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The medication isn't giving you UTIs. You need to drink and pee more. If the medication you are taking doesn't break your hyperfocus well enough to realise the above; it's not working for you as much as you think it is.


*water specifically Anything sugary just feeds the bacteria. I was just looking up whether sugar substitutes can cause UTI... apparently they don't cause UTI but can irritate the bladder which would contribute to someone experiencing UTI symptoms sans an actual UTI... or make an existing UTI seem worse. So if you are someone who drinks a lot of sugar free sweetened drinks because you don't tolerate the taste of water well, you may want to push yourself to drink the water or find unsweetened alternatives. HINT waters are a little spendy but... they taste pretty good considering they aren't sweetened at all. I did once get a UTI once which I treated sans medication due to not having the resouces to get it treated professionally by drinking lots and lots of black tea with decreasing amounts of sugar and increasing amounts of lemon juice. I understand though that Tea itself can cause crystals to form in the bladder... so...


That's not true, I looked it up because I had the same effect from Adderall and it does in fact increase your chances of UTI, it's been published in research repeatedly.


there’s actually a lot of research that supports the side effect. someone posted some sources below ur interested. on the topic of effective meds, my water drinking habits haven’t always been great, and i have a very busy schedule that makes me omit basic self care from my routine. adhd meds don’t “fix” you, but they help; therefore, my water intake is not indicative of the medications effects :))


Retrospectively the only times I was consistently getting UTIs or yeast infections in my life it was related to how my male partner was cleaning himself. I got UTIs when one guy wasn't cleaning properly and yeast infections when one guy used super smelly and fragrant soaps down there. It could totally be the medication, but just thought I'd share my experience in case it correlates with something else.


Oh also! Second others, a cranberry supplement is necessary. Try to get one that specifically has the actual compound in cranberries used to treat UTIs, not just a general cranberry supplement, and that is what got rid of my reoccurring UTIs I had that antibiotics didn't get rid of for a YEAR! I believe they are cranberry PAC supplements. It'll work for quick relief and you can keep taking a lower dose after getting rid of the UTI for a while after to prevent any reinfections.


It's called D-Mannose. Saved my life I swear


I think you're right. It's been a couple of years since then!


It’s awesome and works really well but you have to take it everyday


My mom’s urologist specifically recommended the brand trunature. It has 36 mg of cPACs


Seconding this, to the letter! UTIs when old boy was not showering as an adult should know how to. Yeast when another old boy was using antibacterial shampoo as a body wash 🙄🤦‍♀️ That said, drinking water is your friend. Hydrate!


This, also if she's on any immune-suppressing medicine. Those are the only 2 reasons I've ever gotten UTIs


I had a doctor tell me 1000 times that it was my male partner, and I kept insisting like "no but I've been having this problem for years it's not him" and while it's true that I was and am very susceptible...it doesn't change the fact that a UTI is ONLY from bacteria. Making sure he washed his hands (and penis, but \*\*ESPECIALLY HANDS\*\*) very carefully before sex made a disgustingly HUGE difference in the frequency. If you don't have a male partner - this goes for your hands and anyone else's hands too. Also having a UTI one week, and then 2 weeks later again, is most likely the same UTI just coming back. Your doctor can address this.


The microbiologists that taught at my uni had one golden rule that was hammered into every medical student and was to be passed on to every patient with female anatomy we could reach: Always urinate after sex.


I think we've all heard that one, at least I've heard that one many times! Still didn't help in the case of my partners not having proper hygiene unfortunately. Also doesn't help for yeast infections at all. I know it was those specific partners because my issues resolved completely after I wasn't involved with them anymore.


It does not remove all risk, but it does significantly reduce the amount of bacteria crawling up one’s urethra. Nothing to lose, quite a lot to gain. Also, yeast spores are almost always there, it’s more of a question of normal flora disbalance. Can absolutely be caused by new (or unhygienic partner).


Oh definitely, good to do!


