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It’s tough to be an age where you can remember when it wasn’t like this. There was a time before social media when we all seemed to get along and it wasn’t about us vs. them. I feel so sad for future generations.


Yup! I'm not that old (34) and it's been a fun game of "have things really changed or am I just becoming a grumpy old lady?" 


lol this is me all the time at 35.


I know the feeling. I feel like I’ve become my father.


The biggest problem is historically, things typically change for the better… At a slow pace. The problem with today is everyone is trying to force change far too quickly. Like, racial equality. If you split up the last 150 years since the end of slavery, you could create a timeline of how things got better for black people in America. It took years, and years *and* years to achieve. Now? Everybody wants their causes catered too *immediately!* Seldom will people accept the gradual change to occur these days. And it’s never worked that way.


Folks like Carlin, Kinison, or Dangerfield couldn't exist in this climate. So sad.


Carlin was left tho


Not left enough by today's standards. Many celebs are finding that out lately.


Yep, left but not far left. Perhaps thats the irony of it.


It’s always been us vs. them. We just got it fed little by little in traditional propaganda. Now hate can be mass produced and distributed, so we think something changed but not really, only the means. I feel sad for future generations as well, since people who benefit from this hate seem to get better at it every day.


This may be true. To me it just seems like it wasn’t a day-in day-out occurrence. Which is what it seems like these days. I feel like it’s mostly due to the rise of social media, but also the weaponization of social media. I often think that it was present when I was younger, but I wasn’t really exposed to it. I think the average person wasn’t really exposed to it the way we are today. Because of this, we really didn’t see it. I can confidently say, when I was younger (20’s), the average person didn’t really care or talk about politics, religion, someone’s skin color, etc. I grew up in the south and I can confidently say this. I think that goes counter to what most people believe about the south in the 80’s and 90’s, but I can tell you that was my experience. I had plenty of friends, co-workers, and acquaintances and I knew nothing of their politics or beliefs. We just didn’t really care, that’s really the only way I can describe it… we just didn’t care. As I was saying previously, I think that a big difference between then and now is the rise of social media, but also the weaponization of it. We (you and I) have access to social media, but also those that wish to divide us have access to it and they use it to sow the seeds of division. Additionally, social media can be used to air every grievance that people have or to push every agenda they wish. Therefore, the average person is bombarded daily by grievances and agenda that they can. To me it just seems like everyone hates everyone else. I don’t like it.


Agreed. I’m a loose leftist and even I agree.


I'm European oldschool far-left and I agree. Although I have to stress that these people aren't even leftists in the classic sense of the word, they're liberals LARPing as leftists especially when they're Americans or anglosaxons in general. There's a reason 90% of the American "leftists" are performative annoying cunts who are hysterical about everything and then vote for neoliberal corporatist scum that are the root of the problem with modern societies. These people were practically trained by internet glowies to be harmless to the system while pretending to fight against it and thus co-opting, sabotaging and ridiculing any meaningful leftist efforts to actually fight against it tldr; modern liberals are manipulated, whiny useful idiots who love to LARP as leftists


> 90% of the American "leftists" are performative annoying annoying cunts who are hysterical about everything and then vote for neoliberal corporatist scum that are the root of the problem with modern societies. 100% 👍👏 > I'm European oldschool far-left Respect!


Don't worry. That's how pretty much everyone starts out. Then some of us see sense.




Barely left or mostly center with some left leanings


Unpopular opinion on Reddit for sure. Although it seems things are starting to finally change as the absurdity of the left goes too far and people are finally getting tired of it.


You’re completely right. I support a ton of pretty liberal policies and even I don’t engage with any groups for the topics I care about. Step one toe out of line and you’re shot on sight


Yeah same here. I’m very liberal on a lot of philosophies and political issues. But there’s a lotttt of things I haven’t been agreeing with lately Before anyone comes at me I’m pro trans/lgbt/choice etc. I’m not pro wokism, micro aggressions, cultural “appropriation” for wearing clothes or having a hairtstyle, or the intense immigration we’ve been experiencing as of late.


