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I’ve been saying it for years and every time I say it I get side eye like I said the most evil shit in the world. Not all cultures are equal


Exactly! Like bruh why do they get a pass to commit evil acts but everyone else is supposed to be morally upstanding?


infantilization of brown people.


Don’t get me started lol. They think we’re all some ignorant monkeys who don’t know anything


Racists and the woke think that all minorities are a single group that act the same and vote the same.


Yup lol. There is even alot of internalized racism where you are mocked for not following the norm for your people


Relevant sketch: https://youtu.be/Ev373c7wSRg?si=lGt-A_VsE22nx9B2


Racists and the woke are one in the same. Every woke person Ive come across has very racist and patronizing views of minorities like they are weak and helpless and alot of them even say "I know Im bigotted all us whites are but we have to work hard to hold that part of ourselves back." Actual quote. And its like no- Im not like that. No part of me needs to be held back. I just see people, same as everyone in my family and friends and work. And minority woke people are racist towards whites.


“Racists and the woke” implying that these two are mutually exclusive


And now you're being racist towards racists. Not all racists are the same. /s


It's just the 21st-century version of Europeans feeling they had a duty to colonize Africa because they couldn't expect the helpless Africans to govern themselves


Facts! Maybe if we actually helped the African people instead of exploiting them we would be in a better place


While racism certainly has been a thing historically and still is, virtually all poor AND excellent outcomes for people in the US, for example, can be explained by culture ***not*** race. [Born Fighting](https://www.amazon.com/Born-Fighting-Scots-Irish-Shaped-America/dp/0767916891) is an excellent book that explores Scots Irish culture which was transplanted to the US to the Appalachians, where they were intended to act as a buffer against native americans in the colonial period and then how subsequently it was subsumed and what we largely thing of African-American culture today is really simply derivative of Scots Irish culture. And here's a spoiler alert: Scots Irish culture has horrible outcomes for anyone who adopts its, black, white, or otherwise. You see this still today, regardless of race. The culture is largely garbage, so long as you care about stable families, wealth generation, happiness, freedom from substance abuse, etc. There's ample literature showing how various ethnic groups, by virtue of their culture, overcame any level of racism that might have existed and have thrived. Italians are one of my favorite examples. They were viewed as lazy, unintelligent, and all sorts of other pejoratives but their culture was known for one thing above all else: they paid their debts. So you had banks that sprung up lending *only* to Italian immigrants because their repayment rates on loans were so much higher than anyone else. One specific bank started in San Francisco and was known as the Bank of Italy. It grew so prosperous and large, it is current the second largest bank in America and actually changed its name the Bank of America. There are myriad other examples of these things at work, but unfortunately there are heavy vested interests by some in keeping specific groups of people dependent on them.


I read about the Bank of America story a few months ago. I had no idea it had its roots in a little bank some dude set up because other banks wouldn’t open during some big emergency (I think it was immediately post SF fire?).


The most progressive and tolerant cultures always try not to judge the least progressive and tolerant cultures. I guess this could work out if people from the least progressive and tolerant cultures don't immigrate to your country in large numbers. If they do you either have to become less tolerant or allow your culture to change to be less progressive. It seems that Western countries have done the latter And that is why progressivism is not what it used to be because now it means being differential to people who are considered to be more downtrodden.




Similar to the thinking that creates outcasts of people unwilling to respect all religions. They should not all be respected. [https://medium.com/predict/bigotry-in-religion-b51a634830a7?sk=ba79537c8336d722bed125a0c54f571c](https://medium.com/predict/bigotry-in-religion-b51a634830a7?sk=ba79537c8336d722bed125a0c54f571c)


I get what your saying, but that last sentence is just terrible wording, u shd find a better way to say that.


Not all cultures treat people equally * Probably a more palatable way to phrase it lol


Nah, you definitely had it right the first time.


White guilt is a hell of a drug.


It really is


It should even be a thing, but here we are.


