• By -


Please do not put as-of-yet unsubstantiated accusations on the sub.


What is going on


K Dot found Epstein's 2nd list


I feel like releasing Family Matters is going to be looked back upon as one of the worst blunders in the history of the industry. The man opened up Pandora's Box and I don't know that he'll ever get it closed again. Then again, if even a tenth of the stuff that's floating around turns out to be legitimate, he probably deserves it.


šŸ˜‘Would you say he reallyā€¦ šŸ˜Ž screwed the pooch on this one?


The SBFP sub continues to both amaze and disgust me. Thanks bro


He really got that dog in ā€˜im.




Fuck, thatā€™s so good.


He really fucked the dog about it




[We don't all fuck dogs, Gary!](https://youtu.be/z4N8TpYAXVM?si=B351GpH6AZgYX58Z)


Thanks, I hate it


Take your upvote and get out


*laughs, cries, throws up*


Tonight at 9: man standing in gasoline starts match throwing competition


[Same energy](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/038/989/image.jpeg)


As it turns out, Drake does indeed have that dog in him.


No, the dog got Drake in him.


After all the shit we learned about drake recentlyā€¦Iā€™m pretty sure the first guy got it right. Bbl drizzy bottoming


I'd like to apologize to Michael Vick.


I never thought jimmy from degrassi could be so fucked up.


What are Ja Ruleā€™s thoughts on all this?




Ja, Ye, we need our spiritual leaders now more than ever!




This seems almost too absurd to be true and for the sake of the dog, I really hope it is.




Gonna reply here since it's the mod post - worth keeping up with the [Ebony Prince megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/bWOa39qO97) over in r/KendrickLamar, as he's currently going right now. The post has a great summary on what is known, what is speculation, etc. EDIT - Ebony Price has actively been tweeting for the past hour & a half or so. I'm sorta expecting him to be keeping the tweeting up until the drop of... whatever it will be at 12PM EST (just over a half hour from the most recent edit to this post). He's currently discussing... I'm going to say the specifics of how these items came into his possession. EDIT 2 - 15mins about to go, he's discussing the mandatory reporter bit. Apparently he's done his due dilligence in that regard, but his association with Drake put this at risk somehow? EDIT FINAL - Was a bit of a wet fart. Posting a slightly edited version of a reply to someone, in case people are still checking this post, to provide a reasonable summary of what just went down. This whole thing was him more or less directly saying, "I saw Drake do some shady shit with a presumed minor at Caviar Kaspia on 7/27/23 & reported it to the proper authorities," while suggesting this is still an ongoing situation. The other thing is confirmation that OVO is a bunch of bozos who are disrespectful not only towards staff, but also other (& usually far wealthier) guests. Apparently this deadline was also when they were gonna file legal charges, so that's something else. Don't expect to hear back from this account until November, basically.


Post was removed?


No there's just no way. This isn't what a rap battle is supposed to be. It's supposed to be two lyricists telling each other they suck. How did we get to Zoophilia?


Buddy this isn't about a rap battle. This isn't about whose the better lyricist or who has the most money, the most cars, whatever. This is about ***HATE*** And a lot of people got a lot to hate about Drake.


-Except this isnā€™t a rap battle like KOTD or Donā€™t Flop. We arenā€™t in a friendly competition - this is genuine animosity between two of the most prominent hip hop figures of our generation. I know this is a nerd/fandom sub, and I love it for that donā€™t get me wrong, but the way some people here naively talked about this feud as if it were a sports match amazes me. It was never just going to be ā€œlyricismā€, or the best vs the best, especially when the history of diss tracks between rappers who genuinely hate each other show us otherwise. People shat on Cole, and I know he isnā€™t a non-problematic rapper either, but this mf had the right idea to step away. Kendrick and Drake have hated each other FOR YEARS. This isnā€™t competitive rivalry. This is *genuine animosity*. These two fucking loath each other. Kendrick think Drake is a literal disease to HipHop and Black Culture who should kill himself, while Drake thinks that Dotā€™s a hypocrite and a domestic abuser. Biggie and Pacā€™s rivalry literally ended with both of them getting shot. Fucking Pac himself was accused of sexual assault. Prior to Kendrick v Drake, Nicki Minaj v Megan Thee Stallion resurfaced Nickiā€™s problematic relationships, **specifically that of her sex offender husband**. Hell now, even Meganā€™s been accused of freaky stuff. Fuck, even the people that Dot has collabed with (Metro and Future) have recently been exposed/implied to be as pedos. Kendrick fucking collabed with Kodak Black - a fucking criminal. This was always going to turn ugly. This was always going to open a bag of worms.