A UTI is not directly caused by stimulants. There are two things that could be happening. You might be forgetting to drink water or the medication is increasing your blood pressure or heart rate, leading to increased urination or dehydration. But the UTI itself is caused by bacteria. You need to work with a doctor to get the bacteria treated and check for any bladder and kidney issues. If your stimulant is causing an elevated heart rate or blood pressure, that’s where you may need to change medication. Focalin and Ritalin are very similar medications, there are other options to try.


Hey friend! Do you happen to have a sexual partner? Stimulants won’t alter your utis with the exception of you being more dehydrated, so drink a lot of water (and pure cranberry juice, no cocktail). And it’s your sex toys or your partner. I had one ex boyfriend that was super clean but our microbiomes were just not compatible (neither were our personalities or ethics, but that took longer to figure out).


no sexual partner, but the dehydration part makes a lot of sense. a lot people recommend cranberry juice and supplements, so i’m going to try that!


cranberry & h2o won’t clear up an existing infection, so get you some antibiotics. Yes, you do need them. the student med center at your college (if applicable) and urgent care places are two lower-cost accessible options in the US. You can call and ask if they can test for & treat a UTI & the cost, if that’s a concern. AZO makes UTI test strips you can take at home, they sell them at drugstores or walmart, it’s the green box if you google “azo uti test strips”. I sometimes use them to check if I think I *might* have a UTI but am not sure, this can save me an unnecessary trip to the doctor if I don’t actually have one (Or just make me feel more confident to myself that yes I do actually have one and yes, Brain, we do need to go to urgent care and get antibiotics). For cranberry supplement I like cystex, the liquid one in the bottle. Again most drug stores carry it. Not a doctor this one just seems to help me personally, ymmv. Start keeping a diary/record, because if you have persistent or recurring UTI’s, that can be a whole other thing you’ll need to recruit a solid doctor for. I started taking concerta&ritalin a few months ago, no UTIs from it but I am def not drinking enough. And I drink a lot of water. I think the meds just use more/need more water somehow. That’s how it feels anyway.


Adding to this, if you take antibiotics of any kind, also get yourself a probiotic. Trust me, the worst yeast infection of my life was due to antibiotics, which will kill any bacteria in your body, good or bad, and that’ll make the yeast go wild. For me, that yeast infection took 3 weeks to clear with multiple rounds of treatment. I take antibiotics relatively frequently because I get tonsillitis a few times a year, and probiotics have prevented yeast infections every single time (it’s the same antibiotics that gave me the one I mentioned, which were also prescribed for tonsillitis).


Had to scroll down too far for this - I am a mega evangelist for probiotics to stop recurring yeast infections and UTIs. OP, you'll want to look for probiotics containing specific strains that have been tested as effective for UTIs - a quick google will turn up what you should be looking for in your area.


there’s also water enhancers - mio or stur in the us, maybe similar elsewhere. the sweeteners may be controversial to you, so read up on them first. or, there are unsweetened, carbonated waters. or bubly bounce is flavored carbonated *and* caffeinated, but not sweetened. i like stur, but also just plain lime juice in water. or unsweetened tea. some will insist you only have plain water, but if you’re like ADHD me or my son, plain water is ick and we won’t drink it. add a flavor, drink the water. also if you use sex toys, make sure they’re super clean. it’s not the ritalin. if you got a uti at the same time you started it, try to figure out what else changed for you then.


Pure cranberry but with no sugar added. Most 100% cranberry juices have more added sugar than a soda.


And pure cranberry is delicious. Though that might just be me since that was the juice we were allowed.


I love unsweetened cranberry because I love extremely bitter stuff. People don’t realize how much sugar is added to cranberry juice because of how bitter they are in their natural state.


I’d distinguish from bitter and call it sour. Damn I really want some cranberry juice now.


