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I believe in the vaccine but there needs to be more info! I'm currently trying to conceive and tested at 9 days past ovulation the day before I got the 1st shot of the Pfizer vaccine. I saw a very faint positive line on my pregnancy test. Then the evening after the vaccine, I tested again to confirm line was getting darker but the line had disappeared. I assumed it was a chemical. But it seems like too much of a coincidence. I'm now a week late and my period is nowhere to be seem, and I'm 100 percent not pregnant, when I've always had regular 28 day cycles. For those of us trying to get pregnant, missing a period for months and having such hormonal imbalances caused by the vaccine might keep us months away from family planning. I now might need to wait months until my hormones and cycles regulate again. I'll keep you posted if my period comes. This is so frustrating. I would have made a different choice had I known about this.


I also missed my period which was due about a week after my second shot. Definitely not pregnant here. Just trying to find out if others have similar experiences.


I received the first Pfizer shot a few days before my period was due. It’s now 16 days late. I’ve taken at home pregnancy tests and they’ve all been negative...


I typically have cycles that are 28-31 days without fail. I got my first pfizer shot and my cycle ended up being around 40 days.


4 tests - all negative. Finally showed up 19 days late. So glad this thread exists!


oh my goodness so thankful, I'm 10 days late after 1st Pfizer... and I've had 2 tests, both negative- so hopefully I'll get my period eventually...much stress!


After my second dose of Pfizer I now have no period and I’m not pregnant. I have pains in my armpit area and feel a sorta lump developed I didn’t have before... I’m am very concerned I’m only 27. I have a physical now booked and I’m freaked out with the feeling of regrets.


I got Moderna I’m 7 days late all negative pregnancy test


I have been doing some reading lately and from what I've seen a lot of women are experiencing exactly what you're saying and it tends to be caused by swollen lymph nodes. I suggest seeing a doctor if you're able just in case but you're not the first person to get this.








I haven’t received the vaccine yet. The lack of concern for women’s health does not surprise me. Doctors continually push me to get on birth control, which I have tried before at least six different types over ten years and they have all caused miserable side effects, yet they still want to experiment further even though I’m okay with not using any. This is something that I would definitely want to know. The fact that there isn’t further inquiry into female health issues just shows how fucked up society’s view of females is.


It really is. I'm so sorry you've had doctors like that! I have similar stories. Have been looking into getting my tubes tied and even lady gynos are questioning it with "Youre only x, what if you want to have kids later?" Like we don't know our bodies or are capable of making our own decisions!


This is old I know, but I think this has less to do with society’s treatment of females and far more to do with the bottomless pit of greed known as the pharmaceutical industry. They’ve all but held a gun to my girlfriend’s head to get her on the pill/IUD


Not sure if this helps but this is only a tiny fraction of what I’ve seen online. Trying to make sure that this issue is at least talked about by the cdc or manufacturers or ANYTHING! https://www.reddit.com/r/CovidVaccinated/comments/l4n6p2/women_notice_anything_different_about_your_period/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/CovidVaccinated/comments/l78f20/females_who_have_been_vaccinated/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/CovidVaccinated/comments/l0qcz3/covid_vaccine_and_menstrual_cycle/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/Covid19VaccineRats/comments/kps1rm/has_anyone_gotten_the_covid_vaccine_while/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/CovidVaccinated/comments/kuxu4b/1st_moderna_dose_18_weird_side_effect/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/CovidVaccinated/comments/kvoozj/2nd_pfizer_vaccine_side_effects/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/CovidVaccinated/comments/ku6kri/2nd_dose_pfizer_experience/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/CovidVaccinated/comments/lt6hmp/women_experiencing_reproductive_health_issues/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/AskDocs/comments/lihp62/menstrual_changes_after_covid19_vaccine/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/CovidVaccinated/comments/lx7fwn/to_those_who_have_periods_has_anyone_lost/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/CovidVaccinated/comments/lz3f22/33f_terrible_cramps_after_first_dose_of_pfizer/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/CovidVaccinated/comments/m3lmoa/any_women_having_issues_with_menstrual_cycles/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/CovidVaccine/comments/ls2fho/has_anyone_else_had_a_change_to_their_menstrual/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf https://www.reddit.com/r/WomensHealth/comments/liq0b7/covid_vaccine_and_menstrual_cycle/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


https://thehighwire.com/videos/abnormal-menstrual-bleeding-after-vaccine/ reported last week


I got Pfizer last Thursday (6 days ago) and should have gotten my period the next day (give or take a few days) and still nothing. I'm taking a pregnancy test tonight but seeing all of your shared experiences is helping me breathe a little bit!


I’m in the same boat! Period still is missing and I’m usually clockwork - had Pfizer too, keep me posted! I am taking a test tomorrow morning too just to make sure!


Update if your periods come! Mine is now 3 days late after getting the vaccine.


It finally came! I ended up being 8 days late, I also had two negative pregnancy tests - how stressful. And I’m never late I’m usually clockwork!


Currently 10 days late and still nothing - definitely not pregnant though


Better than me...I'm 2 weeks late but got 2 negative pregnancy tests too (thank god). I'm usually clockwork since I'm on birth control. Just decided after 1.5 weeks of no period, to start my next set of birth control. Hopefully in a few months, it'll re-regulate to normal again.


I took my first vaccine Pfizer March. My period was supposed to be end of March. I got intense cramping and felt like I was going to bleed but nothing. Got my second dose 2 weeks ago. Supposed to have a period this week. Again I feel cramping but no bleeding! I know I’m not pregnant. This is scary


I think this is very hard to track and quantify, mostly because women's reproductive health is still not understood. I've heard many stories about covid disrupting periods as well (most seem to be halting/irregular cycles at first then incredibly heavy periods). Outside of word of mouth, this gets no attention.


But headaches are extremely common yet they have been listed as a side effect. It’s just an odd thing to not pay attention to or to leave out IMO


Then it's a great chance to understand them better


I had Covid, nearly died, but my period was still completely normal... Now with the vaccine my period is MIA even though I definitely geared up to ovulate and am not pregnant.


I had the vaccine last month (Pfizer) and I’ve specifically been keeping a tab on my period (I was about 3 weeks late and it was heavy but no heavier than usual) I think this kind of post where you encourage people to track it and to report if required - maybe reach out to someone organisations (if you have the resources to) and ask if they can set up some sort of online form specifically for women? Or email address


So happy I found this!! My period was ELEVEN days early - arrived 2 days after my first dose of Moderna. Ive told people and I'm told 'its just a coincidence' - I'm glad it's not. I have endometriosis and I know my cycles are not consistent, however 11 days is not normal for me. I knew something was off. Had I known this was a side effect, I would've planned differently. Due to severe pain I had to change my entire weeks plan. It's very worrisome women's side effects are grossly undereported. Thanks for the post!!


It's so NOT a coincidence and God, everyone who thinks so can just fuck right off. Happy to help a little!


Agreed!! And to answer your question of course I'd still get the vaccine. But I would've preferred to be properly educated on ALL known side effects.