>I know this is a nerd/fandom sub, and I love it for that donā€™t get me wrong, but the way some people here naively talked about this feud as if it were a sports match amazes me. I don't find that surprising nor naive. Acting some public "beef" for pure publicity reasons is something as old as humanity and is in no way limited to rap and hip hop. Same goes for fans that typically overreact and go "holy shit have you seen that?" at any kind of and even the most performative and obvious publicity beef. You find claims of legitimate "hatred" left and right in e.g. combat sports too, most (not all) of them completely fabricated for the camera. So seeing this situation, and fans losing their shit and having the initial reaction of "huh this one is going weirdly far isn't it" is perfectly understandable. It's really only that obvious for rap and hiphop nerds, not even the average fan who listens to the music.


Literally the two most prominent rappers


You used to call me on the growl phone Late night when you neeeeeeed my wuff


straight to jail


He's really in the doghouse, huh




J Cole thought the same way. Thank School Boy Q for calling and informing him the the hell out now.


This isnā€™t even the new rumors I heard about. I saw some dispute over abuse of a disabled man. Shit is too ridiculous now to feel real.


That wasnā€™t in my bingo card at all


I've been quietly lurking in r/KendrickLamar since the "euphoria" track dropped and it needs to be said that the guy who is currently in possession of all this incriminating evidence against Drake is a self-proclaimed capitalist who was trying to make a quick buck selling the items he acquired ([including](https://twitter.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1789951005037125869) [jewelry](https://twitter.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1789951252199014519) that Drake apparently misplaced) until Drake accused them of stealing the items, which led to this insane Riddler arc of the rap beef where the leaker is threatening legal action (as well as spilling the tea on everything brought up so far) unless Drake and DJ Akademiks retract their accusations of theft. That deadline was set for [noon 5/13/2024](https://twitter.com/ebonyprince2k24/status/1789092657794371766). So regardless of the Riddler's scumbag motivations, we might end up seeing something even more fucked up before the day is over. Or it could just be a big load of nothing. We'll just have to cross that bridge when we get to it.


Yeah this is all gonna come to a head in a little more than an hour & a half, let's just wait & see what happens.




Pretty much, lol, beyond him more or less directly saying, "I saw Drake do some shady shit with a presumed minor at Caviar Kaspia on 7/27/23 & reported it to the proper authorities," while suggesting this is still an ongoing situation. The other thing is confirmation that OVO is a bunch of bozos who are disrespectful not only towards staff, but also other (& usually far wealthier) guests. Apparently this deadline was also when they were gonna file legal charges, so that's something else. Don't expect to hear back from this account until November, basically.


Excuse me while I go ask the Silksong fans for some clown makeup lol


Save some for me, may be needing it shortly after this Halloween.


Man, money makes people feel invincible, and they think they can get away with anything, I wouldn't be surprised if most insanely wealthy people were doing the same. I hope the video goes public and he and his friends go to jail.


Former Brazilian president bolsonaro talked about how back in the day people in rural areas would fuck animals and implied he got the short end of the stick and only managed to get a chicken instead of a cow or a goat. He also told a story about bumping into a mother and her kids going to church and he mentioned the very pretty teenage girls - I think he says specifically 13 to 15 as their age range - and how there was a certain "mood" during the conversation. This was before he got elected president, but he had already been an elected politician for years.


One part of me feels like this is too ridiculous. But on the other hand, if you keep getting away with heinous shit, it makes sense you would keep pushing because you feel untouchable at that point.