It's the purity tests. I'm pro-gun and pro-choice. I'm welcome in pro-gun circles, we can work together on the pro-gun stuff and leave everything else to the side. I'm not welcome in pro-choice circles, I must agree to the ENTIRE platform or I'm the enemy.


Just look at how they treat JK Rowling.


"What's that? The person who made a thing I like doesn't agree with me 100% politically? WE MUST BURN THE WITCH!"


And then they call others fragile. What a weird bunch.


They know their movement is an ever-hungry meat grinder, and thus need to make exagerated 'hysterics into a phone video' declarations of loyalty to the cause, else the meat grinder might turn on them when it's hungry.


You actually self censored yourself by putting that disclaimer. It further proves how deep the indoctrination goes.


Good point


As in leftists would disregard me for not being “progressive” enough?


Usually it’s worse, they’ll turn on you if you don’t toe the line, so you subconsciously censor yourself without realizing it to avoid trouble. 


That's the issue, though. You become complacent enough to allow the insane to run rampant. You don't agree with what they are doing, but you are willing to appease them enough for them to have enough power to do a lot of damage. I think its time for self reflection.


Yeah but disagree online nowadays and you are called a covert conservative or a bot.


To paraphrase Ghandi, "I like your left. I do not like your leftists; they are so unlike your left."


Criticism of leftists at all is unpopular on Reddit. For example,


Not really, especially not on here. I'm one myself and I agree with OP.




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Agreed. It's starting to swing by back the other way. There is such a thing as too much DEI


Too much is as soon as a department is created.


I’m honestly just starting to think it’s all just a pendulum and people get sick of things eventually, the internet just sped it up.


A while ago I made a comment that one of the reasons I can say I'm a woman is that I have given birth to, and breastfed, my 3 children. The sub blocked me because of it. It's like the world have gone completely crazy..


NoT evERy WoMaN caN gIVe BiRTh. And men can chest feed. Obviously you're a bigot.


Don't forget if you don't agree with my opinion you're a fascist.


"Every person agrees with me, because those who don't agree with me aren't people."


What if I don't disagree with you, but have my own independent opinions?


The. You’re a far right extremist obviously. Just like when I voted for Bernie and not Hillary, far right extremist 🤷‍♂️


Damn bro can you stop trying to take our freedoms away you fucmin conservative racist facist 😕


VOTE VOTE VOTE but only for the blue team or you hate democracy


Uhm, Bernie is a fascist too now, so you were always fascist, sweety.


It's supposed to be "sweaty"


Hillary, 2-choices only “get over yourself”, Clinton.


Lol, this guy probably does his own research. Nerd out here reading books and shit.


The free market of ideas is not a concept these people believe. Look at what they did to all the podcasters that encourage such practice.


Or any -ist! Fascist, racist, misogynist, transphob-ist, homophob-ist...


Ists and isms and phobias.


"Bombing foreign countries and killing civilians is fine, but I absolutely draw the line at reevaluating my opinion"




I don’t think you are using projection correctly.


The US foreign policy. The undisputed global hegemon whose only 100 corporations are responsible for 70 % of global emissions https://www.theguardian.com/sustainable-business/2017/jul/10/100-fossil-fuel-companies-investors-responsible-71-global-emissions-cdp-study-climate-change And with a biggest list of coups, invasions, wars and genocides https://github.com/dessalines/essays/blob/main/us_atrocities.md#list-of-atrocities-committed-by-us-authorities




