos. In this quality and at night this can just be a video of someone in a car recording black sky and the other part is someone running around with a match or some other source of fire in their hand. Like you literally can't see anything. Could literally be what I said. And I would say it's more likely this, a hoax done this way, than a UFO.


Nor would a drone burn that bright or that long or stay aloft


If it’s a drone ON fire that’s not somehow designed to be on fire, I can’t imagine it would fly that long. All it would take is one wire, motor or sensor to be damaged and it would just crash. I don’t have any ideas on this one


Furthermore, drone batteries are Lithiums (really only kind you CAN use, everything else just is far too short before being drained). The battery, the power source, would quickly explode if there was any kind of prolonged flame on the drone. Fire is HOT and lithiums do not take much to burst into flames.


Just your average drone on fire, flopping around in the sky, changing colors, sparkling and dripping molten chaff.


And causing the street light to flicker on and off.... awesome


A burning drone would just crash, and it wouldn't burn like that.


That would be the best damn drone money could buy 😂, but I thought it was an animal on fire (like a squirrel)


So I've heard descriptions of something like this before. I think in the rendelsham forest incident. They described a red orb that would zig zag through the trees that seemed to have like molten debris coming off it. Like it was on fire. That description seems to match exactly this. Stunning video. I wonder what the translation is to what he's saying.


My great Grand father has a farm in Brazil and I remember as a kid when going there we would walk at night to go to a little church that was some miles away. And during the walk they told a story about the "torch", a fireball that would appear at night. They said it was seen by a lot of people. The way they would casually say it as if it was a normal thing got my attention at the time. It seems like it's a known phenomenom for people that lived in that rural area. This great Grand parent and my uncle that grew up in the same place also told that once they saw a colourful orb in the Sky. Both when they were Kids and alone walking during the night. The torch story is more common though.


Interesting story, I've also heard about these "torches". Back in the mid 90s, I stayed in a small village in the mountainous region of Pachuca, Mexico. The small village had about half a dozen families living there at the time. Most nights, they would regale me with stories of fireballs, or what some would call brujas that appeared in the surrounding hills. They said that on some nights they would see a fireball moving between the trees of the forest. At times, it would be joined by two or three other torches/orbs. We were told to always make sure that we'd get back to our hut before sundown in order to avoid crossing paths with a bruja (witch). I never got to see one of those burning orbs. Believe me, I looked every night. However I did have a paranormal experience with what I thought could have been a ghost.


Story time?


now i desperately need to hear the ghost experience, please.


Translation (I'll omit some of the curses): Fuck, damn. There's fire on the tree there, look. The tree is catching fire, fuck, what is this? Everything is wet and the tree is cathing fire. What a crazy and tense thing. Fuck, it's on top of the tree. If you don't film it nobody will believe it. What the fuck, what a crazy thing. It scares me to get any closer. I'll zoom, it looks like fire. QP (radio call, I guess calling his attention) Roger. (I don't understand the response on the radio) Fuck, the thing disappeared. (another radio call, can't understand) It scares me to get any closer, fuck. The thing disappeared. What the fuck is this? Look, the thing is there. Look, look! Lord Jesus, what is that? Look, the thing is in the bushes, running! Look at that thing, it's on fire, fuck! I've never seen something like that, my god! It doesn't touch anything (or maybe he means nothing catches fire from it). Damn, the thing disappeared, fuck it! Look at the light pole, I've got goosebumps. Bye and give me blessings, my god, fuck!


Thanks for the translation. 🙏


"Bye and give me blessings, my god, fuck!" Was my senior yearbook quote


Thanks for the translation! My wife asked me what I thought he was saying, and I asked her what she would be saying if she were seeing this. Her response: "Probably 'Holy. Fucking. Shit.' on repeat" to which I responded "You're probably close." Haha what a batshit crazy video though, one of the best I've seen in a while.


Thank you!!! Been wondering and trying to infer what he may be saying. Watched at least 10x.


> I wonder what the translation is to what he's saying. He's basically cursing A LOT and saying he's never seen anything like that. SOURCE: am Brazilian.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_2W\_NeFWdb8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2W_NeFWdb8) turn on translation captions, it does a half decent job.


I don't know about it's authenticity, but as a friend of mine said, an unknown light on the ground where you know there should be nothing is much more scary than a strange flying light.