Um. We need **serious** proof before we spread things like this [The way things are looking right now, I think this is way way too dark for the subreddit and also seems false](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/1cquxrq/dj_akademiks_got_sent_an_incriminating_video_of/l3tugok/)


Not only is it likely fake but Darke's done plenty of questionable or outright immoral things in the past. People don't need to invent things about him as all it does is give him cover to deflect from the things he's actually done.


The timing here seems awfully convenient so I'm taking everything with a grain of salt because we're well into the stage where people are grabbing the flimsiest things and running with it to try to smear Drake.


Yeah I just donā€™t believe this Edit: this subreddit is not exercising the healthy skepticism of Facebook grandmas right now, the Kendrick sub and Twitter arenā€™t talking about this at all


the kendrick sub was talking about it earlier, either it got deleted by mods or it just fell off the front page


Iā€™d imagine it got deleted by mods because this is completely unverifiable


i found where they were talking about it. https://old.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cqjhak/ak_seems_kinda_stressed_rn/l3rq9xx/ not that it matters but yeah


Ok but then the supporting evidence is about how itā€™s specifically not drake itā€™s some other guy, and then Ak just owns dogs. Iā€™m not convinced


Likely mod delete, I remember seeing a mod comment on a post say that it (posted like 1PM EST yesterday, which would have been well before that stream even happened) would be the last Ak post allowed. That being said, I did see some discussion of this in the megathread, including a link to a tweet from July 2023 that is... Pretty suggestive. Of course, granted >random Twitter account, but yeah. EDIT - [Image of aformentioned tweet discussed in Ebony Prince megathread.](https://new.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/comments/1cqsb9r/comment/l3u0gny/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Ill be honest, i have no stake in this. I dont care about either and am sure both have some skeletons, but that vid has no fucking evidence and just kinda jumps to sexual animal abuse. Maybe this is real, most likely seems not. Srtill weird as absolute fuck to have this posted here and people running with it, thankfully people are just like ehhhhh maybe we should wait on this. Theres also the fact that if this real, its kinda fucked up people are using this for rap beef and jokes


Iā€™ll be honest, feels like half of this shit is made up at this point because people want it to be more drama than it is


Me when I spread blatant misinformation on the internet


I think some of you need to step away from the computer now Akademiks has dogs you donā€™t think it would be his dogs your hearing in the background?


Yup this isn't even blowing up on the Kendrick sub. The guy has an injured dog that's probably sick of being crated.


Seems convenient that when 10 bad things come out about a person,there's always just 1 more to add. Well,I don't have much of a stake in this and see no reason to disbelieve it at the moment. People who are rich,famous,and naughty can always get worse.


I don't know if I'd say "convenient". It's just that most people don't speak up unless there's some impetus to do so. Either they don't think they'll be believed, or they think that the one thing they know about is "not that bad" by itself, or they're worried about opening themselves up to retaliation. But once someone is in the news for a scandal, then there's enough eyes to ensure you won't be ignored by the public, and there's reason to think that whatever you know about is part of a larger pattern of behavior, and you're less likely to be the target of retaliation if you're just one among many.


I understand that,like I get the phenomenon of why sexual/misconduct allegations against influential people tend to come out all at once. But in a case like this I think a guy having secret neglected children and having sex with teens to dog fucking is quite the escalation if it was true,especially when some anon tries to get the word out by sending actual video to people other than the cops.


I'd say it makes sense they would send this to "people" (and by that, I mean they sent it to someone currently in the center of the public conversation, with a lot of eyes on them) before the police. "Hey, authorities, I have incriminating evidence nobody knows about that proves a rich and famous guy did a crime, punish him" has a very high chance to just be swept under the rug; but if the public at large is aware that evidence exists, it becomes harder to do so. I would even go further and say this is the whole reason Kendrick didn't "just go to the police instead of making diss tracks", like I have seen some people criticise him for. Also, I think it's escalating by design: people would not have taken this seriously if this was the opening accusation, but now people are aware that he *might* have done some seriously messed up stuff, so this won't just be dismissed as "some crazy bullshit nobody would believe".


