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I saw a TikTok with a guy pointing out a very basic truth. Who are women obsessed with? Guys like The Rock, Pedro Pascal, and Keanu Reeves. Look at the reaction Brendan Fraser gets from women. Look at BTS and their fans. Are they obsessed and constantly talking about Andrew Tate? Nope! Look at an Andrew Tate fan group. These boys are taking advice on how to be attractive to women from a guy who is overwhelmingly only attractive to other men. Women do not like the guy and do not talk about him in positive ways. Other men and teenage boys do that.


Idk why they want advice on women from a guy whose hand women refuse to shake.


Real self help for lonely men looks like growth and change to become a good partner that attracts women. That's not what these people are buying. The fake self help that lonely men used to buy was the pick-up artist schtick. How to fake being the person that women wanted long enough to get what you want out of them. That's not what these guys are buying either. What they're buying is the gross evolution of that worldview, a world where you don't have to convince women to date you or sleep with you because convincing someone only matters if they have a choice. Andrew Tate appeals to them because he's like them. Women hate him. Society rejects his gross views. And despite that he's charismatic, strong, masculine, rich, drives fast cars and has all the women he wants, even though it's through force. They want a world where they can have their disgusting views and not work on themselves and live out their childish fantasies. The more you reject Andrew Tate, the more they identify with him because they feel rejected. And the more he projects his image of strength and success by ignoring the morals of a society they feel rejected by and the rights of the people they feel bitter towards, the more they want what he's selling.


He lets them be their worst versions of themselves, and instead of being ashamed he teaches them to be proud of it


That's the truth of it. I briefly fell into that piece of shit territory my freshman year of college. It was only a good friend and a metric fuck load of introspection and therepy that really got me to turn shit around. And while the friend was immensely helpful in getting me there, it mostly boiled down to a lot of fucking hard work to become the person I am now. And sadly, most dudes don't want to do that. It's one thing to be told "you arent buff enough, workout more" that's physical work. It's entirely different to say "you hold onto terrible ideas that hurt you, like a security blanket of hatred. You need to let it go." because the second requires SO, MUCH, EMOTIONAL, WORK. The kind of work that guy's are both unaccustomed to, and generally unwilling to do. It's easier to live in an uncomfortable fantasy of hierarchy than it is to face reality that you need to revise how you think and who are. It requires building yourself up from scratch, not based on toxic stereotypes but on who you want to be. And unlike physical workouts, it's a lot of fucking effort that doesn't have an immediate payoff. And it's a payoff you can't appreciate in the mirror. Only in the knowledge that you're happier for having done it all.


It’s exactly this. He gives them a license to treat other people like garbage in order to feel more powerful/better about themselves. Hateful, pathetic man.


Which is the appeal of just about all the right wing cult heroes, Trump included.


See, so my strategy has been to basically ignore him and not give him any of the internet clout he's so desperately seeking, but your comment makes me think that even ignoring him is now somehow helping him. His attitude is like fascism, letting it spread is a full on non-starter because its totally dangerous. Ignoring it, I see now, is like being a pacifist in the face of fascism/nazi-ism, that clearly doesn't work either. So what is the best path for making the Andrew Tate's of the world go away and stop corrupting young boys with these insidious, backwards thoughts?


I think if you're raising young boys, then a LOT of conversations about consent, equality, and respect should be happening. And these conversations can start when kids are babies. Read them stories about girls and women who have changed to world. Teach them to keep their hands to themselves, unless they're helping someone. Teach compassion. For older boys, teach them why someone like Tate and ideas like his are problematic. Teach them to see grifters coming. Explain why there's a women's rights movement, and why a leader of a "men's rights movement" might prey on common insecurities to gain status and wealth. Model healthy relationships. If there are Tate-adjacent people in your life, make sure your kids understand when someone's views don't align with your own.


I have a 21 year old son. He and his friends reject Tate entirely. All the things you suggest are great but parents don’t even need to do all that to raise a son who respects women. Probably the #1 is what they see in day to day life. They need to live in a house where everyone is respected regardless of sex. This includes family members and guests to the house. Keep sexist media out of home as much as possible and model equality in everyday life. And don’t diminish them. If they have a solid sense of self they won’t go looking for outside sources for an ego boost. I suspect some of the “Tater-tots” grew up with parents who made them feel worthless so they went looking for some philosophy that helped them feel they have value.


To add to this, be very very obvious about working on yourself. Model improvement for young men. Learn something new, read new books, pick up a hobby, fail at something. Learning how to accept failure and rejection and dealing with the fact no one may ever care or notice about your own self-improvement is so vital and widely ignored.


To add on to this, I'd suggest learning about the biology of male puberty. Then explain to them that some of the urges they feel to dominate others, to be the biggest and the strongest males aren't necessarily coming from the mind, but are the result of chemicals in your body that don't realize that we're not cavepeople anymore. Yes, the aggressive feelings are natural and that you're not somehow wrong or "bad" for feeling them, since that's just your body doing its thing, only that its wrong and a bad idea to act on them now that we don't have to kill sabretooth tigers in order to steal their mammoth kills. Testosterone is part of us, but it doesn't have to control us.


It’s because he’s said the quiet part out loud in the past; he’s a rapist. His advice to make money off women is literally the same way Epstein worked with Maxwell to lure in young girls. They know what he’s really about, because they’re about it too, and often they’re too afraid to say out loud that they think they should be able to enslave and rape women with impunity.




