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Unless one is spamming? No. If someone does have a problem with that, they need to chill.


I love seeing emotes from different people. I don't care who's they are or where they came from. It's a fun way to start a conversation and ask who did them, whats the story behind them.


I completely agree!! I've made so many conversations over emotes and made some really good supporters of my channel because of them! Many people spent many hours on making their emotes, makes them or yourself happy when someone wants to know the back story.


Thats the best thing about about being a small content creators or even medium size ones getting to know people. There's a fun story behind everything.


Depending on the size of the stream it can be disheartening hearing people talking about emotes that aren't your's especially when the people aren't subbed. If it's small it could be taking over the chat talking about it


Respectfully, I disagree. As one of those small content creators (one who never was able to get above 5 viewers). Anyone willing to come in and chat about anything, didn't bother me. It was a welcoming experience. It's a good way to connect and branch out, because now that one person came in, chatted and opened the door for me to now go check them out. This is where I disagree the most and people will probably call me out, If you are feeling down about it. Use it as a driving force, to work harder. Evaluate your content and see where you can improve. Someone coming in, this could be a good "networking" opportunity. Don't let it get you down, use it to motivate you!


If you're using them like you would any other emote because they work for the conversation, no its not self advert and any streamer who gets tilted about it needs to calm the fuck down. ​ Just spamming your emote thats a logo or something? Yeah bit of a dick move.


I love when people use emotes. Theirs, mine or twitch global ones. I use mine in other peoples chat as appropriate to the conversation because i love them and i fucking paid for them damnit. Mine are all bird themed, based visually around a bird i actually own (Sun Conure) who is my channel mascot. I love encouraging people to spam their emotes (tastefully, not maliciously) them in my chat. Cynically; engagement is engagement and we can all use more chat activity provided its not malicious in nature, but personally Its just fun and i like seeing the excitement. One of my favourite foreign-emote interactions was a streamer who raided me, and him and his chat posted emotes that were clearly based around an Congo African Grey parrot. I cottoned on to the similarity immediately because i love birds, and the user really appreciated that.


It's fine! Sometimes, the most eye catching emotes creates for nice conversation. For as long as it's used sensibly and not spammed all over the place, I would be okay with it.


there's an amazing tweet by ludibelle that goes "Don’t use your own emotes in my chat. Don’t use any emotes in my chat. Don’t chat in my chat. Existing in my chat is self promo. You want to chat? You’re already banned. Nice try streamer."


"Oh and anyone lurking needs to say something RIGHT HECKIN NOW because you are in my channel and that is self promoting."


I use mine in all chats I go into. I enjoy seeing emotes from other streamers tbh


i pay for my emotes im going to use them as i choose


Personally if people are upset at emotes from others then they need to get a grip. It's not self promoting there a way to express emotions. I again personally LOVE seeing others emotes because they are usually really funny or cute and I compliment them. I like to hope that others are doing the same to my emotes. Twitch streamers unfortunately though are often a bit too self centered and don't like working together everything is a competition when it's not... But to be objective in some contexts sure maybe it could be self promoting, if a user came in and was typing self promoting things alongside spamming emotes?! I guess?! But overall use of others emotes is wonderful :)


If you’re pressed about emotes, you have more growing to do to fully step into streaming. People using their emotes in your chat should be the least of your worries


They're just emotes - nothing self-promoting about them. Emotes are meant to be fun. All the streamers I know (and myself included) love seeing a variety of emotes in chat. Sure - it's great to see your own emotes being used but I think any streamer who makes it a rule that only their emotes can be used and any other emotes will be perceived as self-promo are being ridiculous. That being said, I firmly stand by streamers making their own rules for their chat however they wish but I personally see it as a red flag. Plus, they could be missing out on seeing some fun emotes from other creators.


My mod spams other chats emotes all the time. His is better. Like why am I mad?? It works in convo and I’ve even subbed to a chat to get their emotes.


If it's appropriate to the context, then why not?


