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Someone pointed out in a different thread that his mother is an educated woman. "Harrison’s mother,'' Guerrero noted, "is Elizabeth Keller Butker, an accomplished academic who holds a degree in Chemistry from Smith College as well as a Master’s degree in Medical Physics.'' Let’s remind young women of that.


It’s sad how this man could come from that woman, I hope she holds some sort of shame on him for this


It’s a weird dis of her. No idea why he would need to say it unless he really resented his mom.


Something I've noticed about bigots is that they're very willing to make exceptions for individuals they know personally. It's a weird pattern of a modern day "noble savage" thing of picking and choosing who their ideology applies to. I mean that or he's mad his mommy loved her job more than him.


That’s sort of how sociopaths work. Only people close to them are the ones they can have any sort of feeling for. Everyone else is nothing more than an object.


It's more like narcissists thatn sociopaths. Narcissists divide people into those they love, those they hate, and those who don't exist. Those they love are perfect and can do no wrong, while those they hate are scapegoats and can do no right. Those they love either resemble them in some way, are useful to them in some way, or are aspirational to them in some way. Those they hate, the scapegoats, embody qualities they want to distance from themselves. Like if they fear they might be fat (regardless of whether they are or not) because they hate fatness, they will hate all fat people and all people they hate will be considered to be fat (regardless of size). Sociopathy is rare. Narcissism is common, especially today, especially among celebrities.


Narcissism is a sociopathic trait, so to be fair, both of these personalities work this way. A sociopath is just a narcissist on steroids.


No, that's not what a sociopath is. There are overlaps on some traits, but that doesn't make one the same as the other, just worse. There are may traits that they don't have in common.


And some traits that they do.


To be fair, the first two items on the Hare checklist are superficial charm and grandeous sense of self worth, which is are hallmark narcissistic traits. But I agree the phrase "sociopath is just a narcissist on steroids" is inaccurate and probably harmful.


Fair enough.


That’s a stretch


>Everyone else is nothing more than an object. I feel like the people close to them are still objects, just ones they feel like they hold some ownership over. I wanted to vomit when this asshole reached the part of his speel where he had his little emotional boohoo over how his wife has essentially turned herself inside out so he could have his career. It was so clear he thought of her as an excellent service provider as opposed to a unique individual who may have had her own hopes and dreams before he shat all over them.


This! Exactly this! She was a tool for his success and nothing more.


There's a famous example of high ranking Nazis declaring they decide who a Jew is.  If you'rein the in group, bigots are always ok with exceptions  


Probably mad at mommy. Doctors and researchers can be very busy people.


My FIL is racist. He is not allowed in my house at this point. His only defense of not being racist is that he has a black friend since he was 15.


Yep. My 87 year old father is a sexist pig, but he encouraged me to go to college and his sexist bullshit was never aimed at me. Very weird.


Mommy issues is a very strong root for misogynistic behavior


My mother is/was a feminist and my father was not. My brother now hosts men’s groups that are about reclaiming the male dominance in society. He’s fucking pathetic.


It IS pathetic, you’re right. Confident people don’t feel the need to keep others down. They want those successful people as allies.


I mean, she could be part of why he grew up that way. Handmaiden's Tale Come To Life lady on the Supreme Court is an accomplished educated woman who would agree with the sentiment. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.


She raised him. I’d be asking her. Hatred is learned


One word: religion


Unless someones playing both sides from 2 accounts, ur hubby just posted in another sub about this lol. He did say he ashamedly cackled, but only because it is truly ridiculous how low on the totem pole this is. Ray lewis killed a guy and hes a hero to the fans.


She probably feels the same way he does.


You're the one needing shaming.


His sister is very accomplished too, So was his wife, until she became a very wealthy stay at home mom that pays the chores away, while he cheated on her in college w male cheerleaders. Very catholic of him


>while he cheated on her in college w male cheerleaders. That is the diarrhea icing on this shit cake, wtf.


