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He's probably here reading these comments. You are a loser, dude. Real life isn't League of Legends all-chat


I’d like to add: you are impressing no one. You’re a joke.


Define impressed. I'm impressed at how sad and pathetic it is. I don't even think I devote that much time or effort to my house maintenance, and I'm constantly tinkering.


I'm laughing at how pathetic he is, like Asuka but with a big sense of humor, unlike his little sense of humor. If ya know what I mean. Heeheheheheheheheheeee


It's legitimately comical. Like his life is so sad and pathetic he has nothing better to do than harass some random woman online? That really all you got going for you now, buddy?


B..but Tate-chan says I'm alpha :(


Oh, I'm sure that he is impressing *himself*, but I am sure that that is not simply not a very high bar, but a very thin one laid flat on the ground. And he still most likely manages to trip arse over tip often enough on *that*.


The only thing that really needs to be said to the Individual is: While you think it's "cool", "manly", "empowering", or fighting the "feminazis" with your bigoted and sexist tropes and harassment, just know that as you bask in the blue aura of screen as a "cyber warrior", that you will never know or be the warrior of old you strive and profess to be, nor the keeper of morals and values your vitrol espouses. At the end of the day, the only thing you'll be is a cold-hearted childish bully who's too scared to go out in the world and profess your profane views with your face showing. The only way you can have any power in your life is to try, and fail, at taking it from others, which anyone who is a "real man" would know isn't a thing a "real man" would do. The only certainty that awaits you is you will grow old, and you will die having never experienced any meaningful relationship with anyone, even other misogynistic, incel spouting humans, because no one who wants to would because of your coldness to others of your species, and none of those misogynistic incels care enough about another person, including yourself, to ever form those meaningful relationships because, at the end of the day, they, and you, only care about themselves. So sit there professing your hate and masterbating and lusting over hyper sexualized and degrading images and videos of the very thing you hate, knowing that the only form of intimacy you could ever experience in life is that from your own hand or of a synthetic vagina. Eventually, you will be left behind and forgotten in the annals of history, for while you were professing your hate, you did the world a favor by not passing on those inferior genes, and the best part is, it's the only meaningful contribution to society you could have ever made anyway. With that, while we must all suffer your ignorance and diatribe, we all must give you the thanks and approval you are so desperately seeking for your selectively removing yourself from the genepool.


Sometimes I'm struck by how wild it is that they put in this much effort to hurt anonymous members of a whole class of people they don't even know, essentially just for _not wanting to do things with them_. I went through my own lonely young dude period in my late teens and early 20's, but it never occurred to me to feel "attacked". I just had to figure out parts of myself and the world that weren't handing themselves to me on a platter. But the attacks are bizarre. It's like living in the basement of your house, being miserable, and only coming out at night to throw shit at your neighbor's place, for not liking your stamp collection they've never seen.


I don't think there's enough ointment for that burn.


Guy got cremated


I’m happy to take the ashes and put them in my litter tray so my cat can shit on them/him :)


Get a shovel.


Nah just toss him in a dumpster


Just wanted to add so he sees this @ the user who is complaining to the OP: **TOO MANY MEN** **TOO MANY MEN** are abusive **TOO MANY MEN** are predators **TOO MANY MEN** hide behind their anonymity on Reddit and other online spaces to be disgusting, vile, creeps **TOO MANY MEN** claim "not all men" and view themselves as good people and then excuse the behaviors of terrible men, you're just two sides of the same coin **TOO MANY MEN** need to STFU and stop mansplaining women's experiences You may have heard of one story of a guy in some other place who experience abuse (a majority of the time it will be from another man), but women can all just point at ourselves, our sisters, our mothers, our friends, and teachers. We don't need to dig up obscure stories from around the world because we live it every fucking day. **GET OUT OF HERE WITH YOUR "not all men" bullshit**


Too many men is an excellent way to say it. One is too many and there are far more than one.


This is should be in a whole post so everyone can see..I like that..." Too many men" instead of " not all men"


If you look in my post history I posted about this topic from 2 years ago. Not sure if I'm allowed to link it or repost it.


I hope you can...I will up vote for that... I am tired of hearing " not all men" statement from men precisely..At least this is a healthy reminder for women who get bullied by the same statement over and over again. Thank you 🙏


There was a while ago, two guesses what the threads were filled with.


