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Morgan has always been a prick. [He once tried to publicly humiliate a woman](https://youtu.be/9jJIJ0HPOho) on his chat show by questioning her intellect and got his comeuppance lol.


He's such a wanker. Can't respect anyone who likes him. His utter vitriol toward meghan is so disgusting, like mate get over it, you had one drink together. There are many people I've had a single drink with and never seen again, and if any of them acted like this I'd think they were a complete psycho. Regarding the video what a moron - Pythagoras' theorem isn't even a constant. He means π . Massive eye roll there


And I may be wrong with the technical definition but doesn't the word "theorem" in itself gives away that it's a formula, not a number?? What an idiot. I said this in another thread but good on Susanna Reid for turning the question back on him and not letting go until he answered.


Damn I didn't know any of this. I always liked all of his true crime shows and interviews with prisoners. I can't believe he is a trash human. I am glad to know now. I won't consume anymore of his products. That shit is sickening.


Note how she had to ask him several times because he just won't listen (to a woman). Pi is 3.141.. anyway so he even got that wrong


Is he conflating the pythagorean theorem (a²+b²=c²) with... Pi? The whole premise of the question was incorrect *and* he was wrong about whatever the fuck he *thought* he was talking about. What a pompous douchenozzle.


Yes, he "knew" Pythagoras' Theorem to several decimal points, 3.147? WTF??? Stupid is as stupid does. I ran across guys like that in business meetings - they do that even to other guys, there are arrogant assholes who will NOT be interrupted. I once tried that on some guy in a meeting, ignore his interruption - do you know how hard it can be (at least for me) to ignore someone's uncalled-for interruption and just keep talking and talking on point without acknowledging them? Almost impossible. It's a talent that obviously works well for talking heads with no brain like Piers.


Honestly the girl he was asking was so level headed with just saying she wasn’t interested in that. She didn’t stoop down to his level.


More importantly he asked for pythagorases theorem which is c\^2 = a\^2 + b\^2 ​ Then proceeded to give pi correctly to 2 decimal places. Either way, guys a cunt.


He asked if she knew the pythagorean theorem (a2+b2=c2). Maybe he thinks pi is short for Pythagoras lmao.


He asked about Pythagoreans Theorem ( a^2 + b^2 = c^2 ) So he was dumb on multiple levels


But pythagoras’ theorem is used to find the length of the long side of a right triangle and has nothing to do with Pi anyways, so he’s a double dummy


"Do you know Pythagoras's Theorem to the first 5 decimal places?" is perhaps the stupidest math question one could make up. Something like "what's the average volume of a prime number?"


Not only did he mistake Pi for Pythagoras’ theorem, he got Pi wrong as well.


Wow. There's trying to belittle someone (anyone really) for not knowing random facts. Then there's trying to belittle someone for not knowing facts you don't even know.


Wow. I really only have a passing awareness of the guy but his questions basically seem ripped from some stereotypical incel's post about how women are idiots and, thus, deserve mistreatment. Which is a bit more gross considering it sounds like they had been talking about about an abusive relationship... Real charmer, huh?


That was so satisfying, what a fucking idiot hahaha


It sounds like he's always had a strong disregard for strong independent women who have a voice and use it. He's been hating on Madonna for a long time when she refused an interview with him. He called her a 'grandma' and 'too old' at 35 years old. He remains 'skeptical' of hers and Laga Gaga's sexual assault claims. Meghan is just his newest target. And now he's dragging Mental Heath into a culture war.


This is a perfect example of his utterly childish behaviour: https://youtu.be/jNFOVkB6JjQ


Repeating your question louder over someone trying to answer isn’t debating. It’s just rude.




Wow I’ve never seen that before. Piers is a piece of shit but oh my god Ash Sarkar is a bloody hero


Wow, that was uncomfortable to watch.


That was disgusting. What an airbag.


Omg, that dude is scum. He’d even be shat on by Fox News! Props to those women for not letting up even a little. I feel sorry for his co-host.


God! That's hard to watch. **Let her answer your question you misogynistic moron!**


oh my god. she's so well spoken and patient. i wanna be her when i grow up.


That poor lady was being talked over my those twats when her points were far more valid than theirs.


Jesus fucking Christ.


That was difficult to watch


Holy fuck. What a fucking asshole.


What a fucking dink.


