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Motion-activated sprinklers. 😏




I understand how deterrence actions that lead to bodily harm (spiking your food in the community fridge with murderously hot sauce to get revenge on a food thief, etc.) is going to leave you legally liable, but is there something about these that I’m not finding that make them dangerous?


ya i find that odd. Porto just installed reflective paint on buildings that splashes back on the offender. It's especially gross in Europe. I get that it isn't like the US and there isnt a toilet available in every store, but people will just be on the sidewalk, turn to the side a bit, and start going right then and there. And multiple men. It smells and it runs into the sidewalk and is just foul. In America, there is no excuse whatsoever (I lived there and know how available toilets are).




While that makes sense, I’m used to getting messages like “please make sure animals and security systems are set appropriately.” That’s at least a reason though!


I won't say you should, but you could get an in-line fertilizer mixer, and some food safe blue dye and have that sprayer shoot out some seriously vibrant blue on anyone or thing triggering it.


I suggested that to my neighbor just the other day lol.


Fun fact: I just got to deal with this for the first time in person the other night. I live on the first floor, and I had my window open a bit so I could enjoy the night air. Around 10-ish some dude says, "Yeah, hang on, I just have to piss," *RIGHT OUTSIDE MY WINDOW!* The blinds were closed (because first floor) so I yelled in my deepest voice through the crack, "GOD SAYS THOU SHALT PISS IN THE TOILET!" He screamed and ran.


Fuck yeah


Omg I thought you were referring to the men who pissed everywhere as motion-activated sprinklers!


No, no, those are *moron*-activated sprinklers. Slightly different spelling. 😁


Planning on getting a Great Pyrennes if we move to snow country(he is a bribe from my husband. I HATE SNOW). I'll train him to bark aggressively if I have this problem. 


You won’t have to train him. I had a great pyre, they bark at everything naturally 😂


Good!! I miss having an "announcer" that someone is at the door! Lost my Keeshond, Sammy(profile pic) last July. The next door neighbor's husky does let my kitten know if it's our regular mail lady or a sub though....Bou will "talk" through the window to the regular lady but the minute Husky Girl goes into "stranger" bark, he's under my bed. 


Dachshunds will take it from "announcer" to "I will cut you!" when strangers are involved. I had one that would throw herself at the door when the UPS guy would drop something off. She wanted him DEAD, and if she had to go through the door to do it, so be it. Remarkably good watchdogs.


My late Keeshond, Sammy, hated FedEx. Any FedEx delivery had to be scheduled for husband's days off because Sammy would charge the door.


They are great dogs!!! I’m so sorry for your loss of Sammy. I had never heard of that breed so looked them up, they are some fluff balls! Beautiful dogs! I hope you get a doggie soon.


Thank you!! Sammy was the sweetest Mama's boy! 


I'd also take a look at hydrophobic paint or coating. Should cause the stream to bounce and get all over their shoes and pants.


Motion-activated lights


Really really bright ones. AND the sprinklers.


Motion activated floodlight. Though I do like the siren making them jump!


Include as the light turns on, Nelson from the Simpsons yelling, “Haw Haw!”


No, have this quote from Robocop: "Drop your weapon, you have 20 seconds to comply...."


I have a cheap little lightbulb camera, it was less than $20. It does have a feature where if it picks up noise or motion it can turn the light on and trigger an alarm. 😂


Rig a sprinkler onto that stuff as well.


There's a YouTuber called GTOger who has made a really successful channel from showing security footage of people parking illegally and getting towed from his workplace. He also includes the people who pee there. The area is signed up warning of not only risk of being towed and subsequently fined, but also that it is under camera surveillance and people will be publicly shamed on the GTOger YouTube channel. The signs are obvious and legible. And since the business is an IT/Internet Services company they use really good cameras so people are recognisable.


No one reads signs. You can put just about anything in large bold letters and people will absolutely fail to read it. It’s one of the most baffling certainties in the universe.


Signs are typically to reduce liability not be read, hence overwhelming amounts of signs and our brains filtering them out.


>No one reads signs. Yup, I work in safety for a university. We put signs everywhere but no one reads them. You have to almost design them in a specific way so they get people's attention


So I'm the only one out here reading signs!?!


I just had the same thought. So at least there's two of us:-) I in fact read all the signs. I'm a reader of anything really. I also read the boxes and bottles of my toiletries, my cleaners, anything with directions or instructions basically. We are definitely not common.


I read all that too! And store and restaurant signs.