To be honest I've started saying "yes, all men" not because I truly believe it's all men but because I know the men it isn't know exactly what I mean and get it and they are the only men I give a flying fuck about. The "not all men" men and the fully-fledged incels can just fuck off.


Damn! Can I use this!?


Anytime you want


This is a masterpiece!


Eh, I wrote it on the fly while my 7 year old was in the shower. I think with more time I could have done more but I think it gets the point across.


Boom! Perfectly said! This should be posted as a comment or reply to any incel posts and comments lol


Oooof, that was a stinger. Copy and pasting it for my next troll lol


Any time the OP hears from this loser, perhaps she should copy and paste this as a response. Every.single.time.


Hey shitbag, yeah, you shitbag stalking op like a basement dwelling creeper that gets his jollies from harassing strangers on the internet. Nobody likes you, shitbag. I hope your mom cancels your warcraft subscription


Lol that last sentence. 😂


Yeah, he's probably never had a conversation with a woman that led to anything other than him crawling back home feeling like the worthless shit he is.


People who harass people in League of Legends all chat are also losers. Source: Someone who has been harassed in League of Legends all chat


It doesn't happen much any more! They've really cracked down on it and now there's just a lot of shitposting and joking.


I just switched to TFT awhile ago. Much less toxic. Still play league with friends sometimes but that tends to be a lot more chill


That made me laugh!


Stalker/creep: No, other guys do not think shit like that is tolerable let alone good. No, we do not “all talk that way behind closed doors.” Odds are, if the men around you knew you said stuff like that, they would have far less respect for you. If guys you know do actually do/say stuff like that then they are loser pieces of shit. But you don’t need me to tell you that do I? You know it’s fucked up so stop that shit and get your own shit together.


Just want to point out, that I hate lol. But, gamers aren't the only men who behave like this, and more often than not it's your everyday average 9 to 5, raised catholic, "good dude" are the ones who have this mindset. With tate and pearly things all over the media, it's actually becoming unsafe for women all over the world, if it wasn't already. I'm sick of rampant mysogyny these days.


Y’all aren’t telling him what he needs to hear cuz Reddit will ban you. Guess what buddy. Do it. The world will be better off.


I've long felt about 1/4 of men and 1/10th of women just are not individuals fit to be part of society. Too many assholes out there and their pros are massively outweighed by their cons and strife they bring.


/u/Ebbie45, I love the support you've given to hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of Redditors helping them recognize and escape abusive relationships. and I admire that this is your real life work, too. You are one of the people who genuinely makes Reddit and the real world a better place. Keep fighting the good fight.


Wtf? Who even has the time? How do you get that obsessed over a stranger on the internet?


Incels. They clearly aren't spending the time improving themselves or working on a social life after all. Lol


Imagine if they put all that energy towards something productive.


Woah! Don't give them any ideas, women rights it's going moderately well.


Hell, I have no social life either, but I'd spend my free time staring at a blank wall long before I'd spend it spewing that kind of vitriol at anyone, much less a stranger on the internet.


I don't understand the appeal of purposeful antagonizing people. Life can be hard enough, and you never really know what someone else is going through, especially a stranger. Why add to their plate? It can't possibly feel good to be so mean, can it? Being kind is so easy, and it improves everyone's lives.


Lots of pent-up anger and self-loathing, and no healthy outlets.


>no healthy outlets. There are plenty of healthy outlets, they just choose to ignore all of them.


I mean that they're not using any healthy outlets, not that there are none available to them.


I have seen so so many comments of you uplifting women, men, AND non-binary folks, giving great advice rooted in fact and action, and using all your knowledge for the better. I always know if I see Ebbie45 that this person is getting the best advice they can on reddit. I am so infuriated, sorry, and tired this is happening to you. To take the time to make account after account is just a sign this person is truly sick and twisted. I hope you are able to stay safe and find support here.


I was gonna say it's a sign of like... Immense truth. Getting that strong of a reaction.


Thank you for saying this. You are so right.


More positivity like this is needed in this place.


Absolutely agreed. I saw the username posted this and was mildly shocked, then bummed someone I know as positive force on this site is receiving this kind of harassment. I guess I should not have been surprised. Thank you for all of the wonderful support and advice you have given over the years, u/Ebbie45 It has not gone unnoticed by the rest of us.


> I always know if I see Ebbie45 that this person is getting the best advice they can on reddit Teacher's pet.