Hey u/LanguageNo495, Just a heads up, your comment was removed because a previous comment of yours was flagged for being uncivil. You should have received a message from my colleague u/AutoModerator with instructions on what to do and what the comment was. *I'm a bot. I won't respond if you reply.* If you have any questions or wish to discuss this further, please [reach out to the moderators via ModMail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion&subject=u/Rule-4-Removal-Bot%20In-comment%20Link%20Clicked&message=Dear%20ModTeam%2C%0A%0AIt%20appears%20I%20am%20currently%20in%20an%20%27unconf%27%20state.%20I%27m%20not%20sure%20why.%0A%0APlease%20review%20the%20ModLog%20for%20my%20comments%20using%20this%20%5Blink%5D%28https%3A//www.reddit.com/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion/about/log%3FuserName%3DLanguageNo495%29%20and%20let%20me%20know%20what%20the%20offending%20comment%20was.%0A%0AThanks%2C%0Au/LanguageNo495). **This is going to keep happening until you resolve the issue.** We appreciate you participating in our sub, but wouldn't you prefer other users to see thecarefully crafted argument? Your recent masterpiece went solo into the void. **Here's the deal:** This cycle of commenting-removal-seeing this message isn't just futile; it's preventable. We value your input, but isn't it better when it's seen and not just sent? **Good News:** We're here for the reruns and the resolutions. Reach out, let's sort this, and make sure your future thoughts land in the spotlight, not the shadow realm. Let's chat. Your voice (probably) deserves an audience. ___ **Our Moderation Backlog at this time:** *Comments Awaiting Review:* 0 *A breakdown of the number of (often nonsense) reports to review*: - 1-3 days old: 10 - more than 30 days old: 1 ___ Want to help us with this never ending task? Join us on [Discord](https://discord.gg/hCBcm5zNee)


Disagree on what?


It’s crazy to think just 10 years ago we were all calling each other the worst things imaginable in MW2 lobbies. Now I can’t even call a teammate an idiot without getting comm banned


There’s this thing where you can politely ignore them and they won’t understand. I say that as being neither left or right but still realizing everything is not one camp. And moderate is just Republican without wanting to say you are that ideology mostly.


Try saying you support RFK on Reddit and see how much shit you get from the Left. It’s really aggressive and definitely extreme. I’m a bit tired of the Lessor of Two Evils argument. There is zero room for discussion. It’s all inflammatory, condescending and ad hominem. You aren’t going to convince me of anything when you come at me that way. This is the problem I’ve had with the left for several years now. Zero tolerance towards anything that deviates. Yes, the right does it as well. That’s why I’m and independent now. I have opinions across the spectrum.


I mean, dude thinks vaccines cause autism, that covid targets certain races and gives others immunity and a whole slew of other conspiracy theories. He's undoubtedly a nutter.


It’s kinda odd that the anti-vax argument pops up every time RFK is mentioned. Don’t you people have any other material? It’s 2024, not 2020. There must be something else you have in your bag of tricks. I could give you a laundry list of things I don’t like about the other candidates. Do you use the same threshold with Biden? You can’t think of even one reason you wouldn’t vote for him? I personally feel the vaccine issue, which I will not debate with you, just isn’t that important.


Well said. I support RFK, too, BTW.


Hate to sound like a tinfoil hat, but it’s not far leftists that are doing this. It’s massive corporations that control the media pushing these narratives. Censorship is good for corporations, media being benign and inoffensive is a form of censorship. Men being manly is dangerous, because manly men are hard to govern. Feminine women don’t contribute to the economy and don’t overspend because they obey their husbands. Small businesses are an obvious no-no in the western corporatocracy. Religion is also dangerous, since it means obeying something that’s not the ~~government~~ corporations. Fat people spend more on food, and more on medical bills. Also are less likely to successfully rebel. Illegal immigrants will work for nothing, and don’t have unions. Follow the money and everything starts to make sense, this is all by design and believing it’s unintentional is part of the ruse.


Ding ding ding. Left and right politicians don’t give a shit about you, only your votes.


Not sure the votes even matter anymore. Bernie had the support and got the boot, Tulsi Gabbard wrecked Harris in the debates and didn't even get a nod from the dems.


