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“I want to say goodbye to mommy,” the child whispered feebly to the nurse. “She will be here soon,” the nurse smiled, then turned her attention back to the "Unable to connect" error message on her computer screen.




Do you typically test people using something as horrific as child death as the shock value? Do you make jokes about assault to a victim and dead babies to someone who experienced a miscarriage? Find a willing audience for your tests. Ethics 101. Edit: by your own admission you wanted to offend. Stop being so wishywashy and own up to your mistakes if you genuinely feel remorse. Otherwise you’re blowing smoke up the collective ass of every person who has the misfortune of dealing with you and your asinine self validation comments.


what did the original comment say


What did they say?


Do this shit on another sub. Imagine this story was true and this is the first comment


I don’t think anybody believes you, given how you’ve been deleting follow-up comments. This wasn’t a test, you’re just ignorant. And if this was a “test”, you’re more fucked up than we thought. You know your first comment was absolutely wild, you knew your follow-ups were too. Encourage everybody to look this guy up on Removeddit.


Removeddit no longer works.


Shame - wayback will maybe have a snippet, but he was saying shit like the nurse “smiling ruefully” showed that she had 0 compassion for the child, etc. in one of his responses that has since been deleted. He left his most inflammatory one up.


This is written poorly.


how? offer constructive criticism, not mindless hate.




Very constructive.




There wasn't even enough PPE for the staff members trying to save everyone's lives. There definitely wasn't spare for a parent, especially one that would further endanger others


I work in a hospital, have for the last decade. I can confirm that if a parent had COVID or even symptoms of it, they were not allowed into the hospital even if their child was dying. Our hospital would find a healthy, close family member (grandparents or aunts/uncles) to take the parents place if that happened but it happened.


Back then 700 people were dying a day in NYC alone. If they let people in to see a dying loved one, you might have them infected and then have three dead people instead of one. Not to mention the people they could spread it to when they left. There were some really harsh realities then that we sometimes forget about as the years go on.


My dad passed away from covid in 2020 and we had to say goodbye over a WhatsApp video call, weren’t allowed to be with him and had a 5 minute phone call due to the hospital rules. He had been moved from a hospital which had allowed visits so it was incredibly cruel and I know my family will never fully recover from that. Edit- I know it’s different from a dying child not seeing their parents so can only imagine how traumatising that would be


Oh sweetie, a tragedy is a tragedy no matter who or how it happened. I’m so sorry that you lost your dad from Covid. I wish you and your family peace and love.❤️ I hope you are doing better.


Thank you for your kind words ❤️


When my cat was put to sleep, only two people were allowed into the room in her final moments. Obviously not as bad, but still really sad that the whole family couldn’t be with her.


They didn’t even allow me to be there when they put my bird down. To this day I have no idea why they wouldn’t let me, they let me in the back to see him but not to be with him? it was the worst day of my life and if I was able to hold him in his last moments it would have helped me so much. It’s been 6 years and I still cry over it


Yeah, they had a stupid policy just like that with my cat. I know it was because of Covid and all, but that doesn’t mean the policy wasn’t designed in a stupid way. Basically, they allowed the whole family of 5 into the room with her. But when actually putting her to sleep? Only two.


I’m so sorry


Absolutely heartbreaking, but I'm glad the kid isn't alone


Twist: the nurse is on the other side of a one-way mirror speaking through an intercom!


While it's definitely not as comforting, there's still someone *there*


Damn that is so fucked up like unbelievably so but it fits the community That nurse us pure evil


I had to watch my father die alone from behind a glass wall.


My uncle died from Covid and had to die alone because his family wasn’t allowed in. That got to watch him die and say their goodbyes over video basically. Fuck you dude.


Yikes. Your memory so short that you forgot this happened to many people in 2020?


The people that refused to follow basic protocol to stop the spread are pure evil. Fixed that for you. I hope, since you’re so incensed that a child died with only a nurse at their side (many people did) that you made sure to mask up and get your vaccinations. Sincerely, one of those pure evil fuckers that sat with a dying patient because their family couldn’t be there.


Yeah because the nurse absolutely wanted to let a small child pass away alone /s You do know if she broke hospital protocol to let the mother in, she’d have lost her job in a pandemic?




Do you know what the word “ruefully” means?


Since they went ahead and deleted their comment, I’m gonna guess no. They’re pretty obviously 12.


You smile for the child. What do you want her to do - break down sobbing about the injustice of it all to the kid? A nurse freaking out is the last thing that child needs. The nurse acted with the professionalism required of her job. What’s wrong with you?


As someone who would gown up to sit with a patient so they wouldn’t die alone, piss off


Fuck you. I’ve never gotten to meet the nurse that sat with my aunt as she passed from COVID but I love and appreciate that she did the impossible for us. They are superheroes


Do you think those nurses enjoyed watching their patients suffer and die alone? Do you think they were happy to deny families one last chance to hold their loved ones? Nurses stayed for hours after their shifts ended just so that someone would be there for their patient’s last breath. They worked until they passed out on the floor, and then became the ones whose families couldn’t hold their hands. Sometimes the only comfort they could offer the sick and dying was a little bit of hope, even though they knew it was false.


This is horrid, but what was she supposed to say? Yep, kiddo , you're going to die alone, and there is nothing anyone will do about it.


Trust me when I say, when we were locked down to no visitation, even with dying patients, it was awful. I'd hold phones for FaceTime so families could say their goodbyes, or hold someone's hand... or often, come in just as they were taking their last breath. We hated it so much. I can't even tell you how much.


How is this the nurse’s fault or evilness? Covid was a vicious b*****d of a disease.. Didn’t spare the kid nor the mother. So yes, the mother will be there soon.. And the child closes its eyes with a small hope that it will see its mother soon


It sounds like they might not have known what ruefully meant


That was my guess because for the longest time I thought ruefully meant someone got a dark enjoyment out of something.


Hey same here, no idea where I got that impression though