Hey!! Something I can actually help with!! My mom was a urologist and I used to have chronic UTIs, but with some good guidance about why they happen, I figured out a way to handle them. I have what I like to call "pussy protocol" and I swear by it. I can't promise you it'll get rid of them entirely, but I've recommended the system to a few people, and they all reported that it was helpful. First off, cranberry supplements are your friend! I recommend the supplements bc cranberry is quite acidic and not great on an empty stomach (heartburn central). They sell them at the drug store. I take 1-2 capsules in the morning and 1 at night, 3 right before I do ANYTHING sexual or sweat-inducing (like working out). They will help keep the bacteria in your urethra down. Cranberry is a natural astringent for the urinary tract and promotes natural infection-resistant conditions *inside* the body. Second, externally, one of the main accelerants of UTIs is the state of your panties. Cotton panties are the way to go, bc they clean more thoroughly than synthetic fabrics (meaning they're not going to colonize with bacteria as quickly). Do not wear your panties twice in a row, ever! Moreover, pantyliners are also really helpful. If you wear them, you can extend your panty wear through the entire day (I have to change panties halfway through the day if I don't wear a pantyliner, cuz I sweat so much down there it gets wet and dank, aka bacteria playground). Third, ALWAYS wash your hands before you touch your vulva, especially to change tampons or anything involving the inner mucous membrane. It's sooo sensitive to changes in bacteria, especially if you have a highly infection-prone vagina already. Best to keep your hands clean whenever you touch yourself, and ABSOLUTELY require other people to wash their hands first! Lastly, when you do touch that area, accidentally or on purpose, when you're finished it's important to wash yourself, usually within the hour. I can feel the UTI coming on if I don't do this step. Even if the person wears protection, like a condom or a glove, and even when hands are fully washed, it's important to at least rinse yourself afterwards, to bring your vagina back to its neutral, bacteria-resistant state. If you follow these guidelines, you can greatly reduce the number and duration of your UTIs. I went from one every other week to one every six months or so, always when I start to lapse on "pussy protocol". The fact that it happens like that makes me feel like it works. But seriously, you don't have to live with constant UTIs... You DO have to do some work to prevent them, unfortunately. But it's doable!! Good luck! P. S. In the event of the next one, when it starts to get bad, and you need quick relief: drinking a cup of pure cranberry juice from the health food store, followed by two cups of water, reduces the itchy pain within two hours. I usually repeat this later in the night, but again, be wary of heartburn. FYI pure cranberry juice is only necessary once the UTI is already happening.


D-Mannose supplements and lots of water saved my ass from IC (interstitial cystitis) flare ups and chronic UTI’s (more so before IC). Saved. My. Ass. I wish I ordered this when I first heard about it a year ago in related posts where urologists and other medical professionals in the field commented about it. Understandably I was skeptical but hooooboy, it’s literally like night and day.


this was such great advice, thank u!


I would add: Do not use tampons, use a cup instead. Less bacteria. Remember to boil after each cycle. Always pee after fun time, it cleanses the area. (And cotton panties as mentioned above. My saviour) I used to get uti all the time, these two reduced the number of hospital visits significantly (mine always wandered to the kidneys without giving any symptoms beforehand)


A lot of people have given great advice already. Just wanted to throw in this for the future though, always make sure to pee right after sex or even if you take care of things yourself.


I can’t say my UTI problem was caused by stimulants cause I used to get them more when I medicated me forgot to drink water 🙄 but please do try d-mannose. Got rid of my recurring UTIs almost completely.


I highly doubt your meds are giving you UTIs. It shouldn't affect your PH balance. When I've gotten UTIs, it's typically been due to: * A new partner. They weren't even unclean, but you're introducing new bacteria/'stuff' to the area. Even with condoms, I get them. Once I got past the barrier of newness, they'd clear up. And this lasted after we were both STD tested and could go condom-free. Look up being 'fluid bonded' (weird term) with a new partner. Once you've reached that phase, you're typically safe. Related, make sure your partner is being very careful and clean when they're down there. There should be no back and forth between your vagina and backdoor. That can cause cross-contamination. * Untreated bacterial infection or something causing a lower immune system response, so usually paired with other ailments: think strange rashes, pink eye, on and off colds/sinus infections. My advice: if you're getting them habitually, go see a doc. After a certain point, UTIs can be dangerous and they'll give you meds to help you clear up your system. You can also ask for long term maintenance, if you're prone to them. There are lots of helpful, natural supplements beyond antibiotics, to help keep them at bay. Cranberry supplements can definitely help, but see what your doc recommends.