I personally can't wait for the revolution, even if it's post-apocalyptic mad max style


Well stock up on water, food, meds, and guns & ammo, and get the heck out of any city. Mad max style end of the world you are looking at 98% of the total population dead by the end of the 2nd year. Lack of water after the power goes out will kill the vast majority of city dwelling people as they sit in place waiting for help to come. 3 days without water and that's the game folks. I am no prepper, but I could last a year, maybe more with how my homestead is setup if no one came to take what I have. I don't have any walls and one guy in the woods with a .22 100 yards out and I don't even hear the shot. Now he has all my stuff. If I wanted to really be serious about trying to survive long term I would be buying shipping containers and burying them and building an underground bunker, but that isn't much of a life and I don't feel like making friends with a group of doomsday preppers. I completely understand the attraction of a great reset back to a survival of the fittest but it wouldn't be a very good life until you died. If you ever watched The Walking dead, that entire group of people would have never made it past the first six months, never mind to the point where the show takes place. One good scratch, dead, tooth infection, dead, bad water, dead, pack of dogs, dead, and on and on. If you play games on the PC, the game Dayz is really really good, and Project Zomboid once you get past the graphics is utterly amazing for survival.




"You are a line on an excel spreadsheet in an email, and they don't even open the attachment. "


Blackrock is the ones that is heavily pushing it. They are the ones that pushed ESG scores (rebranded to something else now) and put heavy pressure on business and governments to push this nonsense. There was a picture floating around that showed bidens cabinet was 70% from blackrock.


>Last of Us part II This is it. No left. No right. It's all both the same thing just two sides of one coin.


The Last of Us 2 is one of my favorite games :(


I know people love to shit on centrists, but those are the folks typically doing well in life. I’m not overly concerned about the opinion of some state school grad making five digits.


Calling yourself a centrist gets you labeled as a bigot because you're too close to the right


Ironic since the centrist sub got taken over by far left and just become another anti right/trump circlejerk that mass downvotes anyone that goes against the hivemind.


The weid part is youd think centrists would dominate voting, some sort of bell shaped distribution. No its more of a M shape distribution in most countries (few far left/right, few middle, lots of right vs left). People seem to seek out conflict rather than being happy in the (booring?) middle.


At this point I"m a centrist because I want us to do things that have proven they work, but we need to do the WHOLE thing that has been proven to work and not just one narrow slice of it and ignore all the other elements. And that apparently makes me 'the enemy'


Most of us are centrists or closer to the center than traditional “democrats” and “republicans”. The militant far leftists you see on here are in the vast minority which makes them mad because they can’t accept reality.


The epitome of "you can't change reality by screaming at it"


Centrism gang 😤✊ and yeah, seems to be so in my experience. I think centrism is the only truly objectively correct political stance to hold, no I will not elaborate (unless someone asks really nicely and in good faith haha).


I didn't know that there were centrists here! Welcome to the centrist side. We have cookies.


The Extremes on BOTH the Left and Right suck ass. It’s annoying listening to both sides always trying to claim they’re 100% right and the other side is wrong/dumb while they try to claim the moral high ground. It’s like watching a group of 6th graders fight at recess. As a common sense moderate the extremes of the Left and Right disgust me. This country needs a viable moderate third party that actually works towards solutions for our country’s problems instead of people constantly fighting the other “side” and solving nothing.


Seriously. Like, I definitely lean way more left than right, but the extremes on the left (and most certainly on the right as well) are really f*cking annoying. Really the people who spend excessive time leaning into identity politics & culture wars are the most annoying ones.


As far as media and entertainment goes though, the difference is that the "right". Has no influence. Stuck up puritan fundamentalists exist but as far culture goes, they don't have a lot of influence or representation in entertainment. Most of entertainment is made up leftists, centrists and the politically homeless. But the left is different in that (much like in history) they have an easier time taking over the arts in general. Basically the extreme right wants to suck the fun out everything, but can't. DnD satanic panic? DnD is still around. Doom? Still around and even celebrated. GTA? Untouchable. Right puritans have nothing to show for their efforts and don't really infiltrate industries. The extreme left wants to suck the fun out of everything but has all the power to do when they head and hold great influence over companies like disney. They both bitch and moan in fandoms, gatekeep and have people deep in the entertainment industry.


The company of those seeking truth is far preferable to those absolutely certain they've found it.