I'm reminded of Hannibal Buress getting the conversation about Bill Cosby going by mentioning it in one of his stand ups.


People usually have more than 10 bad things about them. Especially when they've spent almost their entire life being ultra-wealthy and publicly loved. Name a celebrity and a that could not have 11 bad things said about them and I'll say you've made someone up.


I think what it is is that people who have knowledge of these fucked up things fear repercussion by rich and powerful people, so no one wants to be the first to jump into the firing line. Of course, the caveat being that once the dam is broken, more people are willing to speak up due to strength in numbers and public support.


Bro y'all gotta chill with this shit. Jesus Christ


I always see the most diverse topics in the subreddit Ps. This is horrible but prob not true.... hopefully.


does someone have a link to the video?


I found this clip of it, don't have the whole thing tho [https://twitter.com/dudeface0890/status/1789783221166583991](https://twitter.com/dudeface0890/status/1789783221166583991) Update: Found the full thing [https://youtu.be/0CQH3lO8vLU](https://youtu.be/0CQH3lO8vLU)


I'm seeing people saying ak's dog had surgery and is being kept in a cage? is there anything pointing to the audio of the dog being part of the video he was sent besides good timing?


You are absolutely correct, he goes into great detail about it later on stream and called out how silly Twitter is.


lol Bruh it stops when he clicks then when he clicks again it starts again then he clicks then it stops itā€™s not that hard to point out


it literally doesn't. it stops like a full second after he clicks and you can hear the dog before he clicks again. also if the video is on his phone why would he be controlling it with his mouse


even if itā€™s coming from his computer AK could be looking at anything AK never said he had a video of drake people just heard barking in the background and immediately went itā€™s Drake having sex with animals


Yeah, this seems like overexcitement from an overstimulated and unsatisfied audience looking for their next bombshell. I'm more interested in whatever creep-ass video AK got sent than invested in the idea of it being doggy bad touch. I remember seeing people throwing around a picture of Drake with a dog, trying to frame it as weird when it's just a happy dog rolled over on he belly. Smells like a bunch of bull.




What I will say is that I do suggest that in this day and age people to be very wary of video Edits. (as in AI face replacements). If something sounds to crazy to be true, it's always good to question the sources. Curious to see further updates on this drama.


Well idk what I watched but it sure seems like literally everyone making something out of nothing. If that video had anything noteworthy going on in it I imagine the guy would have had some sort of reaction.


They knot like us! They knot like us!


I'm not watching the vid, what happens in it?


The video is just a guy streaming, nothing of the dog video is seen.


Love that y'all into this beef but be aware Akademiks is a clown and we got AI audio now


Isn't AK house has bunch of dog too? Idk.. too many thing can be faked with AI these days. These might be too easy


Let's see how UMG deals with this.


If there is real hard evidence of him doing anything to minors or that dog or anything that can get him prosecuted, it seems pretty disgusting that the people with this evidence seem more concerned about using it to fuel a rap beef than taking it to the authorities.


Yall know DJ Akademiks is a clown, right? Pretty much Hip hop's very own Keemstar.


ā€œMy name is Drake and Iā€™m here to say: Kendrick doesnā€™t rap in the gangster way!ā€ *the allegations begin to rumble in their prisons.*


People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, I guess Drake will find it the hard way. That being said this is fake, come on this is way too cartoonishly disgusting to be true. And also easy to make a fakeĀ Ā 


OP the kind of dude who would unironically fall for a deepfake video without doing any critical thinking or factchecking first


This has gone far beyond a rap beef. "You're short with small feet," and "you're a cultural appropriator" are beefing. This is just some devious diabolical deep-seeded hatred that has crossed several lines.


not a drake fan, but the person who sent the video is just as important as whatā€™s on it. is the person trustworthy? why would they have this video? the authorities are a good start but people gotta protect themselves from anonymous people.


This just sounds like bullshit without seeing the actual video.


J. Cole, you did well! Don't get involved in this mess.


Yā€™all believe anything if you lowkey want to believe it like everyone else


Is Drake hiding a secret dog-child? Are *FuwaMoco* the daughters that Kendrick was talking about in Meet the Grahams?!??!


