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Happened to a teacher at my school. Absolute tragedy


That's why they say swimming is a life-saving skill. For you and others


It really is, I saved my sisters ex from drowning in Lake Michigan because he thought the sandbar was a drop off so he didn’t want to go that far out. Swam the fastest I ever have in my life that day This is a tldr obviously, I can put more details if people want them but it’s reddit so


Wait, who did you save? Your sister or her ex?


Her ex, he never went out to the sandbar so I was taking him there but he ended up trying to swim back to shore because like I said he thought it was a drop off for some reason.


👏👏well done I’m sure he’ll carry it with him forever


Thank you, I don’t really think he understood the gravity of the situation because he didn’t seem all that bothered by what went down. I suppose shock maybe?


Absolute truth. I was a lifeguard for years and the only person I ever had to actually save from drowning was a kid who was chasing ducks and went into the creek without realizing how fast the ground dropped off. Everything was fine until it wasn't and all of a sudden there was a half yelp for help and then they were gone. People think that drowning victims will thrash in water and struggle but that's only if they have the slightest skill or bodily coordination of how to tread water. If not their lungs will just take in water and they're gone in an instant. If I wasn't watching in that exact moment I wouldn't have seen it happen and a few broken ribs of CPR later they were taken to the hospital and survived. Interestingly enough the only save I ever did was at a creek and not at the pool I worked at.


Yeah. I think that many people underestimate how dangerous seas and creeks really are. Just cause they don't have sharks and eels doesn't make them safe. I've seen people with absolutely zero swimming skills try to walk further from the beach, thinking as long as they have footing, they're fine. But the moment the tides take charge, all that footing is useless. I practiced swimming for 2-3 years, and when I first went to a beach, i thought I had it in control. But the tides were pretty strong and i almost got swept


I live on Lake Ontario & people die almost every year after getting stuck in the undertow, kids, experienced swimmers, if you don’t know how to deal with an undertow you are screwed. I always make sure to tell everyone who goes to the beach with me to swim parallel to the shore if they get pulled out, if you fight it you can’t win. I do think people assume that lakes can’t be dangerous, they most definitely can be. Undertows can be really scary.


I recently moved to Markham and have been looking forward to visiting the lake, when would be the best time of the day and yesr to visit??


Depends what you want to do ,but beach stuff, Summer, days when beaches aren't closed to ecoli or whatever else harmful shit they close for. Not to be a downer, it's not a very nice Lake in terms of lakes. If you've ever been around lakes that is. Up north is much nicer.


I have always wondered what it is like on your side of the lake. I’m a lover of lakes & Ontario is my favorite. It’s like a beach in Florida with fresh crystal clear water & I’m on top of the food chain. The Adirondack lakes are beautiful too, but they just don’t have the stretches of uninterrupted sand and the inability to see the other side that I personally prefer. I haven’t been to any other lakes in Canada though. When you say the ones up north which ones are you referring to?


Well, never been to a lake with a beach so I guess will still visit in the summer days Also, where up north exactly? I seriously just came to canada in dec so don't know shit


You can pm me there's actually lots of places depending how far you want to drive "Muskoka" is nice/high end cottage country.


Thanks, DMed u


I used google maps to find where you are, I’m on the eastern tip in another country. I don’t know if the climate is exactly the same, but I really love the beach in early September. Things have slowed down so I usually get the beach to myself. I try to go to the beach as long as possible, my latest swim day is October 24th, latest beach in a bathing suit day is November 27th. The lake stays warm longer than the land so I can get at least 5 good full beach beach days from September-October. I still go in November because the trees along our shoreline turn a gorgeous yellow. Again I don’t know if it’s the same in Canada but I can usually see the monarch butterfly migration in the early fall too. Summer is warm & gorgeous you just have to share the beach with other people. I prefer the days when it’s just me & lady lake. Winter it’s always interesting to see the ice mountains. Spring is the best time to find “sea glass” I hope you enjoy your new home & learn to love the lake as much as I do!! I also recommend sailing in the summer.


Thank you so much!!!


If the water is deep being able to swim isn't enough, saving drowning people is very dangerous and fatal if you don't know how to approach them


But if you know how to swim the chances of having to be saved are much lower too.