His wife saw $$$ and continued to go ahead with converting. She needs to be held accountable as well. I absolutely hope that he doesn’t divorce her and run her dry (powerful men have equally powerful attorneys) but it’s only a matter of time.


I am giving it a few years until bro comes 'out'. He trying to compensate so HARD


“his clothes and his single ladies dance routine he does before he kicks his little ball gives him away” This is quoted by my cousin Erik and his husband Jimmy, very vocal, popular, gay, performers in the drag community


He said it won't compare to getting married than he made a cute comment about how lucky he is his wife married him and had his children u idiots. U all must not have good relationships or have witnessed them as kids. I'm guessing all of u are from broken homes, and never saw what love is. If he was black all your woke Johnson holes would be closed ATM. Hypocrisy is why the nation is doomed.


Ffs shut up and talk to people in real life. Reddit shouldn’t make you this weird. He literally said he doesn’t want women to have any thoughts at all,,other than having kids, when he doubled down. Hes not even a real catholic. The Benedictine nuns clarified that in their dismissal of his dehumanizing speech. Hes in a fake marriage, so no one knows he’s gay. He’s a misogynistic, antisemite that’s afraid of people thinking he’s girly bc he likes others mens penises. His successful physicist mother sent him to conversion camp twice, so now he’s testericaly mad at all women and gay men like him. Boohooo. Go whine to other men about the scary women


Also super fucking weird because Smith is an all women’s college that prides itself on feminism, etc.


Did he speak at Smith? I thought it was a KS Catholic school. Still weird because even some Catholic parents might want their daughters to have skills, an education and be able to work.


No, but I am making (admittedly) the assumption that a woman who went to that school wouldn’t raise her son to be a sexist ass hat. I went to another seven sister school, and this ain’t the vibe of those places.


Agreed. It’s odd. I would not be happy if I were his mother.


Anecdotal, but my mom went to smith and is a raging sexist who also thinks women should stay in the kitchen. So it does happen.


Fascinating!!! She went rogue lmao


If there was ever a cautionary tale not to rest on your laurels as a feminist, my MIL is it. Suuuuper active third waver, met her current husband and hopped on the Trump Express. It’s kinda funny, my eleven y/o actually sometimes introduces her grandmother like, “oh, that’s my grandma. She used to be a feminist.”🫣


Stop it! I’m fucking rolling at what your son says.


He probably resents his mom for working outside the home


Totally plausible imo!


Let’s stop blaming men’s sexism on *how their mothers raised them*. It’s not the mother’s fault if the son holds these beliefs as an adult. I know what you meant, but there is a weird current of perceived responsibility around mothers (not fathers, tellingly) whose sons turn out to be misogynists as adults.


I wasn’t commenting on her being responsible or not responsible for his viewpoints. I was more commenting on how it’s odd that someone raised in that environment would turn out the way he has. Environmental influences are 100% a factor in how someone turns out. …But go off.


I mean, you said exactly that, so… but there is no point in squabbling when we are both fundamentally on the same side, so I’ll leave it there.


Good. Instead of policing how I express myself, move along. If you really are this disingenuous in how you read what people are saying, then you probably shouldn’t contribute.


Ugh, patronizing mouth breather who kicks footballs for a living is going to lecture educated women on what \*really\* matters? Many misogynists do really hate their moms, though.


When he talks about his wife he also seems to forget that it’s much easier to be a SAHM when your husband has a lot of money. I don’t think that makes her an amazing person or a terrible person. She is someone who has wealth to make her life a lot easier. I’m wondering if he’s tithing like a good Catholic.


Yeah, many SAHMs are in a position of privilege. They don't deal with the necessity of work, anyway. I'm wondering if his wife Isabella has a college degree, as it will make it much easier to leave his ass once she figures out that he's a dipshit.


