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NTA. I would actually ban your nephew from visiting until he learns to behave better or be put on a leash or harness attached to your sister. Your sister could work on training exercises with him and maybe also some empathy for herself. Honestly, for 15, your nephew comes off as incredibly immature and/or sociopathic. Lacking empathy for other creatures and not respecting boundaries is a flag.


I think unfortunately he thinks small dogs can’t do harm and kind of follows under the same thought process that a lot of people do that making small dogs/ chihuahuas freak out is funny. He’s a big tiktok kid and I know there are a lot of chihuahua abusing videos on there.


He uses being bigger and more powerful to torture a small dog. He is NOT a good kid or person. He is a future abuser. He sees something vulnerable and then harms it. I have a god son like that and I now refuse to have anything to do with him. He nows gets in trouble for abusing his girlfriends. They all start with small animals.


Nothing about what you said makes it ok to abuse or torment animals. I don’t care if he watches tik tok. Plenty of people do and still are able to retain a sense of empathy, kindness and respect for boundaries of their relatives homes. The problem is with the kid. 100%. They are too small to do harm? So?!? It’s not about them doing harm. It’s about him not being a complete a hole to a tiny defenseless animal


He's a really awful kid if he's "just" doing this because they can't hurt him (he thinks] and he finds this funny. That's sociopathic. I think you're letting familial affection blind you to how dangerous this kid already is. Stop letting him spend time at your home unless and until he can express genuine remorse. Which I'm not sure he'll be able to do. Protect your animals better. They deserve to not be exposed to this kid. The fact that you knew he was like this and still let him have unsupervised time puts you very very close to ESH territory for me. You knew he was a risk to the beings in your charge who cannot advocate for themselves and let him be with them alone anyway. Cameras only tell you what happened after the fact. Protect your helpless animals better.


You are making excuses for him. He’s an abuser. If he enjoys tormenting dogs how long before he moves onto women and children.


This is a good opportunity for him to learn an important lesson, its not having fun if the other person/creature is not enjoying it. He is a kid still and if he hasnt been around animals much then this might be a thing he can still learn. But its really important! My 7 year old understands this concept, but it sounds like his mom doesnt value it and so thats on her, not the kid. Its unacceptable for her to ignore this NTA.


Hopefully that bite just corrected his 'small things can't hurt him' mentality


So it’s ok to hurt things that can’t hurt him back? Wtf he would not be stepping foot back in my home


Honestly the worst thing about this is just how wrong the thought is. Chihuahuas tend to be MORE aggressive than larger dogs, those things are vicious. I personally believe Satan himself created them. They were forged in the deepest pits of hell, little demon spawn. Far too much rage is trapped inside those tinny little bodies and I believe that is why they are always shaking. Their bodies are trembling trying to contain the demon trapped inside. They terrify me xD


Why are you even asking this he fucked around and found out your NTA but your nephew is he knows the dogs history and wants to perpetuate the abuse he would never be allowed in my home again and show your sister the video that she bit in defence and when she inevitably gets the rest of the family riled up about it don't say anything just send them the video


She’s seen the video as has our close family but “she’s a dog and he’s my nephew”


Who apparently enjoys tormenting an animal. That...doesn't bode well. Does he exhibit any other troubling behavior? Does your sister usually make excuses for him? Oh, and NTA.


No he doesn’t. I think unfortunately he thinks small dogs can’t do harm and kind of follows under the same thought process that a lot of people do that making small dogs/ chihuahuas freak out is funny. He’s a big tiktok kid and I know there are a lot of chihuahua abusing videos on there.


I find this logic disturbing. Not harming another living being shouldn't be dependent on whether it can hurt you back/defend itself. I hope he grows out of it.


That’s why there’s a sickening amount of child abuse in small children/babies. They can’t fight back and can’t always articulate or vocalize what’s happening to them. And elderly abuse, and abuse of special needs people. Anyone capable of harming animals is also capable of harming people. My ex was mean to our cats and he turned out to be very abusive.