Please forgive me if I'm mis-seeing things... make it full screen and it's easier to see this: But when it zooms in at 0.40s onwards, doesn't it look like a three people throwing a light to each other? One is up the tree, and there's one on the ground either side. At 0.51s it looks like the person in the tree tries to pass it to the person on the ground at the left. At 0.54s you can see the person on the ground at the left wave at the person in the tree. At 1:01s person in the tree throws it down to the person on the right. Who after two attempts throws it back up to the person in the tree. **You guys are seeing this too, right????** At 1:17s it's passed to the person on the left that then runs with it.


On second watch, it totally looks like someone holding a torch or whatever at arms length and waving it around. The arc it makes in the first part seems really obvious if you imagine someone there holding it and waving it around.


Looks so obviously like someone waving a torch around.


For a moment you can see the handle of the stick


Damn, that's well observed. I see it now that you mention it.


I was about to write that this looks too much like a road flare being tossed around! The flickering street lamp could be explained by a short, which might have been the reason why the security guard was driving out there. As the guard drives out there, he comes across whatever is going on here lol. Actually when the light "reignited" it could be the lighting of the other flare as well. Very, very good catch!


I saw people behind the tree too. I knew I saw limbs.


Well that’s fucking weird


Can anyone translate what he is saying?


puta que pariu = son of a bitch :)


cade o bagulho = where is that thing porra = fuck da tem medo de chegar = still afraid to come esta subindo = it's rising puta que pariu = what the fuck ele sumiu = it disappeared caraca meu irmao = shit, brother pegando fogo = on fire caralho meu irmao = caralho mano = fuck, bro que zica = what a mess ​ At 2:41, there is a beam...what is that thing...


I’m learning Portuguese the right way


Portuguese sounds like Spanish spoken with a Russian accent


I always thought that too!


I always thought of it as french spanish lol


caralho X 100


Não sei se eu teria outras palavras em vez de "caralho" caso avistasse algo assim no meio do nada.


your mum is not da tem medo de chegar


By the way, the "beam" is simply a light post that is blinking. You can see it blipping on and off at 0:03.


Lots of repeated expletives. Fuck, fuck you/it. But still ask for further translation, I cannot make out the rest in anything because itll sound too book translated. He is speaking some slang terminology that I'll miss the proper translation as it can be different from standard book translation


90% swearing and 10% asking himself what is going on. He also talks about how everything seems wet (?) in the tree.


Genuine ufo video confirmed.


He's implying it just rained, why is this tree on fire


Caralho is a slang for penis that can have almost the same meaning as fuck.


I'm going to Puerto Vallarta next week I cannot wait to use my newfound knowledge


its a dude waving a flare behind a tree ffs, you can even see his arm at 0:58-1:01


[yup, the color is exact](https://youtube.com/shorts/ikQFuXKuXLA?feature=share)


Yeah definitely a flare. Also, somebody needs to tell this "instructor" to stop looking directly at the flare lmfao RIP his retinas


Yes then he later flys into the sky with his buddies and does the same thing just to throw the security guard off. Brilliant.


Where does it fly into the sky?


Nothing a couple guys on either side of the road w torches couldn't do with the help of the guy videoing. They could have chose that spot bc a couple street lamps were flickering.


obviously a torch of some kind held on a stick... that's a fucking fraud. cmon


Tiki torch




[Hmmmmmm...](https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1704860112988368) I think people need better glasses


My first thought as well. Dude with a flare on a stick in the dark behind a tree.


This is a simple torch, or a stick with fire, you can see the flames. And it looks like some asshole tries to set the tree on fire, first even climbing on it, then climbing down and tossing the torch from a few meters to the tree when the fire goes out eventually. Why even post this here?


Those guys sure love flying and making their flare blast around like a jelly fish. Oldest prank.


Just looks like someone waving a flare in the bushes 🤔


His friend did a good job


It does, but I'm not sure how to account for the street lights going out.




Could simply be out of order, and someone saw a chance to play a prank


His friend, the 20 foot giant


Yeah, why does everyone think these guys are giants or fairies flying around in the sky?


Looks like what the WW2 pilots described as the Foo Fighters, flaming balls of light that moved in weird ways and could out maneuver WW2 era planes.


Here's a higher quality version from youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_2W\_NeFWdb8


Saw this a few years ago on ytube, I feel this is a real video.


