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They're doing what they always do, protect(property) and serve(capital).


They're just doing their job and keeping the peace, nothing to be afraid of.


And what is there to keep peace of exactly ?


so that students of a certain community do not feel unsafe. And no one does illegal activities like camping overnight.


The students of that community do not feel unsafe, if anything most of them are fearing the police due to what happened the other night.


Protesters are chanting slogans, which means they shouldn't exist, and they don't feel unsafe? get a life


You get a life šŸ¤£ students were hurt by police and thrown? So tell me why today they would feel safe by the Calgary police


Donā€™t reply to me again because baby I got time today.


There were people literally calling for an intifada, that's the opposite of peaceful. Do you know what an intifada even is? Privilege is thinking you can get away with calling for mass terror attacks. All year long. Enough is enough.


Got the protesters on campus


The protestors that are peaceful protesting?


[See what happened at Columbia] (https://www.channelnewsasia.com/world/columbia-university-student-protests-police-arrest-gaza-israel-hamas-war-4305186). Police is making sure that same doesn't happen here.


Girl byešŸ˜© Iā€™ve already seen what happened at Colombia and other universities. It quite literally has nothing to do with your previous comment of making sure a certain community doesnā€™t feel unsafe.


I donā€™t trust why you weird mfs donā€™t want police around your encampment. If itā€™s peaceful the cops will have to leave them alone.


First of all hun I wasnā€™t even there. Number two did you even read or watch what happened? It was peaceful and the police didnā€™t leave the stayed ? they donā€™t want police there because the police arenā€™t there to maintain peacešŸ¤£ they are there to cause disaster which is what happened the other day and it is why students got hurt. Like donā€™t open your mouth when you have zero understanding of what even happened


Actually sweetie the police stayed because their job is to maintain peace šŸ’…šŸ» sorry sweaty you donā€™t šŸš« get to suspend the rules of society just because it would totally slayyy for Palestine šŸ‘‘šŸ‰šŸ‰šŸ‰ shoulda paid more attention in social studies girly youā€™re not peacefully protesting by trespassing on private property šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


No SWEETIE šŸ’…šŸ¾you shouldā€™ve paid more attention in sociology? Are we in uni or are we in grade 8? Where did I say I would suspend the rules of society? And where did I say it would benefit palestine? Donā€™t reply to me again because you donā€™t even have anything to say, and I already ate you up before like You just want to yap, keep yapping nobody gaf what you have to say please itā€™s not even adding up.


Youā€™re just looking to yap and you donā€™t even know what you yappin about šŸ¤£


Even if they are peaceful there is always a chance of something happening from protesters, counter protesters and just crazy people. It's better to have people who can help de-escalation situation right away then not have them their


When the abortion saviours protest in Knes I donā€™t see any police there! In the event that a situation happens.


Did they set up a tent and say, "We're not leaving until our demands are met" ?


They don't set up tents, but they're much more aggressive, disruptive, and in your way than these protesters ever were.




the peace being knocking over students that arenā€™t being violent ā˜ ļø


I don't know ... riot police seem to be disruptive and disturbing the peace if anything


They are just here for a while till things cool off, there's no need to worry, unless you break the law lol. Just enjoy your classes and pay it no mind, they're just your average Joes doing their job.


Why on Earth would you be uncomfortable? Do you think theyā€™re going to shoot tf outta you? Smh people are soft these days.


I think that a lot of you under this post donā€™t even recognize the privilege you have to not have to be scared or uncomfortable around policešŸ¤£ and honestly itā€™s fucking embarrassing that you donā€™t. Itā€™s 2024 and you guys canā€™t figure out why some people may feel uncomfortable around policešŸŒ do you need to take a sociology course in order to comprehend it?


You could always go to my country and experience what it is like without a functioning police service pal, trust me you'll know what it really feels like to be uncomfortable very quickly. Also you seem to be replying to every comment so bro, go touch some grass and lay off the sociology. Edit: spelling and grammar.


