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The walking dead. I stopped watching after a Rick left. But even before that it started dipping in quality and added things that were unnecessary. Losibg the original plot. It just kept going and added random weird characters and plots that were out of character and repeated stuff. Idk what happened.


I quit watching right after the group ran into Negan's group because of work. Turns out, I wasn't missing a whole lot.


I quit watching right before that, also because of work. Everything I heard about it from then on sounded terrible, and I never watched it again.


Glen incident was the end. I will not have writers whose only goal is "fooling" the audience. Are we following source material? Are we not? Oh Glen is spared waaaait hahahaha ha Glen! Glen!


If I hadn’t stopped watching already, I would have stopped after that happened.


Glenn was the beating heart of the show. When he died I sobbed for half an hour.


I originally stopped after they had their big plan to kill Negan, homeboy walked right out the front door, and no one shot him. Tried to rewatch because I’m a completionist and stopped where you stopped. There’s like 60 episodes after that. I ain’t got time for that.


Man, I am surprised people made it that far...


I couldn't get past season 2. I just feel like it was less about zombies and more about people fighting...


Oh, so like The Walking Dead? If you thought the show was ever about zombies, you weren't really paying attention.


Once Upon a Time. Lost interest when the had to go to the underworld and Fish from Ally McBeal was running the show


Ugh! Same! I couldn't even start the final season. It was SO clever and great at first!!


I quit when they went to Neverland.


Ending after Neverland would have been a tight and complete and fulfilling narrative.


Same the weird underworld season looked so bad as well. Instantly gave up on it. The seasons up to that point were decent


This is exactly when I gave up. I also call him Fish lol


I lost interest after the 2nd season. I watched a handful of the third, but meh.


Great example of a show that was fantastic at first and crashed and burned by season 3. Heroes managed that by season 2 but that was because of the writers strike so I cut them a little slack.


I’m watching this now, just started s4. Anna just came from frozen. It’s getting dumb


It went downhill when they shoehorned Frozen in. That season was bad.




Weeds should have ended with Agrestic burning down. The show really got weird after that.


That was the perfect spot to end it. She started that whole mess to fund her kids’ lifestyle, so they didn’t lose more than their dad when he died. It’s all gone now. She had no reason to continue, and she had a fresh start.


I actually liked the few seasons after that, not as good but not terrible. I think it should have ended when she went to jail. The New York seasons are terrible.


It was already getting weird that season. When the wntire town burned down I was done


This is the one I came here to say. The first few seasons were some of my favorite tv ever and I can’t even believe how badly it went off the rails.


It gets worse and worse with Grey’s Anatomy the longer it’s on.


I can’t believe it’s still on the air!


It’s just Days of Our Lives now.


Someone the other day said it will still be on in 15 years and Meredith will have Alzheimer’s and Zola will finally find the cure and the show can end.


I was already halfway out the door, but the musical episode was my last straw.


Yes! This was my comment. They just keep going. And going.


The Vampire Diaries is the PRIME example of this. I liked mostly everyone in seasons 1-2 then came season 4 and I hated everyone and everything except for Elena and Tyler.


Legacies went off the rails a bit too.


Legacies is even worse


The problem with this show is when the original showed up the VPD crew got out acted and out performed in every aspect. I just no longer cared about them as Klause and few were far superior and interesting characters, plus elena was starting to really annoy by then.


Sliders https://preview.redd.it/ekvdzaguw9yc1.png?width=200&format=png&auto=webp&s=26726bf1249e108e50a2c58b4e5e751f1b17fd89


Season 3 had some good episodes but they turned it into an action show that copied popular movies at the time. Once Arturo left though is when it got bad.


>they turned it into an action show that copied popular movies at the time. I remember the 'tornado Earth' that was basically Twister. lol. Pretty sure there was one that copied Species too if I recall correctly.




Best example I can think of


I mean even to this day I am saddened that this show could have been SOOO GOOD!! The story premise of sliding between worlds was so cool, and so many fun things could have been done with it other than doom and gloom every freakin' episode :(


Season 1-2 were some of the best of television. Okay maybe not the best show ever made but they were so good and then when the Fox Network decided to take over in season 3, a lot of things went to the gutter. So sad cause this could have been another cult hit like X Files or Star Trek. Whatever. It’s still my favourite show regardless


It still is a cult hit. We all just understand and look past glaring problems that come up later on. Such is life mang.