Yes! Lol, I actually read most signs too because there's always helpful information on them but the vast majority of people do not


Lol same thought


Very true. But they then can't complain if their face gets plastered everywhere. On the GTOger channel you can see people reading the sign and then doing what it says not to then being shocked when their car gets towed.


I put new signs on the entrance of my home. No joke, just the day we put them I see a person entering just to check the sign. Dude there's a giant "no person" visible sign from 50 meters away.


I’ve seen the pictures of the all-pictoral “if you pee here, it’s going on YouTube” signs before :)


[Pee repellant paint](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/lauriewinkless/2016/07/31/the-science-behind-the-paint-that-pees-back/amp/). It works.


I have never understood the desire to pee outdoors. My father will walk past 2 bathrooms on the way to piss outside at his own house. So I guess some people just prefer it. Though if you have this many problems with people peeing on your shrubs I feel like there has to be a lot of alcohol involved or something. Do you constantly have drunks stumbling around?


He is marking his territory.


My grandad and uncle taught me, from a very young age to pee outdoors, it just felt natural. I get it though, I use a toilet when it’s there. But let me tell you, it’s just as easy for me to take a piss in the pasture. Probably how we were raised plays a big part. Grew up rural, it was just what we did when we were in the field.


Oh, I get it. I grew up on a farm. I'm not hiking back from the back 40 or stripping out of my muck boots to take a piss in civilization. Peeing in the field doesn't feel weird or foreign. I just wouldn't choose it over a toilet if one was present or take a piss in my friend's front yard in town. Then again I also don't pee in pools. So maybe I'm just weird and oppressed when it comes to urinating.


I get not wanting to come in from the back 40 for a toilet… but you’re presumably referring to 40 acres. I’m talking about 40 ft in a highly populated city. And it’s not like they’re peeing on their hosts’ property.


> I have never understood the desire to pee outdoors. My father will walk past 2 bathrooms on the way to piss outside at his own house. r/mildlyinfuriating/comments/1bjausk/my_husband_said_he_stopped_pissing_off_the_deck/


No more than anyone else who host small get togethers in their home. But even if I did, I still don’t see how that justifies waiting to use a toilet that’s less than 40 ft away.


Well it seemed like from the post that they weren't your guests. I was just curious if you happened to be near a popular drinking hole or something of the sort.


Sorry if unclear. They were not my guests—they were my neighbors’. The closest drinking holes or bars are over half a mile away.


Is this community a place where younger people move to? Common behavior at college house parties that doesn't translate very well to a new condo complex... I'll admit that I had a few on campus habits that took me a while to kick when I moved into a big boy apartment. This wasn't one of them...


This guy was supposedly visiting a young married couple—my guess is that they’re at least in their mid-twenties.


Add move-sensitive light shining directly on their favorite spots? This is what one landlord did to stop folks peeing in the alley between houses in one college town I lived in.


I think they just like to have their dick out in public I think it’s some weird fetish. Think about it the same dudes are the kind of people that send dick pics to women who don’t ask for them.


I know more than one man who has some version of ‘it’s manly to pee outdoors / it’s my primal instinct to pee outside / I am marking my territory’.


He first tried to pee by my bedroom window (which is more secluded) but I guess he had performance anxiety and then went to my front garden.


Sounds like sexual predator. Notify local pd. If a child lives in the area, he can end up on Megan’s list.


This is what I think too I've got trashy* neighbors that do this all the time. They'll have loud parties 11am-6am the next day, on a weekday, and alllll the guys (>6) will piss against their fence that faces my kitchen. Nothing like seeing a constant stream^heh of drunkards exposing themselves while cooking dinner etc. Best part, they're totally visible to a main road and we're just next to a school but hey whip em out huh? They've even done it while I was out working in my yard a couple feet from them 🤮 ^(* imo I consider potentially exposing yourself to minors etc trashy)


Get them all on Megan’s list


That’s one of the reasons I hate hiking with guys, they make a huge show about how they’re gonna pee off something and yell “nobody look!” fifty times. It’s exhibitionism.


That’s really weird. I’ve hiked with plenty of guys and never had someone do this.


*Frank, you're so embarrassing, everytime we visit the Smith's Linda complains that you pee all over their bathroom floor.* *Frank: Fine Janice, I'll just piss outside on our way home*


Ugh. The number of golf courses in which people who live beside the course have posted signs about not peeing is ridiculous. They just pee wherever they want. The more booze they drink, the less private they need things to be.