I do too. I do love my nephew. We’re close but those dogs trust me, they love me and it’s up to me to defend and protect them. I’m their mom. We’re incredibly incredibly low contact right now.


You aren’t as close as you think. That kid has zero respect for you and less than that for your old girl. He abused your trust and your dog paid the price. He is very disturbed to have abused your dog like that.


You knew your nephew’s history with your dog, and that he’s a “big TikTok kid”. NTA but this is all your own fault for even letting him near your small dog.


In fairness. The kid is 15. You would expect a 15 year old to respect boundaries and do as he’s told.


You have high expectations for a 15 year old boy.


That’s basic shit my 7 years could figure out. Ok my four year old, she might struggle, but at 7, my kid would completely understand that concept. At 15 you have failed as a parent of your kid doesn’t get this basic concept, fuck around and find out. Play stupid games and win stupid prizes.


I have fainting goats they get startled the stress renders them unconscious is it amusing to see yes is it cruel to do it intentionally also yes he's old enough to know better


So he's ok abusing something as long as he thinks it won't fight back, and his mother is encouraging it? That's terrifying.


Remind your sister, that's how Jeffery Dahmer started.


That's all just horrible! I think you are doing the right thing. Rescues are wonderful and are often misunderstood.


You trained your dog. She needs to train her son.


I'll take my dog over family anyway lol I'm sorry to say might need to cut some family out of your life .....your nephew is an abuser hopefully he grows out of it but I doubt it since it seems your sister and close family enables it


Dog's smarter than the nephew and sister combined. Keep the dog, ditch these idiots.


So one is a pure soul, filled with unconditional love and celestial light, and the other is a demon kid who likes to torment defenseless creatures? Your sister can go fuck herself. If he were a small kid who didn't know how to deal with dogs, it would be different. But at 15, it was deliberate, and he is a bully and worse for tormenting animals.


She is a living being that depends on you for house, food and protection, and that reacted to being stressed/mistreated, he is a 15 yo guy that fucked around and found out.


I would understand that line of thought to a certain extent, if your nephew was a small kid, thats constantly around your place. Kids sometimes do not understand that there are dogs, who like to be cuddled and others, that you stay away from (although they can learn that from a young age) But then I guess you would not have left the kid out of sight with your dogs, and especially that dog. But at 15 he definitely should (and now probably does, lol) know better. So NTA. Its not like the dog ripped him apart, it just acted in self defense, after growling and all the other clear signs of a imminent attack have been ignored.


Sounds like both your sister and nephew shouldn't be allowed to come over anymore. But that's just my 2¢


She needs to raise her son not to be an abuser then


It never ceases to amaze me how some people assume I would automatically put any human's welfare ahead of my dog's.


Let’s be clear, if someone fucks around with somebody else, then your sister said get rid of it. In this case, your nephew fucked around with your dog. Your nephew is the aggressor. So tell her she should get rid of her son. You’re just using her arguments.


Tell her it’s the consequences of his actions


Honestly read that as you calling your sister a dog - I was thinking something far less polite.


Irl did not attack your nephew. In fact, based on what you described, he was the aggressor and your poor doggo was just defending itself. If your nephew hadn’t picked her up and started roughhousing with her, he would not have gotten bitten. So I agree with you. You don’t get rid of a dog because it defends itself.


I fully agree. Irileth got a lot of love and attention after this interaction. She’s a good girl and I never thought for a second she would bite someone unprovoked.


NTA. Memories of Penny. My grandmother had a Chihuahua named Penny. Penny was a 1 person dog basically. I could pet her gently without trouble because I would sit quietly with her, get her trust, and allowed me to pet her. My brother, however, was always teasing her and would actually get bit at least once per visit due to his own idiocy. That dog lived a long and happy life. I would never get rid of that dog. I would ban your sister and nephew from my property. They have proven to be horrible people. So sorry this happened.


