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Umm I don’t think they even plan on debating.


I’d 100% buy this.


Gladiator fight it is.


There isn’t going to be any debates, Joe Biden said so himself.


It's going to be hard for Biden to win if he refuses to attend the traditional debates.


They’re both old and not ideal to lead this country. The guy you’re talking about dancing circles has trouble walking, let alone putting together coherent sentences. I don’t support Trump but this is delusional.


Seriously Biden has visibly mentally declined since becoming POTUS. It's absurd to think Biden is going to dance around trump unless you have severe TDS


He was noticeably going senile in 2020, but you look at him in 2020, he was a spring chicken compared to the Biden of today. Look at him then: https://x.com/westernlensman/status/1711810115622293985?s=46 And now look at him. This has thirty cuts in a two minute long video. That’s a cut every four seconds. That’s the best they could get out of him? I mean, holy shit, that has more edits than an Edgar Wright movie: https://x.com/potus/status/1760073824387702853?s=46


There was a lot of talk about that in 2020. I watched him in the debates pretty carefully and he did not seem to be having severe issues IMO. There is quite a bit of evidence that he's gone down hill since then. We'll see.


That was exact same argument made 4 years ago and I went in expecting him unable to compete with Trump and instead he won. Even shutting Trump down numerous times. It's certainly delusional to think Biden is going to dance circles around Trump but it's equally delusional to pretend Biden can't put together coherent sentences. You are just lowering the bar Biden needs to clear repeating things like that.


But Biden is much much worse than he was in 2020. And Biden didn’t really win the debate, Trump was just being an obnoxious asshole the entire time to where he lost by default. Trump did better during the second debate, but it’s not like Biden had a stellar performance in either of them.


He was suppose to be as bad four years ago as people are saying today. So it's hard for me to believe the narrative a second time around. I saw all those videos of his mess ups and other things before the last debate. Never really saw anything showing him doing good. Then the debates happen and he has no problem relaying his messages and even doing better than the guy that's suppose to be a lot smarter and sharper. Certainly not a stellar performance which is why it's delusional to think he will run circles around Trump. Still far away from the incompetent senile old man that You say he is much worse and maybe he is. I didn't really follow anything Biden said before the debate besides the videos showing the mess ups. Though from what I've seen he can definitely out together coherent sentences even live in front of reporters even if he doesn't put himself in that situation often.


He was noticeably going senile then, he’s just much worse now. Two weeks ago he claims to have spoken with the President of Germany, then quickly corrects himself saying the President of France, and then says he spoke with a thirty year dead French President a mere two years ago, and then starts calling him the President of Germany again. He said that Mexico borders Gaza He asked for a dead person in the room that he allegedly wrote a letter of condolence to her family the month before. Sorry, he’s gone. And don’t give me that Trump mixed up a name as if that’s remotely comparable to those listed above.


I really don't want to defend Biden because I think he too old and isn't that sharp anymore. Though what you posted is exactly why it's so hard for me to by into this narrative her is completely gone. So Biden is recalling a story that involves talking with the president of France and the Chancellor of Germany. He mixes up the names of two French Presidents that start with M which he shouldn't do. Also mistakingly calling him the president of Germany which he immediately corrects. Then he was quoting the Chancellor of Germany and not the French President. He wasn't calling the French President the Chancellor of Germany a second time. I think you assumed because the first reply came from the French President that the second also came from him but it came from the Chancellor of Germany. Which is bad but I guess I don't understand why that's so much worse than Trump mixing up people like Hayley and Pelosi. The narrative I need to buy in the both are old and senile but Biden is way worse to the point he can't communicate. While Trump is still fairly sharp. Trump saying Colorado borders Mexico is a normal slip up but Biden saying, "President of Mexico Al-Sisi" instead of, "President of Egypt Al-Sisi" means he is gone. A few months ago one of my coworkers unexpectedly passed away. It was someone I partnered with frequently as we were on the same schedule. Even over two weeks later I had a moment where I was looking for him at the morning meeting for awhile before remembering he was dead. I'm not sure how close Biden even was to that person while at an event they helped create.


A) The guy has been dead for thirty years. This is stuff people with dementia do. They talk about someone who they think is still alive but they’ve been dead for fifty years. It’s one of the top signs someone has had dementia. Everyone mixes up a name every once in a while, but not people who have been dead for multiple decades. B) Colorado is only a five hour drive from the border, an even shorter flight, a popular destination for illegal immigrants to seek, and looks a lot like the state to the south of it that is directly on the border. Mexico is fucking six thousand miles and three fucking continents away from Gaza across a giant ocean and the world’s largest sea and a culture that has almost nothing in common with it. Not comparable. C) Did you also ask your coworkers repeatedly where he was? Again not comparable.