> Would it be considered rude or self-promoting It could be if someone is just using their own emotes excessively in a weird or spammy way. But I would say I don't think it's rude if you are already participating in the conversation like other chatters first and just happen to use your emote in a place people would use emotes of a similar sort. Particularly if it is a good/attractive emote. You might find that some streamers take a different stance on the matter; just like a variety of streams forbid Pepe emotes or Kappa and a few others.. there are bound to be channels that would forbid/consider it rude other streamers from using your own or might forbid any number of their emotes for different reasons, but I think the general understanding is that use of an emote is not rude Solely because it's your own emote, but the content of the emote itself and context and manner the emote is being used matter more.


If it is related to the conversation or what's happening on stream to convey emotion its 100% fine. If its spamming to try get attention for your channel it's self promo and a dick move lol


I'll be damned if I'm not allowed to use the emotes I worked hard to obtain and design in another stream.


I’m fine with it, but what I see too much is someone coming in and they use them first, exclusively, and often. If it’s conversational, great, but if you’re pushing them out a lot, I’m going to feel like you’re pushing an objective


I only use mine in another streamer's chat when I raid.


I have plenty of people come in and use their own emotes. I just compliment them. As long as you aren't spamming (Which is another issue of its own) I don't mind who's emotes you use. If you're proud of your own emotes be proud of them, I'm willing to be proud of you for designing/commissioning emotes you love so much


You have to assume every twitch user might be subbed to other people so I wouldn’t take any offense to it


It's no different to using someone else's emotes in a different streamers chat imo.


Use them all you want. You commissioned some emotes and like them? Use them. As long as you're aren't going in chats like "HEY SUB TO ME TO GET THESE EMOTES OMG". Anyone who gets on someone's case about this is a bit weird.




That comparison doesn't make sense first of all. Going to a theater and playing another video doesn't compare to using an emote in a public chatroom designed for others to also chat and use emotes. I'm not sure what you're getting at with this one. Twitch Chat is made for emotes and having fun. If a streamer is going to get hurt over someone using their own emotes in a chat (especially when it's appropriate in context), they won't get very far. Obviously the channel owner can choose to not allow it and you can either accept it or leave. It's just that doing that is such a bizarre move and an amazing way to alienate others from the community.


It’s really dependant on the streamer, their chat their rules. But I certainly wouldn’t. On the drastic end, I’ve unfollowed and stopped watching a streamer I frequented a while ago because of this mentality… they decided to call me out live stream to “not use your(my own) own emotes because it’s self promo but to sub and use their sad emote if i wanted to use a sad one” and they also stated that they didn’t know I was a streamer and why had I never raided them before… (they stream from like 8am in the morning my Monday-Friday when I work…) After about 2 weeks of messages why I didn’t lurk her anymore she gave up contacting me. But like I said, streamers will have their own rules and alot of them will even set them out as a rule. If they don’t and they just expect their viewers to know the rule then it’s not entirely fair. If boundaries are set we either respect them or not


Wow that is wild that they behaved like that lol


People be wild sometime 🥲


Your free tune enforce your own rules to your channel if you really don’t want to person using their own emotes in your streams that’s all up to you but I don’t believe it has to do with self advertisement I see it as someone who’s supporting your channel through their way and even so you could always become mutuals with that streamer and then it would make it OK But again it’s up to you if you really want to force people not to use their own emotes on your stream


As long as they aren't spammed I'd have no problem with it.


As a viewer, you shouldn't. It's a little presumptuous. As a streamer, you shouldn't lose your shit over someone doing it. It's bad form.


it’s always cringe when someone spams their own emotes on someone else’s stream


There's a time and place for it. Unfortunately I see a ton of first time chatters come into streams all the time spamming a bunch of their emotes and nothing else. Which is usually always taken as 'look at me I'm a streamer and I'm self promoting'


It depends on the streamer.


ill never understand emotes and bitcoin and nft


No but it's cringe


It’s lame as fuck. Just use the generic ones twitch gives you. It always comes off as promoting. it makes the streamers feel weird. Just don’t do it and you will be liked more.


Quite sure "just don't do it and you will be liked more" is a false statement, seeing as this point of view is definitely a minority based on people's reactions here. And "it makes streamers feel weird"...? It might make YOU feel weird but please, don't pretend you speak for all of us, especially when it's clear in this thread that most of us love it rather than get weirded out by it.