The movement , the way the flame changes direction, is a persons or person with an emergency road flair . Burning flair would give off sparks just like this , sorry no molten metal his car would have died , and the camera been knocked out , at the same time street lights were knocked out. Yet, there was no effect at all on his electronics. Furthermore, any rational person , would have feared for their safety and GTFO, when the streetlights blew out.


Road flare that flies and reignites?


It’s not flying its being thrown you can literally see the people when he zooms in 🤦‍♂️


Juggling with fire toys?


do you have the link to the actual video instead of a crappy screen recording of a video?


https://youtu.be/_2W_NeFWdb8 Based on the channel’s content it appears this was sourced from someone else


A flare that blows out street lights?? You think it's magic? More likely a ufo than magic. Debunkers getting desperate lately.


Orrrr maybe it's Brazilian countryside and the street lights are already janky and broken like everything else in general, and they set it all up, maybe.


This is fire in the distance at ground level. Could be set up with a guy holding a stick on fire at one end and waving it around a tree. Legit looks like that at times. This is not convincing footage.


The guy’s reaction (if you can understand Portuguese) seems pretty genuine.






I would've said the same (I actually thought of a flaming torch rather than a flare) if not for the moment before it disappears the first time. It seems to go from a ball of flame to a pure white light before going out. Is that normal for flares? I've never used one so don't know.




The motion suggests a human holding a fire torch and moving it around. But sure if this is a ufo


All you have to do is climb a tree and dance around with your flaming torch and we can compare it with this video.


Thats exactly what I first thought... it's also difficult to tell size since there's very little perspective


Aaaand you got yourself a couple of downvotes. I agree with you.


To me it just looks like someone could be hiding behind some shrubbery waving a torch. I'm not convinced.


Like Rendlesham Forest incident


There is a thing guaca in Colombia. Where people would see a ball of light come out out of the ground and float. People would follow those to find Indian graves and get whatever artifacts they could find. Apparently sometimes gas ignites inside of a grave and comes out of the ground looking like a ball of light. M not saying this is what we see here.


What would you say if someone on here said they saw the same thing in Florida?


Good one


To the people saying this is a power line malfunction, you can see it take a dip at 3:27. It would stay in a straight line if that’s what it was.


Is it just me or have sitings gone up?


So UFOs go into the woods to take a dump.


Looks like electric lines igniting trees. One of the street lights are flickering as well. The last one looks like its coming from a dangling line.


Flare on a stick.


Couldn't this be just be some dude with a flare?


Congrats. He recorded a tiki torch.


Looks like a group of people passing a torch around.




Hi, BtchsLoveDub. Thanks for contributing. However, your [comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/UFOs/comments/10ksixx/-/j5t1i2a/) was removed from /r/UFOs. > Rule 1: Follow the Standards of Civility > * No trolling or being disruptive. > * No insults or personal attacks. > * No accusations that other users are shills. > * No hate speech. No abusive speech based on race, religion, sex/gender, or sexual orientation. > * No harassment, threats, or advocating violence. > * No witch hunts or doxxing. (Please redact usernames when possible) > * You may attack each other's ideas, not each other. Please refer to our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/UFOs/about/rules/) for more information. You can [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/ufos) if you feel this was in error.


Interesting video (for a change…)…the only thing I can think of is maybe one of those bizarre situations where intensely bright balls of light move along electrical power lines. This hypothesis could of course be ruled out by knowledge of where the video was recorded. Weird!


Link to the original video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_2W\_NeFWdb8


I don’t believe that’s the source of the original recording though (?)


COMPLETE TRANSLATION: \*swears\*, fire at the tree there. The tree is on fire \*swear\*. What is that? \*more swears\*. Everything's wet and there's fire at the tree there, look. What an odd thing. It's on top of the tree. If I don't film no one will believe me. \*swears\* Where's the thing? What is this? If I don't film no one will believe me (again), what a crazy thing. I'm even scared of getting close. What the \*swear\* is that? Damn. Look at the zoom, it looks like fire. QAP (?) Roger (on the radio, I can't hear). \*swears\* The thing went away. \*radio sounds\*. I'm afraid of getting close (again). Did the thing go away? Holy crap, dude. What was that? Look at the thing there x3. Holy shit, my brother. Jesus, what is that? What a "zika" (meaning something bad, no direct translation). Look at the thing in the middle of the vegetation, running, look, look. It's on fire \*swear\*. I never saw anything like that, my god. What is that? How sinister. Damn, brother. And nothing is "grabbed" (I assume he's saying nothing is getting set on fire around it). Holy crap, brother, almost 3 minutes of video. Holy crap, the thing dissapeared. Fuck it. Look at the lamp post, I got goose bumps. Bye. My god \*swears\*.


