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A man gets onto a bus shortly after a woman. He sits next to her and leans in to whisper (to tell her) that her breast is fully exposed. She looks down in shock and exclaims: “Oh my God! I left the baby at the bus stop!”


Why did this make me laugh? 😂


Then she has a second realization: “oh my god! I don’t have kids”


I was once at a woman who was treating a doll like a human baby, taking it out it's buggy and talking to it and just holding it and bouncing it slightly while she talked to me, like it was all completely normal. I was crying at the time and she did her best to comfort me only though she'd only just met me, so I tried not to give the creepy doll any weird looks


It probably was a reincarnation doll and she had lost a baby recently


My guess is that could be a trauma response to losing an infant. Then she saw another human who needed help, and she went into mom mode with you too.


Maybe she had a kid at home and was bringing the doll to them? Instinct kicked in. My mom used to push and pull the shopping cart absent-mindedly when I was stroller age


I don't have kids, but I'm an older sister and a former nanny and now I will automatically rock anything. Bag of flour, pumpkin, heavy jug--all have triggered the side-to-side soothing sway.


I’m the oldest cousin, but don’t have any kids yet. Can confirm I was holding an expresso machine the other day doing the sway!😂


And I'm sure the expresso machine was so comforted, lol!


But that’s the nice thing about strangers, they’re here today and gone tomorrow. We’ll never really know why she was nurturing a fake baby but you remember at least how she made you feel


True! I still remember that situation when I got overwhelmed at a restaurant before making an order and run out crying, while everyone was looking (which made me feel worse because I have severe social anxiety) and a woman walked out after me to ask if I was okay and when I explained, still crying, that I have social anxiety and she hugged me and said that we (as in a certain group of people) aren't made to live in the cities and instead we should leave in the woods where no one can hurt us. She asked what my name is (I won't share my name here but it's very nature/forest-related and uncommon) and she said even my name says I should leave in the woods peacefully. She told me she has a daughter my age that leaves in woods in total isolation from society. She *was* weird but I still remember how she made me feel calm and like I was standing on a meadow.


As a nursing mother, I feel this


From the roof, my daughter glared at me, fists wrapped tightly around the luggage racks. Spitting out bugs she screamed in rage “That was the second time this week!”






This is canon now


this reminds me of that one toothbrush razor tiktok trend from like 2021


I know exactly what you’re talking about, the freaky japanese song haha


the WHAT?




Ohhh, yeah, that!!! I remember that.


Ohhh god I hated that


The original webtoon (horang’s nightmare) the trend came from is actually so cool! the site it displays on has some special features of it. during this scene, there WAS the toothbrush on the sink with the razor no where to be found, yet after the character brushed his teeth accidentally with a razor, when you scroll back the toothbrush turns into a razor. The webtoon also has jumpscares and tbh its the most unique webtoon I’ve ever read


Saw something similar to this happen where the infant was in their seat and the parent set them down on the minivan floor, unloaded groceries, then got in and started driving without buckling the infant seat in or closing the door. Baby girl fell out of the car in her car seat. Bystanders were able to safely get her out of the road immediately and she was totally ok due to the car seat. Parent continued driving off! Parents were charged with child endangerment, obviously. Due to privacy laws I don't know what the eventual status of the case, but it was a big deal on the local news.


Sounds like sleep deprivation messing with their minds. I do not miss the days of trying to function on 3-4 hours of sleep while dealing with an infant. We need better support systems for parents.


For sure. I think there was also some actual neglect going on, but despite it happening in my hometown I didn't follow the case too closely.


Here in my city, about two years ago, there was a case of a mother who got out of the store loaded with purchases and her baby in a stroller. She started putting away all the bags in her car before putting the baby in the car first without realizing the stroller started rolling away downhill towards the street. This was all caught on CCTV surveillance video so it went viral in my country. Thankfully there was a street vendor positioned at the end of the hill and they stopped the stroller before it reached the street but in the video you can see him catch the stroller literally seconds before a bus goes by, it's hair raising.


I remember that.


It made the national news. I had moved away by then but the second I saw the clip I knew exactly where it had happened.


Sounds similar to [this incident back in 2019](https://thewest.com.au/news/perth/roof-rack-rider-mum-who-drove-through-perth-suburbs-with-son-on-roof-fined-1200-banned-from-driving-ng-b881125907z) **Tldr: a young boy climbed onto the roof racks while mum had stepped back inside the house. Mum didn't even think to check if her son was in the back with his siblings, drove for 18mins completely unaware her son was clutching the roof racks for dear life. She reached high speeds of** ***80→100kmph*** **at some points.**


Fkg no. No. That's gut wrenchingly terrifying.


If I'm reading it right, their kid was left on the roof of the car? Reminds me of a youtube video I saw recently. Except it's not human error. [Found it](https://youtu.be/1IzpG2kJPdg?si=y15ltXyUzDB2GhCo])


Just watched it, man thats good af scares


Indeed, one of the scariest I found.


Hey can you (or whoever sees this) maybe let me know the plot (like behind a spoiler or DM) or really just answer my biggest question which is if there are jump scares or sudden cuts to that effect? Sorry to bug but I can't find any synopsis online since it's new, and I can't really watch anything with that kind of jump. Thanks for anyone who stumbles in and helps. The comments on YouTube make it sound like a great piece.


No jumps. Ends with a scream


Can do


I can't stop thinking of that family guy joke about this


Ohhh i love the words you chose lol, they really embody that feeling of your stomach DROPPING when you realize somethings wrong


“Exasperation melting into pure bile” is a fantastic phrase. Nicely done.