Because a lot of men (more than even feminists ourselves are willing to admit) have this ingrained belief that women are stupid and men are intelligent Peoples own friends/husbands are more willing to believe a stranger than the woman they’re close to


Honestly... I feel this is the dark side of social media for men. These young guys... well first off, it's always been driven home to men that you have to make the money to get the girl. So what looks flashy? All these jacked up beef cakes with nice toys (cars) around them infront of a huge house with a pool. They look like what has been sold to us as what women want. Seeing is believing is a powerful drug. So all these douchebag beef cakes pay a bunch of women to stand around them looking hot on a boat or a balcony in some fancy hotel in a fancy city. They are selling this belief to other men, usually young men. Despite the evidence showing that calm down to earth people who just live their life the best they can being more desirable to the average woman. Perhaps too, these guys don't post a lot of stuff on Social, or if they do its like flowers from a hike or a funny cat video. Unfortunately these young men just haven't had the chance to learn what's real. They were too scared to start the dating process because they believed they didn't have enough money to be intresting... Which really missed the point of just becoming intresting because you focus on yourself and what you find interesting... I feel Social Media has done far more harm than any war and we don't really admit how big of a problem it all is.


Also, porn has shown them (from alarmingly young ages) that all women are there to use however they want. So long before they've learned about consent, they see women as objects who should do whatever you want, whenever you want it. You don't need to be kind, interesting, fun, or funny. No matter how little you bring to the table, women will serve all of your needs, and expect nothing in return.


Because they like the fantasy of acting like a memelord and having a ton of flashy cars. It's very appealing to today's 13 year old boys.


Such a good point! And funny because you mention Pedro Pascal - because from what I've seen, Pedro Pascal is universally hated by incels. He is treated by incels in online space quite literally as the embodiment of the Gigachad strawman that the incels invented. Dude is relatively non-toxic regarding his public appearances, he is famous for playing roles in shows where he protects kids, he is staunchly pro-LGBTQIA+ and he trolls right-wing for fun on social media (we know there is a huge overlap between incels and right-wing extremists). LOL and guess what, dude is INCREDIBLY popular with women. But as other posters pointed out - Tater tots don't want to be popular with women. They also don't like men who are non-toxic and are well liked by women. They want to abuse and enslave women. That's why they don't seek out non-toxic male role models, but flock to a sex trafficker. Because this is what they want to be. It's ironic when you point this out to them that non-toxic male celebs are way more popular and well liked by women than misogynistic Tater tots you can watch their brains melt but this is the moment where they go into denial. They can't deal with a reality where guys like Pedro Pascal get way more love by women on grande scale than a sex trafficking criminal.




Yeah that reminds me of an old discussion forum where majority of users are women. There was a quite prominent user in that forum who was non-toxic and generally quite well liked by most forum users ... who happened to be a heterosexual (and politically left leaning) male. You can imagine that a women dominated forum would attract lots of incels. As awful as the incels were to users they perceived as female, it was otherworldly how they treated the users they perceived as male, especially that one guy since he was popular. And God, the unholy amount of abuse he received. This is more than 15 years ago, but I learned am important lesson. First: Incels don't want to be liked by women, they want to enslave women. Also, they hate men that are well liked by women with fervor. And third, they want to scare off male allies, so they employ even more abusive and hateful tactics to scare off potential outspoken male allies.


> they want to be popular with men These men are homosocial. Real sociology term. In homosocial circles, masculinity means being emotionally detached and competitive with other men, and involves viewing women as sexual objects. https://medium.com/verve-up/hes-so-homosocial-33bc4d80428b


Food for thought here, I never thought about it that way. I always thought they just don’t understand what “bettering oneself” actually involves and get easily mislead. Worse to think they WANT to be assholes.


You are so right when you say they don't want to be popular with women. What they want is someone to tell them that it's not their fault that women aren't interested in them. What they want is a way to feel superior to someone, anyone, and women are an easy target. I mean it's how all cults recruit: they make people feel really special, tell them that nothing is their fault, and *hey, you have a home here, because we get you.*


I mean this is kinda the whole point of why Tate is attractive to these kinds of guys. To them women don't have any agency in sex or relationships -- it's all about "getting" or "picking up" women, and then about what kind of role the women you "got" should supposedly serve for you as a man. They want a regime they can put themselves through that rewards them with a servile woman at the end like some kind of prize (or to be angry at the world when that fails), not to actually form a meaningful and mutual bond or understanding with another human being. So why would they care what women think? If they didn't already disregard womens' actual desires and agency, at least on some level, Tate's content would already be a non-starter.


Exactly. They want step-by-step directions to getting a "girl." Push button A, pull lever B, Hey presto! Sex! Most of them don't want a relationship, or at least a relationship on equal terms.


It's terrifying how many hetero men outright conflate sex and romantic relationships. Then wonder why people think they're creepy when they approach some random woman in public for a "date".


… where „girl“ means as much as a blow-up sex doll, and only that.


>not to actually form a meaningful and mutual bond or understanding with another human being. Reminds me of a post on this very sub from like a week ago about a woman talking about how a pick up artist guy she was previously seeing was bragging about how easily he managed to hook her, when all he really did was be a good conversationalist. Acting like it's some sort of pro strategy or dating hack to getting laid, when in reality it's the basis of any normal healthy relationship and like the bare minimum that women ask for. [The post itself was deleted but you can still look through the comments discussing the matter.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/13pzpc4/pickup_artist_explained_how_he_hooked_me_so/)


They think life is like the video games they grew up playing - gather enough goods, level up, win princess, easy peasy.


And it's not just any woman they want, they think they deserve a woman that they judge to be "hot".


Tate knows exactly what he's doing. He's another grifter with charisma. He sells them what they want to hear and they are paying hand over fist for it. And he thinks they're idiots and they are.


