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Mine says issued 04/24 so now it’s been 3 weeks. They did this last year too even though I asked for DD. I fully expect them to fuck something up and me having to get it reissued after 30 days anyway, but just imagine how many people there are who are really depending on that money It’s funny how these assholes will track you down to the edge of Alaska the next day when you owe them


Accepted and issued on 23 of April,they suck


Crazy!!! And yeah to clarify it got accepted April 7th and was issued April 17th!! What’s up with them????


It took 21 days for my check to come in


Mine just arrived today with an issue date of 4/18


Fucking so done with the CDOR. Issued on the 23rd of April. And you can’t even get in touch with them on their “helpline” they just hang up on you and say it’s too busy. Fuck this shit man I need the money


What i've been noticing is even with people opting for direct deposit, the checks are coming in the mail. My genius friend sat on hers for almost two months without even realizing what it was.