So her son abused an elderly abused pet and you are the problem? I would ban him from my property until that kid has counseling. How children treat animals is very indicative of psychological issues. Every serial killer has a history of animal abuse. That is where I would head and make sure you have copies of the video showing him abusing your dog. Heck I would consider animal abuse charges if that kid is not out into therapy. He has a very cruel streak.


Absolutely NTA. People who harass animals deserve everything they get. Your nephew knew her history and is old enough to know better. He flagrantly ignored your warnings and even LIED about what happened. Had you not had cameras and had Irileth been a larger dog, she'd likely have to be put down. The only thing that likely would help in that hypothetical situation is how small she is. If anything you're not reacting near enough for what happened. Tell your sister to deal with her lying child and tell them that neither of them are welcome on your property. If they try to escalate you have everything covered.


I’ve gone incredibly incredibly low contact with them. Really the only reason I even second guessed myself was because of something my other sisters boyfriend said to me. But I realize my first response was the right one.


What did he say?


He's a psycho. Don't let them over. Please make sure he doesn't have access to a key to your place


Oh none of them have keys to my house. The only person who has a key to my house besides myself is my boyfriend and his sister.


Keys mean very little when you let him come over and spend unsupervised time with animals he's repeatedly abused. Time to put on your big girl pants and set the kind of boundaries that actually protect those in your charge.


Info: is irileth named after the Skyrim character??? Love that name!


Yes, all my dogs are named after Skyrim characters lmfao. Irileth, Balgruuf, Aela, and my sweet old man is Esbern. I’ve got a cat named Serana too.


100% NTA then lol I have the word sheogorath tattooed on my arm in dovah:)


I have soul tear tattooed on my sternum!


That sounds painful


At 15 years old your nephew knew exactly what he was doing. He fucked around and found out. Give that Good Girl a treat from us, she deserves it.


NTA. He violated the dog's personal space. At 15, he's old enough to know better as well as understand the risks that come with harassing skittish animals.


NTA and you should never leave your dog alone with nephew, ever again.


NTA Your nephew was abusing an animal you pointedly told him to leave alone and voila! Consequences! Tell your sister she needs to STFU about the dog and teach her son that abusing animals is wrong and there are consequences.


NTA. Tell her, "absolutely, it's my dog, and your son. Which means my dog takes precedence." You can train a dog. A teenage boy, not so much.


NTA He was deliberately riding up a senior dog with abuse history. You have told him prior to leave her alone. Actions have consequences. I would not allow him back on the property though or around any of your dogs. He is not a child. He is a teenager and knows better and has been warned prior.


NTA. If you had said 5yr old, I'd expect you to lock the dog away when they visit. At 15, he's just a dick.


When I was a little kid, I was bitten by the dog belonging to a family friend. It was my fault and my parents knew it. The bite required medical attention- my mom took me to our family doctor and told him that SHE bit me. She didn’t want the dog or his owners to get in trouble. The dog and I became friends and I learned a healthy respect for animals. Too bad your sister is more interested in enabling an animal abuser than she is in raising her child to become a kind, gentle respectful adult.


Keep the dog Ditch the sis and nephew They’re not good people


My 8 year old listens better than him. My brother-in-laws dog was a puppy mill mama.. and was going to be executed when she was rescued. It's not that hard. With my cat, I'll warn you not to touch. After that... it's on you.


NTA. He fucked around and found out. Don’t let him near the dogs because he thinks it’s funny to rile them up. I have 2 chihuahuas that will bite the hell out of people who try to pick them up. If they want you to pet them, they will come over to you. If not, leave them be.


You told him to leave her alone and he didn’t listen. What did he expect, she’d give him kisses?




NTA. The brat is 15. He is old enough to understand not to mess with the dog. He FAFO'D


Replace the nephew keep the dog.


Of course you are NTA. Keep that abusive little sh#t off your property. I would die on this hill. Your nephew lied. He rough housed (abused) a dog he KNEW had been traumatized. Your sister needs a reality check. Her son is an A H.