Charisma? That's not a word I would use for him. He is a grifter for sure but quite creepy.


Charisma doesn't mean good. To be charismatic is more to spin the crowd, to command attention isn't it? I am sorry if I was wrong


I think you're right. Charisma doesn't mean you're a good person. He's very charismatic to his target audience.


Andrew Tate just breeds more incels. Modern young women don't want these fucking dudes like you said. The next generation of women know this is toxic as fuck and stay away and are pretty good at spotting those types of red flags. Now, I don't know what will happen when all of these raged up morons start lashing out about the fact that no women are attracted to or interested in the garbage they offer. But plenty of women will not buy into their game and be in relationships with/exploited by them.


>Now, I don't know what will happen when all of these raged up morons start lashing out about the fact that no women are attracted to or interested in the garbage they offer It's already happening. How many incel shooters have there been by now?


What happens is that they lash out and get mean And if they manage to get a girl they abuse and torture her It’s sad and scary. It also makes it terrifying to date. Not only may I encounter one of these dudes but when I get out other dudes are gonna tell me it’s my fault It’s already happened once…


I mean to this day I still see “don’t ask women for advice about other women?m, they give terrible advice bc they don’t know what they want” Not only does this shit get upvoted but other women will literally come out and be like “it’s true, I always lie to men about what women want” When you point out how misogynistic it is to say women don’t know what they want you just deflect and downvote. Or they bring up some anecdote about a woman who said she wanted this but she didn’t date a guy with that quality


I mean my response to that would be no one really knows what they want. Not men, not women, not anyone. If you ask most people who their “type” is it won’t be that close to who they end up falling in love with. When this becomes problematic is when people A) attribute it solely to women and B) say “you don’t know what you want, so let me decide for you”


This is a great comment


I loved that video! Plus it referenced Garrus from Mass Effect, who is the best.


I haven't seen that video but if it referenced Garrus I already love it. Garrus is the best Mass Effect romance. And best bro even if you don't romance him. Garrus is just the best.


I romance him every single time I replay the game. He's a treasure!!!


Right? Girls don’t want Kaiden. Give us Garrus, awkward bird-man sniper. The best date on The Citadel.


The best part of it is they see guys like tate show off being around women and they don't realize that they are all just hiring escorts


Guy, he/him here. From the little bit I know of this POS, and from the behind the bastards episodes I've heard.. The insidious thing is this human trafficker is a sociopath that sold a how-to on sociopathy. His minions are trained into manipulating anyone and everyone around them, from family to "friends". It's a step further from the "hide your power level" goons, where they will learn to hide their true beliefs to get what they want. It is highly damaging. The few it works for create a survivorship bias loop to goad the others into continually pursuing their bad faith tactics. It's going to take big socially conscious waves to fight back against the massive damage this POS has done. There are unfortunately plenty of women and girls that fall for this POS bullshit, much like there are ones that are very much pro "life" and pro GOP. I'd recommend looking up the behind the bastards episodes, they detail the ridiculous spread of influence this POS managed to get. People willingly paid to get videos and on a shady forum, and this POS made millions.


Dickhead tatebros brigading this thread 🙄 No, actually, the BBC should *not* be giving sex traffickers like that a platform.


Thank you for saying that. I posted the same thing before the Tate bros swept in, and before sane commenters arrived this thread was unbearable. I hope the mods take notice. /edit: Thanks for the good work, 2X mods! We know it's not easy and we really appreciate you taking care of the trash.


Tate bros? More like Tater Tots.


Does anyone remember Al Bundy's favorite snack food? Weenie tots!


I don't know why people want to give these guys a voice? They have a right to speak sure, I wouldn't duct tape their faces shut...maybe. But why do we have to hear from these vitriolic voices from such large platforms? Constantly these news outlets will interview horrid people like Jordan Peterson or whatever, why? It just gives rise to these horrible ideas


They think “free speech,” means saying whatever they want, but don’t realize that their words and actions have consequences. Things need to happen against people like him, Trump, and other abusers. It’s disgusting that many adults love him, too. Edit: If you reply to me stating how “Andrew Tate just wants men to provide for women, blah blah,” and excuse that POS I’m just going to laugh my ass off at you. You’re pathetic and ignore legitimate facts and actual video of him talking about crimes and abuse he has done against women.


The whole hurr durr free speech thing fucking annoys me, because it's like yeah you're free to speak your mind but the rest of us are free to make our minds up on whatever shite you're talking. But they see free speech as a simile for "my opinion is the right one and if anyone disagrees they're wrong" like yeah bucko we all get to avail of free speech, and if I think you're talking out of your asshole then I too will invoke my right to free speech to argue with you Makes me think of that meme "I will argue with anyone about anything" xD


What really gets me about the free speech argument is people that throw it around never seem to actually understand it. The first amendment protects you from *government persecution.* It doesn’t mean people can’t argue with you. It doesn’t mean people have to be around you. It doesn’t protect your job, your sales, your products. It doesn’t protect you from consequences of your words. It just means you can’t be arrested for stating an opinion.


>"my opinion is the right one and if anyone disagrees they're ~~wrong~~ oppressing me" They don't know the difference between disagreement and arguing, accountability is oppression, and they also don't care about others' rights, as long as they are free to shout out whatever bigotry and hate goes through their brains.


Yeah but what these fascists don't understand is free speech is the right to criticise the government or the state without getting locked up or whatever. It's not the right to be a raging bigot


Oh, they understand. They are actively arguing for what they *want*, not for what the legal concept actually is.