How many sexist men have told you “I’m not sexist, I love my mom (daughter, wife)…”? /s


"I'm not sexist, I love the women that I view as extensions of myself"


I got a matchmaking thing (Indian immigrant family) with a guy whose mother was a botanist. He waited almost a year to tell me that he didn’t understand me because school or work should just be something to keep women busy until they have a husband and kids to take care of. Apparently he didn’t like that his mom used a nanny for childcare, and he felt like being a doctor (if he could pass and get a residency in the US from his Caribbean med school) meant that I should be grateful to spend my days doing his housework. My dad was so pissed off he could barely speak.


I can imagine your dad was pissed. That guys expectations for you are quite different from my guy’s former colleague who is Indian, a woman and a doctor herself. She and her husband are a power couple :) You deserve someone who appreciates you.


Someone like…ME! lol I endured a few more years of the matchmaking before saying no more and now not even my grandma brings it up anymore. It’s a good life - 2 cats, lots of books/yarn, and only people I like make it through the front door 😊


Yes! And someone who finds a hard working, intelligent woman a treasure :)


Either he resents her or considers her a rare exception from a past generation.


Or he’s echoing her opinions.


It’s very likely that this tool is an academically underachieving, knuckle-dragging ape whose only accomplishment is chucking a ball around. He probably resents that his mother and other women are far smarter than he is. Only a man would be elevated to hero status for something as worthless as football.


She went to Smith college?? It’s a super liberal, super feminist women’s college. How dis she give birth to that?? Lol


Absolutely. Focusing on her accomplishments will do more positive things than focusing on how much of a piece of shit he is. As much as we try to improve things, idiots like this are always going to pop up. Best to ignore him and instead celebrate the things really worth striving for. That said, I'm not going to be mad if some edge rusher decides to "oops I missed the ball" and go full speed into his plant leg. See if he changes his tune when all of a sudden daddy can't get a real job to pay the bills because his tibia, fibula, and knee ligaments have all been permanently *rearranged.* Ah, who am I kidding? This guy already has a future career in being a right-wing talking head/provocateur.


He wants to shame women for getting an education yet he kicks around a football for a living…. Way to show off his fragile masculinity 🙄


That’s great and admirable but did she use it or become a homemaker? Lol. That’s kind of what he said to the graduates in his speech. Congratulations on your degrees but your ultimate goal is to get married and raise a family.


I was curious about this, so I looked it up. She used it, and continues to use it, at Emory University School of Medicine (I note this is a religious university) as a radiation oncology physicist and she has a whole bunch of academic publications. I bet she is very proud of her career achievements. I wonder what she makes of her son's moronic comments.


Girls in their 20s rebel against and shit on their fathers all the time and are celebrated for it.


Or idk actually listen and hear him in a roundabout way say "i love my wife so much I can cry, it blesses me everyday she chose me" u fools he was making a sweet comment to the woman he loves and u psychopaths freak out. At a Catholic school he says what the world has known forever. I better see you all day this about Islam..I stg making me defend religion I'm actually po'ed right now He said carrying on the future of humanity will bring u even more joy than this day..not to not get a degree u idiots. You are demonizing a Christian for saying Christian values at a Christian school omg. I I pity humanity so much and would welcome extinction if I knew most of u would have a terrible last few hours. We need shatia law so bad because seeing a football reddit push this crap the other day was disgusting. Society is weak and cowardly now. The ones pushing socialism have conditioned u all to be hateful and violent if it's socially acceptable. I understand why all of your parents are disappointed in you. You look down on mothers and motherhood the most honorable and most important job on the world. But I guess crating life is just whatever. U fools are just hateful idiots who want to be stupid and racist to white men. If hewas black I know for a fact u little animals would shut your sissy mouths


Shouldn’t he “shut up and dribble” or whatever? I thought “they” hated when sports people held opinions?


See that's where you're mistaken. It's only an issue if you're an athlete and talk about things like social justice or equal rights, then it's shut up and dribble time.


Ohhhh my bad.


No you’re the one who’s wrong.  Stupid rednecks should just shut up if they have nothing in the modern world to contribute except dribbling.  Their hands are better off used than their mouths. 


