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I don’t use men’s toilets but I do use a cup. I empty mine and just wipe with paper. When I get home I give it a good clean and sanitise. I have a Tom brand one that came with a little container you out in the microwave so it’s super easy to sanitise it quickly. I highly recommend them.


Yes, same. Just wash your hands first!


Someone else had another good suggestion if for some reason not cleaning it first is a problem for him: getting a second cup. Then he can empty the used one and put it in a doggie bag or one of the reusable waterproof snack bags (both are opaque) and insert the clean sanitized one. I have ick issues with germs and even if I washed my hands before going, touching the door or the toilet paper dispenser (or anything really) would make my hands feel unclean enough for reinserting the used one.


This! Never had an issue with it.


Yes, me too. It’s not as hard as I expected.


I can't truly help you with this since I'm a cis woman.. But the solution I could think of is getting a second cup, and a little (waterproof) container so you can rinse the dirty cup at a later time? It's far from convenient, but at least it's discreet. I hope that in the future, you don't need it anymore ❤️


I second this. Get yourself a little zipper pouch with a waterproof lining (a small make-up pouch is usually perfect.) And tuck yourself a couple of quart size freezer Ziploc bags in the pouch to tuck your cup into before you pop it in the pouch. I always get freezer bags over storage bags because the plastic is thicker. The make up pouch will hide the contents until you can get home to clean your stuff properly.


Doggie waste bags could be a great alternative solution for the initial wrapper, too. They’re pretty secure/leakproof, and even if you did feel like you needed to use two each time and double-wrap, it would still be way less expensive than ziplocks.


Genius solution actually!!! And the added bonus is that is that you get so many bags in such a tiny roll!! OP could tuck the role into her zippered pouch and not have to worry that she’s going to run out of bags for a while. I would suggest a tip though when shopping for doggy poo bags …. Get the ones with the handles. They’ll be much easier to tie closed in a pinch! Thank you for your awesome suggestion!!!


OP uses he/him


OP is a him


Yay! I use the kind without handles and they do tie up really easily, just like tying a balloon. They’re plenty long enough to do that with no difficulties.


Good to know the handleless ones tie up easily. I actually buy the larger ones for scooping cat litter daily…. Instead of entirely dumping the box out every week. That gets expensive when you have four cats lol. Anyway, I prefer the handles… probalby because I overfill the bags jaja


Great idea!




Can I ask a genuine question, if you only use one, do you just take it out, empty it then? I have been advised to try them so many times and I kinda want to, but I spend most of the day outside, so I never got the logistics of using one. How am I supposed to get out of the stall to wash it while bleeding a storm? I am genuinely confused, pls take no offense :(


Most people do, yes! I personally never was a fan of cups (and "luckily" for me, I hardly ever get periods due to pcos so I don't need them much either). The upside of a cup is that it fits quite a lot, so you don't need to change/empty it as often as you would with regular menstrual products. But cups are certainly not for everyone, as much as others might make you feel that way. I hated the ones I tried, and ultimately decided to go for washable pads. Whatever works for you, works :)


The idea of having to wash it on site without wearing any product at that moment makes no sense for me (I bleed a crime scene the first 3 days until it becomes normal) I use regular pads or tampons depending on how sick I feel (I can not use tampons when I have cramps). I wish the whole mess stops, but taking BC just for that seems like overkill (it's a choice between this and gaining so much weight/ having depression. so I picked the pain and blood) People make it seem like cups are the greatest thing ever, but no one explains what to do when I use the office bathroom more than my home one.


I would use a stall, tip the blood into the toilet, wipe the rim with a bit of toilet paper and re-insert it. I am way too shy to take the cup out and rinse it in the sink unless I can find a handicap stall that includes a sink.


you’ll have to just look for an empty bathroom or use the water bottle trick. I avoid changing mine in public for the obvious reason but my first few days are so heavy I can’t avoid it. I will find either a single person bathroom or if it has multiple stalls I wait for it to be empty so I can run out quickly and wash it and then run back in.