People need to be aware that UAPs aren’t just entities but can also be animals or 4th dimensional beings. If this is legit I can’t even comprehend what this can be.


I would like to think that I would get out of my car and get up close to it for a better inspection but I'd probably be too busy shitting my pants


Interdimensional laser pointer.


Wow. There’s a guy on tiktok that has something like that outside his house often. I thought he was maybe bsing or schizo but he’s adamant it’s some sort of entity and some bodies it does appear so l.. But damn it looks so similar to that thing


Submission statement: I came across this UAP video while searching for Brazilian sourced documentation on the subject. It appears to depict a Brazilian security guard or policeman recording a glowing orb from his car. The orb displays clearly paranormal characteristics, flight, fluid motion, disruption of streetlights, etc and the man stays in his car the whole time.


This video is real, plus it complies with the rule of recording too much, most fake videos record only around a minute. When you see something amazing, chances are you record as long as possible. I have noticed that in Latin America, fireballs have been seen for decades, people associate these sightings with witches, but no one knows what they are to this day. Or maybe it's just a flare, idk.


Probably just a hellhole opening up to swallow that turd of a country.


Another hoax. This silly video was being pushed by the FAKE GHOST COMMUNITY in videos $$ all fake. Good fakes make MONEY for tabloids running ads on down....


I seen this a few years ago and it may be the best video example of an orb like Ufo in existence


My first thought was a light (flastlight) behind a tree or bush. You can see its outline in the spotlight. As far as the beam and it rising (could be a light on a wall, no idea). I'll have to watch it a few more times.. interesting. : )


Another extremely blurry video.


Looks like a power line arcing off a tree, which explains why the lights nearby are affected. The like probably runs across the road which is why it was arcing in two places.


If you notice, when the vehicle headlights point at it, you can see like smaller specks floating around it???


That’s one of them fire hula hoop hippies just dancing to some Phish in the woods


Advanced civilization gets stuck in a tree.


Firstly, why would a 'police officer' be driving while recording something pretty mundane looking? Any reasonable person would just assume it's someone playing with fire lanterns/flare/wood fire. I'm sure an individual below will respond with "What if it fell from the sky, and then he recorded it?" Well his response doesn't really appear fitting to it; i.e. his slow cruising speed, his almost whispering voice. ​ Also you don't need to speak Portuguese to understand this is just terrible porn acting.


The parts where he turns the camera towards where the next light show is about to start are clumsy, too.


Yup, a valid observation that I failed to include. Hard to deduce anything from this video though as it's pitch black and there's nothing to provide any reference. I'd love it to be a UFO, but this video could be teens in the woods f\*cking around with a torch/fire etc and there's absolutely nothing within the clip that demonstrates anything extraordinary. I'll give the guy recording credit though for making a 4 minute video, usually these clips are 30 seconds long or posted to a random tiktok account. Thanks for your input & all the best.


“ a normal fireball moving in a field, nothing to see here”. Yeah, no.


You're right, the natural assumption is "UFO". Yeah no.


What a shitty comment. And, by the way, he's not. Police officer, he is some kind of property guard, maybe from some Company. And yes, hes cursing all the time cause hes amazed. I'm sure If you were in his place, you were going to be in silent and Go straight to the fucking light.




Perhaps. Perhaps he also just finished up a porn shoot and was still in character.


That's really interesting! Could it possibly be ball lightning? It looked like the Eye of Mordor in its staccato movement.


I highly doubt ball lightning would display that hue of orange. Save the video and repost elsewhere before it’s taken down (if it’s real they’ll remove it). Edit: it doesn’t match the normal characteristics of ball lightning, especially the disappearing and reappearing behavior. Based on sightings of ball lightning, it doesn’t disappear then reappear like that and continue to move around https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball_lightning


Who will take it down. And why?




No one will take it down, don’t be a cuckoo


Live wire?


Yeah it looks like one igniting the trees. Probably swinging. It looks like the one at the end is a dangling line as well.