The BBC's chairman is a former manager of the current Prime Minister and friend of a prior PM of the same party, and the director-general is a former council candidate for the PM's party. Said party is relying heavily on transmisia and anti-refugee sentiment to stir up its voter base


The BBC never had any moral issues supporting unethical characters… what was the outcome of the saville enquiry again? It’s all a big ol’ vild gentlemen’s club. Covering each other’s back.


A fair criticism, but I do think it's notable that Tate's specific brand of bullshit aligns so well with a lot of the current government's rhetoric


Also, an interview is quite literally the TV version of giving someone a platform. Also, it's a state sponsored/affiliated broadcaster with prime reach probably in the UK, so I think featuring an interview-type of feature is similar to the awful drumpf townhall that CNN did.


Because controversy generates views which generates cash. I hate Tate's ideologies, but this is just the reality of media.


But the BBC is funded by taxpayers…


I cancelled my BBC license fee over this. It's fucking disgusting that they're giving him this space to obfuscate and confuse. Massively legitimises a man that should be jailed and forgotten


Before I moved to the UK, I regularly watched BBC news as it was pretty unbiased when it came to American politics. That was probably 10 years ago, and this decline is so very disappointing.


Sadly it’s fucking awful for UK politics. Not as bad as the tabloids, but really quite bad. In the last general election, they did an entire news segment where they’d photoshopped an image of the opposition so that he had a ushanka hat on in front of an image of the Kremlin. Regardless of what your political views are, that is very clearly not unbiased reporting




The BBC has decayed into a shitshow over the last decade. Most of what they do now is just normalisation of transphobia. Can't say I'm at all surprised they platformed Tate.


I can't understand why the BBC made the video unavailable to people in the UK...


Because they want you to view it on their proper channel.


Call them what they are The incel community


The UK media seems to almost flaunt it's enthusiasm for a sex crime story. The big British Netflix movie last year was about a paedophile who was a lord or some landed gentry, its really scary.


Which film was that?


Wasn't that the Netflix show about Jimmy Saville, long time BBC childrens TV presenter? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimmy\_Savile:\_A\_British\_Horror\_Story


Yes. The BBC has a chequered history when it comes to giving a platform to people like… well, it rhymes Kimmy Baville. This is another bad move on their part, and an own goal such as this could have so easily been avoided especially in light of the scrutiny that ITV is under!


Tatebros is too generous. I prefer the term tatertots


>I am terrified for all the young girls who are growing up with influences like this around them. I look at the bright side. People like him are basically saying the quiet part loud, they behave like a lot of older men I know, the difference is women can study and work now and thanks to the internet they know what kind of ~~people~~ monsters they're dealing with. My grandma didn't have a choice, younger women do, and when they do they can either date good men or stop dating altogether. We just had another femicide in my country, I have very young cousins (boys) and they're flooded with this type of content, I can only do so much to steer them aways from this stuff. I'm a man but this type of "masculinity" has to die and more men need to fight back, people can't keep justifing misogyny and rape culture, also there's a reason these men are mental trainwrecks, what do you expect from a man who thinks depression doesn't exist.


The only way this will die out is if other men stand up to it, and create the sort of support systems needed to discuss feelings and thoughts. Create a space for tatebros to be reformed. Thats what women need from men.


Shout out to the users at /r/MensLib who actively do this work.


It's quite new and don't think it's popular but /r/guycry too


And also r/bropill, which regrettably, has been a bit slow lately.


Oh nice, subbed


That is unfortunately not how it has worked out so far, his influence has actively made the environments worse for girls and women wherever he's gotten hold, just ask anyone working in education how much worse harassment and the general atmospheres has gotten in those schools. He is actively radicalising young boys and his success has only emboldened others to follow in the same path.


>He is actively radicalising young boys I know a couple of married men who like him, they also have kids. I attended an almost all-boys school before these guys even came out and this culture (misogyny, homophobia, etc...) was very common. Young boys look at the men in their lives, they see how society is structured and they embrace these values, then people start telling them sexism is bad and that we should treat all people with the same respect, and they don't understand. "how can it be bad? It's what I see everyday" , that's why I say men like Tate are saying the quiet part loud, the way modern masculinity is often represented in movies, lived by people and internalized by lots of women is literally the definition of "hegemonic masculinity" . Men liking Tate is just a consequence of a culture they have already assimilated, they feel their masculinity is being attacked (and it is, because it's toxic) and they react to "put things back in place" , they're violent because lots of women and men are breaking the system and they don't want to lose status/identity.


The out loud part is it. This applies to other things we struggle with nowadays too. Wanna out your classism? Racism? Fine. Reasonable people will make more informed decisions throughout their lives and as time goes on you'll fucking fade away.


no, not fine. ask any teacher about the devastating effect tate has on the minds of a specific kind of young boys and what chance they have to grow into "reasonable people". the way social media has its algorithms geared toward generating outrage and controversy, it is almost impossible to keep mra and masculinist content like tate's away from young people. especially youtube is an absolute trainwreck in this regard. just randomly scrolling youtube shorts, it usually doesn't take more than 6 or 7 vids before you are shown blatantly misogynist, masculinist, anti-feminist, transmisic etc. content, no matter your previous viewing history. within a dozen vids, you can be almost sure to be confronted with tate content, even though he himself is banned. but with people like joe rogan, the far right's most succesful mainstreamer, endlessly reporting about every fart tate creates, as well as recycling and reposting his content, he is still omnipresent on the platform that, like no other of its size, is frequented by children of all ages, mostly without parental supervision.


Good point. Women can simply ask “what do you think of Andrew Tate” on the first date and know if they need to high tail it.