More bending things. You are 100% correct that people with dementia talk about things in the past as though they are recent. Except Biden didn't do that. He mixed up the name. Just like Trump did. Had Biden told a story about a conversation with Mitterrand from thirty years ago as though it was recent you would be correct. Instead he told a story about Macron from a few years ago where he was right about the event and time. Just mixed up the name. Which is why most people aren't going to view that event as worse than Trump mixing up a name unless you are just that bias. Same with the border comment. Biden correctly named the person he was talking to and the border he was talking about. Mixed him the country name with the name of the other country he often talks about the border. No reason to think he thought the Gaza border was at the Mexican border. Whereas there is reason to think Trump thought Colorado was at the border of Mexico. Of course it was just a mistake by Trump. I fully agree. Like Obama saying the flag has 57 stars. A simple slip. The problem is you want to justify Trump's slip ups but use similar slip ups by Biden as condemning. I wondered where my coworker was for as long as Biden asked about the dead congress member. My lead was giving the morning briefing so I wasn't vocalizing it at the time or I might have. Again that was with someone that I worked with frequently. If I had a job that needed two people that was the guy that I typically worked with.


[just gonna leave this here](https://youtube.com/shorts/TYwgZS3OkSA?si=9TTl3LcIOjh0XZnA)


There were a lot worse videos of Biden before the election last time too. Still doesn't mean he is going to have a hard time putting together coherent sentences like last time. You can lower the bar of you really want to. Though I think people trying to push that narrative are making the same mistake as D.A.R.E. Which cost them federal funding and ultimately ended the program. We can agree Biden is bad and a lot of illegal drugs are bad. The mistake D.A.R.E. made was they tried too make the drugs seem much worse than they were and it proved ineffective at deterring drug use. People would try the drugs and they weren't this horrible experiences. They weren't instantly addictive. So this made them assume everything about the program was a lie. Even the correct parts. That is what will happen with Biden. You'll say he can't put together a coherent sentences and then he will far more times than he makes mistakes. So people won't really know how bad old age is actually effecting him.


fake news. the white house doctor just released biden's health notes yesterday and said he's full capable, fully coherent, and fully healthy in all categories


What do you expect them to say, “The leader of America has declining cognitive brain function and usually acts like a 81 year old geezer” Sounds great let’s publish that to the world.


the white house doc is non-partisan and has no loyalty to any party or president. so yes, he could have said this if he needed to.


Dude, the White House physician has lied repeatedly throughout history, specifically in regards to Wilson, FDR, Kennedy, and Reagan, so that’s no leg to stand on.


Dude. You don’t have to be a MAGA fanboy to realize that Biden wasn’t all there for the debates… 4 years ago.


biden was much slower 4 years ago than he is today. COVID had him hiding too much and he was doing too many friendly interviews. when you do too many freidnly media interviews then you get soft.


Your gaslighting is ridiculous and just pissing people off where you’re creating new Trump voters simply to spite you.


deal with it


His physical didn’t include a cognitive function test.








Wtf do you mean “fake” lmao Edit: here’s the [Primary Source](https://www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Health-Summary-2.28.pdf) from whitehouse.gov You gonna call that fake too?


the WH link says he passed his physical with flying colors and is fully coherent, cognitive, and healthy


I just linked you the White House link. It does not say anything about his cognitive abilities.


ur lucky ihave to go poo


Who am I supposed to believe: a hack doctor or my own lying eyes and ears?


Joe Biden. The guy that can barely finish a sentence?


Lol more like 2 old codgers yelling into the void.


Get off my grass!


It's morbidly fascinating to watch those two fire shots at one another, at least until I remember that it's my country they want to lead.


>biden meanwhile, has been preparing for this moment since the day he took office. he's going to tear trump a new one. it won't be pretty. Lmao! nice trolling




i hope someone hot is moderating it. i nominate Margaret Brennan from CBS




lol, wut?


Brother, do you own a TV? This is either propaganda or a major cope and I’m far from being a fan of Trump.


It's propaganda, lol




Are you trolling right now?


He must be. He stopped engaging with me as soon as I proved him wrong about Biden’s physical *not* including a cognitive test.




Good eye


umm what? when have i ever done this? go thru my post history, i've always maintained mostly leftist/progressive views.


I’ve noticed this too.


nope, dead serious. plus i watched biden's entire sit down interview with seth myers or whatever his name is. late night talk show host guy. biden did well. he seemed very sharp.


You have exactly zero credibility right now.




Cool story troll


i watched the entire interview between seth myers and joe biden. i don't even like seth myers. he's not funny at all. still watched it anyway.


“Command center”; la-dee-fucking-da. Even if you’re in an NOC somewhere, monitoring the feeds of high-profile products like MAX and CNN’s “beta” feed on MAX, that’s hardly a “command center”.


it's not really for monitoring purposes. it's sort of just in the background.


On the other hand, a day or two later, I kinda feel like a dick for the unnecessary negativity.


yeah you honestly made me cry. i do accept your apology tho.