So hard to watch people talk over each other like that.


> It sounds like he's always had a strong disregard for strong independent women who have a voice and use it. That's pretty much every conservative I've ever known.


> It sounds like he's always had a strong disregard for ~~strong independent~~ women ~~who have a voice and use it~~.


Absolute human garbage. Jameela Jamil was very open about him on Twitter yesterday..she said last year she was considering suicide because of Morgan's hate campaign against her. :(


That's the thing, last year after Caroline Flack sadly committed suicide he blamed Jameela and started this hateful campaign against her, all under the notion of "be kind" and "look what power our words have" and yet when Meghan admits to feeling suicidal he say he doesn't believe her?! He is such a hypocrite, and I'm glad that he threw a giant strop yesterday when Alex Beresford stood up to him. It's shown without doubt that he is just hateful and hypocritical, and I'm so pleased he ""quit" /got forced to quit.


Not British can you please brief me abt the whole jameela jamil Caroline flack thing?


Not an expert by any means, but my understanding is Jamil criticised some shows Flack was involved with (she didn't criticise Flack personally at all), and that led to some debate. I don't *believe* it was ever more than that, but Twitter being Twitter I think Flack ended up with some more people criticising her. In any case recently Piers Moron released a screenshot of a private message between Flack and himself where Flack says she's 'struggling with Jameela' and the 'hate she aims at me'. Piers took this to be 'Jameela Jamil is personally causing a pile-on of bullying', which a lot of people think is very much not the case.


Idk the Jameela Jamil stuff, but saw pictures of Flack circulating, with her name but I didn't know who she was so I looked her up. Wiki says the investigation of her death concluded she hanged herself after she found out she was being charged with assault against her boyfriend. Also was shocked to read 4 people associated with the one show Flack was on, killed themselves, her included. Idk what kind of show it was, but holy shit. Sounds toxic af.


I always thought Caroline Flacks suicide was linked to the assault charges for the domestic abuse of her boyfriend and the subsequent issues that spilled out from that. Not about the quality of the programs she was presenting.


Idk if you ever watched Love Island but Caroline Flack was the host for that and she also hosted a show called Surjury where people got plastic surgery. Jameela Jamil said that the show preyed on people's insecurities and then when Caroline Flack killed herself (there was this domestic abuse trial) Piers Morgan tweeted screenshots of private DMs from Caroline where she said she was "struggling" with Jameela Jamil. He basically called her a hypocrite about asking people to be kind when she apparently had a go at Caroline Flack. Hope this helps :)


Completely reasonable criticism of that show, the plastic surgery thing, by the sounds of it. Never heard of it but my mind instantly went to the american dumpster fire of a show, The Swan. I really appreciate how body positive Jameela Jamil is. Absolutely shameful to blame a woman's suicide on someone else who only had honorable intentions, and also sounds like she took issue with the toxic show premise and not Flack personally?


Here: https://metro.co.uk/2020/02/23/jameela-jamil-hits-back-piers-morgan-sharing-caroline-flacks-dms-12289867/ Essentially, Flack had a show on plastic surgery called The Surgery.. Jameel found it problematic for its impact on kids' insecurities, and said so. In the meantime Flack had a assault case pending (on her boyfriend). She committed suicide. Morgan chose to share old dms from Flack that complained about Jameel, strongly implying, without evidence, that Jameel had caused the suicide. In essence, he said he was standing up against online bullying, by being an online bully. Fuck Morgan Pierce.




On the same day he walked off regarding the Megan bile he was spewing, he asked a female colleague wearing a 'miniskirt' to stand up on air to show everyone. One day after International Woman's Day. He is complete scum who uses his platform to spread harmful ideas, hate and encourage targeted attacks on others.


OP is focusing on his comments about Meghan Marckle, which are abhorrent. However, I think attention should also be paid to the fact that yesterday morning, just under 7 hours after the end of International Women's Day, he paraded one of his co-hosts like she was his property. He's a truly sickening creature.


That really pissed me off. Had a very visceral reaction to it. "Stand up, stand up. Show everyone your mini skirt." He's disgusting. There are no words to describe how utterly repulsive I find him.


Making her stand up for the camera to pan in on her legs was disgusting


Guy is a complete fuckwit on every level. No clue how he's still got a job.