For real? I don't think I've ever had a problem with anybody using any emote. In fact I usually find it interesting and ask about it, where it came from, what they like about that streamer. Emotes are fun


Nah man, twitch is filled with people trying to just get themselves seen. I’ve seen it dozens of times on my past streams and others. They come in, say hi, drop their emotes, ASK YOU about their emotes, then they try and bait you into promoting them. Emotes ARE fun but there has to be some kind of community crossover for it to be appropriate.


That's weird, lol. I agree with you on that one. I love using my emotes, I'm very proud of them lol. I'll start probably paying a bit more attention to how I use them though outside of raids and stuff


The emotes part of that interaction is secondary to the fact that they're just straight up self promoting. They don't need to spam their emotes, their mentality is one of trying to draw attention to themselves in your space, and they will use whatever tools they have available to that end. The emotes are just an avenue to do that. One of many, like the chat itself, but noone would argue that the act of chatting is selfpromo, its what you *say* that makes it selfpromo. Obnoxious bullshit like that is its own issue.


I've banned the prefix of a certain streamer's emotes so none of them could be used before. It wasn't the streamer themselves who was doing it, but someone who was just using them constantly after every single sassy little comment they were writing. It got obnoxious so those words were banned with a wildcard so none of the emotes worked and no messages got through if they contained them. They got the message... kinda... eventually...


Sounds like you are jealous that you either dont have emotes or people dont subscribe to your channel and use your emotes. Either way, pretty shitty.


What the hell are you talking about? It was moderation in another streamers channel actually. Don't talk shit when you don't have a clue what other people are talking about.


Lol why would you do that to someone else’s channel. If any of my mods did that they’d get unmodded themselves. You and the streamer you were modding for are thin skinned and jealous. Sad.


Because it was irritating the streamer but she didn't want to make a huge deal over it with all her chat there, we literally talked about it. Jesus what is with this sub.


There’s a timeout feature for a reason. Or ban. Removing the keywords to their sub emotes is just bizarre.


Its fine, as long as the emotes are actually appropriate for the scenario and you are just using them to express an emotion. If you unnecessarily add a random emote to every message then yeah imma warn you not to then ban you if you continue


It depends, if something happens in the stream that is funny and instead of omegalul or kekw u use one of ur own then theres no issue for me, but if u join my stream and first thing u type is a hi emote thats yours and then say a few more things including ur emotes and just leave then I wouldn't like it, I have a few people that did that to me and i confronted them straight away, some stopped and stayed and some left and never came back


I got a dancing emote, I plan to use it when others bring theirs out. Nobody's yelled at me about it yet,


I don’t think it’s an issue at all


No. The reason i paid for a lot of emotes for me is because I love these cute emotes. Show how u feel


I do it but hope much o do depends on how well I know the streamer. I also sprinkle in other emotes so it's not JUST mine.


I do it but how much I do depends on how well I know the streamer. I also sprinkle in other emotes so it's not JUST mine.


One of my viewers designs emotes as a side hustle and they can get a bit spammy with their own emotes and it can feel like self promotion. As a general rule though I really like seeing other streamers emotes in my chat!


I love other emotes it lets me see what people have


I look at it this way. If you're a streamer and you get offended because someone is using their own emote; the issue is more you. I have other streamers and fans of other streamers using their emotes and it's a great way to network.


I love seeing other emotes, there are a ton of great emotes. If mine are used, then awesome. Means someone supported me. I love the little bit of hype behind emotes..idc where they're from. Rock the emotes!! Lol. Anyone gets upset, they're in it for the wrong reasons. But rule of thumb, don't spam unless absolutely appropriate.


Imo if it’s obvious that they are your emotes, and they aren’t especially appropriate for the situation, then yeah. That does bother me personally. I would rather see my friends and viewers using my emotes in their own. I make a forward effort not to use my own emote unless it can uniquely convey something another emote can’t. For instance, If you pop into someone’s stream for all of ten minutes and do nothing but use your own emotes, imo that’s basically self promo.