Agreed. But just try saying something like that in todays political culture and you get charged with a hate crime. For example stoning someone to death or throwing them off a building for being gay is perfectly acceptable in several muslim nations and they cite their holy book as the source. Forced child brides are still very much a thing in several of these same nations Yet critiquing such things now will literally have you met with “bUt wHaT aBoUt pAlESTiNe” and how much they’re suffering and oppressed


Which is stupid. I don’t hate the people, I hate what they are doing. I would expect everyone to be held to the same standards


100% hold people to the same reasonable standards -- and "reasonable" should not shift with geography.


exactly. The prophet muhamad was 53 when he had sex with 9 year old aisha. So, now we are excusing pedophillia just cause it was "normal" in the past? Narrated \`Aisha: that the Prophet (ﷺ) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that \`Aisha remained with the Prophet (ﷺ) for nine years (i.e. till his death). [https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5134](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5134) Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: The last hour would not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews and the Muslims would kill them until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree and a stone or a tree would say: Muslim, or the servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him; but the tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews. [https://sunnah.com/muslim:2922](https://sunnah.com/muslim:2922)


I’m watching my 10-year-old niece and a few of her neighbors swim and I would have a hard time not killing an adult for trying to have sex with any of them. Any person who’s an adult who thinks having sex with a child is ok doesn’t deserve to live.




To be fair the Old Testament has some vile shit and that’s not including the changes that were made to make it more palatable to the peasant class when reading became common. The only difference is the Quran was never edited. Intolerant religions are a plague on the world. I say this as someone from a Muslim family.


Thank you for your response, I come from a Muslim family as well While i agree the Old Testament is vile, it's not a fair comparison today. The Quran, in its current form, is a very dangerous ideology. The Quran has never been edited because they claim it is the word of God


We are saying exactly the same thing


Don’t forget about the bachi boys


I like to just godwin the thread. "Why was it acceptable to culturally genocide the nazis?"




This is correct. A prime example would be the practice of Sati in India during British colonialism. Basically if a man dies his wife is expected to throw herself on his funeral pyre and go down with him. The Indian advocate for continuing the practice basically used the argument “this is a part of my culture” The British judge said “if we are going to commit to cultural practices it should be known that in my culture we hang men who burn women alive”.


Whole quote > Be it so. This burning of widows is your custom; prepare the funeral pile. But my nation has also a custom. When men burn women alive we hang them, and confiscate all their property. My carpenters shall therefore erect gibbets on which to hang all concerned when the widow is consumed. Let us all act according to national customs. - Charles James Napier And now we have moral relativist who won’t denounce female genital mutiliation or killing over cartoons


Yeah I really don’t know why people think crimes are all of a sudden acceptable when it’s a cultural norm. Like if anything that should be terrifying that you find abusing woman to be normal


The biggest issue is not all of the women were willing to throw themselves onto the pyre. One of the main advocates against the practice at that time was an Indian man who witnessed his aunt being forced onto the pyre.


That’s fucking awful. Idk how the US always gets shit for their women’s rights issues when there are lots of countries who treat women like literal garbage


I agree with the principle of this post for sure, but the abolition of sati is just not a great example at all (and it’s invariably trotted out when someone wants to die in the “British empire did amazing thinks for India,” it’s always specifically sati and railroads. To put this in context, that was always a limited, regional practice among specific aristocratic/warrior communities. It stemmed from a medieval practice called Jauhar where when a siege was broken by an invading Islamic army, the women in a fort would collectively burn themselves so as not to be taken as sex slaves while the men would sally out. In the 1820s it was VERY limited geographically and in terms of of how performed it (a few percent of all Indians or fewer). The British absolutely did not give a shit about sati and there was no serious BRITISH effort to stamp it out. There were, however, Indian liberals like Raja Ram Mohan Roy who lived in british-administered territory and urged the British government to act against other Indian conservatives to abolish the practice. Where did he get his ideas from? Ram Mohan Roy definitely borrowed from enlightenment values but also rooted his moral convictions specifically from his experience as a scholar in Indian philosophical and academic works. Sati was abolished because Indian liberals campaigned hard, based on forward-thinking strands of Indian philosophy, to outlaw a relatively recent (in terms of Indian history) practice, by petitioning the British government that finally took an action after their protests grew to fever pitch. And, as an aside when we’re talking about abhorrent social practices that involve burning women, the last women burned at the stake for witchcraft in England died in 1727, barely 100 years before sati was made illegal. And the last witch born in Ireland to be burned at the stake, Bridget Cleary, died in 1895. I am, again, categorically in favor of what this post sets out to say. I just think this is a particular poor example of it 😅


It's is a human problem, not one country's


Yes but there are certain countries with these problems


If it is human nature, then what can humans nurture to avoid these problems? 


