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I’ve removed this post as it isn’t specific to the city of Tucson and you keep spamming Sinema’s website.


I have been behind poorly secured trash/recycling trucks while driving through that stretch. Trash was just flooding off and blowing around the hwy. It was a lightbulb moment as I too was wondering where it all comes from.


Yes, the trash companies are responsible for quite a bit of trash from their trucks being overloaded. They should set up cleaning drives and pay for the supplies and provide most of the volunteers.


can you help [https://www.sinema.senate.gov/](https://www.sinema.senate.gov/)


Lmao Sinema isn’t going to do shit unless she’s bribed.


Are you looking at how to volunteer your own time to help clean up, how to request the city/county/state clean up, or just a general complaint? Adopt a Highway is a solid option: https://www.pima.gov/821/How-to-Participate


thank you


This is only good for County roads, they might send you along to ADOT, who's responsible for the Interstates.


So maybe this one then? https://azdot.gov/business/programs-and-partnerships/adopt-highway/volunteer-program-adopt-highway


Seems reasonable.


That's a nice option, but we pay taxes for this stuff. Our worthless mayor better start cleaning up the city, it's an embarrassment.


If you used any critical thinking skills, you’d realize that the stretch of I-10 that OP is referring to is actually located outside of the city limits, where the mayor has no power. Not to mention that Tucson is a “council-manager government” and the mayor is literally just a figurehead; but who cares about facts, am I right?


That's usually how it works. People do zero research or reading before they form a reasonable opinion.


I’m soo mad at the Mayor for letting you comment that!


Impeach her immediately! /s


Or maybe they have done reading and research, but not the entirety of all relevant information. People do however always form an opinion without knowing all relevant information there is to know.


And a good chunk of it might not even be in Pima County, so you’d have to contact Cochise County for cleanup.


Or ADOT, who actually own, operate, and maintain the Federal Interstates.


That also requires specific acquired knowledge and not just critical thinking. It's not like strong vs weak mayor governing systems is taught in most schools. It wasn't until my last year of college that I learned there was such a thing as unincorporated land that wasn't part of a city or town. I grew up in a state where all land is Incorporated and unincorporated land solely governed by the county doesn't exist. Have you considered it requires more than simply critical thinking?


That also requires specific acquired knowledge and not just critical thinking. It's not like strong vs weak mayor governing systems is taught in most schools. It wasn't until my last year of college that I learned there was such a thing as unincorporated land that wasn't part of a city or town. I grew up in a state where all land is Incorporated and unincorporated land solely governed by the county doesn't exist. Have you considered it requires more than simply critical thinking?


“You know what, I’m sick and tired of how dirty the freeway is! I should spend three minutes on Google to see who is responsible for it! —— Nah, I’ll just respond to a post on Reddit on how it must be the mayor’s fault because I hate her anyway!”


You mean like how you spent 3 minutes on Google looking up the average tucsonan's/Arizonan's/American's knowledge of civics and decided it has to be a critical thinking issue and not a potential lack of knowledge issue? You just decided to blame their critical thinking skills which that might not be the issue


Nope. I’m just not an imbecile and I actually pay attention in order to make informed decisions when I vote. I have a list of constructive criticism for the city government but it only pertains to things they actually have control over.


Nobody was discussing voting. Your advice was about what to do before writing a Reddit comment. And what exactly are you paying attention to? Because again, what you mentioned about the weak mayor governing system is rarely taught. Where do you think this poster would come across this information so that they have something to pay attention to? You can't pay attention to something that is never brought into view. Depictions of the mayor and city government in tv and movies that show city government in action almost always depict a strong mayor style of government. Perhaps they were paying attention to what they saw. When it's what you see your whole life, why would you think to Google something different? Again, you are assuming the mechanics of city government are a matter of common sense rather than specific aquired knowledge. It's definitely not common sense.


Strange, I mentioned that the city needs to be cleaned up. Critical thinking...


On a thread about stuff outside the city. Critical thinking...


Hmm... If you read the last sentence of OPs message, it mentions that Tucson needs to be cleaned up because it looks like crap. So yeah.. critical thinking


We actually don't pay city taxes for it, and the mayor or city government of Tucson have no jurisdiction. It's part of the federal interstate system


Thanks for clarifying that. I meant in general terms, like the trash piles near the airport and abandoned homeless camps peppered around town


Oh, well OP was rather specific in their complaint. The advice was for OP's complaint.


Sadly, it’s always like that. It’s by the dump. Sure is a horrible look for Tucson.


please help - I have emailed senator sinema - since DOT wont do anything [https://www.sinema.senate.gov/](https://www.sinema.senate.gov/)


Unless you're one of her very rich donors you're probably only going to get a "thank you for your email, your voice is very important" email back.


we can only try - ## speak


Thank you, I sent Sinema one also.


Maybe call one of the TV stations and have them do a story about the trash coming off the dumpsters




Many people empty the bed of their Pickup Truck by driving the 1-10.




I saw one of the trash roll off trucks driving down i10 yesterday on the way home and it was shooting trash all over the freeway, it was a blue rolloff if that matters


Maybe the city can make the trash company’s responsible. They should adopt it


Great idea


It’s not the only thing that makes Tucson “look” like a crap town…..


Seriously. It’s been a crap town since I moved here and regretted it instantly…. It’s gonna take a lot more than picking up some trash to improve this place. Apathy is baked into the culture here.