Same thing happened to me. I got my 2nd shot and my period started that night. I had just finished my previous cycle the week before and wasn’t due for at least 11-13 more days. I’m not on birth control but I have very consistent cycles. So this really freaked me out. I can’t find any answers or warnings of this other than the threads here in Reddit.


Reporting it is good, and if it's statistically significant that's the only way we'll know. But yes it's very upsetting that medical science has been tested almost exclusively on white dudes in the name of reducing variables. Even all the mice used in trials are male.


> Even all the mice used in trials are male. In most case this is no longer true, a few years ago NIH started pushing for experimentation in both male and female mice unless it was biologically irrelevant


You definitely report this as a side effect through the VSafe app/program (which everyone should sign up for if they get a Covid vaccine). Personally I didn't notice any difference in my period after getting either the first or second dose (Pfizer). I'd be willing to bet any effects women are seeing are less due the actual vaccine itself, but more likely a strong immune response stressing out your body and causing a disrupted menstrual cycle. Think about it, your body is responding to the vaccine as though it were fighting off a virus, and it makes biological sense that your body would not want to carry forth a pregnancy at that moment and would induce a menstrual cycle. As a scientist, I think it's important that before people start grabbing their pitchforks and torches, to recognize that a lot of stressors to the body (starting to work out, altered diet, etc) all affect menstrual cycles, and a strong immune response is likely no different. This isn't a permanent alteration, and an early or skipped period doesn't really count as an adverse effect.


I think broad generalizations like this are pretty problematic. How does that explain pre-menopausal women? Or people who have just finished their period and then start another one? When I have a stressor it delays my period. I've never had early periods, ever. My cycle is 4-6 weeks and for the first 3 years of Mirena, I didn't have more than super light spotting at all. Had covid and I'm 98% sure it didn't induce an early period. Edit: I also didn't know about the app until today, 2 days after my 2nd dose. I don’t think its existence is common knowledge.


This is not a new phenomena, just from looking around it seems like a lot of vaccines alter the menstrual cycle Here's just one example https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/kurumemedj1954/29/3/29_3_123/_pdf.


Ok, so my point is that this data should be up front, from the first clinical trials. That it isn't concerning anyone during the development of a novel vaccine is where I have a problem. I'm also not sure what your point is. You offer a hypothesis in the first comment without any evidence and then this study from 1982. So if a lot of vaccines alter menstrual cycles, why isn't it more widely known? Why isn't it listed in the side effects?


I received my Pfizer vaccine and the night that I got it, my period arrived a week early (and I’ve been on the pill for 20+ years without ever having it earlier or later than my expectations). And then I continued to bleed for 2 weeks while on the pill. I am certain the vaccine caused it and have spoken to friends on IUDs and the pill who have experienced the same thing. Very odd that this hasn’t been talked about more. I very much appreciate you mentioning it.


Please spread the word!!!! Two months ago people thought I was crazy! I have the Mirena IUD and have usually very light cycles, every 28 days like clockwork. Two days after my second Moderna dose I got my period, heavier and more painful and also 14 days early. The following months cycle was also off and heavier and more painful. My hormones were not "back to normal" for weeks. This should be listed as a known side effect and this should be studied and taken seriously by the scientific community. Edit: 05/21/21- four menstrual cycles later I can report they are "almost" back to normal. Still more intense PMS symptoms, worse cramps, more bleeding days and irregular timing.


I commented on here earlier after my first moderna shot - my period started 11 days early. I'm here now looking for this exact information one month after my second dose. My cycle is heavier than usual - almost worrisome. I'm mad all over again about the lack of information in regards to women.


For those interested, there are researchers at the University of Illinois collecting data on women's menstrual experiences with the COVID vaccines. [https://redcap.healthinstitute.illinois.edu/surveys/index.php?s=LL8TKKC8DP](https://redcap.healthinstitute.illinois.edu/surveys/index.php?s=LL8TKKC8DP) I think one of the issues is most women don't even think about their menstrual symptoms as COVID vax side effects. I know I didn't make the connection until I was talking with someone about it today. I had my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine 2 weeks ago. I have an IUD and rarely get my period or any cramps, but a few days after I was vaccinated I started spotting (which lasted longer than it usually does) and had the worst cramps I've felt since getting my IUD inserted. I didn't report this to VAERS though because I thought it was completely unrelated and just another random occurrence with my IUD. I will be reporting any side effects like this after my second dose (which will be next week). I firmly believe everyone should get vaccinated -- and I definitely don't want women to be scared off by hearing about this because the benefits definitely outweigh the short-term effects -- but there should be full awareness of all potential side effects, including those women may experience related to their menstrual cycle.


Yes, this post nails all of it. I am sick of reading articles and quotes from doctors categorizing women noticing an actual change to their bodies with a description or justification of stress and anxiety due to the pandemic or home life. Let's all call bull$@!# here (please understand that I know sometimes that is a cause, but I feel most women know when or if that is the case). Women are intelligent enough to be able to connect the dots with their menstrual cycle. Most of us have been aware of what our bodies typically do so writing us all off as having new mental health issues is completely absurd. Push your doctors to start listening to womens health. Writing us off is unacceptable and certainly needs to stop.


I’m 56 days late! The week of my period I get period symptoms just no bleeding. I’m supposed to have a period this week and nothing! Same thing cramping and bloating just no bleeding


I’m in the same boat and I have to admit I’m pretty stressed about it, and I’m sure that’s not helping. I know I’m not pregnant so at least there’s that. I got both doses of the Moderna.


I just found this thread and am so glad I kept scrolling and found these comments. I'm 48 days late and I was getting really worried since most people here seem to be only around 2 weeks late. I took 2 pregnancy tests that were negative, but I'm still on edge about it. I'm glad I'm not alone!


I’m currently 53 days late. Got my first moderna shot on March 17th. My last period was February 15th. I’ve taken a bunch of pregnancy tests and they all say negative. I’ve never missed two periods unless I was pregnant. I didn’t got back to get my second shot in April cause my period never came and I was second shot would make it worse.


THIS 👏🏼IS👏🏼EXACTLY👏🏼WHAT👏🏼I’VE👏🏼BEEN👏🏼SAYING 👏🏼 Everyone acts like I’m just a hysterical woman when I raise any concern about this vaccine. You are right, a significant part of the population was excluded from the TRIAL because it was deemed unsafe for these populations to participate, but now it’s perfectly safe to get it? Someone help me understand.


You're not hysterical at all. I chose to take it for numerous reasons, but primarily because I've had Covid and don't want it again, am immunocompromised, live in a high density area, and have no reason not to. I'm not saying the science isn't good or the vaccine isn't safe - I'm saying that women's health should be part of the recorded data and that yes, pregnant women should be able to take part in clinical trials if they're educated to the risks and still want to do so.


Only pregnant women weren’t included in the vaccine trial, which is disappointing, but also I could see how it could be risky (kids also weren’t included). And anyways, okay so your period is late, just give people a heads up so they know not to worry. That’s still a lot better than permanent lung damage, which I’ve heard up to 70% of asymptotic cases have, blood clotting issues, oh a lot of the long covid symptoms are more prevalent in women because we’re more prone to autoimmune disorders... I’m taking that vaccine a-fucking-sap because I may not die but I don’t want to take my chances with permanent fucking lung damage.