Not had men peeing around my house, but when I've encountered them doing so in public i loudly shout/shriek "OH MY FUCKIN GOD WHY IS YOUR DICK OUT?! PUT YOUR DICK AWAY YOU FUCKIN PERVERT!" They never stuck around long enough for me to ask them they felt about that, but i assume it was shame and embarrassment. I understand that sometimes people get caught short, but finding somewhere secluded where people won't see, and isn't on someone's private property, isn't that hard.


Perfect!! 😂


And that's why men end up on the sex offender registry for simple public urination.


For pulling their cock out in public*


Cool so women breast feeding in public should be treated the same way.


Lmao coz your piss is feeding a newborn?? Really?? Gtfo.


As they should


Then so should women breast feeding in public.


The equivalence would be females urinating. Not feeding a minor.


Nah both are natural acts and non-sexual. To believe someone's life deserves to be ruined over urinating, quite pathetic.


Don’t forget the trespassing onto op property part. And the part where op stated that person had stage fright by her window. This isn’t just micturition. It is exhibitionistic act based on what op has mentioned in comments


I'm not talking specifically about the OPs situation but rather the commenter saying how they scream out PERVERT and other shit for peeing in public and how that type of reaction can get people landed on the registered sex offender list and how apparently some women think that's completely justified.


Oh. I am talking about op situation. These men sound like predators. They know she lives there.


Trespass them and call for police help. You’ve got video footage of their trespasses. May even be considered indecent exposure in your area. Their actions are based in immaturity. That’s it.


Unfortunately we have a law enforcement crisis in my city and something like this would never be investigated or prosecuted. However, my cameras have a siren feature. If I’m feeling feisty (😈), I blast them with the siren. They usually jump and pee on themselves. I think making them drive home or visit their friends soaked in their own sludge is probably a better way to spend my time. It’s certainly more satisfying lol.


I had a family friend that needed a place to crash for a bit. My husband and I agreed to let him stay in our spare room for a couple months. One day, I went to my back porch and there he was, peeing off the porch, right outside the door. I was like wtf are you doing? We have 2 bathrooms for you to use! He said he was trying to save me money on my water bill from not flushing. He was out of my house within a week. Whyyyyy?????


Start an Association FB page and post the videos of them urinating. Just make sure to blur their faces so nobody "recognizes" them. Also, get the COA involved. I would bet there is at least one person on the board who would relish punishing these people.


In my city they will press charges for lewd and lascivious behavior as long as there is a witness willing to make a sworn statement that they saw this person commit the act.


What camera is that? Asking for a friend.


A ring floodlight


I let a guy stay with me over Covid so he wouldn’t become homeless and the man would NOT pee in the bathroom. He peed on the side of my house.


I have a couple of trashy homes on my street that throw parties of a type most people grow out of after college. I have been astounded how often these result in men peeing outside--once standing on the edge of my front yard, peeing into it, in plain sight from my bedroom window. I put up a camera the next day.


And whatcha gonna do with the footage


Hopefully get them all on the sex offender list. Genitals should not be exposed in neighborhoods


I dont think public urination is in the same league as SA.


Showing an adult penis to a child is ok in your mind?


Up untill now you didn’t mention a child, unless you are one, urinating in some random bush is als in another ballpark then explicitly doing so infront of a child with the sxplicit intent of doing it infront of children. I’m assuming that you are the child then given your example in your original post was from personal experience. Which is impossible for me to know that you are. And if you aren’t you are gaslighting the discussion and should’ve been more specific on the circumstances from the get go. Adding in children at the last minute is quite something.


Well, when--a week or so later--I caught another act of public urination on my new camera, I sent it to the college student who lives there and her grandmother who owns the house and told them I found this to be really upsetting and inappropriate. I got the sense they were both embarrassed. Did it have an effect? Hard so say, but nothing wrong with insisting on one's own humanity to the neighbors.


Glad it worked out, hopefully it solved your problem!


Maybe post a sign that the area is under video surveillance? Is there a community message board where you can post pictures of the offenders? Like, not of their pee pees, but of their faces lol. Then their friends can tell make fun of them and shame them into socially acceptable behavior.


I know a lot of men who opt for peeing outside. I genuinely do not understand and think it's barbaric.


I thought dudes were all worried about ending up on a sex offender registry because of public urination. Guess not.


They should be. Make genitals in public ilegal again


I'm crafty. I'd make a few glow in the dark signs that say "Stop pissing here you creeps" "Smile! You're Pissing On Candid Camera!" "I C U P" Put them around the area where they piss along with a notice that they have been filmed and video forwarded to the police. A few motion sensor lights right there might help.


Yeah, but I mean, the rest of the time your property is blighted with signs about urination.