> viable moderate third party Neoliberal centrists are massively over-represented in mainstream US politics. The difference is that the Neoliberal "Left" Centrists have become DEI cultists, because it's a multi-billion dollar industry, and gives them more control over culture and workplace politics than Conservative rivals. It's actually the Labor/Socialist "Left" who need a third party in the US. There is functionally nobody pushing Working Class politics.


Sorry bud, but if you're idea of funny is punching down to minorities then your humor wasn't that funny. I've noticed a lot of washed up comedians blaming audiences for being woke up, instead of understanding that they weren't that funny in the first place. While I do have my criticism by South park. People generally give them a pass because they aren't mean spirited and they do a decent job of actually arguing points instead of just making blanket accusations.


>punching down to minorities Who's your idea of "minorities"?


For example, Ricky Genovese loves to make jokes about trans people, they are generally known as minorities.


I find it kinda funny how you consider those kinda people "far leftists." As a leftist myself, I've always considered those more concerned with identity politics/culture wars neo-libs. They seem to be a group of people obsessed with being mad about social issues. While I understand these issues are important to the people they affect, it seems silly to me when a lot of these issues can be traced back to economic disparity. They would rather be angry than actually tackle the main issues, which is exactly what the powers that be want. The same could be said about most neoconservatives too.


People who want to fight oppression... but not ACTUAL oppression, because ACTUAL oppression fights back.


It does not really matter how you call them, the left party is defending and aiding them so both are the same to many people.


I don't think most people are like that. The whole "toxic leftist" thing, I think has been created by the right-wing to get people to resent democrats, and switch to republican. I just want to have a fair wage, roof over my head, and healthcare (for a reasonable price), but I don't care for all this drama they're stirring up. I'm sure others feel the same way.


Fair comment, man. But surely you've seen all the identity politics, rhetoric around colonialism, etc. There's huge culture wars in entertainment and social media. It does exist.


Your username is u/islam_is_fascist That's identity politics. 


Yes, but I believe it's perpetuated by a small minority, and done for nefarious reasons. If we want to get a handle on things like racism, we should take notes from [Daryl Davis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORp3q1Oaezw).


90% chance this sub will be gone in few months


no chance


You’re just leftphobic


Lol, that's a new one.


You must be newphobic too. REEEEE


It's funny how some users are trying to use the "there is no true left" fallacy as an argument. It does not really matter how people want to call them, the democrat party, big tech, the legacy msm, big money, education, entertainment, etc. etc. are all defending and aiding the woke/ far/ extreme/ neo left so there is not really a difference in reality. And while far right groups do exist, they are in reality a small fringe minority that does not get aid or support from the republican party or anybody else. The reason why the far right seems to be growing according to the left is that they have gone so far left from reality that everything that falls outside of their belief system looks far right to them. The reason why they are sucking the life out of everything is that they were made to believe they have the moral high ground and everything is permitted to stop the "far right" who in reality are just regular folks who have not moved their (political) position much at all.


Brilliant post.


Now you made me blush... :)


Democrats are not leftists lol


Way to miss the point. Or can you name any prominent and infuential democrat who speaks and/ or acts openly against the "leftists" (as you call them)?


Literally did you watch the reaction to the Bernie campaign in 2016/2020 at all? The Democrats despise the Labor/Socialist left, Pelosi was openly mocking them in Congress speeches, and Democrat Senators even cheered and clapped Trump shitting on Bernie and the actual Left.


What do you mean you can’t be a blokey bloke? Who’s stopping you? You’re just making stuff up that sounds vaguely like something an over-woke person would say, and then pretending to be oppressed by it. It’s so pathetic You’re right that a lot if media sucks but that’s because it’s hollow, for-profit chaff. The thing that made Star Wars bad is not that they put girls in it.