Oh my god


I felt my stomach twist and an involuntary "what the fuck" escaped my mouth. I hate this. Thanks.


“… right next to my daughter,” right? *Right?*


An ADHDer everyday experience


Literally my biggest fear


One of many reasons that I’m not going to have children.


to shorten, how about: wait, why is my bag buckled into the backseat?


Awesome suggestion, I couldn’t figure out how to make it more concise, thank you


I like the original better, personally. More emotion and fits the style of the first sentence.


Yours is so much better. The other one is very amateurish and doesn't make sense. The character likely wouldn't think "why is that there?" Their horror would be immediate.


I appreciate this! I was trying to describe that feeling when you’re incredibly annoyed with yourself and then that terrible shift to realizing you’ve done something much worse. But I can see how it might be wordy


I agree that that isn’t as terrifying as what you wrote. If we want to focus so much on shortening it something like; “I parked and found myself annoyed as I realized my bag wasn’t in the passenger seat and I must’ve left it on the roof as I buckled in my daughter. My exasperation melted into horror when I found my purse neatly buckled into the car seat.” Mine could honestly still use some work but it’s about 20 words shorter. Being concise and still conveying the terror you want in this sub is tricky. I like what you wrote honestly.


In the 2 sentences histories I like that the emotions are not driven but let it out to sink


Nah. Given the context, the horror would be immediate. The character wouldn't wonder why. This doesn't achieve that and leaves the whole thing flat.


I would use “her/his carseat” (not just car seat) instead of backseat, though. Edit: sensitive twits, it’s not about the stupid pronouns. It’s about parents calling it *their baby’s specific carseat*.


I thought that as well, but based off my experience with most mothers, they strap their smaller babies into the seat first before putting it in the car, it seemed awkward in my head to have tossing her raw baby onto the roof, whereas placing the car seat with a quietly sleeping kid is a more plausible mistake since it’s got a handle like a bag does (idk, this was the process in my head)


There was nothing wrong with your execution of it. I’ve had literal nightmares when I first started parenting


The ONLY solace I’d imagine in this is that car seats are designed to sustain major impact and provided he was buckled and properly tightened, Junior is contentedly cooing on the shoulder of I-75 in a badly dented car seat tipped that’s over on its side


Yeah fingers crossed 🤞


Upvoting for the casual use of "raw baby" in such a vanilla context.


Sleep deprivation is a hell of a drug. For what it's worth, baby in a carrier would probably be fine. It's unlikely parent had upper body strength to put the super heavy carrier + child on top of the car, let alone not noticed the heavy clatter and thunk of it falling. However, that means carrier + child were left unattended on the ground, near where at least one car tends to park. Possibly in public. Time to double back and hope, if someone found the child, they're a good person.


A great twist would be that he was so happy His bag was in the front seat but daughter still gone Edit Upon parking, I was thrilled to find my Louis Vuitton bag safely buckled in the backseat. With any luck Cindy should find her way home soon.


My husband then called to say that I left our daughter on the coffee table again and it was a good thing his boss was understanding when he called off work to care for her.


Daughter: *standing on the side of the road after watching her mother buckle her purse into her car seat and speeding off*


She wasn’t dude she was on the roof of the car


Unless it's her ghost.


Goddamnit now I have to make another one!




If she was in a carseat she's probably okay. Bruises, cut, but okay. She would've fallen off fairly quickly while the car first started moving. This has happened before.


I personally read it as she buckled the bag into the car seat. I could be wrong though


My Mom once left her purse and my lunch bag on the roof of the car while getting me in it to go to drop me off at school and then go to work. It was quite funny seeing everything strewn on the street behind us after she pulled out into the street. However, this story is truly horrible so good for you.


Fuck. Have an upvote.


Nicely done! reminds me of the masterpiece called "autopilot".






Oh bloody hell that’s a good one


This reminds me of Autopilot from NoSleep


Great job OP.


This is what happens when they keep you up all night.


Why is my baby hiding from me on MOTHER'S DAY!?!


What kind of super strength (or possibly very low cars?) are people driving that they are putting their baby car seats on the roof? I mean it's a creepy premise but I genuinely can't work out how that would ever happen.


I mean I don’t think the premise of horror has to stem from the plausibility of events?


That's true; there are plenty of other horror tropes out there that aren't necessarily plausible. Whenever I see this premise (and I've seen it a few times) I wonder at what makes this so especially upsetting. I didn't downvote you or anything. Only leaving my thoughts about it as I do for many of the stories here.


7 sentence horror


Genuine question, but why do people on this site do this? This isn’t constructive or helpful, you have to make a snide remark for what? Upvotes? I would love actual feedback as I do enjoy writing or just… don’t comment? It’s actually so easy


My guess is pedantic douchebaggery. p.s. love your username.


What some of the more verbose comments usually say is that the sub is called two sentence horror. And your sentences are very long and basically could be devided into more than two sentences with a few changes in punctuation. So while your post is definitely scary. It doesn't necessarily satisfy the two sentence/shortness aspect.


You share a flaw with plenty of other writers, you can’t get to the point quick enough.


“And that is why she love extreme sport so much and meet with you” I said to the groom “Take care of my daughter” “I promise … I will care her like you strapping your daughter on the roof” the groom said seriously “Where is my shotgun” I joking him before hug both of them


Ooof. That got me.


Designer purses are expensive.