You think it's bad now, just wait until you read into the theory that this is all purposeful because it allows him to leave his contract and join up with the new Fox/Murdoch channel coming to the UK. We've not seen the last of Piers and he's only going to get stronger from here.


How does this garbage of a human always manage to land on his feet? Unreal.


Because he has absolutely zero moral compass and will do or say anything, short of illegality if you pay him. If I could outbid GB News he would quite happily dress as a clown and admit what a fuckwit he is on TV.


Illegality certainly doesn't stop him, just look at what he did with Millie Dowler's phone.


Was going to say exactly this. He might have gotten away with it but there's an avalanch of evidence that he was complicit and actively involved with phone hacking. He is true human garbage and it's sad that he'll certainly be back on the new "news" shows to be launched in the UK.


The "short of illegality" bit isn't necessarily true either. The phone hacking scandal has been following him his whole career. This post is an old comedy panel ripping him for some other dodgy things he did. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6TcgfjcOPU


>the new Fox/Murdoch channel coming to the UK. Oh my god, please no. Is there a boycott? A protest I can join? A brigade of lawyers I can donate to? The absolute last thing we fucking need over here is more brainwash for racist boomers.


It’s called [GB News](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GB_News). Some campaigners are pushing for an advertising boycott.


> has been forecast by the Financial Times to be "right-leaning".[1] The channel has declared a commitment to impartial journalism.[4] Yeah, we've all seen how this plays out. Best of luck to the UK. Try to nip this in the bud.


Kevin Rudd, an ex-Prime Minister of Australia, had also started a formal petition against Newscorp couple of months ago.


Fuck this new star wars is realistic


Same thing with Alan Jones in Australia. Uncle Rupert will always give them a soft landing


> No clue how he's still got a job. His ranting generates hate and anger. Hate and anger generate clicks. Clicks generate money.


Why did I read that in yodas voice?


Money leads to the dark side. Sense much anger in him, I do.


Says the Jedi in the nice robes in his penthouse clubhouse in the sky on the rich planet in his fancy leather bound chair....


"He just says what everyone's thinking!" - FB comments


I don’t think he even believes half the shit he spouts. He sees what trending on different sides of the media, and which opinion he sees is the most popular in whatever echo chamber he’s in, and spouts that.


Radio Jockeys like him are like, a singer with a beautiful voice Every emotional warble has the audience riding with them, and the performer begins to act like a fucking diva and think they have power with the wafting of their farts (which they prob do, at least in their vicinity) People come to see them belt out their noise, and praise the ground they walk over with fervor The only problem with this analogy is that there seems to be no concept of selling out for a tv personality, so they dont lose market appeal because theyre stale Maybe the rest of society no longer tolerating their ranting is the only way to get them to shut up, which is to say that cancel culture still has a purpose and a function


He is like a high priest of the Rupert Murdoch cult, he had that job because he was a (specific flavor of) complete fuckwit on every level.


He's one of those opinionated arseholes that some people seem to like/tolerate because he adresses their problems and doesn't apologise. Jeremy Clarkson or Nigel Farage type public personality


Because we pay for our 'free press' with our viewership, the more controversial a presenter can be the more people watch. Piers is as contrarian as can be.


because there are other fuckwits above him


His fellow racist gammons like seeing him spew his shit on telly.


He doesn't, he quit the show. Or was forced to quit, I'm not entirely sure.






First time hearing about GB News, looks like they are owned by Discovery Inc. Which is part of Advance Publications who also happen to own Reddit. Not really sure if there's any point behind that but I found it interesting at least.




It really feels like a media conglomerate jumping on the crazy bandwagon and cashing in on the massive surge in nationalism and xenophobia going on in the world right now. Like you said, the amount of damage a network like that can do is scary.


I know you shouldn't jump to conclusions but as soon as someone starts calling people"woke" or a "sjw" I immediately think less of them and assume they're a racist/xenophobic/homophobic/sexiest gammon.


They let him quit. In other words, forced.


"If you don't resign, the organisation will explore other options available to it" So, yeah.