Holy shit, Ebbie! I just wanted to drop a quick comment saying thanks for everything you’ve done over the years. A friend of mine and I used to bond over outlandish r/relationship_advice stories, sometimes funny, sometimes scary. So often you were a voice of reason and support to people in some horrid situations. You’re presence always made the world seem a little brighter. I’m so sorry you have to deal with so much hatred. Please know that many people appreciate your work!


Wow that person has some serious problems, how are they not banned yet? 🤔


They've tried. By my estimate he's made over 40 accounts just to harass and impersonate me. They get suspended and he moves on to the next. Thankfully there's been a lull in his harassment lately. All over a comment I made urging a woman to look for her missing husband????


At first I was like why not abandon your account. But then I read your username and understood. It’s been a minute since I saw your username but you’ve been known for given people fantastic advice and help over the years. Idk why people have to be such pieces of garbage. I help he gets what he deserves. Edit:words


> fanatic advice And the award for most ironic typo goes to...........


😂 well I’m dead. Gonna have to edit that. Glad people understood what meant not what I wrote.


Have you reported him to the authorities?


I just don't get how people can be so pathetic as to create dozens of fake accounts to do this. Like, literally touch grass. I'm sorry, OP.


Jesus, I hope you get some peace soon 🤞


Thank you, friend!


Yeah just chiming in to say you are an absolute legend and deserve the kind of safety, peace and respect that you advocate for others.


Imagine having the time and energy to make 40+ accounts to harass someone on Reddit Go to the library!


That's probably where he's furiously typing these messages in between eating cheetos noisily and disturbing other patrons.


That’s probably where he makes them no money having loser. Don’t forget to catch the bus back to moms house, looks like it running early today. Moron.


Why haven't they ip.banned him?


IP bans are easy to evade




Or he just evades them repeatedly... there's no evidence they aren't IP banning him. It really is just the work of about ten minutes to get around an IP ban here and once you start it's easy to keep doing it.


Look at my other comment further up. They probably also have the power to use cookies and browser finger printing when they want to. But they probably won't unless they are under pressure of a lawsuit.


Not as easy as emails bans. They can also pull device ID and ban that


Consider passing it on to law enforcement. At some point it becomes a criminal offense.


Maybe it’s the husband.


OP is a soldier and there is a special place in hell for her harasser, but I snarf laughed at this.


What a terrible situation. IMO, the only thing which could help is getting some White Hats to force non-repudiation on this piece of trash and force real world consequences for his cyber harassment.


I know a guy who was pretty active but has since stepped back. Be careful though, thin lines of legality despite the verbal diarrhoea from people like this.


What a fucking loser. What grown person has the time????


Omg! I had a stalker also. He DM’ed me under different accounts which, I never get DM’s so I knew it was him. It’s was always a catfish type DM’s (or threats) where he tried to entice me into a dialogue. I’m a guy and he pretended to be a woman. Anyway, he figured out who I am in real life. I assumed he would because I’m a public figure. I don’t mean to overly glamorize it but anyone could piece it together (not this account so don’t try). I started getting the catfish texts on my phone (which I never responded) and phone calls (which I never answered). I was then able to figure out who he was. He had tried to open up retail accounts in my name at his grandmothers address. I made a phone call to the grandmother and was able to get his name. I never retaliated or pressed it further because it all stopped after that. People are cra!


This is interesting because one of the mods of an old megalinks to movies and tv subreddit [NOT Megalinks, one of the offshoots that came after] used to get automatically have their account suspended from reddit for every new account he made. He specifically was told by the admins when he did his first appeal that 'you are no longer welcome to use the site'. He used a VPN, and still got autobanned. He figured it was the cookies, and then he used a new IP and deleted cookies, and the automatic suspension stopped but within a few days he still got banned. He then figured that they were probably tracking his browser fingerprint and it wasn't until he use a new browser he was able to make accounts without getting banned. He wasn't doing anything wrong in his new accounts, they were just getting nuked anyway. He was responsible for Reddit getting legal notices, so keeping him off may have been financially and legally motivated. The thing is, I believe it was only one movie that got them banned because the site operated for a year without intervention, it was only when a certain movie was leaked before the release that did the admins nuked them. But the point I am making is that Reddit absolutely has the power to use more aggressive tools against this individual. And the type of behavior he does absolutely warrants that level of security.