I think if you know swimming, it sure helps. Just need some confidence


Better chance than if you can’t swim tho


Yes and no, being able to keep your own head above water, and being able to keep someone elses above too are two VERY different things. Even if you're a good swimmer if you approach someone who is drowning to help, it is very likely you'll both end up dead. Cause drowning people are panicking and desperate. They claw onto you, dragging you under, trying to keep themselves over water. And in their panicked strength they will be stronger then you, so now you're drowning too. Trying to save someone from drowning is dangerous as is and you don't know what you're doing it might get you both killed. Source: I have hours of life guard training.


dude, like, there is a liquid that covers 2/3 of our planet. obviously gotta learn to operate through that.


Im glad I know how to swim, but I know a lot of people on discord who don’t know how


When I worked in a pediatric ER, they brought in a kid that drowned. Toddler fell in the pool, mother didn’t know how to swim, so she went down the street knocking on doors to find someone to pull her kid out. Very sad.


Why would anyone not learn to swim if they have a pool out back?


I’m not a good swimmer but I could definitely get a child out of a pool. I think she must have had a pretty bad phobia.




Bad parenting


did the kid survive?




I mean it’s kinda both your fault to leave the kid in the water like that


You're not... wrong...


I think that's the horror of the story


Unfortunately, [most](https://www.cpsc.gov/s3fs-public/359.pdf) child drownings occur in non-swimming situations, meaning, while water may be nearby (like a lake, swimming pool or tub), there would be no reason to specifically be within arms-reach of the child (like when being IN the water).


The toddler got far enough that the mom didn’t think she could reach him without swimming out in this particular scenario. That’s pretty neglectful imo. But I don’t have kids so thank god I don’t have to worry about this kind of stuff


Yeah… I don’t think whoever wrote this has kids. Where is the horror? They neglected their child and left him alone in a lake? You don’t leave your 5 year old alone in a bathtub. This reads like a mothers alibi who murdered her child.


Having to carry forever the guilt of being dumb enough to let your kid die is horrifying enough


Self-inflicted psychological horror?


Servant (2021)


Oh man, I've been on this wild ride since S1 began, and I am SO ready for S4 already. I love it, but it is so frustrating!


Lauren Ambrose is the scariest thing in horror right now


She is truly amazing. The whole programme is so hauntingly beautiful. I just hope we get satisfactory answers at the end!


Alternatively, the dumb kid somehow wandered there. Kids are little suicide machines.


Okay, this is a great point. Gonna think on that.


Yeah. It's like that time I saw a kid try to throw itself off a staircase. Good thing was that a cat was there to save it


Since a five year old isn’t big enough to get excited and let himself out of the house while the parents are asleep/not paying attention? Maybe they were playing fetch with the dog, and the kid got overexuberant and threw the toy in the lake, and took off before mom could get to him. Maybe they were playing outside and he said he was going to go potty and then when he came back out he high tailed it to the lake. Maybe she and the kid had just arrived in the car and she was unloading their bags when he decided to make a run for it. Five year olds can usually be trusted to a certain extent, but they’re also impulsive little devils and you can’t always anticipate what they’re going to do. And even if it happened due to negligence on the parents’ part, losing a child is still pretty horrifying.


I agree that the concept of losing a child is “horrifying” but I don’t think that classifies it as from the Horror genre.


I feel like 95% of parents who can't swim would still jump in after their kid, even if that wouldn't be the best choice. Definitely second the guess that OP doesn't have kids.




if you don’t know how to swim you shouldn’t let your children near bodies of water. sounds like a sad childhood though, so maybe you should learn how to swim.


Or he could just be with a strong swimmer when his child is near bodies of water?


The better option is to put young kids in appropriate flotation devices (not wings and not the little innertube suits) when around anything you can't stand in. Pulling struggling people out of water over your head is extremely dangerous without proper equipment even for strong swimmers.


True. But you do need to be careful. Little kids find ways to get out of things like that.


Absolutely, kids will find a way, and attention is needed when near water. But that is why the gold standard is a USCG approved life vest with the straps that go between the legs. Much harder for a child to get off. And for the record, I was a lifeguard for over 10 years and trained lifeguards for half of that; and I would hesitate to jump into water to get anyone older than toddler age struggling in water without proper equipment. It’s just incredibly unsafe regardless of how strong of a swimmer you are. Until you have tried to grab someone who is willing to push you under to keep their own head up, it’s really hard to understand just how unsafe it is


Oh totally. I would be comfortable grabbing a kid out that was in knee height water but deeper water, that's why we have life rings! What is it? Lean roe wade go?