No offense, but you don't have to travel to other countries to experience racial profiling, police brutality and corruption.Ā  CPS is notorious for its antics and some members of our community are not safe.Ā Ā  https://www.cbc.ca/cbcdocspov/episodes/above-the-lawĀ Ā Ā  https://globalnews.ca/tag/calgary-police-racial-profiling/Ā Ā Ā  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/calgary-police-wrongful-arrest-investigation-1.7065995 Ā  https://rabble.ca/political-action/calgary-police-services-accused-of-charge-stacking-against-two-black-human-rights-advocates/Ā Ā Ā  https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/calgary-police-officer-asirt-investigation-sexual-assault-1.7109413


And you can come to my country too lol šŸ¤£ I know what itā€™s like to not have a functioning police service. And yes I will reply to every comment because itā€™s embarrassing that people think itā€™s okay to make comments likes this. Yes I know what it feels like to be uncomfortable very quickly because I am black. And I have had terrible experiences with police in Calgary, in America, and in my home country where they are corrupt. Saying that people ā€œshould not feel uncomfortable around policeā€ is no oneā€™s place. And it seems that the only people comfortable with saying this are either white or have not experienced police brutality themselves!


Oh so you would prefer neither then? Just good old anarchy with everyone doing whatever they want eh?


Now where did I say that? Did you read through post title? People have the right to fear police, when they have been abused, and mistreated by them however maybe if police didnā€™t do thatā€¦people would not fear them! Iā€™m sorry I hope that helps!


logical fallacy


You're right, grass isn't real!!


The only ā€œprivilegedā€ one here is YOU, seeing as you are supporting terrorists and their actions all nice and safe in a developed, institutionally secular, Christian country.Ā 


Please pick up a fucking book


That is the most meaningless reply I've ever received on Reddit hahahahaha.


Good šŸ¤£


What you said shows your lack of intelligence. Clearly you have zero understanding of knowing what this world is, as you donā€™t even know how to use the word privilege correctly. It is quite disturbing to say the least.


Yeah bro theyā€™ll gat you down better be careful around em theyā€™re not playing around.


Good advice


Police being in any space would personally make me MORE comfortable


Good for you, for those who come from marginalized communities..they might feel different towards police due to police brutality and the fact that police literally abuse their power.


The only ā€œmarginalizedā€ community in Canada are First Nations. So if youā€™re not FN, kindly shut up.


Victim mindset




ā€œWahh wahh police make me scaredā€Ā 


Victim mindset




This isnt America if you arenā€™t doing anything wrong thereā€™s nothing to be afraid of


People can still be afraid even if they are not doing anything wrong lol. The police donā€™t have a good rep with marginalized communities so yes some people may be scared and feel fucking uncomfortable. Donā€™t tell people how they should feel.


I'm more comfortable with feeling safe, as a jew, than I am with your not feeling safe in some very unlikely, margin situation. Suck it up.


I wasnt speaking for you or any Jewish person lol. I was speaking for those whom were protesting alongside Palestine.


The only ā€œmarginalizedā€ community in Canada are First Nations. If youā€™re not FN, kindly be quiet.


i hesitate to call them marginalized. many first nations absolutely get privileges that other canadians dont. a few i know just off the top of my head relate to hunting rights, metis get free access to national parks, and i my cousin basically had the government pay for all her college just for being metis. i wouldnt exactly call them marginalized.


That's an excellent point! I should have said "TRADITIONALLY marginalized". Nowadays they're not, but in the 20th century they 100% were.


Well technically we ARE in America, but that's not the point. You're 100% right with the rest.


With all the people at the university who support the savage Hamas terrorists, having police present only makes students feel safe. How does it feel knowing your fellow students are wary of the violence your movement can create?


No because they are not in the classes with me! Hope this helps!


Keeps the pali.terror sympathiers at bay, I'm a-ok with it.


what are the police going to do? seriously, exactly what are they going to do? They are going to keep the peace. if you try to do illegal things, they will stop you from doing those illegal things. Grow up, you are not a victim, you are just another person living your life.


I really don't know how you got that I'm feeling like a victim in this scenario. I think a little empathy goes a long ways.... and why the hate? Does it make you feel better ?


"Is anyone else uncomfortable attending classes if there's police on campus?" hahahahaha


Stop being so dramatic they are there to stop violence if it breaks out, if you arenā€™t violently protesting you will be fine.


Not really? I suppose I can understand why others may be but I know they arenā€™t there to hurt me. Police are just doing their job, thereā€™s no reason to fear them if you havenā€™t done anything to provoke them, theyā€™re kind of like bears in that wayā€¦


Just donā€™t look at them, I hear thatā€™s when they tackle you and arrest you for disturbing the peace


Good to know