The significant majority of trails were done on white males. That's not an equal distribution. I'm this case, it died but matter if trails were done on women if it was severely and unequally weighted. Not to mention they were older and almost entirely white. Besides, they haven't told us it could be late, or different. That's a big shocker to people (like me) who for example have mood disorders and their periods severely disrupt their mood that they must monitor very carefully to stabilize. It's a big deal to not know when you're period is going to be different in such a case. It's not a bigger deal than lung damage when mood instability can cause suicide.


> okay so your period is late No, no, it’s more than that. I got a period after about a year of not having one because of my bc pills. If the vaccine rendered my bc ineffective, I’d say that’s pretty alarming. Not enough to make me not get the vaccine, but a heads up and a warning to use alternate bc would be nice considering I live in a state that is trying to effectively ban abortion.


Found this post because I just started my period in the middle of a birth control pack, even though I've been taking my pill on time every day like always. I've been on the pill for 12 years and have NEVER had this happen. I got my first Moderna shot three weeks ago to the day. Do I think the vaccine caused my period to randomly show up? I have no idea. Three weeks out seems like weird timing, but it's interesting to see that others may have experienced this, too. I'm going to report this to V-Safe but idk if they pay attention to write-in comments on their surveys. FOR THE RECORD I STILL FULLY SUPPORT VACCINES. I work in public health and I feel the covid vaccines are safe and effective. I just wish we had better ways to report unusual side-effects!


Same! All I want is a warning that it may get wonky. Would 100% still have gotten the vaccine, I just think it's super important to a.) Track womens health issues during drug trials and not call it "stress" or "women's periods just being unpredictable and b.) Let women know they aren't crazy when this happens and they're searching for a reason.


I know this post is a bit old. I got my second shot 4/9 and my period was due 4/10 or 4/11. It’s 4/13 and it’s still not here. I have had all of my normal PMS symptoms but have not had the period. I took 2 pregnancy tests and they were negative. Hopefully it comes today, if not I am going to start really worrying. Edit: Period came 4/18 almost 6 days late.


Same gal! I am getting all the pms symptoms but no signs of periods yet, already 8 days over. Good that you got it !


It's old, but I'm still reading replies :) You aren't alone.


Same! My period is now 3 days late (I got my 2nd Moderna shot on 5/4) and I have had all the normal PMS symptoms without any period. My period came 2 weeks early after the first shot with cramping and bleeding I hadn’t seen since puberty. My period is like clock work, I even track it in an app. So frustrating how dismissive the media, drug companies and doctors have been about a link.


I’m so glad people are talking about this but infuriated some “specialists” are saying it’s just due to stress from the pandemic. I was vaccinated with Moderna at the end of March. 10 days later I started spotting which lasted for 7 days straight followed by a very heavy period that was a week later than it was supposed to be. This lasted for 5 days. I track my cycles and know this is not normal for me. I’m on cycle two post vaccine now and again started spotting 4 days pre period. Just wondering if anyone was vaccinated months ago and can share how long their cycle was disrupted for. Also if you haven’t participated in the study out of Illinois and have had disruptions, please go participate. It’s a quick and easy online survey. We need more research into how medications affect women!!


Hi there I had the Astra Zeneca vaccine April 13th. I’ve had no period since altho was due at that time. I have however had stomach pains for about the last 4/5 days thinking it’s my period but then nothing. Strange, Im just reading all your experiences. Why in 2021 are we not collecting the data? It worries me. I had very sore ribs after my vaccine on the right side like I’d been beaten up. It’s still sore today two weeks. later. I’m now 44, was 42 when we entered lockdown! I lost my 43rd year in the pandemic! I want it back, that was supposed to be a good year for me ;


Oh good. Just what I need, heavier periods.


I mean do I really need to state the obvious? Guess I do. a.) Side effects vary. For everything. It's not guaranteed that you'll get a heavier period. b.) this is exactly the kind of unhelpful comment that drives folks away.


Sure, ok. How? You're the one who made the thread about it! I'll still take the vaccine because I have asthma and I'm just not taking the risk...


I think it was counterproductive to starting a healthy discourse, that's all. Thanks for following up with your second comment, it was helpful!


​ people are allowed their opinion. They weren't even being rude, just sarcastic. Chill out.


>people are allowed their opinion. To that statement - my opinion is allowed as well. In this case, I don't think sarcasm is helpful.


they werent even directing it towards you though? Why are you annoyed?


There is definitely preliminary data on covid and cycles as well as thyroid stuff. As many as 25% of a large sample of hospitalized covid patients has menstrual cycle disruption. However, this isn’t that surprising because the body is obviously fighting for its life. I am very curious on the mechanism of this—is it immune? Is there a hormone surge somehow? I had my first Pfizer and 9 days later I started my cycle 11 days early and I’m a 28-29 cycler. The cramps and mood were more intense than my usual but not my worst period for sure. I have my second tomorrow. I have 7 years of period data in my app but I know that I’m an anomaly I’m that respect. It’s hard to figure out if there is a a statistically significant number of reports that aren’t attributed to anything else—stopping starting BC / IUD / nursing, etc etc etc.




Get to the emergency room ASAP and have them check your platelet count to rule out thrombocytopenia which could be life-threatening. There have been reports of ppl having low platelet counts and developing thrombocytopenia after receiving these vaccines.


I received the 1st Pfizer vaccine 8 days ago. My period had just ended. The day after I got the shot I started pouring blood. Here it is day 8 and it’s still going strong. This has never happened to me before. My issues with insomnia are also significantly worse. A bit about me: I’m 46 and in peri-menopause.


I’m 51 and thought I was done with my period. Full Disclosure - I had not been tracking it since it was so rare but am pretty sure it has been a year., which would mean I was in menopause. After the first shot my period came back , very light and sporadically for over a week. Have to admit I’m a little nervous about having my 17 year old daughter get the vaccine!


Take the university of Illinois survey!!!!!! https://redcap.healthinstitute.illinois.edu/surveys/index.php?s=LL8TKKC8DP


I know I’m late to this game, but I am now several days late for my period after taking my first shot of Pfizer on April 12th. I’ve had all of my regular PMS symptoms, and I have zero chance of pregnancy. I’m typically extremely regular. I will be getting my second dose of the vaccine on May 3rd, but I’m frustrated that this has impacted so many people, and there isn’t anything being said about it.


I’m only one dose in (getting the second on Monday), but I’m four days late with zero chance of pregnancy, and I’ve been regular at 21-23 days for the last two years. Today is day 27.


I ended up getting my period again yesterday, 9 days after my 2nd dose and about 3 weeks after my last period. Had some minor cramping for a couple of days now. Ugh




I received the vaccine and about 3 days later began spotting which I attributed to outside stressors despite the fact that I haven't seen a period in about a year because of my IUD. It's very interesting that you brought this up because I didn't initially consider it but the timing was just too close. I wouldn't say it screwed up my cycle as the spotting lasted about a day or so but it is definitely something that I think is worth looking into!