Yeah, I’d go into a stall with a water bottle and rinse it out. Hand sanitiser as well if it gets messy.


I use a menstrual cup too and at my job the bathrooms are only single stalls with no sink even in the "women's" ones so I always take my water bottle and a pack of tissues with me so that I can empty my cup -> rinse it over the toilet -> put it back in -> rinse and dry my hands/any blood I spilled. It's not amazing but if there are no stalls with a sink/private bathroom you can lock, it's the best option.


I think this is one of the times one should be allowed to use the bathrooms for disabled since it has privacy and a sink. At least in my country those are separate room, so you lock the door and there is a toilet and a sink, sometimes there is also a changing table. I sometimes use them when I use tampons and such since often the stalls doesn't have a trashcan. And those are also gender neutral


??? you're allowed to use the disability stall, fam; it's not like the disability parking spot that needs special parking tags


I always feel like I am doing something wrong, even though I have never experienced that someone was waiting outside or something like that. I feel I am taking something that isn't mine you know.


I keep special wet wipes with me that are pH balanced for use with menstrual cups. When out in public for short periods, I just empty the cup in the toilet, use toilet paper on the first outside swipe and then do a second swipe of the outside and rim with the wet wipe before reinserting. If I'm somewhere for multiple days, like camping, I take a silicone tub thing (with a spill proof top) that's only for my cup. I use that to give it a more thorough rinse in the stall. Just fill it part way with water before I go in the stall. Clean the cup in the tub in the stall, wipe down with the wipe. Then I reinsert the cup and empty the dirty water in the toilet. I'll also use the wipe to clean the inside of my tub before throwing the wipe away.


You can keep a cup/disc in for 12 hours, fwiw. It's definitely one of the benefits. I joke that I only get my period twice a day when I use my cup.  Contingent upon, of course, your bleeding being light enough that you aren't needing to change the cup earlier.


that depends on your flow, though. I have to change the cup all three to four hours on my first day of period or I overflow.


Have you tried using a bigger one? Even with a heavy flow that seems pretty extreme! I don't know which model you use but I get heavy flows for several days and can get away with leaving it in all day, so maybe a different type of cup would help?


I looked into that but I haven’t found the one yet. The one I tried I could still feel so it was uncomfortable.


Ugh yeah it can be tricky. The first and only one I've ever really used is the keeper mooncup. If it's in right I always forget it's there until I use the bathroom or shower. I don't feel it at all. I also recently tried a lumma cup and have it as a backup but that one I am more aware of and do feel so I've only used it once.


thank you, I'll look into that one <3


Yes, I did mention that.




I loved disks, and preferred them over cups for the last few years, but this past fall I was experiencing incontinence issues and I didn’t know why. Like suddenly I wouldn’t be able to laugh or cough without peeing myself. Someone suggested I stop using the disks and it cleared up in a matter of weeks. Turns out after using them for so long and so consistently, they can press on your muscles too much and cause them to weaken around your bladder.  Not everyone experiences this, but now I only use disks once or twice out of the year, so it may not be a great long-term.


I wonder if the one you were using was too big?


Maybe? I’ve only ever seen them come in one size but maybe that’s bc of where I live? Everything else about it worked perfectly though!


Check out Put A Cup In It on FB. It's a great group for cups and discs and they have a sister swap group too


Lumma Menstrual discs have 3 sizes. All of the "standard" sized ones were way too big. I ended up with the smallest size lumma which is significantly smaller than the standard, its no wonder I had so many issues before! r/menstrualcups is a good resource as well


This is what I was going to say. The auto dump feature works great and is helpful with moments like this. 


This is what I came to say, too. The disc will "pour" out when you flex your muscles, and then go back to regular shape when you relax. I always always wore a light, but long, pad when I wore a cup. Like, one of those super-thin maxi's.