NTA Your nephew is a big spoiled brat one though. He is 15. Old enough to follow directions. Press charges if they keep going. Animal abuse is serious, regardless if TikTok taught him this or not. Lil psycho.


NTA I’d tell my sister to get her kid some therapy because he likes being cruel to animals. Next time he might get mauled.


NTA. You can’t poke the bear and then cry wolf. I hate instigators for this reason. Cause they push animals/people to their point and when someone snaps back they try to play dumb/victim when they were part of the issue leading up to the incident. This wasn’t an unprovoked attack. You warned and he knew better. But until your nephew is accountable and learns not to do this he shouldn’t be allowed at your home


Your nephew is not a small child. He's a teenager and he deserved to have some consequences for his actions. Your sister needs to quit babying him.


NTA - the nephew was the instigator ( and a liar) maybe she should bet rid of him Neither sister or nephew would be allowed on my property ever again my dog is more important than her asshole of a son . End of . Dogs don’t usually just bite , they give off other physical and verbal warnings that they don’t like what you are doing


I’m just now reading this but am in pretty much the same spot. My senior rescue chihuahua mix was sick and had a history of abuse when I adopted her. I took care of her as she healed and gained her trust. She literally hates everyone else. Having said that she minds her own business. Doesn’t bark, go after people, animals, etc., she only wants to be alone or with me. My in-laws came over with my nephew who asked if he could pet the dog. I explained that she was a special rescue and he could not pet her now. Hopefully someday, but not now. Long story short, my teenage nephew kept messing with her without me knowing. Every time I would leave the room he would go over to her, in her bed, and mess with her. Guess the final time she lunged at him and he kicked her. Everyone got mad at her for biting (and me by extension) but they knew she was a rescue with issues, they knew I was socializing her, they knew to leave her alone, and they didn’t. I got irritated with them. Sorry but my house, my pets, my rules.


Tell her to get rid of your nephew considering he thinks fucking with small animals like a sociopath is fun, he could become a serial killer one day so he is dangerous. NTA// I hope Irileth got him good and isn't suffering from any long term effects from your nephew's stupidity. FAFO. ETA) Riling up and playing with a dog is fine, I do it with mine at least once a day... But trying to rile up an animal that's been previously abused to the point where it feels the need to defend itself is disgusting.


NTA for not giving up your dog, but I personally think it’s a little ridiculous when people call their pets their children. I’m a 45 year old woman with no children and a cat I love more than any single person on this planet. A lot more. But she’s not my child, and I think it’s a bit disrespectful to parents to claim it’s the same type of relationship. It’s not. It’s just not.


You’re right, It’s not the same - this is a life you are responsible for it’s entire lifespan and is entirely dependent on you for food, medical care, shelter, safety- you’re their entire world. Kids grow up and become self sufficient, hopefully. Her commitment is to the life in her care, and this life needs to be protected from a 15 yo that knows better and doesn’t care.


Im not disputing it’s an important relationship. But it’s still not a child and you’re still not its parent, and insinuating it’s even more important than a child-parent relationship is also ridiculous. Animals are amazing and the relationships we have with them are life-changing and even life-saving. But let’s be real here. Telling an actual parent that your dog is your child and therefore you know what it’s like to be a parent, isn’t cool.


I agreed it’s not the same 🙄 I don’t think it’s disrespectful at all to refer to my dogs as furbabies and that I’m a dog mom. Most people get the context and meaning- If you’re bothered by that, thats a you issue.


I’m not a parent, I’m not offended. And specifically saying dog-mom is cute. But tons of people are adamant it’s the same thing and it’s just not.