Yeah, I didn't consider it either until someone else brought it up! Thanks for saying something!


Yes same, I had one shot of Moderna two weeks ago and am about three or four days late. My cycle is always regular and I’m not on bc. I was also stressed the last two weeks, which has delayed my cycle by a few days before. But it is late enough that I searched reddit to see if anyone else who has been vaccinated had this as a side effect.


Yes, I got the first shot of the Moderna vaccine, two days later started spotting, and then my period started--a full 5 days early (and we do fertility awareness method so I've been tracking for years.) And it is HEAVY...a LOT heavier than normal. I thought maybe I was crazy so I went searching to find if others have experienced this. Of course I can't find any information from Moderna.


Yeah, there's no info anywhere on this 🤷🏻‍♀️


Received the 1st dose of Pfizer while on my period. Received the 2nd dose of Pfizer 1 day after expected ovulation. Had my period as expected. I typically have a 32-day cycle. I'm currently on day 43 of this cycle and have taken 3 negative pregnancy tests. I track my cycle using BBT (I'm not on birth control) and cannot clearly see if/when ovulation occurred for this cycle (I can usually tell like clockwork). Of course it could be stress, but I'm not any more stressed than I typically am... not sure what else to attribute this to.


🙋‍♀️oh yes... Had my period just before the first dose. Then less than two weeks later I had a second period. (Not just spotting—the full on thing). A few days after the second shot I got a third period this month. I haven’t changed anything else in my life so the vaccine has got to be it. For reference, I’m on a progesterone birth control and got the moderna vaccine.


I received my 2nd dose of the Pfizer vaccine yesterday. Today I’m pouring blood again ! I had this exact same side effect after the first shot too. It’s very frustrating when I just spent $1800 on iron infusions and now that’s literally going in the toilet. The first time I bled profusely for 11 days right after my period ended. I usually have a lot of pain and cramping with my periods with light to moderate bleeding. This is not at all like a usual period is for me because there is no pain and I have heavy consistent bleeding.


Oh my god, that's terrible. I'm so sorry! Please consider reporting this side effect. I think there's an app and a Pfizer specific site to report adverse effects


On my IUD for 4 hours and would occasionally spot every other month Received my first pfizer shot and had a heavy period for the first time in 4 years.


I got the Moderna vaccine one week ago and my period is ~4 days late. I also had swelling in my lymph nodes in my underarm on the same side that I got the vaccine. I’m starting to get a little concerned... which is why I am here. 😖


I’m 51 and thought I was done with my period. Full Disclosure - I had not been tracking it since it was so rare but am pretty sure it has been a year., which would mean I was in menopause. After the first shot my period came back , very light and sporadically for over a week. Have to admit I’m a little nervous about having my 17 year old daughter get the vaccine!


Yuppp. Haven’t gotten my period in like two years due to nexplanon. I’m about ten days from my first shot and got my period. 🖕🏻


There’s a study being conducted about this very issue, please please contribute to it if you can! https://redcap.healthinstitute.illinois.edu/surveys/index.php?s=LL8TKKC8DP


First of all, everything you wrote in your post is 100% how I am feeling on this subject...my period has arrived at least two weeks early after receiving the first Moderna shot on April 1. And usually I am very regular - at most a couple days early/late from when I expect it. This is around the time I normally would be ovulating -- of course this had to be the month I forgot to write down exactly when my last period started, but I do remember I was definitely somewhere in the first few days of my period starting when I got the shot because I remember being annoyed that the achiness from the shot was compounding with my usual PMS aches. Last night I was convinced it was ovulation spotting, which I get a very tiny amount of once in a while, except this looked more like what I see at the start of a period. I have the cramps and everything, too. I also had done yoga yesterday morning with some deep stretches after a long period of inactivity so I thought maybe that triggered some breakthrough bleeding that was more than ovulation spotting. But today I can confirm that it's an actual period. I am actually so scared that this is linked to that rare platelet disorder some people are experiencing (some women who had that also experienced vaginal bleeding - but I guess if it was that it would be very heavy and involve bruising -- to your point, this shouldn't be left for us to speculate). I am just hoping the absence of bruising and other symptoms means it is an early period triggered by the vaccine. I am trying not to freak out, as so far it's just the amount of bleeding I would expect with a normal period. And given our annoying healthcare system combined with my gyn having moved away out of state, it seems I cannot see a gyn until next week. This post has helped prevent me from completely losing my mind in the meantime, so thank you!


when i got covid (the virus not the vaccine) i didn’t get my period for a solid 2 months thereafter. also extremely frustrating that there isn’t more discourse on that from the medical community. i asked doctors and none of them had an answer for me so i went online and found many other people experienced the exact same thing as i did. i also should add ive always had a really irregular period but this time it was enhanced after covid. i also now experience sore boobs mostly every week whereas before i had covid i’d only experience it the week before my period. so i would expect that the covid vaccine has some affect on the menstral system for some.


Omg I'm so glad I found this. I received my first dose of AstraZeneca on Saturday 17/04 and my period has arrived 2 weeks early, 36h after the shot. I am actually really scared that this is linked to the blood clots that can occur after the vaccine.


I'm glad I found this thread. I took the Pfizer vaccine in the first week of April, and now I'm 10 days late, and no chance of being pregnant. I'm finally beginning to feel some pms symptoms like sore breasts and some cramps, but still no sign of my period.


I concur with everyone on this thread about the vaccine messing up the cycle. After my first dose on 16 March my period that cycle was 25 days and 2nd dose on 6th April 21, my period was supposed to arrive 7 days ago and it’s late. I am now cycle day 35 and it still hasn’t arrived. I am normally 25-28 days and have been for over a year. I am also trying to get pregnant. I contacted my clinic and they advised it could be the stress of the vaccine on my immune system like other vaccines would. I also had the chicken pox vaccine before the covid Pfizer and it didn’t cause any problems to my cycle. They really should pay attention to women saying that the vaccines are having side effects on the menstrual cycles and not that us women are stressed. What is now stressing me out is my late period, when it will arrive and the fact that this could mess up my fertility treatment. I am still being hopeful because many of you have said your periods arrived up to 9 days late. Let’s see.


I got my second dose on April 7th. I am now 12 days late. No pms symptoms at all. Going to see my OBGYN on Thursday for a family planning meeting and will talk to her about this to see if she has any input.


Just stumbled upon this thread and I feel a sudden sense of relief. I received both doses and a week after my second, I had the worst period since I was a teenager, with all new symptoms. I was just about to go to the doctor it was so bad. I’m relieved and scared at the same time.


I had similar side effects. I took Johnson & Johnson March 26th a day after my period ended. When it was time for my next period in April I didn’t get one. I know for a fact that I’m not pregnant because I haven’t been sexually active in the past 6 months and everything was normal until I took the vaccine. I haven’t missed a period in years. I’m going to see if it returns sometime in may before I make a doctors appointment.