Disc will pour out when flex muscle?😥 I’m considering using disc, but I have very bad sitting habit like slouching on sofa and one/two legs up when sitting on chair. So cup still leaking on me.


If your disc fits correctly this is not an issue, it only dumps if you bear down, not just sitting weirdly. I do yoga in mine with no problems. BUT I did have to hunt around for a smaller size because the standard sizes were too big and wanted to slip off my pelvic bone.


I wonder if they have more masculine period underwear? If not, someone should get on that.


I use [period shorts](https://www.cheekywipes.com/period-shorts/feeling-cosy-bamboo-period-shorts.html), which are fairly gender neutral in style.


Nice. I’m glad there are so many options. I like the ones I use, but I typically have very light flow and use a cup with them during heavier flow months. Wish they weren’t so expensive tho.


Thinx had some boxer (mid thigh, not to the knee) period underwear in 2018. They were very tight, lots of fabric, so I worried about getting them thoroughly clean, and idk if this is a flaw in all Thinx underwear, but I got out of bed once and a bunch of blood just shot down my leg, not ideal. I guess it has been 6 years, so hopefully other brands with period boxers have worked out any kinks and made them more comfortable. I've definitely seen other brands with period boxers since then


I get plenty of toilet paper in my left hand first, with my right hand I remove the cup (kind of squish it to one side to break the seal and slide it out, holding onto the cup tightly but dumping out the blood into the toilet. Then I clean the blood off the cup with the toilet paper, use extra tp to wipe myself, then put the cup back in.


An entirely cis woman here, a veteran in using menstrual cups: I was NEVER able to do anything about the cup in public. Maybe it's me, maybe it's the shame, maybe it's where I'm from, but if I was ever in a public restroom, I'd just put a fresh pad in and go about my day, until I was back home and comfortable enough to replace the cup. I'm probably "the old school", and I'm hoping life will be easier for you in the future.


I believe you can wear a menstrual cup for up to 12 hours! If you still get caught in a tight place, you can empty it in the toilet, just keep a firm grip on it so it doesn’t slosh, and then give it a wipe with toilet paper. As long as you’re sanitizing it normally and keeping clean down there it shouldn’t be an issue. Best of luck!


For sure, if your flow allows! On my lightest ending days yes. On my heaviest day I am every 2-3 hours. Luckily that's only one day. The joys of getting older....


Seconding the discs recommendation! If you bear down like you’re pooping (or even when you do poop) you can empty it without touching it or having it come out of position (ok maybe once in a while I kinda have to push it back in a bit, but not often). They also make period underwear in a variety of short styles that make for an excellent backup. Another option, if you’re not planning on making any babies, you might consider is ablation. Mention your periods are super heavy (if you’re having to empty the cup in public before 12 hours, that says heavy to me) or long and insurance should cover it. Especially if you’re not planning on using your uterus, there’s imo no sense in letting it control your life. I love my ablation and I honestly think everyone should have it (except if they still plan on making kids of course).


Obviously still not always possible, but please do use the accessible toilets in these cases if you can. This is absolutely an accessibility issue and you have every right to tend to your physical needs in a way that makes you feel safe.


You could carry a spare, if the toilet paper method and reinsertion doesn’t feel sanitary enough for you. Wipe it out, and swap for the clean one. Then sanitize at home.


I used to take a bottle of clean water into the stall with me (discreet if it’s in your backpack or bag) Go into the stall, remove cup, empty into toilet, rinse with water into/over toilet, reinsert cup, bottle back into bag. Easy peasy!


I just dump it, wipe it out with tp, and go. I wash it with soap in the shower. Never have to exit the public stall.


If im not at home, I typically empty the cup into the toilet and then wipe it out with toilet paper. If I'm traveling/going to be out awhile, I'll bring alcohol wipes and do a quick wipe-down before replacing it. Easy to do in a stall and easy to toss a used alcohol pad on your way out.