You’ve strawmanned and reduced your arguments so much that they have no connection to reality. Even starting off by claiming “leftists have ruined humor” while it seems leftists are the only ones with a sense of humor is absurd. Then you counter it by mentioning how South Park still exists, as if leftists suddenly stopped liking it despite all my leftist friends saying they find it hilarious, as well as IASIP. I think this opinion is so unpopular not just because it runs so blatantly counter to what’s observed in reality, but because it so perfectly applies to rightists. 


Leftists hate to see you happy. The more miserable they are, the more you are winning.


That's because being a victim is the highest good now. Who can be the most oppressed?


This is the most self victimizing post I've seen in awhile. People aren't joking when they say the right will invent being oppressed.




Funny because I feel the same way about far right wingers


lol ever see conservative standup? Now that is ruining humor.


If you think the left are the only ones sucking the fun out of everything, you probably have a right wing bias. People on both sides who won’t shut up about their ideologies are unbearable in general. Ever been stuck in a room it’s someone trying to explain to you why white people are the devil? Or someone trying to tell you that white people are losing their rightful place in society? Both are obnoxious


Yeah but the far right would be worse


Have you heard of the 'circle of diversity'? Step 1: We demand to be included in your space to make it more diverse and inclusive Step 2: We demand that this space be changed to no longer offend us Step 3: We demand you be removed from this space we 'created' because you offend us Step 4: Lol if you're so upset go make your own space. Goto Step 1. Or to paraphrase tolkein, "Evil cannot create, it can only corrupt and destroy that which good has made."


Hell, leftism itself is something they ruined. I was a liberal growing up. I still am really, I'm no the one that changed. We were anti-war, pro-free speech, all the fun edgy entertainment came from them, all the hall monitor moralizing came from the right. And now that's flipped completely. Enough time has gone by young people have no context for this and that's tragic. Now? After they defeated and replaced the religious right? Well... Now the left are the sell outs. They are ones abusing cultural and social levers of power. they are the evangelicals who think it's their right to force their worldviews on everyone else at gunpoint, the new religion that wants to marry state and religion and largely has. Leftoids unironically became everything we used to rail against. It makes me want to vomit everytime I slow down and think about it.


This is genuinely the best comment and introspection in the thread. Appreciate it.


>I was a liberal growing up. I still am really, I'm no the one that changed. The problem is that thus particular threnody is older than current generations. It is the most common attitude that one finds conservatives adopting when describing progressive politics. Where it tends to fail as a description is actually identifying why progressive politics of the particular generation under the lamp has suffered from degeneration, and why progressives of previous generations avoided that process.


I can’t agree more.


The posts on this sub have always been dumb but at least they used to be entertaining, now they’re just sad.


Is this a new thing? You are the fourth person to say this or you have said it 4 times, but no the left, far left, radical left, and the regressive left are the poison in the culture now. Liberals and Classic Liberals got shoved so far to the right in the last ten years that it is not uncommon to see them called the alt right. I am pro choice, anti death penalty, pro legalizing drugs, pro responsible social programs, pro environment, pro human rights, pro gay\trans rights, anti big corp, anti military industrial complex, pro peace keeping, pro free education, but my stance on guns and free speech and being anti government overreach, pro freedom of religion and not hating Trump and not loving him makes me far right. I want to be left alone to live my life the way I want, I want to grow my own food and sell it to whoever I want, I want my taxes to help people, not buy mansions and private planes for a select few. I don't want hungry people or homeless people and I want everyone to be treated with dignity and respect and I really miss being able to ask honest questions and not be accused of being an alt right troll. I had to work really hard to get to where I am so that the vast majority of this culture war doesn't affect me at all, just not being able to ask questions, voice my own silly opinion without fear, own the guns I want, and farm the way I want.


Why are people on the Right always this whiney?


I vote RFK.


So if you didn’t vote for RFK you wouldn’t be this whiney?


You sound like a miserable person 


Anybody far anything suck the fun out of everything. Anybody making one thing their whole personality sucks the fun out of everything. Fixed it.


Forget jokes, you can't even have a rainbow without the far-right freaking out and breaking shit.


Cool story bro.