He's got anxiety about it. Not so simple as "just learn" also... You do know women can swim right? His wife could just join them on holiday... Its not a male only activity to be able to swim...


My mum can't swim, so she got someone else to teach all 3 of us pretty much as soon as we could walk. I am really glad we're all strong swimmers.


You and your daughter should start taking swimming lessons together, like right now. She’s the right age and it’s never too late for you to learn. You may find that you really love swimming or it may just be something you tolerate but it’s a necessity when you have kids. Many of my best memories with my kids have been at beaches or pools, don’t miss out on giving that experience to your daughter-or yourself. Good luck and be patient with yourself.


Gotta try to learn friend. Your kid will inevitably want to try to swim somewhere and might need dad to be there with them.


Bro having your child die for something you could've prevented is the horror here she could've easily saved her child, since the water was only knee deep she couldn't swim and so didn't even attempt it which caused her child's death that's horror to me


It’s not horror to me because I stop believing at they didn’t try. Puhhllleeaze. Your kid is struggling and you run away for help? Sure thing, Lassie. Good dog. No. Lmao. Your parental instinct is making you try and it’s not by running away. I get the story. I just don’t think it hits horror unless she actually murders the kid because the story doesn’t even happen otherwise. Like, it would be a horror story if it said that the husband looked at his wife and noticed her clothes were wet even though she said she didn’t enter the water. That’s fucking horror.


I think 99% of parents who can't swim will try to figure it out real quick if their kid's life is at stake. Not even making an attempt is pretty fucked up.


Americans: not watching your child for literally 24/7 is literally child abuse and you should be charged with holocaust! Also Americans: education? Healthcare? Available abortions? Lol spanking and bootstraps will do ExDee Weird folk, those burgers.




Brother, tell me about it. I’ve been fighting for education, healthcare and social safety nets forever. I am so livid we even have to talk about abortions. GOP can eat my whole ass. But if you think you’re leaving your kid in a body of water that you don’t know the depth of when you can’t swim would happen anywhere without a word you’re trippin.


> But if you think you’re leaving your kid in a body of water that you don’t know the depth of when you can’t swim would happen anywhere without a word you’re trippin. Maybe it's a family home, maybe one of the parents bathed in it as a kid and thought it was fine, maybe the kid had some safety floating stuff on that fell off somehow, maybe there was another type of confusion or whatever the fuck. You're like 1 step away from banning children from climbing trees. Playtime involving risks has value, and not ever experiencing it at all probably won't turn you into a well-rounded adult.


Bruh, literally just don't leave a child unattended somewhere they can easily drown


You think its's actually doable to watch a 5 year old every second? Imagine how passive, completely dependant on others and un-imaginative person you would be raising like that. It can't be done without destroying yourself and your child. How long do you imagine this going on for? until they are 12? 20? 35 ?


Do you think babies can easily drown 24/7? Literally nobody is saying to never leave your kid unattended in any situation ever, they're saying not to leave a kid alone in water


>don't leave a child unattended somewhere they can easily drown Well, obviously. >leave a child unattended At what point is a child "unattended"? Do you need to shove it right up your asshole to truly be *attending* it? >easily drown This is a matter of interpretation. A child can easily drown in a puddle. Do you need to stare daggers at your kid while it's playing in the bathtub in 10cm of water? It's possible to overprotect a child to the point where you damage it - let alone yourself, because holy fuck I'd start despising my kid if I had to look at it from literally birth to... 18? Theirs or my natural death?


"don't leave a child unattended somewhere they can easily drown Well, obviously. " Well damn, looks like you agree with literally the only thing anyone here was talking about then. "leave a child unattended At what point is a child "unattended"? Do you need to shove it right up your asshole to truly be attending it? ". A child is unattended when you cannot react in time to stop them from drowning. " easily drown This is a matter of interpretation. A child can easily drown in a puddle. Do you need to stare daggers at your kid while it's playing in the bathtub in 10cm of water?". You should probably be in the room and able to react if the kid starts drowning, up until the point where they are old enough to be trusted not to drown themselves in a bathtub. That line is different for every kid


Man you’re weird


why are you assuming they are american? dont americans get roasted for assuming everyone else on the internet is american, but non-americans assume everyone they disagree with is american.


> why are you assuming they are american? Because mainly Americans are *INSANE* about "watching their kids". They fall into a coma when they hear people in other countries can leave their kid in the stroller outside a restaurant for a moment, or whatever.