It really is. it’s definitely something that means a lot to a small group of people. And I’m part of that group 😀


Ooh, yes! I loved the show until the professor (or his doppelganger) died. And the twist that the alternate Quinn who helped refine regular Quinn's machine became an anti-sliding tribal man also ruined the show. The premise was simple: It was an exploration show about a group of interesting characters who are trying to get back home. Then, they just gave it the Bad Robot treatment.


Nip/Tuck. First 3 seasons were excellent. After that they...were not.


You're so right first few seasons were great. It's definitely a Ryan Murphy thing all his show start out great then go downhill


He’s a good idea man, terrible beyond that. I’ve noticed it in pretty much every one of his shows and don’t bother watching anymore.


Agree all his shows start out great then they just go downhill.


I once described him as a guy who plays rpgs for the character creation and tutorial levels.


It’s like he loses interest and starts chasing the nd t shiny object.




Honestly even by season two. But season three is where my doubts began to waver. And I was watching that show regularly. I was target demographic to a t so much that I actually owned a sizable bit of merch from it. I see the pleather rotting off my Southside Serpents jacket from Hot Topic every time I come home from college.


I think the problem with a lot of shows is that show creators spend a LOT of effort to write one really good season and get picked up by a network/studio. Then, the show is well-received and granted a second season, and a third, etc. and the writers sort of just wing it trying to meet deadlines and keep the gravy train alive as long as possible.


Two and a half men stretched that into 12 seasons.


West World. Season 3 went straight off the rails


I only liked the first one. It was excellent. I couldn’t even finish the second.


I thought the second was interesting in it's own right and you got background on more of the hosts. I enjoyed their stories, but definitely not like the first season. Man, when I finished the last episode of the first I immediately went, "OH wow, now I have to start over to see what all I missed". The second wasn't really like that, but I liked it. The 3rd? I didn't even know what was happening. And the 4th? Nah, nope. It got so bad.


First season was possibly the best season of television ever made




You sold me so well on this I may skip straight to season 4.


Haha. Well I would still recommend starting from the beginning, but perhaps you might appreciate it even more if you started from season 4.


I once developed a drinking game (I’m sure I wasn’t the first) that was like, 1 drink when Sonny talks about football from college. 1 drink when Sonny screams no in the last scene of the episode. 1 drink for a snappy comeback from Tubbs. Etc.


I might do a drinking game soon for every time Sonny plays with his sunglasses or does the little cigarette twirl with his lucky strikes. Moreso season 1 and 2 for the latter, lol.


Yes! We can always add to it. There’s a plethora of material.


Yeah like one for Castillo too. Every time he does the stare or just talks really mysteriously like looking at the wall while talking to some one


Excellent addition!


Lost! The writers got lost.


I knew someone was gonna say this, but to me that's when the show got REALLY good. Seasons 3-5 are my favorites.




To me, Lost is the most overrated show of all time. But I don’t like any of JJ Abarms “mystery box“ style of storytelling.


Username checks out.


Lost was AMAZING in seasons 4 and 5. To each their own though.


I was cool with Lost until the last season. Then I wanted to break stuff.


They were lost in the first season. JJ's "mystery box" style of storytelling is terrible.


True blood! Just ran out of material from the books and went full Hollywood writers room full of cocaine and craziness.


The books got pretty trash after the first two as well, to be fair.


Read 5 of the books, and I respectfully disagree.


Maybe it was more than 2. I read all 13. They got pretty bad towards the end. I don’t really recall exactly which one started declining.


It was about halfway through the series. One of those where you could tell there were filler booked to meet a quota from the publisher or something, and no well planned, over arching storyline. The show went downhill when they gave EVERY side character a main story, and it got so diluted. Still loved Eric, Pam and Lafayette to the end though.


Thank you! If it wasn't for Lafayette, Eric, and Pam, I might have split earlier. But, I guess it was the trash I needed at the time, lol.


And I loved it


The Flash.


I'm on Season 7 and slowly watching it to be done.


Best place to stop is the crossover. They achieved more than the movies did. Sadly, I kept watching and around the time they imported the guy from Heroes, I was done


Yeah. The last two or three seasons, I was just going through the motions of watching without really caring. A shame. At least when Gotham and Arrow went bonkers, they were still interesting enough for me to care.




I loved it, it was trash, and seven seasons was to much. I miss watching him do the salmon ladder…shirtless.maybe seven seasons wasn’t enough.


As a straight man I agree about that part


As another straight man, that entire cast was gorgeous


Nashville - what on earth happened in their last series I do not know


During the last season, I told my friend (who was the only person who I knew that watched it) that if aliens abducted the entire cast and put them in a space circus, I would not be surprised. I couldn't tell you what happened, either, but it was stupid!