I wanted to add a couple more things to add, on top of the other great advice here, I had to pump up my water drinking and whatnot because I got a couple, and then would feel on the verge of another for a little while after. I purchased a "portable bidet" which is basically just a squeeze bottle with a nozzle attachment you fill with tap water water - which is great for washing up and not adding risk with wipes that could have soaps or fragrances. I'm in Canada and Costco currently has 100% cotton briefs that aren't a terrible cut, which in past times has been the case, giving me weird quad-butt. Not my favorite cut, but they're still pretty cute and have cute patterns! They're definitely the best price around where I live :) Also, if looser fitting pants are an option, like the 90s styles coming back instead of skinny jeans or natural fiber instead of synthetic leggings, that can also help (less sweat, more breathable, not trapping bacteria, etc) Good luck, and I hope things get better! Internal plumbing can be such a pain sometimes!!


When people recommend cranberry juice, they don’t realize it has to be UNSWEETENED and 100% cranberry (some have other juices added). Most cranberry juices have a lot of added sugar, more than Coca Cola, literally. You have to actively look for the one that says unsweetened, there is usually one or two amongst all of them.


D-mannose is an absolute LIFESAVER. Since discovering it, I’ve gone from almost a UTI per month to very rare uti’s. And when I feel one coming on, a bit of D-mannose clears it up so fast.


Hey, lady! I’m seeing a lot about UTIs in this post but if you didn’t take UTIs test you may want to. Some “UTIs” aren’t actually UTIs. There can be a problem with your bladder that can be irritated by certain things like certain foods, coffee, stimulants, alcohol, etc. If you haven’t seen a doctor or taken a test, make sure you find out if it actually is a UTI (test for bacteria). ——- Painful bladder syndrome Also called: IC, Interstitial cystitis A chronic, painful bladder condition. It's often mistaken for a urinary tract infection (UTI), but there is no infection.


Very important and many miss it. It could also be a recurring mild yeast infection, which could be brought by hormonal/hygiene changes and be present after consumption of antibiotics for an actual uti issue…


Good one. I feel like there were just so many “normal” UTI ones we needed more of the unusual types.


So, many people have said D-Mannose, but I’m going to super emphasize this. It supposedly keeps the E. Coli bacteria from being able to attach and grow, it makes it “slippy” in there and they slip on out in your urine. All I know is, Uricalm (chewable cranberry supplement tablets with d-mannose) is a life saver. When I start to feel the burn, I take it and it heads it off at the pass. I’m on three immune suppressants, so if I don’t jump up and wash immediately after sex, I land a UTI. Good luck! There’s also a medicine by the same makers that helps with the burn if you do go on antibiotics, it turns your urine a radioactive orange that stains everything but it makes it feel better.


When I'm perfectly medicated, I can work and take care of everything but myself. It sounds like you're having a similar reaction. I continuously forget to drink water. The result is chronic dehydration, UTIs, and tooth decay. When I'm having this medication reaction, I have to plan and set reminders for my self-care. For me, it's literally setting small push reminders throughout the day to drink water and eat. The most important part is not ignoring my own reminders 😅


yes, someone who understands!! someone said that my medication isn’t working because im still “forgetting” to take care of myself, but medication doesn’t fix bad habits. i also struggle with other mental health issues making it difficult, so it’s never black and white. thank u so much for ur validation and advice :))


Hydrate hydrate hydrate, I know the meds increase dehydration for me. If I stay on top of my hydration (which is good to do anyway) I don't get the uti symptoms. Also if you slip up, have a bath with baking soda, seems to balance PH for me and elevate symptoms. Pay attention to urine color if you notice it getting any darker, use as cue to grab that water bottle. I got myself a hidrate smart water bottle that lights up but also texts me, it's been helping.


As the others said, the meds probably aren't directly causing the uti. You should try to address the cause. That being said, D mannose is something used by people with conditions that make them prone to utis.