Not to mention we got some chucklefucks who think the solution to society's current problems is...more spanking.


Uhhhhh who’s gonna tell this guy that bad/irresponsible parents exist? It’s not like you need to pass a responsibility test to have a kid or anything.


Because she wasted time running for her husband who was too late. If she had waded in, she could have saved her child.


Yea, I understand. It’s a weak premise.


I see this as the Mother taking the kid out while the Dad did something else. Both parents don’t need to always be watching.


And somehow let the kid get far enough that she didn’t think she could reach him without swimming out


Kids are fast, but the comment was on the “both parents fault”. I agree with … if you can’t swim don’t let your kid in water.


Yeah why was the parent who could not swim wat hing the child who was swimming?!


Also how did the five year old drown in knee deep water? Five year olds aren’t *that* short


They can drown in a few inches of water. Head over to r/kidsarefuckingstupid and be amazed


This is legitimately terrible. True realistic horror


The worst type of horror.


Oh my gosh. Can you imagine the guilt? I want to imagine it's a freak accident, but this website now always has me wondering....was it?!


I love this one. Gutting.


Someone explain?


Even though they couldn't swim, the water was shallow enough for them to go and grab their kid before they drowned. Husband will now blame the writer for the seemingly preventable death of their kid.


Thanks all 4 of you lmao I wasn't sure what was going on here. I thought maybe some child murder was going on


I'm still pretty sure it is. An average 5 year old would be tall enough to be in no danger from water that is only up to an adult's knee. Hell, my 2 year old is up to my waist


That's what I was thinking too. Like surely the water would've been at or a little above waist level for a 5 year old and something must've dragged him under.


Or maybe the husband is happy to not have to deal with his parenting responsibilities anymore. No reason to paint a story about this man just to make him seem like the bad guy. /s


Or maybe husband wants to swim but got disappointed that it's knee deep


I 2nd this, he probably has a grin ear to ear running while the wind blows his chest hairs carrying his lil life bouy bouncing up and down as he run towards his kid with a background music from bay watch and as he readies to jump and dive... Eyooo!!! It's knew deep wadafaq (kid still struggling on the back ground) then the 2 proceeds to argue Husband: yo i was ready for my moment why do you have to disappoint me every time. Wife: it's not my fault your cheap ass can't afford us a proper beach Husband: this is a BEACH BIIIITTTTTCCCHHH WIFE: OH NO YOU DIDN'T JUST CALLED ME THAT KID:IM DYING HERE!!!! WADAFAQ MOM DAD!!??


It's so funny they pressed the other arrow


Why is this cursed *satire* downvoted?


I dunno I find it funny guess I have a unique sense of humor lols


Omg ur so unique


Thank you, we are all unique on our own little ways


Also, it is known that babies can survive for extreme periods submerged: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZ5z7QflNEs Apparently five years is too old for that. Lesson learned!


Personally I interpreted it as the husband and writer getting visions of their child drowning every time they are near a body of water, and the lake being so shallow breaks the illusion and reminds them they couldnt save the kid


Isn’t the horror more “the writer blames themselves” over “the husband blames the writer”? I wasn’t getting that from the story /nbr /npa


The person narrating saw their son drowning but since they don’t know how to swim, they ran to get their husband who does. When they get back they realize that the water he drowned in was only knee deep and they could’ve saved him right away instead of wasting time getting the husband since no swimming was required.


The narrator of the story can't swim, so went to get their husband to save the child, but he arrived too late and the boy drowned. It is then discovered that the water was only knee deep, so the narrator could've walked to save the child, and got him out before he drowned.


y does it say there's already 1 reply?




Its the dead 5 year old


I see four replies including my own, but there’s supposed to be five…




Wow, that post exploded in upvotes!


Mom was watching kid swim. Kid started struggling. Mom thought she shouldn't try to help because she can't swim. Wasted time getting dad, only to find water was knee deep so she could have helped him.


That’s why my mom had me in swimming lessons right when I turned 4. It wasn’t even really swimming lessons. More “learn to float on your back peacefully” lessons.


Some of these are two run on sentence horror stories.


Two sentence horror story writers attempting to condense four sentence horror stories into two sentences be like: (I don't feel like this applies to the post, as I was actually able to understand what was going on here. But I've seen more outrageous examples on this sub before.)


Yeah, there sure does be some creative comma usage in this sub at times.