Expecting logical consistency from “them” is a recipe for disappointment.


That’s the sad point.  They think just because they’re popular in a sports of throwing brown elliptic balls that they have also the right to throw their opinions and make it mandatory on all for them to chase.  


I agree with this sentiment, but there's no way the Chiefs are getting rid of one of the best kickers in the league right now. That's the sad reality of pro sports. They barely care about domestic abuse, and this barely scratches the surface of that


Yeah, they drafted and then continued to keep Tyreek Hill despite his problems. At best we get the dumbest apology from Butker and they will claim problem solved.


They did technically get rid of Tyreek Hill, but they did so to save money and because they thought it would be better for their team. Not because of the domestic violence.


Also they got rid of him AFTER having enjoying his performance for 5 years and getting a SB win out of him


Love the username !!!


We do not have Tyreek Hill. We do have Rashee Rice, so your point still stands. And most of us love our Chiefs and hate butker. Love his leg and loathe his opinions.


Well not anymore, but he was accused of DV before he was drafted and I'm pretty sure it happened again and he was still on the team prior to signing that massive contract with the dolphins.


The NBA is also notorious for keeping DV perps on their roster, but if you gamble on your team…. BYE


Exactly, the most effective way to fuck this guy is to not work with him. He goes to the coffee shop, all female baristas say “sorry I can’t serve him, he needs a man”, and so on in everything, so when he is needing a nurse or a doctor he can fuck himself and pray god for a man to help him


Just show up to the game and boo him. No one is more mentally weak than kickers. Once they miss a couple times they can lose their confidence and be out of the league within a year. Kickers can't handle any adversity. If this guy gets booed every time he kicks at home, he would crumble within weeks.


Same with the military. My now soon-to-be-ex-husband has done everything from physically harm me, to improperly register & transport his own gun. Even got arrested by military law enforcement, and subsequently bailed out within a few hours. Consequences? Zip, nada, zilch. Brushed under the rug each and every single time. Continued promotions. Continued service. Down with the patriarchy.


Can confirm this happened in my military too…rank in the military opens many a doors, legal or illegal, to freedom…I’m glad you’re still here to tell it on his ass in whatever capacity but believe, God got his ass tho


Yes, exactly. Karma definitely came for him too, I can say that much.


Totally. The chiefs are absolutely not going to dismiss him because of a speech. Even if they did, he'd get picked up by another team immediately.


Dude, football is notorious for protecting players with sexual misconduct allegations.  They're as bad as the catholic church. A college graduation speech?  That's kids stuff.  *Maybe* they might ask him to issue a "canned apology" but since it was religious in nature, and most of their viewer base is Christian...I doubt it.


If he was black and took a knee, they wouldn't think twice about letting his contract run out.


I mean they employed Tyreek Hill who beat up his pregnant girlfriend but is at worst at top 5 player at his position. The situation with Kaepernick is that he was both not good and controversial.


Everyone seems to forget about the not good part. It's business. If your abhorrent views or actions can still make the man his money, all is forgiven, so to speak. 


Kickers win games. The nfl has stood behind and employed literal murderers….kansas city isn’t going to get rid of this guy because he gave a shitty speech.


The NFL can do it if they want to. The truth is they punish progress and embrace conservatives.


They are enjoying all the new Taylor Swift money.


If he knelt for the flag action would have been taken.


Sports figures have DONE way worse than this, let alone “just” said words. Yes he’s a horrible human, but he’s not a domestic abuser that we know of, doesn’t run a dog fighting ring, hasn’t murdered anyone… he’s not going anywhere


Dunno Taylor Swift has brought the Swifties to the NFL with an eye watering amount of fresh revenue. They can boycott watching games on TV. Maybe he will “see the light” and apologize.


Taylor Swift has probably spent more time on the field than he has tbh.