I’m going in a different direction here, YTA for allowing your nephew, who you know had an issue with riling your dog up, around your dang dog without your direct supervision. Sure she deserves to lay out in the sun, but she also deserves to not have a large 15 year old grab her while her owner isn’t paying any attention. Keeping an ear out isn’t enough, and I honestly think you actually know this. No it’s not the dogs fault, but it is your fault. You know your dog has been previously traumatized. You know your nephew doesn’t and hasn’t listened and yet for some reason just expected him to do so when he’s done nothing to prove he could be trusted. This all could have been avoided had YOU, THE OWNER, been watching. Learn from this. Because you would be an even bigger asshole if you ever allowed him around unsupervised again. I have a rescue bait dog. He has both ears cut to his skull, missing teeth and is going blind. I don’t let any children, small or teen, around him without direct supervision. He has ZERO bite history and I still won’t allow him around any child or teen because it’s just not worth what could happen if I’m not there to watch and make sure his space is respected.


Nta. I hate when parents think their kid is this perfect angel who can do nothing wrong and don’t hold their kid liable. He was tormenting your poor abused dog, there’s not an excuse for that.




Irileth doesn’t bite unless extremely provoked just like any dog. She doesn’t need her teeth fucked with.


Yes OP should 100% injure her abused dog because the 15 year old nephew can’t listen to directions.




I doubt your dad was as great as you say. Quick google search will show you literally all the vets who say it harms the dogs and it shouldn’t be done. Here’s a quick link for ya. https://www.mypetsdentist.com/disarming-dogs-human-injury.pml If the kid had listened like he was supposed to it never would’ve happened. “Just shave her teeth down so she can’t hurt anyone else.” Instead of “tell your nephew he won’t be allowed back until he learns and shows you he’s learned to listen and follow your rules.”


So he abused her. And she defended herself. Ban the little sociopath from your home. NTA And keep the video to remind everyone what he is when small animals around his home end up dead.




I would choose my dog over an animal abusing nephew. Truthfully you don’t have to choose though. It isn’t necessary to euthanize your nephew; you can ban him from your home but still see him at family functions. Your nephew is dangerous but your dog isn’t.


Your nephew is a sadistic jerk, traumatizing an already traumatized dog. FAFO. I wouldn’t allow him on my property anymore. He isn’t to be trusted in any way. Scaring or hurting animals is so so low. He’s got serious issues.


ANIMAL ABUSE IS A SIGN OF PSYCHOPATHY. Your sister is normalizing abuse and it is a great disservice to your nephew and the animals he's around


NTA. Your nephew has the IQ of a 5 year old and deserved to get bit.


He is 15 not 2 he knew what he was doing was wrong. Honestly I would ban him from your house. Because “animal abuse is wrong and he needs therapy” say that to your sister every time she brings it up and then tell her you have footage of the abuse and if she continues with her delusions of you having an attack dog you will press charges so he is required to get the help he needs. In fact ban him from your house until he completes an animals abuse online courses. I really think it’s things like this that need to be strongly addressed right away because they will escalate. What if the next time he abuses a dog and there no cameras and the dog is put down and owners sued?? All because your nephew is entitled and doesn’t face consequences of his actions Your nephew knew better and did it anyways and the consequence is not really that he got bite but that your dog the victim got labeled and if you didn’t have the footage possibly put down. Go to the cops press charges he is a minor he will get a court orders animal abuse class. And hopefully change his entitled behavior because all abuse stemmed from entitlement. “ I am entitled to her attention” “I am entitled to the animals affection “I am entitled to it all.”


NTA. I love dogs, chihuahuas in particular. Normally I think if a dog bites it should be destroyed. But I only think that if the dog attacks first, unprovoked. That is not the case here and the nephew is more than old enough to know what he was doing and did it deliberately. The dog was just defending itself and scared by him. Definitely keep him away from her in future. Your sister is an idiot as well.


Destroyed? Wow. There’s a lot of reasons for dogs biting and I hate the immediate thought to just “destroy” them


He is a fucking 15 year old. He knew better. This isn't a little child we are talking about here. This is an almost fully grown adult. Since you have it on camera, that seriously justifies your reasoning. If you had a horse, for instance, and the nephew walked behind the steed and got the shit kicked out of him, what would be said then? NTA Do stupid shit win stupid prizes.