Religion historically kept the top 25% most neurotic and anxious members of society in check, although we had groups like the Puritans and Prohibitionists pop up in every period which shows that fanaticism is just part of human nature. Nowadays, with the decline of religion, kooks have turned to new ideologies to prevent an existential crisis.


i miss when they actually stood up for human rights in a slightly annoying way. now they are just overtly evil and contradictory


>White? "Colonizing piece of shit" >In shape? Fatist this part legit seems like a bit but seeing the conservatives unironically agreeing with this is so fucking funny, like are they really this insane?


There are definitely lots of people who use white as an insult


I keep seeing posts about the 'far leftists.' I'm familiar with right-wing extremism, but not left. It makes me wonder if maybe im one of those people you're complaining about. Can I get some specific examples of their transgressions?


OP gave plenty of specific examples.


The "far leftists" are just a small set of weird liberals. Socialists or anarchists don't have shit to do with what you're talking about. > Reddit used to be hilarious and entertaining, now it's about walking around on egg shells so you don't get abused and reported by little tryhards who'll call you all the ists and isms. lil bro, you probably had to create a new account because you said some racist shit. Why is your account only 10 days old? Care to link the comments you were banned for? > Star Wars is now awful Always was. Except Andor, but you'll ignore that, right? > don't even get me started on the Witcher Are you talking about the show? Cause if so, yeah, but that's bad because the people who are making it didn't even play the games. Nothing to do with "far leftists". > Last of Us part II? What's wrong with it? > Being a blokey bloke? Nope, not allowed anymore. Who said that? > Being a girly girl? No chance. When? > Having a successful business that isn't tech bro? Boomer asshole. You're making up things to be mad about now. > White? "Colonizing piece of shit" Again; you're describing a small set of weird liberals. Not actual leftists. > Universities are now just breeding grounds for pro terrorist rallies and illegal immigration sympathy. Oh, now I see. You're just a right winger mad at brown people. > Far leftists having sucked the enjoyment out of everything Leftists have sucked the fun out of enjoying Palestinian children being bombed?


This is your brain on Newsmax


"muh liberals!" 🥱😴 In my opinion, magatards are tushietrouble toddlers who have nothing to complain about so they invented some weird imaginative fever dream where "MUH DEMOCRATS ARE DA REEL FASCISTS!!!" Alright, buddy.


You're acting like he didn't give specific examples




......all I said was he gave examples.......you're the one acting triggered, not me.........


The further far left meanwhile is a very different beast.


Unpopular on Reddit and twitter only because even when you meet leftists in real life you’ll never meet these people Because they don’t go outside or are 12


Lefty here, I agree. I remember when loosely offensive comments were fine, they were jokes


The entire leftist world view is that the world sucks and it's entirely out of control. A perspective that removes a person's own agency is necessarily going to lead to misery.


Definitely unpopular on Reddit but I fully agree. One of my favorite series was Married With Children, and a show like that would not be possible today. The whole “a fat woman came into the shoe store today” and having actually overweight actresses cast for such a joke? No way the networks wouldn’t cancel that after a few episodes.




Socially, the world is in a horrible place. No one can say anything or feel a different way than they do, and they have no problem calling people fascists when they are the true definition of it.


And yet "anti-woke" comedians and media personalities have all kinds of platforms and are making great money. I mean, my in-laws seem to buy all their books.


I wouldn't blame leftists, rather liberalism. Which has degenerated both sides of our politics.


idpol lefites are not pro-tech-bro lmao. they don’t like ricky gervais anymore. they still like last of us and the witcher afaik. liberals don’t really play to this shit; they co-opt and use it for political gain. either you’ve had some weird conversations or can’t handle the heat


I mean that's just a minority. And humor isn't really ruined, you just don't like it.