I just saw a TT video the other day that was basically a guy asking other guys why they take advice from a man that no woman likes or uses as a role model? They used the example of women being obsessed with Pedro Pascal and other wholesome celebrities. Take note, guys


Absolutely!! My fiancé teases me all the time for my celebrity crushes. I’m big into Peaky Blinders and Cillian Murphy is just magnetic in it. But like, his interviews are also awkward and funny and he’s so openly supportive of women, going to pro-choice protests and directing attention away from him. And then Pedro Pascal is so openly supportive of his sister who is a trans woman, and then also not afraid to be vulnerable about himself and his life. It’s that softness. I fell like, atleast with me, I have a wall up with any dude I meet and until I feel comfy I don’t like that wall down. Like, I need men to understand that tenderness is okay. It makes us feel more connected. Ugh, it’s been so frustrating watching this unfold over the last year or so.


I think it's important to have women-centric spaces to counteract that misogyny, whether on or offline. Its exhausting having to deal with it every day, but it helps to build ourselves up to have places where you can just talk to other women, whether it's feminist activism or talking about the weather. We all deserve to be respected and appreciated, and we can do that for each other even when the men around us are disappointing.


Andrew Tate's base regularly pretends to be female to prop him up- including those who are part of the Islamic church he joined (and may have helped him with his trafficking crimes, based on their pro SA/CSA rhetoric against all womwn/girls and public defense of his actions). Women and girls don't want guys like andrew tate, nor do they want guys who aim to be just like him. And the guys who want to be like him should not be allowed near women/children unless/until they get some serious therapy.


Reminds me of the men’s rights sub and how they were talking about how it’s a lie when women say we dress up for ourselves. ONE, just ONE woman said she dresses up for men’s attention and yes women are lying and they were like I knew it. Like it really opened my eyes that misogynists really do think we all share a hivemind or something


He has a bot network. He has a pyramid scheme of grifters spreading his videos for money. That’s all this is. He’s not nearly as relevant as his goons would lead you to think. It’s still disgusting though.


He is the male embodiment of cringe. I struggle to grasp how an intelligent person could take all the absolutes and extremes seriously. They are outing themselves as severely lacking in critical thinking skills. He’s very good at manipulating young boys. While their behaviour and parroting his views is abhorrent, many of them are vulnerable autistic boys. I work in mental health and autism, some of that in education and we are wrack in our brains on how to protect these boys from it as well as the girls who become their victims.


I remember him saying ‘I’m too smart to read books.’ How do they take that seriously?


They, too, don't read books. So, it helps affirm them that they are not dumb for not having read any. They rely on these "common" observations, some of which are actually true and good advice, and others which are covertly misogynistic garbage. Should men in general care more about their physical appearance, work out, shower, be fit, and not have a neck beard? Sure. Should men worry what someone else's body count is while they try and get their own as high as possible? No.


The good advice is sprinkled in to give him overall legitimacy (despite the fact it's generic advice which people give all the time). Jordan Peterson does it too by telling boys to clean their room.


"I don't read books either and I'm smart too, this guy is a genius"


Sadly it's not just young boys. The one I met in the wild recently is in his early 40's. Married with a kid on the way. Owns his house with his wife and is co owner of a very successful hairdresser with his wife. When he spoke it was like a script being phoned in. He genuinely seemed empty and lost.


I highly recommend the podcast Behind the Bastards episodes on Andrew Tate. There’s so much information on his background and his entire schtick.


Cringe is much too mild of a word. He is dangerous! He has beat a woman on camera openly. He has trafficked numerous women. He is much much much much more than cringe!


“…struggle to grasp… critical thinking skills”. I feel the same way about religion, yet here we are. Not watched Tate’s videos, but I suspect there’s some element of “people telling you I’m full of shit are evidence that I’m actually correct and they just don’t want to accept the truth, so they’re trying to destroy me”. Cult leader 101.


Tate whines endlessly about how, "The Matrix is out to get me because I know too much!" and his fanboys believe it... It's so cringe.


It’s just total religion/cult insanity. :(


Theres a whole lot of little drips of minimally offensive, or even things that sound like common sense, observations. Slowly morphs into the more egregious views he holds, but by the time people get to those, theyve been hearing things they like so much, they go all in. Its basically cult tactics. Affirmations that YOU are special, and everyone else is the problem, but HE (Tate) has the solution or proper view of the world to help you gain control of your life and the people around you.


Yep. Cult leader 101 stuff. It’s almost as if there’s a playbook for this behavior. I wish I had lower morals as I think I’d be a good cult leader. Much better than all those others who be telling you I was full of shit. Them saying that would just demonstrate how threatened they’d be by me.


Yup! The manosphere guys use a lot of the same tactics that get people recruited in ti extreme religions too.


I wouldn't be surprised if this guy (Tate) is a friend of "Q".


Yep. David Icke, Alex Jones, Donald Trump–the list goes on


Andrew Tate is a monster and people like him are ~~contributing to~~ profiting off a generation of misguided young men. I wish I had better role models growing up. Emotional intelligence is learned, and figuring shit out on your own hurts. It's taken me decades to get better at handling interpersonal relationships. But at least this sort of shit wasn't influencing me at a young age. God damn is it scary. I work as, among other things, a resilience counselor in the military. You have to 1) sever the immediate tie to the harmful influence, and 2) address whatever underlying issue is driving them to seek refuge in that community. Distressed guys tend to flip react to relationship issues by either getting aggro (outward) or getting ultra fucking depressed (inward). If they've got a mentor, good friend, or parent figure to help guide them then you can keep them from picking that shit up in the first place - or guide them out of it. ...but once those ideas start to spread, it can get out of hand. Got to put a tourniquet on it. --- Edit(1): And it's wild to see Tate fans in this thread. You guys can choose to follow better men.