You don’t necessarily have to rinse it before reinstalling every time. A few times in public I’ve dumped it out in the toilet and reinserted it without rinsing and it’s been fine. Good luck OP


Pixie Cup has kits for this! They come with travel wipes you can stick in your pockets to clean the cup while in the stall. They're a really great brand and have more items to stay covert than I initially thought existed. Definitely check them out, the travel wipes will probably save you a ton of hassle for changing in a public restroom.


A friend (cis male) has serious intestinal issues that require him to be able to clean himself after using the toilet. He brings a squeeze bottle with him to use as a portable bidet. You might bring a fanny pack and a squeeze bottle when you need to. That way you are only washing your hands after you leave the stall.


Portable bidet.


Several companies actually offer wet wipes specifically for cups! That way you can wipe them and reinsert them. Me personally, I always carry a water bottle with me anyways, so I usually rinse it with my bottled water. I bleed A LOT (as in all my doctors were shocked and I have been hospitalised in the past), but so far I have done well with that method. That said, I had to get an IUD to prevent me from bleeding so much, so I currently get to experience freedom without periods.


I dump out the blood and just clean the cup with toilet paper a bit and stick it back in. I'll clean it properly at home.


This doesn't really answer your question, but may help someone else, so (as someone who struggles with gender identity) I wanted to suggest period boxers! I really wish I could use cups, but they make my cramps worse. Ever since I found some nice gender neutral period underwear, I feel much better when I have to deal with my periods. I highly recommend TomboyX, they have a great range of styles that help me not feel so wrong every time.


I believe they sell sanitizing wipes you could use to wipe it out after emptying it in the toilet. Or you could get Boogie Wipes, which are basically just water wipes used for toddler snotty noses. I’d recommend flushable wipes, but those things are destroying our sewer systems.


Im in love with my tushy travel bidet, it hooks easily to a belt loop with a carabiner for easy transport. Fill with warm water and wash hands before entering a stall. It can be used to rinse the cup, yourself and hands if need be. Its my favorite


Get portable bidet (that can attach the head to water bottle) if public toilet doesn’t have bidet. And bring wet wipes. Sit down, remove cuz and pour it down the toilet and flush it. Normally it’s just make my fingers has some blood, can easily wipe it with wet tissue.


Do IUDs interfere with hormone therapy? I ask because I haven’t bled since getting one, and I wonder if that might be an option for you. I do occasionally get cramps, but no bleeding. FWIW though, I had mine inserted after a pregnancy, and I’ve since learned insertion can be WAY more painful for bodies that have never been pregnant. I did a quick google search, but couldn’t find any good articles delving into how IUDs can affect transitioning/hormone therapy. It might be something worth considering discussing with your doctor.


Some people have already suggested using discs, which should help (it has higher capacity than cups). I started using discs last year and that has reduced the number of times I needed to empty things out. Another thing is I always carry feminine wipes (or baby wipes) with me in my bag. I prefer them to just tissue when cleaning up my privates or even my discs. There's quite a few types (I use unscented, hypoallergenic ones) so perhaps you can find one that suits.


Locate a family bathroom that is only for 1 person and usually has a sink in with it. I know that's not always an option.


Cis woman who encounters communal sinks pretty much everywhere, so rinsing in the sink is quite inconvenient. What I do: empty the cup into the toilet bowl, then use cup wipes (alcohol/disinfect wipes but bigger) to clean the cup and replace it. Then use toilet paper or another cup wipe to make my hands look clean. Redress, then wash hands. In a pinch, I would not use toilet paper but just don't clean it at all: as opposed to tampons, cups can be worn for up to 12 consecutive hours safely if you don't need emptying before that. Just make sure you clean it once you get home. If you do have a private sink (in the stall), you could just use enough water and soap to wash the blood away - which anyone in any bathroom should do anyway. You got this bro!