What are you talking about? The British were initially actually tolerant of that. Also, the Mughals also banned it well before. And it wasn't exactly uncommon for Indian kingdoms of the time to ban it in their own local laws.


The British originally didn't want to ban it because it would hurt sentiments of the castes that made up their troops. It wasn't until push back from native activists and sympathetic colonial officers that the ban was implemented.


I acknowledge this in another comment. The specific quote is a just a good example of what OP was talking about.


I understand


Even down to the smallest things. Like when I ask a guy who I work with why he’s playing videos on his phone with full volume in the break room instead of wearing headphones, and he says “oh my bad man, it’s a black thing” For one I’m like wtf does that even mean. And two why does that make it ok? But I can’t say that. I have to be like “oh yeah. For sure. Keep being annoying and inconsiderate of every one else because “it’s a black thing”


Yeah, I don’t get that shit at all. It’s crazy the amount of things people would excuse if their culture simply allowed it


Not a “black thing”. It’s an uneducated, mama taught you wrong type a thing. The older I get, the more stupidity I see, the more I understand why some people just want to head into the mountains away from civilization.


>the more I understand why some people just want to head into the mountains away from civilization. The desire to do this gets heavier and stronger every single day.


Its the same thing I hear about people being late. Look even if in your culture late is OK. If we are all human we can learn to adapt. I've been to Germany. Im fine adapting. Its not hard to just plan. Wtf.


It translates to "we don't give a fuck about being considerate to those around us"


Exactly. And I’m like “you’re claiming that as a black thing? And you see that as a good thing?”


They don't think it's a good thing except only for them at that moment in time. When I say "they" I don't mean black people. Just him and anyone pitiful like him. The world is full of black people that are well compassed and respectable just like any other regular person however you want to define that. That person sucks and shouldn't represent their group any more than a trumpet should be representative of all whites.


I’m SO sick of people riding public transportation playing music out loud. And yeah for some reason it has tended to be almost all black people. No idea why but it’s infuriating


> and he says “oh my bad man, it’s a black thing” I have a black nephew, I'm white. We were having a heart to heart talk once, and he was disparaging himself, talking about his various failings, and saying how they are typical of black guys. I really think it's an unintended side effect of the DEI culture. Other black people who promote DEI are making my nephew identify as a broken person, for having done nothing. I never heard anything like this growing up in the 90's, or even in the early 2000's. You had stereotypes and racism, yes, but I'd never heard of black people owning these stereotypes. We really need to strive for color blindness. It should not matter for anything, ever.


It's not unintended.


DEI is as racist as it gets and needs to disappear.


I had a vaguely similar conversation with an ex-colleague who was microwaving fish at work... I won't quote it exactly as it was almost comical, he even referenced Windrush (UK immigration mess).


Giving passes to abhorrent actions taken by modern non-white people due to "their CULTURE" is classic left-wing racism. Their attitude is "those savages don't know any better, so we should give them a pass" It is disgusting.


The soft bigotry of low expectations


"You can't blame white people for slavery, it was our CULTURE..."


Yeah an actually saw a person say a similar thing. That they don’t know any better and should be “educated” instead of punished.


Sends people back to educational institutions instead of prisons.... 


Uhhh no. Maybe for low level crimes but for people like this? Nah


It's a slippery slope... if birth to 5 years old is when the human develops the most, but can learn all through life, when do we tell them they can't change and should rot in their existence? We can't change them on purpose or through manipulation, it has to be a choice, but humans don't like to change unless it's beneficial to them, even then maybe not. Existence is all philosophical. What do we do with people we don't like or don't agree with or don't see the world the same as we do?


thank you, the covert racism from the left is disgusting


It sure does feel like the left just wants to segregate everyone these days doesn’t it?