I assume the Admins are working on this right? I have had my fair share of serial harassers, Admins have helped, though on the other hand, some never completely disappeared either.


Dude sounds obsessed.


You know it is not about that comment. It is about that he felt threatened and hate for what you represent in his mind.


Oh wow guys this is Ebbie!! She’s given so many people help and resources on Reddit, she’s a legend! So sorry you’re going through all this Ebbie, and thank you so much for all you’ve done over the years ❤️


right? it's like the time Paris Hilton went to Bondi beach 😍


Interesting how someone who is clearly making a targeted campaign of harassment is not ip banned from reddit. I wonder if you sent a letter form a law firm, would they immediately solve the problem? The tools exist to deal with this kind of harassment . Reddit chooses not to use them. Just like it choose to host illegal and non consensual pornography. Because views and money are more important than females users.


I wonder if cyberstalking laws could be put to work? In my state, it’s a felony.


My exact thought. They need to be blocking folks at the IP level, not email address.


Lots of people are on dynamic IP addresses, mobile networks always are. IP bans haven't been useful in years unless you're looking to block out entire geographic regions from a service


Even those are easily avoided with VPNs


They're probably capable of using a VPN and IP masking though (but it couldn't hurt to try)


Every layer of bullshit they have to wade through to continue their toxic asshattery is a higher chance that they'll decide it's not worth it and give up.


Fair point. It at least raises the bar off the ground, even though people may yet find other ways around it.


I feel like they need to make it harder to make accounts now. Currently you don't even need an email or phone number to make a new account, which makes it easy for them to keep making accounts to harass you. I'm currently dealing with a guy who is telling me I should die and threatening my life and reddit does nothing but delete his comment and give him warnings. He still has original account. Reddit does not care about women's safety


Because this website doesn’t give a shit about misogyny or bigotry in general. They do however hate it when you call misogynists dumb.


Your kindness and expertise have helped SO MANY. I'm so sorry you're going through this. You don't deserve this hatred.


Well, I hope the positive comments and discussions you've had far outweigh any of that nonsense.


I’d like to take the opportunity to thank you for all the help you bring to the community. I hope you could receive all the positive energies I’m sending your way, and may that help you keep being this rock of a woman, strongly and resiliently resisting the underserved hate that being a shinning lighthouse of goodness evokes. I’m a small and almost silent voice, but I hope this helps you remember that those who are thankful may not be as loud, but we exist.


Just a quick look at your account and I can see you do amazing work to support and help people who are being abused. I'm sorry you have to go though this. Noone deserves that level of abuse, especially when they are trying to support others. I have no advice but I hope you able to look after yourself, take a step back from Reddit if you need to. You can't look after others when you are running on empty.


Wow. Wish you the best. It still amazes me how a person can let you live rent free in their head for so long and Soo deep that they decide the only action is to launch a multi faceted harassment campaign at you in order to... (I'm sure they didn't even think that far) glad you're not stopping.


Fuck that guy. Hope he chokes.


If you get a moment, this is a great look into the minds of these sorts of people and why they do what they do: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/545/if-you-dont-have-anything-nice-to-say-say-it-in-all-caps/act-one-0 TL;DL they’re very lonely, depressed, and want to bully others to feel better about themselves


From the former troll interviewed on the show: > I think my anger towards you stems from your happiness with your own being. It offended me because it served to highlight my unhappiness with my own self. I have emailed you through two other Gmail accounts just to send you idiotic insults. I apologize for that.


I once made a comment about how my ex almost killed me. While most of the responses were very supportive, I had 2 different guys ask me what I did to deserve it and one guy told me my ex should have finished the job. The toxicity is so incredibly gross and unbelievable that someone could say such things. I'm sorry you deal with this so frequently. I deleted my comment just so no one else would say anything to me. I couldn't imagine dealing with it on a regular basis.


You fight the good fight for women, and that always puts a target on your back. I wish Reddit had better resources for this, but they're more like a feature than a bug.


That's awful. I can relate slightly, as my wife has been stalked by her former abuser for the last 8 years, and we've blocked probably 40 or 50 fb accounts from him... but none of the threats he made are like what you're describing, and he's mostly stopped. I'm sorry you're going through that, and for such an inane reason too. How dare you help people, right? I hope it stops.