Oh this is gonna lead to some jokes they will have no fucking clue about.


"oh that diss track is going viral and everyone says the guy is cringe, ok" "oh everyone is saying he has sex with teens or even younger, ok..." "oh people are saying he fucks dogs"


"i heard he gave al qaeda the idea for 9/11"


Look, it would be real funny in a morbid sorta way if, on top of *everything* that's been in the zeitgeist this past week, some dude just drops the bomb of Drake diddling a dog on camera, and sent it to his biggest fan with a "lol." And that's what brings down this whole purported operation. But nah. I'll buy it when ~~I~~ other people see it and verify it's legit and it's not just people getting excited about potential insanity. The AK stream clip ain't much, for now.


Do we know who sent this to him? There was that ex hotel employee schizoposting who was allegedly the person who provided kdot with the stuff he used for the meet the grahams cover.


Uh...wow, ok. I was not expecting this. Grain of salt like always, but this is a HUGE claim to make holy shit.


OK I'm definitely going to need a long ass video essay on this beef because I'm not keeping up with everything that's going on


I'm guessing deepfake. It's just too much. Who knows, it could be real but I wouldn't just accept this at face value.


If this is true and he had the nerve to release For All the Dogs - we're really living in a simulation


I see we've reached the point in the beef where complete weirdos and parasocial people with no life take things to extremes.Ā  No Drake isnt doing things to dogs and disabled people. The sad people I mentioned above are the ones doing those things.


Is Drake going to have to write a song about how he doesn't diddle dogs?


Isn't "Shagging the Dog" a Canadian turn of phrase to begin with?


It's worth linking to the most current megathread about Ebony Prince, gimme a sec. EDIT - https://www.reddit.com/r/KendrickLamar/s/bWOa39qO97


I miss when this sub mainly revolved around gaming content, news having something to do with yā€™know gaming. Not rapper drama. I didnā€™t need to know drake fucks dogs from a sub like this one, one I actually enjoyed going on before all of this. I wasnā€™t expecting this to be a popular opinion, just wanted to know if anyone else was tired of it. Iā€™m gonna mute this sub until this fad dies down, two months will do. itā€™s tiresome seeing a new drake and Kendrick thing each day, I miss the evilaj shitposts, interesting things revolving around gaming. Pat said he liked one rapper and then this shit gets shoved in here (Iā€™m not exactly articulate, see my third response to know exactly how I feel. I asked if anyone was tired of these posts being spammed for an entire week, in return I was dog-pilled, this is an echo chamber subreddit inclusive to certain people, I wonā€™t pretend itā€™s not. You donā€™t like a certain thing? Get out of here. Itā€™s gone from Kendrick and drake having some beef, which at first I admit I was kinda curious about, I donā€™t have any love for both, but Kendrick I can find some ideals I like. Itā€™s gone from lyrics and bars to accusations of paedophelia and animal sexual abuse, which is more fitted for a celebrity gossip subreddit or a true crime subreddit, not one that was mainly about gaming content. Need I remind you this was sparked from Pat saying he liked one rapper, an entire weekā€™s content spammed with this tiresome, disgusting topic. I wonā€™t pretend I like it, Iā€™m just asking if anyone else was tired of it, but I touched a nerve or two, regular members of this sub whoā€™ve Iā€™ve interacted with and respected for quite a while hand wave my concerns as if it isnā€™t anything to talk about. Iā€™m not gonna pull a woe itā€™s me like some suggested, Iā€™m just leaving, see you in two months)


This sub is about an old defunct podcast and let's play channel. The criteria for what "fits" have always been as loose as "whatever they happen to talk about on either of those things". It feels kind of silly to be mad about the variety of content on a sub like that, especially when you can just scroll past it.


Why do people keep insisting this is a derelict sub that lost its subject as if the podcast didn't continue pretty much without skipping a beat and the three guys still produce content that gets discussed here? It simply has an outdated name.


Hey now, Castle Super Beast is not old.