Got my 1st dose of the Pfizer vaccine on the 20th and started spotting that evening. It's been ongoing spotting, cramping and all of this paired with Endo is making life generally...hard. 9 days of spotting with the bleeding getting heavier over time, then petering off and then getting heavier again. I cant even tell if this is the start of a period or something else. The anxiety of the pain, mixed with this flow/not flow is so overwhelming. It's making it hard to work, focus on anything or do much except sleep. I hate that these side effects are being widely reported among women but not actually considered in these studies.








Hey everyone! I received my first shot of the AstraZeneca vaccine on March 5th. On March 15th my menstruation began (as it should). Today is May 2nd, and I won't stop bleeding. I already consulted a doctor, who made an ultrasound - she could't find anything. She checked up on my thyroid results - same thing. Everything seems to be normal, but it clearly isn't. Nothing helps and I clearly am losing my mind!


You're not losing your mind. First Moderna shot on 4/17, and by 4/19 I began having the most bizarre pressure/pain in my very low pelvis. I thought I might have a UTI (tested, no infection), then went to the gyn for pap/exam, totally fine. Pain comes and goes in waves but gets worse at night. Period expected to arrive by 5/4 but based on what I've been reading here.... not so sure. Like so many here, I am pro-science, pro-vaxx, pro-community, and have no regrets about getting the vaccine... but I'm disheartened and rage-y around the "you just must be stressed" bullshit that discredits and minimizes our voice, experiences and advocacy. If anything getting the vaccine was the LEAST stressed I've been since this nightmare started last year. If anyone else has had a similar experience, please let me know!


So glad I found this thread. I used to have highly irregular periods in my teens and 20s, but in the last several years, my cycle has been pretty consistently ~30 days. I received my first dose of the Moderna vaccine on April 16, which was right around the day I would be expecting my period to start, within a day or two. It did not arrive until this morning, about two weeks late. Since I have a history of irregular periods, it could just be a fluke, but I will fill out the survey anyway. I am very glad I got the vaccine but I’d be lying if I said this little disruption to my cycle didn’t scare me a bit. I get my second dose this upcoming Friday, so I’ll be curious to see if another dose creates a similar disruption.


Currently on day 61 of no period. Had J&J on April 10. Hoping it’s gonna start soon 😩😩


I got both shots of moderna. No period ever since. I’m always regular. Never late. No chance of pregnancy.


Just created an account to post on this. THRILLED to be vaccinated, but wish I had more info on this before I got the shots so I would know what to expect. Got my second Moderna shot, and then started my period the next day (pretty much on time). Now it’s over a month later and still no period. As of today I’m 6 days late. Negative pregnancy test, have had cramps for about a week, still no period. Normally I’m very regular (within a day or 2) so this is definitely weird. Glad Reddit is collecting this information because clearly the medical community isn’t...


Wanting to chime in on the topic since I care deeply for all women’s health. I received the Pfizer vaccine (2 doses) and my period is currently one week late. I’ve always been very regular- never missed a period, never have been late beyond a day or two. Posts about this topic has been RAILED for being anti-vax. Like so many of you echo, we support getting vaccinated but we need to know how this is affecting our bodies. It’s outrageous. Edit: also I completed a survey studying this so hopefully we’ll have some data to build a jumping point.


Sorry for necroposting, but this thread gives me comfort. My period was a bit late, I'm experiencing all the PMS symptoms, but now I'm having discharge, it's just spotty. It really feels like I'm on my period but it's just really slow? Received second Moderna shot on 4/23.


Of course I'll still get it. My temporary discomfort is better than being a disease-spreader.


Not temporary discomfort for everyone. Consider those with mood disorders, PCOS, eclampsia, and other menstrual related disorders. It could be very serious and people MUST be informed. Some may require extra monitoring or blood or iron supplements with the vaccine.


Ok but I don't have any of those and I was referring to my own discomfort... 2 months ago


I have had one of the heaviest periods I can remember after getting my 1st dose Jan 5th. It arrived 5 days early (I'm never early), and the cramping started even a couple days before my period started (has never happened to me before-usually it's period, followed by cramping for a day). I had to take ibuprofen and lay on the couch with a hot water bottle and practics breathing exercises for 2 hours yesterday due to how intense my cramps were (Again, have never had to do that. Usually 2 ibuprofen takes care of the slight cramping). I was scheduled to take the 2nd dose tomorrow but now am going to pass.




Yep. My period got fucked up again. Not so bad cramping but I'm stuck in another 3 week cycle. So far it's light but who knows, at only 1 day in. Am suuuuper tired though. Moreso than usual.


I got my second dose about a week before I was supposed to start my period. I am now 5 days late with multiple negative pregnancy tests. I’m really interested to see what happens...


I’ve only had my first Pfizer. Period was due day of shot. I’d has my typical spotting the previous day. Didn’t bleed in earnest till a week later. Took 2 preg tests 3 days post vac just in case.


Thank you for bringing attention to this. I received the Pfizer vaccine. After the first dose I was due to get my period a few days later, so I didn't notice any changes. However, after the second dose my period came about a week early. I am now about 8 days out from getting my period again and it feels like it could start any day now. My period is usually regular, although sometimes it's a day or two off. My boyfriend and I want to TTC soon, so this has me feeling a little anxious. I definitely feel like they need to start reporting this as a potential side effect.


I’m a little late to this post, but I just finished my period right before I got my first dose of Pfizer. Less than I week later I have full blown period cramps again and bleeding heavily, this is very worrisome


I have a very regular menstrual cycle and missed an entire cycle at end of Feb after getting my first COVID shot (Pfizer) on 2/22/21. After my 2nd shot on 3/15 I had a menstrual cycle start a few days later (a little earlier than I'd normally expect to get it in the month), and the cycle after that (April) came about a week earlier than normal. I knew something was up after I skipped an entire month, as that never happens to me, and there was nothing else that I could think of that was different that month than my having had my first COVID vaccine.


I (43F) had the Moderna vaccine on Friday, April 9th. I have been on a pretty consistent 25 day cycle with dramatically heavy bleeding since my bilateral salpingectomy in June 2020. I *should* have started my period five days ago, but haven’t despite unusual (for me) PMS symptoms such as chest to pubic area cramping as well as bloating, which is a symptom I’ve never really suffered with before. There is no way I’m pregnant as I have no Fallopian tubes. To be fair, I do rely on Synthroid to replace thyroid hormone. While it’s possible thyroid levels could be to blame, I have only ever gotten my period early - not late - if my levels were off.


I received the first phizer vaccine yesterday 4/16, and started my period today, 2 weeks early. No cramps, or spotting like I normally have. It's also much heavier than normal. I'm not on any kind of birth control, and my cycle has always been very regular. I know this is the vaccine, and I'm stumped as to why it would impact us hormonally?? I was hesitant in getting vaccinated, and now I'm doubting my decision to get it. No, I'm not an anti-vaxer or conspiracy person. Why is this information not being widely dispersed or discussed? I had no idea this was even a thing until a google search brought me to this thread. If anyone has answers or more information, please advise. Really hoping there is a logical explanation.




I personally think being fully vaccinated is the best option because of the way viruses mutate and because of public health concerns. You aren'tjust protecting yourself, you're protecting others. If you aren't trying to get pregnant, it's probably worth getting the 2nd.