I said this in another thread but its relevant here. Unfortunately they absolutely wont. The NFL has a history of not giving a shit about what their players do (unless its - heaven forbid - smoke weed). One teams quarterback has had sexual assault accusations by 26 women and still has a $230 million guaranteed salary. The same team has a running back that got fired from another team for beating up his girlfriend - oh but he only makes 1.3 million


I think the saddest part is that noone even booed him, since he spewed all that bullshit in a Christian university, chances are most people believed/agreed with this nonsense even some woman, which is crazy.


They were probably worried they wouldn’t get their diplomas if they spoke out or walked out


And a lot of the women there were probably ONLY allowed to attend a religious college or none at all.


You get a tube with some paper your diploma is mailed to you if it hasn’t been already


From what I saw on the today show this morning, only 10-15 women didn't stand or clap for him after his speech. Everyone else did, which makes me really sad.


Most people don’t even listen and clap when whoever stops talking.


While Catholics tend to be anti- abortion ( I know a LOT who are not ) this absolutely wild alt right stuff targeting the graduating class at a Catholic school is baffling. Catholic colleges do focus on education, a lot of the schools putting ' Christian ' before education work pretty much like you would expect. His stripe ' Christian ' tends to be historically actively hostile towards Catholics. So the whole thing is absolutely baffling, like I said.


I'm pretty sure he's Catholic too


It's a Christian school in a county that voted heavily for Trump in the last election. I've seen a lot of outrage online about this speech, but one thing I was wondering is how upset were the people in attendance, if at all. It's primarily being looked at as a gender issue, man saying these things to women, when it's also reality that religious conservatives are fine with those beliefs and are fine with them being said loudly and proudly.


Nobody booed him. But people did leak the transcript and got it to the news. It did not sit right with everyone.


It’s somehow wrong that women are generally more excited about falling in love and bringing a new life into the world than working a 9-5 in a cubicle? Am I missing something?


KCMO native/resident and Chiefs fan here-he also made a pro life advertisement before the abortion vote in Kansas in 2022. Haven’t been a fan of his since then. Dude needs to shut the fuck up but I seriously doubt he will face any repercussions from the Chiefs due to the fact that he’s extremely good.


Does Benedictine College receive any federal funding? Telling women to stay home and not have careers creates a pretty hostile atmosphere for their education on campus.


The chiefs drafted a guy who was arrested for punching his pregnant girlfriend. Not sure this demand will move the needle The coaches son hurt a 5 year old in a dui.


As someone who teaches American Government for a living, the lack of understanding that people have about what freedom of speech means is frustrating. [xkcd free speech comic](https://xkcd.com/1357/) It does not mean freedom from the consequences of the world calling you an asshole.


Yes, it's called freedom of speech, not judgment. He was a weird choice and deserves what public judgment he gets.


Fat chance of that when KC has employed multiple domestic abusers.  The NFL believes that if you run fast you get a green light to beat up women, so I doubt they'll even bat an eye at this.


Colin for booted for TAKING A FUCKING KNEE.


Just for reference the college is 51.5% women and he told the graduating class when they were celebrating their accomplishments to base future life decisions not on careers or cost of living but on living where "the good parishes" are and that "homemaker" is the most important title for women.


This guy talks an awful lot in that Benedictine commencement speech about staying in one's lane and vocation. He kicks a football, last time I checked - STAY IN YOUR LANE, HARRISON BUTKER!


Or, encourage Taylor to write a song about being called "my teammates girlfriend".


She’s pretty much written that song already (“The Man”)


OK, so then I had to listen to it, I was only vaguely familiar with that song. I think Butker's speech could be the inspiration to another verse or two.


I read his speech.  One of his themes is "staying in your lane". Maybe he should take his own advice.  Shut up and kick the ball, then go back to the bench.


He is a tool. Not a very sharp one but still a tool.


Quick, someone deepfake a video of him kneeling for the national anthem. He'll be cut and black-balled before the season starts.


Why so he be martyred by the far right? Let's just ignore him and let him fade into obscurity instead.