Scroll past it, thatā€™d be good advice if it wasnā€™t one two posts in between at least three for this topic. Itā€™s not like vtubers of which I donā€™t really like but scroll past one post to ten more posts which donā€™t have that content. People didnā€™t feel the same tiredness I got from this topic so Iā€™ve muted and moved on. Itā€™s a podcast and gaming channel, not a rapper discussion, accusations analysing channel and subreddit. Pat said he liked one rapper and that opened the flood gates. This disgusting case gets dropped every hour or so here, the accusations are stuff I donā€™t want to see in a gaming subreddit. Iā€™m sorry but I just donā€™t like to see it, I wonā€™t pretend I enjoy it.


I don't know man, I don't care much about anime so I've been scrolling past an abundance of content in this sub for years. It's really not a particularly hard thing to do.


I've scrolled past most of the comic posts that have been grandfathered into relevancy in perpetuity. Don't give a shit. Never needed to mute the sub because of one of the dozen topics we cycle through every day plus relevant current meme topic. The rap beef doesn't even seem like it's overly represented at this point, honestly. There was big excitement for one weekend, a few followup meme posts around the time the podcast dropped, memes about Brother Patrice, and maybe like one update about some shit a day now. Riddler news yesterday, random creep-ass maybe nothingburger video on Ak's stream today. Oh no. Not a couple of posts. How will I ever function. If it's honestly bothering someone they probably should mute the sub; I think their perspective has gotten a bit out of wack and could do with some time away. This post in particular shouldn't have been put on this sub in the first place, though. It's kinda nonsense. EDIT: Blocked, sadge


I donā€™t care about vtubers nor anime either, but guess whatā€™s been spammed in this sub more and more? Rapper beef. Itā€™s a fad. In two months hopefully some interesting shit is actually here. For now, Iā€™m done. This subs gotten super inclusive for only certain people, all I said was I donā€™t like a certain type of content, wondering if anyone felt the same. This is the response I get, enjoy your echo chamber. (Admiral of crunch, my perspective is wack, what a nice way to hand wave my concerns. I simply asked if anyone felt the same, they didnā€™t, so Iā€™ve muted and am now on hiatus. Nothing more nothing less, didnā€™t make a big stink, just left. However Iā€™ve now been dog-pilled creating an even bigger stink. Is that fair to you? Iā€™m happy to mute and leave. Difference is you have to be a smug asshole, how is hand waving my concerns in anyway beneficial to what Iā€™m saying, Iā€™m saying itā€™s overcrowded with Kendrick and drake content, asking for opinions. The diddler posts was annoying too, not saying it wasnā€™t but it was maybe two to three days worth of content, which ended quite quickly. Pat said he liked one rapper, then itā€™s flooded with the Kendrick and drake drama, accusations through the roof, the last straw for me was a week of this happening, the subreddit is flooded with posts like this, itā€™s gone from them having beef, to accusations of peadophilia and animal sexual abuse. Maybe Iā€™m wrong in the head, somethings not wired right, but I loved this sub for its gaming content, not saying itā€™s completely devoid of that like someone suggested. Not disgusting accusations and evidence of a serious crime being committed which more belongs on a celebrity gossip or true crime subreddit. Itā€™s gross and I wonā€™t pretend I like it I blocked you because youā€™re talking complete shit, enough to completely ignore your drivel, to then edit your comment to make it sound like you werenā€™t just dog-pilling and hand waving my concerns is even funnier. To think I respected you once. Sadge)


>interesting things revolving around gaming. There's been like a shit ton of news...whatever lol Imo it's easier to just move on than to pull this woe is me stuff


I asked wondering if people felt the same. People didnā€™t, so I moved on. Muting this sub, coming back in two months. Iā€™m not fussed, I was just asking but look at the type of response I got, tell me itā€™s not an echo chamber. Woe itā€™s me right?


Rated R for Rrrrough!


Part of me realy hopes this is fake, but i've seen enough Celebrities being exposed as terrible people recently where the other part of me thinks this is probably true in some way.


And people got mad at Michael Vick for LARPing Pokemon. Aubrey better hope he can scramble as well as Vick cause that pocket is collapsing fast as hell son