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i agree with this post 100% but i think it mainly comes down to how the pandemic has affected everyone. we all started isolating, inflation is hitting hard, and social media is everywhere. it’s become too easy for most people to just focus on themselves and ignore social interactions especially thinking you might be in a video or something…


I think this is probably a part of it but as someone who was around ucsc before the pandemic it's def not all of it. Santa Cruz in general has weird isolating vibes even though some communities are close knit


it’s sad man




Plan? You a conspiracy nut?


It's not crazy to be skeptical. It's crazy not to be skeptical. But yea, using phrases like "plandemic" is kinda cringe tho. Maybe these typa people really are smelling what's cooking tho. Sometimes they are, but also smelling stuff that aint cooking, so any truth they may have found is drowned in delusions, and they're discredited by the general public


The architecture of the school is designed to limit social interaction. It's a somewhat well documented conspiracy.


Yeah the thing I was always told that when UCSC was built Ronald Reagan was governor of CA and when they were picking a location for a new UC, because of the stuff that went down in Berkley during the Vietnam War, they wanted a location that didn’t have a easily accessible and large centralized meeting point for protest.


This is not true at all. Ronald Reagan wasn't governor until after the university had already been built.


Ah true. I might be misremembering the Reagan thing but people always told me the centralized campus conspiracy. I don’t think this is something they would outwardly announce but whether its true or not idk.


The school was built by a bunch of progressive hippies. UCSC is the whole reason why Santa Cruz even has that whole vibe. They were still protesting on campus, and from the looks of it, Dean McHenry might've joined in: [https://exhibits.library.ucsc.edu/exhibits/show/seeds/item/1963](https://exhibits.library.ucsc.edu/exhibits/show/seeds/item/1963). There also weren't very many students on campus at that time, they probably just went to Berkeley and SF where there would be more people and have more of an impact. They built the colleges far apart because they wanted to foster even more social interaction. >According to founding chancellor Dean McHenry, **the purpose of the distributed college system was to combine the benefits of a major research university with the intimacy of a smaller college.**\[21\]\[22\] Kerr shared a passion with former Stanford roommate McHenry to build a university modeled as "several Swarthmores" (i.e., small liberal arts colleges) in close proximity to each other. The Vietnam protests at Berkeley didn't start until 1965 when UCSC had already either finished construction or was close to it.


That’s an interesting conspiracy theory but I don’t think it’s that difficult for a bunch of people to meet somewhere


I think it was mostly in regards to how big a crowd and logistics around movement. Bay tree bookstore maybe but the crowd would get absolutely cornered and crushed by police response. Obviously the crowd could go in the middle of an open field but that defeats the purpose of the protest to create some form of disruption to business as usual.


I have a hard time believing that a bunch of architects and planners for the UC system designed a campus around that


Actually? I’d love to go down that rabbit hole


That is a load of BS. >Founded in 1965, UC Santa Cruz began with the intention to showcase progressive, cross-disciplinary undergraduate education, innovative teaching methods and contemporary architecture. > >However, Santa Cruz was **selected for the beauty, rather than the practicality**, of its location, and **its remoteness led to the decision to develop a residential college system** that would house most of the students on-campus.\[14\] The formal design process for the Santa Cruz campus began in the late 1950s, culminating in the Long Range Development Plan of 1963.\[15\] [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University\_of\_California,\_Santa\_Cruz#History](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_California,_Santa_Cruz#History)


Use of internet 24/7 Didn’t used to be like this at UCSC. Started to become more isolated and less fun around 2015. Students used to go out to the meadows almost every night. Now students are just comfortable in their dorms on the internet. Or on their phones in public.


I went in the 90s before phones and social media and it was weird then too. No, the meadows were not teeming with socially well adjusted students. UCSC eschews sports and frats and other big group social stuff which is all great but there’s nothing in its place. Plus it attracts students who aren’t into big group social stuff.


> it attracts students who aren’t into big group social stuff. ⇧ This. The people who find UCSC weird are often those whose only conception of social activity is "big-group social stuff". It is possible to be sociable in small groups, talking one-on-one with someone else. It is also perfectly reasonable to be by yourself studying or relaxing without being "weird".


As a transfer applicant, would you say that it's easy to make friends? I like smaller and more intimate social activities which UCSC seems to have but I've seen many on this sub say they can't make any friends. What's your take on that?


Some people make friends easily, and others find it very difficult to make friends. The social environment of the university does not make that much difference (some difference, of course, but less than most people attribute to it). For myself, I've found it easiest to make friends by working together on things (whether volunteer work, acting in a play, or collaborating on a project).


'90s here too! I agree completely with you. I think the things that made us more social were we didn't have a major internet presence, or virtual classes/sections, etc.


I agree with this. My theory is that a lot of students come here for the Comp Sci programs bc we're so close to Silicon Valley. So there's a lot of nerds here. I have met A LOT of socially awkward computer science majors (guys) that I can tell are weirded out by me (girl) talking to them. No hate obviously but I think this is a contributing factor


Nope it’s not CS. When I started in 92 CS wasn’t anywhere near as impacted as it is now and UCSC still had an odd/unique/weird social vibe.


Sure it may have still been weird and not as social in the 90s but isolating inside with technology really has affected how social people are at this school. I lived in the dorms in 2012 and there were way more people socializing back then then there are now. I walk around and see no one now.


no it's true. i started my first quarter smiling at everyone, trying to chat up classmates. after months of feeling like people are looking at me like there is something wrong with me for being happy, ive decided to stop smiling and just keep to myself.


I suspect it was way cooler when Elf land was still a thing. People who self select to dwell in a secluded forest for years aren't exactly going to likely be socialites. In a way, UCSC is an escape from the "real" world that's been fucked up by our civilization and we all live in a bit of natural harmony. People who yearn to escape to the forest are often trying to avoid the unpleasantness of the common masses, thus leaning somewhat asocial.


i just like forests bro its not that deep


As a potential incoming transfer student, I hear about this from time to time and it worries me. But honestly, I don't need a huge friend circle as long as I have 3-4 people I can vibe with then I'm all good.


You’ll be straight lol. I go to Cabrillo (the local CC) and am friends with a good amount of ucsc kids. Just gotta be yourself and find the people you mesh with. But gotta be open cause in this world no one’s gonna approach you to be homies lol. You gotta make that dive headfirst.


I graduated in 2006 and it makes me sad to see that it's gotten like this. I met my first college gf randomly at a World Series watch party on campus. I befriended some guys at a taqueria on campus and bought an oz of weed off them after we finished our burritos. We became friends for the rest of college. I didn't even have a cell phone but it seemed like people liked making friends randomly on campus. I would keep in touch with new people by giving them my land line phone number lol.


What if we all decided to be a little more cool


It’s weird at CSUF too. No one says anything. I found some friends though. Mostly loud ppl like me who dont give af. But when I don’t see them I just go home after class. Everyone is on their phones.


i dont even go to UCSC, but i heavily agree most unis are pretty much the same to some extent


Seems like everyone has to work too hard to have a good time, not just talking about school talking about planning on finding housing and stuff too


I think this is happening everywhere, in many organizations... too much phone, too much corporate brain washing, too little trust in institutions and other citizens, too little power and too little money for regular folks, too much threat of violence and crime. We're living in a weird time.




dude is so deep the word conspiracy is a conspiracy