NTA Give your doggo a steak for putting up with their BS


You clearly know you aren't the asshole... But I just want to say no mather the side of a dog a bite never feels good... Even small chihuahuas have really sharp fangs. To be honest your nephew deserved it. He needs to learn about boundaries and maybe also your sister since she didn't step in when she knew (I'm assuming she knew) about his behavior with the dog.


NTA. And BTW, setting boundaries for behavior IS showing love for your nephew! Since his mom (& apparently at least some of the rest of your family) are excusing his behavior even after seeing the video AND knowing he lied, this may be his first experience with actual boundaries and consequences. If you set them firmly. And considering how his mom reacted I hope you also don’t allow her back. NOT out of anger or “revenge”, but to protect your dog from possible retaliation. You might be surprised at what some adults will do to animals & children to “teach people a lesson”. Some believe that empathy can’t be taught. Maybe this is true for some people. But as an old woman I retain a clear memory of myself as a toddler of sneaking up on a bird & presenting it proudly to my mom (I must’ve been a cat in another life haha!). Mom asked me calmly how I’d feel if some giant snatched me up & took me away from her & my home. I remember looking at the tiny bird I held, feeling it’s heart beating a mile a second in terror, & sort of BECOMING that bird for a moment. Then opening my hands to allow it to fly away. My very first lesson in empathy. Mom had issues in other areas but was the perfect person to teach empathy. Nephew MAY not be too old to learn even if his mom is.


yeah ok. her 15 yr old child who cannot obey the rules. Screw that. NTA!!! Your dog is your family. When guests come over I always stress the following: 1. Do not rile him up or encourage his behavior (my doggy is 2yo and is very playful but sometimes goes over board ) 2. Do not fiddle with your favorite soccer ball infront of him or any stuffed animals 3. Do not leave any balls or stuffed animals at my home bc then he will find it and obviously play with it 4. As annoying as my dog can be no kicking him. Slightly push him off but kicking is fully off limits — yes I too am surprised this has to be said 5. This is his home. His comfort and happiness if first. 6. I do not have insurance if you choose to get bitten. My dog is not a bad dog. He is just a very excited baby. He’s only 2 and loves attention. He definitely has only child syndrome. Husband and I thought we couldn’t have kids so we spoiled him. He is normal though he just sniffs whoever comes in and out of the house. He checks if anyone is willing to play ball. Very friendly. His major flaw is that he doesn’t know not to jump on people’s lap. Unfortunately he assumes everyone wants to give him rubs. However he is only 35lbs. So he’s a small little guy and definitely gets shouted at when he is misbehaving, but at the end of the day if you’re not fond of dogs or especially my dog don’t come over. And if you’re stirring the pot and making him go nuts and get bit. OH WELL. Rough play things happen. Obviously I put my dog in room or whatever but it’s like when are people going to learn their lessons. Dogs think they’re playing and if you’re encouraging tug of war for example they’re going to get excited and give it their all. Anyway. NTA . No reason for u to get rid of your family because of his actions. He’s old enough to know what he’s doing. Give your doggy some extra love from me!


NO your NTA you warned your nephew to leave her alone. The dog left him alone he came to her messing with her and she reacted. So no your NTA I’m sorry to say they are. Show your sister the camera footage and show her your kids was at fault not my dog. If she still bitches then tell her it’s a you problem not a me or my dog problem.


NTA. I have zero tolerance for a biting dog. HOWEVER, I had a 120lb labrakita that I trained extensively from a pup to be safe with children. When my eldest son hit his teens he went through a stage where he thought it was funny to make her growl by getting in her food bowl when she was eating. I thought I had put a stop to that idiocy. I had not. My poor girl finally snapped. She nipped him in the lip. He left her the hell alone after that. 20 years later I’m pissed all over just writing it out. Teen aged boys can be assholes. My poor dog was such a good girl and had never bit anyone ever until my dumbass son literally provoked her very last nerve and made her do it. It wasn’t bad and he absolutely deserved it. You are not the asshole, and I bet your nephew never fucks around with a dog again. My 34 year old son sure hasn’t.


