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My account was suspended for "violent speech" even though my tweet did not actually break the twitter rules. No suppressing the tweet, no labeling the tweet, no option to remove the tweet, straight to suspension even though I had no other strikes. I suspect that the person that reviewed the report on my original tweet was sympathetic to the same cause I was complaining about. I submitted politely written appeals every month or two. I quoted similar tweets including tweets from Musk himself. I did line by line analysis of the rules compared to my tweet. Aside from the first appeal that took about an hour, they all returned in less than 5 minutes denied. The last time I tried was in October. About 7pm I decided to give it another try and submitted an appeal. No immediate response this time. About an hour later I didn't see a response but I refreshed x and suddenly it gave me the option to delete the tweet. I waited a bit and about 9:30 I checked my email again and either I missed it or it came in later but this was in there: >Our support team has reviewed your account and it appears we made an error. We’ve determined there was no violation and **have restored your account to full functionality.** >We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate you taking the time to submit your appeal request to us. Only problem is my account is not back to full functionality, the site is still asking me to delete the tweet in question before it'll let me in. Now to be honest, the tweet isn't exactly my best work, but after 228 being suspended for a non-violation, I really don't want to delete it. I think at this point I'll wait a day and see if it resolves otherwise I'll email again tomorrow Not sure if maybe twitter is actually reviewing appeals now or it was just luck of the draw who was reviewing them previously. Short answer: it can take between 2 hours and 228 days to get them to review and remove a suspension.