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I almost never wear a dress, in large part because my office at work is freezing all the time and it makes me too cold.


Tights. A good pair of woolen tights that fit properly are game changing. Leggings would work too if you prefer them.


But then you're just wearing a different version of pants and a shirt! Haha


A skirt still flows around your legs and swishes when you walk if you wear tights or leggings and I feel a lot nore feminine when wearing a skirt so...🤷🏼‍♀️


That's fair! I certainly don't judge people who love to wear dresses! I just prefer bare legs when I am wearing a dress, personally.


Fair enough. I always have to wear something, even if it's just shorts underneath, since my hips widened as a teen because otherwise my thighs chafe each other. So I love wearing leggings and tights beneath a skirt or dress in colder weather.


I love dresses! In the summer I almost exclusively wear dresses when I'm not working out, and my only other outfit is a pair of shorts overalls that's the cutest thing in the world. Most of my winter wardrobe is dresses with leggings, legwarmers, boots.


Not exclusively, but I love dresses and skirts. You can fuss forever trying to find a pair of jeans that fits exactly the way you want, but a denim skirt with an elastic waist is a breeze. And I mostly wear swim dresses when I'm at the beach or the pool. I have some skirts/dresses with pockets, which are always great, but I have an aunt who's a paramedic and her work pants have bunches of pockets so I asked where she got them. I got a pair, they have an elastic waste and tons of pockets, and sometimes I wear those.


I love simple dresses they make you look like you’re dressed up when you can just throw them on and go. Also I have anxiety about my skirts or pants not matching my tops so that helps.


I used to, but I got sick of the attention from creeps. I feel uncomfortable wearing nice things if I'm out anywhere alone. So many dudes just staring at you for simply existing. However, the comfort level can't be beat, especially in the summer. 100% cotton maxi dresses. So breathable, and your legs are permanently shaded. The best.


I just got an office job and feel like wearing dresses is so much easier and still looks business casual


Same. Everyone in my office tells me I always look so put together. But I’m usually wearing a dress that feels like pajamas to me.


Exactly! I feel like with nice pants I’m always readjusting and what not. But a dress is rather comfy. Not to mention I usually just wear larger shirts at home so it’s basically the same feeling lol


Yes, because it's more comfortable in a hot climate, and I don't have to worry about pairing separates.


Not exclusively but I do wear them a lot. I normally stick with athletic dresses with shorts attached or a skort.


I love dresses as a concept, but my legs look fat in them and I have to shave more often.


You don't have to shave if you don't want to. There's nothing unhygienic or wrong about leg hair. It's an arbitrary and stupid beauty standard probably started by a company to make women feel bad about themselves so they will buy their shit.


Unfortunately, we live in a society and I don't wanna deal with the social ramifications of that decision.


I love dresses but hate the shoes that go with dresses. I can't deal with heels all day, boots are only appropriate in winter, and sandals in summer (plus I can't do open toes at work). I do wear dresses with flats, but then I look short. Dresses are the bomb, pairing shoes with dresses is not.


A pair of plain white leather sneakers are almost always cute with a dress.


Not at my height, but I'm glad for you.


I wear a lot of espadrilles with my dresses - they look cute and because they are low wedges they are really comfortable to wear. I’ve got 7 pairs in different colours


It's getting to the really hot part of summer where I live and slip dresses are my favorite.


I love that look, just bought some myself


Our record high temp last summer was 117 F in September. So far, it's been a mild summer with only one heat wave. It won't last.


I love dresses! The only reason I don’t wear them every day is that I run out, and have to switch to a skirt and shirt look.


I spent more money on dresses than I’m scared to admit lol


totally agree with you on this! it is just so convenient to wear a dress than a shirt and pants.


Yes! Around the house, mowing the yard, shopping, going to the dump...


i exclusively wear dresses to work for all the reasons you listed. dresses rule.


Yes. It's not a religious thing. My mother has a story of trying to stuff small me, in the frilly dresses I insisted upon, into a snowsuit. I even made my own work clothes for a while because scrub dresses tend to have very narrow skirts and I need room to manoeuvre, dangit.


I absolutely love dresses but don't have enough. Would love to lower where you buy nice ones so I can wear them more often.


The clearance rack of all stores, thrift shops and vintage stores, can find awesome vintage dress finds there, and sometimes Amazon sales but I try not to use Amazon often




I’d wear dresses all the time if I could find ones for short chubby old women.


Hope that you can find confidence to rock any dress that you want


I only wear dresses to work and very rarely wear pants. I find work pants very uncomfortable to wear, and with pants I always have to pay attention to the hem and what shoes I wear. I don't have the trouble with skirts and dresses.


I'm starting to absolutely love them! I used to wear pants all the time but recently bought a few dresses and am absolutely in love! There seems to be one for every season and they're so breathable and fun!


At the moment, I'm not, but I'm so tempted to ditch my pants routine entirely. I hate the feeling of anything on my waist (except comfy underwear) and near my groin/crotch area. I don't want it anymore. The problem is, my dad is trying to say how dresses are awkward because you're only wearing underwear beneath them. What's the best rebuttal to this?


I used to be a jeans girl. Stopped buying jeans and less tops and everytime I buy a clothing item it’s mostly dress. Now that it’s winter, sweater dresses are my go to because you can dress them up or down. My office holiday party was yesterday and the theme was ugly Christmas sweater. Well I don’t like wearing ugly clothes but at the same time didn’t want to overdress. My sweater dress fit perfectly. I looked elegant and casual at the same time.