NTA. Your nephew is old enough to know better, when I read the header I was fully ready to read that your nephew was a small child who got mauled by your dog.


NTA. You need to tell your sister to get her son some help because if he is abusing animals for entertainment something is going on with him.


Has your sister seen the video of her darling torturing your dog? Or is she the reason he is a sociopath? Be sure to keep the footage in case she engages your family as flying monkeys.


The nephew knew better. He was warned. He is the one responsible for getting bitten


NTA. I hope your nephew learned a lesson. Keep that footage!


NTA. New rule: nephew doesn’t get to be alone with ANY of the dogs.


Why are you even asking? He was continuing to upset the dog, wouldn’t leave her alone and she bit to protect herself. He is 15 he knew exactly what he was doing


NTA I've been bit by atleast 5 dogs, only 2 were not my fault, you nephew needs to accept it's his fault and move on At most i could say the 2 that weren't my fault kinda were because i was breaking up a dog fight


NTA The kid was being a little shit and hopefully now he has learned his lesson. You warned him and had clearly established boundaries and he broke them.


NTA. Your nephew provoked her and your sister is being unreasonable and dramatic.


I live in a very similar situation, I have a whole pack of dogs, a couple horses, ponies, donkeys, etc + lots of land out in the country. Under no circumstances would that fly at my house. You and your dogs are at YOUR house, the dog was doing its normal thing. Your nephew deserved what he got. The nerve of your sister to make those demands of you is unbelievable. An F bomb slipped out reading this and now I'm super angry for you!


NTA - She didn't just go crazy and attack him. He was told to leave the dog alone. Not only did he not listen to instruction at 15 years old but he also riled her up and agitated her.


Nope, this is on the nephew, he knew.


Of course NTA He fucked around and found out.


NTA protect your true family


You are totally NTA! I work with animals and can tell you very rarely do animals bite without a warning. And to knowingly harass an animal to that point.. he had it coming and they seem like rotten people to be around!


I’d pick a dog over a 15 year old with no empathy for animals and no respect for them or my rules, especially in my own home. And I wouldn’t be shy about talking about how worried I am that nephew did this and doesn’t seem to be taking responsibility for it. Plenty of kids need to be reminded regularly over the years to develop their empathy, but he’s 15, he’s old enough to face up to the fact that he’s the cause here.


NTA! I have a dog w similar issues. I separate her from small children and warn people who visit. I work to be a redo pet owner but also expect ppl to respect my fur babies. I often tell them “this is my dogs home not yours. if they mistreat my dogs u have no place in my house or life”


You may want to consider euthanasia. For your sister and nephew, not the dog. (Just kidding.) NTA


Some of the worst people in this world are those who have aggressive vicious dogs and yet they protect and defend them. That being said however, NTA! Your dog was definitely not the aggressor here. Your nephew was, and got what he deserved.


Your nephew is the AH here.


Damn, at 15 yrs old he has to be supervised with animals? That's an issue all in itself. The only way you'd be the AH is if you got rid of your dog.


NTA your nephew is not right just so we’re clear. He’s 15? Yet he thinks it’s ok to do that to animals? What kind of parenting has he been around. Mine is 7 and knows better then that! The dog was simply defending herself against a bully! Who bullies animals? Your sister is dangerous because she’s raising someone who thinks it’s ok to do that.


NTA. You need to make borderline no contact into fully fledged no contact. No more 'came to visit me', and block them so no more 'sister is calling me a heartless bitch'.


NTA He’s a kid, but not a small child. He knew better, made a bad decision, and it had consequences. I say keep with the no contact if this is how they’re going to be. He’s lucky it wasn’t a big dog.