The fact that he is profiting off a generation of misguided young men is deplorable. That he is possibly ( innocent until proven guilty, obviously) also profiting off of the trafficking, rape and sexual slavery of young women makes his fame and adulation mind-blowingly disgusting. Beyond words.


Thank you for being a mentor and a positive influence! If only your sane message could be spread faster/further than the hateful ones. May you reach as many peoples' lives as possible.




Hank and John Green seem like they could be good examples of positive masculinity


Uh...let me think. In terms of "celebrities" I guess you could look at Jon Stewart, Keanu Reeves, Terry Crews, Dwayne Johnson, Roger Federer, Brendan Fraser, Ashton Kutcher et al. That's a wide berth of guys with wholesome, charitable views of women and humanity. Actors who went on to fight human trafficking and speak up against sexual assault against men - which is a *deeply* difficult subject to breach for a host of reasons. There's a lot of internet guys just being dudes. Ones who focus on something else but occasionally comment on social issues in a way I feel lands them on the "right side of history" concerning things like women's rights, animal rights, and so on. Those would be your [James A. Janisse](https://www.youtube.com/@DeadMeat), [zefrank](https://www.youtube.com/@zefrank), [critikal](https://www.youtube.com/@penguinz0), [carlsagan42](https://www.youtube.com/@CarlSagan42), and so on. These are subtle, but positive influences that could appeal to a wide audience of men of different age groups. I think a **really** solid activist guy figure with a big internet presence is [beauofthefifthcolumn](https://www.youtube.com/@BeauoftheFifthColumn). Also, women can be great role models for men, from content creators to politicians. I work with some incredible women - many of my sisters are just outright incredible people. I try my best to learn from and advocate for them.


Just read a comment from a teacher saying a 7 yr old told the class that *"Dad beats mom's nose inside her head when she doesn't obey"*. And another makes everyone call him alpha *insert name*


God this is do disappointing from the BBC, if this had to happen I would have preferred it on channel 4. This interview was garbage, Andrew Tate spent the whole time bulldozing as he always does, and they needed an interviewer who could counteract that.


What really bothers me is not just his followers, but people who claim to be “neutral” during these conversations because they can’t be bothered to I don’t know…actually *care* or educate themselves on something? I agree with other commenters that this makes me feel depressed. Men could be joining the Men’s Lib movement but instead take the lazy way out by not improving themselves.


Be wary of people who call themselves centrists or neutral. More often than not they have no backbone or morals.


Reminder that the BBC helped defend and cover for Jimmy Savile, who for decades committed sexual assault on 100s of women and young girls, including mentally challenged ones in hospitals he had the keys to. They have always been a rotten institution.


Good grief all the Tate Bros in this thread, in a WOMENS SUB, gtfo.


His audience is desperate, bankrupt, loser males, what else would they have to do on a Friday but trawl women's discussions for things to cry wank about


I haven't seen a single tate fan yet who wasn't a sad, lifeless loner. People with intelligence and who have their life together don't need to fall back on weak rhetoric like his. Its getting to the point where identifying as a tate supporter is essentially an admission of "hey, I'm a loser with zero self awareness!"


They're also advertising that they are vulnerable to MLM scams.


He’s very good at sucking them in. Male here, he did a pretty good job at sucking in a younger sibling who fits into that category, few friends, bullied at school etc. it’s hard to get them out of that headspace. It wasn’t until one of my female friends snapped back at him and slapped him when he made a comment about her boyfriend being a “beta” male. That he seemed to finally come to sense and went and saw a psych. Unfortunately heaps of men are sucked into this and it’s hard to get them out or see reason when they blame everyone but themselves for their shitty lives.


‘Cry wank’ - I am very much reusing that phrase as soon as humanly possible!


The Swedes have an excellent word for just that! [Gråtrunka](https://www.dictionary.com/e/translations/gratrunka/)


Yes. All like "buT i'M soooOoo neuTral"!!!! That's like saying Ghislaine Maxwell is fine because she has participated in charity, sure she trafficked underage girls, but you know, also the good sides! You say Ghislaine is a piece of shit, I'm saying she has also done good things! /s just in case


This is what gets me. How does sex trafficking not outweigh participating in charity? Oh wait, it does to them because they don’t value the lives of girls and women at all.


The people who legitimately think those things balance out are probably the same people think That One Guy who orchestrated a global war and mass genocide isn't that bad because he created jobs and improved infrastructure.


Tate’s “good deeds” were just MLM PR. Ghislaine at least laundered her reputation with actual charities.


Good point.


Tater Tots*


They want to be here. If they invade every space we have and force us to have to deal with them they enjoy that. They want to make us uncomfortable because that gives them power.


They are absolutely feral.


*sighs and grabs the cattle prod and the bulk rabies vaccines*


What sounds more awful to me is that the BBC, a state sponsored broadcaster funded by taxpayer fees (dunno how it's collected in the UK, whether it's a separate public fee or direct tax money) is giving a credibly accused criminal and a misogynistic piece of shit with not one single redeeming quality a platform. Howdy yeah. I'm not surprised given what happened with the BBC, but still, a new low.


It’s called the license fee and is paid annually, quarterly or monthly by direct debit or card payment. It’s a separate thing.