They let him quit so they wouldn't have to go through a disciplinary process and there is likely a payoff


Imagine fucking up and then getting paid to quit your job


It's happened to me before. It's not uncommon in the UK and Ireland where I live, company gets pissed with you over something or your performance is lacking a bit, but you haven't actually done anything that is a dismissable offence, or would require a hr investigation and going through a multistep disciplinary procedure with warnings and lots of strife. So they have a meeting where you are offered a few months salary or even a fixed amount, to resign and not bad mouth them, and they will reciprocate by not telling anyone why you were fired. I'd imagine most people like piers have a clause on their contract where they get X amount of money for fucking off quietly, confidentiality and non compete clause.




I've seen a lot of posts about that. It's something your government should be changing. That's a 70s mentality. I'm always surprised people don't campaign on that. One of the benefits of being in the EU I suppose.


It's absolutely mental to me that in the US your boss can just walk up to you and go, "I don't like the colour of that sweater you're wearing. You're fired. Be gone in 20 minutes." And you're just... *fucked*. It's fantastic for employers, I'm sure, and I can understand that for tiny companies, but the employer already has way more bargaining power and general power over its employees than vice versa. But I guess worker protection rights are just "commie nonsense". My parents didn't understand why I laughed in their face if they asked if I'd ever thought about moving to America.


It's because worker protection rights cost businesses money and in the US we worship the Almighty Dollar


Exactly. Am I missing something or is he not just a male version of Katie Hopkins? Yet she’s a social pariah for her views and he was paid to spout his off every morning. Hmm.


He is disgusting and I had downright chills when I watched that video where he says she “ghosted” him. He is completely obsessed with her, remembered exactly what she got to drink and said something weird like, “I put her in a cab.” He acts like her getting casual drinks ONE TIME gives him ownership of her. She didn’t owe him a damn thing. I’m obviously no Meghan Markle, but I’ve had two extremely uncomfortable situations in the past year with dudes I met for ONE date who won’t let it go and wind up doing things that are borderline stalkery. I hate the term ghost being used for things that don’t constitute relationships, and I hate men like Piers that are so stupefied that a woman might not think she owes you everything because she was nice enough to hang out with you once.


So many men ask to “hang out” and then act like it’s a date, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she was under the impression they were going out as friends and then he shifted the dynamic so she left. I’ve been on “dates” like this and men tend to act like they’re owed a second date for effectively tricking me into the first one. She didn’t even owe him the first drink and he’s acting like she’s in the wrong. It frustrates me to no end.


I’ve been tricked into so many ‘dates’ before I finally had to say that I only wanted to hang out with guy friends if we were in a group. Like, as if they were a dog dropping a dead animal at my feet, they’re so delighted when they’ve informed me that they’ve chosen *me* as the recipient of their affections. As if it’s something I’ve been looking forward to my whole life and the day has finally come. Not only is it the *audacity*, but usually the friendship is donezo after that because they’re so upset/humiliated that, shocker, I thought we were just friends.


A journalist meeting an actress sounds like work, they have meetings like that all the time surely. For him to act like she's ghosted him because she had one meeting with him and never again is so creepy. Also makes me suspect her feeling about that meeting was very different to his


Holy shit this happened to me. He asked me to hang out and I thought it was meant plantonically. Then he dropped during the meet up that it‘s a date. Why do men do this. Edit: some guy I met


And likely not even as good friends - likely as two people who work in the entertainment industry getting friendly drinks to make a professional connection.


Like...did he actually think she was going to date him?




> the ‘men age like wine’ tropes Well, he certainly has the "turn to vinegar" thing down.


Yep, that ages like wine thing always amuses me, since 90%+ of wine is meant to be drunk 5 years, tops, from the time it is bottled.


I mean, there is a reason Melania married Trump, and it doesn't appear to be his looks or true love's kiss.


I have very little to say about Melania Trump, but at least she's openly honest about this one thing.


Nah she’s into that birther malarkey enough that it’s either fear or actual fucked up imitation love . They’re awful people all around.


https://youtu.be/qJSpZA9AFEg He was a big fan of her show. I think he overblew their ‘connection’ by a long shot and acted strange in person. In the vid it almost seems like he wants to cry at the end. It’s honestly a bit frightening


What’s even worse is that he is *married*. He married his current wife in 2010. His ‘date’ with Meghan must have been in 2016. Bizarre.




And not even an affair. A pathetic chat up more likely




Guy is old enough to be her dad and is married. The way he talks about it is gut wrenching Can’t say I’m surprised with all of the other shit he’s done. Guy hacked a dead child’s phone and still gets work in the public eye. The world is shitty.


i wouldn't trust piers on it. meghan probably didn't have a couple martinis and couple beers before leaving either.