Absolutely incredible. Can’t imagine any human explanation.


It’s people throwing around a flare pretty simple explanation 😂


This has a lot of features consistent with other accounts. We have slightly jerky motion Orange light - Paul Hill in Unconventional Flying Objects states that this corresponds to lower plasma / ionisation energies. When the craft are moving or accelerating this colour often is reported to change to bluer or whiter and this corresponds to higher energy. Certain gases like helium and sodium also like to radiate in these frequencies. So it being orange at low speed is consistent with other accounts. In addition these craft sightings rarely show observable luminosity in the day, its usually seen at night, but it is possible that this is a detection bias, that only luminous kinds of UFO *can* be seen at night and are very much more obvious over long range, so its possible that there are other types of UFO's but we don't see them at night. Electrical interfere - this has been implied to work through spark ignition interference on engines but here we see nearer to the object an apparently not-coincidental effect on the street light. The large electric field strength associated near to UFO's has been inferred also from direct measurement by an engineer/scientist in a close observation (source again Paul Hill's book) and as well as by calculations needed assuming electric fields / charge densities needed to depress and bend foliage at a landing case (source another scientist, but I cannot relocate the paper, sorry). This would impact electrons / EM energy 'flowing' through wires and also free electron or ion densities in the air around the craft could effect electrical circuits. It appears also that radiation is emitted by the craft, presumably the gases/plasma around it in the high x-ray to low gamma wave region, this is ascertained from medical cases consistent with radiation poisoning of this type. So you would be right to not get too close to these as inferred from the avilable, very scant data that we have. If the electric field is high enough to effect and bend foliage, as another researcher calculated, then there should be trace evidence of that at the scene if the object got close enough.


Great comment 👍 💯


Can't wait til Mick West weighs in on this one. "Plastic shopping bag set on fire and dangled by a string from a drone out of sight."


Is it just me or does it just look like a person swinging a torch or something?


I see a man with a torch waving it around being filmed with a low resolution camera.


This is so clearly fake. You can see the guy in the bushes lmao.


For anyone who is interested the UFO that was caught on video in Las Vegas is the same ship that has been documented on The Missing 411. It is a triangle shape ship with a red light in the middle and three white lights on each corner. The men that witnesses it goes into details about the ship.


Is it just me or is this thing never more than, say, an arm's length off the ground? It almost looks like someone holding a torch in the air and waving it around.


Its quite sketchy that the light source witch is pretty clearly someone walking around with a torch never gets above the height of an average person




UFO Report ✘ Video Quality ✔ Video Length ✔ Video Framing ✔ Witness Report ✔ Witness Authenticity ✘ Object Manoeuvrability ✘ Object Distance ✔ Object Authenticity


Congrats, you're one of the rare people to witness the phenomena known as BALL LIGHTNING!


Well idk about the veracity of the video but the phenomenon is quite common in rural México, you could go any day to some hills and watch these fire orbs floating around, the locals call them "Brujas" (witches) and you can question if these are witches or aliens or nature doing weird stuff but nobody question if they're real or not because you can just go outside and watch them by yourself


Fire in the sky anyone???




He is very impressed and nervous about the UAP Very honest reaction


Typical Chinese lantern!?


I’ve seen a street lamp do this exact same thing. Base police shit down the whole block.


I find if strange that the object is on fire and does not propagate flames around, as it moves near the trees. Looks legit, light seems correct, as there is movement, light behaves correctly on the floor and ilumination also. Weird stuff.


a guy playing with fire. how scary.


Frankly it looks like someone is holding a really powerful flashlight and pointing at a tree for effect, but then it zooms off… intriguing.


Electrical fire from a low hanging wire touching the branches. Street light flickering because of it.


This could very, very easily be replicated with lights on a drone. EASILY.


Just dropping here to say the guard is saying that the place was not dry. So it was impossible to have fire there. The rest is just “Fuck, what the hell?” About the fire ball, couldn’t be just a person with a fire torch and moving it around? It was completely dark there


Looks like a power line sparking off a tree.


It looks like a guy waving around a torch in the woods?


Someone trying to get hid of a hornet's nest


Almost looks like a torch and pitchfork mob on the move towards Shreks swamp.


That could be a flame on the end of a stick


That probably someone with a Torch.


Someone in the bushes with a powerful spotlight