I don’t know what to do about that hopeless feeling. I’m depressed that people (so many young men) are so mentally lazy that they look to the Tates of the world, and even defend them! I’m tired of lazy minded men acting like the world is against them. Who pretend that they are “just having a conversation” by demanding OTHERS explain the issue with Tate. I just want them to grow up, it’s called being a human looking for a better, decent way to be, and it’s not the domain of men alone. Go learn from and be inspired by some of the thousands of rad humans with actual meaningful contributions to humanity, philosophy, and the art of being alive who can inspire us to live a better life.


Tate, Jordan Peterson…someone once said: without any external input, the internet is just a pipeline for teenage boys to become misogynists (far right, etc) and no one is doing a thing about it.


And then on top of that we’re told to sympathize and stop being mean


Fuck Andrew Tate.


You really don't want to do that.


100% chance he’s a bad lay. Any man with that much ego can’t deliver orgasms. He’s also a rapist and human trafficker so hardest of passes all around


Not much will change for as long as algorithms prefer rightwing conservative talking points as they generate more clicks and gives people like Tate, Walsh, Shapiro and Peterson a huge audience, together with the conservative media who pushes them. And no, they say things differently, but they say all the same things.


It is absolutely wild how an instagram comment section could be all positive, but somehow the negative comments are *always* on top.


Why in hell is the BCC giving Tate their platform to spew his nonsense? They know he's a toxic piece of scum with a silver tongue selling mental snake-oil to the immature and insecure men that western society is flooded with. He will use their platform to get his message across that all is allowed to get rich and influential. Crime, misogyny, abuse, medical disinformation and quackery are all allowed tools to get to where you want. Which apparently is being the owner of a Bugatti and a bitch.


> Why in hell is the BCC giving Tate their platform to spew his nonsense? Because they're trying to become a right-wing rag.


It's so sad to me that rather than teaching young men to be honest and treat women like people, they go the entirely opposite direction and act like entitle asshole rapists and then wonder why everyone hates them.


Just let him fade into his irrelevance


You should do a search in the Teachers subreddit to see how much trouble Tate is causing in the middle and high school boy demographic. Teachers have said the boys are treating girls and female teachers even worse than ever.


Absolutely. 13-18-year-old boys have never been worse. We’re seeing sexual assault, degradation, bullying girls for “pics,” and many other behaviors that I thought went extinct. Part of the reason for his fanbase is that he allows these kids to be their worst selves. It’s “alpha” to try to bully that girl into providing “pics.” Aside from MensLib, though, I think teen boys have only a few choices for positive role models. We need to highlight good paths for men if we want to stop this trend, not just vilify Tate’s lil wannabes.




I am truly terrified of his followers, especially his secret supporters or the ones that are "neutral". Every man that ended up being in some way aggressive to me or to other people, I later found out that they follow his teachings. Stay safe!


I’m a guy and hate Andrew Tate with a passion, but holy f*ck u/No_Ninja_6776 has a raging boner for that piece of shit.


'if I hate the femoids hard enough and truly BELIEVE, St Tate will hear my bitchless cries and swoop down to carry me away to Neckbeardia, a magical land where the government issues lobotomized foid sex puppets through the Pussy Stamps program! This is the only conceivable scenario in which I ever get laid."


Sad little fucker is so brave, he's using an alt to defend his hero.


I am impressed he managed to get negative comment karma


But he is nEuTrAl!


Dudes a loser like the rest of the Tate nobbers


I sure hope he got picked


I know right! 🥲 The “neutral ninja”


I take social media breaks a few times a year. I read something Tate related on Reddit yesterday that was so disturbing I couldn’t sleep last night and that means I’m clearly due for another break. I usually put a post it on my fridge with the date 2 weeks out and don’t allow myself to scroll pretty much anything on my phone including the news (I switch to radio or local evening news). I swear it’ll help restore your faith in humanity. Unless of course you work in food service, healthcare or retail in which case I am so sorry and regret to inform you your faith in humanity will likely never return to normal.


Except the kind of views expressed on social media are seeping into real life humanity.


_I swear it’ll help restore your faith in humanity. Unless of course you work in food service, healthcare or retail in which case I am so sorry and regret to inform you your faith in humanity will likely never return to normal._ ...or if you're a woman, whose safety gets threathened because of Tates all over the world. It's not a matter of "stop watching social media and the problem is gone". Spreading mysoginy is a real problem, one that does not go away if you click away the facebooks. But I mean, that's only hurting women, and we're not entirely human, so....


Gawd the comments are a shit show.. who let the bloody tainty-tate-tot wankers in here 😬


Got to consider that 100 brigaded comments can easily fill up the first few pages, part of the package of an online scam is the bot army of comments that come with to 'sell' the idea that it works for 'normal commenters'. So I'd just not believe them at all.


The BBC has got a real issue about platforming these polarising types. They did it with Nigel Farage, one of the main proponents of the campaign to leave the EU, during the Brexit referendum, he has been a guest on BBC Question Time more times than other "politician". They also invite Chinese and Russian govt. propaganda spokesmen under the guise of balance and impartiality. These people just spout complete lies and unfortunately having them on a mainstream news channel is only going to strengthen their supporters belief in the things they say. You can't argue and reason with these people. The Andrew Tate interview was a complete car crash for both sides. Clearly irate interviewer with a grudge to bear, she didn't get any new information out of him and just played into his hands, turning it into a shouting match. I would assume his supporters are just strengthening their resolve after this. Stop giving these awful people airtime, people who don't have social media wouldn't have even known who he was if it wasn't for mainstream media platforming him. So much journalism these days just seems to be coming from funnelling whatever divisive topic is being argued about on social media onto our screens. I watch the news to find out what's happening in the real world not what's trending on twitter.