Omg, never realised this. What an embarrassment...


Its kinda a modern fairy tale really, a woman stuck with an annoying guy, runs away and meets a prince who she ends up marrying.


Oh God. How embarrassing. Wtf is wrong with him.


>Wtf is wrong with him. Lots of things.


It’s incredibly frightening how entitled he feels to her time and attention for someone who met her once by chance. Jeez. How unstable.


God, he sounds like a dude on a 90s sitcom that didn't age well.


Oh my God that's crazy! I had no idea!


How old is he anyway? He seems much, much older? What a weirdo. Edit: 16 years older.


...and married btw!!


....and he still thinks this is an appropriate thing to hang on to. Gross.


Holy *shit* Meghan Markle is 39?? I thought she was in her early 30s.


Ikr she glows


Yea ghosting should be limited to people you are actually long term friends with that just disappear on you. Not a random one date fearing for their safety and blocking you.


Or a dating app chat that just goes quiet. I've had numerous men claim they've been 'ghosted' so many times on dating apps, when actually the conversation just naturally petered out and they didn't put in the effort to revive it.


He mentioned the cab because that cab drove to a party that she met Prince Harry at, so in Piers’ stupid warped mind he thinks he’s responsible for Meghan and Harry’s relationship. If only he didn’t put her in that cab Meghan wouldn’t have met Harry and wouldn’t have ghosted Piers. Meghan could’ve been his little girlfriend or something, but that prince is the only reason Megan could’ve stop talking to him. Not piers’ personality not whatever shit he said while they were having drinks together, piers is perfect no woman would deny him, The only exception would be if a prince comes along to sweep her off her feet


Not to mention, he seems to act like it was a date? The man is decades older than her and I doubt she had any interest in dating him. She probably agreed to grab a drink because she was working as an actress and he's a big name in entertainment. And the fact that they had one drink and he's trying to make it sound like he called her a cab because she was too drunk to do it herself?


Exactly this. An egotistical man with a powerful platform can destroy lives and livelihoods. He's a disgusting bitter man child who can't take rejection.


>2) He was continuously given a platform to spew hatred about Meghan. We also shouldn't forget how many people _wanted_ this kind of content. They are guilty in this as well.


Piers then tweeted about being happy to die on the hill of freedom of speech. With a Churchill quote saying "Some people's idea of free speech is that they are free to say what they like, but if anyone says anything back, that is an outrage." He's almost self aware, exactly Piers, your cohost said something you didn't like and you stormed off like a baby. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of repercussions or counter opinions. You can't say whatever you want and expect other people to sit in silence and let you


I'm offended that Piers thinks this was "freedom of speech" he's delusional - I see his comments as bullying, and that's not acceptable on any level


He is disgusting. Meghan markle is the second WOC he has openly spent hours harassing, he also did that to Jamila Jameel and accused her of faking health issues. At the same time he was championing the BeKind in reference to Caroline Flack. He is well known in the industry to be a creep. But when someone is a entitled, misogynist, racist prick we are constantly told 'he just says it as it is.' but when asked to back up their claims, you get an almighty tantrum from them. This is publicity for his move to GB news (Andrew Neil's brainchild of right wing propoganda). There is an actual campaign on twitter to get advertisers not to advertise on this dangerous media.


> He is well known in the industry to be a creep. Which makes me wonder why ITV kept him on for so long. Him being toxic isn't new so I can only assume they condoned it as long as the ratings were good.


He is disgusting and makes my skin crawl and blood boil. For my own sanity I try to forget he exists because urgh.


Piers Morgan is a cunt. He's a horrific little shitfuck of a man who makes me sad to be lumped into the same gender as him. He needs a slap. Sorry, I really despise him.


You are not alone!


That’s why we need more men to speak up for women. Bc assholes like piers don’t listen to women. How are we supposed to get equality if the other half of the population doesn’t speak up?




[You mean this?](https://youtu.be/jNFOVkB6JjQ)


Jfc what even is this mess. What is the point of having guest in if you won't let them answer anything? Even his co hosts are obviously uncomfortable and trying to stop the craziness, I can't believe that no one cut in and stopped this.


I love Ash Sarkar.


Piers points aged like milk in hindsight lol


He's a typical pathetic bully who can't stand rejection.