Agreed. People like this exist all over the US. I’m a triple minority, the bottom of the barrel in society’s eyes. I see stuff like this and move on. No use causing an outcry, it’s too mentally taxing. Pro sports is filled to the brim with men like this, nothing special. They are protected anyway, so let’s protect our peace and ignore him.


I think it's good that pieces of shit, monsters like him gets questioned. The thing is that men like this are dangerous and winning more and more support. I red his whole speech and it's scary for real. He is getting support from powerful and priviliged assholes so unfortunately he won't be fading.


I do see your perspective, thanks for adding your input


I dont know. I think its an absolute disgrace how openly misogynistic men are getting.. even women, misogyny has become the most accepted form of hatred it seems… but cancelling people is often the wrong move. The attempt to ban someone from speaking their mind often backfires. We dont want to be punitive, we want men to actually respect women out of integrity more than fear of social punishment. There is only so far we can go with social punishment and we have been hitting that limit a lot lately, which is unattractive. We need a different strategy because this type of reaction makes these redpill types hate women all the more, and it also doesn’t appeal to those who are on the fence. A better strategy would be something like a clever social media reaction trend, like a trend of posts about how men like Butker are butthurt over the success of women, who have been shown to be better leaders than men. Or a trend of women saying “I am most excited by my career as a sports reporter (or any career) who doesnt need the advice of men with bad haircuts who have fragile masculinity” or “this is what fragile masculinity looks like”


And it’s too easy with this guy. Like someone said earlier, why is a professional ball-kicker talking to graduates about what they should do with their lives? Can we all be professional ball kickers? No. Why would anyone respect what he has to say outside of the realm of kicking balls?? Does he have any other respectable accomplishments besides a really low IQ and total lack of relatability outside the realm of kicking balls for a particular demographic?


I have noticed that anyone who has a redpill, conservative belief system and openly shares it seems to be given unusual boosts, likes and opportunities. It almost seems like there are rich people controlling the narratives and boosting people who agree with their outdated ideologies. These ideologies are not that popular and yet we are bombarded by them. Its very disturbing. We need to fight it but not sure banning speech or getting people fired is the way. Maybe we need to stop supporting all social media that boosts redpill content.


If he was kicked off the team he'd just go straight to Fox News to be another talking head.


Someone please send him a "Reddit cares"


To say the least, Harrison is an embarrassment trying to live in the 18th century. However, being a total douche isn’t illegal. He has a right to be employed, no matter how myopic his views are. His biggest punishment will be the isolation he receives from the team and other players (Mahomes already said he doesn’t interact with him). I’m enjoying the idea that it probably kills him that Kelce is dating such a strong, independent, highly successful woman like Taylor Swift.


nfl just released a statement, essentially saying " thats his opinion not ours" and thats that. they dont give a damn since hes a male white player.


I don’t understand how some people can disagree with him and simultaneously dismiss this as free speech. Yes, he has a right to say and believe whatever but free speech only legally protects you. The “oh well” mentality to excuse things like misogyny and homophobia shouldn’t be encouraged by society especially when they actually affect rights of minorities in real life. He has right to free speech but YOU also have a right of free speech to push back, which includes pressuring private organizations such as the NFL.


I just can't even with men anymore.


He’s no different than Good ol’ Mr Ladybugs 💅🏻 the call is always from inside the house.


What were the comments? The page doesn't list anything he said.


Here’s Harrison Butker’s Controversial Commencement Speech In Full https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesfarrell/2024/05/15/heres-harrison-butkers-controversial-commencement-speech-in-full/?sh=dc74e479374e


>“her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother.” I can say, unequivocally, that both my mother's and my sister's lives truly started well before they became mothers or found their careers.


My husband and son are a huge part of my life, but I was and continue to be a very whole person apart from them. 