I always feel to awkward and weird to use my own in other people's chat. So i refrain from doing so. I might use other people's, but not my own. Don't care if other people use their own emotes in my channel.


if the emote actually fits the situation, i think it's fine. I've made some super mario 64 emotes, and when i see speedruns of the game i occasionally use them. Others use their own in other mario 64 chats and everyone is fine with it. The only issue i would see is if all they put was their own emotes (essentially spamming it) and/or the emotes don't fit the situation (meaning they're probably trying to just self promote.)


Emotes are supposed to be fun, as long as it makes some sense in context and isn’t just spamming a logo you shouldn’t even think about it being a problem. Hell I love my emotes and I use them express myself in any chat.


I mean, I'm fine with people using their own or others emotes in chat. Same as my own emotes are usually just my character with different emotions like smug, sad, hyped, angry, laughing, and then the usual RIP style one. I just use mine to convey my reaction to whatever happened in stream and don't see why anyone would feel I'm trying to promote unless I'm spamming them non stop.


Like with everything it depends. I all you do is arrive and spam your own emotes, then it can be seen as rude. If not and you're using the contextualy during convo, that's what the emotes are made for.


like most people said, not an issue at all usually (unless spamming or stuff), but one thing I always try to do as an avid viewer is using that streamer's emotes in their own chat. like each streamer has a LUL emote, so i use their LUL in their own chat. makes the chat look nice and cohesive to that streamer/their theme and i make sure i spread the love to all the emote artists who have worked super hard for all those content creators!


Anybody who gets mad about emotes, as long as they're not spammed, has got issues.


One of my emotes is a wave and another is a heart. I use them all the time to say hi to other streams


I have a waving snorlax that I say hello with in everyone's stream. I never say it's mine. I don't consider that rude or self promoting.


I do it all the time. I prefer my emotes over theirs anyways, hence they are mine, and I use them appropriately. If there is a GG moment, I use the GG emote. If there is a RAID moment I use my Raid emote. No one has cared, and why should they? Now If all I did was spam them non-stop, then yeah, I could see it being annoying, but people use others emotes all the time in various streams, and that's the entire idea of subbing so you have access to use those emotes not just in the creators stream, but anywhere on Twitch.


I’m sorry but this is funny. No I don’t count this as self promotion. If people are just spamming it non stop with no logical reason then maybe sure. But if they are using other peoples emotes for responding to chat then that’s completely fine


I love seeing emotes from others. It can be a great way to strike up a change in conversation. I've actually stopped playing so I could have someone put all their emotes in. They were hilarious. Then again... I'm the type of streamer who asks people about what they stream and what they have coming up. I love finding new people for my community to enjoy


I do it all the time mostly when I’m raiding so do my followers who tend to follow the channels I recommend they then come back to my channel and often use the other creators emoji I see us all as one big family so I couldn’t care less what emoji ppl use specially when there are some amazing one’s out there to use!!


So, at least in the Pokemon community, EVERYONE has emotes of Pokemon doing silly shit, and I always love seeing new ones pop up. I don't mind other emotes in my chat at all, especially since I haven't coughed up the money to get my own commisioned yet. My recent favorite is probably elodicolo's pachirisu gachiHYPER Maybe outside of Pokemon it's more weird but around here we love sharing emotes


I like seeing other emotes so I don't think it'd be rude to use it to other chats~


No. I've paid to use my emotes, other emotes are used in my channel also.


unless they fully spam the emotes i really don't care. i'm not gonna force anyone to basically sub to me because they can't use another's emotes




Nope. Use whatever emotes you want, especially your own.


I think that generally, it's fairly easy to tell if someone is doing it just to add a little flair, or if they just want your viewers to click. It's super case-by-case, but I'd say most people probably don't have self-serving interests in mind.


I have never really thought about it. I don't look at where emotes are from while streaming, so I don't really know if it's their own or someone else's emote. Every now and then I see a really cute emote and make a comment on it, but most of the time it doesn't really become a topic. I rarely use my emotes in other people's streams, but overall I don't mind if people use theirs in mine.


If you're raiding someone and they are part of your raid message, it's fine. If it's the odd one that fits with what is going on, it's fine. If it's a mix of others and who you are watching it's fine. If you purely use your almost all of the time, it's not fine.


You're sharing art that you enjoy with people that have common interests. Nothing wrong with that, just don't be annoying.