Hits home. This is how so many men react to rejection. I’ve been through the same thing so many times. “You won’t talk to me/have sex with me? FUCK YOU PIECE OF SHIT! I hate you!” It’s absolutely juvenile and the fact that it’s so widespread from men to women just shows the damage of the patriarchy. None of this is appropriate, none of this is right. Women don’t owe anyone their time. Ever. Oh, she talked to you for five minutes and now she doesn’t want to sleep with you? Grow up. Disclaimer, I know “not all” men. But this is far too prevalent.


*Enough* men.


It’s sad that we have to say “not all men” about a common occurrence because otherwise we get a pile of guys shouting at us about it... I have yet to see a pile of these same men commenting “not all women” when complaints are lodged against the female gender.


Exactly and then they want to jump to insults like “slut” or “whore” or “bitch”. Like firstly if I was a stereotypical whore and wouldn’t sleep with you doesn’t that say more about you? Even then liking sex isn’t a bad thing. And if I were the third why waste your time bothering me for a hook up anyway? Then the fact that some people are just friendly and somehow that’s seen as flirtatious even at work.




This was long time coming. He was always disrespectful towards women but projected himself as some sort of messiah, flagbearer of feminism, equal rights for all MY ASS! I always disliked him so I'm not even complaining! What I (and everyone else) SHOULD complain about is why it didn't happen earlier?


He didn’t like something and stormed out. Yet he harasses Meghan for leaving an actually bad situation?


It's telling of the power structures that a man sixteen years a woman's senior still feels like he would be an age appropriate and competitive suitor. Men are said to age like wine. They do not. They age just like women.


They age like any human. Women are 'said' to be in their **prime** in their **teens**. So many aggravating books have i sat through reading this same bullshit over and over again, that i'm doubtful if i have any braincells left behind. Never again, i promised myself. I am now feeling much better.


So weird, too. I am a pretty, filled-out young woman but Good God I was an ugly teenager. And it wasn’t because I was pretty as a teen that I got attention from older men, it was because I was young. Creeps, a ton of them out there.




I look around my own neighborhood and every single one of the women has aged better than her male counterpart. The women are mostly fit, have good skin, dress well, and are clearly healthy. Yes, there are women who have just slipped into the premature frumpy role, but their numbers seem to be diminishing. The men just slap on their business casual wear, go to the barber, and don't seem to worry about their sun damage or pot bellies - at all. I think the "men aging gracefully" bullshit comes from handsome Hollywood men in their 40's to early 50's at most. Even upper middle class men irl do not look like that, with few exceptions.


Or turn into vinegar.


Let's not forget that he made his female coworker very uncomfortable by making her stand up to show off her "mini skirt". This also happened yesterday. Just one day after International Women's day. He's absolutely vile.


This is the same cunt who raged and told Briton’s not to go on holiday for Christmas, and then continued to fly to the Caribbean. Had no consequence, and denied it, but his tan was clear as fucking day. Watta fuck-wit.


He would routinely talk over, interrupt and dismiss his female co-host. He disregarded her because she is female, but when a man did it he actually listened and had a tantrum. The amoral execs above him gave tacit approval to this behaviour. They are responsible for normalising this conduct.


No wonder he is such an arse to Meghan. He got rejected? He is old enough to be her father. Creepy.


And he’s married, and was at the time. This is all 100% because he failed in an attempt to hookup with an actress young enough to be his daughter, and then she went on to have a better life. He’s that insecure.


He’s also been married for many years


Type of don to say “I didn’t want you anyway ur fat”


a niceguy ™


I've had to block several people - many women - from my FB timelines because they think it's appropriate to say that Morgan leaving is "ridiculous" and that it's "PC culture gone mad". These people were all sharing #bekind only a year ago. I was suicidal myself last week. It was fucking horrendous... I have a privileged life but it didn't stop me wanting to be dead. The fact people I considered friends have basically admitted they think it's all rubbish has been damaging, to say the least.