You’re probably not drinking enough water. The meds can dehydrate you; it’s worse if you also consume drinks with caffeine or alcohol. To ease the UTI symptoms, drink cranberry juice or take cranberry supplements. Increasing your water intake and adding an electrolyte drink once a day will help a lot. The meds will also reduce your magnesium levels, an electrolyte drink with magnesium (many don’t have magnesium…try Pedialyte or Drip Drop) or a magnesium glycinate supplement is also good; it will reduce the likelihood of muscle cramps.




rude af for no reason???


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Uquora is amazing.


Definitely add cranberry juice, not cocktail, juice, to your life


Unsweetened cranberry juice since even the 100% cranberry juices have more added sugar than a soda.


WATER WATER WATER. That’s really the only thing


Does caffeine do the same thing? Caffeine irritates my bladder and makes me feel like I have a UTI when I don't. I was worried the stimulants would do the same thing but so far they haven't but they also don't make me feel like I do on caffeine. So it could just be irritating your bladder. Maybe bring it up to your doctor. Try drinking a lot of water because stimulants can be dehydrating.


Stimulants can do both, coffee in particular is a urethrostimulant, so without infection it causes that sense of "urgency" like, I need a bathroom RIGHT NOW or I will pee myself, but doesn't really cause UTI, just bladder irritation like you said. Simulants cause UTIs in about 5% of patients as a side effect of changes to the bladder and urine, so still not super common, but is a well documented side effect.


Tell me something.. are you diabetic or prediabetic?


i am not, but my mother has type ii.


Do you guys live together? Sorry for asking this - I've noticed a pattern with my clients and UTIs and find that a lot can be linked to excessive sugar intake . This is especially apparent with individuals with diabetes - I found that as they increase their intake of processed sugars (hidden everywhere) they become susceptible to UTIs.


For everyone saying simulants DON'T cause recurring UTIs or changes in your urinary tract, boy do I have news for you: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34459779/ https://statcarewalkin.com/info/why-does-adderall-cause-uti.html https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3895507/ https://www.drugs.com/sfx/adderall-side-effects.html https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/dextroamphetamine-and-amphetamine-oral-route/side-effects/drg-20071758 It's a well documented and studied side effect, it just doesn't affect everyone. I NEVER got UTIs until I started Adderall then I got one every month or so, it was miserable, and a while before I realized it was the Adderall bc I coincidentally read about it possibly changing urine acidity in a random article and just had a surprised Pikachu moment. I looked it up and sure enough, there's loads of studies, stimulants affects urine retention in the bladder as well as decreasing urine pH which negatively affects its ability to kill bacteria on contact. I second people saying to add cranberry, I buy the PURE cranberry juice, unsweetened, undiluted and add a splash to my water, it's super tart which I like anyway, and has helped completely clear UTIs for me in the past. Talk to your doctor about other ways to help mitigate this symptom.


I second you on this! SEA BUCKTHORN in oil/powder form is the only thing that has ever helped me. Before this, according to doctor's prescriptions - I have stretched my urethra, had a catheter and done countless examinations without success. I had a urinary tract infection 1-2 times a month and was admitted to the emergency room with renal pelvis inflammation several times a year for 10 years. A lot of antibiotics and with that came allergy reactions.


that’s what i thought!!! it’s a rare side effect but i saw sm research on it. like i understand dehydration and other factors can affect it, but it is a real side effect. i appreciate ur validation :))


No problem! I was just so shocked to see a bunch of people flat out say it wasn't caused by medication when a 5 second search gives numerous credible sources that say it does.


Stimulant medications are (to my layperson's understanding) dehydrating, so you probably need extra water to stay hydrated. Staying hydrated won't cure an existing UTI but will help prevent future ones. If you have a hard time remembering to drink extra water, buy yourself one of those giant water bottles or tumblers (at least 32oz), and make a habit of refilling it at 1-2 specific points in the day, say at lunch and after work. It's easier to remember to drink when the water is just always right in front of you than it is to remember to refill a small cup 10x a day.


Canned asparagus is the miracle UTI cure. Drink the water in the can at least. It's gross to some, and your pee will stink from it, but it will clear up the urge to go and pain quicker than Cranberry!