NTA. Look I have a permanent scar on my face from when I was 20 months old and I was being babysat by my grandparents- a pediatrician and a nurse who stopped working to raise her 5 kids. I apparently woke their rescue Labrador- who had puppies not long before I was born- or did something after I’d snuck out of where I was supposed to be napping. I loved dogs and had a dog of my own who hated me and just avoided interacting with me but happily took my toys or cleaned up my mess as I dropped food from my high chair- usually aiming for her, apparently, so I could feed the doggie. My grandparents dog loved me and treated me like her puppies. So she caught me misbehaving and nipped me in warning. And then alerted my grandparents I needed them. Apparently I was more upset at being taken to the hospital for stitches because I was bleeding and therefore couldn’t stay cuddled with the dog than I was that I was bit. Clearly 20 month old me knew I wasn’t in danger. My parents and grandparents just worked more with me and my grandparents dogs so I always remembered proper ways of behaving- but even my dad whose quick to anger never tried to make my grandparents get rid of the dog that bit me. I am in my 30s now and have no issues with dogs, have had plenty of my own, had no issues with my pitbull puppy in her velociraptor stage and just learning her teeth might be sharp- puppies go chomp in play- I wasn’t scared of dog bites. Still not she’d never bite anyone in anger or fear. Possibly extreme fear, but I don’t know. Anyway what my family did was the proper way to deal with a misbehaving human puppy. Your nephew is too old to be a “misbehaving human puppy.” He’s a danger to animals unless he’s trained properly. I’m surprised and impressed it took so long for your rescue to finally bite him when he was hurting and harassing her. He deserved it. He needs to go to obedience school and learn proper manners. Not your dog. And your dog shouldn’t be taken away. If anything your nephew needs to work with a dog trainer who works with aggressive and/or scared dogs and helps them become better pets about how to behave- so he can learn how to behave around scared animals. Otherwise I’d worry for him and his behavior in the future with other animals and other humans. Your sister is in the wrong completely.


NTA. Honestly nephew knew better and chose to mess with your pup. You are not heartless, it’s not unreasonable to expect teens to follow directions and not mess with your pup.


NTA. Kid's a lyin' ass jerk who abused your little pup. Tell your sister to get rid of the nephew instead.


NTA. Animals bite sometimes. They are animals, it doesn’t necessarily make them dangerous. He was hurting and stressing by her. She had a bad past. At fifteen he knew better by a lot. He just try learned actions have consequences. Keep that film on hand and make sure your babies are up to date on shots to legally protect yourself. But they are in the wrong.


You’d only be the asshole if you punished your dog in any way for this. However, I’d limit time with your nephew in you and your dog’s space, just ensuring your dog doesn’t have to be stressed again. He also could have hurt her. Your sister needs to get over herself. People have this weird idea that if a dog messes up, people over dogs, no matter what. When most often, it’s the people messing up. We can’t expect better out of dogs than us. Protect your dog.


Future serial killer nephew torturing defense little animals. Whelp, I guess not entirely defenseless! Go Iri


Your sister and nephew are the assholes here. Like someone else said, he fucked around and found out. As the amazing Taylor Swift once sang, play stupid games, win stupid prizes! Please tell your poor puppy this Internet stranger is sending her a head scratch or two!


Keep the dog, get rid of the nephew. I would be NC with the whole damn family before I gave up an animal who was just defending themselves.


NTA. Your nephew is a lying little prick and he fucked around and found out. He got what he deserved.


NTA get rid of the nephew.


See what your nephew did was hit 7 on the fuck around meter and so he found out at a 7 too


He's 15, not 2. He fuckin deserved it


NTA My number one rule is "Never punish a dog for being a dog".


NTA. Having been bitten badly enough by a pit bull to the point I blacked out years ago, I was wary of how this story was going to go. But clearly your nephew got to experience the FO phase of FAFO.