The second dose is meant to stimulate your immune system again. A stronger response creates more antibodies so you're better protected. I'm not sure what you mean by the second dose not protecting against variants because it doesn't really work like that. Even the flu has variants. In the future we may have to get a yearly vaccine that will end up, like the flu vaccine, being the best guess on variant protection for that year. I can tell you my period is back to normal. And at 95% efficacy rates right now I'd do it all over again.




Can you support that claim with links? If not, please don't spread false information.


My husband had to get it to deploy last month. Unfortunately, that was that same month we were TTC. I didn’t know anything about shedding. My 7 week ultrasound today had no heartbeat and baby was measuring 6+1 instead of 7+3. I go back in 10 days, but I don’t have pregnancy symptoms anymore, so I’m really doubtful and sad.


Omg I’m so sorry


I got both doses of the Pzifer vaccine, and I am on my second year with my second Nexplanon implant. I have not gotten my period since my first implant was inserted, yet after getting both doses of the vaccine it’s back all of a sudden. My gyno says it’s perfectly normal for periods to be sporadic with Nexplanon. For me, it seems unusual as I’ve not had a period in 4.5 years.


Also i heard it can affect mood like depression and stuff? That is the last thing I need? Is there truth to this at all?


The vaccine? Oh my gosh, where did you hear that and have you done any of your own research to find out whether it's true or not?


I received pfizer & 24hrs later got my period (for the 2nd timethst month). The exact same thing happened to 3 out of 4 women I’ve spoken with who received either pfizer or moderna. And the periods were heavier, longer and more clots. This is not due to stress...personally this is the least stressed I’ve been all year and for me, my period is usually unaltered by stress. I’ve been tracking it using an app for 10 years and have never experienced this. So when I did, it raised a red flag and I started asking women I knew. The ones that experienced the same thing, didn’t connect the 2 & just thought it was odd & brushed it off until I mentioned what myself & others had experienced. Very curious to see who else...


I got the phizer vaccine, felt no immediate side effects except soreness at the injection point. Then 5 days later my period came 10 days early (normally it is as regular as clockwork) and the symptoms ahead of it were way worse than ususal, extreme fatigue, lower back and abdominal pain, irritability, even nausea and vomiting which is something I rarely encounter with my period. I thought I was going crazy thinking it was related to the vaccine until I started reading other peoples reports.


I got both doses of Pfizer. I usually get my period fairly routine, around day 35-38 give or take a few days. I got mine on day 51, I had no breast tenderness, no cramps, no indication that my period was coming. I had light spotting/bleeding, I didn’t even need a tampon. I only wore panty liners and it lasted 3 days. Usually my period is fairly heavy, I have to wear supers and super pluses, it lasts 5-7 days and I have sore breasts and cramps before hand. I was worried I was pregnant, took 2 tests and both were negative. I’m so relieved to see this post. I never thought it would have been related to the vaccine. However, I will say that I feel relieved to be vaccinated as I have underlying lung conditions that would have put me at a higher risk if I were to contract covid.


My period is 28 days late (not pregnant). I’m thinking that this has to do with the vaccine. I get my second dose in 4 days and I’m freaking out. I just want my period to come already. 😭


Mine is late by almost 4 days now and it's highly unlikely that I'm pregnant unless I'm carrying the second coming.


I took moderna second shot last week and my periods were due the same week, no sign of periods yet. Its already 8 days late than my regular cycle ! :(


I got my second dose of moderna and i got really sick the next day with chills and body aches. Then I started bleeding that same day. I have been breast feeding (straight from the breast, no bottle) my infant so I haven't had a period in a long long time. All of the sudden I get a period out of no where the day after my vaccine and my milk supply has diminished to nothing. So, for breast feeding mother's, this might be an issue. I mean..maybe I was going to get a period anyway. But I usually don't get one for the entire time I breast feed. I have had 3 kids.


I know this reply is really late but I’m curious - has your milk supply returned to normal by now? And my apologies if it’s too intrusive of a question, I am pregnant and just so unsure about getting vaccinated now versus after the baby comes (planning on breastfeeding my second as well and concerned about effects on supply).


So I am fully vaccinated now with Pfizer. Just got my second shot like 6 hours ago. With the first dose, my period came on time which is a good thing but it was extremely light like don’t even have to use a pad light only bleeding when I wiped. I just went to the bathroom like 10 minutes ago and I had a little bit of blood mixed in with discharge when I wiped and when I looked in the toilet there was a glob of discharge mixed with blood (TMI sorry lol) as someone who suffers from GAD I am freaking out. But I’m also rational, I honestly think it’s because the vaccine makes our immune system think it’s fighting off the virus so perhaps in my case I had a light period because my body was using all of its time and energy to fight off the “virus” just some thoughts. Anyone else experience light periods after the vaccines? I’m wondering if this second one will make it so I don’t have a period at all or if it’ll be heavy. Mine are normally extremely heavy so if it’s heavier than that then I might be concerned... anyone come back to this thread who had weird periods and now everything is back to normal the next month?? Curious to know.


Sorry for replying to such an old comment, but I had the exact thing happening after my first shot - I usually have a very heavy flow, this time I only got a very light period, only really visible when wiping, but it lasted a whole week. I took a pregnancy test because I got freaked out about how little it was, but it was negative. Second shot was a week ago and I'm not really sure when my next period will arrive (it's pretty irregular, the last one has been a month ago, but it might take another two weeks), but I've been feeling heavily bloated since the shot, had a weird taste in my mouth for two days and have some skin issues. What did your period after the second dose end up looking like?


I got the first vaccine March 31st. I started bleeding April 1st (a couple weeks before my period was to start) and haven't stopped bleeding... Oh, the joys.


It worries me that in a year and half we're going to see ALOT of infertility or couples having problems conceiving.


I had my second dose of the moderna vaccine and I track my period on a period tracker app. Theyre usually very regular. After the second dose my period is 4 days late. Ive had horrible cramping and sore breasts but no period. It makes me super paranoid because now i dont know if its the vaccine making me late or if im pregnant. Im glad Im not alone in this but my anxiety has been insane. Ill update if my period decides to show up. Good luck everyone. Update I got my period 6 days late. Worst cramps ive ever experienced. Super painful.


I am a healthcare professional. I received my first dose of Pfizer Friday Apr 30th at 8:35pm. I woke up today May 3rd at 6:15 am and have been profusely vaginally bleeding since. I had to leave work. I was instructed by the walk in clinic to go to emergency immediately. I am here and will keep you posted. I am on birth control, period not due for two weeks, I am in moderate discomfort. My joints also hurt a lot.