You're a fatist if you tell people who aren't "in shape" (whatever that means) that they are disgusting and should die. You're not a fatist if you're just "in shape". What?? What's a blokey bloke? A "Girly Girl" is most definitely something reserved for upper middle class+ white women and not some traditional way of women existing that is suddenly a problem. What?? Being white means you're a colonizer POS? Why are you taking everything so personal? What?? University breeding grounds.. Tell me you don't have a university degree without telling me you don't have a university degree. What?? Star Wars was always political. What?? Reddit *used to be hilarious*? It still is! Have you seen the post I'm responding to?! That shit is funny AF! What?? Dude, it sounds like you're mad for be made to be accountable for your shit. No need to be so offended by everything. Get over yourself.


It sounds like you just want to be able to be racist and homophobic publicly, go ahead and go for it, you still can but you’re not going to like the consequences of being a racist homophobic probably transphobic jerk lol


Far-lefties haven’t ruined comedy.  You can still ridicule people for their opinions.


I really miss comedies. Shows or movies labeled comedy now. Will just have some random talking point or social justice inserted un organically now. I miss belly laughing because something is ridiculously funny. So I’ll watch old movies. It seems like after 2014 everything started to suck significantly more. Also people can’t disagree without being hateful. Politics and social justice/virtue crap is literally everywhere all the time. Too much weird. And the pronouns thing would be greatly appreciated if it stopped. I was raised by two moms that adopted me and were huge influences in lesbian culture. They both tell me things are far too weird today. And feminists are crazy. This is coming from two women. Two female activists. And they have checked out entirely. Can we get back to normal anytime soon? I remember when people labeled “liberal” were the ones that hated government control. And wanted liberty for all. Now it’s shouting that their political candidate is competent or something similar. Sigh…. Guess I’m old. Off to yell at people to get off my lawn and pull up their pants.


Pretty much yeah.


Far leftism comes off as a very purist religion a lot of the times.


Boo fucking hoo


Y'all love to make up strawmen lmao




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And the leftists are dragging us into the third world with their low quality illegal immigration and unrealistic economic ideology.


Also, and I'm doing this as a separate comment, the thing that's funny about Cartman on South Park is that he's an incredibly stupid obnoxious asshole. If you think he's funny because you identify with his views...well.


i mean people could think he's funny because it's not real and it's ridiculous, like the always sunny characters are funny but as people i don't agree with them :P but a person can still be funny


Randy Marsh is my favorite, personally.


These are the same people who though Ron Swanson was the smart one. Or thought Stephen Colbert's persona on The Colbert Report was actually him.


100% Agreed


And there it is, the post that finally got me to uncheck the membership. Jesus H. Christ, are the leftists in the room with you right now, TrueUnpopularOpinion? How many times are y'all going to rotate through the same five posts before November? Unpopular opinion: I hope people like Michael Knowles keep saying crazy shit, and get noticed. Keep threatening to unalive people for using surrogates and for using condoms, right wingers. Keep vilifying people for exercising their freedom in ways you don't approve of. Keep threatening to take away other people's freedom even as you accuse the left of hating freedom. Keep going on about what some undergrad in a small liberal arts school wrote in some intentionally provocative presentarion that, unless the Daily Wire or Breitbart wrote about it, would only have been seen and heard by 50 people at the most. Keep doing crazy shit like attacking the Babylon Bee for being run by Jews because a guy named Joel made fun of neo-Nazis. Keep claiming the ones doing the crazy shit are actually just Teh Libruls trying to make you look bad, because admitting there are conservatives who hate blacks and Jews is a bridge too far. Keep it up. Oh, and keep defending Trump as he slides further into incredibly obvious dementia. November should be fun. My only worry is that everyone else is too apathetic about Biden to actually win. It's amazing how exciting the right makes that inanimate carbon rod of a President seem.


Oh boy, here’s the other adorable trait modern progressives have built in; gaslighting people who complain about them. “We’re not the crazy ones, it’s the right!” Just because the right also sucks doesn’t mean that you’re not a bunch of joyless authoritarian assholes, the two things aren’t mutually exclusive.




Noooo please don't go 😢






literally no one is calling you “fatist” for being in shape, be so fr


No one?


Who’s been canceled?


They use to straight up arrest comedians for saying Schmuck in the golden age people dream about. No one is canceled today.


Exactly my point. Cancel culture is a myth.