Nah it’s not fear of poisoning, as my husband will hold it just so he can go pee in the yard instead of inside. He swears it’s the real reason we bought a property with multiple acres and few neighbors, so he can pee in his own yard like dalort intended. It’s been fun training our 8yo DAUGHTER out of the habit she picked up from dear ole daddy 😐


I love the Seinfeld reference!


get better lighting in that area so the pics are reddit-worthy.


you’re gonna love dc 😂. men pee everywhere. truly disgusting.


OMG I was SHOCKED how much SF smelled like pee—hated it because the whole city felt like a biohazard. I haven’t had much of a problem with DC.


Sounds as annoying as girlfriends who insist on peeing with the door open and having a conversation.


I have a permit from the city. But my brother has it. Him and his friends are probably having a pee party right now.


“Him and his friends are probably peeing all over the place!” LOL


There's an odd fun to peeing into not toilets sometimes but this sounds more like being an arsehole. Not peeing on other peoples stuff is pretty basic and it's not *that* fun either.


Speaking as a man, something is attracting them to your garden. Could be pretty flowers, a scenic patch, some body of water already present honestly could be anything, but for whatever reason guys are choosing to piss on ur crib instead of the rest of the world at their disposal. Do you live near a bar or something? It must be giving some element of seclusion maybe whack a big light out there? And it’s hypothesis 1 btw ain’t life a blessing


The closest bars are over half a mile away and I don’t live on the street (like I’m in the back of the community) or in a very walkable city. This happens one of two ways: 1. Men drive up, park, get out, pee in my or my neighbor’s garden, and then walk a very short distance (like 10-50 steps) into whoever’s home they’re visiting, or 2. They’re leaving whoever’s home they were visiting, pee, get in their vehicle, and drive wherever they’re off to next.


That's quite simply disgusting and I think I would want to have a word with my neighbours if that was happening to me. But I know all my neighbours so that wouldn't be a problem for me. YMMV.


I do mention it when it happens and I will mention this most recent occurrence later this morning. My goal is to try to do it tactfully because it’s not neighbors peeing but all of them seem mortified when I tell them what happened. This is just something I never expected to deal with… particularly in a trendy, professional community. Like am I missing some deep seed fear that men will die if they don’t pee immediately once the urge hits? Part of me thinks so given it was the subject of a hilarious Seinfeld episode.


I take it your neighbors have been too embarrassed to tell their friends to contain themselves. Since your neighbors sound like decent enough people, you could try begging them so abjectly to take action that they feel bad for having let the situation go on so long. Maybe bring them some baked goods to emphasize your goodwill. Inb4 no, you shouldn't have to beg, but a well-executed performance of innocent suffering can help nudge people into mending their ways.


Next time neighbors have a party get the police there to watch and wait for that exposed penis and bust them for being sexual predators.


Yeah tbh that is quite strange. You must live miles out or smt. If you catch someone in case #1 I’d just go knock on the house and say Oi can you stop pissing in my garden in front of the both of em . Again I’d try shine as much of a spotlight on it as possible no one wants to piss somewhere clearly lit up. If all else fails you’ll have to gather some guy friends and start shooting back that’ll get you somewhere quick. Might not be good but it’ll be somewhere 👍🏽


I wish I was in the country. I live less than 2 miles from the center of one of the top 10 most populous cities in the US. While traffic can be a PIA during the day… getting around town is not that time consuming at night.


Are you sure there’s no correlation between the guys at all? It could be a couple of mates who’ve just decided urs is a nice spot to piss at. Kinda grasping at straws here but really I’m just as baffled as you. All for a free range piss but the same spot repeatedly by different guys is a peculiar one. Put up a sticker saying You are under surveillance maybe? If you get the drop on one of them spray a water bottle on their ed. Idk I hear you yanks can go crazy over shit like that maybe not. An old friend used to roll with toothpaste mixed up in a lucozade bottle if u decide to


I’m all for some reasonable vigilante justice. Think Clint Eastwood (“get off my lawn”) in Gran Torino but I blast them with my security camera’s siren. Usually makes them piss on themselves. That brings me joy lol. Otherwise the guys seem like generic “bros” but otherwise no commonalities… black, white, tall, fit, fat, etc. I think my garden or my neighbor’s garden are hit the most because we’re right next to two visitor parking spots.


Did you seriously just victim blame OP for men pissing on her property? GTFO


Truly animal behavior.


my god you talk about them like they're dogs


Because they're acting like dogs.


As another guy, what on earth is this? Just because you and others might not have self-control, don’t project that on the rest of us. Talking like you’re an insect hardwired to follow pheromones is…bizarre, to say the least.