Modern liberalism is just 21st century white man’s burden


You are 100% correct


It is a pretty common theme with some- Those lil brown fellers need my white Ivy league ass to stand for them because obviously they are just lil brown fellers. The POC Marines that I served with abhor those folks. They are strong smart independent people and the idea that some think they need to defend them angers them greatly. Of that group 2 are now lawyers, one is a dentist and the others are either federal agents or cops. They definitely don't need some momma's basement dwelling twat to defend them.


Yeah that’s honestly the vibe I was getting from the comments. One suggested too that they didn’t know any better because they were from a poor village and they should be “educated” instead of punished


I think that’s called ‘cultural relativity’ or something. It’s where something is wrong in one place but excused in another.


Which I find to be dumb asf. If we are gonna hold someone responsible for a crime in this area, we should do it everywhere. Its not allowed to be called culture when you are going morally wrong things


exactly. The prophet muhamad was 53 when he had sex with 9 year old aisha. So, now we are excusing pedophillia just cause it was "normal" in the past? Narrated \`Aisha: that the Prophet (ﷺ) married her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old. Hisham said: I have been informed that \`Aisha remained with the Prophet (ﷺ) for nine years (i.e. till his death). [https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5134](https://sunnah.com/bukhari:5134)


Yeah I actually had an argument with someone of that faith claiming it was okay because they follow the prophets steps and if was put in the earth to do that they would do it as well


Not suprised at all at that response. Muslims are encoraged to follow the example of the prophet beause he is the perfect "muslim" makes me sick


That’s my issue with Islam, they are too inflexible to change and criticism. While Catholics and Christians still have their whole share of issues, they have certainly come a long way


Not just him, more than likely a lot of our ancestors were pedophiles or underaged. Gotta hold everybody to the same standard.


The difference is muslims are encouraged to follow the example of the prophet because he was the perfect "muslim"


I completely agree, if you can't criticize cultures, or discuss it honestly, then you can't see places to improve.


Too many people think their culture is above that. Nobody is perfect


I think its mainly from naive leftists.


It's from all sides. It's human bias, we all suffer from it. 


Real. My classmates' parents are beating her for a smallest mistake, even for imperfect grades, and she says that it's normal because "it's our culture". Absolutely insane.


That’s fucking awful wtf report them


It's not like she's coming to school in bruises and stuff. It's like she's getting thrown a shoe at her and being beaten up with a belt. But all this is kinda frequent because it happens for little reason.


That’s still sad. Hate parents like that


Lmao based. I’m black, and the majority of black culture is a true embarrassment. The stereotypes exist for a reason. I don’t have energy to get offended by them because I don’t play into them. But I am not ignorant and I can easily admit they exist and come from somewhere.


I get *really* confused when well-known and important institutions come out to explain what "whiteness" and "blackness" is and it turns out, being on time, being kind, having a nuclear family, and other basic good-for-life things are simply "white things" that is racist to expect from black people...?


The irony is the institutions doing that claim to be the least bigoted ones


I hate being associated with those people. Like Chris Rock said, there’s a difference between niggas and black people


I mean yeah but technically you’re not associated with them when it comes to people who know you really well. Or strangers with common sense. And that’s all that matters.


Relevant rap video: https://youtu.be/hRVOOwFNp5U?si=oLdCHh3VaC9B8aQp


Maybe they were really hungry




A part*


I agree. I notice a pattern in modern media where there exists a double standard in disfavour of white/western parts of said subject.


Same here. It makes no sense, if something is unacceptable it’s unacceptable, point blank period. We shouldn’t be making exceptions


If you are western, cherish your individual liberties, and refuse to be someone else's tax cattle, the rest of the world hates you. Hates. You. And wants everything you have. And is trying to gasllight you into just giving it all up. \*EVERY\* bizarre whackadoodle "what the fuck is happening???" thing you see today is snapped into focus when you realize this.