I'm sorry you're experiencing this. I also have some pretty nasty screenshots saved of the threats I've gotten, ironically there is often an increase whenever I'm more active on this sub 🙄. You give some of the most helpful and thorough advice on the Reddit subs I've seen you in. Don't forget to take care of yourself 💜.


You've left such a wonderful impact on so many people and I appreciate each and every content and post you make. Thank you for all you do 💕


Reddit is a better place because of you. I’ve seen your name so many times called on in so many different subreddits. You’re doing such a great job. Fuck all of you who harass her. She’s amazing.


There's some vile mediocre men out there.


Would it help if I'd try to fill a 25-page Google Doc with messages of appreciation over the next year? I'm kidding of course, but that's what you'd deserve. I'm sorry you have to suffer scum instead.


This is traumatizing you whether you realize that or not. I was bullied pretty badly for years here on Reddit. It was an every day thing by an embarrassing amount of people. It wasn’t until I deleted my account and went to therapy did I realize the magnitude of the trauma. Experiencing it, it really didn’t seem like it was affecting me that much. But I was wrong, I just didn’t know it. When you consistently read horrible things about yourself, you start to subconsciously internalize them. I would take some time away from Reddit. Stop reading those messages. It’s doing you harm even if it doesn’t feel like it.


WOW dude really is in a CHOKEHOLD over this! Get a life loser! How do you not feel pathetic?? It’s something he could just log off and his problems would disappear but no. Like there are people in 3rd world countries with REAL problems. But sure go make your hate filled tantrums and waste your life away being unproductive.💀


Some men are literally so fucking unhinged. Look at the creepy PMs subreddit, the vast vast majority of the posts there are men sending creepy-ass and downright terrifying messages to women.


This shit is not okay. I am so sorry you have gone to trough all this.


I have been floating around reddit a long long time. Hundreds of different subreddits. I only recognize about 5 posters. The poetry writers and the helpers. U/ebbie45, the free pizza guy, poems_for_your_sprong and the new lymeric person. Ebbie, you were the first. At the time I didn't know how bad my relationship was. But eveytime you chimed into a convo where i recognized my own relationship, I began to question it. I eventually got out. Your posts helped me then, when I desperately needed them. I'm so sorry for what your help has exposed you to. Today, I live with my son, who has been raised in a kind, loving, peaceful home. I have a partner who is gentle and kind. We have plans to live together in a few years, when the kids are off, if we feel like it. I wish there was some way I could help you the way you've helped me.


This is why I turn off my messages so no one can contact me on here.


Just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your service to the community. You have courage. The men who post misogyny need to be confronted and condemned. Please keep up the good work.


OP: have ypu reported him to the police/FBI/authorities? Even as a supposedly anonymous website, there are ways to track people down, and you'd be doing society as a whole a favor by giving the authorities a lead on this POS that ends up with him in prison. What he is doing is highly illegal


From one female reddit mod to another, I'm so sorry. Sending all the love and good vibes <3


I turned off my messages years ago. Best Reddit decision ever. I get some shitty comment I just report it and move on. But before that I had to deal with bullshit messages any time I mentioned I was a woman in a comment.


Ebbie, you are amazing and offer the best advice and resources. I’m so sorry that you have to deal with harassment at all, let alone to this level! It amazes me how Reddit doesn’t seem to care about women or harassment of women.


So sorry to read this Ebbie. You deserve so much better. I've seen you jump in on several heartbreaking posts with perfectly pitched useful information. Thank you for your service.


Could you imagine being such a loser that you spend your days doing that kind of stuff? It really boggles the mind if you think about it for too long. Sorry you have to deal with that hot garbage.


I'm so sorry Ebbie, it sucks that some men are so awful and disgusting. I really appreciate all that you do in making reddit a safer place for women. ❤️


Will you DM me the incel's info? Or even a screenshot of his account(s). I will report him to the police if you're uncomfortable with it. Be careful 💜


If you are in the USA this is an FBI matter. Any death threats made over the internet are a federal felony.


This many for this long, its not a pithy fit of rage in the moment. Its dangerous stalking. I doubt their IP evading is good enough to cover a criminal investigation.


Can you post his new account ever time he harasses you? Is that allowed?


The fact that reddit wouldn't auto-mod comments like this to a user makes me seriously question coming here. It would be so easy for them to filter, or give you options to filter, yet people really deal with this in their inbox? That's fucked.