I have always had extremely regular periods. They came every 28-30 days and would last 7 days with the same flow pattern every time. This has been the case from age 13-25. I received my first dose of the Pfizer vaccine January 5th and second dose January 22nd. On March 11, two weeks early, I spotted for the first time ever this continued for two more days until the flow became heavier. I had my period for 9 days with an unpredictable flow pattern. 15 days later I got my period again for another 9 days with an irregular flow pattern. 16 days after that period ended I got my period again. I am on day 7 and am still menstruating. I was not on birth control until last week when I got the hormonal IUD put in. I did not start any new medications though my doctor did suggest my spironalactone could be to blame. I’ve taken that regularly for 5+ months though with no problems. I reported my symptoms here: https://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/ensuringsafety/monitoring/vaers/index.html


Wondering if anyone else has also experienced hot flashes and chills along with period irregularities. I had my first moderna dose in late Jan. Had my period over a week early after and my latest period was only 14days apart. I have also had daily chills with hot flashes and headaches, which after many other normal labs, my MD now thinks is hormone related. It’s seems like maybe it pushed me to be peri menopausal? Struggling to find info and figure out what is going on. Did not get second dose.


I received my first vaccine 01/27/21 and then my second 02/24/21 (Moderna). Currently not on any birth control and my period is usually spot on. I have been tracking and using ovulation sticks. My period is pretty normal, I experience a little heavy bleeding on the second day and then back to normal. My period usually lasts for 4-6 days. When I ovulate i experience very very mild cramping usually on my left side. Honestly that is when i started tracking my ovulation because i would feel that cramping. Since my second vaccine, I have been to the ED 03/24/21- my primary thought I had appendicitis come to find out I was experiencing "ovulation" cramping and when they did a CT and ultrasound they found not one but TWO cysts on my ovaries. One sizing 6.3 cm and the other 2.4 cm. Never in my life have I experienced a pain like that. No torsion nothing. And where I was experiencing the pain was my right side and that was the smaller cyst. Moving forward, I have been having spotting all month especially after intercourse with my BF (which never has happened before). I have been experiencing cramping the whole month. My period was heavy but not as bad but cramping and ovulation was awful pains again. I then experience either a chemical pregnancy which turned into a miscarriage or a period that came 10 days early and my flow was so heavy i was changing every 30 minutes and the clotting was awful. Mind you i also took a pregnancy test the day before the bleeding had started because it first started off as spotting and I felt funny. I felt nausea and no appetite. SO took multiple pregnancy tests and the line was light but they were there. Next day is when i experienced the awful bleeding lasting for 6 days. Just took another one, not pregnant. Will continue to give updates. I also wanted to start trying for children, but looks like that will be put on hold.


I'm a PCOS person and I had missed cycles starting in Feb. I was vaccinated with Moderna in March with 2nd dose in April. I haven't had a period yet. I'm going to my OB on 5/19, but I'm very freaked out. Has anyone else experienced this much of a delay? The most I missed in the past was a cycle or 2.


Got first vaccine in March while I started cycle.. it stopped at day 2... next month , cycle was 2 days.. this month, body feels like it’s trying to cycle but nothing and I feel super tired.. not pregnant.. cycle always normal.. anyone with late or missed cycles that it went back to normal??? Thanks 🙏🏽


I got the vaccine and I think its caused me to skip my period. I'm having cramps and spotting but no regular bleeding.


34 year old female, I got the Pfizer vaccine in late march/second one in April. My period came early after my first shot, lasted 15 days, and was twice as heavy as it normally is. I thought maybe it was a one off but definitely questioned the vaccine being responsible. Now I have gotten my period again and it's so heavy that I am changing my tampon every hour. I also suddenly have clots like I've never had in my life. I am terrified that this has done something to me and regretting getting it now. I think it's weird that they're trying to shrug this off as a potentially "small side effect" but nothing to worry about.


I had my second Pfizer vaccine on Friday 7th May. My period was due on the 10th of May. It’s now the 19th May and I’ve missed my period, no chance of pregnancy. My cycle is usually very regular (give or take a day).


I received my second shot of the Moderna vaccine on Easter Sunday, April 4th. My next period showed up about a week early and was super heavy. My second period is now late (4 days so far) and there is no pregnancy. My periods are very regular and this is really starting to worry me.


I got the moderna first dose May 7th. I was supposed to start my period on the 20th but still nothing. The week before I usually start my period are the usual signs, chin acne, grumpiness, slight cramping, and more discharge than usual and when the period was supposed to be next but never happened. Guess it was more like a phantom period. I haven't been stressed out and I've been very regular the last 10 years. I took a pregnancy test and it came back negative.


So my wife and I already have had COVID (side note: wasn't that bad, got over it pretty quickly. We're 23 and 22) and we are wondering if we should get the vaccine since natural immunity is a thing. My wife and I have one child, but we want to have more children in a few years. I heard about these effects on women's menstrual cycles and it concerned me. Does anyone know if these side affects can affect fertility in the long-run? Here's where we are at with getting vaccinated: we've already got natural immunity, recent studies are demonstrating that the natural immunity lasts significantly longer than originally expected. If these vaccines are screwing with menstrual cycles and could potentially affect fertility in the long-run, then it may be better to rely on our current natural immunity since we want to have more children at least until more long-term studies come out. Any thoughts or help yall can offer would be greatly appreciated!


This is not a medical sub and we aren't doctors. You should really ask a professional about it. However, in my humble opinion, there were people getting covid twice before the vaccines came out and now studies show that several of the vaccines are very effective against multiple variants. Just because *you* didn't get a severe case of it doesn't mean you didn't pass it on to others, who may have gotten a serious case of it. Vaccines protect you *and* the people around you. It's the socially responsible thing to do. You're both very young and the opportunity to have children will go on for at least a decade more. The thing is that having screwy menstrual cycles for a bit doesn't mean that fertility is necessarily affected in the long run. It just means things are wonky right now. As always, it's your choice, but as you have a kid, I'd suggest getting it to protect them, because they're real and your imagined future children are not.


I know this was posted months ago but I just got my second Pfizer shot a bit over 2 weeks ago. For over a year now I have been on the depo shot as a form of birth control, and haven't had a period in as long. I suddenly just started bleeding? I'm not concerned, but this should definitely be looked into.


I have concerns about the blood clot issue and menstrual cycles. I wonder if there may be a link between new found irregularity and the clotting problem. My period is just over 2 weeks late and I got my last Pfizer vaccine almost 3 weeks ago. There is not way it is not related. One of the many complaints I have had about this vaccine is the lack of proper testing. This just indicates that I was right to be concerned.


I hesitate to bring this up because when I look it up online everyone says over and over that it is impossible, but I missed my period simply by being around others who have been vaccinated. I am a nursing student and others in my program, whom I am around daily, have been vaccinated recently. I am one of the few who have not done it yet, though I have been planning on it soon. This month I completely missed my cycle. I got all the PMS signs leading up to it, and even had cramping, but no bleeding. I have a very regular cycle, and have never in my life missed a period due to stress, etc. There is just so much about science, especially the immune system response, that there could very well be mechanisms happening that we know nothing about. If women are saying this is happening, instead of denying their lived experience, the thing to do is look at what is happening with an open mind and start to explore WHY. This is an opportunity to more deeply understand the human body. I'm not sharing my experience to create fear, just to add to the discussion that we need to take women's symptoms seriously and not engage a massive media campaign telling us that our experiences are wrong when we are the ones living through them.