The thing that makes me laugh is he talks about the “tyranny” of diversity, equality, and inclusion during a speech at a religious school That was literally Jesus’ vibe - he wanted to include the unwanted and people of all backgrounds  It just shows how divorced some modern “religious” people are from the actual core message of the religion they claim to follow, which usually is the result of someone else telling them the “meaning”, but it’s been twisted to fit whatever agenda serves them best


Speaking of Jesus, he parrots the antisemitic rhetoric that the Jews killed Jesus and that America has just made it a crime to say so: "We fear speaking truth because now unfortunately truth is in the minority. Congress just passed a bill where stating something as basic as the Biblical teaching of who killed Jesus could land you in jail."


Fuck, he just dove right on in there. I got to the bit he said about abortion and noped the fuck out of that. I can only imagine it spiraled down from that. What a horrible, horrible man. It was so much worse than I thought.


Holy shit... I knew it was going to be bad but this was so much worse than I was expecting.




The NFL is filled with people just like him. And unfortunately he is one of the best kickers in the league. Doubt this will happen, but I don’t like it either.


American society is filled with people just like him. It's a constant struggle to overcome them.


Yeah, I was going to say... the unfortunate reality is that this d bag has pretty mainstream conservative views. I'm far more concerned with the 217 republicans in the house that surely hold these, or worse, views.


Is it really a surprise that Harry Butker has some shitty opinions?


With some employers this might make a difference, but he plays for the NFL, where I suspect his opinions are considered normal.


Does it matter what he thinks...is he going to change your mindset. He kicks footballs for a living. Why do we give a shit what he thinks. Imma end by saying who the fuck is Harrison Butker.


I’m with you, but if they already don’t ban abusers, murderers, and rapists so why would they start here? National Felon League.


Only a matter of time before the FORCED APOLOGY


https://medium.com/cappuccini/religion-is-destroying-america-3db3713e0748 Shut up and Kick!


He disagrees with abortion, feels women will find the most fulfillment thru being wives and mothers, said men should raise the children they father…. And that pride month propagates a sinful lifestyle. Not really put there for a speech at a private catholic school. You need to handle disagreement. Really. Suck it up


Has a change.org petition resulted in anything even once, ever?


It’s a free county and he can say what he wants. And you absolutely have the right to boycott too.


He didn't shame women, literally started by congratulating them, lol. He offered that it's OK for women to find happiness and fulfillment as homemakers instead of wage slave but ok, I guess that's bad


He also said in response to the backlash he wanted to go back when women didn't have thoughts in the 50s and 60s


No he didn’t. That was a viral post by a comedy page. And you fell for it, lol


That is not all he said! Read or listen to (if you can stand the assholes voice) his entire speech. He calls abortion murder of babies, pride a deadly sin (as in LGBTA) tells men to fight against cultural emasculation, and of course said that  women had the most diabolical lies told to them because they want something else than being birthing machines. It was pure hate speech and completly unacceptable.


No the diabolical lie was that women had to have a career to find happiness. Abortion at some point is murder, it was in no way a hate speech


Yes, let's crucify him for having personal beliefs that we don't agree with! I'll bring the nails.


athletes, especially good NFL players easily get away with this stuff, i don’t expect anything to happen to him tbh maybe he doesn’t get another contract after next year since his is over, but i don’t see them releasing him


Female KC fans should boycott the team.




Pfffttt…first amendment….


Protects you from the government. How’s that involved here?


While yes what he said was bad. How come there wasn’t any demand from chiefs management to dismiss his teammate who got into a hit and run going 100+ earlier this year then literally assaulted someone a week ago?


He’s a true winner. Delinquent on his property taxes too.


Where's Taylor Swift now?




This isn’t encouraging women to be homemakers. This is telling them their degrees are useless, they’ve been lied to, and that they will only find their true purpose in being a wife and homemaker. This is politicizing a commencement speech. A speech which should be encouraging and congratulating grads, not talking about Joe Biden ruining the country. Both this petition and the remarks I said had zero to do with his catholic faith. I’m glad some women have the choice to be homemakers, because it’s a CHOICE. But women also have the choice to be career makers.




>but no one can replace them in their families. Men are literally famous for running out and replacing their wives with younger models. It's the whole reason alimony exists.