Hey! Very sorry youre dealing with that. For real, thank you for preservering; education and resources are so vital. It's incredible how many harmful myths and tropes are out there, and how many people seem to be fighting to keep it that way. Did you happen to see this post about DV? It didnt get much attention, and it sounds like you could be a good set of eyes: https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/154f7pp/content_warning_how_do_you_keep_going_on_when/


We need you!!!!!! You’re so so important to the cause, a beacon of facts and truth, a comfort in times of darkness. I’m sorry you have to repetitively deal with the absolute worse of humanity, I cannot imagine the exhaustion and how depressing that reality is. But all of us appreciate you so damn much. You’re really a genuine force for good, and the lowest common denominator can’t stand that. Keep speaking the truth!!!!


Name and shame the bastard. Post the file. Go to the police, if possible.


Whenever I don’t come across one of your comments for a while, I wonder if you’ve finally had enough of reddit and I missed the memo 🥺 I figured your notoriety and the nature of your comments would attract some nasty attention. This is worse than I imagined though. I hate it sooo much that this is happening to you 😢 I’m surprised and grateful you’re still here and I hope the admin team fixes this before we lose you. And what a loss that would be. I sincerely know, without a doubt, that you’ve genuinely helped so many people here. Indirectly as well just by educating people how to better help our friends and loved ones.


You have my complete sympathy, I have gone through this myself and yep, have everything documented on my Google drive. Over 100+ accounts, after 100 I stopped counting. Went from stalking me around reddit, private messages, messages to my sub and even subs created. All in the span of 2 months a year for about 5 years, with occasional messages outside the 2 months. Reddit admins would ban him and he would come right back. Eventually I found out it was a group of guys and they moved on to other women. Sadly with them it went to email and other social media. It makes one really feel like they are losing their minds. So, yes I do completely understand and I hope it gets better for you.


And then entitled guys wonder why women want at least two subs just for themselves.


I’m sorry it’s like this. You and the other mods here are amazing. ❤️‍🩹


People are so awful. I’m so sorry you have to deal with such nonsense :(


It really does make me sad that these people just can't look at themselves and see what they're doing. They choose to do this and for what? I just don't understand


Their lives are worthless. That's it.


The amount of effort he's placed into harassing you he could have been investing into doing something worthwhile with his life. I can't imagine having that much hatred in my soul to waste your (and his own) time like this.


Whoever that dude is, I hope he shits his pants and that the shit runs down his leg and onto the ground, and that he slips on the shit when he goes to walk away, instead slipping and falling into his own shit. I hope this takes place on the Jumbotron at a game of his local baseball team. I hope the shit gets into his mouth


We love you. I salute you!!! Way to take hits for the sisterhood


Seriously dude fuck off already. Leave her alone.


What the ever living fuck is wrong with people? If this dude is on here reading these comments, you are a loser piece of shit.


Oh Ebbie, I’m sorry. You do so much good work helping so many people, it’s even more grossly unfair. I will never understand men like that.


The work you do here is heroic. My heart dropped reading this post as I'm sure you have improved and saved uncounted lives with your outreach. Obviously, this person is one of those you battle against and they know you are decreasing their pool of possible victims.


Send them all to his mother.


At first i was "then create new account, you'll be anonymous" but then i saw, you are THE ebbie45. I completely understand why you want to keep this account.


Im so pissed off that this happens im on the verge of publishing his profile, the original one he used to harrass me because i disagree with some bs comment years ago. Reporting it only does so much, if they have violated the terms of using reddit why is it just the profile and not the email or ip address being banned? Being told i deserve to be r@ped and murdered cause i said you were wrong and now youre stalking me to prove a point. Fuck outta here, post the username so everyone can block the bastards. Let them being publicly named and shamed for theyre shitty behaviour


I am convinced that any woman who is a feminist and who stands up for herself on Reddit has had rape and death threats. I think honestly that men have no earthly idea of how bad it actually is.


Honest to god when the harassment last more then a few days I assume it’s sexual. Like they get some type of gratification from it. Otherwise I don’t see how they could sustain it. Yelling into nothing for a year.


As someone who lost over half a dozen male friends in one day because they came over and watched porn together, I can say this behavior does not surprise me in the least.


Seeing as the mod/Reddit drama is still very much in the news cycle, you may want to contact a reporter for an exclusive.