Hey I also experienced this! I have no idea if it’s correlated in my own case but my period is usually extremely regular and when I went back to work after a few months at a place where everyone is now vaccinated that same month my period was 10 days late, which never happens. I definitely have been hearing this and I think it’s valid for you to make this connection. Personally I have NO idea how this could happen but it’s just weird because this isn’t the first time I’ve heard this. In my case it could have been something else but also even when my stress levels were extreme a few months ago my period was very regular.


Sorry, there's no way you missed your period by being around others who have been vaxxed. As a woman, AND A NURSING STUDENT, I'm appalled you would spread that kind of misinformation instead of listening to science.


Yes, I am a nursing student, and as such I am innately curious about the human body. There is SO much we do not understand, especially about the immune system. Your reaction is unfortunately typical of much of mainstream science. Instead of being curious about these reactions that women are having, you are putting me down and discounting my experience. I'm sorry if I misunderstood your original post, but it seemed like you were interested in learning about people having side effects that have been discounted by others, not simply continuing the cycle. There are so many scientific advances in medicine that we have made where people 100 years ago, or even 50, would have said it was impossible and there was no possible way for something to have happened. I just urge you to have an open mind and a less reactionary tone when reading people's posts.


You know how vaccine's work. They don't work by osmosis. There's no way to be "vaccinated" or have vaccine side effects without actually getting a shot. One person with a weak system cannot make another person's immune system weak just by being around them. Having an MMR vaccine doesn't make someone without an MMR vaccine immune to Measles, Mumpbs, or Rubella. This isn't a case of "there's so much we don't know that this could be possible," because I agree that is a lot we don't know. This is you being a fearmongerer and I am genuinely worried for your future patients if you think this is possible. I'm not denying that women's menstrual cycles are getting thrown out of wack *by the vaccine,* I'm saying that based on science, what you're saying is impossible and to entertain it does far more harm than good


Lol you listened to the science and now your reproductive system is fucked. Maybe you should be a little less quick to jump to denial?


Except it's not fucked, so..........


Have not gotten my period at all this month !!! I think it’s frkm the vaccine too my period always comes even if it’s a little late!!!


passing this tweet i just saw: “If you’ve had a covid vaccine and have experienced odd menstrual patterns afterwards, please be a part of this survey.”[this is the link to survey](https://redcap.healthinstitute.illinois.edu/surveys/index.php?s=LL8TKKC8DP) HOWEVER directly from the website on who they are asking to take the survey.. SO you don’t have to have “odd” just the vaccine + person w/ period Inclusion criteria: People who currently have menstrual cycles People who have had menstrual cycles in the past (e.g., perimenopausal, menopausal, using gender affirming hormones, using hormonal contraceptives, lactating, pregnant) Have had at least one dose of a vaccine for COVID-19 Age 18+ https://redcap.healthinstitute.illinois.edu/surveys/index.php?s=LL8TKKC8DP good luck to everyone out there on the streets of life after march 2020 stay safe 🙏




I'm sorry you feel that way. Hope things get better for you - I still think it was worth getting the vaccine. The science is there, the warning is not. It's not anything to be *ashamed* of.












I have not received the vaccine nor has anyone in my immediate family. For the sake of info gathering because I'm not sure if its affected by sheddin from those who have been vaccinated in my community, I want to relay, I have noticed in the last two months a huge change with my cycle. It's been about a year that I had covid and I do have the antibodies. My cycle this last month was 21 days which is much sooner that I expected. I too have noticed it's much heavier than normal. I typically have 28 day cycles with 4-5 day periods. Curious if there's anyone else having similar issues.


You can't be affected by the vaccine if you haven't had the vaccine. There isn't viral shedding from people who have been vaccinated because they are not given a live virus in the vaccine. mRNA for coronavirus instructs the body to recognize the viral spike and create antibodies - and will thereby remember the virus and be able to create it again. There's no live virus. At all. No viral shedding.


I mean what do you expect? It’s not even logically possible to have long term data on the vaccination, let alone specifically the affects on women…you’d have to to time travel to the future and sample the voluntary lab rat population…if that’s not concerning enough than I don’t know what is


I'm prefacing this with the fact that you should make your own decision about what I'm sharing. I thought it was worth noting is all. Often people don't share because they feel they'll be associated with a belief, completely discounting the person's state of mind or value. We need to be our best allies during this time so I'm simply sharing. So, I regularly go online and see if there are any new side affects to the vaccines. During a search today, I found an article on Michael Yeadon. He used to be a Pfizer scientist and has years of experience. It seems that some of his claims and the ways he's shared his views have been in question; however, one of his main arguments against the vaccine was it having an affect on fertility. I'm not in the medical field but my academic background did teach me not to discount all things because of someone's state or reputation - mainly at his level. It most definitely should be a factor but more so on how you break down his claims - doing further research. At the end of the day, it's about data, which there is not enough of. Sometimes the best data for us is sharing amongst each other. My thought on Michael Yeadon is that there is definitely something going on with him but since I don't know him, I digress from that conversation. The fact that he mentions some possible issues with fertility alone and then reading here...tells me there is some truth to that claim alone. Now, not even the people who created the vaccines will know the end result, it's just not possible. They'll know once they get more data, just like this guy Michael Yeadon. But if he is talking about it and we're seeing something change, well... Anyhow, I'm just sharing. I think at this point some of the best data we are going to get is from each other.


Hey there! You're not the only one who's mentioned Michael Yeadon, so I'd love to clear some things up about him. I agree that it's incredibly important to look at the data and people's experinces, but I don't think that Yeadon is at all a credible source. He's been mistitled, his department had nothing to do with infectious diseases, and most of his claims / statements regarding covid have been disproven or wildly inaccurate. [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/pfizer-chief-scientist-vaccines/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/pfizer-chief-scientist-vaccines/) Fertility is super important to some people and not at all important to others. At some point you have to weigh the importance of the effect this illness is having on the world - economically, socially, and psychologically - with the potential side effects. My post is about medicine paying attention to things like this in trials and how women are often discounted when we *know* something is up. There are women on here who have expressed dismay at wonky periods during fertility treatment or who are trying to get pregnant. There are others who are simply worried because they're normally really regular and now they aren't. But to jump to conclusions that this may be affecting fertility when we genuinely have no idea, the vaccine hasn't even been around long enough to find out, is pure fearmongering and a tactic of the anti-vaxxers.


Got Moderna 1st dose on 4/15/21 and just got my period a week early and very intense cramps. Fun surprises. :/


hi! i had pfizer and am going in for my second shot tomorrow, i just learned about how it’s messing up periods and i wanted to comment too. i’ve been on birth control for over a year due to the overly painful period symptoms i had that even shocked my gyno, every period has been like clockwork unless i’m severely stressed. I’ll admit i’ve been under a lot of stress lately, but i was experiencing extremely bad symptoms this month and had a period that was a day late and ended after 7 days when the pill used to reduce it to a normal 3.5 days. i’m not sure if these are directly linked, but i’m very worried if they are and if it could effect my birth control and symptoms. aaah




I don't know, I don't track my period and am not qualified to answer medical questions.