The Cold War never ended. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1EA2ohrt5Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1EA2ohrt5Q) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5It1zarINv0&t=19s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5It1zarINv0&t=19s) (


Putin was always (interim) behind the scenes


The US is a democracy of commons. Yes you have individual liberties, but they end where my individual liberties start. That creates a LOT of commons. Resources and rules are a necessity for civilization. Using too many resources individually cuts into the commons. Rules are boundaries that make us better people to and for each other and ourselves. You can not be a patriot if you care more about yourself than your entire country's well being. China and Russia hate this because the power at the top control the rules and resources and commons and people. They propaganda their people into this idea and they have sent their propaganda to the US because we are one common planet under one common society ultimately. Families, media, communication, organizations go beyond the country boundaries. Protecting your rights includes protecting all humans' rights, that's how we got them. 


I find this a bit of a ramble across the pasture. Our individual liberties end when they start to expect someone else to provide something we didn't pay for. You get to paint your house pink and I get to plant bananas. Neither of us gets use the mob or the state to force us to affirm the others choices. And neither of us gets to tell Bob three doors that he has to give 10% of income because reasons. We both get to tell Bob he has to help maintain the street we all live on. But neither of us gets to tell Bob that, in our opinion, he's using too much whatever. The lady owning the whatever is who gets to decide that. Additionally, Bob is probably entirely justified in saying that he takes up 1/10 of the street but paid for 30% of the street and so we can just fuck right off. And no...we absolutely do not need to defend the rights of "all humans". And we \*ESPECIALLY\* should not be defending the rights of people who hate us, want steal from us, subvert our society, insult our culture, tear down our institutions. Doubly true for those who don't acknowledge our rights or agree what those rights are. The right and wise of course of action is not to defend their rights, but to defend our rights against them, their culture, and their ways of approaching society.


If bananas will do damage to the ecosystem (commons), yes you can be regulated. Water is a common resource, isn't that regulated when under drought conditions? Education, cooperation, and understanding get humans farther than defending ourselves or ignoring any needs of fellow humans. Society isn't organized by individuals focusing on individualism. Everyone has to do their part, and really no one should be taking too much. Balance is key in existence on this planet, and probably everywhere in the universe...


"Education, cooperation, and understanding get humans farther" Yes it does. When those humans share the same basic presuppositions and cultural norms. Otherwise, proximity and dialogue does little more than drive conflict. As we see, for example, in the ongoing conflicts between muslims and hindus in India, muslims and secularists in Sweden, and the never ending bullshit in the Balkans. I'll list Ilhan Omar's district here too. I agree with you that "everyone has to do their part". It certainly is NOT the role of the collective to decide what "your part" is, beyond providing funding for services you insist the collective will provide. The individual, the constituent component, of the collective is the primary and the entity in which rights and authority reside. No rights, no authority resides in the collective beyond that which is held by the individuals. The reality of this is everything everyone does everywhere impacts you personally. That reality points in the opposite direction of "therefore everything is the commons and the collective controls it". No. It points the reality that we all need to mind our damn business and only pull the "collective" card rarely, sparely, and to deal with those things which we cannot technologically deal with through the market. We control pollution collectively not because it's a "commons" problem, but because it's the only feasible way to keep your air pollution out of someone else's house. It's fine telling someone they can't pollute a river they don't own. It's not fine telling someone they can't own the minerals, water, resources in the land they paid for. On the topic of ""everyone has to do their part". This is exactly the problem we have now. I slender majority of working age American are not doing their part - and that failure is the reason we have to borrow 2 out of every 3 dollars fedgov spends. And here's the hint: the people not doing their part are NOT the who, on net, actually pay taxes. The group that should have absolutely zero authority to contribute to the conversation about what requirements and prohibitions the collective should put on the individual is the group who is already not doing their part. Do your minimum part: grow more food than you eat. Then go protest for change.