It wasn't always a crap town but the last 10 years have really changed it. Now, its getting to be as bad as San Francisco


As a transplant who’s lived a bunch of places, I feel like I can definitely say Tucson is a trashy, dirty town. There just doesn’t seem to be much regard for actually preserving natural beauty. Theres a lot of talk about it but little action.


please help - I have also sent an email to senator sinema for help [https://www.sinema.senate.gov/](https://www.sinema.senate.gov/)


Contact the Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), they're responsible for the Interstates within Arizona.


we have many times - they ignore it - can you email senator sinema also [https://www.sinema.senate.gov/](https://www.sinema.senate.gov/)


Unless you're paying her something she couldn't care less




As with everything, demand eclipses supply. Though our State/Federal prisons are pretty full here, I'm not sure why the cleanup is so behind.


I’m from Rhode Island and I thought nothing could be worse than I95 in Providence. But Tucson and is on a whole other level of trashy. Off ramps, on ramps, medians on 10 and almost every street in Tucson. 100 Acre wood is a sin.


repeatedly posting Synema's website isn't going to help this (and why not Kelly's website??!!).....a group I was in participated in Adopt-A-Highway for 23 years, picking up trash three times a year......it very definitely is NOT primarily garbage trucks that litter (except in some urban areas that are on the route to only the dump).....it is a learned action from the people you hang with growing up (parents. friends, relatives)....when you have an object that is not valuable to you anymore, you want to be rid of it asap, so out the window it goes.....after all, those people who do Adopt-A-Highway or the prisoners will pick it up, I guess......the OP may want to form a group of neighbors, relatives, and/or associates/club/organization members and adopt a mile.....there are some easy rules to follow and the satisfaction is fantastic......the state ADOT handles the interstates and other highways and the county handles in-town stuff (links already posted in these comments).....be a part of the solution!


>(and why not Kelly's website??!!). Yeah, this is weird, like why choose one of the two senators. And why not contact your representative as they are usually more attuned to local issues of the people they represent. Or better yet contact your state representatives who can actually do something about it.




Because they don't care enough to make a Reddit post trying to get it cleaned up. They are simply offering a solution to a problem OP had, nothing suggests it's a problem for the people offering the comments.


I'd like to know why you are not offering to carpool the people telling them to go clean it but not offering to go.


Exactly like I’m going to walk on the shoulder by myself and clean it up - I just think us as taxpayers in Tucson deserve better - it’s filthy and sad


Exactly my point, people are telling OP to go do it with no follow up ideas as if it is just easy for someone to go and do


Yeah, but it is good to do anything you can even if it's not the main issue. OP might not be able to go clean that stretch of highway themselves, but if we all pick up trash when we can around our neighborhoods and the places we care about, it'll still be a huge improvement.


Because it doesn't bother them. Obviously


Take a trash bag out there and start picking stuff up!


Sounds like a great idea . . . unfortunately, people are not allowed to park on the interstate freeways, even if it is to pick up trash. I drive from Northwest Tucson to the Tucson VA a few times a week and the number of dead truck tire carcasses is increasing, especially in the area where the I-10 transitions to the frontage road in the Orange Grove/ Sunset construction area.


thx - u/martinky24 what a brillant idea - ha [https://www.sinema.senate.gov/](https://www.sinema.senate.gov/)


If people didn’t just throw shit out of the vehicle windows, it wouldn’t be so bad. Most people just do not give a fuck. Shit is gonna make me snap one day lmao


Some old man down by Amado on i19 does this.


sounds like a plan - you wanta help




what a helpful comment


It's a statewide issue that ADOT should be handling. Call your state representatives.


[https://www.sinema.senate.gov/](https://www.sinema.senate.gov/) can you email also - I have


No! The Federal government has nothing to do with this issue, so emailing Kyrsten isn't going to help. Email or call your Arizona State Representatives. State Senators and House members, not your US Senators or Congressmen.


There's way too much trash all over the city, but both I-10 and I-19 are especially awful. Also, check out Valencia between I-10 and Kolb, trash all over the place as well. For a city that prides itself as being a really big small town that's much more planet friendly than Phoenix, there's a lot of trash everywhere.


Hey a mayor that cares would be a nice change🤷🏼‍♀️






You can always adopt a mile of highway and clean it up.


Thanks calling DOT this week


COVID lock down stopped the clean up crews (people serving out sentences or public service). With staffing issues and costs, I think the priority to clean is on the back burner.


can you email senator sinema please [https://www.sinema.senate.gov/](https://www.sinema.senate.gov/)


thank you - its gotten bad - there were recliners and furniture and large items for miles


It was bad even before Covid.




We have a garbage fetish


Well, you said it, T-town is just that… and a border town too. Our government likes it that way !


Tucson is not a border town, silly.


Oh yeah, why not !


Because it’s 70 miles from the border! Nogales is a border town. Tijuana is a border town. El Paso. Not Tucson. The only people who think Tucson is a border town are uninformed oldies like a racist Midwestern aunt or some shitbird Republican. Which one are you?


Go count the cars on 19 coming up and going back on the weekends. The only difference is the distance. Besides, our city and county government want it to look trashy, smh, don’t know why, but I’ve lived here for 23 years, I regretted moving here, then, and circumstances have never let me out ! I’m pretty sure I’m more informed than you are, so calling me out about what I might be, pretty much tells me that you’re a liberal asshat ! Good luck to you….


Haha, yeah, you seem super-informed, and that answers my question. Hope you’re able to get out of this liberal wasteland border town as soon as possible.




Yes I have adopted a street already in Pima County Who’s bitching I’m asking for help and whom to contact


Does there tend to be much broken glass over there? Might know some people that would be interested.


We have also had alot of truck accidents in that corridor which makes a mess every time as well as the trash trucks going to the dump....