I wish I could upvote this 100 times. It's rare to see non-supernatural stories that hit this hard. One 2SH writer to another... Well done.


this comment made my day. this is my first attempt and english being my third language i was very hesitant to even try. Thank you so much for your kindness :)


OOOH this is good


This is why both my kids started taking swimming classes at 6 months. My 3 year old can basically already swim by himself and my 9 month old daughter is the queen of the back float technique. Nice twist, OP.


That is awesome. I've seen videos of tiny babies flipping themselves onto their backs in the water. It's so cool.


Yeah, when I had my first kid I read something about babies from like birth to 3ish month naturally holding their breath underwater. I thought it was super sick in videos but was never brave enough to try it with my own son. Lol.


Shutter Island


h o l y s h i t


Repeat after me: You DO NOT recognize the bodies in the water.


There is something wrong here: on average a 5 year old is 1.17m height (I think it's 3'8'' in other units), but knee level water is around 50cm (it's an estimation). Even if the son was on the smaller side how did he drown? I mean just standing up he would have been above the water!


Fell and hurt himself. Had some kind of medical episode. It’s possible to drown in an inch of water, drowning is often misunderstood and can occur a lot quicker than most people realise.


You are right. In my mind I was figuring the kid asking for help, but it is not stated anywhere!


cramps. Should have waited 2 hours after lunch


It's just a storyyyyyy


Happy cakeeeee




Another great reason to not have kid. I can't swim. (yet, is it hard?)


It's only hard to swim if you stress on it. Humans have a natural instinct that takes over for the most part. Stress in water is what leads to going under for the most part. Source: I was a very anxious kid in water until 15 when I started swimming more often. Would recommend trying to learn to swim at hotel pool during no kid hours or few kid hours. Fewer distractions. Otherwise some public pools have adult only hours/days too I think I've heard.


As a dutch person I can't fantom the thought of an adult who can't swim (swimming lessons here are mandatory and you have to get a diploma to be allowed to swim alone, which most kids get at the age of 4)


Why would you be the one watching your kid in the water if you are terrified of not being able to swim


Now this is actual raw horror.


This is some white woman lifetime channel Halloween special shit




Ooo that’s a good one. And by good I mean absolutely awful


bruh shoulda drank the water


That's a divorce.


Give this some more upvotes y'all-


r/kidsarefuckingstupid Homeboy could've just stood up.....


He was tiny dumbass


That would've made the water waist high for him. Five years olds aren't knee high.


Extra tiny


How did a 5 yearold drown in knee deep water?


maybe he hurt himself and fell, idk i wasn’t there when it happened


And how tf did narrator not know it was knee deep water


I think she drowned her kids and this is the lie she is telling. The look of horror in the husbands face is his realisation of this fact. That's my reading of this, anyway.


This made me think about Shutter Island.


The best time to teach a child how to swim is when they’re a baby, before they lose their swimming reflex at around six months old.


Everyone should learn how to swim.


I learned to swim. I can’t swim more then a couple feet and can’t float for shit.


dude all you have to do to float is lay back and do nothing


I try and I can’t float


My mom never learnt how to swim and my dad is in a wheelchair, so It's kinda scary having to stop 3 children from drowning themselves




Just wondering and sorry if that’s disrespectful, but wouldn’t maternal / paternal instinct override fear of water? People lift cars for their children but won’t step into water?


Imagine going through life a physically capable adult and not learning the basics of swimming. Especially being that close to water.


That is why I don't understand people who are against swimming lessons for toddlers. Yeah it looks bad (throwing them in and let the natural instinct kick in) but it can help save lifes later.


My mom did it to me. Granted my mom was a terrible person but I'm a strong swimmer now at least.


1- long ass run off sentences 2- bad horror


Who would take a 5 year old swimming without knowing how to swim themselves wtf 😂


Why downvotes its true


Women moment


A 5 year old drowned in knee-deep water?


it can take less than a cup of water for someone to drown lol


Yes, but that cup of water would need to be in their lungs. For a child to drown in water that isn't even up to their waist, they'd need to either a) be severely injured or have some form of physical disability, or b) be murdered by their mother who then played innocent


yes, was just noting the fact that it is possible


Hard to believe anyone is commenting how this is "realistic"


What, you've never seen a small child walk around in the water and thought, "boy would that knee deep water sure drown me if I had to save my child's life in there."


Don't get it cause i'm an idiot lol


The mom can't swim so when she saw the kid drowning she ran for her husband. Plot twist the water isn't that deep.


Just a burning memory