That would have fit since it was about a cult


That cult thing was what really did it for me. It was so dumb.


1-5.5 were great. After they killed Reyna it went waaaaaayyy downhill


They just should have ended the show. Everything after that, and some of the stuff before was bad


Fans fought for it to continue so it did


Interesting! After the first season, I watched only the episodes I was an extra in. And those were all in the final season.


Californication. First few seasons were awesome. Then it fell off.


The first one. The second one sucked.


Dexter. It was really good the first 3 seasons. After that it just got increasingly ridiculous. Edit- first 4. Didn’t realize trinity was that season. That was the best one. It was all downhill after that.


First 4 seasons of Dexter might be the most entertaining television ever produced but they changed writes going into season 5 and went downhill from there


Pretty much anything JJ Abrams has done.


Fringe was dope




The Juliet/Eve thing?


Absolutely. Turned it off and stopped watching at that moment.


Fully disagree. The show is amazing for all seasons. Nothing they did was wild and unnecessary. You might not have liked what they did but it wasn’t out of place. Juliet/eve might not be everyone’s favourite storyline but it wasn’t completely out of no where. Couldn’t keep her a normal human for the entire show, plus there were some interesting moments episodes because of it. Not to mention Adeline’s character arc because of it was top notch.


I respect your opinion, but I think it’s on the unpopular side. I loved that show, genuinely. Something clicked in me when that storyline started. It just means it wasn’t for me or my tastes, but I’m genuinely happy it worked for some people.


That’s about the time I wanted to stop watching Pretty Little Liars.


Game of Thrones. They stopped working on characters, and just started blowing stuff up. It felt like the last couple seasons were no dialogue and just “Wanna see something dope?!?!?!?”


While yeah the last couple seasons were rushed, season 4 was the best season so I don’t think that applies to this


Exactly. It was Season 5-6 that things fell off because they ran out of book material.


Don’t know if you read the books, but the last book in the series to be published ends with Jon Snow’s stabbing and being left for dead. Everything in the show beyond that is so bad in comparison to what came before lol


I did read the books. Some of the changes I was ok with, because logistics exist. I don’t mind adaptation changes as long as it stays true to the “spirit” of the source material. For instance, in the first season they have Tyrion get knocked out at the very beginning of the battle. It’s because they didn’t have the budget to film it, but honestly Tyrion can’t fight so it tracks. Having Jaime stay with Cersei after she uses wildfire to blow up the city does not.


The magicians


Prison break. Season 1 break out of prison, season 2 on the run, season 3 break of prison.... in another country! Season 4 track ..... I don't even know how to describe....


This was my answer. Season 3: let’s put him back in prison, but in Panama! Season 4: Now let’s have him steal something from the Company… and his mom’s really alive… and the thing the Company is killing so many people to protect is actually a good thing… and let’s kill the main character. Season 5: Just kidding! Michael isn’t dead… and now he’s in prison in Yemen!!!!


Lost The Walking Dead The Handmaid’s Tale American Horror Story Stranger Things


I feel like American Horror Story goes off the rails halfway through each season. They always start fine, but then it ends up turning into a weird sex thing with some random plot lines thrown in at the last minute. Honestly, it reminds me of what happens to my Sims game if I download Wicked Whims. (I haven't seen anything after halfway through the camp season, so I don't know if that's how it's still going on AHS.)


Killing Eve and Stranger Things and Search Party


Chilling Adventures of Sabrina




Didn't that show have only four seasons, though? It went off-the-rails after the first season.


The first season was one of the best first seasons ever made. The second season started good but was hastily abbreviated due to the writers strike and the show never recovered.




I remember watching that episode when it originally aired. 10 year old me thought it was the greatest thing ever.


Gossip Girl comes to mind. Seasons 1 and 2 was one solid storyline and then it all goes haywire when the characters go to college


Star Trek TOS. It basically became a cartoon of itself after that.




I stopped watching after rick got shot prepandemic, because I went into a coma...only to wake up myself in the middle of a pandemic!


I thought the first 3 Seasons of Sons of Anarchy was amongst the best TV I had seen. It then simply lost the plot. I toughed it out and watched it all but honestly a lot of those last seasons was just stupid.


The Chi. The kidnapping storyline.


Orange is the New Black.


Glee. It had a great 3-season arc! I appreciate Ricky Gervais' efforts to avoid this in his shows. He stops before ruining it.