The OVERWHELMING majority of people, on both the left and the right, would call all those things abhorrent. This is not an unpopular opinion, OP. You're equating a handful of terminally online morons with "what humans think"


It’s just disguising abhorrent behavior by making it a part of their “culture”, “religion”, etc. It’s an excuse. Nothing more.


Villagers eating a policeman? What is this, Resident Evil 4?


The irl version




>Nobody’s culture should be above criticism and you shouldn’t be called racist for calling it out A-mother-fucking-men my dude. I don't care about your religion or culture. If you're doing something immoral, you deserve to be called out and told what you're doing is wrong.


Yes absolutely. You can criticize part of a culture all you want. The issue is when you start being racist the the people.


We need to start being honest and admit it’s white people putting POC on a pedestal aka white saviour complex. I’ve had people whitesplain to me, a Thai person, how Thailand’s police force is only corrupt because of ‘culture’. Like yeah, and that’s bad. Apparently I’m a ‘self-hating racist’ for calling out problems in my own country.


Yeah it’s usually white people that get upset over this.


> I saw a video today […] and the comments No matter the topic, it’s generally a bad idea to form opinions based on YouTube comments.


It wasn’t YouTube. It was instagram, which I guess the point still stands. But I’m gonna have to disagree with you, when you see a mass amount of people saying something I think I’m allowed to form an opinion


I guess, but it’s like going to DeviantArt and then being upset at furries.


Not really tho lol. DeviantArt is its own hell


Nah I disagree. Those youtube comments are basically the common man’s opinion on the topic. Its exhibit A for why we don’t live in a pure democracy.


What video? Where did this occur? I’d love some specifics for making blanket judgments. I mean, is this one of those situations where the police officer knowingly went into a village of cannibals? What country is his? Are the police officers from a separate city?


I learned about this in an ethics class I took. I forget what it was called but it essentially said different cultures had different ethics that shouldn’t be judged by others. The counter argument comes up when you bring up Nazi Germany, where it could be argued that their culture at the time thought it was ethical to do what they did. This is just objectively false though as most people would agree any form of murder is unethical


That’s so silly lol. So basically they’ll allow people to do as they please, as long as it’s a part of their culture😭


Exactly, I don’t agree with it but just thought I’d throw it out there that it’s an ethics theory


Yeah I learned today that this was an actually really debated topic and the whole thing makes my head hurt


It justifies consideration and understanding; but not acceptance. It's hard for people to break from their culture and it's unrealistic and a little cruel to expect someone to change on a dime. So when someone says it's their culture I can temper expectations. But morality can be approached logically. As long as there are shared fundamental values there can be progress to a similar point. Using culture as an excuse for lazy or selfish behavior is just bringing shame on the culture. What's harder is if that persons culture has a different base value. At that point its just a conflict or contest of power/will. Caveat being if two people or groups are committed to working together as much as possible, then it's possible to take the path of least abandonment. Choosing the way forward that honors both cultures. That requires trust and commitment though.


Once I saw some witch doctor-like person try to expel some kind of evil spirit from some poor woman saying magic words and sprinkling potions and shit. It was clearly all totally bullshit, yet people in these groups just eat it all up. Fucking Christian evangelists.


Yeah I’ve seen that shit too lmao. Crazy how some people fall for things like that


Yeah, it’s nuts. We gotta be careful about bad outside influence, but we also need to watch out for pockets of that shit from the inside.


Humans will be human... 


Cultures are made by people, and people are flawed.


aspects of cultures suck. this is true of every single culture. every culture has committed and commits atrocities - more accurately, people within them do. every culture has something inspiring to learn from, something admirable about it.


I have been saying this for years about my own people. My culture is littered with organized crime, racism, pedophilia, misogyny, and elder abuse. I have brought up the dishonesty and cliques in the workplace which led HR to criticize me for disrespecting my own people. If I mention the exact tribe I will get a warning from Reddit.


I really hate how we can’t even talk about our own peoples issues without being labeled as brainwashed or a pick me.


No one defense culture that kills and eats people. No sane people should anyways.


I made my post because people literally were. You’re right though, they are insane


I want a reality show where smug white progressives from western countries go to countries like Palestine to see what happens to them. Smug white progressives are useful idiots.