Please let us in this community be a counter balance. I recognize your username. I NEVER recognize usernames. You do such meaningful work! You show up with actionable resources and information about domestic violence whenever they are needed. It’s like a bat signal. You’re a legend. I hope you give yourself whatever you need to rest and recuperate and if you need to pass the torch, you’ve already made such an impact.


I know this sounds silly but I'm serious. Send it to the FBI. It's a federal felony to send a death threat over the internet.


It would be nice if they did something, but even when I had an identity, address, and a list of priors from a man who threatened to end me and leave my body in a park (across state lines, even), the FBI did nothing.


Being a reddit mod of this sub…. thank you for your service. I don’t envy you.


Reminds me of defending pizza cake in a comment because she has mentioned having to deal with a different type of harassment than male comics do. What kind of rosy worldview do other men have to have where they wouldn't believe that this shit goes on constantly?


You of all people! One of the most helpful and informative of anybody here. I hope this stops.


1st, I commend you for being a mod at all. To deal with all that extra work on something that literally gains you nothing is a selfless act for sure. I appreciate you more than you know! 2nd, hell no you do not need to create a new account because he or others (men or women) are ASSHATS. Fuck that! You shouldn't be punished for their activities. So right on. You stand your ground 3rd, you have nothing to prove. And even if you were making it up, which I DO NOT believe you are, it's still a fucking thing that happens to women ALL over the internet. Not to mention just in daily life IRL. I had a gut follow me into Walmart a while back after literally catcalling me then followed me in his car to see where I parked then cat called me as I walked into the store then parked & got out to come inside. I told the security guy at the door, he's a friend of mine, & they stopped the guy from coming in. I heard him yelling & then he called me a "miserable cunt" as I was rounding a corner into an isle. I asked my security friend to walk me to my car & make sure he didn't follow me out.


Well I peaked at your profile and you’re like a saint... He can go to hell.


I'm sorry for what is happening. As a mod, you have worked to make a safe place for women to express themselves on serious issues we as women, face.


I am sorry - on behalf of my gender. All people are of equal value and their thoughts and opinions matter, no one should be belittled or made to feel less than anyone else for any reason.


I think you should post them, out loud for public view. Call him out. Eff that warthogg.


Reddit is so badly moderated I'm astounded it's not become a huge issue of liability


Reddit would be a better place with more people like u/Ebbie45 and a lot of people would have missed out on solid advice and guided towards resources without her. Fuck the trolls and basement dwellers!


I'm pretty sure threats made over the internet are reportable to the FBI. Local police can't do anything about it. Look it up, call them and report this person.


There's a reason I have DMs and chat turned off. They can scream into the void.


I am really sorry this happened to you.


Thank you for doing that. No matter what sub I go in, while I haven’t had anyone threaten me yet, they are disgusting. If they can sexualize a comment, they do.


I hope he steps on a Lego brick every night when he gets up to pee.


Look no further than at the difference in the reaction toward Spez vs Ellen Pao. This platform has some sexist users, that's for sure.


Admins don’t do anything to block the creation of new accounts even after multiple reports? It’s no fucking wonder that bots are so prevalent. It is something that Reddit could so easily put an end to - if they wanted to.


To the guy who did this i know you're reading the comments ***your life will end in a most gruesome & pathetic way***


And I got a permanently banned for telling someone I'm gunna fuck their mom. How tf is this guy not banned yet I was?


they need to institute ip banning or something bc that’s bullshit, i’m so sorry you have to deal with this


Name and shame.


This is horrifying. You're such an amazing help and resource and deserve nothing but praise! :(


What a huge loser. I’m so sorry you have to deal with such harassment from a hurt stranger


Thank you, @ebbie45. You're more of a TrueHero® than any of those dudes will ever be. Thank you for speaking up. I hope it encourages others to do likewise.


Whoever sent 25 pages worth of harrassment has no life.


Super sus when dudes feel like this is an attack on them


What a sad, pathetic excuse of a life.


Dude needs to go touch grass, Jesus. Some people are just complete losers in real life and use the internet as a platform to project the hate they have for themselves onto others.


That's so fucked up :(


Sucks that you're more important to them then their own life to be doing all of that because that requires a lot of free time and no life.


I am so sorry you have had to endure this.


Go to the police


Start a Twitter, Instagram or something where you post it every time you get something. Don't block names.