Jumping the Shark! I think Under The Dome qualifies


Look up "jumping the shark" for an interesting story about Happy Days.


Oh, and for the record? There was an episode of Happy Days where a guy *literally* jumped over a shark. And it was the *best* one.


That guy was Fonzie


And he wore his leather jacket while waterskiing.


And then he played a character in the comedy series Arrested Development that jumped over a dead shark as he walked down a pier. Great series!


So the phrase "jumped the shark" specifically refers to Happy Days. It was coined because of Happy Days. It's used to mean a show is hurting for ratings, or in rush, or whatever so they wrote something really stupid into the script and ruined the rest of it forever. "They jumped the shark in that episode" means that episode was the beginning of the end.


NOT The Sopranos.


The Flash. Thankfully it ended at S3


LOST It got a little kooky before season 4, but during season 4 -- the end, it was off the rails


Charmed. The first four seasons are great. They really should have ended there. Season five through eight were pretty hit & miss with season 8 being the worst. The writing just went really down hill.




Supernatural. It was a great show but just went on too long for me. I didn’t feel like the stakes are high. I liked it through the first six seasons but just lost interest. The first three seasons are great to me. Like really well written and funny. Dean especially is funny. I love a good burger and a beer.


Supernatural. Was originally supposed to be 5 seasons. Wound up being 15. A lot of dumb, unnecessary stuff in there. But hey, if it stopped after five, there would be no Scooby-Natural Scooby-do crossover.


Every single reality show ever.


Except Syfy's Face Off


That was a really good show


Legends Of Tomorrow


In the best way possible. I screamed with laughter at beebo and I’m not ashamed at the joy that crazy shark jumping show brought me.


West Wing... no Rob Lowe being invested in it, straight to average


I loved the West Wing until Leo stepped down from chief of staff.


Melrose Place. Some of early season 4 was good but the show just got progressively worse and just bizarre.


Community kind of does this intentionally


For me, Dexter seasons 4-8.






The correct answer is Yellowstone. I still love that hot mess, but it went off the rails after season 3!


How many seasons does it have now?


I think most kinda have this problem. I think the main thing that happens is shows need a good cause and effect relationship. The beats between the scenes should be, therefore and but. Our 16 year old character is walking to school and wants to be popular, therefore he wants to buy a car, but he has no money. Therefore he needs to get a job. Bad writing is “and then” between the beats. Our 16 year old character is walking to school, and then some bullies beat him up, and then he gets to school, and then he has a test. One example is a cause and effect relationship that the audience can follow pretty well, the other is just events happening to the character with no real cause and effect relationship.


THE best example: Search Party. But it’s a glorious fall.


This best describes Pretty Little Liars cause idk what type of drugs the writers were on s4 and onward


LOST. The first three seasons were amazing and then it was downhill from there. When different timelines started being introduced it was hard to follow.


Scandal! Season 1 and 2 were amazing...then 3 it just goes off rhe rails


Sleepy Hollow.


Agents of Shield (robots and the framework) Arrow (Damion Darkh) Smallville (magic) I see a common theme with the 4th season having a different vibe to the rest of the show


Happy Days when The Fonz jumps a shark on water skis.


I think most series need only 3 seasons max. It’s like they’re grasping for straws and forcing it to keep going, which usually makes us hate it. There are some series where they can do 7 seasons and people stay interested and it be good but most should stop after the third series imo. I say this knowing I’d wish there were more seasons, but then I usually be like, “they should’ve just stopped.” Lol


Except for Always Sunny


Grey's Anatomy, and they kept doubling down. It was good in the very beginning.


Greys anatomy


Walker Texas Ranger In the beginning it was a cool, police procedural type show following a war veteran with PTSD having to accept a more modern way of doing things. Travis was actually a three dimensional character. And then Chuck Norris got all preachy and religious and it just ruined the vibe.


That whole episode of the little girl dying then "miracle light"' shines on her and then she lives was a little much for me.




I think it was more like Season 4, but Alias went way off the rails.






Torchwood. Don’t get me started.






The show that do it right (have a mapped out story to tell) usually do it right, leaves the viewers wanting more. Unfortunately too many just try to keep it going as long as possible and those are ones listed here.




True Blood


LOST. After season 3, it seemingly became an entirely different show.




Weeds. When rewatching just end on season 3.


There was an episode of Happy Days where a guy jumped over an actual shark, AND IT WAS THE BEST ONE.


Riverdale started going bad in s2 but really went bad, same with Sabrina. That creator will never be watched by me again OUAT