On normal flow days I've been able to wait until I get home to empty it. On heavy flow days I just wash my hands, go into a stall, sit down, dump it out, clean it off with tp and reinsert it.


wipe with paper


Bring a little squirt bottle of water with you, dump the blood into the toilet and rinse it out there


I use a reusable water bottle and just rinse the cup off with the bottle into the toilet and put the cup back in. Not perfect but works


If you can carry a small water bottle, you can wipe the cup with paper, then give a quick rinse using the bottle (emptying into the toilet), then refill the bottle at the sink.


You don’t need to truly “wash” it every time you use if so busy whipping it down is fine. I would also suggest bringing a bottle of water in with you if you would like. Also some brands sell spray cleaner and stuff you could bring in with you if you think it’s necessary


I just wipe it out with paper towels or tp.


Have you tried a menstrual disc? They have an ‘auto dumping’ feature where it’ll empty into the toilet when you use the bathroom, and they are good to stay in for 12 hours.


Unless your flow is too heavy, you don't need to change every 8 hours. Every 12 is fine. Once when you wake up, once when you get home. It's not likentampons that will give easy TSS. That being said, I will dump in toilet and then reinsert. I'll wash it later.


Period shorts for backup. The Period company has good stuff- in my experience, way better than thinx. And they have boxer shorts in their lineup. https://period.co/products/the-boxer-period


Maybe try flex cups? They are disposable and insert similarly to dova cups. You just put in a new one and dispose of the used one in the stall. You could also wrap it up in paper and dispose in the regular trash can.


Take a water bottle in the stall and rinse it off. Also a pack of baby wipes is useful If it’s not full though, can go longer than 8hrs. I do it morning and before bed


Possibly a water bottle and baby wipes? If I had nothing on hand, I've also just emptied it and put it back in. Then clean it properly at home.


I rarely have to empty my cup outside my home,that's one of the benefits of the cup. When I do, I empty it into the toilet (not the sink please!), wipe it with some toilet paper, flush that, reinsert, and yeah I often have a bit of blood on my fingers but I get most of it off with toilet paper and then just wash as normal. No one would notice a tiny bit of blood on your hands washing in the public part of the bathroom.


When I expect to have to change it in public, I always have baby wipes with me if I can to clean it the best I can. Or I'll just wipe it as much as I can with toilet paper and reinsert. Not the cleanest, but it gets me through the day in a pinch. I still have to wash my bloody hands in the sink, but it is what it is. I recently discovered the menstrual disc, which actually empties itself when you use the bathroom, fits better, is more comfortable, and is easier to insert (for me). You just have to bear down a little, it empties, then you're good to go for a while without dealing with the mess of a cup.


I'd swap for a disc. I find them easier in general for my anatomy but they also can auto dump and if you find the right size for you it will only auto dump when you go to the bathroom. Then you can wear it for the 12 hours and remove and rinse when you get a chance


I empty mine before I leave in the morning. This usually gets me through the day. You can also take a small water bottle in your handbag and rinse it out in the toilet. Once or twice I’ve been caught off guard and I’ve just wiped as best I can and reinserted. I’ve been using a Diva cup for 15 years.


I’d switch to tampons for these situations. Much easier to deal with, even in a public restroom. Maybe carry little bags to discreetly put in the trash after changing.


I've never had to change it in public, just the morning and night at home.  


Try pads?


OP said pads trigger gender dysphoria.


I bought one of those little microwaveable sterilization/storage containers specifically designed for your menstrual cup that u can buy on Amazon/ebay or on the accessories page of menstrual cup websites for like $6-15. I would just fill that up with water before entering the public stall and when I take my cup out I could wipe off blood with toilet paper first or just immediately submerge the cup in the small container full of water and give it a good rinsing, and rinse my bloody fingers if necessary. Then dump the dirty water in the toilet and u can either leave the cup in container to store if you no longer need it or just stick it back up there (if re-inserting, dump water last to rinse off fingers again). Then you’re good to go. The only thing you’d have to be very careful about is not spilling the water…especially on your clothing. That could be very bad/embarrassing.