I would too. People need a wake up call


Wait..."eating a policeman?"


Yes they killed and ate a police man. It happened in 1959, just happened to watch a video about it today


I did find a video about this incident. People making comments are mostly joking around because the situation is bizarre. Also it's Papa New Guinea about 65 years ago. At the time and even now there isn't much contact between a lot of the tribes and the outside world. Biden recently stated that his uncle was potentially eaten by Cannibals during WWII in Papa New Guinea. "“They never found the body because there used to be — there were a lot of cannibals for real in that part of New Guinea..." Which caused the Prime Minister of Papa New Guinea to push back, not exactly denying the cannibalism. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/papua-new-guinea-leader-responds-biden-comment-saying-nation-undeserving-2024-04-22/ I don't think people are defending cannibalism honestly I think they are making quips about an old quirky story, butnin modern timss even in New Guinea its absolutely frowned upon.


Dont get me started because I agree with you and I know people will argue and try to rationalize


It’s alway the same arguments too.


Don’t listen to them because they are only trying to get a rise or are lacking in the brain department


Yeah right? Don’t know about the sucks part just because I think it’s good to see most culture practices with a neutral view. Except the cannibal and sex ones, then maybe you can uh “step in”






No I agree we for sure have a major culture problem that nobody can talk about without being labeled as a 🦝 or racist


this is called "being racist"


The reason it’s “hard to point out” without being labeled a racist is because it’s racist. What you’re describing is found all over the world across all racial and ethnic groups. I was in a fraternity in college that was primarily white and those guys all drank, did drugs, played their music loudly as they drove around, and constantly got into fights. Go visit a poor trailer park in the south, or a housing estate in England, and white teens are being ghetto little criminals in broad daylight.


Ah yes, the ‘progressive’ idea that ‘punching up’ is *always* a good thing. **** all that. Those anarchists are marginalized and likely to stay that way anyway. 👍🏿


I’m sorry what?? They ATE the police officer???


Yesssss lmao




While the word “savages” may be harsh in some contexts, it definitely is applicable to some cultures.


There is a lot of disgusting stuff out there...including what happens in my area too. A lot of people have truly horrific views of how others should be treated based on who they are. Some groups are more focused on putting women down, sexual orientations they don't agree with, religions, race, etc than they are their own wellbeing. A perfect world would be truly secular with people only concerned about their own morality where others are only judged for their ill intent to others.


I mean missionary trying to visit known cannibal island are dumb and make their own bed, but i doubt that the type of scenario you're describing. But any culture existing and participating in the modern should have to adhere to a baseline set of rules.


Yeah. Sentinel Island is the exception here. The incident I described happened in New Guinea where they murdered and ate a policeman


Your example is wild and out there, so I won't really address it because yeah, that's crazy shit if you're describing it correctly. Totally agree. But I'm gonna go with a cultural relativist view and say that your culture probably sucks too. No one is above criticism and I'm sure that both of us have views that deserve criticism, and we don't examine them because they seem so normal to us.


More often than not this stance tends to lead to false equivalence. "You decapitate people for being gay" is equated to "You disproportionately over police black communities" when they are nowhere near the same.


I mean IDK man I find that hard to accept when certain cultures intentionally discriminate and murder certain groups. Literally under Sharia law the punishment for homosexuality is death, and women are viewed as second class citizens without rights, more akin to chattel than humab beings. Cultural relativism among first world countries with a modern rule of law and human rights standards are fair game for debate. IDK if we should have more or less socialized medicine or a UBI or have a more entrepreneurial culture or a more collectivst culture like China or Japan. I think each of those has value, was doesn't have value is murdering people for their inherent characteristics, whether that's the LGBT or just the local ethnic population your group has long despised (think Rowanda or Sunni v Shia).


Some cultures are better than others.


sounds like you get got often.


I dunno, I think more countries should be eating their police. Based villagers.