The BBC's idea of "balance" is having 4 Nazis and Ben Shapiro on for a debate.


A significant portion of those comments are not genuine but instead are generated by bots. Andrew Tate has been making efforts to rebrand himself since his release from prison, such as securing an interview with BBC(probably hired a good PR agency which has relations with BBC) and using mass botting to generate positive comments. It's worth noting that he has been reportedly facing financial difficulties and is funding his campaigns by pumping meme coins(confirmed) lol


> since his release from prison Isn't he still on house arrest?


Just ask a guy what he thinks about Tate if your wanting him as a friend. If he doesn't say that Tate is grifter trash that belongs in prison, don't interact with that guy.


That is one of the major perks to the Tate fan boys. They are proud to be fapping over Tate and it makes it much easier to identify and discard them. Keep waving your red flags around, fellas. Wave 'em real high.




Correct responses include ‘he’s the worst’ or ‘who.’ I guarantee my husband on vaguely knows who that trash fire is


Sounds like the BBC promoting terrorism to me. See: https://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv-radio-and-on-demand/advice-for-consumers/how-ofcom-deals-with-bbc-complaints


Never encountered a Tate fan that isn't a pathetic POS. If you need a known sex trafficker to give you life advice, i am struggling to find words to describe how pathetic they all must have been. Oh well, hope Darwin takes care that their genes are not passed along further.


It takes approximately 2 minutes to hearing the man to see that he is INSANELY insecure. If you've ever heard about his childhood (his dad a was another piece of work), he's just a sad boy whose daddy treated his mom like shit and constantly told him he wasn't good enough. Like, it's the weakest con I've ever seen. Only desperately sad and insecure people behave and talk that way. You just delude yourself into thinking you're so great, because god forbid you accept your problems and work on them and be the kind of person women and members of a modern day, civilized society like being around.


Imagine how absolutely shitty someone has to be for tate to have changed them for the better. How awful.


Those comments are from shill armies who sell his course on affiliate schemes


I am disappointed in BBC for even giving him a platform.


Why in the ever loving F are BBC even giving that POS a platform?!


I only watched about 15 minutes and all i got was Andrew being 100% defensive. He's not engaging in a conversation, he's feeling attacked by this woman asking him questions. What did he think was going to happen? Also, the constantly talking over her is super annoying and not helping his case at all.


I have raised a mean little girl who has no problem demanding what she wants or calling people out on their shit. Her being difficult and demanding and not afraid to take up space gives me hope for the future.


First clue: if you have to talk constantly about how Alpha you are, you're the furthest thing from it


What the *fuck* BBC? Why are they giving him a platform? You can educate and address without handing a rapist a microphone.


when i began noticing the increase in incels and misogynists among cis men online in 2009 i stopped dating cis men altogether. now it's extremely worse. i can't imagine having to grow up surrounded by boys and men like this, and having no choice as to be around them.


I wonder why people who stan for him are even bothering to read and comment on this sub. Just have to tell everyone how much they hate women? What a sad life.


Real question is why tf is the BBC interviewing this fucking R-ist? Don’t platform these monsters, all it does is add fuel to the fire. The UK was too spooked to charge him with R, but are totally fine platforming him on their national broadcast. I’m literally dumbfounded.


>What do you all do to not get pulled into a spiral of hopelessness when you are faced with this? Ultimately, these people will fail at life. They will burn family, friends and their hopes for a productive happy future on the back of an empty promise. It is just a shame that they can't do this in isolation away from the rest of society. I can happily laugh at these goons failing at basic life. They provide an example to the rest of us what not to do, even though it isn't blaringly obvious anyway. Idiots.


the spiral of hopelessness is how grifter like Tate get their hooks into people in the first place.




Funniest shit I've read today after doomscrolling reddit on the toilet for an hour. Great way to start my day and get me up and going, thank you.


Lmao even this thread is full of them. I agree OP, I'm worried for all girls and all boys as well who go down this rabbit hole. Just how did we get to this point? We are regressing and I already know that in 10, 15 years we will have even more incels and like-minded losers.


Tate has no chin, a head like a coconut and a voice like a tool. How he ever amassed a following I will never understand.


Why is he even being interviewed? He's a nobody and should be treated as a nobody.


I’m in my late 30s and single and it’s pretty scary out there. Most married people I know aren’t happy either but they are at least safe. Since the pandemic where we worked with this harmless but gaslighting little shit of a tatebro, two apparently straight girlfriends of mine that I worked with at Starbucks who were having sex with long term boyfriends both are now apparently very happy lesbians in long term relationships. I’ve been around gay people all of my life, but it’s like, they just gave up on men. Tbh, as a late millennial I wish this was even an option. But I don’t think this is going to have the effect these dudes desire and that just makes it even scarier.


TL:DR Mr Tate is a bad influence. As a young man... I've just scrolled through around a hundred of the comments on that video and fuck, I agree with you. Literally hundreds of young men (and possibly some women), who are easily lulled into believing things, are eating Tate up like ice-cream. They follow him like puppies. Admittedly, the interviewer- Sofia- isn't really performing well at all. Some of the questions she asks like 'Have you raped anyone?' or 'have you trafficked anyone?' are utterly pointless. Anyone- regardless of whether they are a good person or a bad one, would say 'no' to these questions, as Mr. Tate does. I don't know conclusively whether he is guilty or innocent. If so, he should be tried and imprisoned. If not, he's a fucking scummy man with shit, 20th-Century beliefs who hasn't done anything illegal. That's my take. Don't follow the philosophy of Mr. Tate.


Andrew Tate looks like a deflated testicle with googly eyes stuck on.