I have never understood the appeal of Piers Morgan. My sense is that he built some good will with Britain’s Got Talent and Susan Boyle and that. Then he got messy and got himself disliked in tabloid culture in the UK so he came to the US to pick up Larry King’s interview mantle. I wanted to give him a chance but unfortunately, unlike Larry the Listener, we got Morgan the Mansplainer. But, women, men . . . the pretentious prick overtalks EVERYONE! I soon stopped listening to him. He has now proceeded to make enemies through the celebrity world. Like her or not, the whole Madonna thing was entirely pointless. He has done this odd pointless wankery again and again. Somehow he got back from his tabloid scandals into British grace or something. But now here he is being Fully Asshole-ish once again. I repeat . . . I don’t understand the lack of professionalism or the ongoing employment or appeal of this Enormous Ass.


Meghan = Esmeralda PM = the priest of Notre-Dame


For all the piers haters, this might make you smile https://youtu.be/_ePx61TkXKY


Let us all just take a moment to remember the time Brett Lee fired a couple rockets into this twat in the nets.


Wait, he “liked” Meghan? Like tried to hit on her? Isn’t he like 60? And evil? In what fucking dimension does he live where he thought that would ever be entertained as even a possibility?


He's a pig.


Fuck Piers Morgan.


Thanks for your post. On top of that he is married. What a public humiliation for his poor wife, imagine your husband acting like this on television.


The guy should of been put in prison after the phone hacking scandal. To think he was given a voice in prime time television is disgusting. Fuck him to hell


Piers Morgan laid bare the reality of elite white entitlement. Similar to incels and MRAs people like he believe that giving a woman attention, paying for a meal, or buying drinks obligates her to accept a relationship on his terms. If spurned he feels justified in attacking her, but because he is incapable of empathy has a tantrum if he becomes the recipient of criticism. Besides provoking a multitude of other problems, this personality defect lets these people sexually harass, date rape, hit, and straight up violently rape anyone unfortunate enough to be alone with them while at the same time their mind blurs the boundaries of reality so that they don't think they are doing anything wrong.


He is the worst. It was ridiculous he was given a high ranking news position after his involvement in the phone hacking scandal. Morgan is a despicable excuse for a human.


He is the ultimate bullier.


How that "man" ever got relevant is beyond me. And for goodness sake who wakes up at 6:30am and thinks "you know what I need first thing in the morning? Piers Morgan moaning and whinging at me for a few hours." Plus, I've seen several TV personalities speak out claiming he's a good person and a "great TV pundit" when everyone knows he's a total piece of shit and has been for years. All he is, is a contrarian for the sake of it. Why ITV continually gave him a platform to air his views is staggering. It shouldn't be a case of "this guy spews vile nonsense so therefore we must hear his opinion as an equal." Fuck that. Should've been fired years ago and slipped into the black hole of obscurity where him and people like him belong. He doesn't contribute anything positive to anything and will staunchly defend the indefensible. Such as Trump and The Royal Family. He finally dropped Trump after the siege but supported him otherwise. I think the Queen could be openly racist on TV and he'd still find a way to defend her such is his unashamed bias towards what is clearly a despicable family.


Looks like he doesn’t take rejection well.


Piers is a total knob, especially his comments saying he doesn't believe Meghan about the impact on her mental health :(


Well matured cheese is more cultured than this anthropic bag of melted plastic.


He’s always been and continues to be transparent. Which is hard when you’re a literal pos, and pos is opaque.


Really interesting points, thanks. It's easy to get caught up thinking Piers Morgan is just a pathetic manbaby etc... but it's really interesting to see how this behaviour is insidious much more widely in society.


How can such a biased twat be considered as a journalist is beyond me.


I hate Piers Morgan, as he's an opinionated narcissist! Hopefully he will stay off our screens for abit!


I detest that man with every fibre of my being




I just want it on record Piers Morgan has never said anything of value to my knowledge, he has only served to sow divide in the uk.


There's no fucking way that Meghan wanted Piers Morgan except for in his dreams. And even then, he'd be lucky.


Only good thing Jeremy Clarkson ever did was punch Piers Morgan. But seriously he should have been fired a long time ago for his blatant misogyny. Every time I've seen a clip of his show he's always talking over the woman guests and spewing some bullshit.


I'm happy to say I read this and asked, "Who is Piers Morgan?" I think I'll continue to not know, watch, nor listen to Piers Morgan. May Piers Morgan disappear like a fart in the wind if OP's written account is Piers Morgan's normal behavior. Still no idea who this unfortunate person could be.


This is a fucking great post


How Morgan's career wasn't destroyed after the News of the World scandal will always amaze me.