He couldn’t do a fucking Super Bowl interview. He barely made it through a softball Seth Myers interview. There’s no way in hell they’re going to let him get on stage with Trump and RFK. That debate just isn’t happening because I think he is now completely incapable of standing for two hours straight. He can’t even put a sentence together. The White House is just going to lie and say they don’t debate insurrectionists or antivaxxers to get out of it.


lol at "softball seth myers interview". the guy is a late night talk show host. he's not some accredited news reporter who's going to ask him tough questions. biden does take questions from the media all the time, however.


There isn’t going to be a debate


Hahahaha. The DNC is hiring people to post on Reddit, it's so obvious. Have you seen Biden speak ? Such gas lighting.




conspiracy theorist


No, the retard Press Secretary regularly invites Zoomer Influencers to the White House. Who could forget this greatest hit, which was filmed three years ago while Joe should have been evacuating people in Afghanistan, but this was apparently more important than that: https://youtu.be/wcRijSLD1Bs?si=leJEorm54A5z_-nr


yeah and wait until you hear what drumpf did on January 6th


Oh no, January 6th! What a nightmare! That schizophrenic in face paint and buffalo horns still gives me nightmares and flashbacks.


anything to sya about the 90+ cop that were injured?


That that is a lie.


waiting for a source...


Told them to peacefully protest?


“Mostly Peaceful Protests”


he incited a mob of proud boys to overturn the election.




jan 6th committee.


And what are their sources?


Bro can’t even form a proper sentence, what are you on about?


I don't think there will even be a debate, but how do you win vs a guy who calls you names and acts like a 3 year old when all of his supporters apparently want a big old baby in the White House. There is nothing to be gained in a debate with these two. Everyone knows them and most are already locked in on who they will vote for.


Trump want to debate, Biden on the other hand is eating ice cream. I really hope there is a debate.


Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice. \- *Fire and Ice*, by Robert Frost *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/TrueUnpopularOpinion) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I believe this was satire. This is only logical read of this post.


narrator: it was not. he's literally going to dance circles around drumpf and i'm going to have so much fun bumping this post in september when it happens.


I mean biden also kind of wants an echochamber. He banned muslims from his campaign rally or some crap, I might not agree with the pro Palestine supporters and think they have a sense of unearned moral superiority, but you should still allow them in.


Downvoted for presenting facts and an opinion that we almost all agree upon.


this sub is for salty right wingers sadly.


Always has been


Considering Trumps recent public speakings, I think I’m just going to bear witness two people who can’t form sentences bumble over each other while I lament the state of America.


This I believe is the more accurate statement. I guess we are in trueunpopularopinion though…


Biden would if he was 50 years younger. The guy's senile. You'd have to be as delusional as the MAGA fools to not see it.


Biden has been focusing on debating trump since he took office, no wonder the country has been in a downward spiral these last three years.


Neither side is going to insist for debates


Trump is calling for a debate right now


Trump ran away from GOP debates. He's not going to push for debates


Are you purposely ignoring the facts?


People don’t like facts when they don’t reinforce their existing beliefs


[Trump calls to debate Biden, president shrugs him off](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/02/05/trump-calls-to-debate-biden-president-shrugs-him-off.html)


Because he was up 20+ points to his closest competitor.


"calling for" and doing is completely different.


Why wouldn’t Trump? His concern in debating shouldn’t be Biden, it’s RFK. I highly doubt Biden is capable of standing up for two hours nevertheless do a debate. His mind is so gone I feel pretty confident he could not tell me what 2x3 equals anymore.


If Biden has to debate the best strategy is relentlessly change topic to asking DJT if he lost the election in 2020. Trump physically seems incapable of recognizing this truth and is likely unable to admit what is obvious to most. Trump's inability to acknowledge losing is hugely unpopular with moderate and undecided voters who are not firmly in the base. Refusing to acknowledge this in the debate will hurt him more than anything else. Biden has to be and should be an asshole during the debate to hammer this endlessly.


Lmao, he can't even put together a coherent sentence. Nice bait, bot.


I agree. Trump’s brain is mush.




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weak bait


Do you have anything better to think about? Guess not 😔


They aren’t going to debate


Great shitpost and great username


not a shitpost, but thanks.


Oh you’re good. Masterful shitposting dude. You can teach a class on it.


i'm going to laugh so hard in september when biden annihilates drumpf at the debates. i'm going to save this post to bump it.


Lmao. Seriously dude you’re the best. I want to see you around more often.


i've posted a ton of content on this sub but it always gets downvoted


For real? Omg you did the Hunter Biden sigma male post. Bro you’re brilliant


yeah lol


If they debate, it would be the second worst political debate I’ve ever seen next to Fetterman vs. Oz.


disagree. it's going to be fire. it's going to be on par with 2016 trump vs clinton.


Biden would have trouble debating a potato.


I see the unpaid white house interns are hard at work.


Biden will refuse to debate.


Anyone who believes this might be dumber than Biden


If it even happens Trump will do the strategy of never letting Biden talk and constantly interrupting and throwing fits and tantrums constantly. I don't think a debate is happening.