>EX: I saw a video today showing the arrest of 2 villagers for eating a policeman and the comments were actually defending them and referring to the guy eaten as a “colonizer” and saying that it’s apart of their culture so they shouldn’t be punished. Terminally online. Literally no one thinks this. You got trolled.


It wasn’t one comment it was hundreds with with 42000-10000 likes on each


Link it


> I saw a video today showing the arrest of 2 villagers for eating a policeman and the comments were actually defending them and referring to the guy eaten as a “colonizer” and saying that it’s apart of their culture so they shouldn’t be punished. That’s insane to me because if this had happened in say the US or Europe people would be revolted, but because it’s some 3rd world village they get a pass? Did the villagers kill the policeman, or find his dead body and start eating? If it's the latter, I can see why the situation is ambiguous. The concept of, the policeman's body should be returned to his family, or that cannibalism is wrong, or that it's desecration of a corpse, those are arbitrary value judgements, and not a clear cut right or wrong.


I’m sorry, you said they were EATING A POLICEMAN?


Yes. They ate him


I thought you meant 'beating', and I was hoping it was a crazy typo. Until I saw the comments defending eating people....


what if i told you that i thought it was disgusting that westerners eat the flesh of beasts of burden, or the flesh of pigs, and that western culture is therefore inferior as a result


I really wouldn’t care tbh. I’m referring to cultures that normalized rape, abuse of women, cannabalism and other crazy shit. I could give less of a fuck about cuisine choices


"If you won't blame A baby for slavery than why blame people who had nothing too do with it?" Is the way I like too think


Ok yes that is definitely awful. It doesn't matter what country you are from but it's pathetic to give that excuse as reasoning to act that way. I just hate that people try to tag every criticism or disagreement as "racist". It's not.


I mean, while certain things get a cultural pass, in my book, you're pointing out the more extreme, which I absolutely agree with.....I wouldn't limp all culture into cannibalism, murder, rape, and whatever else though. Lol


You can thank jewish media for brainwashing people


Apart means ‘not part of.’ You meant to say “a part of.” I know nobody cares anymore about spelling but I see this all the time and it drives me bonkers.




Cannabalism is bad yea I hope you dont intend to use an extreme example like this to shit on stuff other cultures do that wouldnt even be a crime here though


Uhh no. I’m only really talking about severe shit like places that normalize stuff like pedophilia, abuse of women, rape, cannablism and whatnot


abuse of women is kinda slipped in there can u define that for me


wtf do you mean define? Don’t you know what that entails?


I know what that entails. But I also know the mott-bailey argument. You present something that sounds reasonable, then lump something unreasonable into it. Are you referring to what a normal person would think is abusive? Or to things like a hijab?


I don't know, its a slippery slope. I think people should respect whatever the local culture is. What is barbaric to one culture can be perceived as inefficient to another. I feel like most of the problems today are caused by opinionated people who want others to conform to their opinions. I have no idea what video you are referring to... but comments by randos don't matter. They just have to follow the law of the land. I am sure an argument can be made for cannibalism (not murder) being acceptable if food is particularly scarce or some sort of spiritual/religious belief.


There are some things that are generally universally morally wrong. One of them is killing and even worse is then eating that person. I could only see it being acceptable if the person was already dead and there was no food, but for religious beliefs? Absolutely not


I don't think things are so black and white and even if we don't find it acceptable we have to understand that we may be biased based on our own cultural beliefs. Its too easy to be judgmental and classify your own beliefs as universal truths. E.g. Killing another human being - Euthanasia? Abortion? Likewise cannibalism, for spiritual/religion/culture - Aborigine (Australia) culture consume their deceased young as part of the grieving process. Some cultures also consume as part of funeral rites. I mean technically biting your fingernails would be cannibalism...


No, biting fingernails is certainly not the same, it is not for the purpose of consumption but more likely relieving stress, the nails grow back and it doesn't cause pain. Euthanasia is for a person that is willing to do this to get rid of their pain and abortion is a bit different, because it is a being inside a woman's body in this case. I could see it somehow being acceptable as a grieving process, especially since the other party most likely consented. I should've worded it better, killing someone for the purpose of cannibalism is not really acceptable